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Author's Notes

"Thank you all for continuing to read this series. The outpouring of support in the past month has been incredible and I'm humbled that you all continue to read it! As always, I welcome any and all feedback via comment or message. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Enjoy! -LL"

I paced in the gigantic living room and came to a stop near the almost full wall window overlooking the city.  She had a million-dollar view of the skyline and the harbor beyond.  It almost distracted me from what was happening to my life for a brief second.

Thinking back on everything that had happened to me since Friday afternoon, I realized I was exhausted, physically, and mentally.  Two late nights in a row with a super long run yesterday morning sandwiched in-between.  I’d gone from Amanda’s patient, to watching her masturbate after hearing the sordid details of my adventures with Justine and Grant, to watching her have sex with her late husband and a woman they picked up in a hotel bar. I jerked off on Justine while she got herself off then the next night pleasured her with my mouth and she pleasured me with hers.

Then there was Jenn.  I longed for her embrace or anything to do with her at all.  Maybe that’s why I’d been sucked in when Justine gave me her panties and showed me the pictures I had taken of her.  I’d even had her dress up in Jenn’s lingerie.  She still had them on under her jeans when she had told me about Jenn cheating.  My god…

Fucking Grant.  He’d taken advantage of a drunk Jenn and was fucking around on Justine.  Uneasy anger trickled into me and washed away the fatigue I’d just been feeling.  That fucking guy.  Justine wasn’t good enough for him?  She wasn’t an angel in any form but she deserved a husband that didn’t cheat.  Why the hell was Justine staying with him?  

I’d promised Justine I’d take care of her and even take care of Grant.  I’d promised Grant to abide by the rules he had set.  The conflict churned inside of me.  Maybe there was a way to keep all of those promises?

All this swirled in my head as I stared into the city skyline for what seemed like forever until my phone buzzed.  Oddly enough it was from Amanda.  There were the pics Amanda had taken of Justine and I, plus a selfie-style pic of the two ladies kissing each other in what I assumed was the bedroom of the apartment.  The message with it read:

Grant probably wants to know Justine is alright
Why don’t you let him know how well she’s doing
He’ll enjoy it
-winking emoji-

Thinking back to earlier today, Justine had mentioned just how well the texting with Grant had gone, so who was I to argue with Amanda.  I started composing a text to Grant, putting Justine in the group of the text as well, so that she could see exactly where I was going with this.

You asked a lot of me, but you asked me to make your wife happy and please her.

I texted him the pic that Amanda had taken.  It was Justine in her black and white sundress and my hand was over her pussy, me kissing her neck, her head was tilted back and her face looked lost in lust with a hint of a smile.

I think I’ve done what you asked of me, haven’t I?

He replied in mere seconds:

Yes, you have, more than I'd imagined
Thank you

I thought about what else he had asked me to do and returned his text.

You told me that you liked the feeling of being out of control
How did it feel this morning when she didn’t take your ring back?
How does it feel now to have zero control over what is about to happen to her?

I waited for a while as the three little bubbles appeared and stayed there for a long time, until the phone buzzed.

I know that you’ll take care of her and that you’ll keep her safe.  I know that this will make her happy, and that somehow makes me happy.  I won’t lie, it hurt for her not to take it back, but then when you made me jerk off on it with her watching and egging me on, I’ve never felt like that before.  I’m rock hard thinking about all of this and I’ve been hard since you made me jerk off.   

That was quite a bit more than I’d expected.  Amanda was right again.  He wasn’t enjoying it, he fucking loved it.  I texted again:

Just remember, when she gives you her ring, you don’t have to take it. 
You have all the power and control until you choose to take it. 
It goes both ways though... 
She doesn’t have to take it back.

She gets to choose if she wants to give you back that power and control or keep it for herself like she did today. 
It’s always a risk you’ll have to take if you want this...
Now it sounds like you've got a hard dick that you can’t do anything about right now

Send J and I a pic of just how much you are enjoying all of this

He wanted to be pushed and here I was pushing him again.  Somehow seeing how excited he was would ease my conscious on all of this, but yet again he was proving that this was exactly what he wanted.  Something in his brain was getting off on all of this.  I couldn’t understand it, but maybe it wasn’t for me to understand.  My phone buzzed.  He had the same frilly pink boyshorts on from the other day and the pic showed how his dick looked to be painfully tenting those.  I had half expected Justine to jump into the conversation at any point, but she had not.

You seem very excited you that I’m going to be pleasuring your wife soon?

A quick “yes” reply followed immediately.  I decided that if he was enjoying this so much, I'd push even more.

Well, I have fantasies too, Grant.
My biggest one was to see Jenn and Justine fuck.
That’s beyond my reach now, but I’ll take this…

I texted the pic Amanda had texted me of her and Justine making out.

Now it’s not just me making your wife happy & satisfying her in every way...
Maybe she'll take your ring back when she gets home
Maybe she'll be so exhausted she'll pass out and you'll have to wait
Enjoy the rest of your afternoon knowing we’ll take good care of her and not knowing what will happen when she returns to you

I put my phone back in my pocket and started out the window again, thinking about just how close Jenn and Justine had been to making my fantasy come true that night we took the pre-wedding pictures.  Smiling thinking about simpler times.  I missed that.  My pocket buzzed with a text from Grant:

I can’t thank you enough, Matt. 

Tempted to respond, I just returned the phone to my pocket.  I heard Amanda’s voice beckoning me.

“Well done, Matthew,” I heard from the distant hallway.  “I told you he’d like that," she said as I realized they must have been watching the text exchange on Justine's phone.  "Now, Justine and I need your help in here please.”

Like a moth to a flame, I was drawn to the voice and headed down the hall to a door at the end which was open about a quarter of the way.  I slowly pushed it open as I stepped inside.  The bedroom was huge.  My eyes first went to a large sleigh bed directly in front of me with the headboard against the closest wall and the foot of the bed running to my left.
“Oh my god,” leaped out of my mouth.

There was Amanda standing next to the foot of the bed.  She had changed and was wearing black stockings with red lace panties and a red garter belt.  The red accentuated her alabaster skin.  The lace push-up demi-bra she was wearing, that her ample breasts were practically spilling out of, made my pants even tighter.  You could even see a hint of her pale nipples hidden below the lace.  Diving down into her cleavage was the silver necklace with her husbands ring dangling from it.  Her hair was down and framed her strikingly beautiful face as she warmly smiled at me.

“Hi,” I heard, but it wasn’t from Amanda.

I looked further right to see where the voice was coming from-

“Fuck,” I sputtered.

Justine was seated in a modern-looking lounge chair with grey cushions on the seat and back portion.  The arms and legs were a continuous run of black metal that Justine had been neatly tied to with a bright red rope matching the lingerie that Amanda was wearing.  Justine on the other hand was completely naked other than the rope that bound her.  Surprisingly, she looked comfortable and was not struggling against the restraints.

“Hi,” she said again.

I turned back to look at Amanda with what must have been a shocked look.  She walked over to me and took my hand. We walked together towards the foot of the bed, not two feet away from where the chair and Justine had been positioned.

“Just listen, alright?” Amanda softly pleaded as she looked into my eyes.

“This is where you start to move on in your life, to start living in the now and not in the past.  This is where I start to move on with you.”

She turned her back towards me and lifted her locks of strawberry blonde to expose the back of her neck.

“Please take my necklace off, Matthew,” she gently but firmly commanded.

Stepping forward, my hands met the back of her neck and undid the clasp holding the necklace.  She bent down slightly and I lifted it over her head.  Amanda turned to face me holding her hand out.  I placed the necklace neatly in her hand.  She glanced at it lovingly and without looking up she spoke.

“Give me your hand, Matthew.”

I reached out my left hand and she softly took it as she inspected my wedding band on my ring finger.

“I think it’s time,” she whispered.

I nodded as she pulled the wedding band off my finger and then placed it in her other hand that was holding the necklace.  She deftly strung my wedding band onto her necklace and then turned to Justine.

“You are going to hold these for us,” she said as she walked to the side of the chair and worked to clasp the necklace around Justine’s neck.

Amanda returned to my side and when she did, I reached out for her and took her in my arms and warmly embraced her.  I pulled her head into my shoulder and whispered in her ear.

“It's okay,” I reassured her.

She broke away and turned to Justine, “Is he always like this?”

“Fucking boy scout.  I told him his wife cheated on him and all he did was worry about was me.  Yeah, he’s always like this.  He has this extra sense that knows exactly what you need and he gives it to you,” she was looking at me rolling her eyes as she spoke.

“Well, let’s hope he figures out exactly what I need right now,” Amanda smiled and shifted next to me like a lion ready to pounce.

“What the fuck is going on here?  Why are you tied up?” I asked Justine.

“I’ll answer that, thanks,” Amanda chimed in.  “She’s tied there because we had a little chat about all of us, and she thinks you and I deserve a shot together.  She loves you, Matt, and she truly wants the best for you.  She wants you to be happy,” she said walking to the chair Justine was tied too.

“The voyeur in her wants to watch,” she smiled and caressed the side of Justine’s face.  “Isn’t that right?” Amanda said as she took her finger and lifted Justine’s chin to look at her.

“Yes, Mandy,” Justine purred looking into Amanda’s eyes.

“Mmmm, that’s right,” she bent down and they kissed again, tongues probing each other’s mouth.
Amanda broke off the kiss and continued, “She’s tied up for two reasons.  First, I don’t think that she could watch us without joining in right now.  And second, this is her punishment.”

“For what?” I quipped.

“For trying to hurt you and manipulate you into her arms.  Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, Mandy,” she said solemnly.  

“It’s alright, all will be forgiven.  You were hurt, you lashed out and tried to get yourself to safety.  You are safe with us now.  We’ll take care of you,” Amanda said sweetly.

Amanda’s hand dove down between Justine’s legs and she started to slowly tease the bound woman’s pussy.  After a few seconds, Amanda started to nibble on Justine’s neck and Justine started moaning.  I felt like I was bound too as I couldn’t move.  I was entranced by one of the most erotic scenes in front of me I’d ever witnessed, and hell, I’d been through a lot the last two weeks.

“Ohh, mmmm, Mandy,” Justine crooned.

This went on for a while, and I didn’t move a muscle, almost.  My cock was ragingly hard and pushed against my shorts painfully.  I watched Amanda tease Justine expertly and just as she was building up to the edge of the cliff, she suddenly stopped.  Amanda took her hand and cupped Justine’s face and kissed her gently, then brought the fingers that had been teasing her pussy to her mouth.  Justine sucked them with the vigor that she had sucked my own cock with just hours ago.

Amanda turned to me and smiled.
“Justine and I have an agreement,” she confidently said.  “Today, she’s going to sit there and watch you and I.  In return, sometime after you get back from your trip, I am going to watch the two of you.  When that happens, I’m going to watch with Grant as you take her for the first time, and I’m going to mold him into the husband she deserves,” she wickedly smirked.

"Today, I'd hoped that she'd be able to watch you take me for the first time," she said with a sultry smile.

“Do I get a say in this?” I asked tentatively.

“Oh god yes,” Justine surprisingly hissed.

Amanda cut her off and batted her eyes seductively, “You always get a say, Matthew.  Are you going to turn us both down now?”

I had this driving urge to ask everyone if they were okay again.  Surveying the two ladies, I pushed that thought aside and decided I was going suppress that urge and take this a direction they wouldn’t expect from me.

“Come here,” I seconded her curling my index finger at her.  I briefly noticed the hand in front of me without my wedding ring.  A pang of sorrow rang through me, but that was soon replaced with an inward smile.  Amanda was right, I needed to use it to push forward in my life.

Meanwhile, Amanda was taking exaggerated and seductive steps towards me as Justine behind her watched in rapt attention.

“Kneel,” I firmly commanded and pointed in front of me.  She smiled brightly in return and looked over her shoulder at Justine.

Justine was shaking her head dismissively, “He just fucking knows somehow.  I don’t know how he does it.”

Amanda knelt submissively in front of me, sat on her heels, and tilted her head up looking at me with her big blue doe eyes.

“If this is all your plan, Mandy, I shouldn’t have to tell you what you should do next, should I?” I said sarcastically.

She took the hint, licked her lips in anticipation, and unbuckled my belt.  She pulled my jeans down with my boxers in one fell swoop and helped me step out of them as I kicked my flip flops off.

The realization that I was about to fuck this beautiful woman, who had done nothing but listen to me and help me for a year, in front of Justine, hit me like a freight train. Amanda looked over her shoulder again at Justine and shifted herself just a bit so Justine would have an unobstructed view, before slightly leaning forward and kissing the tip of my cock.  Shivers read down my spine as I felt the softest touch of her lips shake me to my core. 

“Mmmm, “ I moaned at the touch of her tender lips.

She took that as motivation and expertly lowered her mouth slowly over my cock until she could take no more.  I almost jumped as her other hand came up and lovingly caressed my balls.  She must have felt me twitch as she moaned and started to slowly bob her mouth up and down on my cock.  Looking down, her strawberry blonde hair floated like a cloud as she found an almost circular rhythm of sucking me.  This lasted for a bit, but time for me was suddenly irrelevant.  The only relevant thing in my life was my release now, and that was rapidly approaching.

To avoid an early finish, I slid out of her mouth and bent down to lift her back to her feet.  Once there our lips met, then our tongues and then our bodies pressed together, my cock straining against her hip.

Suddenly, I was aware of the sound of Justine rustling.  Breaking the embrace with Amanda, I looked over to see she was wiggling in her chair in such a state of arousal she was trying to create any bit of friction between herself and the cloth grey chair cushion.  I pulled off my shirt and now was completely naked.

Taking Amanda by the hand, I led her over next to Justine’s chair.  Her hazel eyes looked at us with abject hunger, but she was unable to do anything about it.  Once again I tightly embraced Amanda, deftly unhooking her bra and letting her C-cup breasts spill free into my chest.  She stepped back slightly and I fully removed the lacy red push-up demi bra from the last encumbrances of her arms, and I tossed the bra into Justine’s lap with a smile.

“Bend over her,” I softly commanded Amanda.

Justine’s eyes went wide.  I don’t think this is what she quite had in mind as watching us.  Amanda slowly bent over and held herself up with the far armrest as her hips folded over the near one.  I could see her tits handing down and brushing Justine’s far leg.  Justine inhaled deeply and closed her eyes tightly.  I wasn’t going to have any of that.

“Look at each other,” I demanded.

Amanda turned her head and their eyes met and Justine exhaled loudly.  Meanwhile, I had bent behind Amanda and grabbed the red lace thong and pulled it down to her ankles.  In one swift motion, my mouth dove towards her pussy and I flattened my tongue against it and licked from her clit to her asshole.  My shoulders and chest brushed up against her stocking-clad legs and the sensation drove my tongue into a frenzy.  She pushed back into my face as I went as if to ask for more.

“Fuuuuuck,” she exclaimed loudly.  

I had no idea if they were still looking at each other, as I was lost in lapping Amanda’s dripping pussy.  She was wiggling her hips against my tongue and over the course of the next few minutes, she became more animated.  At one point she reached back and pushed my face hard into her hungry mound.  She seemed to also enjoy my attention to her little rosebud when my tongue would occasionally wander.

“Ohhh, ahhh, eek,” she cried.  “Oh, he’s tonguing my ass,” I heard her describing to Justine from above.

“It’s fucking divine.  He’s got such a talented mouth.  Oh, you were such a lucky girl last night, Justine,” she exclaimed.

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"I don't feel very lucky right now," Justine exasperatedly replied.

Satisfied that I’d teased her enough and with Amanda’s play by play to Justine rapidly increasing my need, I gave her one last long lick.  I stood up and surveyed the two and they were both dutifully still staring at each other.  Such good girls, I thought to myself.

“Hey,” I said softly to no one in particular.

Both their heads snapped towards me.  Justine’s expression was one of frustrating need, while Amanda was one of wanton unfulfilled lust.

Justine bit her bottom lip and then softly spoke, “Make me watch you slide it in her.  Please make me watch you.  I need to see it,” she desperately pleaded in a hushed tone.

Amanda flashed a bright and wide smile over her shoulder at me.  I stepped forward and rubbed the tip of my aching cock up and down her lips.  Her head fell down into Justine’s forearm as I traced the tip closer and closer to its desired target.  

“Mmmm,” she moaned. "I wish I had left an arm untied so she could have guided you into me."

I looked into Justine’s eyes which were now hyper-focused on me.  I gave her a nod, as if asking for her consent, which she picked up on immediately.  I saw her ball her hand closest to me up in a fist.

“Don’t fucking hold back on her,” she yelled with a sudden confidence she’d lacked all day.  

I snapped to attention and without thinking slipped inside Amanda’s sopping cunt without an ounce of resistance.  She yelped in pleasure with me suddenly filling her.  Her strawberry blond hair was tousled in a halo-like pool around her head.  I rapidly began fucking her in earnest.  She pushed back into me with every thrust begging me to plunge deeper and deeper into her pink folds.
Every time I thrust the chair shook and I watched Justine’s breast sway against her chest.  I don't know how long this went on, but it seemed like I was enjoying all of this forever.

At one point, Justine looked at me, her eyes were begging for relief that she knew was not about to come as she was firmly tied to the chair.  She bit her bottom lip as Amanda unexpectedly started to thrash, shake, and yell.  Justine’s eyes looked knowingly at me in recognition of Amanda’s impending explosion.

“Oh, Matthew!  I’ve wanted this for so long.  I fucking needed your beautiful cock inside me.  Oh, fuck yes.  I’m so fucking close.  Yesss,” Amanda loudly hissed.

I turned to Amanda as she started unintelligibly moaning, lost in her exquisite pleasure and it picked up the speed of my thrusting.  My release was not far behind.

Like a bolt of lightning, Amanda yelled as she lost control of her body when she finally came, “Ahhhh!”

I could feel her pussy tightly grip my cock with each spasm.  It sent me hurtling towards the finish line of this tryst.  Amanda was squirming as I continued to pound her now sensitive pussy, but to her credit, she went from limp, to quickly tensing and pushing her ass back at me, pushing me even deeper into her.

“Fill her up, Matthew.  Cum inside her.  Make her ours,” Justine gently commanded out of nowhere.

That was the last crack in the dam and my body went rigid.  Just before I exploded Amanda turned her head towards me and smiled.

“That’s right, Matthew.  Give me all your cum, I want it all.  Before you give it to me you have to know," she said as there was a pregnant pause.  "I’m not protected,” she throatily called to me.

The blood was rapidly rushing form my brain and I was getting lightheaded as I exploded.  She must have felt it as she smiled and laughed.  I had no willpower to pull out, nor did I think I would have wanted to if I could have.  Her confession just seconds before served to further my desire to finish inside her.  I shot rope after rope of cum deep inside her.
She turned to Justine as her pussy was milking the last of my seed out of my balls and into her womb and spoke, “He might have just put a baby in me,” she smiled, turned, and then hungrily kissed her on the mouth.

Jesus Christ!  My legs were weak and my post-coital fog was trying to process the fact that I had just cum inside Amanda’s possibly fertile womb.  Amanda, reached behind her and pushed me back, letting my softening cock slide out of her.  

“Help me,” she cried.

This was confusing, I couldn’t for the life of me think of what she wanted help for.  She stood and took a few quick steps behind the chair and motioned to me.

“Get a side,” she demanded as she pointed to the other side of the back of the chair.
I moved there, still perplexed on what I was doing.  Amanda started to tip the chair backward sending Justine slowly backward with it.  Justine’s expression was of shock and horror in her helpless state.

“Let her down slow,’ she again demanded.

Unconsciously, I stepped in and helped Amanda lower the back of the chair to the floor.  Amanda’s red bra slid out of Justine’s lap and landed on her face.  The necklace with both our rings attached fell and hit her on the chin as well on the way down.  Justine winced as it hit her and I watched the wedding bands fall to the side of her neck.  A tinge of something hit me about what we had symbolically let go.  Amanda grabbed a pillow she must have strategically placed earlier next to the dresser just a few feet behind her and tossed it to me.

“Put it under her head!” she commanded again as she grabbed her bra on Justine’s face and tossed it across the room.  Amanda reached up and snagged her phone from the dresser and unlocked it handing it to me smiling.

“Make sure you take a few pics for me,” she smiled.

“What the actual fuck, Mandy?” She screamed as she started to resist against the ropes holding her tightly to the chair.  Her ankles and wrists were still firmly fastened to the back metal with the red rope.  

Amanda laughed and kneeled next to her.  As she lifted her leg over Justine’s face and placed it next to her opposite ear, Amanda spoke, “You told me this was your favorite part of the video,” she looked to her side at me with an evil grin.  “I’m going to let you experience it yourself.  You want this cum don’t you?”

Before Justine could protest or even answer, Amanda lowered her pussy, dripping with my cum onto her mouth.  Facing Justine’s legs she then lowered her head to Justine’s exposed lips as she hungrily started lightly stroke her inverted pussy.  I stopped breathing for a moment and the room was silent outside of Justine’s muffled moans.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned.  “You see,” she continued cooing her best to concentrate on her words, “you both didn’t see the very ending.  Just like you, Justine, I was horrified when Evie sat on my face.  I’d never even touched a pussy that wasn’t my own.  I was, ohhhhh,” she paused as Justine’s efforts made her croon.

“I was broken from her taking Dan in front of me.  She ground into my face,” Amanda on cue ground her hips and pussy on Justine’s face.  “And then she pleasured me,” she then placed her mouth on Justine’s pussy.

Justine started to thrash and moan.  Amanda lifted her pussy off of Justine’s face slightly where I was treated to the view of her hungrily and willingly extending her lips and tongue to maintain contact with Amanda’s pussy.  Her head retreated back on the pillow.  There was a sheen of Amanda’s sopping pussy and my cum coating her face.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she exclaimed, writhing against her bonds.  “Yesssss, Mandy!  I’m so fucking close.  I've been so fucking close watching you two, uhhhh.”

Amanda, plunged a finger deep into Justine as she sucked her clit.  It must have sent her over the edge as her head thrashed back and forth as she screamed at the top of her lungs.


I sat there, mouth agape at the scene unfolding just inches away from where I had absentmindedly sat after lowering the chair.  Seeing the phone in my hand, I snapped a few pics as they were locked onto each other.  Amanda turned to me with a knowing smile then pulled her hips slowly back off Justine and looked down at her.

“And you know what?” she rhetorically asked Justine.  “I went from broken to willing almost as fast as you did, and I came just as hard as you did,” she smiled at her. “Did you get it all out of me, Justine?” Amanda asked as Justine nodded.  “Oh, you’re such a good girl,” she mewed as she shifted her knees back together on the side of Justine’s head facing me.

“Kiss me,” Justine pleaded softly with her eyes closed.

Amanda smiled with delight and got down on her elbows to meet her lips.  They kissed and Amanda playfully licked her lips and her cheeks which had the combined remnants of our earlier tryst.  My head, again, burst with the knowledge that I had possibly impregnated Amanda, which released a strange feeling within me that was not one of fear, but of some primal desire.

As the embrace broke and Amanda’s head started coming up, Justine pleaded again, “I didn’t mean you,” she turned, opened her eyes, and smiled lovingly at me.  I crawled over to her without thinking and got down on my elbows and kissed her deeply probing each other’s mouth and lips with our tongues.

As I pulled up, she looked at me with those same loving hazel eyes, “I did this for you, for us.  So I could be with you,” she paused, tears welling in her eyes.

Amanda quickly broke the tender moment, “It seemed like you very much enjoyed your sacrifice.”

Justine rolled her eyes at me and continued, “Such a shame she stole that kiss from you.  Jenn told me about your little cum kink,” she grinned wickedly.

She turned her head to look at Amanda, “I think the three of us are going to get ourselves into a lot of trouble, as long as he didn’t just fucking knock you up.”  The words hit me in the head like a brick, but instead of fear, my cock stirred.  I was rudely shaken out of that particular daze by Justine.

“Now fucking untie me you two, my feet are falling asleep!” she laughed.

Written by leftlingula
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