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Rose Sees Her Real Parents

"Rosie discovers her parents aren't who she thought they were."

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Author's Notes

"This series is about a woman and her relationships with cuckolds."

It was another rainy Saturday, and Rose was laying in bed listening to the rain. There was a metal shed just outside her window, and it made the rain even louder. Mike and Betty, her Mom and Dad, were out of town for the whole week, so she had the whole house to herself. When Rose got up, she took a shower, washed her hair, and dressed in her usual jeans and pullover shirt.

She was planning her day, and remembered the shoes she needed to borrow from her Mom, so she looked into their bedroom and her closet. When she didn’t see them at first, she started moving stuff, and “Aha there they are in a shoebox.” She grabbed the box but it rattled so she took the top off and saw a bunch of DVDs. No shoes. Setting the box aside, she continued looking, until she found them behind a long dress.

Grabbing the shoes and, on a whim, the box of DVDs. She went back into her room and set the box on her desk and the shoes next to the bed. Thinking the DVDs were some old pictures, she turned on her computer and it had a built-in DVD player, so she popped one in. 

Hmm, not pictures but videos instead. I don't remember having vacation videos. 

So she clicked on a random video. As the video started she recognized it as a bedroom, no, a hotel room. Just a picture of the bed. Some woman is being fucked in a hotel room.

Shit, Mom and Dad have a collection of porn videos. What the hell? 

When she stopped it, it didn’t look very professionally done. The lighting was a little off, the camera wasn't very steady, and the sound varied too much: too loud and then too soft. She took the disc out, put it back into the case, back into the box, and tucked it under the bed.

It looks like amateur time. Off the internet? Jesus, I don't need to see this. 

Trying to forget the little she saw, Rose made her bed, cleaned up a little, and went to meet Julie at their favorite coffee shop. That evening they went to a dance club and flirted with some of the guys there. 

That evening after she and Julie left the club, she went home, still not thinking about the box under her bed. 

Well, at least she was trying to. She went to bed and tried to sleep.

I quit. I have to see what the hell they are watching.

She grabbed the box and turned on the computer. While waiting for it to boot up, she picked out a different disc, opened it, and selected a video. This opened up with a close-up of a woman sucking a guy's dick. The video then jumped to a close-up of the guy eating the woman's pussy. 

Jesus Christ, just what I don’t want to know, Mom and Dad, watching oral sex.

She changed to a different video, with a view of a couple, fucking missionary style. 

Hmm, different guy. Hairy back and partially bald. It could be the same woman though. Moaning loudly, I can hear the guy grunting as he fucks her. Nice tits, nice ass, and she seems to love it. I can see the bed bouncing as she is being fucked. No other word, this isn’t making love, she’s being fucked, hard. God, I have never been fucked like that. I wonder how that feels.

As Rose watched for a bit longer, she started to caress her tits, then reached between her thighs so she could rub her clit harder and harder until she came. Her “God damn.” added to the sounds from the video. After she came down, she closed the video and turned off the computer, and got back in bed. Remembering what she just saw and felt. Hoping to dream of being fucked like that. 

Sunday she had breakfast, showered, and got dressed. And decided, Ok, one more visit to the porn palace, sitting in front of her computer she opened another video.

She was watching the naked woman from the back, undressing the guy while caressing him all over. While this was happening, she could see him play with her tits, caress, pinch and squeeze. Then they kissed, the woman pressing her tits against his chest, and her hand reaching and rubbing his cock. As they did this he was moving her up to the bed and pushed her down. That's when she could see her face.

Rose screamed and shut the computer crying, “Christ NO, no, no. it can't be.”

After sitting there a minute, she started the video again. “It was Mom.” There was no question about it. Mom in a fucking porn video. Even as upset as Rose was, she noticed the fucking part of ‘fucking porn video.’ And smiled. 

She sat there, letting the video just run with Mom getting fucked. She could see the guy coming inside her. No condom. When he pulled out, Rose could see the cum in her pussy oozing out. Then she saw the guy get off the bed and reach for the camera. Next, she saw the camera guy lay down, face in Mom's pussy, and with his tongue licking the cum.

She could see the contentment on Mom's face. She smiled at the guy and then at the camera guy. She was moving her shoulders and pushing her pussy in the camera guy’s face and you could hear, “Get it all out, Mike. Keep licking until I come again.” The camera moved closer until she saw his tongue going in the pussy and then slurping all the cum outside. Then the camera guy grunted, “I love to eat your cum filled pussy, Betty.“ That's when she could tell it was Mike and Betty, Mom and Dad. She recognized her father's voice. These were videos of Mom, cuckolding Dad. She knew enough to tell what was happening. 

She just sat there, while the video ended. She finally had to go to the linen closet and use a towel to reach between her legs and clean the mess she’d made on the chair. 

Talking to herself, “Are all the videos with Mom and Dad?” She reached into the box and replaced the disc in the computer and opened a new video. Someone had access to a pretty big boat. The video showed the boat cruising, the shore with evergreen trees, and some new guy steering the boat. The new guy was wearing a tee shirt and nothing else. Mom was sitting on a bench seat naked with her skin oiled up with sunscreen. Dad, she couldn't see. 

Eventually, the new guy said, “Put the camera on that tripod. I want to see you play with Betty’s tits and then eat her until she comes. You’ll love to have that on your video.” Rose could tell someone was fumbling with something then the camera steadied with Betty in the picture. 

Next, she could see her Dad reach for Mom's tits and rub, squeeze, and pinch them. That's when he kneeled between her legs and she could see his tongue licking her slit and clit. Her Mom stretched her legs apart and scooted down closer. Gradually, you could see the tension build in Betty’s face, until she spasmed, and you could see liquid spraying all over Dad’s face. She reached down and kissed him and said “Steve, that was a great idea. Mike, that was wonderful.” Then she smiled at Dad and Steve, and Rose saw her relax.

Rose saw they were getting close to shore. The motor quieted as Dad went to the front and tossed off an anchor. After some jocking back and forth, the motor turned off. Dad picked up the camera and panned around showing Mom's naked body, Steve taking his shirt off, and the lake and the shore. Rose could tell when her Dad put it back on the tripod and focused it on her Mom.

Steve moved to Betty, and kissed her with passion, holding her so her tits were squeezed against his chest. Rose could see him holding her ass, slapping it loudly, and even seeing his cock hard and pressing against her.

Then Rose noticed her Dad off to the side sitting, intent on watching them, with his cock in his hand, slowly stroking it. 

Steve was pushing Betty down on the bench seat, kneeling between her legs and slowly pushing his cock between her pussy lips, until his balls were against her ass. Steve was fucking Betty harder and harder. Rose could see the tension in her face, build a second time. Betty started to spasm, then Steve did too. She could still see Mike in the video as he was spurting cum all over the deck. All three were coming at the same time.

Rose got up and found the towel she used earlier, wiped the chair again, wiped her pussy, and got a wet washcloth to clean the chair, and then both her pussy and ass. Then she called Julie and asked if she could stay the night. Should she say something, ask Mom about it, or just keep it as HER secret, along with THEIR secret? 

The next night, after her Mom and Dad returned, they acted normally, loving and affectionate, touching and hugging each other. Rose was the only person uncomfortable. Over a couple of weeks, Rose gradually relaxed, and quit seeing both visions of them, the one at home and the one in the videos.

The memory of seeing a different Mom and Dad kept intruding though, and she had to stop herself from getting another disc out of the box, revisiting her NEW set of parents.

After about a month, she finally started looking at them again. No more than one video at a time, and only when she was alone in the house.

It was two months later when she was watching another video, that she heard her mother open the door with a basket of dried laundry in her hands. Rose hadn't even heard her mother come into the house.

Rose heard a muttered “Ah shit.” then a little louder “Turn that off and we can talk. Where did you find that.”

“Umm, I was looking for those taupe shoes you said I could borrow a couple of months ago. And I ran into a shoebox in your closet. And …” her voice trailed off. “I, um, guess I was thinking these might be some picture DVDs and, um, looked at one.”

Betty hesitated then, “Well I guess you were right, there are pictures in there.“ with a little laugh.

As I turned the video off, Mom sat down next to me. “It's complicated, we didn't intend for you to ever know about …” stopping there. “Shit Rose. Let me think,” after a couple of minutes Mom started over. “We never expected you to find those … DVDs and I’m not sure how to explain … tell you about this.” Again she said, “Let me think.”

“How did it get started? That goes back … uh maybe twenty years ago, before you … were born. When Mike and I were going to parties once or twice a month. Hell. Let me think. I need some time to think about what to say and how to say it. And, I need to talk to Mike too. Ah … Please give me time to talk to Mike first.” 

At that, Betty walked out of the room shaking her head. Muttering, "Shit, Hell.”

Later that afternoon, Betty went up to Rose’s bedroom and said, ”Can we get together at the park tomorrow morning?” smiled faintly,” Don’t worry, not too early. Maybe ten?”

When Rose nodded, Betty walked out, closing the door softly. 

That evening and the next morning everyone was uncomfortable and awkward. And Rose spent most of her time in her room, not watching videos.

At ten, Betty went in to find Rose and said “It's ten o’clock Honey, you ready to go to the park?”

Rose nodded, got up, and headed to the car. No one spoke until after Betty pulled up at Mitchell Park. They got out and found an isolated table and Betty took the basket, with some picnic stuff.

They sat facing one another, silently. Rose just waited. Betty hesitated and started, ”You know us as your Mom and Dad, right? But you also know we had a life before you came along. And you know we still have a life behind closed doors and when we aren't around you.”

A long pause, ”And part of that is our sex life. And I realize that thinking of sex and your parents is the ultimate ew, gross. Right?”

Rose, ”Um, yeah, ”

“Well, those DVDs dropped you right in the middle of our sex life. And … it’s not a conventional sex life.

“What Mike and I have, is a cuckolding marriage. It’s a lot better known nowadays, but still, in no way conventional or even accepted in most circles. Because of that, we need to know you will keep our secret. Please.“ 

“Oh, Mom. I’ll keep it, I didn’t even tell Julie, though I had to go there the first night. I found them during your San Francisco trip. When I found them, I had to get out of the house.”

“Thanks, from both me and Mike. Starting, what are your first couple of questions? Why, is probably first, next how long, then, what do you do? Is that right? Or is how did you start, one of them? All of them are, I guess, on your mind. Or do you have something else you want to ask? 

Rose, thinking, slowly replied, ”Exactly what is a cuckold marriage. I have read about cuckolds in Shakespeare. But that doesn't seem to fit.”

“Yes, you’re right. In Shakespeare's time, a cuckold was someone whose wife had sex with other men, usually behind the cuckold’s back. Nowadays it is more often a relationship, a marriage, where the wife has sex with other men, with the cuckold's knowledge and acceptance. In fact with … Well, often he gets sexual arousal and pleasure from it.”

“Our relationship, Mike and I, is … well, I can, we can, agree is very not traditional. We love each other and we both enjoy it. The why, goes back before you …” Frowning. hesitating.” I guess I enjoyed flirting, and Mike seemed to enjoy it as much as I did. 

“When Susan, she’s … was an old friend and moved to Chicago I think. So, Susan was talking to me one day and asked if Mike and I had an agreement for cuckolding. My reaction was what the hell is that? My reaction made Susan apologize, and try to change the subject.”

“It was several weeks before I could get Susan to explain. At first, she talked about it, as something she just read about, but I could easily tell she had to be more involved. When I kept asking her more detailed questions she gradually became frank about Steve and their marriage." 

“So she had a cuckold marriage, is that what you’re saying, Mom?

“Well since you don’t know her and never will, I guess I can answer that with a yes.”

“I spent a lot of time thinking, watching, and then more thinking. I knew I enjoyed flirting with other men. I knew I could see myself, possibly, um doing more. Would it be worth it to me? Is this something Mike might want? I couldn’t decide. In my infinite wisdom, I decided to experiment, without sharing anything with Mike. 

“As I listened to Susan, I could feel my nipples getting hard and felt myself getting wet. Just thinking about what Susan was saying, I realized I was interested. I just couldn’t, bluntly, ask Mike if he wanted to be a cuckold. So, the next few nights, I stayed awake trying to decide what I should do, what I wanted to do. After several nights, I decided to keep the idea a secret. 

“What I did, was step up the flirting quite a bit at the next party, and see if Mike objected. I still remember Todd’s name. Mike seemed aroused to see Todd and me kissing and touching each other and secretly – but, where Mike could see us – kissing. So at the next get-together, I stepped it up further, with some close dancing, and then kind of eased away from the main party for some necking and more touching with a guy named Bill. I watched Mike’s reaction as he visually followed Bill and me, as we eased off alone. I let Bill caress my breasts and my back and even my ass. Again, I did it where Mike could see us.

“There were still no verbal or any other objections that I could see. On the way home after the party though, Mike found a place to stop and park for a while. I ended up naked in the car, fucked.

“After this, I started some role play that occasionally, included having a stranger fuck me, with Mike acting like he was the stranger. Then I got some porn from the adult bookstore. In those days, that was the source for porn videos. Some of them included cuckolding. Mike’s reaction while watching the cuckold porn was overwhelming. Really overwhelming. His reaction to the other porn was a lot milder.”

Mom looked at me. “I got the ideas from cuckold stories and forums, about how men can convince their wives … um … Um, even in those days there were … I’m not sh-sure how graphic I should be.”

Rose’s reaction was, ”Just tell me what happened, damn it.”

Mom continued, saying, “Ok, um the next day as we lay in bed together, he had fingers inside me, and I had my hand around his cock. And then I asked Mike what made that so exciting. Mike hemmed and hawed, and had a hard time answering until I forced him to. 

“His final answer was, the vision of me being fucked in front of him, that drove him wild. Picturing me being penetrated, my pussy being penetrated. Me, his wife, being fucked. 

“I didn't ask him if he wanted it to actually happen. Instead, I got over him and forced my pussy over his cock, riding him hard, until we both came again. I was hoping that would reinforce it.

“Later, I shared with Mike some articles about cuckolding, and I got him to read them. There were three articles, a few stories, and, a couple of personal posts about cuckolding too.

“By that time, I was able to tell that I wanted to cuckold him, and it looked to me like he would go nuts if I did. I could practically taste the strange cum, and feel the strange cock inside me. I could feel the weight of a strange, different man, on top of me. Fucking me. It was me, I was going nuts. 

“After talking about the articles over a few days, and several serious fucking sessions I finally told your Dad. “Mike I’m going to cuckold you, It’s going to be soon too. I can’t wait. It's happening.” That ended with another serious fucking session.

“Both of us ignored what I had said from then on. There was no mention of cuckolding, though I could feel a little tension and anticipation when we fucked. We didn’t make love, we fucked. 

“I knew there was a company party in two weeks. It was at company headquarters, so we were going to stay for a few days at the hotel. Thank god it was so soon. I was being driven crazy thinking about some strange cock. I was going to try to do it at the company party. 

“I was consumed by my anticipation. Let another man undress me in front of Mike, watch Mike react, and feel a stranger play with my tits. I lay in bed squirming, feeling another man’s hands explore all of me. I pictured him licking my tits, sucking my nipples, and marking me all over as his. I could taste his cum in my mouth. I was doing this while Mike’s cock was in me, fucking me. God, it was a turn-on.

“The party was at a big hotel in Chicago and we flew in and got to the hotel. Walking in I was thinking Can I, Will Mike let me, does he WANT me to do it? All the while, holding Mike’s hand and smiling at him as we checked in. 

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“We got in before lunch, so after going up to our room we went to the hotel restaurant where Mike met some people he knew, and they got a table for the five of us. 

“I was squirming the whole time.

“After lunch, we walked around and visited the shops in the hotel where there was a jewelry store. I went in there looking for some jewelry, as a memento of our first cuckolding. After looking for some time, I saw a beautiful sterling silver bracelet with symbols around the entire piece. You may remember me wearing it. I still, um, wear it when … I still wear it sometimes. It was solid but not so heavy I couldn’t wear it. About a half-inch wide and substantial with what could have been native American Indian symbols of antlers. The symbols weren’t obvious but I could tell they were stylized antlers. I certainly knew that antlers and horns were a symbol of cuckolding. 

“As I admired it, I wondered if Mike would recognize the symbols. And their meaning. It would be perfect, as my memento of my first cuckolding of Mike. If Mike would let me buy it. It was a solid bracelet, not adjustable. Mike leaned over to me and asked if I wanted to try it on. God, I was hoping I could wear it. I looked at the salesgirl then Mike and nodded to her. She reached inside the case, got it out, and offered it to me to try on. Yes, it fits! It was a good omen, I hoped. Later, I wondered if Mike saw and understood the symbols on the bracelet. When I finally asked him, he just looked at me and smiled, ‘Yes of course I did. I also understood the significance of buying it. 

“Anyway, Mike smiled at me then nodded to the salesgirl and gave her his card. We didn’t even ask how much. As we left I kissed Mike, admired it on my wrist, and told him it would go perfectly with my outfit. All I could think about was how perfectly it would memorialize Mike’s first cuckolding, and I intended to wear it while I did. As we started back to our room I snuggled up to him and whispered ‘I love you.’

“Mike had been asking me to shave my pussy for a long time, and after we entered the hotel room, I turned and gave Mike a passionate hug and asked if he wanted to shave my pussy, before dinner tonight. I could see his cock get harder and saw him tense and could only answer with a nod. I gave him another kiss while he caressed my tits and pinched my nipples.

“I turned to the bath and told him I needed to get started, if I wanted to be ready for dinner. The bath was huge and I filled it with hot water. Mike used his electric razor to get rid of the bulk of my bush. Then he took my razor to the rest of it. I lay in the hot water and bath oils anticipating the evening. Picturing Mike as it happened. Picturing me, as it happened. Trying to picture the man cuckolding Mike. Then, I suddenly remembered Butch from a few years ago. We’d gone to lunch while Mike was tied up with his boss. And I remembered how responsive he’d been to my flirting. He’d even kissed me, on the way out of the restaurant. Well, kissing and a little groping my tits. And Butch was sure to be here. God, now I had a picture of the man cuckolding Mike. I was so excited and I kept picturing Mike as Butch kissed me, undressed me, and finally slowly deliberately pushed his cock into me.

“We walked into the ballroom and I was wearing a pale blue dress with silver accents, silver heels, my new silver cuckold bracelet, and my newly shaved pussy. I was holding Mike's hand, but looking for Butch. There he was, sitting at a table with some people Mike and I knew. We wandered through the tables until I looked at Mike and gestured at Butch’s table with a questioning look. I grabbed the chair next to Butch, and put my purse on the table, with Butch on my right and Mike on my left. I finally looked at Butch when I sat down. The man I intended to cuckold Mike with.

“When dinner ended there were some announcements, awards, and then dancing. I danced with Mike a couple of times, then Butch asked me. As I got up to dance I looked back at Mike and smiled, just to see Mike's reaction. Tension, anticipation, and his eyes were dilated. 

“After a couple of slow close dances with Butch, I asked Mike to dance again, and as we danced, I asked him if he remembered the alcove we had spent kissing at the last meeting. It was at the edge of the terrace, that was adjacent through the glass doors. When he did, I told him to go there, while I danced with Butch. When he asked why I just grinned and said just go hide there, you won’t want to miss anything.

“I could feel Mike's erection expand as we danced. I kissed him and led him back to our table. By this time, Butch, Mike, and I were the only ones left sitting there. When the music started again, I reached to Butch and pulled him up to dance. As we walked to the floor I looked at him and whispered to him, ‘when this dance ends, maybe we could find a private spot.’ As the first dance ended I glanced over at our table and it was empty. 

“The next song was another slow romantic song, I pulled him close with my breasts tight against his chest, and put my arms around his neck. I could feel Butch's erection get harder. I gradually moved us closer to the terrace doors, until we were close enough, and I casually stepped away, nodded to the doors, and led us to the terrace. There were several nooks and I led him to one that was visible to where I hoped Mike was.“

Rose looked at her Mom and asked her, "Did Dad know you were going to cuckold him there?” She could tell her Mom was getting aroused. Her face was getting flushed and she could detect her pussy.

Mom answered, “I’m still not sure if he expected to see me get fucked on the terrace or not. In any case, I reached up and pulled Butch’s head so I could kiss him. I could feel the sexual tension in my tits and pussy. By this time, that was how I was thinking of them, Rosie. Tits and pussy. I could feel his excitement against my body. I kissed him several times until he reached behind me, unfastened the clip at the top of my dress, and pulled the zipper down. Then he pulled the dress away from my tits and kissed one tit with a hand caressing the other. 

“I wanted Mike to see, so I turned so Mike could watch Butch. As I turned, I reached and unfastened his belt button and his zipper. As I was enjoying my tits being played with, I pulled his trousers down with his underwear and I saw his cock for the first time. 

“Again, I tried to be sure Mike could see what I was doing. I kneeled, tongued his cock, put it in my mouth, and smiled up at Butch. He pulled me to my feet, turned me around facing away, and cupped both tits. He turned me with my back to him, luckily so Mike had a perfect view of his hands on my bare tits its and could see when one hand went under the dress looking for my pussy. When he got there, I started, as if I heard something. I moved away and said we need to go back inside. Give me a couple of minutes and follow me. 

“I redressed quickly and I opened the door and went in. My face flushed. I hurried to the lady's room to put myself together, where I got a towel, wet it with cold water, and placed it on my face. When I felt together, my hair, bra, and dress; I reached down and removed my panties. I went back to our table and Butch was there alone. No Mike yet. When I sat down I saw Mike come in from the terrace and all I could think was, 

Mike saw it. God, he saw Butch’s cock in my mouth. He saw his hands on my tits. He didn’t … object, he just watched.

“I could see Mike was heading to the bar so I told Butch I was going to get us drinks. When Butch started to get up to do it, I stopped him and headed to the bar. Toward Mike.

“I gave Mike a great big kiss when I got there and told him I loved him as I gave him a second one. Mike’s face was flushed, he was trembling and could hardly talk. I told him to get Scotch on the rocks for Butch, white wine for me, and whatever he wanted. I could see him relax after the kisses, though I knew what I was going to say next, would reverse that. 

“On the way back to the table I stopped and looked him in the eye and said ‘When we get back, I’ll give you my panties, if you take them, tell Butch to fuck me. You will hand him my panties, look him in the eye and tell him again firmly, I want you to fuck Betty!’ 

“After we finish our drinks, we’ll leave for our room.  I’ll be with Butch from then on, Butch and I are the couple, Butch and I are together, and you’re our cuckold walking with us. I intend to make it clear, from the time we step through those doors. When we get in the elevator you will simply watch.

I asked Mike, ‘Do you need me to repeat what I just said?’ 

“Mike looked at me and tentatively kissed me back and shook his head. Back at the table, I handed Butch his Scotch and sat with space for Mike to sit. next to him. I reached down to my purse. And removed my panties and handed them to Mike. Butch looked at the panties in Mike’s hand.

“Mike turned ‘Butch, I want you to go with Betty to our room and fuck her. To show you I’m serious, here are Betty’s panties.’ A hesitation then, ‘I’m serious I want you to take Betty upstairs to our room and fuck her.’

“I waited nervously for Butch’s reaction. This was cusp time. I waited. He looked at Mike, then at me, and slowly looked back at Mike. Slowly, he reached for my panties, took them from Mike, folded them up carefully, and then put them in his coat pocket. 

“Then he looked back at me. When I nodded and gave a tremulous smile, he smiled back. 'I would love to. Now?'

“Mike answered, ‘Now! Yes, Now.’ I put my drink down and stood. And reached for Butch’s hand.”

Rose's reaction was "Christ, Dad didn’t do that. You didn’t do that. No fucking way,"

“Yes, fucking way. Shall I go on or stop here? Do you want to hear how I cuckolded your Dad, how I was f-fucked … in front of him, the first t time?

“God, Mom. Yes with all the dirty details too. Yes.”

“Mike later told me the walk across the ballroom was the longest walk of his life. I thought it seemed the shortest walk of my life.”

“Just as we got to the door to the lobby I turned to Butch and kissed him. Then I led both men to the elevators and waited. When the elevators came I led them into the elevator and as the door closed, I turned to Butch and gave the same kiss to him again. Even more passionate. At that point, the elevator was on our floor. Here I led off to the right and walked in front of our room and looked at Dad so he got the room card out of his pocket and opened the door, stepped back, and let Butch and me go in first.

“Mike says he doesn’t remember much of anything after going inside, just the emotions. I sure do though. My first time cuckolding him is imprinted on my memory. I remember the words, movements, smells, sensations, and Mike’s reactions second by second.

“Mike stepped in and went as far from the bed as he could. He just stood there watching Butch and me. Butch reached for me and pulled me closer and kissed me. One of those assertive kisses that had me reach for him and run my hands through his hair, along his arms, and pull myself against him. I wanted to fuck him right there, standing up. My breasts, my tits were pressing against Butch and my left hand was reaching for his cock while my right hand was pulling his shirt up so I could touch his skin.”

“Mike was just standing there and I could see that his cock was getting hard and showing in his pants. His expression, I’ll never forget. I saw the arousal and extreme excitement, change to self-loathing and back. When I saw the self-loathing, I took a breath, should I continue? But when I saw the excitement return and the arousal return, I continued.

“Your Dad told me afterward what he was thinking. He was picturing a man just standing in a corner, watching his wife being mauled by some strange man. Her dress is being unzipped to expose her bare shoulders and tits, and slowly her stomach. A dress that he had helped her pick out just the week before, falls to the floor. So this almost stranger can see her almost naked body, the bra, and panties coming off, exposing her tits and pussy. He could see both lovers, naked, kissing with their hands all over each other's bodies. His kisses, leaving marks on her tits.

“While Butch was undressing me, I had done the same to Butch. I unbuttoned his shirt and unfastened his pants and let them fall to the floor. Butch continued kissing me and caressing my tits, and shoulders and cupped my ass in his hands. I was reaching down to Butch’s cock and holding it. I then knelt and kissed it on the tip licked the fluid off and let Butch play with my tits.

“My sensations were overwhelming. I was feeling a strange man's tongue in my mouth, feeling a strange man touching my most intimate parts. I touched his cock with my mouth and tasted his precum. I knew his cock would soon be massaging my cunt, and my husband was enjoying it too. I came standing up. My mouth searching for his to scream into

“Butch put me on the bed and continued to rub me including my pussy, cupped my mound, and then rubbed my clit. Just lightly, round and round and then put his finger inside. That's when I tried to stop my screams by reaching for a pillow to put over my mouth. I spasmed and felt my first time squirting all over Butch's hands and collapsed on the bed.

“As I recovered, Butch got on the bed naked, got between my legs, and let his cock rub against my pussy. I practically yelled at him to put it in me, now. Instead, Butch slid down and then licked my throbbing clit, his tongue swept over my slit, moved my pussy lips aside, and licked my opening. He was sucking all the liquid out of me. I was squirming, not sure if I should make him lick where I wanted it most, or make him stop, so I could rest. I finally couldn't take anymore and forced him up, so I could take possession of his mouth

As I felt him enter my pussy. A sense of satisfaction overcame me and I relaxed and just enjoyed being fucked. He wasn't too big but he was getting enthusiastic and I could feel my tension getting stronger and stronger until just as I could feel Butch come in me, I came again.

“We cuddled on the bed as we recovered slowly and I gradually became aware of Mike still standing in the corner but with his pants on the floor, his cock in his hand, and cum leaking out. He looked shocked when he saw me glancing at him. He looked away with embarrassment and went into the bathroom to clean himself.

“Butch and I fucked three times. Twice that night and once in the morning. I remember thinking I’d been thoroughly fucked. We had the bed and Mike tried to sleep in the chair in the room.

“After our morning fuck, Butch got up and started to redress, and as he finished, he kissed me rubbed my tits, and smiled. ‘Now that was a real fuck. I think I will remember that for a long time, Betty. Now I need to get out of your way.’ And he left.

“While I was being fucked I felt a sense of satisfaction. While he was on top of me a sense of being wanted by someone who didn't have to want me, and bliss while I was coming with Butch’s cock erupting inside me.”

“Afterward, I made Mike get in bed with me and I rubbed his cock with Butch’s cum. I reached inside my pussy and got some of his cum and put it in his mouth to lick off. 

“I lay in bed with one hand on Mike’s cock on my back squirming against the sheet. I leaned over Mike, kissed him open mouth, my tongue invading him, and whispered ‘Mike’, kissed him open mouth, my tongue invading him, and whispered in his ear. ‘I love you cuckold. Thank you, cuckold, I’m going to cuckold you again soon.' I lay back and closed my eyes.

“Rosie, I love Mike and I’ve never done it without his knowledge and in most cases without his enthusiastic support. I do it because I love different cock. But, for me to enjoy it, I also need Mike to enjoy it."

If she hadn’t seen the videos, Rose wouldn’t believe a word of it. It was as though she could see her parents for the first time. As if she had new parents.

when I tried to stop my screams by reaching for a pillow to put over my mouth. I spasmed and felt my first time squirting all over Butch's hands, and collapsed on the bed.

“As I recovered, Butch got on the bed naked, got between my legs, and let his cock rub against my pussy. I practically yelled at him to put it in me NOW. Instead, Butch slid down and then licked my throbbing clit, his tongue swept over my slit, moved my pussy lips aside, and licked my opening. He was sucking all the liquid out of me. I was squirming, not sure if I should make him lick where I wanted it most, or make him stop, so I could rest. I finally couldn't take anymore and forced him up, so I could take possession of his mouth

As I felt him enter my pussy. A sense of satisfaction overcame me and I relaxed and just enjoyed being fucked. He wasn't too big but he was getting enthusiastic and I could feel my tension getting stronger and stronger until just as I could feel Butch come in me, I came again.

“We cuddled on the bed as we recovered slowly and I gradually became aware of Mike still standing in the corner but with his pants on the floor, his cock in his hand, and cum leaking out. He looked shocked when he saw me glancing at him. He looked away with embarrassment and went into the bathroom to clean himself.

“Butch and I fucked three times. Twice that night and once in the morning. I remember thinking I’d been thoroughly fucked. We had the bed and Mike tried to sleep in the chair in the room.

“After our morning fuck, Butch got up and started to redress, and as he finished, he kissed me rubbed my tits, and smiled. ‘Now that was a real fuck. I think I will remember that for a long time, Betty. Now I need to get out of your way.’ And he left.

“While I was being fucked I felt a sense of satisfaction. While he was on top of me a sense of being wanted by someone who didn't have to want me, and bliss while I was coming with Butch’s cock erupting inside me.”

“Afterward, I made Mike get in bed with me and I rubbed his cock with Butch’s cum. I reached inside my pussy and got some of his cum and put it in his mouth to lick off. 

“I lay in bed with one hand on Mike’s cock on my back squirming against the sheet. I leaned over Mike, kissed him open mouth, my tongue invading him, and whispered ‘Mike’, kissed him open mouth, my tongue invading him, and whispered in his ear. ‘I love you cuckold. Thank you, cuckold, I’m going to cuckold you again soon.' I lay back and closed my eyes.

“Rosie, I love Mike and I’ve never done it without his knowledge and in most cases without his enthusiastic support. I do it because I love different cock. But, for me to enjoy it, I also need Mike to enjoy it."

If she hadn’t seen the videos, Rose wouldn’t believe a word of it. It was as though she could see her parents for the first time. As if she had new parents.

Written by keylime314159
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