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Sister Noelia's Christmas Visitation

"A Nun in Holy Orders Gets a Glimpse of An Alternate Reality"

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Author's Notes

"This was my alternate idea for the Christmas comp!"

Sister Noelia was alive. To begin with, there can be no doubt about that. To confront a further suspicion the reader may have of her, based on events in this tale, she was not only alive but very much sane. In fact, she was beloved and respected throughout not just the convent but the town of Santiago de Compostela, where she lived.

And no wonder! None of the sisters were as diligent in their duties to God, nor as modest about their service! None lived in greater poverty yet complained as little as Sister Noelia. None put more thought, care or patience into the activities the sisters prepared for the religious classes that they were hired to teach at the local schools than her. And she seemed to glitter as she walked, radiating goodness, patience and kindness wherever she went.

She had every reason not to be so goodly. She had been orphaned at a tragically young age, and her parents had borne her no siblings. In terms of family, she had been quite alone in the world for a long time. She was not only of the convent; she had been raised in it.

Occasionally, the idea of leaving for a limited time flitted across her mind. She was curious about the world outside, possessing as she did an intelligent mind. But there was never any doubt that she believed in and loved God with all her heart.

One chilly winter day in Santiago, Sister Noelia was returning from her business in the town. It was, in fact, Christmas Eve, so she had been sent by the mother superior to obtain a few boxes of chocolates as a treat for the sisters. Returning to the gate of the convent, she fumbled somewhat with the lock, as she was wearing thick mittens.

Alone in her cell, she knelt and offered a prayer to God. Then, by the single dim lightbulb and wrapped up in blankets, she settled down to read the book of religious poetry that she was reading from nightly at that time.

As she read, a most odd thing happened. The curtains shook as if a presence had tugged them, although the window was shut fast. She looked up. That was odd. She checked the fasteners on the window, but they were tightly shut. Looking outside, she saw that a fog had descended. She gazed out at the tree in the center of the courtyard, watching the ghostly mist swirl around it.

At length, she turned away but when she did so, she had the fright of her life. There was a man in the room with her. He was tall and had a white beard and was dressed in the habit of a monk.

“Ah!” she shrieked in surprise and fear, “Who…who are you?”

“Sister Noelia, you may relax. I am but a spirit here to speak with you, and I could not harm you even if I wanted to. Not that I have any malign intent towards you, you understand. Who could have malign intent to you? You are known throughout the town as quite the kindest, most selfless…”

As the man spoke, she calmed a little. But she also noticed that he had a powerful body odour that was really quite unpleasant, although somehow familiar.  

“I am the shade of Father Perez. You will not remember me, as I died when you were but a child. But it was I that brought you to the convent from the orphanage.”

So that was why his scent was familiar, but his face was not.

“I am dreaming!”

“You are not.”

“I am. I am dreaming. There is more of skunk than of monk about you.”

The spirit laughed, then said, “Believe in me or not, it is all one with me. But you may wish to hear me out, Sister.”

“What do you want?”

“As a reward for your virtue, God has sent me here to offer you a wish. God is so content with you that you may ask anything you like of me, and it will be granted. 

“I may ask anything?”


She thought for a moment. She could ask for the security codes for bank vaults, or how to hack accounts and steal millions. She could ask for the cure to some dismal disease. She could ask if there really was an existence beyond this life.

Noelia realized with a flash what she really, truly, most deeply wanted to know.

“Well,” Noelia said, “I would like to know what would have become of me if I had left the convent five years ago, as I considered doing. I would like to know how my life would have turned out if I had not taken the vows of the order on my eighteenth birthday. That is what I ask of you.”

“Take my hand, and you shall know.”

She stretched out her hand and took it. With a rush, the convent cell disappeared, and she found herself flying, flying up in the air before swooping down upon quite the same spot. They landed together.

“We are now five years ago, on this very day. The people around us cannot see or hear us. We can observe, not affect the action. You will recognize, I think, the young lady over there.”

Noelia saw a young woman wearing an overcoat over her habit. She was striding purposefully…yes, it really was her. It was amazing to see herself from the outside. Past Noelia walked around a corner and bumped clean into a man. He was tall and had thick black hair and a charming face. Sister Noelia watched and giggled at the lovestruck look in her eyes.

“Hi!” said the man, who wore a long overcoat. “You’re from the convent? I was just on my way there. We can walk together? I’m David.” The two young people walked happily off together around the corner. Noelia went to follow them, but the ghost stopped her.

“Two weeks have now passed since we last saw them,” said the ghost. From around the corner, Noelia and David appeared again. And this time, they stopped.

“I do believe this is the exact place we met!” past Noelia said. David nodded, smiling. Then, he placed his arms around her.

“I brought you back here because there’s something I want to give you,” he said, “Close your eyes, Noelia.”

She did. Gently wrapping his arms around her neck, David leaned in and kissed past Noelia on the lips.

Sister Noelia was unexpectedly moved by the scene.

“My first…kiss,” she said, watching herself gently press her tongue into his mouth. Sister Noelia’s bottom lip was trembling a little. “I always wondered what it would be like.”

They watched past Noelia and David walk away together hand in hand.

“Take my hand,” said the ghost. The world span and Noelia felt herself whisked back up into the air. They landed in a room set out with Christmas decorations. There was a fire burning and a rug on the floor.

“My, what a lovely home!” she said, “Whose is it?”

“Two years have passed. This is the house of David’s parents,” the spirit told her, “You have been together since the evening of the kiss, yet you have stayed chaste and are yet a virgin. Let us see what occurs.”

The door opened and David and past Noelia entered, laughing and giggling. When they had hung up their coats, Sister Noelia saw they were both wearing jeans and funny Christmas jumpers.

David grew serious.

“Noelia, I’d like to give you one of your presents now, if you don’t mind? While mum and dad are out?”

“Ok, sure, I guess,” past Noelia said, intrigued. From his pocket, David produced a small velvet box. She realized what was happening and put her hand over her mouth. Sister Noelia, watching with the ghost, felt a lump rise in her throat.

David got down on one knee.

“Noelia, since the day we met I have been so, so much happier. And it’s because I’ve been with you. I never want to be with anyone else, and all I want from you for Christmas is that you agree to be my wife. Will you marry me?”

One solitary tear ran down past Noelia’s face. Another ran down Sister Noelia’s. Past Noelia said, “David, I was sure I wanted to devote my life to God. I like to believe he brought us together to raise a family. Nothing would make me happier than to be your wife. Yes! Yes, absolutely!”

He put the ring on his finger and tugged her gently down so that she was on one knee. By the fireplace, they made out lovingly, pausing often to look deep into each other’s eyes. Past Noelia reached down and pulled her jumper off. David assumed she was just hot, so the look of surprise when she pulled off her blouse too was a picture! Past Noelia whispered into his ear,

“I’m ready. I’m all yours, now and forever.” Then, reaching behind her, she unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor. David reached out a trembling hand and past Noelia guided it to her breast. Sister Noelia, almost subconsciously, placed her hand on her own breast whilst watching her own past self, who was topless and kissing her love.

David took his jumper off too and then his shirt. He was quite the hunk. He had abs and his biceps bulged. He rolled onto his back and undid his trousers. Past Noelia did the same.

“On three?” he said with a naughty grin. Past Noelia nodded and smiled.

“One…two…three!” and they both pulled their trousers off. Sister Noelia watched herself glancing at his crotch and past Noelia’s eyes widened a little at the size of the bulge it contained. Before they went any further, David positioned himself above her, pressing his body to hers and kissing her.

“They look so…happy,” said Sister Noelia, almost to herself, “So in love.”

“Yes,” said the spirit, “But marriage is not all rolling about on fireplace rugs, you know…”

Sister Noelia raised her hand to silence him. David had slipped his fingers into her pants and was gently stroking his fingers inside her. Past Noelia arched her neck back and whispered, “That’s good. That’s good.”

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“You’re wet,” said David.

“Yes, it feels so, so good. Help me take my knickers off.”

Sister Noelia watched as her past self pulled her panties down to her knees and David finished the job with his free hand. With his other, his fingers were stroking past Noelia’s pussy. Past Noelia groped blindly (her eyes were closed) for David’s crotch and found it. He was still stroking her clit as she fondled his cock through his black boxer shorts. After a few moments, she reached inside his pants.

“Oh my!” giggled Sister Noelia.

“Oh my!” said past Noelia flirtatiously, “That’s quite the handful!”

“Thank you! Can I take my boxers off, please? It’s getting hard.”

“With pleasure!” and they pulled his pants down. They were both naked now. Sister Noelia watched, transfixed by the sight of her own naked body and his. Her skin glowed in the firelight. Her nipples were erect, and her chest rose and fell as David continued to massage her clitoris. Though she did say so herself, she made a handsome picture in the nude. So did he, in fact. Sister Noelia was thinking it was like watching a love scene in a movie…and she was the star!

“Where do you stand on oral sex?” he asked.

“Let’s wait until we’re married for that, ok?”

“Sure!” he said, delighted to be on a promise, “I have a condom, wait.” And he fished it out of his pocket.

“Is he a…is he a virgin too?” Sister Noelia asked the ghost of Christmas past.

“It’s my first time too, you know,” David said, answering the question for the ghost, “Noelia, I’ll try and stay hard but…”

“I know. I’m not expecting fireworks. I’m just so glad that my first time is with you.” Past Noelia whispered.

David put the condom on, and past Noelia spread her legs. Very gently, he pressed his penis into her vagina until it popped in. 

Past Noelia’s mouth was open just a fraction. So were her eyes. She looked up at David, clearly emotional. He smiled and kissed her, then she smiled too. He began to thrust inside her, gently moving his hips and his shaft moved deeper and deeper inside her.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you too.”

Sister Noelia watched her past self raise her legs a little. She was focused on her own crotch, watching David’s cock penetrate her privates.

“Spirit,” Sister Noelia said, “Might it be granted to me to…experience how she is feeling now…physically? Between my legs?”

“That I cannot do,” said the ghost, “You made your vow of celibacy, and you made your request of God.”

“Oh, Noelia, I’m going to…I’m sorry…”

“It’s ok, love. Enjoy it. You’ve got a long time to practice with me!”

And with that, David arched his neck back, scrunched up his face and came. Past Noelia smiled and so did Sister Noelia.

David eased downwards, pressed his upper torso onto hers and they kissed.

“What a beautiful first time…” Sister Noelia said.

“Yes, but not the last. Come, let us see another scene,” said the spirit.

Sister Noelia took the spirit’s hand, and they shot up into the air as before.

When they landed, they were in a different room, a bedroom, which was empty.

“Three years have passed,” the spirit told her. “This is your home.”

The bedroom door opened. David came in, followed by Noelia.

“It was good of your parents to take the twins off our hands for our anniversary,” said David.

“Yeah, but you know grandparents, any excuse to see the grandchildren. Now, get undressed and give me that thing! I’m in the mood tonight!”

Sister Noelia watched past Noelia and her husband fall on each other. He unzipped her dress, which she stepped out of.

“You’re still so hot,” David said, “You gave birth to twins but you’re as beautiful to me as ever!”


David dropped his trousers. Then, he pulled down her knickers and dived between her legs. Sister Noelia watched his tongue flick, lick, tease and tickle her vagina! Soon, past Noelia was breathing harder, and her head was moving from side to side. She raised her hips a little, but David remained, giving oral sex as if locked to her.

“He’s so gentle…so loving,” Sister Noelia murmured.

The minutes ticked by and still David worked at her clitoris. Sister Noelia watched her naked body writhing on the bed and was surprised to find herself growing aroused between her legs at the sight of it.

“Ah! Oh! Si! Si!” past Noelia groaned, “I’m going to come.”

“Come, my love, come!” murmured David.

“I’m going to…I’m going to…”

Sister Noelia watched wide-eyed as her body jerked and writhed on the bed. She’d never seen pornography. She’d once heard a couple making love in a hotel room. But she had always wondered what a female orgasm looked like.

“Si! Si! Si!” past Noelia moaned, thrashing around.

“The pleasures in heaven far outweigh…,” she vaguely heard the spirit say, but Sister Noelia was now struggling to resist slipping her own fingers into her habit.

When past Noelia’s orgasm finished, they changed position. Her husband entered her from behind and drilled her firmly. Sister Noelia watched in amazement as her phantom form brushed her swinging hair from her eyes and steadied her rocking body against the wall.,.

“I’m glowing. I’m…a picture of health and happiness!” she said, half to the spirit and half to herself. The man was panting now from the exertion of screwing her on his knees.

“Tired out?!” Past Noelia said playfully.

“A little!”

“How about you take a lie down?”

When he did, Sister Noelia took a long, hard look at his erect cock and, for the first time, she longed for it. Her past self eased onto that dick and began to ride it.

“Oh, that feels so good!” past Noelia said.

Sister Noelia watched herself rock back and forth on her husband’s dick. The sex had gone on for quite a while now and she was coming again. In fact, she was coming harder than before! Past Noelia threw her head back and cried out loudly,

“Oh! Oh! Oh!”, and still her husband stayed erect, and her orgasm seemed to go on forever. Sister Noelia heard herself not just moaning but screaming with pleasure! She’d never imagined a woman could orgasm so strongly as to make her scream, but there was no other word for it. There were no discernible words. She was just…screaming as she came.

“Truly, she is seeing God!” Sister Noelia murmured to herself.

For the next twenty minutes, they did it in the missionary position. Past Noelia had her legs high in the air and squealed as she was pumped hard and fast. Sister Noelia had the odd thought as she watched them that she must be the first person in history to see her own bottom without the aid of a mirror.

At last, the husband had his orgasm.

The couple snuggled together. They held hands and spooned, with the familiar touch of the happily married. They were silent for a time, then past Noelia spoke.

“You know, Davide, since I became Prime Minister of Spain, our sex life has really reignited.”

“It sure has, Noelia. And I can’t believe they let us get away with you appointing your husband as Foreign Minister. All these trips around the world, staying in five-star hotels at the taxpayer’s expense! Pretty amazing when you think about it!”

“Yeah, but since we won the lottery it’s not like we’ve needed the money!”

Sister Noelia couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“I think we’ve seen enough,” said the ghost suddenly, sounding worried.

With a rush, they were flying through the air again, and when they landed, Sister Noelia found herself back in the cell at the convent.

“Well, I hope that answered your questions, Sister,” said the ghost, “I’ll be off now. There are plenty of villains who need scaring into changing their ways.”

“Wait,” said Sister Noelia, “Do you mean to tell me that if I stay in this convent, I’ll die a shriveled-up old virgin without so much as an orgasm in seventy years. But if I leave the order, I’ll have lots of wild sex and orgasms that make me scream with a well-hung, handsome husband as well as being a mother to two lovely children and become the millionaire Prime Minister of Spain?!”

“No…no, that’s not the message at all…I mean, you did ask…no, serving God is a much worthier calling in life…there’s more to life than sex, power and money, you know…”

But it was too late.

As the bells rang out to announce Christmas morning, Sister Noelia had already packed her things and drafted her letter of resignation from her holy orders.

When the paperwork was signed and the mother superior had graciously shaken her hand, visibly annoyed but resigned, Noelia stepped out of the convent and into normal life.

She walked down the street and turned a corner, whereupon she literally bumped into a man of her age.

Having recovered from the blow and bounced a step back, they eyed each other up. The man smiled.

"Hi!" he said, "I'm David!"


To sign off, I’d like to wish everyone on Lush, moderators, readers and writers all, a very Feliz Navidad!

Written by MC1982
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