Astria rolled the major on top of her and said, "You think you can fuck me, devil dog?" She gasped when the major impaled her, and she said, "Oh, fuck, that answers that question."
Just at that moment, Anita opened the door and saw the major with Astria's legs over his shoulders. Anita squealed, "Sorry, Miss, I didn't mean to..."
Astria cut her off and asked, "Want to join us?" Anita smiled and stepped into the room. As the door closed, Anita's blouse fluttered to the floor.
Jennings whistled, saying, "Well, fuck." He was liking what he saw coming at him.
Anita's light brown skin seemed to make her breasts stand out. Her large nipples just enhanced her perky breasts. When she undid her skirt and let it drop to the floor, he got to see her high hips holding up the skimpiest thong he ever saw.
Anita smiled as she straddled Astria and stood within inches of Jennings. Using her finger, she circled Jennings' face and lifted his chin up. She said, "You like what you see, Senor?"
She bent over and kissed Jennings passionately. Astria laughed and said, "I like what I see."
Anita slowly lowered herself onto Astria's face. She moaned into Jennings' mouth as she felt her thong torn apart and tossed away. She felt Astria's arms wrap around her waist, and she was pulled down to Astria's face.
Anita moaned as Astria's tongue slid along her wet pussy lips. She gasped, "Oh, fuck, never, oh, shit, don't stop."
Jennings whispered in her ear, "Is she your first female?"
Anita just nodded and moaned as Astria sucked on her clit.
"Oh, yes, oh, so fucking good."
She grabbed Jennings' head and pulled his face to her breasts. Jennings didn't need to be asked what she wanted. As Jennings sucked her nipple into his mouth, Anita squealed, "Oh, fuck, so good." Anita started grinding her crotch on Astria's mouth.
Astria kept up her assault on Anita's swollen clit as she felt Anita collapse down on her. Anita started licking Astria's cock-stuffed pussy like she was a pro.
Jennings moans, "Oh damn, I can feel her tongue. Damn, fuck, I am going to cum."
Anita pushed him out of Astria's pussy and sucked his cock into her mouth just as Jennings started emptying his nuts, then Astria slipped her tongue into Anita's soaked pussy. Anita started to shake with pleasure as she moaned on Jennings cock in her mouth.
Jennings sat back and watched the two ladies continue to please each other. He could see Anita shaking as she got close to cumming. It was hard to tell with Astria. The sudden release of Astria's pheromones and her muffled scream of ecstasy into Anita's pussy gave him his answer. Anita reared her head and screamed, "Oh fuck, yeah," as her orgasm hit her.
Anita rolled off of Astria and mumbled, "Oh, fuck, that was awesome."
Jennings was doing his best to ignore Astria's pheromones. He was losing that battle. He grunted and said, "Oh, fuck." He grunted again as he shot his seed almost to the ceiling.
After a second, Astria, Anita, and Jennings just started laughing. Soon they drifted off to sleep.
Jennings woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee. He sat up, and Anita handed him a cup. She smiled and said, "Miss Astria would like you to come to the conference room when you are ready. Clean towels and clothes are on the bed." She leaned in, kissed Jennings, and said, 'Last night was fun." Anita stood up and walked out of the room.
After a quick shower, Jennings entered the conference room. With a quick look around, he saw all his men were waiting on him. He saw they were ready to stand, so he quickly said, "Stay seated."
Anita placed a tray of eggs and sausage in front of him. As she left the room, Astria thought, "Activate SCIF." The doors to the secure compartmented information facility started locking, the windows became opaque, and the red lights were all illuminated.
A disembodied voice said, "SCIF secured."
Astria spoke, "We have a traitor amongst us. Not in this room, but someone in Vancouver. That traitor almost got us and everyone in the village killed. He has to be captured."
One of the men spoke up, "How? He's in one of the most secure places in the world."
Astria looked at Jeenings and asked, "Is your hovercraft standard issue?"
Jennings chuckled and replied, "No, but the EMP damaged it badly."
Ashley chirped, "Repairs are underway."
Astria said, "Let my people worry about the repairs. Is it capable of high-altitude flying?"
Jennings knew what she was about to ask, so he said, "We are all High-Altitude, Low-Opening trained. Our hovercraft is a certified HALO platform and can reach ten thousand meters. My operators have been trained to open chutes below six hundred meters. I assume your AI has you up to speed on HALO jumps."
Ashley spoke into Jennings' headset, "You assume correctly, Major."
Jennings was a bit surprised and said, "So your AI is talking to me now?"
Ashley spoke, "You wanted trust, Major. I am showing you trust."
Jennings chuckled again and said, "Fair enough." Looking at Astria, Jennings said, "So your plan is for us to HALO into Vancouver Command and snag the traitor."
Astria grinned and said, "No, my plan is for me to HALO in. You don't have too. You and your team are going to return to Vancouver and waltz right in. The truth is, we don't know how many are in on this. So far, my AI has identified at least ten."
Jennings spit out his coffee and said, "Fuck, ten?"
Ashley spoke, "Ten so far, including Commodore Cooper and his aide."
Jennings sat there in shock but finally managed to say, "How did you fucking determine it was Commodore Cooper?"
Astria thought, "Ashley, display the video."
The middle display in the room flashed to a recorded surveillance video. The video showed two men with their hands on a scanner, their faces being scanned, and they were turning keys on a panel."
Jennings didn't need to be told he was watching Commodore Cooper and his aide go through the launch sequence of a nuclear drone. Jennings sat back in his chair and sighed. He asked, "How do we know they weren't under duress?"
Ashley spoke in his headset, "The keys would not turn if they were. The palm scanner scans the vitals of the person for signs of duress. If any abnormal signs are detected, the keys are locked from turning."
Jennings snapped back, "Wouldn't just thinking of turning those keys be stressful?"
Ashley replied, "Yes, and that is accounted for."
Astria spoke, "And why we need the Commodore and his aide alive."
Jennings, second in command, spoke, "What happens if they decide to take the hovercraft out?"
Astria laughed, saying, "Well, Lieutenant, we all HALO in."
The Lieutenant spoke again, but to Jennings, "Sir, I know the Commander is not like the other Cyborgs, but can we really trust her? What if her AI is or has been hacked? The Commodore's aide and I grew up together. I can't believe he'd betray his command. The video could be compromised."
Jennings nodded and said, "Nothing against you, Astria, but the Lieutenant is right. How do we know you or that video aren't compromised?"
Astria sighed and calmly spoke, "Major, Lieutenant, the best I can do is assure you that my AI is not compromised. We are in a huge faraday cage. My AI is encased in faraday cloth, and this SCIF is air-gapped. If my AI was compromised, don't you think that hack would be severed by now?"
The lieutenant nodded, and Jennings said, "Good point. Ok, we'll accept that you haven't been hacked, but what about the video? I have known and served with Cooper my entire career. This doesn't seem right."
Astria nodded in agreement and spoke, "My AI has done her best to determine if the video is legit. Deep fakes have been outlawed worldwide since 2030, when a group of hackers made a foolproof deep fake of the US president fucking the British prime minister. I know that doesn't mean they aren't going to be used. All the more reason they need to be taken alive." Astria got real serious and said, "Think about this. Who else can turn those keys?"

Jennings scratched his chin and said, "I can; my lieutenant can. There are six other pairs that I am aware of."
Astria chuckled and said, "Good thing we know where you and the lieutenant were when that drone attacked. I like to think I am not in the habit of letting a traitor fuck me."
That remark made everyone snicker, but Jennings barked, "Enough!" Everyone snapped to attention in their seats. He snarled at Astria and said, "I like to think I didn't fuck a compromise robot."
Astria did a quick laugh and said, "Touché, Major. Back to the plan. I will jump out before we reach the post perimeter so the cyborg and drone detectors won't trigger. You will all land inside. Lieutenant, pick two people. You will detain Lieutenant Bricker. Major, same for you and Commodore Cooper. The rest of you will guard the hovercraft. You're going to need it to get the Commodore and the Lieutenant out. Use whatever means necessary to bring them out alive. We leave at zero five thirty. Dismissed."
As the group got up, the windows cleared, the doors unlocked, and the disembodied voice said, "SCIF deactivated."
Becky and Anita were waiting outside as everyone left. Becky spoke first: "Miss, we need to talk to you."
Anita said, "Major Jennings, you might want to hear what she heard too."
Astria said, "In the conference room." As Astria entered the room, she asked, "Do we need this room secured again?"
Becky said, "No, ma'am. My father knows Commodore Cooper. The commodore reached out to him. I overheard him thank my father for shooting down the drone. The commodore did not sound well."
Jennings just sighed and said, "My old friend is in trouble, but how did he know who shot down the drone?"
Astria spoke, "Becky, I know this will be hard, but get your father into the lab. You and your mother too."
Becky frowned and said, "I understand, Miss."
Astria thought, "Initiate high altitude, close proximity, and micro-scans. Find the son of a bitch. Link me to Jennings headset."
Ashley chirped, "Scans are initiated. Link is established."
Astria thought, "Don't say a word. Only you can hear me. We are being watched." Astria saw Jennings nod. She continued, "Not inside the house. This house has active scanners, and we would have been alerted. Unless my father is behind all of this." Again, Jennings nodded. Astria continued, "They're going to be waiting for us in Vancouver. We know that, and they don't." Jennings chuckled and nodded.
Astria spoke out loud, "See you at, oh, five thirty." She thought, "We will all HALO in."
Ashley spoke, "A spy drone was found and neutralized. Hovercraft is fixed and prepped."
Astria walked into the lab. Becky was standing next to her mother. Her mother and father were lying on separate tables. She spoke to the lab tech, "Well?"
The tech responded, "No abnormalities found, Miss Astria."
Astria responded, "Good to hear. Becky, please remain working in the lab. Mr. Granger, get off the table. I will need you to man the big gun if the need arises. Is Mrs. Granger well enough?"
Becky spoke up, "Almost Miss Astria. Her wounds have taken more time to heal than expected."
Astria nodded and said, "Keep her here in the lab. Doctor, do what you need to do to get her better."
The doctor just nodded, "As I always do."
Astria said, "Becky, you will need to get the hospital ready. I suspect we're going to need it."
Becky smiled and said, "Mother was a nurse."
Astria just nodded and left the lab. She wasn't sure Becky's mother would survive. Astria hoped she would.
Four hours later, an empty hovercraft landed in Vancouver.
Securing their objective was easy. Astria and Jennings had the same thought. It was too easy.
Jennings had the commodore secured in one room. The lieutenant was secured in a different room. Astria, mainly Ashley, was checking the launch control panel for signs of tampering. She turned to the current launch crew and asked, "I assume you have tested the launch sequence functionality?"
The lead crew member said, "I am not at liberty to discuss such matters with a cyborg."
Astria leaned in, getting into his face, and said, "Are you at liberty to discuss how a fucking nuclear drone was launched and targeted my home?"
The man stuttered and said, "What?"
Astria pushed him toward the launch panel and growled into his ear. She said, "That panel was used by Commodore Cooper to launch a drone at my home. You care to explain how?"
Jennings walked into the room and threw a set of keys on the panel and said, "Those keys weren't the ones that were used, Commander."
The man in Astria's grasp reluctantly said, "Those keys are programmed with our DNA. I am a launch commander, and I couldn't use them if I tried. Only eight sets of DNA are programmed into the system."
Jennings saw Astria's eyes flash and rapidly move back and forth over the launch panel. She finally said, "It was the Commodore's DNA that activated the panel. The lieutenant's as well."
The current launch commander said, "That would be impossible if those were the Commodore's and his aide's keys and they weren't used."
Astia looked at the man and asked, "You understand why we are here, and will you help get to the bottom of this?"
The man looked at Astria and asked, "Are you the autonomous cyborg commander?"
Jennings answered, "She is, Lieutenant."
The man nodded and said, "We will help."
Ashley chirped, "There are nine sets of DNA in the system."
Astria spoke, "You said there were eight sets of DNA in the system."
The lieutenant responded, "Yes, sir."
Astria replied, "Check again."
The lieutenant said, "Fuck."
Astria said, "You want to explain how that extra set of DNA was paired with the Commodore and his aide?"
The lieutenant replied, "I will find out."
Astria barked at the only other man in the room, "Corporal Roberts, keep an eye on these two. Major with me."
When Astria entered the room that Commodore Cooper was in, she could smell the fear in the room. It didn't take her enhanced senses to know where that fear originated. The man was visibly shaking.
Astria looked at him and asked, "Do you have a reason to fear me, Commodore?"
The commodore looked at her and snapped, "Besides you being a fucking uncontrolled cyborg."
Even Jennings laughed but asked his friend, "Jeff, we have proof you and your aide launched the drone on Astria's home. You care to explain?"
Cooper replied, "That's Commodore Cooper to you, and I have nothing to explain."
One of the monitors in the room flashed to life, and the surveillance video started playing. The commodore's eyes grew bigger as he watched his aide and himself go through the launch sequence.
Cooper yelled, "That's fucking impossible."
Astria spoke, "Why did you thank Mr. Granger for shooting down that drone if it's impossible?"
The commodore hung his head and said, "Master Chief Granger served under me during the war. Yes, I thanked him, but I did not launch that drone."
Jennings asked, "How did you know he shot down the drone?"
Before he could answer, the building rocked and started crumbling around them. Astria and Jennings tried to grab the Commodore, but the ceiling fell on him. A similar scene happened in the next room and the launch control room.
Astria armor protected her, but she felt the weight of the debris on top of her.
She called out, but all she heard was static. Even Ashley was silent.