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Living and Mind Control 3

"Michael explores his power with his aunt."

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Author's Notes

"This is the chapter, and there are still a few to go before you guys are up to date."

One second he was arguing with his aunt. Almost fighting, really.

The next, he was ordering her to take her clothes off. 

It was a mood whiplash so extreme that it filled Michael with anxiety as he lost control of the situation bit by bit.

He shouldn’t be doing this. Whatever he had done to his aunt, he should be worried about her, right?

But his bovine aunt lifted her shirt, her lithe arms moving smoothly as, with a jerk, her breasts fell from the bottom of her now-raised shirt.

Aunt Lazuli wore a bra. Because of course, she did, right? And yet, Michael couldn’t help but be both frustrated and aroused at that fact.

It was a traditional bra. A wire one, white against the creamy light brown fur and skin of the older cow. As Lazuli pulled it out of her head, smoothly lifting it so that it wouldn’t get caught in her horns, Michael personally witnessed something that he already knew from watching porn.

Despite generally having a coat of fur, most mammalian girls of non-human stock had very light, or very sparse, fur on their chest and stomach. If not, as was the case with his aunt, no fur at all on her tits and most of her stomach.

And his aunt had abdominal muscles.

Good gods, did she have defined abdominal muscles.

But her lower ones were covered again by very thick fur that Michael wasn’t sure wasn’t just pubic hair that extended that high.

Of course, when he heard the click of his aunt’s bra being unbuckled, followed by her slipping them from her arms, his concentration veered up once more.

They were huge.

Like, bovine women in general had huge breasts by human standards, but that was because they were inherently huge women. His aunt? Her tits were slightly larger than his mother’s, who had breasts as large as her own head.

Two watermelon-sized flesh sacks of milk-producing glands and fat deposits jiggled down into the open air.

However, she only had one nipple on each breast.

It was stupid of him to assume she would have four, but this was still beautiful enough. It was large, it was long, it was wide and it looked chewable.

His fingers twitched and he wanted so very badly to fill his hands at that moment.

But no. A bigger hunger won out.

“Pants too, please,” He implores his still blank-faced aunt.

She, of course, did nothing.

“Take off your pants,” he ordered her, and Lazuli started to move.

For a moment.

Her hands gripped her pants, and she once again stopped.

“I said, take off your pants!” Michael insisted, pantomiming with his hands on his own pants and further demonstrating by pulling them slightly down.

Immediately after, Lazuli started sliding down her jeans.

Hills and slumps swelled a landscape of legs and thighs. Beautiful fur that was not bleached by the sun met the light of the room as the huge cow woman began to shake her hips from side to side, letting gravity finish her job as her jeans dropped to the floor.

Her hooves clacked on the floor as she stepped out of them.

Her inner thighs were coated by the sparse fur that Michael had expected on her tits, her skin barely visible through it. But the calves and the outer parts of her thighs and her ass had absolutely luscious brown fur that shined like the hair that hung off her head. To provide contrast, spots of white fur hung on her ass and, faintly, on her inner thighs.

It was only when he felt saliva start dripping from the corner of his mouth that Michael realized that he had been drooling.

Right, right, this was good.

But there was one more thing.

He eyed her panties.

They were a black sensible arrangement of cloth and silk that prioritized comfort. But the straps went over her huge hips in a way that made every part of him want to see more.

And so, he gave the order.

“Lose your panties too,” he remembered to not make it a request this time.

However, her hands twitched but didn’t even move to her panties.

This was the second time she hadn’t obeyed.

“Lose your panties,” he tried again, staring into her eyes.

But they were still blank as her hands moved around her hips doing nothing.

“Your panties,” Michael insisted, pulling the straps of his underwear from over his pants and displaying them,  “Take them off.”

His aunt actually grabbed onto her panties this time.

But she simply mimicked Michael, holding them up and making her pussy indent against the cloth over it.

It made Michael stare.

And so, with a loose sense of understanding, he lowered his underwear until he was lowering his pants.

And, lo and behold, his aunt started doing the same.

He stopped as soon as his cock came out, but his aunt didn’t, lowering her undergarments until she was climbing out of them.

So was she mimicking him, or was she listening to his words?

But whatever, it didn’t matter.

His aunt’s muff was bare before him.

If her fur was full and pretty, and her head hair was luscious and shiny, her pubic hair was, in a word, wild.

They were the thickest follicles that she had and, as he had guessed, they extended up towards her lower abdominals.

She looked beastly like that.

She looked absolutely sexy.

She looked beautiful.

And, he was in front of her before he figured out what he was doing.

He had somehow shuffled towards her with his pants around his ankles, making Michael feel infantile. But his aunt hadn’t snickered or made a comment like she would have.

No, she was still staring blankly.

And it was starting to worry him.

But she was a feast before him.

And so, before he could fully process his worry, he found his hands on her tits.

“They are so soft,” the young man whispered as his fingers found no pushback against them. They sank into layers of fat and connective tissue protecting organs that made milk. They hefted two orbs that were bigger than his head, flesh going over his hands and even slipping between his widespread digits. 

They were heavy. They were ponderous and, upon giving them a kiss…

So, so soft.

His aunt’s brow twitched and he froze.

“Lazuli?” he asked, his heart pounding in his chest, “Aunt Laz?

But she still wasn’t responding.

So, slowly, he moved his fingers, kneading her tit flesh with both hands just to see if she would react.

She didn’t.

He lowered his head to one of those amazingly precious nubs on her tits, and, very carefully, brushed his lips against her nipple.

And there!

Her forehead twitched again!

Was, was whatever this was running its course?

But when his aunt didn’t make any moves after waiting for a few dozen heartbeats, Michael continued.

His ass puckered every time he went down to her tits with his lips because her eyebrows moved.


But when she wouldn’t do more than that, his brushes turned into pecks and his pecks turned into kisses. And, eventually, his kisses turned passionate.

This was it.

Full, bovine tits of a woman he loved in his hands. Melting against his breath.

“More,” Michael growled, and he lowered his head.

He kissed her abs and every time he did so he could feel her tremble.

He rubbed his face into the pubic hair that went up to her lower stomach, breathing in the spicy musk of an older cow until he got to his price.

Her beautiful vagina.

Minotauress and human women, as it turned out, didn’t have that much difference in vaginas. But then, vaginas didn’t vary in shape that much across species. And his aunt’s? It had beautiful folds that covered it completely.

Michael approached it, stopping just short of touching it with his nose.

And very carefully pushed against a particular nub on its top with his index finger.

The grunt that his aunt gave made him jump back, and stare at his aunt from the floor.

Because of course, he had tripped over the pants that were still over his ankles!

“Lazuli?” he asked as he slowly got up.

But she didn’t respond. She was still blankly staring at h-

No, there was something there.

It was slight, but she was starting to frown.

Maybe…maybe he should stop?

But his cock was fully erect a-a-and he could do one more thing, right?

Just one more.

“Aunt Lazuli,” he said with trepidation, “Bend down for me.”

He wasn’t asking her something untoward. He wasn’t asking her something bad. 

Surely that wouldn’t push her over the edge?

And she did.

A little.

Michael frowned. Did he have to be more careful with his words?

But his cow aunt bent down enough for what he wanted to do anyway, as he raised himself on his tippy toes.

And kissed her on the lips.

“That’s too much!” his aunt yelled, pushing him back and making him fall on her bed.

W-w-what happened? Did she come out of it?

“I-what were we doing?” Lazuli stopped and looked around.

Michael saw her examine herself, and then look at him. Her eyes went to her naked form and then eyes his fully erect cock.

This was it.

This was where Michael’s whole life went shit.

He was sure of it.

“W-what am I doing?” Lazuli yelled, covering herself with her arms, and Michael blinked.

“What do you mean?” he managed to ask.

“I can’t believe a few beers was all it took to make me play ‘doctor’ with you,” his aunt started grinding her knuckles on her forehead, “No, it must have been more. It had to have been more!”

“And…I drove you around!” Lazuli gasped with horror, “Despite being this drunk.”

“Aunt Lazuli?” Michael wondered why she was acting like this.

Did she not realize she had been hypnotized?

“Go to the bathroom!” she ordered him, braving a hand away from her crotch to point to it.

“Umm-” Michael wasn’t sure where this was going.

“Go!” she ordered him again, making him stand up from the bed and start shuffling there.

“I-I have to get dressed up, hon,” his aunt said with a fragile smile, “And I need to get sober too.”

Michael frowned but still went to the sole bathroom in the apartment, closing the door behind him.

Did she really think she was drunk?

He didn’t know what to even think anymore.

What had he done? Like, how had that even happened?

And also, what had he done? Why had he molested his aunt?

And yet, what had he done? Why didn’t she realize what had happened?

He had so many questions. And so few answers as the pain from an incoming case of blue balls started to hit his balls.

And so, with a still shaky hand, he grabbed a hold of his flared horse glans.

And started grinding it with his palm until, with a shutter, he painted his aunt’s sink with his young and virile seed.

He tried to clean it, of course, and wash his hands while he was at it, but he was so shaken by what had just happened that he didn’t notice that he still left goops of his reproductive seed in it.

By the time he came out, his aunt was back in her clothes again.

And she was chugging can after can of coffee.

“Where’d you get those?” Michael couldn’t help but ask.

“I always keep cases of cold coffee on the fridge,” his bovine aunt responded as she chugged a fourth one down, “I am not used to regularly waking up early anymore, so they are a godsend when they have me open up the bar.”

And then she slumped against the wall after draining the fifth one.

“Are…you okay, Aunt Laz?” Michael asked.

“Yeah, yeah,” she responded as she slapped her face, “A word of advice, Michael; taking this many stimulants after taking depressives at my age is not a good idea.”

But…she hadn’t been drunk.

“It can hit you like a truck,” she smiled mirthlessly as she went to grab her coat, “Now let’s get you home kiddo.”

“Ok?” Michael accepted because, really, what else would his aunt do after what they did?

After what he did.

“I was going to offer to let you sleep the night after having called sis,” Lazuli looked away, “But…I don’t think that’s a good idea anymore.”


Wait a minute, was she going to still-

“Wait, you won’t tell Mom about the whole drug accident, right?” Michael asked, wondering if what he had commanded her to do still had any effect.

Lazuli looked at him again, frowning as she glared at him, “I told you I wouldn’t, didn’t I?”

Wait, so she thought she agreed to it?

“Honestly, I shouldn’t have,” the minotauress grunted, “It’s stupid and irresponsible of me, but I guess I just can’t say no to you..”

“Whatever, I’ll still hit up the labs and do what I can,” Lazuli shook her head, “But if I feel that you are getting worse, I will blow this whole thing wide open, understand?”

“Yes, Aunt Laz,” Michael replied.

It…it worked?

The command that he had given his aunt while she was, what, hypnotized? That worked?

So why had she broken out of it, to begin with?

What had he done, to begin with!?

Michael was still jittery when he got on his aunt’s bike and circled his arms around her waist.

It hurt him a little how she hesitated when she felt him press himself into her back, but she still said nothing as she set her humongous bike on drive, and started taking them both across the providence.

“Michael,” his aunt eventually snapped out of the ramifications of what happened.

He was a degenerate, he knew. He was turned on by just about everyone. But he was a human, so wasn’t that expected? Encouraged, even?

But he had done things to his aunt.

Why had he done things to his aunt? He had known that both she and his mother had effects on him, but he had always loved them more than he had lusted after them.


“Yeah, Lazuli?” he absent-mindedly replied.

“I…am sorry,” his aunt said.

It must have been the wind hitting both of their helmets and the sound of the engine, because there was no way he had heard her right.

“You’re sorry?” he asked.

“I am the adult here!” Lazuli growled, “I should have told you ‘no’ when you asked!”

“But I went along with it and…I am not sure why I went along with it!” she almost shouted as the bike went a little faster, “But I did and we almost crossed a line we shouldn’t have.”

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And what else could he say?

“It’s not your fault,” Michale disagreed, “I…wanted that too.”

Lazuli noticeably stiffened in his arms, and they rode quietly.

“Damn, kid,” Lazuli said after a while, “You can’t mean that.”

Michael was about to disagree again when he felt it—a pinch on his brain that went down to his nose as something shifted.

“You okay Michael?” Lazuli asked with worry as Michael gasped with pain, taking a hand off her waist to hold his nose.

And, as quickly as it had struck him, it went away.

“I think so?” he wondered before he pulled his hand away and found it glazed with blood.

“You think so?” Lazuli asked with worry.

“I think I bit my tongue when you hit a bump,” Michael lied as he wonder what had happened to him.

Was this an after-effect of having, well, done whatever is it that he did to his aunt?

Or was this another change?

“Actually, I think I am bleeding a bit,” he continued, “Do you have any napkins?”

“There’s some in the saddle bag,” his aunt sighed, “Be sure not to let anything fall out.”

And so Michael cleaned himself up and blew the blood out of his nose into it.

He thanked the gods or whoever was looking down at him that this was significantly less messy than a normal nosebleed usual was.

And then he took a breath and the world changed for him.

He could smell it.

The chemicals used to treat his aunt’s jacket. The fake leather that was used to furnish the seats they were seated upon. The dozen different ways in which the smoke and gasoline coming in and out of his aunt’s motorcycle were obnoxious and foul.

He could smell the intensity and broadness of the things being cooked across the buildings that they were passing by.

He could smell the ozone the shields that covered their part of the world generated when they protected them from the Storms!

And, he could smell himself and his aunt.

The residues of his orgasm and his pheromones still clung to him. It made him feel a bit naked and self-conscious.

But also? He could smell all sorts of things in his aunt.

The coffee. The alcohol they had drank.

As well as the tinge of what his brain told him, but he could not bring himself to believe was…slight arousal.

So it was his body changing yet again. 


But he remembered his aunt’s words, and what she would do if she felt he was in danger, so he decided to say nothing as his aunt took him home.

“I rather mom didn’t know that I didn’t go to school,” he told his aunt when they said goodbye.

“Because then she’d ask questions?” the sister of his adopted mother sighed, “Michael, this is a dangerous game.”

“I know!” Michael yelled with frustration, “But I can’t have everything going to shit just yet.”

“Just-I’ll let you know if anything comes up, ok?” Michael tiredly asked.

“You better,” his aunt replied before starting her motorcycle and beginning her trip home.

It was still the afternoon, a few hours before his mother came home. He lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling as he thought about his choices.

Should he talk to his mother about the drug that he ingested after all? His body was changing. He had seen it.

He had felt it.

And yet, he didn’t feel bad. He didn’t feel wrong. The cock that he had, the sense of smell that he had gained? They felt right.

As if he were entitled to them.

And then there was the thing where he hypnotized people. That was not natural, but was it magical? Was he somehow leveraging interdimensional physics to affect the minds of people?

It couldn’t be; Human beings could not use magic. Though, if he wanted to be technical about it, the argument could be made that no one could, or at least not by themselves, and not very effectively at that, but human beings couldn’t even feel it!

Whereas other species could affect it and be affected by it, human beings just sort of died when exposed to enough of it. It was why they didn’t undergo Aurochization or Chimerization; their bodies...

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Written by Lookingforthis
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