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Jen's Discovery Chapter Four

"What would you do to become a wolf?"

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Author's Notes

"If you enjoy the series please leave feedback and a comment. Thank you for reading. To my fans: I adore you, thank you."

Emily came back into the house from the rear door. I was shocked to see her naked. She was dirty and had a slight limp. I looked over her body and saw she had a wet trail crawling down her leg.

I searched for the beast, but he did not return with her. Looking up, our eyes met. She had a light in hers. I am sure she saw horror and fear in mine. She had a satisfied smile.

"What happened? Are you ok?" Jen asked. Emily's smile grew broader.

"He has claimed me," Emily said almost smugly.

"He what?" Jen asked, confused.

"Claimed me. As he explained, a wolf can sense possible mates or mate candidates. That's why he took me." Emily explained and went further into detail.

When a wolf wants a mate, he can smell potential partners. Then, when he chooses one, he claims her. Once claimed, she has to survive the change. This is not always successful, but a strong male can smell those more likely to succeed. 

"So he just assaulted you in the woods?" Jen asked angrily.

"No, not exactly. I think if I had demanded he stop, he would have. Despite his kidnapping, I did find him attractive, and a part of me wanted to be taken. There was also the terrified part. Anyway, you should probably go home. You prying into his business is very dangerous." Emily warned.

Jen left in a confused daze. She had found the professor intriguing. She also had to admit she was increasingly finding herself to desire him more and more. This was also confusing because he was old, and it is ok to be infatuated with an older man, but for an older man to take a younger woman was just gross. At least Jen had always thought so, so what had changed?

Thought bounced around in Jen's head all the way home. She contemplated calling the cops. She contemplated confronting him or outing him publicly. She had a lot of thoughts and ideas. Chief among her thoughts and plans, though, was her own body's reaction to Emily's return.

When she saw his seed dripping down Emily's leg, she was outraged. Then came jealousy.  Now she had wolf fever again. A fever her boyfriend had failed to cure last time.

Jen wanted, no, she needed, a real man. She thought of some of the men her mother had brought home and the looks a few had given her. She threw that idea out. For one reason, she had no idea how to contact them. For another, that was just wrong, wasn't it? Then she thought of one of the guys in the neighborhood.

Mr. Ferling, she thought his name was. He was older—not too much older, but a man. She had been creeped out by him. During a neighborhood barbecue, he seemed to have been watching her. Back then, the idea of an older man's attention was a complete turn-off.

Now she found herself passing by her house and heading towards his. A thousand things went through her mind, including what she would say. By the time she got to his door, she had a plan. She knocked. Then she knocked again.

'Hello?" came his voice from a small electronic device next to the door. All Jen's plans flooded out of her head. She stumbled on her words.

"Hi. Ummmm, hello. I, um," she fumbled with her hands, dug deep, and found courage. "Can I come in?"

"Hold on," Jen heard the bolt lock opening by its little motor. "Doors open. I am in the living room. Sorry, but it's a big game tonight."

Jen opened the door and walked in. His house was dark and intimidating.  She followed the sound of the television into the living room. Mr. Ferling sat in a huge lazy boy, his eyes glued to a football game on the television.

"What's going on, Miss," he started, and then seemed like he was trying to remember her name. "It's Jen, right?" His glance was brief, and Jen felt insulted. Seriously? Perv could not take his eyes off her that one day, and now she might as well not exist. Like, 'Hello, fucker, hot chick standing in your living room.... and she wants to be fucked!'

"Well," Jen started and then decided action spoke louder than words. She pulled her top off over her head. Then, she unsnapped her bra and pulled her pants off. There she was, just in her panties. Mr. Ferling just stared at her, shocked.

Jen crossed the room and up onto the chair, into his lap. Her gracious amount of breasts were right in his face. She could feel he had instantly gotten aroused.

"What the fuck," he stumbled. Jen growled and slammed her mouth onto his and kissed him with wanton passion. He tasted of beer and I almost gagged. When they broke, he was panting. She had been grinding on his cock.

"Well, are you gonna fuck me or what?" A whistle on the TV blew.

"Technical foul, offense number 99. First down," a ref announced. Mr. Ferling snapped out of his daze. He leaned in and sucked a nipple into his mouth. His rough hands gripped her ass and she felt his cock press into her.

Jen moaned and ground against him. She rocked back and forth. Mr. Ferling was rough and used his teeth to bite at her soft body. Jen fumbled with his pants.

"Yea, I knew you were a slut! Suck my cock," he growled and pushed at her to get on her knees. Ken slapped him across the face and matched his growl.

"Fuck you, asshole. I'm not sucking your cock. I want it in me, now!" She slid off his lap, and her panties were on the floor. Mr. Ferling jumped out of his seat and was naked quicker than he had ever disrobed before.

He bent her over and pushed her into his Lazy Boy chair. Jen felt his head hit her tight pussy and he thrust. His hands had her hips in a vice-like grip. He slid in her fast. He had no hesitation. One of his wildest fantasies was coming true.

"Fuck, you're so goddamn tight," he groaned and slammed into me again and again. Jen ignored his words and screamed in pleasure. She gripped the leather and let him take her. In her mind, she envisioned a wolf-hybrid monster slamming into her. Her fantasy made her pussy wetter and she clenched around his cock.

Mr. Ferling fucked her hard and fast. He was bigger than she had taken before. His girth stretched her. This is what a man felt like. She moaned and begged for more. She wanted it harder and faster. She was cumming and she rode the orgasm, wave after wave.

All too soon, she felt him swelling, and then he jerked and grunted. Her pussy flooded with his hot seed. Mr. Ferling started to slow. No! She wasn't finished!

"Don't you fucking stop," Jen demanded.

"I just came," Mr. Ferling stated as if she did not already know.

"Is that all you have?" Jen challenged him. He grunted and grabbed her hair.

"You want more, don't you? Eager slut," he accused and began fucking her again. Her orgasm had resided. Now it was building again. Jen could feel she was sore from his hard fucking. She loved it and welcomed more pain. More pain mixed with pleasure. Her hips bucked against him, encouraging him not to stop.

Mr. Ferling was growling and grunting. Jen imagined his growls were that of the professor. She moaned and begged for more. She needed it harder and faster. In response to her demands, he slapped her ass.

A burning handprint stung, and she cried out. He didn't stop. The abuse turned him on and reinvigorated him. He hit her over and over and fucked her harder. She felt her pussy overflow and cum dripped out of her. She had not even realized he had come again.

He pulled out of her and pulled her away from his chair. Then he collapsed, breathing hard. He just stared at the panting teen he had just fucked. Jen said nothing. She dressed and walked away. He was saying something, but she did not care.

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Then, the next day, Jen sat in her seat, trying not to move. Shifting caused her bruises to hurt. She waited for class to start. She was hyper-focused on the professor. He was adamantly ignoring her.

Jen stared and thought about him claiming her. She wondered where Emily was now. Jen could feel hot jealousy building in her. That and anger at being ignored.

Jen jumped when the bell rang and then winced. Mr. Ferling's slaps had been hot and extremely satisfying at the moment. Now she was regretting them. She was also regretting fucking him. She had seen him this morning before going to school. He had smiled and winked at her.

He did not matter. He was a means to an end. She had not been satisfied afterward. The sex was not bad. It was better than she had had before. She had orgasmed a lot, and the wolf fever abated. Yet her desire for the real thing ate at her. Wait, was she in heat?

Jen fought with the idea. Could a wolf-mate prospect go into heat? A hand tapped her shoulder. Jen's head jerked up.

"He asked you a question," a girl whispered urgently. Jen looked at the professor blankly.

"I asked you what your thoughts on the topic were," the professor repeated. She had not been paying attention. She quickly looked at the board and tried to grasp what the topic was. She was completely lost.

"I don't know," she confessed and felt heat in her face. He shook his head.

"You seem distracted today. Please stay after class," he replied.

"Yes, Sir," she said in a melancholy voice. Was that not what she wanted to talk to him? Why was she upset? She knew why. She had been called out and embarrassed. There was a small chorus of 'us' and 'us'.

"Ok, someone else," the professor opened the question to the class. Of course, all the girls' hands went up. Someone behind her answered smugly.

"Exactly. Ok, class, the bell is about to ring. Homework tonight is a one-page summary of today's topic and why it affected the future," the professor instructed. Everyone shuffled out and I remained in my seat. Professor Lockett moved to his desk and sat. He took his time, before motioning me to approach with two fingers.

“Well,” I asked, annoyed. I had a hip cocked and my arms crossed under my breast. He did not look up. I waited for him to speak, growing impatient. I was also pissed off that just standing here waiting on him was turning me on. His dominance and control in light of everything had my mind racing and desire assailing my body. “You wanted to speak to me.”

“Why do you keep coming to my home, Miss Padalecki? Let’s not pretend I do not know what you know. So why? Are you going to cause me problems?” he asked and when he looked up, I felt a shiver going through me. This man, this monster could kill me in a heartbeat. I would probably just be another missing teen, like Emily.

“I know what you are,” I growled. 

“Obviously. So, what is your end game here?” He asked. His gaze was giving me goosebumps. That and making my pussy throb. I tried to think of Mr. Ferling, but the diversion did not work. 

“Everything was fine until you came here. What did you do to me?” I asked, staring right back at him.

“Was everything fine?” his questioning look attacked my self-assurance. ‘NO!’ I thought. I lied.

“Perfect,” I shifted to the other hip. My body was sore. I hurt, but I would let him take me right now. Bend me over the desk and claim me. It was not just the power of becoming a wolf. I wanted him. I wanted to be his. 

“You lie well, Miss Padalecki. However, I can smell the truth,” he informed me.

“What else do you smell?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Was I mate material?

“Your neighbor, his cum still leaking out of you. Fear, I smell fear. I smell the desire. Your willingness to be taken. Right here right now, if I willed it, you would welcome it.” he asserted. I hated that he could smell all that. I also felt gross. He could smell Mr. Ferling’s cum, I had showered and scrubbed my body last night. 

“You are vile,” I accused. “Is that all?”

“Is what all? Is that all I smell, no,” he said and leaned back.

“Bite me!” I said, throwing my arms down. His smile pissed me off and I took a step towards him.

“Biting is one way to gain the wolf,” he replied. “The harder, more violent way. If you survived, you would be nothing more than a lesser wolf.”

“What? I meant fuck off,” I cried. “What is the other way? To be claimed and fucked?”

“Well, to be claimed, and yes, it requires sex. More importantly, it requires becoming with child of the wolf,” he answered. 

“Eww. Emily is going to have your child?” I stammered.

“No. Well, not when claimed the first time,” he informed me. “She will become pregnant, but the body will reject the child in the first term. The body sees it as a foreign entity and fights it. However, during that period the DNA of the child will be absorbed. Then will replicate. If she survives the first change, then she will be what is considered a second-generation natural wolf. The child would be first generation.” He spoke as if he were teaching a class. 

“I meant, is that all you wanted with me? Unspoken threats and to see what I intend to do about you,” I sneered. “What else do you smell though, about me, I mean?”

“Are you mate capable? When I first met you, no. You did not smell of the possibility of success. Now, your scent is changing. I do not know,” he spoke quietly and I felt something inside me sink. Was it my hope being crushed? 

“What do you mean it is changing?” I asked hopeful. Was I really hoping to be taken? Yea, I think despite everything. It was more than just lust. Lust of power and strength. More than lust for him. All of that was there, but it was a deeper desire. A desire to change.

“I mean that before you smelled of just a typical spoiled brat. A basic normal girl. Now, you have the smell of change. You are changing, growing stronger in your spirit and essence,” He answered. I felt hope blossom. I stepped closer. I leaned over his desk and looked at him with his beautiful wolf-like eyes.

“Do it. Claim me,” I ordered. 

“No,” he said simply and I broke from his gaze. “I would recommend stepping back.” 

I stepped away from the desk. I could not help the anger blooming in my chest. What did he mean, no? I could tell everyone his secret. I could call the cops. I wouldn’t but I could. My arms crossed back under my chest. I was pouting and I knew and hated it.

“Why not? Am I too young for you? Emily is not much older than I,” I said, wanting to know why I was not worthy in his eyes.

“For several reasons. One, because you have another’s seed still within you. Two, you are not ready. And,” he stated matter-of-factly, “I do not want to.”

“Why don’t you?” I state more offended that I am unwanted than questioning. “Am I not attractive enough or smart enough? I am strong enough!” 

“It is neither your looks nor intelligence. Becoming a wolf would only increase both. You would be a devastatingly beautiful wolf. The pride of any pack,” he said and I knew he was telling the truth. It was not vanity, I knew because I could see it in his eyes.

“Oh,” I said and fought the desire to throw a tantrum or curse him.

“You do not deserve to become a wolf,” he said and stood up. His words cut me to my soul.

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