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Living and Mind Control 2

"Human being goes to his bestial aunt to ask about his changes."

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Author's Notes

"And here is the second chapter. To anyone curious: yes this is happening in alternate world where human beings are essentially second class citizens."

Michael spent the whole night wondering what to do.

Something had obviously happened. Something big and possibly but probably really, really bad? He didn’t know!

He almost called emergency services as he stared at his new phallus when he discovered it. It was wrong. But all the same, he was too paralyzed with shock to go through with it. So he just stared at his phone for a long while as his mind worked at 120% of its normal speed to find the “whys,” “hows,” and “whats.”

But that quickly turned into a jumble as he was hyperventilating by that point, so he rocked back and forth on top of the lid of his toilet until his shakes stopped.

In the end, he decided that he could wait until morning to decide on anything. 

But that did not mean he slept.

With his heart beating at a slower rate, and his thoughts finally slowing down, he pondered on his bed.

The “what” was obvious; His cock had turned from a normal purple mushroom-headed pink human dick with foreskin to a cock that was a mix of other species. The species in question being canids and equines if porn was anything to go by?

The genital sheath was dog-like, through and through. He touched it, expecting it to feel like an intruder’s but, no, it felt like his. His foreskin had apparently turned into a conspicuous sheath. Unlike a dog’s though, the sheath ended at a medial ring.

This feature actually made it hard, if not impossible, for his whole dick to retreat into his new sheath, as the medial ring didn’t allow the last half of his cock to go inside. And that’s where the dick changed.

His shaft was now, matted with different shades of his skin. His glans wasn’t a mushroom anymore, but a flat disk that extended backward. And he didn’t have a cock slit anymore. Rather, like a horse, his urethra extended out like a small nub.

Was that everything? Was that all?

He explored his new genitalia and found that it wasn’t.

There, some way in his cock sheath, he noticed a bump. He pushed and prodded at it with his fingers, gripping it and, lastly, pinching it.

His cock started to feel good.

Michael immediately stopped experimenting. It’s not like he didn’t indulge in a wank every now and then, b-but…this was a knot!

What was a canid knot doing on his cock?

And that just led to the “whys.”

Chimerization, it was called, when a person’s body underwent bodily changes that made them express body parts from another species. While everyone that wasn’t human could suffer from aurochization with a high enough deviation index, only those that had ancestors from two “recent” but different nonhuman species were in danger of Chimerization. 

The problem is that Chimerization appeared to be somewhat random.

There was a theory that some species had a higher deviation index than others. Or that it took more for their deviation index to trigger something bad than others. Research into this possible phenomenon had always been hampered by figurative dick-waving of all kinds. Not least political. But while “honest” reports on it were still years away from being published, the truth was that people who were children of different nonhuman species could have more than one deviation index “in the background” so to say.

And one could hide the other.

It was why the only cross-species features that never caused alarm at birth were human ones, as unattractive as they might otherwise be considered. A tiny part of Michael was actually thrilled at having such an enormous canid and equine thing.

But that was just it. Just like humans didn’t suffer from Aurochization, they also couldn’t suffer from Chimerization. Given how widely human beings were used as breeding stock, animal features in the otherwise pure human population weren’t exactly rare. But human beings just didn’t change in these ways after they were born.

Human beings just didn’t have a deviation index!

And yet.

A canid and equine genitalia had taken the place of his human own.

Which led to the last question.


The medicine that his mother brought.

No matter how much he tossed, how much he went from one side of the bed to the other, nothing else made sense. He was a human being, he really couldn’t be going through Chimerization. 

But a medicine meant to treat Aurochization using, essentially, magic?

That could do it, right?

Michael stayed quiet as he heard the door of his house open and listened to his mother walk up the stairs to her room. She sounded tired.

And he didn’t blame her. His cow mom just worked that much.

He should probably have stopped her and talked about this change anyway.

But Michael let her go into her room and close her door.

He counted the time until she woke up, and listened to her go down the stairs to make breakfast. He waited until his own clock woke him up and made him go down.

He looked her in the eye, ate her food, and said goodbye to her all without mentioning the medicine or what had happened to him even once.

And he did it all, because he didn’t want to get her in trouble. Not when it was his fault for being a dumbass.

“Have a good day honey!” the milfy cow Yasmine called after him as he left home. However, with his mother taken care of, Michael did the only thing he could.

He went to see his aunt.

Ah, Aunt Lazuli. 

What could he even say about his adoptive aunt?

Well, he could say that he dearly wished that she wouldn’t move to the ass end of the planet!

Although Michael admitted that sentiment was a bit unfair; Lazuli was still in Sundane after all. Technically.

One of the worst parts of it, to be certain, was where you could be meters away from a cellphone tower and still not get any signal, where the Storms would occasionally mutate the fuck out of a whole family out of nowhere when the shields failed every now and then, and where only people who didn’t want to be bothered by others went.

Michael supposed the natives of the area might have different ideas about the character of the place, but whatever. The last point was almost certainly why his aunt went there.

And so Michael spent all of two hours in public transit to get to Neverfalls. 

“Look at the hairless monkey,” some people whispered in the crowd as the bus he was on got the spot.

“A little bit lost, ain’t he?” really, the bus stop here was probably the nicest thing around the area for a while. At least it was maintained and freshly painted.

“Think he lives here?” to be fair, the roads were paved all over, so it wasn’t outright rustic. Unlike some other providences.

“Kek, what, you think he’s someone’s bed slave?” but oh geez, a lot of the buildings here didn’t even have windows, and not for Storm-related reasons. As he stepped out of the bus, Michael could clearly see that some just had windows that were completely bordered up!

“I mean, maybe? He’s kind of cute…” And for the first time since Michael had gotten on the bus, he paid attention to what people were saying around him.


Just as he turned around to see who said that, he spotted an older mule woman talking to a slightly younger equine.

They were both smiling at him as the doors of the bus closed and the bus drove off.

A few days ago, Michael would have been deadly embarrassed.

Now, he kind of wanted to talk to them, honestly.

…was he really cute?

Shaking his head, Michael turned around and pulled up his cell phone. He didn’t have a signal for either calls or networks, but he had saved the directions to his aunt’s place in it.

Let’s see if he wasn’t wrong, he would find the Love Fool on just three streets from- ah there.

There, standing slightly dilapidated, was a motel apartment. Which was to say that it was a building that provided both leases and brief stays for its occupants.

The dumb thing was that despite technically being the former, as his aunt had been living in this place for two months now, she was most likely staying as the latter. But then, his aunt had been all but allergic to setting down roots of any kind for years now.

At any rate, he went to the motel’s office.

“Yes?” an old dog answered as Michael opened the door. He was a black and white Terrier canid, easily as fat as the fattest hogs Michael had seen near his home. He had a cigarette in his mouth and he glared up from a newspaper that he was reading.

“Um, I am looking for a tenant?” Michael said.

The Terrier canid took a drag of his cigarette and breathed it out, “What’s his name?”

“Oh, it’s actually a she,” Michael explained.

“Good for you,” the desk dog rolled his eyes.

“She’s a minotauress,” Michael ground on, his eyes narrowing.

“So we got a big lady that likes ‘em small,” the dog rolled his eyes.

“Her name is Lazuli, you know where she is or not?” Michael growled and the desk dog gave him an unimpressed look.

“Yeah, we got a cow by that name,” the terrier said after a second drag, “Pretty thing, didn’t figure her for a humanophile.”

“I am not a prostitute!” Michael all but gnashed his teeth as he stared the terrier squarely in the eye.

“Watch your tone, son,” the dog growled in return as they locked eyes.

“Just tell me where she is,” Michael insisted.

The dog seemed to be ready to say something but, suddenly, he stopped short, looking as though he had lost track of what or who he was talking to.

“She is staying at room 102,” the dog monotonously repeated.

“Thank you,” Michael breathed out as he looked at the dog with an increasingly confused expression.

What was going on?

“But she ain’t here now,” the terrier flatly added, making Michael start to be worried.

But he really did need to find his aunt, so…

“So where is she right now?” he added, hoping that whatever this was wouldn’t turn into his trouble.

“Check the bar,” the desk dog trailed off before he shook his head, his eyes clear once again.

“Well?” he asked, “You know where she is now. Get out.”

Grunting to himself, wondering why he ever worried about this asshole, Michael did just that.

God that talk had given him a slight headache.

He actually took a few steps before he realized that he didn’t know which bar.


“-Er-r-atic Jug,” A boar enunciated as he pointed to what appeared to be a dive, not two streets away from where the motel was.

Well, Michael called it a dive, but it was nicer looking than the buildings around it. Probably passed off for a high-class bar in these parts.

“Thank you, sir,” Michael dutifully said, but the boar just happily waved him off.

“Anything for a youngin,” The boar grunted, “Now go n take care, ar-ight? Folks ‘round these parts are all seconds away from turning auroch, see, so they’ve not seen your kind regular like. Don’t realize human folk are still folk same as them and me.”

“Hah, thank you, sir,” Michael said again, wanting to walk straight for the bar but not wanting to feel as though he was being disrespectful. At least, not to this pig gentleman.

“Off with ya, son, don’t let me rambling stop ya,” The boar grunted again and Michael sighed with relief as he moved on.

It had taken about an hour until Michael realized that, while alcohol shops were distressingly common, actual bars were in scarcer supply.

As it turned out, the closest one to the motel was about fifteen minutes away. One Erratic Jug that Michael dearly hoped was where his aunt was.

The next closest one was about half an hour.

Seriously, why did people even live here?

The bar was thankfully not hidden, being a rather big establishment with all manner of vehicles parked outside.

Rough-looking dogs and storks gave him a once over as he walked up to the doors of the bar, doing nothing to stop him but still making note of him.

Michael opened the doors and immediately dozens of eyes went to him.

Regulars with mild curiosity, down on their luck locals responding to a loud noise, tough-looking bastards, already sauced individuals who probably should be heading home and more gave him a once over.

Before going back to what they were doing.

Alright, where the fuck was his aunt now?

Trying to see if he could find his aunt among any of the patrons, Michael had to eventually move away from the door as people kept coming in and out. It was already starting to fill up and it was only the afternoon, so how full did this place get in the evenings?

Eventually, he decided he would ask the bartender instead of trying to see if he spotted her.

Heading over to a bar stool, Michael propped up his school bag and took a seat as an older horse gave him a glance over as he was serving a drink, “Just a second.”

Michael grunted as he settled down and waited.

Now, Michael was no expert or anything, but the horse moved with a fluidity that spoke of years of experience. He divided shots, glasses, and mixes without even looking at the bottles that he was grabbing.

The bartender horse eventually appeared to get most of his orders, as he took out one single small glass and filled it with a mix of a clear white liquid and perhaps coffee.

Michael was actually wondering what this drink even was when the bartender walked over.

And put it in front of him.

“‘Breakfast blend’ for the boy,” the horse told him.

“But I didn’t order anything.” Michael looked at the glass in confusion.

“You're right,” the horse said, “She did.”

And then a tall and curvacious cow sat beside him. She had blue denim pants on, and a nice red blouse. She wore a black leather jacket that was opened down the middle that allowed one to see that red blouse and a pendant with a blue stone that drew the eyes to her bountiful chest.

She had no shoes on, for she had hooves. Her tail swished behind her, coming out of a hole in her pants, as she put all her weight on that seat.

The similarities that she and his mother shared were obvious. From their large size to their beautiful face and form. To their large sexy horns, their shiny coat of fur, and their brief snout, to their deep blue eyes.

“Hey, handsome, seat taken?” his beautiful aunt wrily asked as she leaned her head on her hand.

But no, they were not twins. Not when Aunt Lazuli was slightly smaller. Not when her tits were slightly bigger. Not when the playful glint in her eye wasn’t exactly innocent.

Not when it was her.

“Aunt Lazuli!,” Michael happily said as he reached out and pulled her into a hug.

“Oh, gotten bolder, have we?” Lazuli asked as Michael pressed her against him.

Well, he had, hadn’t he?

And if he had…

He kissed her on the cheek.

He was tempted to kiss her in the mouth, for a second, but he was not entirely sure how that would be met, so he didn’t. Not yet.

…wait, not yet?

“Oh my, what happened to my little timid Mickey?” Lazuli giggled as they disengaged, “Wasn’t too long ago that you wouldn’t let me peck you in private, let alone in public.”

“The last time you tried was a couple of years ago,” Michael noted.

“Oh, and you are talking back now, where did older sis go wrong?” Lazuli swooned in her seat.

“I am going through my rebellious phase,” Michael drily replied.

“Well, then you came to the right person,” Lazuli replied as she pushed the ‘Breakfast blend’ towards him.

Giving her a flat look, Michael took the drink. And chugged it all in one shot.

“That’s…smooth?” Michael blinked as he downed it all. He was honestly expecting to have to choke and cough. He could taste the alcohol, but the bigger taste there was coffee. 

“What, want to grow fur on your chest?” Lazuli quirked an eyebrow, “Cause I can get you something harder if you like.”

“No, no, this is good,” Michael replied. And it had been. It had actually warmed him up.

“I am glad you liked it,” Lazuli smiled at him, “Because now I sort of have to ask you what you are doing here instead of school.”

Right, that.

“I…need your help, Aunt Laz,” Michael quickly lost his good cheer.

His body and the experimental drugs he consumed…

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His bovine cow hummed at that before flagging the bartender over.

“Two Breakfast blends Jorg,” Lazuli told him, “For the road.”

“Ractus isn’t going to like you leaving early,” the horse easily replied as he went to make the order.

“Ractus can go fuck a cactus,” Lazuli replied without even losing her smile, “If he likes, I can look for work elsewhere.”

“I’ll let him know,” Jorg replied as he whisked the shots into two paper cups.

“You’re darling Jorg, thanks,” Lazuli said as she gestured at the two cups and Michael took them.

The horse just casually waved as they exited the building.

“Alright hon, how much trouble are we talking about here?” Lazuli casually asked as they walked to a humongous motorcycle.

“What happened to the car?” Michael wondered as his aunt’s new chariot was apparently an enormous two-wheeled vehicle.

“The car wasn’t ‘me’.” Lazuli said, “And guys don’t ask me for rides in this one.”

“So I am special?” Michael couldn’t help but ask.

“Oh, and now you are flirting,” Lazuli rolled her eyes, “you really have changed boy-o.”

Michael chuckled at that.

“But don’t think I didn’t notice how you changed the topic,” Lazuli warned as she opened a compartment on the back of the motorcycle and pulled out two helmets.

“Wait, if you are not giving guys rides, why do you have two helmets?” Michael asked.

“No more changing the topic,” Lazuli replied, shoving the helmet into Michael's hands, “How much trouble is it?”

Michael looked at her for a few seconds before sighing.

“Probably a whole lot,” he admitted, “Probably all the trouble.”

Lazuli hummed and swept one long leg over the seat as she parked her perfectly bovine ass on it. Even the tail that poked out of her pants was wonderfully groomed.

“Come on, get on,” she gestured towards her back and Michael, despite not being small for a human, had to use the fuselage of the huge motorcycle to get on.

“Is your helmet on?” She asked.

“It’s on,” Michael replied.

“Do you have the drinks?” She asked.

“They are here,” Micahel replied.

“Don’t let them go,” Lazuli said, “Or I am making you walk home!”

“Har, har,” Michael managed to get out as Lazuli pushed down on the ignition pedal with one of her manicured hooves and made the machine come to life.

“Well then, here we go!” Lazuli yelled through the scream of the motor and Michael held on for dear life as his aunt took them through the streets.

“I am just saying, what if you ever crash into someone?” Michael was arguing with his aunt as they entered the Love Fool.

“Then the insurance pays me,” Lazuli shrugged as they walked past a familiar clerk dog in the middle of doing a crossword puzzle. 

“How are they going to do that if you are dead?” Michael asked.

“You worry too much,” his aunt airily laughed.

“Make sure you clean after yourself miss Yokebreaker,” The dog called out as they passed, “It’s hard enough to stay in business without the police asking about dead whores.”

Rather than answering, Lazuli flipped him off as they continued walking.

“Charming guy,” Michael noted.

“York there?” Lazuli said with a scrunch of her nose, “A complete pile of crap. But he is harmless. Ignore him.”

They walked until they arrived at an apartment that had the number “102” painted on its door.

Pulling out a key, Lazuli quickly threw the door open and stepped inside, Michael trailing behind her.

“So, all the trouble, huh?” Lazuli asked as she took off her jacket and threw it on the bed. This room, like a motel room, had no living room. It was just a bedroom with a closet and a bathroom attached.

And it was wonderfully warm.

“Yeah,” Michael replied as his eyes trailed after the defined deltoids on his aunt’s shoulder, now uncovered. His aunt’s fur ran along lines that just emphasized their shape.

“Goddamn it Michael,” his aunt sighed as she jumped on her bed, her spreading as the springs on the mattress whined to withhold the impact, “You are supposed to take after sis, not me.”

Michael laughed at that.

“Oh shut up,” his aunt told him, “I haven’t been the good sister in years.”

And wasn’t that weird to think about.

His mother, Yasmine, despite being a pharmacological researcher, despite having been a dutiful housewife, despite being a lovable mother had, by all accounts, been extremely rebellious during her teenage years.

Supposedly, her older kids hadn’t even been from her marriage to the husband that she had lost, in the before.

In the before.

But Michael shook his head before he fell into a funk.

No, the important thing was that, as the youngest, Lazuli had been an admirable cow for the longest time. Exemplary even. 

While his mother was being supported and encouraged by her husband to continue her education, Lazuli was already serving as a doctor. She got acclaim during that time and probably made enough money to retire altogether.

She was known and she was in demand.

Until her sister lost all her family.

That tragedy hit them in different ways, and the way it seemed to affect his aunt was that she went into a long overdue rebellious phase that lasted for about a decade.

Now here she was at thirty-seven, rooming in a dingy motel apartment in the middle of nowhere, serving at a bar.

Some people would call it tragic.

But Michael couldn’t envision his aunt being anything else than what she was.

“Alright, lay it on me boy-o,” Lazuli breathed in, her chest expanding in interesting ways that just begged Michael to watch. With her arms spread like that, he could almost…

“R-right, so, um, you know Chimerization?” Michael began to ask before he found his aunt in front of him, painfully gripping his shoulders as she looked down at him with desperation.

“Did-Is she-” Lazilu stuttered as she looked down at her nephew, “That is, i-is Yasmine going through that?”


Right, maybe that wasn’t the best thing to lead with.

“N-no,” Michael grunted with pain as his aunt sagged with relief and almost collapsed on him.

“Oh shit,” Lazuli giggled, “You sure know how to make a woman have a heart attack.”

“But I might be?” Michael said, making Lazuli straighten and stare at him as if he had claimed to have special wars.

And then she laughed.

“I take it all back,” Lazuli guffawed as she leaned on her bed, “Y-you definitely take after sis. You silly jerk!”

“I am not joking,” Michael seriously said and Lazuli coughed as she tried to get herself back in control.

“R-right, right,” she said, her voice trembling from the enormous effort that it took to not break down into giggles.

“I am eighteen years old!” Michael almost yelled, “I don’t need to call for attention!”

“Sure, sure,” Lazuli corpsed.

“Oh fuck it,” Michael said deciding that there was only one good way to prove his point.

He reached down. And pulled down his pants.

Revealing the mixture of canid and equine cock that he now had hanging in his crotch.

Immediately Lazuli clamped up.

They were both like that, aunt and nephew, one daring the other to keep laughing.

And the other staring at the latter’s cock.

One second turned into a minute, and then a minute into two, with complicating emotions going through the older cow’s face as she kept on staring at her nephew’s dick.

By the end of the two minutes, Michael wasn’t feeling daring anymore.

He was actually starting to become worried again.

“Impossible,” Lazuli said at last, moving back up to Michael’s eyes, “Are you sure you weren’t born like that?”

“I am pretty sure,” Michael flatly said.

“Fuck,” Lazuli said as she started walking around, “Fuck!”

“How would you- you are all but one hundred percent human—does this mean that not even humans…” Lazuli started to say as she walked around, one hand on her chin as she considered the implications.

“Um, it might be because of Mother’s medicine,” Michael said. And Lazuli stopped.

“Come again?” she asked as if she hadn’t heard it.

“Mom brought some experimental medicine from work by accident,” Michael said, “And I sort of…ate it.”

Lazuli looked at him for a few seconds.

Before slapping her face.

“Are you really-no, no, you know what? You went through all the trouble to come up here to see me,” Lazuli breathed in and out, calming herself, “You do not deserve the tongue lashing I am going to give your mother.”

“It wasn’t her fault!” Michael was quick to say, “It was a co-worker bringing it out by accident and mother w-was just going to bring it back as a favor!”

“Of all the good-natured bullshit-she helped cover up a lab breach?” Lazuli asked, “Are you telling me my cute little human nephew might have gotten afflicted with Chimerization because Yasmine didn’t have the ovaries to throw a dumb asshole under the bus!”

Michael was worried.

He had never seen his aunt this angry.

He never thought his easygoing aunt was even capable of getting this angry.

He had point in fact come here because he thought things would get this heated up!

“P-please Aunt Lazuli, I just wanted your help!” Michael shouted and the mouth of his aunt clamped shut.

“Yes, yes,” she started to breathe out, “I still know people that well, I can get all sorts of blood work done on you. I still know the heads of some labs. Yes, we first have to see to what the extent of this damage is.”

Then she looked at him.

“Is that all? Did anything else change?” Lazuli clinically asked as she stared down at his crotch.

Making Michael realize that he had not put his pants back on.

“I don’t think so?” Michael replied. He didn’t feel different anywhere else.

Except maybe in his thoughts.

“Hmmm, canid and equine,” Lazuli nodded, getting closer and kneeling down to get a good look at Michael’s junk.

“Yeah,” he replied, starting to feel self-conscious as his aunt got close enough for him to start to feel her breath.

“Most have had a dog and horse in your ancestry somewhere,” she noted, her hands twitching as if she were writing the details down, “But obviously not enough to stop being human. Curious. Tricky.”

“When did you find out you had this?” she asked.

“L-last night?” Michael replied as his aunt’s sharp gaze just started to do things to him.

Lazuli hummed.

“And when did you take the experimental medicine?” Lazuli asked, her forefinger moving to prod his genital sheath.

“The day before!” Michael gasped as the sheath started to expand.

Revealing matted cock flesh as his donger, indeed, started to grow to the size of his forearm.

His aunt’s eyebrows rose as his turgid erection grew.

“Well, if this is all that happened…congratulations,” Lazuli whistled.

“Goddamned it Aunt Laz,” Michael moaned.

“Don’t worry boy-o,” Lazuli said as she got up and put a hand on his shoulder, “It sounds like it has acute effects, but chronic? It was fast enough to affect you in a single day maybe it had no changes beyond this one.”

“No, I don’t think you have to worry about further Chimerization,” she pondered.

“Oh thank the deities,” Michael gasped with relief.

“But that doesn’t mean it didn’t have other unpleasant effects,” Lazuli concluded as she walked towards her bed.

“I am going to call your mother,” his aunt informed him as she reached for a landline phone at the foot of her bed.

“NO!” Michael called out, stepping out of his dropped pants to put a hand on his aunt’s hand.

“We need the specs of the experimental drug,” Lazuli grunted as she tried to type numbers into the phone.

“I don’t want to get her in trouble!” Michael grunted as he fought a much larger cow woman for it.

“This is for your own good kiddo!” Lazuli said as she tried to push her nephew away.

“Maybe so, but I was the one who ate it!” Michael huffed as he tried to get leverage on the larger woman.

“You’re a small dumb calf!” Lazuli yelled, “How can could you be at fault!”

“I am eighteen!” Michael replied.

And that’s when Michael felt it.

They were staring at each other, eye to eye. They were fighting, each other pulling and dragging at each other’s clothes.

Michael didn’t want this.

Michael didn’t want his mother to get in trouble.

Michael didn’t want his aunt to fight with his mother. Nor for his mother got to get in trouble at her work.

Michael didn’t want to be fighting her.

And so he didn’t.

Pulling away from her, stopping their struggle, Michael just looked her in the eye.

“T-trust me,” a disheveled Lazuli breathed out, “It’ll be quick.”

And that’s when Michael spoke the words.


Immediately, her eyes glazed over, and Michael slumped into the bed as his brain felt as if it were going to burst out of his skull.

He felt something go out of him with his command, something leave his body and-and affect the world when he did.

He had felt it when he had spoken with his mother. He had felt it when he had spoken to his teacher. And he had felt it when he had spoken to his friend.

And he had felt it a while ago when he had spoken to that desk fucker.

This vile headache as Michael used power.

He breathed deeply as the world stopped shaking and his headache started to go away. His sight became clearer again as he slowly recovered until he didn’t taste bile in his mouth anymore.

And then he looked over at his aunt.

Who was still blankly staring ahead, no signs of whatever he had done ending.

“A-aunt Lazuli?” He asked, not sure what this was.

Whenever he used, people-well, they did what he said.

They obeyed and-and then they went back to normal.

But the amount of power he had used this time couldn’t even compare to those.

“I am here,” Lazuli said in a monotone.

“A-are you alright?” Michael starting to feel worried. What if he had hurt her with whatever this was?

“I am fine,” Lazuli replied in the same monotone.

“Ok, ok,” Michael breathed. Affected by his power or not, she wouldn’t say that if she wasn’t, right? None of the other ones lied to him after all.



He could use this.

“But…are you still going to make the call?” Michael asked.

“Yes.” Lazuli simply replied.

“Can you…not?” Michael asked, hoping that this would do it.

But his bovine aunt didn’t answer. As if the question required more mental power to answer than she was capable of using.

And so, Michael opted to be a little more pushy.

“You will not call my mother,” Michael said with as much authority as he could muster.

And, to his amazement, his aunt put down her phone.

“I will not call your mother,” Lazuli said, her nose scrunching up as if she were wondering why she wasn’t.

“B-but you will still get my blood work done!” Michael rushed to say Lazuli’s features quickly smoothed out into featureless ones.

“Yes, of course,” She replied as if it were obvious.

“And you will do anything else to see if there is something wrong with me that won’t get Mom in trouble,” Michael ordered, heart beating as things started to go his way.

“I will,” Lazuli confirmed.

He did it.

He was going to see what was wrong with him w-without getting his mother in trouble!

But as his heart filled with elation, he realized something.

His aunt was still in the daze that he had caused.

And this was already longer than it had lasted on anyone else.

S-should he, um, “dispel” it, somehow?

Could he order her to not be dazed?

But as he opened his mouth to speak the words, he noticed something.

He could almost see one of his aunt’s tits.

In their brief scuffle, Michael had dragged her blouse down her arm, making one of his aunt’s huge mammaries almost come out free from a corner.

Did his aunt not wear bras?

And the more he looked, the more he noticed.

The smooth naked fur on her belly, courtesy of him dragging her shirt out of her pants, her thick lips as her mouth was slightly pursued open, the way her chest slowly heaved up and down.

…the way he could almost see her panties poking out of the top of her pants.

He felt his cock stir once more out of his genital sheath.

Would he ever get another chance like this again?

Did he dare?

And so, before he could second guess himself, Michael pointed a finger at the older Minotauress.

“Aunt Lazuli, please let me see your tits,” He ordered with a shaky breath.

Lazuli didn’t do anything for a few seconds, and Michael began to worry that it didn’t work.

Right up until she took hold of her shirt.

And started lifting it up.

Written by Lookingforthis
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