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A Fly On The Wall Ch. 2

"The experiment continues"

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So the Rubicon had been crossed. Trish had sex with a total stranger while Dan, her husband, watched. Everything had worked out as planned, except for one thing: Trish wanted more.

She found that she loved the role of a hotel slut. It was an acting job that seemed to flow naturally once she started. Her victim, Vince, had left with a smile on his face and despite the brevity of their encounter, Trish had gotten off with the sex. The newness of everything had played a key part in the experience.

Of course, knowing that her husband was watching every second of it made it all the better. When she looked over and saw him cumming as she was fucking Vince, it was simply too much. Her orgasm was brief but intense. And Dan hadn't cum like that in ages. His unprepared hand was dripping with semen.

But the problem was that she had hoped they could finish with sex together. Wasn't that the purpose in the first place? Or were they going through all of this so that Dan could whack off while he watched his wife getting pummeled by a stranger?

Imagine how horny he would be if he couldn't jack off? The sex with him would be like our first time again. But how do I make that happen? Tie his hands behind his back?

Trish thought long and hard. She wanted to do this again but maybe tweak it to resolve issues like this. Also, Vince was a willing candidate, but she thought he wanted to bolt from the room when he saw Dan. It would be better if whoever she was going to fuck agreed to it in advance.

Since that night, sex with Dan had improved. Just the technicolor memory of that night excited both of them with fantasies as they fucked. Trish had almost called her husband Vince on more than one occasion. And during sex, Dan had frequently described in detail how much he liked watching her getting fucked by a stranger.

But over time, the memories began to blur and the excitement waned–enough so that a repeat performance began to crop up in their conversations.

"Okay, Dan. I'm willing to do this again, but I want to change a few things."

"Sure. What do you have in mind."

"Well, for starters, I want to make sure the guy I pick knows what he's getting into before we go to the room. We could befriend someone and discuss it in advance. Maybe over drinks or dinner. That way if someone gets cold feet, we're prepared for it. How would you feel if I chose someone we know?"

That caught Dan by surprise. He winced inside. How would that make him feel? It could lead to exposure on social media or something similar and where would that lead?

"It would have to be someone who would never talk about this. Something like this could open doors we don't want opened. I'm not sure how to ensure that would never happen."

"I agree, but if we could find someone who might agree to becoming a regular, would that work for you?"

"I think so. I enjoy the voyeur part as much as anything, I guess. Watching you have sex is a major part of the excitement."

"Secondly, I have an idea that will intensify the experience for both of us. I was disappointed that we didn't follow up with each other after Vince, but you were spent. I could have gone another round with you. Imagine the sex we could have right after you watch me with another man. But you'd have to quit masturbating while I'm having sex."

"Yeah, well I'm not sure how that would work. That's like asking me not to look."

"I've looked into it. I can buy a device so you can't play with yourself. It's called a chastity cage. It is a locking device for your penis. You physically won't be able to jerk off until I unlock it. Can you imagine how horny you'll be?"

"Jesus, I don't know, Trish. But on the other hand, that might make it even more exciting. But where do you find something like that?"

"No worries, Honey. I already bought it. Let's try it on for size."


Dan loved and hated their new purchase.

His cock hardened visibly as Trish described how it worked and then when he saw it, he had second thoughts. The device looked like something from the Middle Ages: a chastity belt for men. Who thought this up?

The one that Trish wanted him to try was a black aluminum alloy affair that slipped over his cock and balls. It came with different-sized rings to surround the testicles and a belt that held it snugly and comfortably to one's waist.

"Let's see if it fits."

Dan studied it carefully.

"If I put this on, who keeps the key?"

"It comes with two keys. One for you and one for me. That way we are covered if we lose one. The product reviews are all good."

Reluctantly, Dan removed his shorts and underwear and let Trish help him with it. In no time, he nervously looked down to see his flaccid cock encased in the cage.

"Locked and loaded. What do you think? It even is designed so you can pee without removing it."

"I think two keys are not enough. But you know what? It is exciting just thinking about having to sit and watch you without being able to relieve myself. Don't let me bring a hacksaw."

"Problem solved. Now we need to find a willing man who won't mind fucking me in front of you."


As much as Trish enjoyed role-playing a slutty wife who picks up strangers in a hotel, it also made her nervous. There was an inherent element of danger that both excited and scared her. Dan would always be there if something went awry, or so she assumed, but what if something unforeseen happened? The risk factor was a double-edged sword.

But Dan was so excited that they decided to try it again, but with a few changes. They would ensure the person knew what he was getting into before committing to a hotel room.

Another conference was coming to town, this time involving accountants and CPA's. Trish felt a bit less anxious with business professionals although in her heart she knew that was no guarantee of safety. But they went ahead with preliminary arrangements and before they knew it, they were scouting for someone who might go along.

Trish scoped out the hotel bar as she did the first time and saw no one that struck her fancy. She ordered a glass of wine and busied herself with her phone like other bar patrons. She purposely sat at the end of the bar away from others in hopes someone desirable would see her and sit near her. And that is exactly what occurred.

"Is this seat taken?"

The man behind the question was young, fair-haired, and tanned. But he was wearing a lanyard with a conference ID tag.

"No. Help yourself."

Trish smiled warmly and patted the seat next to her.

"Here for the conference, I see. Are you an accountant?"

"Yes, I just finished receiving my CPA designation. I'm happy to be done with school and all the tests. I hope it will be worth all the work."

"I was going to say–you're too young and good-looking to be a CPA. You need to get some glasses and lose some of that hair. But congratulations. Are you from out of town? I'm Trish, by the way."

"Hi, Trish. I'm Darren. Yeah, just here for the conference but I'm thinking about moving here. I like the warm weather. Minnesota winters suck."

Trish's compliments about his looks and hair were not lost on him. He smiled and revealed perfect teeth as he ran a hand through his thick mane.

"How about you."

"I'm a local but we're staying in the hotel for the weekend so we don't drink and drive. My husband is the nerd offense. I'm waiting for him. Can I buy you a drink?"

"That would be wonderful. Thanks."

Trish flagged the bartender and Darren ordered a local beer on tap. They chatted about the conference until Trish moved the conversation to more personal things. Two beers and two glasses of wine later, they were giggling and laughing like old friends. Trish figured it was time to move forward.

"My husband and I are staying here partly because we like hotel know...strange bed sex. You probably get lots of that by the looks of you. Me–I'm an old lady so I take what I can get. Dan could probably care less, but I like a little thrill once in a while."

Darren felt a sudden hardening between his legs. Was she coming on to him?

"You are hardly an old lady, Trish. You're a dish...yeah, Trish is a dish." Better slow down on the beer, Darren.

"That's nice of you to say. A woman my age appreciates a young, handsome guy offering compliments. They happen infrequently these days."

Trish crossed her beautiful legs and her skirt slid up exposing the tops of her sheer nylons. She had previously removed her blazer to accent her breasts in her cashmere sweater. Darren's eyes struggled to look elsewhere.

"I don't mean to be forward, but honestly, if you weren't married, I'd be hitting on you."

"Oh, Darren. You are making me blush. Thank you." And with that, Trish reached over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Oh, shoot. I left a big red smooch on your cheek. Let me wipe it off." Trish rummaged in her purse for a hanky but couldn't find one. Instead, she reached up and rubbed it with her thumb.

"There, I got most of it."

Just then Dan walked up. He had been watching from afar and figured it was now or never. Introductions were made and Dan joked about the red smear on Darren's cheek. Trish giggled an apology and admitted to being the culprit as Darren blushed.

"Darren, we're going to have some dinner. Would you like to join us?"

Darren tried to beg off, but Dan insisted, and soon they were seated in the dining room and sharing a plate of oysters. Trish made a big show of them as she sat beside Darren and across from Dan, slurping them from the shells and running her tongue over her juicy lips.

"Don't you just love these things? It's almost like having sex. And speaking of sex, Dan and I have a little proposition for you. Want to hear it?"

Trish turned to face him with a questioning look.

Darren couldn't believe his ears. What the hell was happening? In his 25 years, he had never had anything like this happen. He had not even dreamed of anything resembling what he was feeling. Here was a beautiful, busty woman coming on to him in front of her husband, and he was sitting there with a shit-ass grin on his face with no idea what to say.

"Would you consider coming to our room for a little tete-a-tete? We'll finish dinner and then relax with a drink and see what follows. Danny boy here likes to watch me with other men and you are a prize, Darren. I bet you could give an old gal like me a real workout, hmmm?"

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Darren's face looked like a cannon had been fired in the dining room. His jaw dropped and his eyes jerked back and forth between his two dinner companions. Just then he felt a hand under the table on his thigh as it moved up and squeezed his cock.

"The only thing we ask is that this remains our little secret. No kissing and telling. It's bad for business, especially during tax season."

"She's right, Darren. Trish, as you can see is quite sexy, and you won't be disappointed. I get to have her alone all the time but rarely do I get to watch her with another guy. I'd love it if you said yes."

Darren's face went from puzzlement to a dumbfounded smile. He nodded his head slowly as he wondered if this was really happening.

"I take it that's a yes. Oh, goody. I can't wait."

Dan explained how he would quietly be present in the room but would not interfere, and that Darren could have his way with Trish.

"She particularly likes to do it doggy style, but I'll let you figure all that out."

"Oh, Dan. I like lots of positions. Don't give away my secrets."

Darren's cock practically tore a hole in his pants. He ate quietly and mostly just smiled at the remaining discussion before Dan paid the bill and they retired to their hotel room.


As they walked down the hallway to the room, Darren nervously looked at the fire evacuation routes.  Not that he was worried about a fire, but something had to be wrong with this picture. Trish led the way, her tight ass swaying seductively with each step in her four inch heels. Dan brought up the rear and Darren ran his escape route through his head, just in case. Trish opened the door and stepped inside. The room was nicer than his. It had a small kitchenette and a nook with a loveseat that folded into a bed if needed. The king-sized bed was a standard hotel issue with too many pillows.

Dan sat on an easy chair in the nook where the loveseat stood. He had a clear view of the bed but was a discreet distance away and almost invisible if the lights were off.

Trish dimmed the bedside lamps and sat on the bed. She patted it with her hand.

"Come over here and sit down, Honey. Don't worry, I don't bite, unless you want me to."

She removed her blazer and kicked off her shoes. She laid back and smiled. Her sweater-filling mounds defied gravity in her push-up bra. She smiled and then sat up and pulled her sweater over her head, leaving her chest bare except for her bra.

"You've been staring at these all night. Well, here they are. Waiting for you. Will you do me?"

She turned her back and Darren came around the bed and unhooked the wide support band between her shoulder blades. Trish was nicely tanned and blemish-free except for a tiny mole on her shoulder. She tossed the bra aside and laid back on the bed again, propped by a pillow and a bolster. Her breast barely settled onto her chest.

Darren stared at her. Her tits were perfect: full and perky with large, dollar-sized, bumpy areolae.

He had completely forgotten about Dan.

"Come to momma, Honey. But why don't you take off that shirt and tie? We don't have to be formal at this point."

Trish beckoned him with open arms.

Darren practically ripped off his shirt after first loosening and removing his paisley tie. He was lean and muscular under his clothing, and his abs were the product of his high school wrestling program that embedded in him a philosophy of hard work and training.

Trish smiled lasciviously at the sight.

"Yummm. Look at you. Aren't you a specimen?"

In seconds they were locked in an embrace. They kissed in wild, unrepentant passion for several minutes as Darren's hands found her breasts, followed by his lips and tongue. He slid down and kissed her stomach, and by the time he got to her belly button, Trish was undoing her skirt. With his help, she slid it off followed by her lavender panties. She was now completely naked.

"I know–we just had dinner, but feel free to have a snack."

She spread her legs wide apart and encouraged him with her pointer finger. I hope you don't mind a little bush. I know girls these days like to shave it off, but I'm a throwback to the sixties.

Darren didn't waste a second. He gently pushed her thighs up and planted his face in her waiting pussy. Instantly, his tongue was working over her labia, clitoris, and even her ass.

"Oh, Honey. I think you've done this before. I'm glad I cleaned myself extra down there. I even used scented soap. Do I smell like roses or lilacs?"

Darren ate her for several minutes before Trish finally told him to remove the rest of his clothing. Naked, he was all youthful muscle underneath the conservative clothing of an accountant. His cock was not the biggest she had ever seen, but it was more than ample and defined rigidity. It looked like someone could do pull-ups on it. His stomach and testicles were covered in a thick mat of blond fur.

Trish sat up and switched to her knees so she could wrap her lips around him. Her arms pulled him to her as she licked and sucked his cock for several minutes, teasing him with her eyes.

All this time, Dan sat quietly in the dark nook. His hard cock had no place to go inside the chastity cage that Trish had placed on him earlier. And she had both keys.

Finally, Trish laid back and smiled silkily.

"Time to see if you'll fit inside me. I can't wait any longer. Don't worry about anything, Sweetie. No raincoat is needed. I'm on birth control and I'm betting you are as clean as a Catholic priest. Oh, wait. Maybe not such a good example, but you know what I mean.

Darren placed himself between her knees and guided his cock into her sweet spot after first rubbing it up and down her labia. Once the bulbous head was safely inside, he pushed and buried himself. Trish let out an "oomph" with the first thrust.

"Go ahead and bury yourself while you're at it. You don't mess around, do you? Don't worry, Honey. I love it. You feel so good in me. Go ahead and fuck me. This is what I've been waiting for."

She glanced over at Dan and blew him a kiss.

Darren's hands busied themselves with Trish's breast as he fucked her, his eyes taking the whole scene in, watching his cock shaft sliding in and out of her while his hands fondled her beautiful tits. All thoughts of tax shelters, 403B's, and annuities had dissolved into one thing, fucking this gorgeous woman under him, her tits bouncing wildly with each thrust.

Trish pulled him down and kissed him before whispering in his ear, "Would you please fuck me from behind. I love it that way. You can really get deep like that and I'm told I have a nice ass to look at while you fuck me.

Darren complied and soon he had his hands on Trish's hips as he rammed his cock into her, his balls slapping against her ass. He continued for some time, varying his strokes from deep to short and from slow to fast. Trish moaned in delight and periodically turned her head to see what was going on behind her.

Suddenly, he pulled out and rubbed his cock up and down her ass, stopping to rub the head against the pink star of her ass. Trish gave a little squeal.

"I don't know if I'm ready for that, but feel free to put your finger in me there. That drives me wild."

Darren slid his cock back inside her pussy and added a digit to get their combined juices on his finger. His cock was now coated with a white goo and he rubbed it on her anus and then inserted a finger there once it was lubricated. Her anus opened easily. As he pushed it deeper, he could feel his cock sliding back and forth against it in her cunt separated by the thin membrane of her perineum. The added pressure from his finger on his cock made him even harder if that were possible.

Trish's head was now swaying from side to side and her moaning was almost a yowl. She began meeting him thrust for thrust until he pushed in and held his cock there, deep in her cunt. When she felt the first stream of sperm shoot into her, her body convulsed and her cunt muscles tightened in a fleshy vice-like grip.

"Oh, fuck!" Darren yelled as she squeezed him and drained the last drops from him. They collapsed in a heap and lay there silently for several minutes.

Trish rolled over and kissed him tenderly.

"That was lovely, Honey. I hope you do move here. I could get used to this."

They snuggled for several minutes before Darren realized that Dan was still there. He almost jumped when he saw Dan sitting in the same chair with a huge grin.

"Nice job, Darren. You gave her quite a fucking, and if I know my wife, she enjoyed every second of it."

Darren got up and began dressing, unsure what to say.

"No hurry, Buddy. But here, I wrote down our phone number on this napkin. Any time you're in town and would like to get together, we'd love to see you."

Trish lay there naked, watching him dress.

"You were a wonderful lover, Honey. We'd love to see you again, okay? Just call if you are around."

She stood and kissed him when he was ready to leave.

"Enjoy the rest of the conference and good luck with your new job."

"Thanks." He sheepishly waved and walked out the door.


When he was gone, Dan looked at his wife adoringly. He hadn't noticed her reach into her purse as Darren was leaving, but when he looked at her again, she had something sticking out of her mouth.

It was a key.

"Come here, Lover Boy. Let's see if we can remove that contraption."

In a New York minute, Dan's cock was freed from its cage and imprisoned in his wife's cunt.

"Jesus, Dan. You are so hard, Honey. Wow. I like this."

There were few preliminaries. The foreplay had occurred over the last hour with Darren's fucking and her husband's watching...  Dan's cock slipped easily into his wife's sperm-coated pussy and they fucked like monkeys for nearly another hour in every position Trish could think of.

When he finally came, Trish climaxed with him. It was the best sex they had ever experienced together.

"I think we may be on to something, Dan. You've never fucked me like that.  I think I may need a day or two to recuperate, but then watch out. How can we top this?"

Written by johndoe7
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