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Kitana and I lingered in the church until the congregation had cleared out. I thought it might be nice to walk back with Lira, and Kitana didn’t want to run into Eston in public so soon. The congregation slowly filtered out, most of them in no rush to return to work or whatever it was they did.

Once Lira was the last one remaining, we got up and headed downstairs. When we reached the nave, I heard voices raised in the back, and Lira pleading with someone. I gave Kitana an alarmed look and ran toward the sounds.

Behind the altar, I caught a glimpse of dark hair. I vaulted over the altar just in time to grab Tamara’s hand as she swung back to slap Lira’s face. Tamara gasped as my momentum nearly bowled her over, and I barely kept her upright by my grip on her wrist.

Lira gave a muted cry of surprise at my sudden appearance, then she scrambled up off the floor and huddled behind me. There was a bright red handprint across Lira’s face, and parallel scratch marks from fingernails down her collarbone and over the swell of her breast. Her robe was loose, and she clutched it to herself.

“Master Jack!” Tamara snarled. Her free hand swung around, her fingers hooked into claws as she went for my eyes.

I blocked the swing and yanked her into a quick hammerlock. Tamara struggled for a second, until I tightened my grip and she gave a grunt of pain and went limp. “What the hell are you doing here, Tamara?” I demanded.

“You can’t keep Lira from me!” she spat. “She’s my wife! She belongs with me!”

“Not anymore,” I grunted. Tamara tried to kick back at me, and I turned my hips to the side to weather her blows. “Lira, are you okay?”

“Yes, Jack,” Lira choked out. “Oh, thank the Dragon you were still here!”

Kitana arrived, and she stared at the scene in shock. “Dragon, Lira, did Tamara do that to you?”

“I’m okay,” Lira repeated. She straightened up and got her robe properly secured around her waist again.

“What am I going to do with you, Tamara?” I asked grimly.

“Don’t hurt her,” Lira pleaded.

“Yeah? Why not? She’s not going to stop harassing you.” I tightened my grip as Tamara started fighting me again.

“We could cast her out,” Kitana suggested. “It will require a trial, and Lira will have to testify to the abuse.”

I looked to Lira and saw the pain on her face. She was a public figure, and having the filth of her married life dragged out into the open would ruin her. “No. We can’t do that.” An idea occurred to me. I shifted my grip on Tamara and twisted one of her wrists up around between her shoulder blades. She was forced up on tip-toe and whimpered from the strain on her shoulder. “Tamara is going to show me the deep ruins. Where the secrets of the flow are hidden.”

“The what?!” Kitana gasped.

Tamara’s face went white and the rage puddled out of her. “No! Don’t make me go there!”

“It wasn’t a request, Tamara,” I growled. “You’re going to lead the way, and then after, you’re going to leave Bening forever.”

“Tamara, you know about the flow?” Kitana demanded.

“Of course not,” Tamara gasped. “Nobody does! Master Jack must be mistaken.”

I twisted her wrist a little farther and Tamara yelped. “Don’t lie to me, Tamara. You remember what I said about keeping secrets.”

“Fine!” Tamara gave in and she nodded her head reluctantly. “I’ll show you the way.”

“Good,” I grunted and released some of the pressure on her arm.

“I’m coming too,” Kitana said firmly.

“No, you’re taking Lira back to my house and making sure she’s okay,” I shook my head.

Kitana grabbed my free arm and looked up at me with big, pleading eyes. “Please, Master Jack. I need to know!”

“Every elf who has gone to the deep ruins hasn’t returned,” I pointed out. “I’m willing to risk myself, but not you.”

“If Tamara knows where it is in the ruins, then she’s been there and returned,” Kitana pointed out.

I pursed my lips. Damn if she wasn’t right.

Kitana sensed my shaken resolve and gave a confident grin. “Lira doesn’t need my help to find the way to your house. Come on, Master Jack! This is what I’ve always wanted! You told my mom you’d help find my path. This is it. This is what I want.”

Tamara snorted in derision. “Sure. Bring the spoiled girl. Like I care.”

I looked at Lira. “Will you be okay if we leave?”

Lira straightened her spine. “Tamara isn’t worth it, Jack. I’d rather you just let her go. But if you insist, then I’ll be fine.”

“This isn’t about punishing Tamara, though that will come. This is about discovering the truth about the flow. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Be safe, Jack,” Lira swallowed, then turned and left.

“There’s a door out the back of the church,” Kitana suggested.

“Lead the way.” I relaxed my grip on Tamara’s arm, but kept her wrist twisted at the small of her back. We exited out the back of the church and made our way to the outskirts of town.

It took about an hour before we were in the wilderness to the south of town. I didn’t want to risk running into another villager who might ask questions about why I was frog-marching Tamara accompanied by the mayor’s daughter.

Once we were far enough away that Tamara couldn’t raise her voice to call for help, I pulled her to a stop. “Are you going to keep fighting me, or are you going to cooperate?”

Tamara looked back at me. “I’ll cooperate,” she agreed.

I let her go, and she immediately turned around and pressed herself to me. Her hands went for my crotch and she made an eager noise in her throat.

“Woah, what the fuck are you doing?” I knocked her hands away from me and took a step back.

“By the Dragon, Master Jack, I’ll show you the way, but please fuck me first!”

I sighed. The command I had given her to feel overwhelmed with lust whenever she saw me was starting to become a pain. “Lead the way, and I’ll consider it when we arrive.”

Tamara groaned in disappointment. “Please! You can do whatever you want to me!”

“What the fuck is wrong with her?” Kitana muttered.

“Moth dust,” I shook my head. “I was just trying to get her to tell me the truth, but it seems I went a little too far.”

Kitana winced. “There’s a reason we forbid the use of the dust. What are you going to do with her?”

“She needs my cum to calm down. I suppose I’ll have to give it to her.”

Kitana stepped up to Tamara and grabbed the older elf by the hair at the back of her head. “Is that right, you fucking slut? You need my master’s cum?”

Tamara panted and nodded fervently. Her golden eyes were wide, and she reached up to cup her own breasts. She fumbled the buttons on her shirt open, and her fat tits swung free. The piercings in her nipples stood out as she squeezed her tits. “I’m soaking wet,” Tamara moaned. “I need to get fucked!”

Kitana reached her free hand up and gripped one of the rings. “Master Jack, maybe we should fuck this slut. If she’s drooling and begging the whole way to the coast, it’ll slow us down.”

“Yes! I want it!” Tamara begged.

My dick was starting to get hard, and as much as I disliked Tamara, she was a sexy bitch. I nodded, and Kitana grinned. “Can I have her first, Master Jack?”

“Go ahead.”

“Thank you!” Kitana dragged Tamara by her hair over to a fallen log and sat down on it. “On your knees, Tamara. Get my skirt up and make yourself useful.”

Tamara eagerly complied. She bunched Kitana’s skirt up around her waist and buried her face in the young elf’s pussy. Kitana leaned her head back and moaned. “That’s it. I got all worked up sucking Master Jack’s cock, but didn’t have a chance to get myself off.”

I stepped up behind Tamara, and she quickly reached under herself and undid her belt, then started working her pants down. Her pussy glistened with moisture and was swollen with arousal. “What do you think, Kitana? Should I give her my cock?”

Kitana leaned forward and slapped Tamara’s ass, making the older elf’s full cheeks jiggle. “I think you should treat her the way she treated Lira. Fuck her hard, but not for her pleasure.”

I raised an eyebrow at Kitana’s suggestion, but there was something poetic in it. “You hear that, Tamara? I think if I fucked you, you would enjoy it too much.”

Tamara lifted her mouth away from Kitana’s cunt long enough to say, “I don’t care, I just need your cock!”

I crouched down behind Tamara and pushed my dick into her cunt. She gasped out and arched her back. The inside of her cunt was slick, but it felt rougher than the last time. It took me a few strokes before I realized Tamara had splinters up her cunt too. She had fucked herself raw with the wooden dildo, possibly even more than she had Lira.

Tamara’s moans were grunted out through clenched teeth and she flinched and squirmed with every movement I made. I had got my nut with Kitana not an hour earlier, and I wasn’t going to cum any time soon. If I fucked Tamara’s cunt the whole time, she would be bleeding by the end of it. I didn’t want that, nor did I want to get splinters in my dick.

I pulled out of her and Tamara flopped forward onto Kitana’s lap, whimpering in pain. I slapped her full ass and pulled her cheeks apart. Her little asshole winked at me as she clenched her abdominal muscles. I gave a mental shrug and pushed my cock against her ass.

Tamara jerked her head up and looked back at me, her mouth open in surprise. I met her eyes with a glare of my own, daring her to make an issue out of it. “You want my cum or not?” I demanded.

She moaned in response, and reached back to pull her ass cheeks apart. “Give it to me!”

I spat on the crinkled pucker of her asshole. I didn’t have to ask to know Tamara was an anal virgin. No matter how slow I went, it was going to hurt. Probably less than it would if I continued to fuck her cunt, but she wasn’t going to forget this anytime soon.

The head of my dick pushed in the flesh around her asshole as I leaned my weight onto her. “Relax!” I grunted. Tamara wailed through her clenched teeth, then the head of my cock slipped through her sphincter. She gasped and I finally came to a stop with about an inch of my dick left outside of her.

I reached forward and grabbed her around the neck. I felt her carotid arteries pulsing beneath my fingers, and I tightened my grip. Tamara stopped pushing at my hips and reached up with both hands to scrabble at my fingers around her throat.

With a grunt, I pushed the rest of my cock into her asshole and Tamara’s scream came out choked and garbled. Tamara’s generous ass cheeks rippled as thrust into her. She reached back to her ass again, and her knuckles went white as she spread herself for me.

“Master Jack,” Kitana complained, “she’s stopped licking me.”

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I pushed myself to the root in Tamara’s ass and relaxed my grip on her throat. “Sorry, Kitty. Tamara, get busy.”

Tamara sucked in a ragged breath and coughed out a sob before dutifully pushing her face back into Kitana’s cunt. I let her get back into a rhythm before I pulled out a few inches and jammed my cock into her hard. This time, Tamara only grunted and kept her tongue moving.

Satisfied that Tamara had adjusted enough, I picked up my pace, keeping my thrusts even. Beneath her, Tamara’s huge tits swung back and forth erratically, the bronze nails in her nipples catching the light as they jiggled.

I reached down and grabbed one of her tits. It was heavy and meaty in my grip, and I squeezed my handful as I sought out her nipple. I hooked a finger through the ring and gave it a tug. Tamara’s asshole clamped around my cock and she gasped before redoubling her efforts on Kitana’s clit.

“Oooh, shit. Make her do that again!” Kitana moaned.

I played with Tamara’s piercing, pulling it and twisting it back and forth. Tamara’s cries were muffled as she focused on Kitana. I was having a little difficulty fucking Tamara’s ass the way I was bent over. I let Tamara’s tit hang free, then straightened up and started pounding into her.

Tamara had started to moan while I was playing with her tit, but any pleasure she had been feeling was wiped away as I plundered her asshole. Kitana grabbed handfuls of Tamara’s hair and kept her face pressed tight against her snatch.

I wasn’t making any effort to make the fucking pleasant for Tamara, but her grunts and gasps were steadily turning into hungry moans. Kitana picked up on it and pulled Tamara’s face up.

“You stupid slut, you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” Kitana taunted her.

Tamara moaned and nodded. “Oh, Dragon, fuck me harder!”

I clucked my tongue and held myself pressed all the way into her. “Tamara, you’re being bad. You’re not supposed to get pleasure from this.”

“I’m sorry! I just can’t help it! Your cock is so deep in me!”

“Let’s play another game.”

“Oh, Dragon, no, please, just fuck me!”

“Here’s the game, Tamara. If I finish before you cum, you can suck me off. If you cum first, then Kitana gets it instead.”

Kitana laughed and reached under Tamara to grab her nipple rings. She gave the bronze loops a twist and Tamara pushed her hips back against me with a shuddering moan.

“I like this game, Master Jack! She doesn’t deserve to cum.”

“Wait, last time I couldn’t touch Tina!” Tamara begged.

I thrust into Tamara a few times while I considered her request. The way Kitana was working the rings was making Tamara’s asshole clench around my cock. It felt too good to ask Kitana to stop. “I make the rules of the game. Kitty, twist her nipples.”

“Ooohh, Dragon!” Tamara panted. “Noo! It feels too good! Slower, please, you’re going to make me cum!”

I grinned at Kitana over Tamara’s head and sped up the pace of my thrusts. “Choke her. She likes that.”

Kitana grabbed a handful of Tamara’s hair and pulled her head back, and with her other hand, grabbed Tamara’s throat. Tamara shuddered and her breaths turned raspy as Kitana tightened her grip. Her back flexed beneath me as she slammed her hips back to meet my thrusts.

I was starting to get into it. Tamara’s full ass felt warm against my hips and the way her asshole pulsed on my cock was sending tingles pulsing up my spine. I leaned forward and kissed Kitana. Tamara flexed between us, choking after air.

“Give it to her, Master Jack!” Kitana moaned.

I reached beneath Tamara and hooked my fingers through the rings in her nipples. The heavy weight of her breasts bulged out between my fingers as I squeezed. Tamara gave a gasping squeal and the bucking of her hips stilled. Tremors ripped through her and the long muscles of her thighs clenched as she started to cum.

“Noooo,” she groaned. “I’m cumming!”

I slammed my hips into her repeatedly, and Tamara let out a scream as she peaked. I pulled my cock out of her ass and she slumped forward, gasping after breath. I grabbed Tamara’s hair and pulled her around to face me on her knees.

“Open, Tamara.”

Eagerly, Tamara opened her mouth, and I pushed my cock to the back of her throat. She gagged, and drew in gasping breaths every time I backed out enough for her to breathe. “Thank you! Thank you!” she gasped in between gagging.

I let her suck me clean, then pulled my cock away from her. She grasped after me, pleading.

“No, please! Give me your cum!”

“You lost the game, Tamara,” I chided her. “You know the rules.”

“But I need it!” she cried.

“Come here, Kitana.” I kissed her hard. “You didn’t cum yet, did you?”

“Not yet! I’m so fucking wet right now,” Kitana moaned into my mouth.

I spun her around and bent her over the tree trunk. Kitana pulled her skirt up and spread her legs eagerly. I lined up and sank my cock into her. Kitana wasn’t kidding. Her cunt was hot and wet. I pushed into her until I felt my head press against her cervix, then I started fucking her.

Kitana cried out and threw her head back. She was tighter around my cock than Tamara’s ass was, and I could feel her muscles clenching on me as I drove into her.

“Please, at least let me eat it out of her,” Tamara begged.

“Fuck off, you nasty bitch,” Kitana moaned. “It’s mine!”

Tamara must have eaten her to the edge of orgasm because I hadn’t been fucking Kitana for more than two or three minutes before she tensed up and shuddered through an orgasm. I wasn’t much behind her, and my strokes started to become irregular as my nuts tightened.

“Give it to me, Master Jack!” Kitana shrieked.

I came, blowing my nut deep inside her cunt, then stroked in and out slowly as my dick jerked.

“Master Jack,” Tamara whimpered. “Please, can I have some?”

“That’s up to Kitana,” I grunted and tucked my cock away. “It’s her cunt you’d be licking.”

“Please, Mistress,” Tamara begged. “Just a lick!”

Kitana got up and fixed her skirt so it fell back down around her thighs again. “I’ll tell you what, Tamara,” Kitana grinned. “You take us straight to our destination, and I’ll let you have a lick when we get there. If you slow us down or cause any problems, you don’t get anything.”

“Fuck!” Tamara screamed. She clenched her fists and squeezed her eyes closed. Then she took a deep breath and nodded. “Whatever you say, Mistress.”

“I like it when she calls me Mistress,” Kitana giggled.

“Can we go?” Tamara got up and tugged her pants up around her hips. She started closing her shirt, then gave me a look and left it unbuttoned.

“Sure,” I grinned. “Lead the way.”

Tamara set off quickly, moving as fast as she could without leaving us behind. We made good time toward the coast, following deer trails that Tamara seemed to know like the back of her hand. Before long, I started smelling salt water on the breeze.

The ground turned steep and rocky, then I started seeing the remains of ancient walls hidden among the undergrowth. Tamara slowed down some, then took a turn to the west. The walls started to grow taller, and some tenacious arches were visible through the trees.

We slowed down some as Tamara made a few wrong turns before remembering the way. We made a brief turn to the north, and a natural cliff rose up before us.

“Here it is!” Tamara announced, and gestured toward a hole in the cliff face.

“What is this place?” Kitana frowned uneasily.

“You wanted to see where the secret of the flow was held. This is it.”

“You’re going to show us all the way in,” I grunted.

Tamara licked her lips nervously. “Can I lick you, first?” she asked Kitana.

“Not yet,” Kitana shook her head.

Tamara frowned and nodded despondently. “Fine. There are torches in a basket just inside the cave.”

We found the torches where Tamara promised, a dozen torches with their heads wrapped in coarse fabric soaked with pitch. Tamara used a flint to light a torch for each of us, and offered a couple extra to Kitana to carry.

“How long are these going to last?” I asked.

“About an hour. If you’re quick, it should be plenty of time.”

I grunted and scooped up an extra couple of torches for myself. “Alright, Tamara. Lead the way.”

The inside of the cave was cold and slightly damp. The walls were finished with stone blocks, and the ground was set with flat pieces of slate.

“What was this place?” Kitana asked.

“A shrine to the Dragon,” Tamara answered softly.

“Oh, fuck,” Kitana gasped. “Is this where he sleeps?”

Tamara rolled her eyes. “Do you want to see the secret or not?”

“Master Jack, I don’t know about this,” Kitana said worriedly. “Only the priests are allowed to see the dragon.”

“I didn’t take you for a coward, Kitana,” Tamara sneered. “He’s sleeping. What’s the problem?”

I cleared my throat pointedly. “That’s enough, Tamara. Lead the way.”

Kitana swallowed and pressed close to my side, but she didn’t object as Tamara led the way deeper into the cave. We came to a spiraling staircase, some twenty feet in diameter that plunged straight down far beyond the reach of our torches.

“Stay near the wall,” Tamara suggested. “The edge can be crumbly.”

I didn’t need to be told twice. Kitana and I followed after Tamara, with one hand trailing along the wall. There were relief carvings cut into the wall, worn with time but still clearly depicting battle victories of the elves over the orcs. The dragon featured prominently, flying above the battlefields and spouting fire down upon the enemy.

Fifteen or twenty minutes after we started descending, we reached the bottom of the stairwell. An underground stream was running somewhere nearby. The passage opened up into a natural cavern that soared overhead. On one side of the cavern, a structure of brick had been built into the wall, taking advantage of natural cavities.

“There,” Tamara nodded. “In the residences. You’ll find the secrets you want.” Kitana started forward, and Tamara caught her arm. “Give me what I earned!”

Kitana tugged her arm free. “After I make sure you aren’t lying,” she said.

A flash of rage washed over Tamara, but she clamped it under control before it did more than curl her lip. “Fine. Follow me.”

Tamara stalked into the brick structure, and we followed. I was starting to feel uncomfortable. There was something I was missing here. The feeling nagged at me as Tamara led us through the crumbling brick residences until we reached a deep section with natural cave walls.

The walls had been chiseled into smooth facets, and each facet was finely carved with text and diagrams.

“The secrets of the flow,” Tamara said bitterly.

Kitana and I walked forward, drawn by the mystery. Time had worn some of the text, but it was still plainly legible.

“Holy Dragon,” Kitana whispered. “This is it!”

“I hope you choke on it,” Tamara snarled from behind us. There was a crack, and a rush of tumbling bricks.

A billowing cloud of ancient mortar dust rolled over us, and I covered my mouth with my sleeve. Our torches guttered briefly before stabilizing again, and I groped forward toward the opening, feeling my way through the airborne dust.

The entrance to the sanctuary had been collapsed. A heavy fall of brick blocked the way out.

Kitana and I were trapped.

Written by Alaristar
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