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The Fly On The Wall Ch. 1

"A husband imagines his wife with others"

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Dan and Trish lay like spoons in their king-sized bed. The fan above them provided little relief from the summer heat, but their sweat was caused mainly by the sexual gymnastics they had just completed moments before. The bedcovers were still bunched at the foot of the bed and their naked forms glistened in the dim lamplight.

Trish felt exhausted. She had experienced an orgasm some twenty minutes into their copulation. Still, it had taken Dan almost another thirty minutes before he had finally climaxed with a weak stream of semen on her face and chest. Trish had used all her known tricks to get her husband to cum, but nothing worked until she started whispering filthy directions in his ear. He eventually pulled out of her and scooted up so that he could slide his cock between her fat mounds and into her mouth. More and more, traditional positions, positions that Trish favored, had failed to produce a climax. Now all he wanted to do was cum in her mouth.

Trish was starting to think he must be having an affair. Sex with her husband had always been good until lately. Now, it seemed routine unless he added some twist to things. Lately, it was tit fucking, but now even that didn't always work.

"Dan, am I doing something wrong when we make love? You seem so distracted and far away when we have sex. But honestly, Honey, these marathon sessions are wearing me out. You can tell me. What do I need to do to keep you happy?"

Dan said nothing for a minute or so. He was unsure how to broach the subject and as much as he loved his wife, he worried that what was on his mind might make things worse between them. Trish was the love of his life. They had been married for six years and had dated in high school and college. As far as he knew, she had never had sex with anyone but him even though she was desired by nearly everyone who laid eyes on her, men and women alike as far as he could tell. She was beautiful, with raven tresses, a body to die for, and an intellect equal to everyone she met. But on top of that, she was modest and kind.

Finally, he mustered his courage and spoke.

"We've always been honest with each other, haven't we?"

Oh, oh. This isn't starting well, she thought.

"Of course. You can tell me anything. You know that. Am I doing something wrong?"

"No, you are wonderful. Here's the thing. Have you ever thought about having sex with someone else? Someone other than me?"

"Not really! Okay, maybe I've fantasized on occasion. You know–about movie stars and such. What would it be like to sleep with so and so? But just teenager stuff. Nothing to worry about. Is that it? Do you think I'm having an affair?"

"No! Of course not. I'll just say it. I'm the one who has fantasies...about you. I fantasize about you having sex with another guy. But it doesn't make me angry. It excites me. I get turned on thinking about it. Sometimes I can't cum unless I imagine I'm watching you have sex with someone else.  That sounds weird, but just talking about it now gets me hard."

Trish stared at the ceiling, her brain spinning. This was not what she was expecting.

"Are you saying you'd like to watch me having sex with someone else? Jesus, Dan. That's out of the blue, isn't it?"

"Not really. I've thought about this for a long time. I've even thought about how it would happen. It would add so much to our sex life. Of course, you would have to be willing. I doubt you'd have any trouble getting someone to go along."

"Oh, sure. I just walk up to some guy and say, 'Hey, would you like to fuck me while my husband watches?' What do we do? Join a swingers' club? I hear they're all the rage."

"Of course not. I know this sounds kinky or something. It wouldn't be like swinging. I'm not asking you to have sex with a bunch of guys. We would carefully select someone and it would be more like role playing. You know...flirting and stuff and then getting a motel room where I'd be waiting. I haven't thought it completely through, but that's how I imagined it. Anyway, I'm sorry I mentioned it but you said I could tell you anything. Well, that's it. I love you, Trish. But I've read about this sort of thing. It's not all that uncommon. It just happens to get me excited thinking about watching you with another guy. Sorry I brought it up. Let's get some sleep."

But neither Dan nor Trish could sleep for the longest time.

Trish's brain was a jumble of thoughts. She had only experienced sex with someone other than Dan on two occasions, one of them after she was married and with a co-worker who was also married. Dan knew nothing about it. It was a stupid thing to do, and she regretted being unfaithful. But despite the guilt, she had loved the thrill of clandestine sex, and he had been a fantastic lover. He no longer worked at the same company, but she saw him at conferences and meetings occasionally, and she had heard he was now divorced. Her brain scoffed at the idea, but her body tingled at the thought of making love with him while her husband watched.

The next morning when she awoke, Dan was already out of bed and in the kitchen. They did their routines as usual with little conversation before heading off to their respective jobs. But just before Dan grabbed his keys, Trish kissed him a bit longer than a typical goodbye kiss.

"I've thought about what you said last night, Dan, and...."

Here it goes–the nail in the coffin.

"And, it sounds exciting if you meant what you said. I even had a dream about it. But you have to go. We can talk about it later tonight. Bye, Dear. Have a good day."

"Sure, we'll talk about it later. Bye."

Dan desperately wanted to talk about it NOW, but he was running late. Regardless, he felt an immediate stirring in his groin as he kissed Trish back and headed for work.

The day crawled by for both of them as they individually fantasized about erotic scenarios. Trish imagined going to a bar and flirting with a stranger while her husband watched from a vantage point.

She knew how to excite a man. She would wear tight-fitting clothes and laugh at every joke he made, offering her own form of risque humor in the process. Light touching would ensue: an arm squeeze, a pat on the thigh, sliding her chair closer, and then finally whispering something like, "Would you like to have a drink in my hotel room? It's more comfortable than this noisy bar."

Dan would be waiting for them when they got there. After awkward introductions, Trish would explain that Dan only wants to watch. "If you don't mind an audience, Honey, he's innocuous. He'll sit there quietly and get off while we have some fun."

The guy would probably be ready to run, but by then Trish would have her blouse unbuttoned and her sheer bra with those fantastic breasts begging to be fondled as Dan removed himself to a corner of the room. Or possibly, she could hint at what was to happen as they made their way to the room. Trish would play that part by ear.

Dan had his version of the buildup, but in the end, it wasn't too dissimilar to his wife's. After dinner that night, they discussed it. Trish couldn't believe what she was agreeing to do. She kept telling herself that she was trying to save her marriage and that it would all be fine, but the prospects as outlined were also exciting beyond belief.

"I'm only considering any of this to save our marriage, Dan. I can't believe you even came up with an idea like this. But I love you, and I'm willing to try anything to make you happy. We have too much invested in each other to do otherwise."

So they discussed how it might happen. Trish let Dan explain what he had in mind, occasionally interjecting her ideas as if they had just popped into her head. She deliberately avoided showing any excitement. She knew that in the scorecard of their marriage, she would be amassing countless points for agreeing to this as long as she maintained that she was only doing it for him.

Fortunately, they lived in a large city where they could execute their ideas without worrying about running into people they knew. There were conventions occurring year round thanks to the warm weather the area boasted of. An IBEW convention was coming to the city the next week. A group of electrical contractors and union types might be the perfect place to start.


During the wait, they finalized the details. Dan made a hotel reservation where the conference would be held, getting a discount rate by lying that he would be attending from out of town.

On the Friday night of the convention, they checked out the room and stocked it with their favorite drinks, just in case. Trish was dressed as a business professional in a black skirt that showcased her beautiful legs and a tight blouse cut low enough to show just a trace of cleavage. She wore a black blazer over her blouse. She looked just slutty enough to make a man wonder.

They had a couple of drinks in the room as a lubricant before heading to the bar. Despite palpable excitement, they both gave off the calm exterior of a couple preparing for boring convention speeches. They peeked into the large conference center where tables for eight filled the room. Participants were lined up at the open bars and a number were already exiting the room.

"The natives are getting restless. I'm guessing that we'll find the hotel bar filing up with guys who want to escape this. Let's check it out. You go in first and I'll follow later to see what you can find." Dan pointed the way.

When Trish entered the bar, it was filling up, mostly in the booths and tables. Seated at the relatively small bar were several men alone with empty seats between them, something that Americans typically do. Trish eyed a good-looking guy probably in his forties who was staring at one of several TVs above the bar. He was wearing a convention ID card pinned to his lapel reading "Hi, I'm Vince."

"Excuse me. Is this seat taken?"

"No, by all means. Help yourself."

Trish seated herself as her seatmate automatically scooted his stool away to give her room.

"Oh, you're fine, um, Vince. I have plenty of room. I had to get away from the conference. Too many boring speeches."

"Are you with a contractor here?"

"My husband. He's a nerd. He loves this stuff. He'll be making deals into the late hours. I had to get away. How about you?"

"I'm here representing our company, and as you can see, I'm Vince. Like you, I had to get away. I'm not a real fan of these things but I do get to visit new cities this way."

Trish ordered a white wine and Vince insisted on paying for it. He was drinking an expensive bourbon on ice. His eyes discreetly took in Trish whenever he had a chance without being too obvious. He helped her remove her blazer and put it on the back of her stool. Trish fanned herself with a free hand and unbuttoned the top button of her blouse. Her breasts strained for release and a couple of inches of cleavage made an appearance with her gesture. Vince noticed.

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"It's hot in here, don't you think? But better than the convention hall." Thank god the rooms are air-conditioned."

And just like that, Trish and Vince began to learn about each other. Of course, Trish made up much of what she told him, but she learned Vince was divorced and had two grown, ungrateful kids. His ex was remarried and living on the East Coast. He loved sports and played football in college.

As they spoke, Trish realized he was strikingly handsome in a sort of rough-hewn way. His thick hair was combed, but haphazardly, and his five o'clock shadow hinted at a thick beard if left to its own devices.

Soon they were joking and laughing. Trish scooted next to him and often whispered naughty punch lines into his ear so others couldn't hear, but in time she was touching his forearm and even his hands as she spoke. Her glossy red lips enticed him, and Vince, she decided, was getting visibly turned on by the attention.

Finally, she leaned over and whispered conspiratorially, "Why don't we go to my room and have a drink? It's nice and cool there."

"What about your husband?" Vince's eyebrows raised in concern.

"Oh, he doesn't care. And he's probably occupied for hours yet if I know him. But no worries. He's very open-minded. It's not like we're going to go up there and fuck or something."

Trish laughed at her blunt declaration. And then she added with a giggle, "Unless, of course, the mood strikes us."

She winked and rose to put on her blazer.

"C'mon. You're making this convention fun. It's an elevator ride away, is all."

Vince rose and she took his arm. His 6'2" frame felt rock solid for his age. Trish's heart raced when she saw Dan enter the elevator ahead of them as they left the bar.


As the other elevator occupants got off on their floors, Trish and Vince found themselves alone for the final leg of the journey.

"Maybe we should go to my room instead," Vince offered anxiously.

"Oh, don't be silly. I've got a special surprise for you in our room. Don't be nervous." Trish reassured her partner by standing on her tiptoes and placing a kiss on his cheek. Then she reached up and kissed him on the lips. Instantly he turned and pressed his mouth to hers, their tongues finding each other as the elevator dinged and the door began to open.

Trish had her key card ready by the time they reached the door and when it opened, she stepped inside leading Vince by the hand. Once inside and with the door closed, she turned and kissed him again. They stood there for a minute or so, kissing and running their hands over each other.

When they broke apart, Vince heard something and looked over to see Dan sitting there in a chair across the room with a smile on his face. Vince's face was another matter. It registered a combination of shock and even fear.

"Hi, I'm Dan. I guess this is a surprise, huh? Don't worry. Trish and I have an agreement. You're fine. She likes to pick up guys and I don't mind. We have a very open marriage. In fact, I enjoy watching her with other guys. Just ignore that I'm here. Would you like a drink?"

Despite his excitement, Dan acted as if this were a daily event as best he could.

"I'd shake hands but I think I'd better stay put so I don't run you off."

At that point, a blown kiss could have knocked Vince over. He looked like he desperately wanted to escape, but then he looked down and Trish had her blazer off and had unbuttoned most of her blouse. With her free hand, she reached down and found Vince's penis through his pants and squeezed it. In the few seconds since they entered the room, it had gone from raging hard to instantly soft.

"I think you need some reassurance, Vince. Yes, this is my husband, but no worries. He wouldn't hurt a fly, and he does like to watch just as much as I like to perform."

Trish pulled the shirttails from her skirt and removed her blouse. Her large breasts were encased in an old-fashioned bullet bra made popular in the fifties that she had ordered online for just this occasion. At the sight of those huge torpedoes, Vince's cock rose again in his pants.

"Sit on the couch and I'll get us a drink. We have ice and bourbon, but not the same brand. Is that okay?"

Vince nodded, still speechless.

"Go ahead and get comfortable, Honey. Just ignore Dan over there and pay attention to me. I'll make it worth your while."

Dan was grinning from ear to ear. His wife was playing it to the hilt. He had no idea she could be so convincing, especially since this was their trial run. It was almost as if she were getting off as much as he was.

Trish gave Vince his drink and sat next to him. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"I see you like my big tits by the way you keep staring at them. Wait until you see them without this bra. They are spectacular, if I do say so myself. And I love to have them played with. But no hurry. Enjoy your drink."

Vince took a sip and then set his glass on a coaster on the coffee table. He couldn't wait to get at her tits.

Trish reached over and unbuckled his belt and pulled it out of his pant loops.

"I hope I'm not being too forward, but I'm guessing you'd like to get out of these sooner rather than later. I see a snake trying to escape."

She unbuttoned his slacks and unzipped them. She reached in and after groping for a few seconds, pulled her hand out holding a large, circumcised cock that filled her hand. The mushroom head was much larger than the shaft and even Dan gasped a little when he saw it.

"Oh, my! What have we here? Vince, Baby. You have a beautiful penis. I knew you would be a big boy, and you didn't disappoint."

She glanced at her husband. Dan was unzipping his fly as she spoke.

"I love giving blowjobs, but would you mind unhooking my bra so these puppies can get some fresh air. I'd do it but my hands seem to be occupied."

Vince reached around and unhooked her bra. Trish let loose of him so she could shimmy the shoulder straps off and down her arms. She placed her hands on the cups and slowly lowered the garment until her nipples peeked over the edge, and then she tossed it aside.

"What do you think? My pouty nipples are waiting for a pair of lips whenever you are ready. You're so quiet, Vince. Cat got your tongue? And speaking of tongues, Trish leaned over and licked the fat crown of the cock in front of her."

Vince watched as if in a dream as Trish looked up at him with huge brown eyes and slowly lowered her lips over the helmet.

"Yummm! You taste wonderful. Oh, oh. My lipstick left a ring around your shaft. I hope you don't mind."

Her tongue flicked out and ran circles around the shaft just below the glans. Then she squeezed her full lips tightly around the head and sucked for several seconds before looking up and smiling.

"I call this the Hoover. But your cock is so fat I can only get so much of it in my mouth. How do you like it so far?"

Vince finally spoke up.

"Oh, fuck. That feels so good. Don't stop, please."

By now his hands had found her tits and were groping them, pulling on her nipples and squeezing the fat globes as they hung down over his thigh. The couple continued in this way for several minutes. Vince glanced over at Dan quickly, still embarrassed that he was watching their every move. Dan had a look of sheer rapture on his face as he slowly stroked his cock.

Jesus, this is wild. This convention just got a lot better, he thought to himself.

Trish was sloppily licking and sucking him, only stopping to look him in the eye and smile.

"I need to get out of this skirt. Don't go anywhere, Honey."

Trish stood and slowly stripped out of her skirt and panties. She turned around and bent over giving Vince a clear view of her ass and then spun to face him. She reached down and with his help, pulled his slacks down to his knees and then to the floor. She straightened again and ran her fingers through the dark bush covering her pussy.

"I hope you don't mind a little fur. Dan prefers a light trim so I keep myself 'au naturale.' If you don't mind, I need to sit for a spell. Do you care if I sit on your lap? I think I know where I can put this joystick. Yes, right there."

Trish lowered herself on Vince's prodigious cock, grimacing a little at first from the thickness of his cock head. She looked over at Dan and winked. She was completely into the role now. She had become a total slut for her husband.

"Oh, Vince. You fit but just barely. Let's go slowly at first, okay? You've got a really big one. Go ahead and squeeze my tits while I do some knee bends. Oh, wow! That feels nice, Honey. Dan, are you enjoying this? I sure am. Vince here has a nice fat cock that is making me feel like a teenager doing it for the first time, only better."

As she pumped her ass up and down on her new lover, she placed her hands on his shoulders and then leaned over and kissed him. That was it. Vince hadn't had sex in ages, and this was all too much. He blew a huge load into this vixen who was turning him on like never before.

As she felt the first squirt enter her, she shuddered and let out a little squeal. The role-playing, the unrestrained sex with a stranger, her husband jerking off across the room–it was a fantasy in 3-D. She felt a gush of her own as Vince grabbed her ass with both hands and pressed into her and sucked on a ripe nipple. They ground their hips together for several seconds before finally stopping in exhaustion.

"Wow! That was a doozy, Vince. I hope you liked it as much as I did."

Trish looked over at Dan. His hand was cupped under his cock head and trying to hold a handful of cum. A stalactite of sperm reached for the floor between his legs.

Trish and Vince kissed for several minutes before she slid off of him and patted his thigh in a motherly gesture.

"Thank you, Vince. I know I liked it, and it looks like Dan did as well."

Vince glanced at the elephant in the room that he had momentarily forgotten about.

"This is one for the books, I guess. Thanks for making this a convention I'll never forget. If you don't mind, I'm going to pull up my pants and leave you two. This is not exactly a story to tell my grandchildren. I'm not sure anyone would believe me. I'm having a hard time believing it myself."

He dressed and took a deep swig of his drink, the ice now melted, and blew a kiss to Trish as he walked out the door.

When he was gone, Trish looked at Dan and smiled.

"Is that what you wanted, Honey? I did my best."

"You were fucking amazing, Trish. I'd come over there and fuck you, but I'm spent."

"We're going to have to work on that, I guess."

Trish turned to put her clothes back on as Dan got up and waddled into the bathroom to clean up.

Smiles lit up both their faces.

Written by johndoe7
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