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Author's Notes

"Thanks again to everyone who keeps following along with this story. I've gotten a ton of messages in the last month on this and I can't tell you how appreciative I am. I'm going to post these chapters every two weeks now, so look out for more of Matt's adventures. <p> [ADVERT] </p> As always, feel free to comment or shoot me a message with feedback! -LL"

The collective effects of the last twenty-four hours were palpable.  I was sitting next to Justine on the couch, and she was masturbating furiously as the video ended.  I was painfully hard, and my balls ached from being aroused without release all day.  This was a powder keg of desire ready to explode.

“I have an idea,” I announced to Justine.

“Oh, I have a thousand fucking ideas.  They all include getting that cock of yours into me,” she said in whimpered desperation.

The look on her face was one of wanton lust, as he continued to stroke herself in her unzipped and unbuttoned jeans.  Justine started to lean in closer.  The heat of her skin from her t-shirt exposed arm seared into my own arm.  

I quickly thought of a tactic to delay our physical assault on each other’s bodies, without going against Amanda’s advice, and possibly crushing Grant’s soul.  Needing to act fast before the embers were fanned into an inferno, I stood up from the couch and took a few steps away from Justine.  My movement broke the spell of her self pleasure as she suddenly realized I was no longer next to her.

“No, you fucking don’t.  Get the fuck back here.  You’re not leaving me to do myself two nights in a row,” she desperately exclaimed.

“You’re right J.  I’m going to get you off tonight and you better fucking get me off in return, but we have to do what’s best for Grant.  What do you have on under there?” I asked.

“Uh, we were in for the night, and I just threw this on thinking we were coming over here to talk as friends.”

She whipped off her t-shirt revealing a simple cotton white bra.  Her zeal continued as she quickly unpeeled her jeans from her legs exposing matching white cotton panties with a visible wet spot of her arousal.  I quickly grabbed her hand pulling her off the couch before she could react.  She walked with me hand and hand down the hallway to the bedroom without a word spoken between us.

I slowly let her hand go and looked at her once more.  The tension arced like electricity throughout the room as we stared at each other.  

“In there,” I dryly said, pointing to the closet.  “Find something to wear, in there.”

Justine opened her mouth to say something, as if to mount a silent protest, but ended up just nodding her head at me.

“I’ll be out in the kitchen getting a drink.  Take your time.  Come out and get me when you’re ready,” I said as I walked out of the bedroom closing the door behind me without looking back at her.

Through the door, I heard her yell, “Make sure you get your fucking camera if we’re going to do this!”

I chuckled to myself and made a side trip to the office to retrieve my Nikon and headed into the kitchen.  As I reached for the Jonny Walker, I had a notion that this called for the good stuff and reached in the way back for the Glenmorangie that had been a treasured gift from my mother upon my father’s death.  What would he think of all of this and how far I had fallen?

The cold marble of the kitchen island chilled my hand as I recalled many lust-filled nights that had started here.  Jenn was my North Star and now I was adrift, struggling to find my new world.  The realization that I had been hiding for the better part of the year washed over me.  I had lived more in the last two weeks than I had since losing Jenn, but I still had no idea what was right or wrong anymore.  Sipping on the incredibly smooth whiskey dulled the ache of that thought slightly.  That was replaced by the thought of Grant sitting in his house waiting for Justine to come back.  Sitting there with her ring that she had just snatched right off her finger and handed him without an ounce of remorse.  

The bedroom door opened and I snapped out of my loathsome self-reflection.  Hearing the click of heels on the hardwood floor from the hallway, my heartbeat quickened.  It sounded like Justine had found something suitable to wear from Jenn’s closet.  She turned into the kitchen from the hallway and stopped to lean against the entryway folding her arms across her bare chest.

“So, you’re not going to fuck me are you?” She teased.

“No, I think not, Justine,” I retorted dryly.

“What should we do about all of this then,” Justine said as she stood upright, feet apart and hands now on her hips.

She was naked from the waist up.  Her chest and stomach was perfectly taut and tan with her quarter-sized aureoles taunting me.  Justine was wearing a pair of Jenn’s black boyshort panties with white polka dots that perfectly outlined her shapely hips and toned thighs.  Below them was just a few inches of tan thigh was exposed as the rest of her legs were encased in black stockings with white polka dots that matched the panties.  I remembered Jenn wearing this exact combination.  Rounding off the ensemble was Jenn’s shiny black shoes with the red soles adorning Justine’s feet.  It was having it’s intended effect on me as I was quickly hard again.

“You’re thinking about her aren’t you?  Reminds you,” she paused looking knowingly at me.  “It reminds me of her too.  I almost cried putting this on, but I had to laugh.  I couldn’t fit these,” she grabbed her breasts with both of her hands, “into the bra that matches.  I didn’t think you’d mind me not wearing it.”  She was laughing softly now.

“Well, you certainly have her beat there,” I laughed.

An easy and friendly smile came over Justine’s face as she walked towards me.  She stopped short, just before where I was standing, took the tumbler from the island and took a good-sized sip.

“Oh my,” she exclaimed. “I’m worth the good stuff tonight, I guess?”  

“Help yourself.  It was my fathers,” I added.

An uncomfortable and uneasy silence fell onto the kitchen island.  Justine was less than a foot away, slowly sipping on the whiskey both topless and in my wife’s panties, stockings and heels.  It was surreal.  Finally, it struck me to grab the camera and start taking photographs of the scene in front of me.  Justine was a natural beauty and was now leaning on the table drinking whiskey.  I clicked the shutter several times as she slowly started to play to me or the camera.  I couldn’t tell.

Justine suggestively bent further over the island splaying her ample tits flat on the cold marble.  She turned her head away from me and arched her back suggestively as I continued to hit the shutter buttons.  Eventually she whipped her head back towards me and laughed softly.

“It’s not the first time we’ve done this,” she smiled suggestively.

“Should I get the ice?” I asked.

“Maybe later,” Justine replied.

She finished all but the last sip and handed the tumbler back to me to finish.

I gulped the smooth drink down and felt my pent up need rise within my entire body.  To hell with everyone and fuck what anyone else thinks…

I roughly grabbed her by the hip and pulled her into my body, brushing my bulge against her.  We each leaned towards one another and kissed passionately.  I could still taste the whiskey on her, which mixed with the smell of her deliciously.  Just as quickly as I had brought her in, I broke the embrace nudging her back.

“Go to the bedroom, get on your knees on the rug next to the bed and wait for me like a good girl.  Understand?”

Justine looked at me a bit puzzled but complied with the command.  I let her walk out, watching her muscular back, tight ass, and toned legs lead out of the room too mesmerized to take pictures.  Making my way to the living room I grabbed my phone and the camera, then headed into the bedroom.  She was on her knees next to the bed and as our eyes met, she licked her lip suggestively.  

Something in me nudged my conscious to make one more attempt to give her an out.  I walked up to her and kneeled directly in front of her grabbing her hands into mine while looking into the two pools of hazel staring back at me.

“You sure about this?  I feel like I keep asking, but this right here is going a step further.  This is just you and me J.  No one else.  You sure you want this?”

She squeezed my hands and leaned forward to kiss me.  Our mouths met and our tongues explored one another as she brought one of her hands to my face to tenderly caress me.

“I want this, every cell of me wants this.  Grant wants it too.  He fucking deserves this.  I love the fact that you keep worrying about me.  I know you truly care for me.  You want the best for me, and I love you for that,” she said passionately.

This was touching to hear from her, but I couldn’t help to feel that something was just slightly off with what she said.   She sounded somewhat vengeful towards Grant, which is something I hadn’t picked up on prior to this.  I’d have to explore that at some point int he near future, but I had more urgent needs.

Ascending to my feet, I walked to the closet, turned and spoke, “Do you have anything else to say to me?  I’d say it now, because I plan to turn you into a whimpering mess now,” I smiled inwardly.  That wasn’t all I had planned.

“Ohhhhh,” she hissed.  “Look at you all being all alpha again.  That makes me so fucking wet, Matt.”

I surveyed the closet and found Jenn’s underwear drawer.  I had only been in here once since Jenn died.  It was something that had been too hard to cleanout.  Everything in here reminded me of a moment, a memory, a stab into my chest.  I pulled a black satin thong from the drawer and returned to the room finding Justine still on her knees topless, looking to me for some clue of what was to come.

“I think that’s quite enough fucking talk out of you,” I bellowed as I strode quickly towards her.

“What are you going to do with, mmrphhh.”  Stuffing the panties into her mouth had cut her off.  

Smiling I continued, “That’s better.”

I lifted her to her feet and roughly, but playfully, pushed her face down on the bed.  From behind, I pushed myself into her and used my hands to spread her legs bringing her stomach flat onto the bed.  The black boyshorts with the white polka dots framed her ass beautifully.  Her toned ass was taunting me, so I playfully spanked it.  Justine let out a muffled moan.  I grabbed the Nikon and took a few good snaps making sure she looked back at me with the thong stuffed in her mouth.

Putting down the camera, I traced my fingers from the backs of her knees up towards the top of her stockings, and abruptly stopped and spanked her again.  She tried to wiggle away which resulted in yet another playful spank to her ass.

“If you continue to struggle to stay still for me, I’ll tie your hands behind your back and your legs to the corners of the bed.  Then, I’ll give you a real spanking.  Do you understand me?”  She said something unintelligible and motioned yes with her head.

“Good.  Here’s what’s going to happen, Justine.  You’re going to be a good girl and I’m going to make you cum just like this,” I whispered into her ear pushing my body into hers as my hand crept closer to her panty clad pussy.

Slowly, I moved my hand closer, and closer to her sex until I felt the heat and dampness between her legs.  She moaned into the panties stuffed into her mouth again.

“That’s right, you’re being such a good girl from me aren’t you,” I continued to tease her over her panties.  “You’re sitting here thinking how good it’s going to feel when I pull these down.  Pull these down and rub my cock all over your needy pussy.  Is that what you want?”  She moaned an nodded again.

I teased my fingers up and down her lips until I felt her clit, which I pressed my index and middle finger against firmly.  My fingers moving in circles around her panty hidden clit.  After a minute or so of this, I ran my fingers just under the seam at the edge of her panties, brushing tantalizingly close to her dripping lips.  She instinctively pushed herself towards the fingers coating my fingers with her slickness.

“Someone is very excited to be here, aren’t they?”

“Mmmmm,” was all she could manage in a muffled reply.

Finding her engorged clit, I deftly caressed the nub repeatedly until she moaned again.  She was still trapped by my body pinning her underneath me.  My cock painfully pushing against her thigh.  

“You feel that don’t you?  That’s what you really want, isn’t it?  You want me to split you open and ride you with this cock?  Oh, I’m going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before,” I softly spoke into her ear.

Justine spit out the panties and screamed, “Fuck, yes!  Fuck me right here like this.  Fucking take me, Matt.  I fucking need it and you fucking deserve it.  Oh, yeah.  You deserve this pussy so much more than you know!”

I grabbed the white polka-dotted black boyshorts and slid them down her toned and pantyhose encased legs until she lifted a leg and slipped them to the ankle of the other leg.  Justine turned her head back and looked at me expectantly.  I smiled inwardly knowing I wasn’t about to give her what she truly wanted.  I grabbed the camera from the bed and snapped a few more photos of her in this lewd and compromising position.

Dropping the camera on the bed I grabbed the sides of her back, and slowly slid my hands down the outsides of her tight ass cheeks and continuing all the way down to her knees.  This was followed by an excruciatingly slow tease with my fingertips back up her legs.

“Mmmm, yesss,” she hissed.

I took my thumbs and started to rub the insides of her thighs, ever so close to her pussy.  Playfully my thumbs circled over the sides, with each concentric circle getting closer to her lips.  Justine turned her head back towards me.  Her hazel eyes were lost in lust as she was biting her bottom lip.

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In one swift motion, I moved my hands to her ass cheeks and leaned my head in to softly kiss the lips of her pussy.  I took care to gently kiss the entire length of her lips starting at the bottom and finishing at her clit where I gave her the slightest of licks.

“Fuuuccckkkk,” she cried.

That was all the encouragement I needed before I dove in with full force.  She pushed her ass back into me as I licked and sucked every part of her dripping sex.  Using my hands on her hips I pulled her back even farther onto my mouth, now penetrating her with my tongue and using my finger to stroke her clit.  She was pinned against my face behind her and the bed in front of her unable to escape my assault on her pussy.

Justine clenched, writhed, and squeezed fistfuls of the bedsheets into her hands as I pulled back giving her a respite from my mouth.  

“Fuck, no!  Why’d you fucking stop?  I’m so fucking close,” she yelled at me.

I returned her yell with a mischievous smile then stood, pulling down my shorts and whipping off my t-shirt.  Leaning over onto her back my now naked cock pushed against her ass cheek and my chest nestled against her back.  She turned her head back towards me and I pulled her tenderly into a passionate kiss.  This pulled me further up on the bed as my cock slid into the small of her back leaving a slick trail of pre-cum.  As we broke the kiss, she started to lick my lips and my chin brazenly cleaning me of all of her juices.

“You taste soooo good when you’re covered in me,” she whispered between licks.  Her action of cleaning herself off of me was driving me wild.

“You’re so hard for me.  I can feel it,” she crooned.  “It’d be so easy to just slip it into me, Matt.  Just plunge it into me and ride me.”

I was incredibly tempted.  Justine’s willingness to just cast everything aside and tempt me at every turn was beyond puzzling to me.  I felt she truly cared about me, but as soon as she was excited, everything was different.  She was willing to throw everything away to satisfy her own needs and desires.  Here she was doing everything to get my dick inside of her as she started to move her hips below me bringing them closer to my cock.

I put my hand on her back and pushed myself up.  Once clear of her body and standing I smacked her ass with a harder than playful slap.

“That’s for tempting me,” I said sternly and slapped her ass again.

“That one is for not thinking of anyone but your own fucking pleasure!”

Justine shot me a pouty look for a brief second that quickly turned mischievous.  

“I see that I’m going to have to teach you a lesson,” I calmly said.

“Oh, no.  Not that, a lesson?  Give it to me, Matt.  You fucking deserve this pussy so fucking much!  What are you going to do, give me another spanking?  Come on, you’ve got to be more creative than that,” she laughed.

An overwhelming desire to just leave her there swept over me, but I had an even better plan.  I picked up the black thong she had spat out earlier and stuffed it right back into her mouth.

“I warned you to behave.  Now shut the fuck up and stay there,” I barked at her.

Thinking quickly, I walked over to my dresser and pulled out one of my neckties and returned to the bed.  I grabbed her wrists and slowly tied them together behind her back as she was still bent over the bed, ass up.  She gave absolutely no resistance smiling through the panties stuffed in her mouth.

I returned to my earlier position and greedily started to eat her pussy again.  This time, I was much rougher, nibbling on her clit, and using my fingers to tickle her G-spot.  She started to thrash on the bed with pleasure.  This was exactly where I wanted her.

Tracing my tongue up from her clit, I lingered over the very bottom of her pussy before diving towards her puckered anus.  I heard a muffled scream and moved my head up to see a wide-eyed Justine careening her neck back to look at me.

“Oh, Justine.  Did you think that I was just going to go back and get you off after that?  No, I don’t think so.  Now you’re going to have to learn to get pleasure in other ways.”

Her eyes were still wide open with a tinge of fear as I dove back to her puckered hole.  Rimming her slowly as I strummed her clit with my fingers, she started to moan in pleasure again.  I slowed my assault on her ass and returned my tongue to her clit, slowly snaking my finger towards her ass.  My finger circled her hole as I greedily sucked and nibbled on her clit sending Justine into a writing and moaning mess on the bed.

I doubled my efforts with my tongue as she continued to let out ever louder muffled moans.  This was my opportunity and I did not hesitate to take it as I plunged my finger knuckle deep into her ass.

“Ahhhhh, my god don’t stop,” she screamed after spitting out the panties again.  “Why does this feel so fucking good?”

Working a finger in her ass, I worked another tickling the inside roof of her pussy.  Her legs started to spasm as I sucked hard on her clit.  Her body was covered in a sheen of sweat and she tugged furiously against my necktie binding her arms.  The waves of pleasure overtook her and she came right there with my face buried in her pussy and my finger buried in her ass.  

“Fuuuuck!  Oh, my god.  Oh my god.  Oh my god,” she continually gasped over and over.

I milked her orgasm with my fingers over the next few minutes.  As she came down off her orgasmic high, I grabbed the camera and took a couple more photos before I eventually untied her arms.  She finally lifted herself fully onto the bed and crawled into a fetal position.  Her eyes were glazed over as I looked at her.

“Jesus, Matt,” she said softly.  “What the fuck was that?  That might have been the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced without a dick in me.  Holly shit!”

I smiled, knowing I’d kept my promise of turning her into an incoherent mess, but as I was standing next to the bed, my erect cock was begging for relief.  

“Come here, Justine,” I said grabbing her hand and pulling her towards me.

She seemed to come back to reality and very unexpectedly, lept into my arms kissing me passionately.  Her hand crept down my chest and found its way to my cock.  We kissed exploring each other's tongues as she started to slowly stroke me.  I moaned into her kiss as she rubbed her thumb back and forth over the tip of my cock.

“Mmmmm,” I hummed as our kiss broke.

“Oh, you’ve been a very good boy,” she smiled.  “I’m going to take very, very good care of you now.  Very naughty care of you.”

She led me, by holding my cock, over to the exact spot where she had been bent over and pushed me to sit down.  Quite unexpectedly, she bent over with her ass towards me, teasing me as she slowly shook her ass at me.  Reaching behind to me she grabbed my cock and pushed it aside as she sat on my lap and started to grind her sopping wet pussy onto me.  

Justine spent considerable time grinding and gyrating on my lap and against my granite hard cock occasionally turning her head towards me and smirking.  I was letting out inaudible moans and grunts while pushing my hips up to keep in contact with her hot pussy.

Suddenly she turned towards me and came in for a prolonged hot kiss.  Justine worked her mouth all the way down my neck and chest until she placed her lips on the tip of my cock kissing it gently.  She smiled up at me and seductively kissed her way down my shaft to my heavy aching balls.  Slowly, her mouth and tongue returned back up my balls and cock with the flat of her tongue licking it like an ice cream cone until reaching the top where she started to bob up and down on the first few inches.

This set my body ablaze with overwhelming desire.  My head drifted back and I closed my eyes.  My ears were filled with the suckling sounds of Justine on my cock and I could still smell and taste the musk of her arousal on lips from earlier.  My head felt light, almost dizzy when she added a hand to the base of my cock as she continued to repeatedly suck up and down my shaft.

“I’m not going to last much longer,” I moaned.

Justine laughed in return as she extracted my cock from her mouth.  She replaced her mouth with her hand and attacked my balls and taint with her tongue.  My eyes flashed open to look down at a familiar, yet unfamiliar sensation from Justine’s hand.  She had wrapped my cock in the black with white polka-dotted panties that she must have snatched from the floor.  

She leaned back and looked directly at me and whispered, “How close?”

I just nodded furiously unable to speak which she returned with a wry smile.  She stood taking her hand away from my cock.  Justine bent over in front of me again, but this time instead of teasing me, she slipped on the panties from her hand.  Just as swiftly she dropped to her knees in front of me and wasted no time inhaling my cock once again.  

This time there was no pretense of play or teasing.  It felt like she was determined to make me cum, and cum quickly.

“Oh, fuck, J,” I moaned.

There was a tingling from my stomach to my toes and my crotch started to vibrate.  Unintelligible words and sounds were coming out of my mouth without any control.  Justine sensed how close I was, lept to her feet, and pulled me to my feet by my dick.

Holding her panties out from her body she softly asked, “Cum right here.  I want to have you dripping down my leg when I’m walking home.  Since you won’t fuck me, this is the only way I see that happening.”

Justine started roughly stroking me as she pulled me in and kissed and licked my neck, then whispered into my ear, “Cum in Jenn’s panties.  Send me home to Grant wearing Jenn’s panties soaked with your fucking cum!”

Those words sent me over the edge and within thirty seconds I was shooting rope after rope of cum onto the triangle of blondish brown hair, dripping down onto her lips and into the panties.  I was so dizzy I could barely stand as the relief from the day’s constant arousal had left me exhausted both mentally and physically.

Justine held the elastic band of the panties open, displaying my cum painted all over both her and them.

“Snap a fucking picture of this,” she exclaimed.  

My post-coital fog cleared slightly and I grabbed the camera and started to take the requested photos.

Once I was done, Justine snapped the elastic of the panties back onto her belly with a snap for effect and smiled.  She lowered herself to her knees again and took my deflating cock back into her mouth for a few seconds.  That was pure torture sending shivers throughout my body.  She smiled and stood back up, bringing her mouth to mine in a soft and luxurious kiss that lasted forever.

“You mind if I keep these for tonight?” She asked pointing to the panties and matching stockings with a mischievous look.

“Yeah, sure, J,” I stammered back, still weak and not thinking clearly from my recent orgasm.

I looked up and realized she had left the room already.  Dumbfounded, I followed the noise of her stocking clad footsteps on the hardwood floor ending up in the living room where she was picking up her clothes off of the couch.

“You look pretty good there naked and half hard.  I have half a thought to stay, but I have some very naughty things in store for Grant tonight, I think.  Besides, you guys are even now,” she said matter of factly as she was pulling the legs of her jeans over her stocking-clad legs.

“I’m sorry?”

“Oh, Matt.  I know for a fact that she never told you.  She didn’t want to crush the image that you had of her.  Your little angel of a wife got drunk with my husband and she fucking blew him after Sienna’s birthday party two years ago.”

I stood there with my mouth wide open in disbelief.  My chest was tightening, my breathing became ragged and my heart was beating out of my chest.  I remembered her getting too drunk and Grant taking her home that particular night.

“You remember now, don’t you.  She got drunk and wanted to leave early.  Grant had an early flight the next morning and gave her a ride home.  Apparently, he helped her upstairs and Jenn thanked him with a big sloppy blowjob.”

“Fuck you, Justine!  I don’t fucking believe you,” I screamed at her.

“You don’t have to believe me if you don’t want to, but it’s true,” she said coldly as she put on her shirt neglecting the bra.

“Yeah, your perfect wife wasn’t so perfect was she?  It fucking hurts doesn’t it?  Welcome to the club.  Now I’m going home to make my worthless husband lick your cum off my cunt.  Does that make you feel better?  Huh?”

It definitely did not make me feel any better at all.  In fact, I thought I was going to throw up right then and there.

Justine must have seen the anguish in my eyes as she continued, “I’m going to enjoy getting him back for all the whores he thinks I don’t know about, and you, you’re going to fucking enjoy helping me.  You’re going to enjoy exacting your own revenge on him I’m sure.”

Justine paused, looking at me for some response, but I had none.  She came over to me and gently cradled my cheek in her hand looking at me with the most caring of eyes.

“It’s going to be ok, Matt.  I’m sorry you had to find this out now, but you had to know.  She never had the heart to tell you.  None of us did.  She made a mistake and my fucking husband took advantage of it.  At least they confessed to me about it.  Not like all the other whores Grant has fucked.  You don’t deserve any of this, Matt.  You deserve better than any of us.”

She pulled me in and hugged me tightly.  Heartbroken, confused, naked and half aroused hugging my dead wife’s best friend in my living room after we had both sucked each other to orgasm, after watching my ex-therapist have sex with her dead husband and a random woman, was all fucking too much for me.

Written by leftlingula
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