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Jordina's Tale: Will Getting Laid Cost Me My Sainthood?

"A troubled heroine fulfils her quest, but at what price?"

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Jordina couldn't stand another day feeling like this. She had not slept properly in weeks. In the month since the incident at the sanitorium, sleep had departed her, and she barely left the apartment. She had clammed up amongst her family and was not really speaking to anyone at all.

Now, her brother, Biel, knew what had happened, as he had been there at the time. Her parents knew the outline of the incident, as they had spoken to the police and to Biel. But Jordina wouldn’t open up to any of them about it. In despair, they begged her to go to a doctor and talk to a professional. Desperate to sleep again, she agreed.

The pills carried a strict instruction; no alcohol should be taken with this medicine. But she had been drinking more lately and it had become habitual, in fact, to sneak a bottle of wine in her bag or the inner pocket of her coat back home. Often, there was a little bag of marijuana in her pockets too.

Her parents knew. Of course, they did. Jordina didn’t go to the bathroom. She crashed to the bathroom, staggering, closing doors too hard. She didn’t hurt anyone else, but they knew. They were absolutely beside themselves with worry.

 One evening, her head foggy with wine and fatigue, Jordina smoked an extra joint and took an extra pill. And when she laid her head down to sleep, she dreamt the most extraordinary, vivid dream of her life. And this is what she dreamt.


The dragon’s demand had come, and Jordina had got lucky again. She stood amongst the forlorn crowd as the chosen young woman was dragged screaming to the dais. It was Maria, one of the girls Jordina had learnt to ride with. Jordina watched, shaking her head as Maria was bound up and trussed.

They made a pretence that Maria was a hero, that she was nobly sacrificing herself. She was garlanded with flowers and kissed by a specially chosen handsome boy and her portrait was hastily sketched. But no one was fooled. They knew that Maria had just hours to live and, as long as the dragon continued to demand the virgins of the village in an endless conveyor belt, she would die in vain.

Jordina watched as Maria was hauled away and thrown onto the waiting horse and cart. Helpless, abandoned to her fate. The cart set off on its fatal journey to the dragon’s lair.

And something inside of Jordina snapped. This had to stop. Not just because it could be her next, although it could. Because it could later be her children or her children’s children. It was time someone took on the dragon. And she would do it, rather than submit to that awful fate.

And there was another motivation for her. Jordina was a firm believer in the Christian church and, of late, the priests had let it be known that anyone who rid the world of the dragon would be made a saint.

That night, in bed, she made her plans. She needed armour and a horse, both of which she would have to steal, or at least borrow. She’d have to run away from her family home. She would be stopped if anyone so much as saw a girl riding out, so she’d have to disguise herself as a boy. Yes, that would do it. She could borrow clothes from her brother. And of course, she could not tell her family what she was planning to do…

The next day, she slipped out before anyone, not even the sun was up. She grabbed a pair of scissors and the razor her father used to shave. She purloined a shirt and pantaloons from her brother’s drawer. They weren’t exactly her size, but not outlandishly big.

First, she went to the stables. There was a stable lad on duty, called Oscar. Obviously bored, he was sitting on the ground with his back to the stable door sketching something on paper. Jordina knew Oscar a little, as she liked horses and had learned to ride. She went over to him and sat next to him.

“Hi! You look as bored as I am!”


“So, let’s wrestle. You beat me, you win a prize. If I beat you, you have to do what I say, deal?”


They wrestled, and Oscar easily pinned Jordina to the ground.

“So, what do I win?”

“Close your eyes.”

Oscar’s eyes did not stay closed when he felt her tug his britches down. Jordina almost laughed at how quickly he got hard. He was obviously a virgin. So was she, in fact, but not at this. His was the fourth she had sucked, and based on experience, she knew he’d like it if she played with it with her tongue. Oscar’s cock was trembling like a leaf! She tickled it for several minutes, now brushing the end of his cock with the tip of her tongue, now wrapping her tongue around his penis. Then, she knelt over him and lowered her mouth, closing her lips around his erection and she grasped it between her lips. Mmmm…his tasted ok, actually. She would remember this and add him to her list of candidates for being her first proper time. It was almost a shame what she had to do…

Oscar did not last long. Jordina had only sucked it for about three minutes when he came with a yell. And then, when he was at his most vulnerable in the seconds after his orgasm, she was upon him. She punched him hard in the face, seconded with an elbow to the jaw. This one-two didn’t knock him out cold, but he was too stunned to react, which gave her the time to quickly bind up his arms with the cord she had concealed in her pockets for the purpose.

“I’m sorry to do this, Oscar. Nothing personal. But you’re in my way.”

With the stable boy out of action, stealing the requisite horse and saddle and bridle was easy. Jordina saddled up and rode out of town, leaving poor Oscar semi-conscious behind her.

She headed out and, alone in the forest, she cut off all her hair. It wasn’t easy, but with the razor, she made sure her head was quite bald. She had no mirror, which was lucky as losing her locks would have saddened her. But she knew it would grow back. Dressed in her brother’s clothes and shaven-headed, she practiced deepening her voice.

Armour and weapons were next. The king controlled most of the weaponry, of course. So, she had to ride to the castle and gain access to steal it. The king. What a contemptible weakling. Fancy allowing all the virgins to be sent off to be scoffed by the dragon! Yes, he’d lost many champions who had tried to kill the beast. But what kind of excuse was that?!

Luckily, Jordina could write. This was more than could be said for the idiot sentries at the castle. She rode hard and fast up to them, then waved her message in their faces.

“I am sent from a great Lord far away with an urgent message for the king!”

As she was unarmed, they let her pass.

Now inside, she intimidated a servant girl into telling her where the armory was and headed there.

As with the stables, there was a young man on duty at the armory. He was far more handsome than Oscar, and older too. But this time, she was disguised as a boy, so it wasn’t so easy to get his pants off.

“The King’s loyal servant, the Lord of the Eighth Dominion, requests the loan of a suit of armor, a goodly sword, and a lance. These will be returned to His Majesty upon fulfilment of his need.”

That was what she had written. She watched the armory lad pretend to read the note, knowing full well he was as illiterate as the stable boy. At last, he spoke.

“I ain’t got nothing for you. Now bugger off.”

“Young man, hast thou a sister?”

“I have two.”

“And friends who are virgins, who you may yet marry?”

“I suppose so.”

“My Lord proposes to slay the dragon with the armour he requests. Grant him this and your sisters and friends will be safe from the monster forever.”

The guy hesitated. Along with everyone else, he wanted to be free of the terror of the dragon. He spoke,

“And what makes you think this Lord can slay the dragon? Dozens have tried and they are all dead. Why is your master any different?”

“My master is an accomplished burglar and a master of disguise. The beast will never know he is there until it is too late.”

“Oh yeah? Master of disguise, is he? He can’t be that good, or he’d have come himself, stead of sending his servant boy.”

“He did not send his servant boy.”


“He did not send his boy.”

“I don’t understand. What are you on about?”

Jordina stepped closer to the confused lad and quickly pulled her brother’s shirt off. Of course, there was no underwear, so she stood topless before the astonished armory boy. He looked at her breasts and her belly, dumbfounded.

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“Perhaps this will persuade you to lend the armor,” Jordina said.

She knelt before him and unbuttoned his trousers. His cock was out quickly, and it was a deal bigger than Oscar’s. Jordina felt him grow erect quickly as she sucked. It really was quite a specimen. Long, thick, and delicious. His penis tasted nicer than any previous one she’d tried.  The armory boy moaned as she polished his lance, which would have been a match for many at the jousting. At least until, with a final tug, he shot his load into her mouth.

Jordina swallowed hard and stood. She was going to beat him up if he didn’t give her what she wanted, but this transpired to be unnecessary.

“Come with me,” he said. He led her to a storeroom and as they walked, Jordina felt his semen settle into her belly. In the storeroom were the most magnificent suits of armor and every weapon you could imagine.

Two hours later, Jordina rode out of the castle and made for the dragon’s lair. She was now wearing a suit of armor and carried both a lance and a sword, which she had promised to return.

As she rode, she thought about that armory boy’s cock. He was a good-looking boy. He would make a very suitable husband or at least a good first time. In fact, she rather regretted not having invited him to…she might, she knew, not make it back alive and, now that she thought about it, she didn’t want to die a virgin.

The path to the dragon’s lair was littered with bones, and the clouds gathered dark across the sun so that Jordina was riding through a shadowy valley of death. There were human skeletons, and also those of their horses. There were cow skulls and pig skulls too. Jordina rode through this charnel field, determined not to lose her nerve.  

 Just then, she heard from behind her the sound of hoofbeats. Another rider was coming up behind her. Damn. Perhaps the king had got wind of her forbidden expedition and the rider had been sent to bring her back…

It was a man in a suit of armor and, when he pulled up alongside her, she got a great shock. Lifting the visor, the armory boy looked out at her, smiling.

“Couldn’t let you come alone. And a guy like me needs to grab adventure with both hands when he can.”

Jordina grinned at him.

“Hey, what’s your name?”


“No way?! I’m Jordina!”

“Then, Jordina, let us go forward together and put an end to this dragon for good!”

The two young warriors approached the entrance to the dragon’s cave. The horses faltered and reared and refused to enter that dark place, so they dismounted and tied them up. Then they entered the cave on foot, their armor clanking. Jordina looked over at Jordi. He had beautiful brown eyes. She hoped to get that armor off him later.

They walked about half a kilometer into the cave and then they could see a fiery glow from around the corner. There were growls and rumbles and it was obvious the monster was there. The intrepid pair tried walking quietly, but their metal suits clanked on the ground.

“Dragon! Come and meet your doom!” Jordina yelled.

From around the corner, a great scaly head appeared. The dragon was red. The animal’s skin was thick and leathery and there were bony protrusions across its skull like boils. It was hideous. The animal put one leg forward then another and gradually the whole beast emerged from around the corner.

“We take one side each. Use blows and stabs. Aim for the eyes,” Jordi said. He moved to approach the dragon from the left and Jordina stepped to the right. The dragon snorted and a flare of fire came out of his nostrils. Jordina was struck by a thought, like a thunderbolt. Perhaps that flare used his fire-breathing power up, if only for a second?!


They charged. The dragon growled and made for Jordi. Jordi ran heedlessly at the beast, his lance low. The dragon lunged at him with open jaws, and just then Jordina reached the animal and dealt it a fearsome blow to the head. The dragon roared and with a jerk, grabbed Jordina’s lance in his jaws. He bit and the weapon broke in two. But now he was exposed to her partner, and Jordi drove his lance into the dragon’s side. With a bellow, the dragon thrashed on the floor, and turned back to attack the man…

In a flash, Jordina had scampered round to the animal’s rear, taken her sword, and stabbed it into the dragon’s foot, which was not as scaly and protected as most of the body. The monster howled in pain. The monster was furious now and opened its jaws. Jordi tried tugging his lance free, but it was stuck in the belly of the beast. Jordi backed away. Jordina pulled the sword out from the foot and, impulsively, climbed onto the dragon’s back. She scrambled up, grasping the hard-plated scales as hand holds.

Jordi was cornered. The dragon roared and the lad saw the fire gathering in the wide-open throat. The fire would surely incinerate him. He closed his eyes and said a prayer…

Jordina reached the top of the head, and, with all her might, thrust the sword down onto the dragon’s skull. She was afraid it was so tough that the metal wouldn’t penetrate it. Time seemed to freeze and then, to her joy, the sword went right through the skull and into the brain. The dragon roared and promptly dropped down dead.

“We did it!” she cried joyfully as she climbed off the body.

 “You did it,” said Jordi.

“Team effort. Come on, let’s see what he was keeping around here.”

They walked around the corner and their mouths fell open in amazement. There was a mighty pile of gold coins and bars there. It was at least ten meters high. It was a mountain.

“We’re rich!” cried Jordi.

Jordina said nothing but climbed onto the gold, scarcely believing her eyes.

Jordi took his helmet off and then unhooked his armor at the shoulder. The breastplate came off easily, and thus unburdened he could sit and remove the metal trousers. Jordina watched him. He had only his leather shorts and a cotton waistcoat on.

“Help me undress,” she said.

She let him remove her armor. She still had her brother’s shirt and trousers on beneath.

In a second they were on each other. They kissed urgently, frantically. Jordina felt herself moisten between her legs and felt his cock swell through his trousers. They climbed up to find a ridge in the mountain of coins, which was sloped and not the best angle, but it was comfier than the rock floor of the cave. And how many people can say they lost their virginity on a pile of gold?

It was very natural from then. They undressed quickly and were soon naked. Jordina felt no awkwardness or shyness disrobing with Jordi. She was as confident as she’d ever felt, after what she’d accomplished. She took a long look at his naked body, then caressed him front and back. He was muscular and his ass was tight. She loved the touch of human flesh on the palms of her hands.

She briefly sucked his penis, enjoying his heavy breathing, enjoying turning him on. She felt him tousle her hair, which had inexplicably grown back, but she was glad it had.

At length, she stopped sucking him. He took her in his arms, and he was strong, and she felt safe in his arms. He guided her onto her back and then he eased himself up to her. He spread her legs gently apart and then his penis gradually rubbed at her vagina until he was able to enter her. Jordina felt his cock slide gently inside her and then, as her virginity melted away, she closed her eyes and accepted her reward of bagging the handsome hero for her own.

Jordi moved inside her, and he was skilled at making love. He expertly built her orgasm with slow, firm thrusts until she begged him to go faster, and he did. He drilled his cock, his huge, yes, it deserved that name, cock inside her and now she felt fire stir inside her as if she were the dragon...

Jordina bit her lip, and was suddenly struck by the fear that losing her virginity risked her beatification as Sant Jordina, Dragon Slayer. If the blowjobs hadn't already had her stricken from the list of candidate saints, surely this...

Oh, fuck it. It was worth it to get laid with this hunk!

And as he pounded into her, their weight and the movement shifted the gold they were fucking on and they began to slide down the pile, but the gold mountain now seemed to go on forever, there was gold inside her very body in fact and they slid ever further and faster down the coin slope, grasping at each other’s naked flesh, holding each other as tight as they could…


Jordina woke up. She returned to the real world from her fantastic dream, and instead of being a dashing heroine who had slain a dragon, then been ravished by a handsome hero; she was just a plain, traumatized, hungover virgin Jordina who felt and probably looked like shit. She closed her eyes in the vain hope of returning to the dream, but when it didn’t work, she rolled over and began to cry.

We’ll meet Jordina again in both her sister’s and her father’s tale. Hopefully, things will get better for her then.

Thanks for reading my stories!      

Written by MC1982
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