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Ever After: Chapter 3

"Desperation breed foolish actions, sometimes results"

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“Amazing,” I muttered to myself. Stretching out to the horizon like a giant black Cobra, the stream of refugees was a marvel to see in the early morning light. Every single one wore black, unsurprising since they were all either Drow slaves or the Dark elves themselves. A soft cry stole my attention away from the sight.

Demanding attention as ever was Aires, my white and black pet. Her feline cries became insistent and she pushed against my pale hand. I cooed softly and stroked her to quiet my cat. A voice stilled my hand once more as a voice shouted, “Nikav! What are you doing on my wall?”

“Sergeant Ashwood! Good morning!” I put on my biggest smile and turned to wave at the familiar half elf. Though shorter by a head than myself, his swagger showed no fear and his grip on the spear he carried was more like a walking stick. His full plate armor carried the crest of the Holy lands of Lesara. Though the right side of his face bore deep scars, his eyes shone with an honest clarity.

Though, at the moment much of it was clouded by annoyance. Poking me in the breast he reminded, “I asked you a question, Nikav!”

Lowering my head and shoulders I responded sheepishly, “Well, it was such a nice morning, I decided to go for a walk….”

“Just because you can get up here doesn’t mean you should! Do this again and I’ll cut down that damn tree myself!” the Sergeant jerked his finger towards the tree that grew in the shade of the wall. It’d managed to reach as high as the wall itself.

I pleaded, “No, please don’t! The Western blackbrow monkeys love it! I won’t do it again!”

“Final warning, then. Besides, it’ll be especially dangerous with all them out there. Damn devils will be looking to drag off everything they can.” The Sergeant jerked his head towards the refugees. Shaking his head slowly, he added, “Still can’t believe they let Nightstone fall. The Imperial forces are slipping. And with this, the slums are gonna be full to bursting.”

“Isn’t it the Holy Church’s duty to provide for those who suffer misfortunes and preserve what is natural?” I teased, turning towards the refugees. You could identify the Nobles by their black iron carriages, usually lead by their Northern Saurian mounts. More than a few Saurian drawn carts would follow one while the regular citizens walked.

“Can’t help those who ain’t askin’ for it. And Drow got nothing but pride even naked.”

The butt end of his spear poked me in the ribs. Drooping my shoulder, I spun around. Leaping easily off the wall, I landed among the high branches of the sturdy Oak. Sliding down carefully, I watched my cat follow me down, taking measured leaps. No monkeys bothered us despite passing through their territory.

Landing with a heavy thud, I was greeted by a new, stern face. Elza, was a rather brusque individual who always spoke their mind. Of course, their short height meant much was spoken into my belly. They were responsible for many of the smaller lizards here in the preserve.  I couldn’t figure out if they were male or female. I bit my lip anticipating a second round of scolding. Instead, Elza said bluntly, “Follow me. The owner wants to talk to everyone.”

We passed out of the Monkey exhibit and out to the main path that ran between every animal’s domain. It was early so most would normally be preoccupied feeding, cleaning and prepping for visitors. Aires kept pace with us for a while before leaping up to rest on my shoulder. I gently stroked her to purr as we arrived.

Being the last ones to arrive earned me a scowl from the owner. He was an older Drow and a former priest of the Church. When he retired, he’d bought land in Twilight and turned it into a nature preserve. Running a hand through his white hair, the owner explained, “We just got a visit from the Legate. Due to the recent influx of people from the fall of Aberidge, Quantin and now Nightstone, space has become an issue in Twilight.”

“But, we’re in the Church’s part of Twilight!” Someone objected.

The owner shook his head slowly, “This is still an Imperial city, officially. So, we’ve been given two options. Either provide funds to help with the creation of new wall or reduce the size of the preserve, which would mean giving up roughly a third of the preserve, permanently with more given up if we need to shelter more.”

My heart sank. We’d just recently brought in several breeds of horses and other creatures that had been chased out of the south. The Devils down in the deserts had started to expand, chasing people out of their lands in recent months. I stammered, “H-how much are they asking for?”

“Roughly 800 platinum.”

“C-can’t we get the church to help?”

“That’s enough sniveling!” Roared the owner, causing the two dozen of us keepers to watch him wide eyed. He never raised his voice and was the epitome of calm. His anger tore at all of us deeper than a dagger. The owner sighed, “So, I need you all to decide what  space you can give up and see who you can afford to let go or transfer. It’ll be a long road to the Nightshade Zoo down south. That is all, dismissed!”

Elza placed a hand on my shoulder, a feat quite impressive normally, but I realized my legs had buckled under me. I looked up at them asking, “What am I going to do? It’s too dangerous out there for any of the animals. That’s why they’re here.”

“You don’t happen to be a long lost princess of some forgotten Kingdom, do you?”


“Then suck it up, this is what us commoners have to deal with,” Elza stomped away then. The rest of the keepers all left. Resting my face in my hands, I let myself sob for a while. I wasn’t thinking of doing so but I ended up back in my part of the preserve. Cherry, my Elven Silvermane nudged me out of  my sadness. I pet him softly.

I let them all out to graze. Watching them run about made my heart flutter and sink all at once. The bell rung to announce the arrival of visitors. And so our day began, providing information and instruction about our animals. All people of various ages passed through.

As the evening sun started to paint the sky orange, I finished up getting everyone into the stable and fed. Looking over the face of each of my animals, I bit my lip. Turning on my heel, I went over to the squat building where the Lizards are kept. Elza had both hands in a wooden container filled with soil. They looked up at me, “Can I help you?”

“So, how does a commoner like us get that kind of money?”

“We don’t. We deal with what is.”

“Go jump off the wall. You know something. That’s why you said something to me earlier.”

“You know what, either way you’ll be out of my hair so fine. Go down to the Slums and find the Inn of Ill Omens. If you’re really determined, you’ll make some money.”


“Doing work decent folks don’t do.”

“Why tell me?”

“Cause you’re desperate and ain’t no one gonna miss you. You’re one of them Orphans from the Church, aren’t you? You end up dying I don’t got to lose one little lizard and we’ll just send all your horses down to Nightshade to be used by Gladiators down there.”

I grit my teeth. It was stupid. I knew it was. But 800 platinum doesn’t just fall out of the trees. Elza wasn’t wrong, either. If I wasn’t there, my horses would likely be the first to get shipped out. Clenching my teeth I walked out. Elza shouted after me, “Just follow the bloody flowers.”

I found myself in the slums before I knew it. People were slumped in every alley and the roads were packed. Soldiers from both the Church and Imperial Legion were on almost every corner. Tensions only rose as the night enveloped the city fully.

Bloody flowers marked with arrows were present  on almost every other building. It didn’t take long to reach the three story, brick building that sat at the end of a cul-de-sac. The stairs up to the entrance had many a person engaged in one lewd act or another.

One Drow woman serviced two half elven men on one side as another, blonde woman had her partner’s hand teasing her. Her hips and bust jiggling as she swayed side to side. Elza had sent me to a whorehouse?

Ignoring the others, I walked inside. A front desk was flanked by curtains on either side. Three women stood behind the desk, each wrapped in white robes. A black haired woman clicked her tongue and waved a hand at me, “Listen sweetheart, don’t waste either of our time. I don’t care what your master ordered you to do. We’re not a whorehouse and we don’t take slave labor.”

“What?” I was taken aback by her frankness.

“I said, show me that sweet ass as it goes back out that door. We don’t use slaves. Period.”

Gritting my teeth, I took a breath, “I’m not a slave. My name is Nikav. I work in the Preserve over in the Church section. I was told I could earn money here.”

“Is that so? Who sent you?”


I watched a slow smile creep over the woman’s face. She let out a laugh and shook her head, “I’m surprised that one remembers this place. Elza was raised in this very building, you see. You must be truly desperate if they sent you here.”

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“What is this place?”

“A true temple to the Goddess Lesara.”

“What? But the Church…”

“Is a front and public face that is all about charity and public order. That is the false face. Lesara was a Goddess of four paths. This temple is dedicated to the path of sexuality. We turn the faithful into blessed concubines here. This is where the money for all the pretty pieces comes from. Still want to learn?”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to get the money I need.”

With a shrug the woman walked out from the desk. She motioned for me to follow her. I nodded and she lead me behind the curtains. Behind was a room set aside for worship. I saw people of various races and gender knelt in prayer before a marble statue. The woman explained, “We don’t require anyone to pray but if you pass the interview you will be allowed to come to pray whenever you desire.”


“Yes, you will serve a trial seeker. Do whatever they ask of you that you’re capable of. If they leave satisfied with your performance, you will be cleared as an initiate and able to take on seekers.”

“And earn how much?”

“That depends on your seeker and you. Lesara is a goddess of Free will. Use yours after tonight. By the way, my name is Relin, I’m head Priestess of this temple.”

We arrived turned to a side room with a single chair in the middle. I took a seat and the door closed. It was then I noticed a familiar purring from my lap. Aires had followed me? I stroked the feline and felt my nerves calm.  Then, the door opened and Relin smiled, “You’ve got your first Seeker. However, they request you bathe properly first. Follow me.”

Relin lead me to a room with a basin of water and some rags. I discarded my work clothes and cleaned my body. She returned with a robe. I was then guided upstairs past the praying disciples. The second floor was divided into private, unmarked rooms. Relin guided me to one indistinct one and motioned for me to step inside.

Inside, seated on a couch were two figures. The shorter was a man with cropped, brown hair. His round face bore more than a few scars. Beside him was a woman. It took me a moment to register her because I froze up. One could see plethora of half elves, remnants of a failed invasion long ago. Dark elves were as plentiful as winter snowflakes. Yet, this woman was neither.

She was a full blooded elf. Though her limbs were slender, they didn’t lack for muscle. She was as tall as myself, if not slightly taller. She moved more gracefully than anything I’d seen across the room to me. Delicate fingers tipped my head back as her green eyes looked into my own. Her voice was soft yet clear, “Oh my. We have quite the little initiate to play with tonight.”

“M-my name is Nikav,” I began to introduce myself but the woman silenced me with a single finger to the lips. She turned back to face the man with a grin.

“Looks definitely aren’t bad,” The man nodded, reaching down to adjust his pants. The Elven woman turned back and kissed me. My eyes went wide at first, the feeling of her tongue filling my mouth made my eyes water.  I barely felt her fingers as she guided the robe off my shoulders. Her hands moved deftly and guided them into positions as I felt something wrap around my wrists.

With a bemused smirk the woman stepped back. The sensation around my arms was joined by my legs. My eyes widened as I turned to look at my arms. Something green had snaked around my limb, holding it in place. Tug as I might on my arms, they were pulled out to my sides. My legs were bound to the floor. Whatever was binding me only grew stronger as I resisted.

“I am Ferah Windleaf, officially, I shall be your Seeker tonight. However, I brought along someone special, originally just for me. But I think I’ll be sharing you tonight,” Ferah explained as her fingers moved to my arms. She moved behind me, her hands never leaving my naked flesh as she cooed in my ears, “Such a strong body. These arms that are so powerful, now utterly helpless in the grasp of my ivy.”

Her breath grazed my ear as I felt her hands slide down my shoulders to my breasts, “So ample and firm. Even a halfling might grow jealous of such bounty.” Her fingers slid to my nipples, now hard. Pinching both, she then pulled them roughly, causing me to yelp then whimper. I noticed the Ivy now stretched to my breasts. Curling around my nipples. Then, it coiled, squeezing my chest painfully.

Testing the plant, I tried once more to pull away. But it only rewarded me with a tighter grip. My mouth hung open as I panted. Ferah’s hand found my tongue and stroked her, some sweet flavor clinging to her digits. Her fingers lingered for a moment more before she stepped away, leaving only the ivy binding me. The vines on my legs slowly crept up to my thighs, cutting off some circulation so I couldn’t flex properly. I truly was helpless.

A cry of pain escaped me. The room reverberated with the crack of something against my flesh. After another blow, I whined and heard Ferah tell me softly, “Oh, you DO make such good sounds. Now, keep that up.” My back was struck by something  hard again and again. My flesh rippling from the force. The tension in my head making my mind grow more fuzzy.

Then, the blows landed on my ass. I cried out, all the tension flooding out of me. Whatever resistance I could offer now gone. Rather than binding me, the ivy now held me up. My legs shivering and wet. I felt Ferah’s hand on my chin from behind. She lifted my gaze to  look at the couch.

There, the man sat openly stroking a cock that almost reached his chest. Thick and engorged, the head was wide and aimed at me. Ferah whispered, “Now, see what you did. You got him all riled up. You’ll have to clean up your mess. Understand?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Good girl,” She whispered. Ferah then hooked a finger towards the man saying, “She’s all ready for you, Maura.”

Climbing to his feet, I couldn’t help but watch entranced as the huge cock swayed with each step. Dread mounted in  me as he took his position in front of me. The pressure on my core was incredible. I was screaming before I fully understood what was inside me.

Maura was ruthless, driving in single hard thrusts but only slowly withdrawing. Never more than half out of me, each drive struck my womb or nearly did. Relentlessly, he picked up speed. My mind blanked and the world went dark for a moment. Then, I was back, the endless pounding of my cunt spreading an inferno into every vein.

Then, I felt Ferah’s hands on my ass. Her fingers slid into my asshole. I cried out more and felt her probe inside, touching Maura’s cock as it broke me further open. Bliss took over and I realized that I was pleading through teary eyes, “Please, don’t stop. More, please! More!”

This only egged on both parties to abuse me rougher. My body bouncing from their intrusions. Bliss overcame me again and again. Then, I felt an incredible heat soak me from inside.  I cried out as I felt so full from the heated cum inside. My stomach swelled from the intense flood inside me.

With a snap of her fingers, the ivy released me. Dropping me into Maura’s strong hands. He spun around and easily laid me onto the couch. Then, pulled his cock out. I felt the cum cover my thighs and pour out of me. Ferah stroked his messy manhood, coaxing a final spray to thoroughly cover me completely. I passed out.

When I awoke again, I was in the bathing room with Rilen washing me. Aires watched from across the room. She spoke softly, “Alright, you’ve passed your interview. They said you were quite the eager one too. Now, as part of your dedication, you’ll spend time with your Seeker, speaking on how you can help each other.”

Rilen got up and left the room, but was quickly replaced with Ferah. She sat across from me and I blushed, pulling a fresh robe over my body.  She smiled and sat on the bench across from me. Aires decided to move onto my bench. Ferah’s face lacked any of the earlier expressions as she explained, “Rilen told me you were after money. Are you just trying to keep yourself off the street?”

“No, I need money to save the preserve!”

“Oh, right. I remember hearing that the Church couldn’t keep the Legate out after this newest influx of refugees. So, you’re trying to keep the reserve from having to lose space?”

“Please, I’ll do anything, I’ll be your plaything for the rest of my life if I have to. Please, I just need money to help.”

“How much?”

“They said 800 platinum.”

“They lied. It’d take much, much more than that to keep the Preserve safe. They’d basically have to add a whole new section of the walls to keep it open.”

“S-so, it’s hopeless? I sold myself for,” Ferah stopped me there with a finger to my lips.

“Now, that is only if we were talking money. Money is nice but it doesn’t replace hard work. And sometimes, the right person at the right time and in the right place can be invaluable. Maura and I run the Honoria family here in the Slums. Have you ever heard of us?”


“We’re basically one of the ones who keep order down here. If you’re willing to continue to offer yourself here, and do some other tasks, I think we can help you out.”

“Please, I’ll do anything.”

“Do you have any large cages you use to move the bigger animals in the Preserve?”


Ferah’s fingers slid under my chin. Her expressionless face adopted a soft, cruel grin. The same one Elza had when she sent me here. The same one Relin had when I offered myself. I shivered at it as Ferah said, “Then I think we can do business together.”

Written by Ephemeral_One
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