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Author's Notes

"This is the third of a multi-part mini-series about Mandi and Dave’s Tahitian vacation and long overdue honeymoon. Reading Parts 1 and 2 will enhance your understanding and enjoyment of this and the succeeding parts of this series."

“Hey, Babe.  Are you ready to walk your incredible naked body down to the beach, meet some new, fun people, and have a drink or two?”

“Sounds perfect.”

“But I must ask one thing first.  Since I was a bad boy a little while ago and couldn’t stop cumming in Emy before fucking you, how about I take care of that screw-up right now?”

“I guess you didn’t realize I had an orgasm while you were dumping your load into Emy’s pussy and my mouth.  Watching your magnificent cock pumping in and out of Emy’s perfect pussy right in front of my eyes, and then cumming in her pussy and my mouth, got me off too.  If we are going to be successful in our plans for Craig and Jocelyn, you need to be on top of your game.  Some recharging time would be best.”

“You’re right.  So, will you be putting something on or going naked?”

“Just adding some jewelry and heels.  I want to find out right away if what Emy said about my being naked is the real deal or if it was just a way for her to get me naked.”

“I’m sure there is no problem with you being naked.  I can’t imagine anyone being enough of a knucklehead to complain about seeing you naked.  Please tell me where you put my Speedos, and I'll jump into one of them.”

With that settled, I watched as Mandi wrapped a bold, gold-colored chain low around her hips, then added a dangly belly ring and matching hoop earrings.  She also told me, “I’m going barefoot as I want to be able to put my feet in the water.” 

“A good thought.  I’ll do the same.”

Our cabin was near the beach, so we only had a short walk to reach it.  It was about 3:30 PM, so we had some time before meeting Craig and Jocelyn for drinks at 6:00 PM.

The beach was busy but not uncomfortably crowded.  Mandi and I immediately headed for the warm water, splashing through what was not much higher than our ankles.  The reality that we would live in this impressive tropical paradise for the next two weeks was beginning to sink in. 

Grinning, I said, “Have you noticed that many women are topless and wearing microscopic G-strings?  Of course, they aren’t far from being naked, but their bodies can’t compare to yours.  And no children are running around.  I guess I forgot to mention this is an adults-only resort.”

Mandi looked back at me with one of her mischievous smiles and said, “That’s perfect because I’m planning on being very naughty and showing a lot of skin for the next two weeks.”


As Dave and I looked over the people on the beach, I couldn’t miss one large group of primarily young, athletic-looking guys who seemed to be having a great time.  I sensed my libido suddenly rocketing into outer space while my brain could not suppress my thinking “gang-bang.”  

I also couldn't help noticing the number of beach-goers smiling and checking me out.  It wasn’t long before a handsome, muscular, but somewhat older man came up to us.  He said with a noticeable but delightful accent, “I hope you don’t mind my being so forward, but I’m guessing you just arrived today.  Someone as gorgeous as you would stand out in any crowd.  The word spread like wildfire around the beach today to keep an eye open for the sexy new arrival.  I’m sure that word must have been referring to you.”

“So, I made up my mind I was going to meet you, and here I am.  I’m Jared.  May I ask the name of this beautiful and sexy woman I am honored to meet?”

“My goodness, Jared.  Thank you for being so flattering.  I’m Mandi, and this is my husband, Dave.  Am I correct in saying that your delightful accent means you are from Australia?”

“You got that right, Mandi.  Then, pointing toward the group of young guys I had just spotted, Jared said, “Did you happen to notice that rather large group of rowdy young men I’m pointing to?  They are this year’s Championship Aussie Rules Football Team, and I’m one of their coaches.  So our trip here is part of the booty we received for being the champions this year.”

“Wow,” I said, grinning.  “Tell me this, honestly.  Did you walk over here just to introduce yourself to us, or did you come as an emissary of the team?”

“Truthfully, a little bit of both.  I would probably be sainted if I could escort you to the team and introduce them to you.  Of course, if you favored us with your presence today, you and Dave probably wouldn’t need to get a drink for the rest of our stay.”

“Doing that sounds like my kind of fun.  But first, would you please answer a few questions for us?”

“Sure.  Fire away.”

“How long will you and the team be here?”

"Let's see.  Today is Wednesday, so we'll depart early next Tuesday morning.”

“Great.  That’ll give us time to get well acquainted.  How many are in your group?”

“There are eighteen on the team plus three substitute players.  Fifteen made the trip, plus me and one other coach.  So there are seventeen of us in all.”

“But I don’t see any women with them.  So where are their wives or girlfriends?”

“Good question.  Most of the guys aren't married or in a relationship, plus the team is only paying for the players and coaches.”

“Well, that’s too bad for them, but maybe a good thing for me.  So what are they doing for entertainment?”

Laughing, Jared said, “Other than playing cards, drinking, and telling lies, most are waiting for beautiful women like you to appear.  You’d be a huge hit with them if you weren't married."

“Well damn.  I certainly don’t want that to stop them.  You can feel free to tell your guys that Dave and I have an open marriage and we’re here to have a lot of fun.  So I say, let’s go meet the team.”

Looking at each other with a huge grin, Dave nodded and added, “If I know Mandi as I think I do, it sounds like a good way to start making friends fast.  So lead on, Jared.”

With Jared leading the way, we headed to where the group was lounging.  As we got closer, I could see most of them turning toward us, nudging each other with their elbows, and with big smiles on their faces, began standing up to greet us.

They were a bit less rowdy than I expected.  But once they all were finally on their feet and gathered around us, the testosterone level was palpable, particularly as I was standing naked and smiling in the midst of their group.  This is going to be interesting.

To make it easier on Jared and the guys, I took the initiative and said, “There is no reason to just stand here.  Let’s get acquainted.  I’m Mandi, and next to me is my handsome husband, Dave.  We’re from the U.S., in the area you may know of as Silicon Valley.  We just arrived today and will be here for two weeks.”

“I’m going to stroll around this handsome group and introduce Dave and me to each of you.  I'm not shy, which should be obvious since I'm standing here naked, and I hope you won't be shy either.”  

As I was speaking, I was also looking around the group.  Dave and I were surrounded by fifteen gorgeous, in-shape professional athletes.  Several different ethnicities were present, and they all seemed fully capable of rocking my world.  I would gladly fuck any of them, and I was sure the feeling was mutual. 

They were all shirtless.  Some were still wearing the standard, long-legged board shorts, while several had already adopted the ultra-brief Speedo-style T-backs.  It was quickly apparent that the Speedos did nothing to conceal their interest in this naked hottie standing in front of them. 

Finding myself surrounded by all these young, athletic, and testosterone-laden males instantly caused my horniness and libido to rocket off the charts.  I knew I was on the brink of instigating a public gang-bang if I didn’t at least try to keep myself under some shred of control. 

Good luck with that,” I thought to myself.  

But I also wanted them to know I was not off-limits and wondered if any of them noticed the pussy juice I could feel beginning to run down the inside of my legs.  I was rapidly heading into super-horny-overload.

Turning to Dave for help, I whispered to him, "I'm beyond horny, Dave.  If I don't do something fast, I'll probably jump one of these guys and fuck him.  If I do, you can imagine what that will turn into.  I'll probably do that in a few days, but the afternoon of our arrival seems a bit too early.”

I could visualize the wheels turning in Dave’s head.  After several seconds he got a conspiratorial look on his face, and he said, “Okay, but you gotta trust me on this.  You should have time to give the guys a taste of ‘Mandi the Slut’ in action.  Do you want to hear  more?”

“Absa-fucking- lutely.”

Dave stood there thinking for a few more seconds, then whispered a plan into my ear that seemed to make sense to my brain and would please my ultra-horny pussy. 

We have almost two hours before we are to meet Craig and Jocelyn for drinks, which was plenty of time to pull it off.  “I like that plan.  I’ll give it a try, but don't blame me if it gets out of control."  Then, throwing my arms around Dave’s neck, I gave him a passionate kiss and said, “Make it happen, Babe.”

Grinning like the cat that ate the Canary, Dave turned away and made his way to find Jared.  He had to first tell Jared what we had in mind and if he would be okay with it. 

That was apparently no problem.  Dave indicated with the two thumbs-up sign that Jared was totally on board.

I watched as Jared brought all the guys back into a circle, then went over to one of them, presumably the Team Capitan, and drew him aside.  Watching the two as Jared spoke to him, I could see a huge grin forming on the Capitan’s face as he was told of our plan and his role.  Then, without being noticed by the rest of the group, he slipped back into the group but at the end of the line.

It was time for me to put Dave’s plan into action.

Turning to the first guy on my left, I asked him for his name and for some basic personal information.  Then, after chatting for a few minutes, I briefly embraced him before I turned to the next guy, making sure my hands firmly touched his body and my nipples at least brushed against his chest.  Then, I gave him a brief but less than a chaste kiss on his lips and turned to the guy next to him. 

Continuing down the line with the introductions, I started out the same way with each new guy in the line.  But before long, each guy I greeted was increasing the intensity and longevity of the embrace and the kiss.  

The third guy I met began fondling my breasts.  As I couldn’t bring myself to resist, the next few guys followed suit but with even longer and with greater intensity.  It just felt too good to me to stop it.

I was probably enjoying the escalation of the action as much as they were, if not more.  By the time I finished with about two-thirds of the group, my tits and ass had received a lot of attention.  Tongues were licking my nipples, and a few were also tantalizingly running their tongues from there to my navel and almost to my pussy.  The kisses kept getting longer and deeper. 

My pussy was on fire, and my libido was becoming uncontrollable.  Erections were becoming more prevalent and noticeable, particularly with those wearing the Speedos.  I finally gave up keeping my hands to myself and began to reciprocate by squeezing the cocks of those I was greeting. 

My cunt was screaming for a cock, and I was getting dangerously close to experiencing an orgasm.

With about four more guys to greet, fingers began testing to see if touching my pussy would bring any rejection.  Of course, I couldn’t resist, and when I felt fingers sliding into my sodden pussy, I reached into their swim trunks and stroked their cocks.  If one of them had tried to fuck me, I doubt I would have refused.

I finally found myself face-to-face with Zac, the team’s Captain.  But Dave had kept the details of this greeting to himself, so I didn’t know what to expect.  But looking at this hunk of Aussie manliness and athleticism, I was hoping it involved having his cock in my pussy.  And I was going to do whatever it took to make that happen.

He was at least six feet three inches tall and about 225 pounds of solid muscle.  He was fully tanned and wearing a Speedo that did nothing to keep an impressive erection from peeking out at me. 

I began with my regular routine, including the usual small talk.  But I felt an immediate spark between us and knew this wouldn’t be more of the same restrained greeting. 

Pressing my naked body against his, I instinctively wiggled it as I looked into his deep blue eyes.  I said in what I hoped was my most suggestive tone of voice, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Zac.  Jared told me your name and that you are the team Captain.  We could stand here chatting about many mundane matters, but I know what I want, and I think I know what you want.”

I didn’t wait for a reply from Zac.  Instead, sliding my hand inside his Speedo, I found what felt like an impressively long and hard cock.  Zac let out an audible moan as I began stroking it and looking him in the eyes at the same time.

Speedos were never intended to contain a sizeable male erection, not to mention.  At the same time, it was being stroked by the hand of an ultra-horny female.  I drew Zac’s steel-like phallus into the fresh air while continuing to stroke it.  It was thick and a near-perfect nine to ten inches of circumcised masculinity with a prominent helmet head wider than its shaft. 

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I immediately crouched down and attempted to engulf it in my mouth.  But the head of his cock was so wide I had to concentrate more than usual on relaxing my throat enough to deep throat it.  But once I succeeded, I could run my tongue along the bottom of the shaft as I worked his cock all the way into my mouth. 

Zac continued moaning.  It finally turned into a deep growl when I took him down my throat and bumped my nose firmly against his cleanly shaved pubic area.  “Damn, it is so pleasurable when a guy is shaved clean around his cock, balls, and ass.” 

I could taste the precum beginning to flow from the little hole in the head and pulled back so I could slowly and erotically lick it all up.  Then I resumed plunging my mouth up and down, happily deep-throating Zac’s massive cock with each thrust of my mouth.

“Oh my god, Mandi, you are a world-class cocksucker.  But it is so spectacular I’m afraid if you don't stop, I might bust a nut before I have a chance to fuck your amazing pussy.”

With that admonition ringing in my ears, I pulled off Zac’s cock.  Then, looking into his deep blue eyes, I said loudly enough so the rest of the group could hear me, “I’ll only do that if it means you are ready to fuck me right here, right now.”

Those words brought a huge cheer from the rest of the team. 

Looking up at the group with a big grin, I added, “Don’t worry, guys.  I’m sure there’ll be plenty of opportunity for me to enjoy each and every one of you before you head home next week.”

That brought forth an even bigger cheer. 

I wondered what those on the beach were thinking when they heard the two cheers ring out.  I had no doubt that most of them would figure it out.  In fact, I noticed several additional onlookers joining the circle surrounding Zac and me. 

I looked at Zac and said, “Okay, Zac.  It seems our audience is growing.  Are you ready to give them a good show? 

“Without a doubt, Mandi.  I never mind showing off in front of my teammates.  How about you?”

“I’m more than ready.  Nothing turns me on more than having sex in front of an audience.”

Jared & Dave had been keeping track of things, and the next thing I knew, they were spreading two large beach towels on the sand in the center of the circle so we wouldn’t worry about sand getting where it wasn’t welcome.

I stood up, wrapping one arm around Zac’s neck and pulling him into a passionate, tongue-filled kiss.  My other hand grabbed Zac’s cock, making sure all nine-plus inches were ready to pleasure me.  His cock was so hard it was almost pointing straight up.  “Make me scream, Zac,”

“That’s the idea.  How do you want to start, Mandi?”

“You’re the boss for round one, Zac.  You tell me, and don’t hold anything back.”

With that, Zac put both hands on my butt, lifting me up like I weighed no more than a feather, and while standing on the sand, he impaled my dripping pussy onto his ultra-hard cock. 

His cock was not just long but also very thick.  As the walls of my pussy slid down on his cock I could clearly feel the ridge around his broad helmet head and the thick veins on his shaft.

Instinctively wrapping my legs around Zac’s waist, I realized I had no easy way to pump my wanton pussy up and down on his magnificent love muscle.  But Zac had a thrilling answer for that.  With a firm grip on my butt and as fast as possible, he repeatedly lifted me up until my pussy was almost off his cock and then slammed me back down until his cock was bottoming against my cervix.  This forceful and energetic pounding delivered me to a whole new level of sexual pleasure I had never experienced before. 

As Zac continued this fantastic action, I discovered that by hugging his chest tightly, I could rotate my pelvis and rub my clit up and down on his pubic bone. 

Oh my god.  This began some of the most extreme fucking I could ever imagine, and it wasn’t long before my first orgasm ripped through my body.  At that same moment, I felt Zac’s cock swell even more, begin pulsating, and then explode into my pussy. 

How he remained standing as he emptied his balls into me was incredible.  This left us both in an indescribable state of euphoria.  My climax was so intense I was afraid the natural convulsions of the orgasm might cause the two of us to fall over, so I urged Zac to let me down so I could lie on the ground.

Being the incredibly well-conditioned athlete that he was, and with us still coupled, Zac easily crouched to his knees.  He then gently laid me on my side on the towels. 

As he did this, the ever-growing audience let out another huge cheer. 

Although my eyes were shut tightly by my orgasm, I felt Zac lie down beside me, lift my arm closest to him, and wave both in a triumphant reply to the audience’s reaction.

As I gradually returned to something approaching reality, I became aware that Zac was gently caressing my breasts and tenderly biting my nipples.  I used my right hand to search for what I hoped was still a hard cock. 

I was not disappointed.  So, opening my eyes and looking at Zac, I grinned and said, “Are you ready for round two?”

“For sure.  Being beside you kept me hard, and I’m nowhere close to being done with you.”

“Fabulous.  I’m so ready for more.  But I have a pussy full of your seed, and I need to get rid of it before we begin round two.  Just one grain of sand mixed with your cum could result in some serious disruption of our activity.  I'm sure neither of us wants that.  As we’re so close to the water, I hope you will join me in running there so I can clean up.”

“Good idea, Mandi.  I know the water is warm, so you’ll enjoy a quick dip.”

Standing up while still surrounded by the crowd, I felt Zac’s cum beginning to drip out of my pussy.  Looking at the team, I called out, “Stay right where you are, everyone.  We’ll be right back.”

Zac grabbed my hand, and like a couple of horny teenagers, we ran the few meters to the water's edge, all the while feeling his warm, pearly cum running down my legs.

We splashed our way far enough into the water to sit down and allow the water to wash away any clues about the first round.  I was giggling at what we were doing and felt so enthralled by everything that I threw my arm around Zac’s neck and kissed him passionately while he tweaked one of my nipples. 

This was not lost on our audience, and a mild cheer rang out.

After sitting in the beautiful, warm, and calm ocean water for several minutes, I looked at Zac and said, “Are you ready for round two now?  And don’t forget that I’ll be the one in charge of this round.”

“If you’ll check between my legs Mandi, you’ll know the answer to your question.”

Standing up, I extended a hand to Zac, encouraging him to do the same.  Then I put my arms around his neck again and said, "When we get back to the towels, I want you to lie down on your back.  Then it’ll be my turn to pound you.”

Zac must have liked my "demand," as his erection was rampant again.  With my hand wrapped tightly around his cock, we proudly walked back to the group. 

Zac immediately lay down on his back on the blankets.  I stood over him with my hands on my hips and my legs spread, straddling his hips.  Looking into those blue eyes again and licking my lips, I slid two fingers teasingly over my dripping labia and said, “Are you enjoying the view?”

“I’m either gazing wantonly at your magnificent tan body, incredible tits, and glistening pussy, or I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

“Well, you’re still alive, Zac.  But you never know where you might end up after I'm done fucking you this afternoon.”

Zac and I, and at least half the audience, broke out laughing. 

Enough of this frivolity,” I thought, and crouching down, I engulfed Zac's massive weapon in my more than anxious and welcoming pussy.

Plunging my pussy up and down on his cock, Zac matched my every thrust with one of his.  I suddenly realized that this was almost becoming a case of who can fuck the hardest.  That was fine for the first round, but I needed to enjoy the subtleties and nuances that only tender and erotic sex can bring.  

I finally had to say, “I surrender, Zac.  We need to slow this down so we can both enjoy what we are doing with each other.  Let’s move from competing to cruising.”

“I’m so glad you said something, Mandi because I’ve just been trying to keep up with you.”

That got us laughing again, and we kissed in a genuinely amorous way.

With Zac’s cock fully engaged in my pussy, I sat straight up, grabbed his hands, and held them tightly against my firm 36DD breasts.  Then I arched my back, threw my head back, and said, “Fuck me slow and easy to start, Zac.  I want to feel every ridge and vein of your cock as it slides slowly in and out of my pussy.  Then I’ll try every trick I know to get you to flood my pussy again with your warm, pearly love juices.”

During the next twenty or more minutes, we alternated between slow and erotic to fast and demanding.  It was a case of two people engaging in the ultimate expression of pure, unadulterated, sexual energy.  At times it was almost like making love; at others, it approached being animalistic.  Even though we had met less than an hour ago, we were magically able to sense each other's wants and needs like we had been lovers before. 

I had at least two more magnificent and all-consuming orgasms.  But I was amazed and concerned that Zac still hadn’t cum again.  Apparently, I hadn’t found his “on-button” yet, but I thought I knew where to find it.

“Lie still, Zac.  I’m going to change positions so you’ll cum again for me.”

With that, I pulled my pussy off his cock and turned around into the classic sixty-nine position.  I enveloped his cock, coated with my juices and more of his pre-cum, taking it done to the root.  His loud moan was a clue that I might be on the right track. 

At the same time, he pulled my pussy tight against his mouth and alternated plunging his tongue deep into my pussy and then using its tip to tantalize my clit.  All this put me in a wonderful pre-orgasmic place that was glorious. 

While still pumping my mouth up and down on his cock, I placed my hands just behind Zac’s knees and lifted his thighs.  That way, his feet were closer to his butt and flat on the towels.  His thighs were off the ground, and his knees were bent at about a ninety-degree angle.

I slid my hands down his thighs, grabbed a butt cheek with one hand, and began massaging his balls with the other hand. 

I began to sense Zac's cock swell in my mouth and heard his moans.  He was getting close.  So I “went for the gold” and slid the middle finger of my hand into Zac's ass, massaging his prostate.

Within seconds, he let out a howl that could have been heard all the way to the nearby island and exploded into my mouth.  I tried swallowing as fast as possible, but it was more than a mouthful, so some dribbled down my chin and onto my tits.

Once I knew that Zac had emptied his balls, I lifted my head off his cock, pulled my pussy away from his face, and slid down his chest into an upright position.  Then, turning to the crowd, I made a production of swallowing what was still in my mouth, grinning, and rubbing the cum that had escaped my mouth into my tits.

The crowd erupted into their biggest cheer of the day.  Zac and I stood up, embraced, and waved to the crowd.  It may not have been a public gang bang, but it sure was close to it.


On the way back to our room, Mandi asked, “You offered for us to be Craig & Jocelyn’s guide into the world of sex outside their marriage.  So how do you plan to handle this when we meet them for drinks this evening?”

"Easy," I replied.  You fuck Craig while I fuck Jocelyn.”

“Don’t you think that’s over-simplifying things, Dave?”

"Not really, Babe.  Sure, there are a few more details to orchestrate.  But Craig and Jocelyn are essentially in the same place you and I were about two years ago when you first told me you were going to have sex with others.  You wanted us to do that together.  In other words, you wanted us to become swingers."

“Hmmm.  I’m beginning to see where you are going with this.”

"As you remember, I was totally turned on by the idea of you fucking other guys.  But at the same time, I was unrealistically conflicted by the crazy idea that somehow your pussy would not be the same after someone other than me had been in it.  What convinced me to give it a try were two things.  First was the perfect way the concept was demonstrated at the party at Gary's the following weekend.  My reaction to watching you and Gary fucking right in front of me while Jen was busy seducing me in front of you told me that I was good with giving it a try.  Second, fucking you the next morning and sensing that your pussy felt even better after you had fucked Gary sealed the deal.”

“I agree, but there has to be more to it.”

“True.  But no amount of verbalization would have worked for me.  I had to ‘live the experience’ of watching you fuck someone else to understand that swinging, and so much more, would work for us.  It illustrated the essential element of successful swinging; being able to separate lust from love.

"There is no question the party planning that Gary, Jen, and you did was totally successful.  That same approach is what I’m suggesting we take with Craig and Jocelyn.  Plus, it should be fun and exciting.”

“I like that idea.”

“Great.  But springing it on both of them at the same time is not a good idea.  Since Jocelyn is the one that wants to go there, she needs to know what we have in mind to be sure she is on board.  Can you take care of that?”

“Sure, I’ll do that right after the first round of drinks this evening.”

“Perfect.  Let’s make it happen.”

----- To be continued ------

Written by MandiFan1
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