First point to know, I am gender fluid. Meaning I can be a woman or man as I feel up to being and will switch at a partner's request. In addition, I am also known as a 'Switch' and can be dominant or submissive depending on my moods. So, please let me know and ask.
For me, sex is more than just an act for pleasure. It is something I do and seek to do well. As a writer I view as a form of relaxation. And I'm not an easy sort to please. But I seek pleasure in writing all the same. So, while not frequent, I do submit stories and always enjoy feedback on them so don't hesitate to reach out and let me know what you think.
Interests When it comes to media, I love videogames and anime. However, those are usually just the most common outlets to find my particular taste in experiences. And experiences are what I value most. Something engaging, that makes my heart race is what I savor most.
Favorite Books Too many
Favorite Authors Too many
Favorite Movies Serenity, Pan's Labyrinth
Favorite TV Shows Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Azumanga Daioh, (The anime list goes on too long)
Favorite Music Wide varieties and many types depending on my mood.