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Author's Notes

"This is the first of a two-part story about the first time Mandi had sex without any involvement by her husband."

It was about 4:00 pm on Friday, and I was sitting in my office of the rapidly growing and successful high tech company I work for in Silicon Valley. I was so distracted that I could not concentrate on work. I knew my husband Dave had to work all weekend, and it was up to me to see what kind of fun I could find, or trouble I could get into. I realized this would involve being on my own, and possibly (okay, hopefully) having sex for the first time outside my marriage, without Dave being involved in some way.

It had been over a month since my wild, crazy, and sex-filled weekend in Los Angeles with my husband Dave and several new friends, and I was super horny. My inborn slut and exhibitionist needed to be fed. Our open marriage understanding seemed to be working well for both of us, but I wanted to be sure Dave would be comfortable with whatever happened.

This horniness came out when I dressed for work today. I wore a skirt that was much shorter than usual and no bra. And I somehow forgot to wear panties. Maybe this had something to do with what happened today.

The first invitation arrived in the form of a mid-afternoon email notifying all employees that the company had achieved a year of record earnings and announcing that they were hosting a black-tie Gala Dinner and Party next month at a 4-star hotel in San Francisco.

That got my horny brain thinking about all the fun things we could include in a trip to “The City”. I made a mental note to talk to Dave about them when he came out from under all the work he had.

But what was more immediate, was the second invitation. I had occasionally been hit on by some of the guys at work. But I had steadfastly refused their offers because I felt I should not get involved with company personnel. But that was about to change.

One of our Sales Managers, Todd, suddenly appeared in my office unannounced. He walked in with a big grin on his face, sat down in a chair next to my desk, and said, “Hi Mandi. What’s going on?”

I have to admit that of all the guys here, he was probably the one that could breakdown my policy of non-involvement with co-workers. He had previously invited me to have an after-work drink with him a couple of times, but I had reluctantly declined each one. I had to admit that I found myself attracted to Todd. He was definitely handsome, charming, fit, and unmarried. I felt very flattered by his attention, and as I was sitting at my desk in my horny state, I instantly hoped he was going to invite me to have a drink with him this evening.

I rolled my chair back from my desk, turned it so my legs were facing him, and replied with my own smile, saying, “What brings you by?”

Todd glanced down at my legs and then back into my eyes, and said, “You are such an incredibly attractive woman, and I’m going to make one last attempt to invite you to join me for an after-work drink. I would be greatly honored if you’d accept my invitation for some adult beverages, and possibly a light meal, at one of my favorite restaurants this evening.”

As I listened to him I saw him glance at my legs. I was wondering if (maybe hoping) he could see my naked pussy under my skirt.

I looked at Todd with what I hoped was a sexy smile, and said, “As the old saying goes, timing is everything. It just so happens that my hubby will be working all weekend, and I was sitting here trying to figure out what to do with myself to have some fun. So, yes. I’d love to join you this evening. Please tell me what you have in mind.”

Told replied by saying, “Would you like the standard ‘let’s get acquainted bull shit’, or would you like the honest truth?”

My horniness immediately kicked in, and I could feel my pussy getting wet. So I decided to call his bluff, and said, “I’d like to hear the truth, and I’m guessing I have a good idea what it will involve.”

Todd looked at me and said, “I feel like a quarterback with five seconds left in the game, my team is behind by five points, and I’m forty yards from the goal line. So I’m going to throw a ‘Hail Mary’ and hope it gets caught by a teammate in the end zone.”

I laughed at the metaphor, and said, “Go ahead and throw it. I would like to know, and my reaction might surprise you.”

“Okay, here goes. First, I would hope you’d wear something really hot and sexy that would get me hard from the moment I saw you. Then, I would hope the evening would not end at the restaurant, but rather in my bed where we’d enjoy hours of wild, intense, and mutually satisfying sex. And when I would wake up tomorrow morning I’ll find you still in my bed.”

Todd’s plan certainly matched what I was looking for, but I wasn’t going to say that, at least not yet. But I did say, “That’s an exciting and audacious plan, particularly for our first time together. But I admire your balls for coming right out and saying that. I can’t promise it will happen, but I certainly won’t rule it out either. Fair enough?”

“Yep. That works for me. The place we will be going caters to a young-adult crowd, and I know you’ll have fun and love the place. It happens to be owned by a good friend of mine, Joseph, who will be there tonight. He is cool and a lot of fun, and he might join us for a drink.”

“Okay. But I have to ask you to do me a favor. We need to leave the office separately. I’m sure neither of us wants any of the busy-bodies talking about us.”

Todd said, “Absolutely.” We agreed on the time and place we’d meet, and that I would text him when I was leaving the office.

Todd got up to leave, but before he walked out my door, he turned back to me and said, “I am sure we’ll both have a great time. And thanks for the pussy flash.”

I blew him a kiss, and with a big smile said, “I’m counting on it, and I’m glad you enjoyed the view.”

I picked up my phone and called Dave to let him know that I had made plans for tonight, that it would probably include sex, and for him to not wait up for me. He replied, probably with a little smirk on his face, “Good for you. I hope that works. You’ve been deprived of any outside sex since L.A., and I know I won’t be any fun this weekend. So go for it, and don’t hold back.”

“Would you like me to text you when I know for sure one way or the other?”

“That would be perfect. And you can be sure that as soon as you walk in the door I’ll want to fuck your pussy that is full of someone else’s cum. So make sure you bring the evidence home with you.”

I was thrilled that I had the green light I was hoping for.


By then it was after 5:00 p.m., and I was to meet Todd at 6:00 p.m. I wanted to freshen up and slip into the change of clothes I had recently stashed in a desk drawer for a time just like this. I had picked something that I thought would be flattering and provocative, but without being scandalous.

The top had short sleeves, buttoned up the front, and was made of a thin, stretch-knit, silver-colored material. It had a scooped neckline, fit like it was painted on, and ended about an inch above my navel. The shape of my firm 38D breasts and nipples were hardly concealed by the material that clung to my tits like a second skin. Along with that, I had a short, white, low-rider, mini skirt that provided a full view of my tan bare legs, and a tantalizing band of bare, tan skin between my top and the skirt. It also seemed to flatter my butt. A pair of five-inch high strappy platform heels and a belly ring completed the ensemble. Of course, no underwear was involved.

When I was altogether, I looked in the mirror in the restroom and liked what I saw. With my heels on, I stood six feet tall, weighed about 120 pounds, and had an all-over tan without any tan lines. I left two of the buttons on my top unfastened and was feeling horny about what might lie ahead. I could feel my pussy getting wet already, and decided to unfasten one more button once I was out of the office. I couldn’t wait to show off my body as much as possible.

I texted Todd that I was just leaving the office and that I’d like him to meet me in front of the restaurant rather than inside. I mentioned that I was wearing something that I thought would result in the first part of his evening plan to occur. He texted back saying, “CU there, sexy.”

When I pulled into the parking lot, I glanced at the entry area to see if Todd was waiting there. Sure enough, he was. I said to myself, “Okay girl, let’s kick this evening off on a sexy note.”

Stepping out of my car I immediately noticed that my skirt was not close to covering my pussy, and pulled it down. As I walked toward the restaurant, I sensed that the motion my breasts had under the material must be quite enticing. I was so turned on and hoped that my attire had the intended effect on Todd, and maybe even a few others. The inborn exhibitionist in me was ready to make an appearance.

As I walked up to Todd I could see his eyes were undecided where to focus. But he quickly recovered and held out both hands in a gesture for me to grasp them, so he could have a few seconds to visibly explore my body. Then he broke out into a huge grin and said, “Oh my God. You look incredible, and have exceeded my wildest expectations.”

I grinned back at him and said, “So, I achieved the result you were hoping for?”

Instead of answering, Todd pulled me closer to him and as he did, he slowly lowered his hands in a way that caused my right hand to slowly brush across the front of his pants. That brief touch of a hard cock told me the answer was an emphatic “yes”. A quick glance from me confirmed what I had felt. It looked like we’re off to a good start, and I felt my pussy beginning to get wet.

The restaurant, and its bar area, was crowded, and a look around confirmed Todd’s comment about it being popular with the local young adults. It was decorated in light colors, had a long bar against the far wall, and a large number of tall bar tables surrounded by what appeared and sounded to be a happy crowd. It was currently standing room only, and I immediately felt comfortable in the surroundings. I grasped and squeezed Todd’s left hand, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and said, “This looks perfect. I’m sure we’ll have a great time.”

Todd quickly ordered two glasses of Chardonnay for us and put his arm around my bare waist to guide me toward an unoccupied corner of one of the tables. His touch on my bare skin was almost electric, and I knew I wanted him to continue touching me.

The table was partially occupied by a cute couple, and Todd asked if we could use the corner of the table to rest our glasses. The couple looked at us, and with a big smile, the guy said, “Please do. I’m Devin, and this is my girlfriend, LeeAnne. We’d be happy to share the table with such an attractive couple.”

Todd replied, saying, “I’m Todd, and this is Mandi. She’s a colleague of mine.”

I burst out laughing at Todd’s comment, glanced at him, and said, “You’re being way too formal.” Then I looked back at the others, and said, “We work at the same company, and he invited me to have a drink with him after work this evening. You can let your imagination take it from there.”

LeeAnne gave me a sexy smile, and said, “Looking at your hot body and what you are wearing, a lot of imagination doesn’t seem necessary.”

We all laughed at that. I gave Todd a quick squeeze on his butt and then confirmed that he was still hard. We thanked them for allowing us to intrude and said we wouldn’t bother them any further. But I couldn’t stop a few naughty thoughts about them from entering my imagination.

Todd gently turned me to face him, looked me right in my eyes, and with a devilish look on his face, said, “It’s time to get this evening back to the two of us. You are totally desirable, and what you are wearing shows off your beautiful body perfectly. I’m hoping that tells me we are both on the same page on where we’d like this evening to go. If I’m right, please kiss me, and agree that we’ll abandon all pretense of being coy with each other.”

I placed one hand around his neck and drew him to me. I put my lips to his, stuck my tongue in his mouth, and we exchanged a wonderfully passionate kiss right in front of our tablemates. I used my other hand to press against the noticeable erection in his pants to acknowledge my agreement. I heard him moan as I briefly fondled his cock through his pants. He was rock hard and I was totally aroused. I wanted him to touch me in the worst way.

Todd grinned at me again, and said, “Now that’s the way to seal a deal. I also hope that a few more of the buttons on your top will somehow become unfastened.”

“That’s a definite possibility, and there’s no time like the present.”

With that, Todd slid his hand across my breast and unfastened the next lower button. This provided a nice view of the inner swell of my tits and afforded easy access for a wandering hand. To my great pleasure, Todd took this opportunity to briefly slide his hand inside the top and onto my bare breast. I couldn’t resist the thrill this gave me, and I took my hand, and momentarily held his hand tightly to my breast. His touch went right through my nipple and directly to my clit, and almost caused me to have an orgasm. He gave my nipple a little pinch and then withdrew his hand. My pussy immediately started creaming.

About that time, LeeAnne got our attention and said, “We’re leaving now. It was nice meeting you both. If you want these two chairs you’d better grab them now.”

I thanked them, and as they got up to leave, LeeAnne flashed me a captivating smile, handed me a business card, and said, “Please call me sometime. You look like you’d be a lot of fun, and we’d love to get better acquainted.”

I gave her a big smile, and said, “Thanks for the card, and I will definitely call you.” I was sure that I would.

They turned to leave, and we began to sit down on the tall bar stools. I grabbed a spare linen napkin and placed it on the seat. Then I climbed up on the tall stool and pulled my skirt up far enough that I wouldn’t be sitting on it. I didn’t want any pussy juice to put a wet spot on it. But it became immediately apparent that once I was seated, my skirt would never cover my pussy. I said, “Oh well” to myself, decided to ignore it, and just crossed my legs. I knew some people would get quite a nice view this evening.

Todd did not miss seeing what was happening and began caressing my inner thigh with his hand. That got my juices flowing, and I turned to him, and said, “That feels wonderful. Don’t stop.”

About that time a rather good-looking guy, who appeared to be in his middle thirties, came over the table, and greeted Todd warmly. Todd introduced me to his friend Joseph, the owner of the restaurant.

I quickly got down off the barstool so I could greet him politely. However, the exhibitionist part of my brain “forgot” to pull my skirt down. So there I was, standing by the table with my pussy and ass completely on display for anyone’s enjoyment, and shook Joseph’s hand.

Joseph moved over toward me, took both my hands in his, and said, “So this is the beautiful Mandi that Todd has been telling me all about. He tried to describe how beautiful and sexy you were, but I must say that his words didn’t come close to properly describing the magnificent creature that I am gazing upon. You, my darling, are stunning and sexy beyond words.”

He continued to hold my hands for almost a minute while I stood there, half-naked. I slowly began to realize that some of the nearby patrons had turned to look at us. Then he said, “Please turn abound, my dear, so I can drink in the rest of your spectacular body.”

I couldn’t help it. My libido went into overdrive, I was totally turned on, and I felt myself falling under his spell. I did what he asked. But the best part was that I was loving it, and smiling brightly at anyone with whom I made eye contact.

I finally got myself enough under control to ask Joseph, “It doesn’t seem quite right that I should be standing here, half-naked in the middle of your restaurant, even though I’m not embarrassed in the least.”

Joseph looked at me and said, “I promise you that it would take a lot more than what you are doing right now to shock this crowd. So please, do whatever makes you feel comfortable.”

I said, “Okay, this is much more fun than I expected,” and sat back down on the barstool, leaving my skirt exactly where it was, but without crossing my legs. My pussy was now so wet that I’m sure both of the guys must have noticed how it glistened in the subdued lighting.

Joseph looked at our nearly empty wine glasses and waived to the server with a sweeping hand gesture to order another round. At the same time, Todd started caressing the inside of my right leg again. Joseph noticed, and started to run his fingers lightly up and down my left leg, and asked me if that was okay. Without saying a word, I gave him a big smile and squeezed his butt.

After a few minutes of this intense pleasure, the server brought our next round of drinks and gave me a big smile and a wink. Todd removed his hand from my leg and turned more toward me. Since I was enjoying what he was doing, I looked at him quizzically, and said quietly, “Why did you stop.”

Almost whispering, he said, “You have Joseph to caress your legs. I’d like to feel your tits some more and pinch your nipples. I’ll bet you’d enjoy that, wouldn’t you?”

Breathing a little harder, the combination of my inner slut and exhibitionism made me say, “I’d love it, as long as that is OK with management, and the cops don’t show up.”

Todd looked at Joseph and said, “Don’t you think Mandi would look even sexier if more of the buttons on her top became unfastened?”

Joseph said, “For sure. Heck, why not unbutton them all, or just take it off. It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve had a woman in here that somehow managed to lose her top.”

I thought about that for a couple of seconds and said, “Okay. I love showing off, so why not take it off. Then I’ll walk around like that for a while, so everyone can see what you two are about to enjoy.”

Being the gentlemen that they were, they took care of unfastening all the buttons and helping me off with my top. Todd came over behind me and cupped both tits in his hands. It felt so naughty but also so sexy. I also felt his rock hard cock pressing up against my ass. I guessed the guys weren’t going to be able to comfortably stroll around with me. I decided to pull my skirt back down since most everyone had already seen my bare pussy and butt.

I felt exhilarated, and realized at that moment how much I needed and reveled in this exposure. Pussy juice was running down my legs, and I wondered if anyone could see that.

I started to take my stroll around the restaurant topless. I reveled in the attention I was receiving and was pleased to see that I didn’t notice any shocked looks, just smiles. Two women asked if they could touch me, and I said, “It would be my pleasure if you did.”

They both fondled my tits almost lovingly, and then they each licked and gently bit my hard nipples. Before moving along, I thanked them both. Once that ice had been broken, my tits and nipples were being fondled, squeezed, and otherwise pleasured by almost everyone I passed.

It wasn’t until near the end of my stroll that anyone tried to touch my pussy. I was just walking back to the table with Todd and Joseph, when a stunning young woman came up to me and whispered, “You are so hot, and I’m absolutely dying to taste you. May I?”

At first, I didn’t know how to respond. But within seconds my pussy let me know what it thought, and I whispered to her, “Oh my God, I’d love that. But where could you do that?”

“Right here, right now.”

I looked her in the eyes, smiled, leaned back against our table for support, and spread my legs. She ran her hand under my skirt, onto my inner thigh, and then up to my pussy lips. Since I hadn’t stopped her, she slid two fingers into my soaking wet pussy. She plunged them in and out several times and wiggled them around inside me. I felt an orgasm building and wondered where she was going.

She slipped her fingers out of me, brought them to her mouth, and started licking them. She was clearly savoring the taste, as she ran her tongue all over them, licking them clean. She looked at me with a very passionate expression, and said, “You taste wonderful. I need to taste more of you.”

I watched mesmerized as she knelt in front of me, lifted my skirt, and pressed her mouth firmly against the lips of my dripping pussy. The tip of her tongue immediately began a little teasing dance over my clit, and then plunged as far as possible between my swollen lips, and into my pussy.

She moved her head back and forth as she tongue-fucked me. I could see that her face was covered by my juices which were glistening in the light. I felt an intense orgasm begin to overwhelm me, and I tried to get a better grip on our table before I collapsed. Todd and Joseph had to support me as I was shaking and trembling like crazy, and my legs were about to collapse. It was fabulous.

It took several minutes for me to settle down from that amazing experience. The young woman kissed me, and I could taste myself on her lips. She said, “You are fabulous. Thanks.” Then she turned and disappeared into the crowd.

Todd and Joseph looked at me questioningly and asked if I was okay. I responded by saying “No, I’m way better than just okay. I feel fucking phenomenal.”

We all laughed, and Joseph took the break in the action to ask if we were ready for dinner. Todd and I both nodded our heads, and Joseph signaled the server to set up one of the booths for three, side-by-side.

I motioned Todd over to me, and said, “As you can no-doubt recognize, I’m turned on and ready to fuck. Is the second part of your plan for the evening still open?”

“Without a doubt.”

“Then let’s have a quick bite to eat, get out of here, and head for your place.”

“That works for me. What would you think if I invited Joseph to join us?”

“That’s up to you. I’d be up for it, as long as you don’t mind sharing me with him. He looks like he’s in good shape, but I haven’t had an opportunity to check out his equipment. I sure don’t want to be disappointed.”

“I’ve seen him in action, and I have no doubt you’d be more than satisfied. But I’m sure he’d enjoy some intimate touching from you to find out. So check him out while we eat, and let me know if it’s okay to invite him.”

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll give you a signal as soon as possible. And, using another sports analogy, a ‘reliever’ is always good to have available.”

Right at that time, Joseph wandered back and said our table was ready. I looked at both of them and asked, “Should I put my top back on for dinner?”

They looked at each other, and both shook their heads to indicate a “No.” I was delighted with that decision, as now I could experience having dinner in a nice restaurant while I was topless. Another milestone on my road to sluttiness had been achieved.

I put my hands around Joseph’s neck, pressing my tits firmly against him as I did, and said, “I want to thank you so much for encouraging and allowing Mandi, the exhibitionist, to be rather naughty in your lovely restaurant. I hope I can find some way to thank you.”

Joseph placed his hands firmly on my hips and pulled me closer against him. He grinned, and said, “You started my evening perfectly, and I’m sure you did the same for all my customers. I’ve already had several of them ask me to let them know the next time you’re going to be here. But since you asked about a way to thank me, I’d love to start by kissing you, and be able to caress your breasts while we have dinner.”

With that, I pulled his face to mine, and we exchanged a deep, passionate, and tongue filled kiss. I also pressed myself as hard as I could against his crotch and could feel a very nice erection growing in his pants. I pulled back and said, “I’d love to feel your hands on my tits while we eat, but only if I can touch you too.”

“What are we waiting for. Let’s sit down to dinner.”

Trying to eat dinner while I was being almost continuously fondled and caressed by not one, but two handsome and sexy gentlemen, was quite an experience. The food was mostly just an afterthought. Joseph’s hands felt so exciting as he explored every curve and swell of my breasts and pinched and pulled on my nipples, while Todd was running his fingers sensuously up and down my thighs, under my skirt, and occasionally sliding two or three fingers into my overflowing pussy. This felt both delicious and very naughty.

Between taking a few bites of food, I responded by placing my hands on both of their cocks and doing my best to stroke their erections through their pants. I gave Todd a sign that I was happy with Joseph’s equipment and he should invite him to join us tonight.

I hardly ate anything as these two guys knew how to keep a slut like me in a total state of arousal. I loved every second of it, yet I couldn’t wait to have them both fuck me.

Todd invited Joseph to join us after dinner. Joseph said he couldn’t leave this early but would love to join us in a couple of hours. Todd said that would be fine, and that he’d probably be ready for a “relief pitcher” by then. He gave Joseph the address and the combination to the front door.

As Todd and I left the restaurant, we heard a definite round of applause. I turned and waved, and gave a small bow. As we walked out, I decided to put the top back on but left it totally unbuttoned. That way, if I walked by someone I wouldn’t exactly be topless and could cover up in a flash, but I’d be able to enjoy the exhilaration of having my tits on display. But when I got in the car I couldn’t resist the temptation and took it back off. Doing this just added another dimension to my arousal, and I began thinking of all the fun that was just a short distance away.


The drive to Todd’s home was easy and uneventful. He parked in his garage and pointed to a spot in the driveway where I should park. Before I got out I quickly sent a text to Dave letting him know that my having sex was on the menu, and not to wait up.

Todd waited for me to finish the message and then opened the car door for me. His mouth dropped open when he realized I had removed my top, and said, “You drove here topless? Earlier today you accused me of having balls. Well, you must also have some hidden away somewhere, for you to do that.”

I giggled and swung my slightly spread legs out of the seat and onto the ground. As I did, Todd moved his eyes from my tits to my legs, and noticed that my short skirt had pulled up almost to my waist,

He instantly went to his knees in front of me. He spread my legs apart, looked at my engorged labia, and then right in my eyes, and said, “Okay, Mandi. From this second on, there will be no more being a gentleman for me. I’m going to ravage your body from this second forward, so get ready for an awesome ride. And when we’re done, I’ll be very disappointed in myself if you have enough energy left to drive home. I want you to be next to me in my bed when I wake up in the morning.”

With that, he plunged his tongue deep into my welcoming pussy, and began circling my clit with his thumb. I just knew this was going to be a night to remember.

What little normal sense I had left in my brain told me that it wouldn’t be a good idea for me to have a screaming orgasm in front of Todd’s home while also being topless. Reluctantly and gently I pulled his head away from my pussy, and said, “We need to take this inside before I start screaming and the cops show up.”

“Good point,” said Todd. He stood up and extended his hand toward me while saying, “On your feet woman. Let’s begin our night of erotic pleasures.”

We immediately exchanged a wonderfully passionate embrace and kiss, and then he led me into his lovely home.

Once inside, I dropped my purse and top to the floor, and Todd pulled my skirt down my legs, over my heels, and onto the floor next to my top. He told me to keep my heels on and led me straight to his bedroom. In seconds we were standing in front of his big king-size bed. Todd moved behind me, wrapped his arms around me, cupped both of my breasts in his hands, and started squeezing my tits.

As he did that, he said, “I’ve been wanting to get my hands and mouth all over you and your gorgeous breasts ever since I first saw you at work. But now that I’m standing here next to you and your magnificent naked body, I know that at this moment I am the luckiest guy in the world.”

He turned me around, looked at me like a man possessed, and pushed me, not so gently, onto his bed. I grinned at him for doing that so forcefully, and then relaxed and lay back so I could enjoy what I hoped would be an unforgettable night of glorious sex.

One of his hands began to fondle and squeeze my tits, while at the same time he attacked my pussy and clit with his mouth and tongue. He rolled the sides of his tongue together so that it felt like a small cock as he drove it as deep as possible into my throbbing pussy, and then worked it all around the walls of my love canal.

While he was doing this, he used his thumb to tease and rub my clit. The sensations that came from these attacks were absolutely amazing and were hitting all the right buttons. He certainly knew how to make a woman feel wanted and horny.

But Todd still wasn’t naked, and that just couldn’t continue any longer. While he was still eating me, I told him he needed to take care of that oversight. He stopped what he was doing, stood up, and said “Joseph and I got you naked. Now you need to do the same to me.”

I looked at him, licked my lips, and said, “It will be my pleasure.”

I sat up on the edge of the bed, and it didn’t take long before he was standing in front of me, completely naked, with his cock standing up proud and hard directly in front of my face. It appeared to be good eight-inches long and pleasantly thick. I was pleased when I saw that his pubic area and balls were free of hair. In other words, just right for a long night of intense sexual indulgence.

I looked up into Todd’s eyes as I drew his shaft into my mouth and immediately deep-throated it. He let out another loud moan, and I saw his head rock back and forth for a few seconds.

I licked and sucked his shaft, and played with his balls for several minutes until I was satisfied that he was ready to fuck. With my hand wrapped tightly around his cock, I looked up at him and said, “I need you inside me now, Todd. I want you to fuck me now, and fuck me like there is no tomorrow.”

I was obviously more than ready to have his cock inside me. I pushed myself back to the middle of the bed, and lying on my back, spread my legs in a wide and inviting manner, and pulled the lips of my pussy apart with my fingers. He climbed up on the bed, rested his butt on his haunches, and guided his cock toward my soaking wet pussy. At first, he kept his cock in his hand, and ran the tip of it up and down between my engorged outer lips, teasing me unmercifully. This got my juices flowing, and I put up with it as I was twisting and pulling on my nipples.

Todd finally decided he had done enough teasing, and began sliding his rock hard eight inches into my welcoming pussy. There is no doubt in my mind that my most intense erotic feelings occur during the initial entry of a lover’s manhood into my pussy, particularly when that moment had been building over several hours. Every cock feels just a little different, and experiencing those differences, as I squeeze the muscles of the walls in my pussy as much as possible, is a huge part of the pleasure that rips through my body in those first few seconds.

Those feelings were so intense with Todd that I climaxed at that point. But I was certain that was just the first of many orgasms I was going to experience tonight.

Todd continued pumping his hard cock in and out of me, and I didn’t want him to stop. He clearly knew what a woman wanted, and how to give it to her. We continued fucking each other in many different positions for over an hour, and I was having one glorious orgasm after another.

But neither of us had unlimited stamina, and I was at a point where taking a break seemed like a good idea for both of us. I pulled his face to mine, pressed my lips to his, and gave him a deeply passionate kiss, complete with lots of tongue action. Then I pulled back, gave him an almost loving smile, and suggested we take a break and have some fluids and sustenance. After all, it’s a Friday night and neither of us needs to get up early in the morning. Todd thought that was a good plan, and withdrew his dripping wet cock out from my pussy.

I looked at Todd’s hard, wet cock and before heading for the kitchen I just had to take it in my mouth and lick all my juices off it.

After my quick “clean up job”, we hustled to the kitchen and poured some cold energy drinks down our throats, and looked for a nutritious snack to enjoy.

I also thought about Joseph and wondered if he was going to join us.

As we wandered around Todd’s kitchen trying to find something simple and nutritious to eat, we couldn’t keep our hands or lips off each other. I still had my heels on and I hoped my naked butt was looking round and firm. I couldn’t help but notice that Todd also had a very tight and well-toned butt.

It was fun playing grab-ass, or grab-anything, as we put some food together. Nipple kissing or biting, and butt squeezing seemed to be the most popular.

After about an hour’s break, Todd pulled me up out of the chair I was sitting in and pulled me into an embrace. He looked at me and said, “I’m having one of the most intense and enjoyable evenings of my life, and I don’t want it to end.”

I looked at him, squeezed his cock tightly, and said, “I see no reason why it has to. I’m ready for round two if you are.”

In another instance of timing is everything, we heard the front door open. Joseph walked into the kitchen with a big smile on his face, two bottles of wine in his hands, and an obvious erection in his pants.

Since his hands were full, and he was standing in the middle of the kitchen, I just couldn’t resist being the temptress. I also wanted him to know that I was glad he was here. I walked over to him, knelt in front of him, and pulled his pants down to the floor. He had gone commando, so another hard cock was staring me right in the face.

Joseph’s cock was slightly shorter, but fatter than Todd’s, and had a big mushroom head. I opened my mouth and did another immediate deep throat of his cock. But it was almost comical, as I wouldn’t let him maneuver toward a counter so he could put down the wine bottles he was still holding. But I knew it was time to stop teasing and looked over at Todd.

Todd quickly responded by picking me up, throwing me over his shoulder, and carrying me back to the bedroom, followed by Joseph who had a raging hard-on. But rather than laying me back down on the bed, he stood me up beside it, turned said, “I need you to get me hard again, Mandi.”

I looked down at his cock, started caressing it, and thought it looked and felt pretty hard to me. Without letting go of his cock I asked him, “What do you think would work best for you?”

Todd said, “We haven’t done doggie yet, and it’s one of my favorite positions. You’ve got such a cute firm butt, and I’d love to look at it and squeeze it while I fuck you. And you can blow Joseph at the same time.”

I hurriedly thought about what he was suggesting and guessed he probably was letting me know that fucking my ass was what he actually wanted, and with Joseph here, maybe a DP also. I found that I’ve enjoyed ass fucking, and had done a couple of DP’s, so I decided to play along with his suggestion.

I said, “Hmmm. That sounds a lot like an invitation to see if I might enjoy anal sex.” As soon as I said that, I could feel Todd’s cock getting harder and harder in my hand.

Without waiting for an answer, I bent over at the waist, leaned across the side of the bed, and said, “If you want to find out, you’ll need to warm me up with some good pussy fucking first.”

Joseph got the message and lay down on the bed by my face so I could suck his cock.

Since I still had my heels on I hoped I would be at just the right height for Todd. He came up behind me and began to slide his hard cock into my still very wet and horny pussy. It appeared that everything lined up just right, and he began thrusting his cock into me. It wasn’t very long before I started twerking my ass to match his thrusts. We got ourselves into a good rhythm, and I started cumming all over again. It was fantastic feeling Todd’s wonderful tool fucking my cunt while I was feasting on Joseph’s equally delightful love stick.

Then I felt Todd slightly shift his position and started running his thumb over my puckered hole. I was so wet that he didn’t need any lube to begin slipping it into my anus. To make it easier, I stopped the twerking motion and concentrated on relaxing my anus muscles. That helped my sphincter to open and allow Todd to insert his middle finger.

It wasn’t long before I felt Todd slide a second finger, and then a third into my ass and begin thrusting them in and out to match the thrusting of his cock. It felt fabulous, and I was moving my butt in a way that reminded me of the two times I’d enjoyed having cocks in both holes at the same time.

As if he couldn’t tell, Todd still asked me if I was enjoying it. Almost breathlessly, I responded by saying, “It feels fabulous, and I want your cock in my ass now. I’m so wet you can probably do it without any extra lube.”

Todd immediately withdrew his cock from my pussy and began pressing it into my ass. It slid past the tight valve comfortably, and in seconds his cock was buried in my ass and pumping hard. It was feeling magnificent, and combined with the erotic nature of ass fucking, I was off to another huge orgasm. I was screaming and writhing around almost uncontrollably.

At that point, I’m guessing that there must have been some unspoken communication between the two guys, because Todd stopped thrusting into my asshole, and asked, “Mandi, have you ever enjoyed the pleasure of having cocks in your pussy and ass at the same time?”

“I was guessing you two have something like that in mind. I’m not going to answer your question, but the idea of having both your cocks in me at once definitely appeals. Let’s do it.”

I sensed, more than saw them, high-five each other. Joseph slid out from under me and moved toward the middle of the bed on his back with his legs on either side of me. Todd then reached his arms around my hips and somehow lifted both of us onto the bed and over Joseph’s out-stretched body without his cock ever leaving my ass.

Wiggling around a little got me into the right position as Todd did the same. I lifted my hips off the mattress, grabbed Joseph’s rock hard cock in my hand, and guided it into my pussy. Then, I proceeded to slowly ease myself down on his long, fat cock, enjoying more than ever that first introduction of a new cock as it slowly spread the walls of my ever eager pussy as it entered me.

As I slowly slid down on Joseph’s cock, coupled with Todd’s hard cock firmly in my ass, the sensations were the most intense I could ever remember. I yelled out, “Oh fuck, this is incredible. Fuck me hard guys, fuck me fast and make me cum.”

The three of us finally got things where they needed to be, and they began thrusting their cocks in and out of my two wanton holes. It took a few more seconds for us to get into a perfect rhythm, and once that happened we started rocking the bed with total abandon. While one of them would thrust forward the other one would be pulling back, and all the while I was doing my best to use the muscles in my pussy and ass to enhance their experience.

I realized that having two cocks in me at the same time provided an intense sensation of fullness that greatly amplified the intense pleasure that comes from fucking. It allows me to feel the individual details of their cocks more intimately than when only one of them was fucking me. It was an almost overwhelming experience.

This extreme fucking continued for at least thirty minutes. We were all sweating, grunting, and moaning, and I was experiencing one continuous orgasm. The guys took turns enjoying my tits, and I found that Joseph was also an outstanding kisser. I was in heaven.

The intensity of everything was finally getting to Todd. I could feel his cock swell even more, and then begin to pulsate as his climax hit him. I could feel him injecting a large load of his pearly white cum into my rectum, and I joined his euphoria with my own orgasm.

This all seemed to finally have an impact on Joseph, and he suddenly started climaxing and emptied his full balls into my pussy.

I thought, “Oh my God, this has been such a fantastic and amazing night.”

Todd pulled his cum covered cock out of my ass, I rolled off Joseph’s cock, and the three of us collapsed on our backs. Todd looked over at me and said, “You have no idea how erotic it was to watch and feel my cock sliding in and out of that magnificent, tanned ass of yours while I saw Joseph ramming his fat cock into your magic pussy. Even though I just came, I still seem to be hard because it was so incredible.”

I looked at his cock, and sure enough, it was still hard and it was coated with lots of pearly white cum juice. I realized it would be very naughty, but I couldn’t resist reaching over and stroking his beautiful hard cock, and then taking it into my mouth to suck and lick him clean. I’d seen porn stars do ass-to-mouth, and it was something I had to try. Todd was mumbling something unintelligible while I had his cock in my mouth.

But I wasn’t about to neglect Joseph either. I looked over at him, smiled, took his cock into my mouth, and licked him clean too.

Todd looked up at the clock and said, “Do you have any idea what time it is?”

I said, “About midnight?”

Todd laughed and said, “Not even close. It’s almost three in the morning.”

“Well, it looks like you’ll get your wish of having me in your bed when you wake up in the morning. I need to run out to my car and grab a small overnight bag I brought, and then I’ll finally be able to take my heels off.”

I jumped off the bed and took a quick trip to the bathroom to clean up. Then I found my car keys and headed for the front door.

Joseph hollered out, “You’re still naked, Mandi.”

I hollered back at him, “It’s late, and it’s a quiet neighborhood. But if someone does see me, I’ll smile at them and wish them a good day!”

--- To be continued ---

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Written by MandiFan1
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