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Mile High Cuckold Club

"There's more than one way to join the mile high club."

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Author's Notes

"There are some connections to the Cuckolders Inc. series."

I met Joey at REI, the sporting goods store. I was looking for a lightweight backpacking sleeping bag. And he was looking for a backpacking two-person tent. We were talking and continued our conversation at Temple Coffee. I mentioned I was intending to go into the Mount Lassen area. He was still deciding between the Emigrant Wilderness and the Mt. Lassen area. 

When we were finishing, he finished by saying, "I’ve got an idea, but I need to think about it. Um, let’s exchange numbers so I can think. Uh, Hayes, maybe I’ll call you." 

About a week later, Joey called to meet at The Coffee Being on Stockton Blvd. When I got there, Joey seemed nervous but finally got to the point. "I’ve wanted for years; um, I mentioned to Autumn. Hell, just say it, Joey; I’ve told her I’d like to watch her being fucked, screwed by someone else." He rushed on, "She said no; she's not ready to do that. So, it's not hell no, it's not now. I still want it to happen, and I wondered if we meet backpacking somewhere, on the trail or at a lake, maybe you could seduce her. Seduce her and let me watch, uh, maybe? You'll have my okay."

This was a surprise—totally a surprise. “I don't know. You want me to screw your wife while we're backpacking? For real, you want to see me fuck your wife?” I sat there, shaking my head. I finally said, “You think she'd let me?”

Fuck another man's wife in front of him with his permission that's a hard question to answer. NOT. He sounds serious. Is he? That would make my trip a lot more memorable. 

“You're serious? You suddenly want me to screw your wife out in the backcountry? What's the catch?”

"I've wanted it for several years. Joey said, "It's not sudden from my end. With us being alone in the outdoors, I think you'd have a realistic chance. Would you be interested?"

I pretended to think before I answered. "You'd give us some alone time, right, and maybe some encouragement too?"

Who could believe this, I've been talking to Brad and Sean about their cuckolding hobby and club, Cuckolders Inc. It sounded like an exciting experience. This might be even better. I'm going to love doing this for him.

We decided to go to the Lassen area around Lower Twin Lake on Friday after the fourth of July, July seventh. We'd go in separately and run into each other accidentally. It was very CIA-style. It made me feel like a secret agent as we made our plans. I was wondering how it would go over if Autumn discovered what Joey had set up.

I had an idea if it happened. I'd really enjoy it; he might not.

On the drive up there, my cock got hard every time I thought about what might happen. I kept reminding myself that there was no guarantee, but that didn't stop my cock. When I got to the trailhead, I kept looking for Joey and Autumn with no luck. 

I guess I'll have to find them at Lower Twin Lake. Hmm, unless Joey decided this whole thing was a mistake. I hope not! Though after what he said, he wants this; he won't back out, I'm sure. I think I'm sure.

When I got close to Lower Twin Lake, I admired the mountains and the snow on the peaks. I knew I could find a nice private spot for me to seduce Autumn. There were a couple of other lakes nearby that we could use.

God, seduction sounds so sterile. What's going to be happening is not sterile. I can picture us naked together. It's going to be hot, physical, and sweaty. My cock is going to be inside her. I'm going to be her first new cock to fuck her. I can't wait.

When I was talking to Brad and Sean, it seemed so easy. They seemed to just know what to say and what to do to convince both the husband and wife to allow them to fuck the wife. What if I screw it up? 

I've only got to worry about Autumn; I'll have Joey to help convince her. I'm not going to mess it up. He wants it, and he's been suggesting it. I can do this. 

When I started down to the lake, I was looking for the place we'd decided we'd be camping. Yes, there was the tent Joey had bought at REI. I found the perfect spot we'd talked about, near, but not too near. Great. 

I saw Joey by the tent and a woman, Autumn, doing something about food. I ignored Joey like we'd planned; Autumn, I openly admired. I tried to do it without being obnoxious. There is no point in starting from behind the starting line. 

Soon, Joey came over to my camp to visit and set up a meeting with Autumn. 

When he walked up, Joey said, "Um, Hayes, ah, I couldn't do what I said; I talked to Autumn. I told her we might meet you here. Not the screwing part, but that we might meet here. I, um, said something about, maybe, she might induct me into The Mile High Cuckold Club. If she likes you, that is."

He was nervous but continued, "She didn't say no, but she didn't say yes either. I didn't imply that you know anything, um, about anything, but I want ... " His voice trickled off.

"Okay, Joey, she knows that she can if she wants to. Got it. I'll take it from here. It'll be in her mind, at least. 

Mile High Cuckold Club? I thought that was in airplane bathrooms. Although we're over 6,000 feet up here. So maybe?

When I went to their camp, he introduced me and I tried to emulate what Brad and Sean had told me they did. I followed my instincts: Friendly, joking around, and wasn't too obvious checking her out. I did see her checking me out a few times. That was encouraging.

The next morning, I went over to visit, but Joey had already left to take pictures. Autumn had some fresh coffee and invited me to share it. I learned that she'd gone to Sac State and was working for the state government. I also shared some of my camping trips into the high Sierras. My trip with Marjory up into Emigrant Wilderness a few years ago was prominent. I laughed about the times we went swimming together and how cold the water was. I included the time an older couple caught us making love 

The next day, Joey was gone again with his camera, and Autumn and I were sharing coffee; when I blurted out, "Does Joey want to watch or is just knowing enough?"

Brad and Sean said they follow their instincts. Will that work for me? Or have I blown it?

"What did you say? Damn it, has Joey talked to you?" Autumn stood up, ready to storm off.

"Joey said something to me?" I said, "No, not at all. It's just that I can tell I've seen the way he looks at me and you. That, plus the way he's leaving us together alone, is saying something."

I stood up and stopped her from leaving. "Uh, a friend of mine, ah, Lor. ... a friend of mine wanted another friend, ah, to, um, his wife. I thought I saw Joey acting the same way. Jesus, I'm sorry. Forget that I said anything. Hell, my friends, that happened last month, and I found out I was right. Don't say anything, please, I'll stay away until he gets back, okay?"

I backed off and went back to my tent, walked around, and then went down to the lake. There was a book I'd brought to read, and I had it out but was just sitting staring across the lake when Autumn sat down next to me. 

"I'm sorry, Hayes; I shouldn't have gotten so angry. Because it's true, he has asked me; he says he wants to watch, um, he wants to watch another man, God. Fuck me. He wants me to consider you." She laughed, then added, "He called it The Mile High Cuckold Club."

I took her hand. "I thought I saw it, so I wasn't imagining it then. He does want "

"Yes, he does. He's talked about it for several years, but more often lately. He says he wants me to; the word he used was cuckold him. I had to look it up; I recognized it from reading Shakespeare back in high school. I guess it's used differently now. Now it means the husband gets off on it."

She took my arm and pulled it around her, then kissed me. I pulled her closer still and kissed her back. My hand dropped to touch her breast, and I took her head and kissed her harder. "So?" 

She hesitated, saying, "I don't know; Joey says he wants me to, but I'm not sure he knows what he's asking. I can tell the first time would be the hardest; does he realize if I do it once, it probably won't be only once."

I looked at my watch and said, "It's still early; I'd like to revisit Upper Twin Lake. Joey's out taking pictures. Why can't we do the same? I can get some water and a few things to eat, and we can look around.

Well, she hadn't said no, no way. Maybe if we get away from their camp, it might shake something loose, like her clothes. Well, I like to hike anyway, even if it doesn't.

I carried the water and food, and we headed down the trail. I was taking some pictures, and I headed off to where I knew there was a nice view of Lassen Peak and some sand. I had a blanket that I put down, and we sat for a while, drank the water, and ate quietly, talking. I moved, so I was behind her with my legs on either side. When I pulled her back against me, I heard her sigh. She relaxed against me and didn't protest when my hands cupped her breasts. 

She wasn't saying yes, but she wasn't saying no; she was letting me decide.

I started caressing them, focusing on her nipples, and I kissed her neck, testing. I was unbuttoning her blouse, and I nipped at her earlobe. I had her blouse unbuttoned, and I slowly slipped it off her shoulders, kissing the new skin I was exposing. 

When she leaned forward, I slipped her blouse off and unfastened her bra. When she gave a soft moan, "Umm." I slipped her bra off, too. That's when I leaned forward and murmured, "Which do you want me to do, make love to you or fuck you?"

She turned her head and kissed me. "God, Hayes, I want, um, I want you to make love to me." She paused and continued, "This time, at first at least." She smiled and added, "I might change my mind though.

She's said yes. Now my job is to be sure she enjoys it, so there is a second time.

I moved away so I could lay her back, and then I kissed her, letting my tongue explore her mouth and then to her shoulder, nibbling her there. When I was kissing her tits, I sucked on her nipples and then asked her, "Do you want me to leave evidence for Joey? Will that make it better for him? I'd love to, but you get to decide. Yes or no?" 

I moved up, so I was kissing her lips again, and my hands were unbuttoning her pants, getting them so I could get them off. One finger, then two, slipped inside her, and she responded with more moans, "I'm, God, glad I, oh yes, yes." I felt her hand slip down, and a finger was on her clit. "Yes, god, yes, yes, now push them in harder, please, Hayes, Hayes." She tensed and screamed and her vagina clamped on my fingers. 

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I held her steady, just holding her as she gradually relaxed. I caressed her until I thought she was coherent; when I asked her, again, "My question, okay? Mark you for Joey? Yes or no?"

"I want your cock hard now. Fuck me. Marking me? Yes, I'll let you, my tits, mark them. I want Joey to see them."

I leaned over and took one of her tits, sucked on it hard, and then moved to her other tit and bit it. Then my cock entered her, and I fucked as hard as I could until I came inside. I collapsed and lay there next to her, both of us breathing hard.

"Do you think he’ll think this counts? He said he wanted to see it, didn't he? I added, hopefully, "Will I have to do it again in front of him? Ha, I'd love to do it again, Autumn.

"Yes, again. I thought the second time would be easier, and it is easier to say yes now, Let's fuck in front of Joey.

On the way back to their tent, I saw Joey at their tent, and I stopped.

"I want him to know that we've done it. You've done it. You've made him a member of the Mile High Cuckold Club. That’s what he called it, isn’t it? ” I kissed her, waiting. "Tell him."

“Yes, that’s what he said.”

“What do you think … Um, what does Joey want to happen now? What do you want to happen now? For me, Autumn, I’d like to continue … um, making love to you as often as I can. He wanted you to give yourself to me; that’s what I understood you to say, right? He wants you and me to cuckold him. Will once be enough?"

I want to have her as many times as I can. Will Autumn cut him off if I ask her to? Maybe if I convince her, that's what Joey wants? Or convince her that’s what she deserves? 

“Just so you know, I’d like us to be the couple for the rest of the camping trip. You and me together, with Joey sleeping in my tent. You and me are exclusive until we get back home.”

Autumn, will this work? He deserves it if she’ll agree. He wanted it to happen and now it has. You’ll enjoy it, I think. It’s what should happen. Right, Hayes? Or is that my dick talking? Hell, do I care? The answer is hell, no, I don't!”

I kissed her again, and my hands were on her tits, caressing them. She was hesitating about answering me.

Is she trying to decide if that’s what she wants? If that what she wants to happen; or is she trying to decide how to say no?

“Hayes, part of me wants to say yes but, but … I don’t know if I can. I need to think before I decide. You and me exclusive, fucking? Yes, but …” She looked at me and continued, "Yes, we'll fuck some more, but exclusive? Cut Joey off? I'm not sure.

“What you decide goes, okay? I want you to know what I want, but It’s up to you.”

My hands went behind her head as I gave her a passionate kiss with my tongue playing with her lips and her tongue. She was responding and wanted even more. As we finished, she took my hands and put them on her tits. “Hayes, I am going to want it again.”

We walked into their camping site holding hands, and when we got to Joey; she kissed me again and put my hands on her tits. “Joey, congratulations, you’re a member of the Mile High Cuckold Club. Hayes initiated you into it this afternoon.” Then she walked up to Joey and kissed him. 

“I need to talk to you about … what happens now. Hayes asked me, um, he asked me, he wants us to be exclusive; Hayes and me to be exclusive the rest of our trip.”

“You want to what? No, just no. Exclusive with him; sex with him and not with me?”

“Joey, that’s what you want; you want me to fuck him, you said so. You want to be cuckolded, to be part of the Mile High Cuckold Club. Even Hayes could see it. I want to belong to him while we’re camping, okay? We’re going to take over our tent and you can use his. We might let you watch a few times.” She looked at me, saying, “Right, Hayes?”

I hesitated for a second and then nodded, "Right, Joey. We’ll let you watch sometimes, at least.”

I watched Joey move from shock to acceptance and slowly to arousal.

I was right; this is what he wanted to happen, even if he didn’t know it, it was what he wanted. Surprise, Joey, Autumn and I are going to give you what you want.

I took her hand, pulled her to me, and whispered into her ear, “God, Autumn, I’m glad you said yes. When do you want to let me, um, when do you want to make love, fuck, in front of him? Now? Or?”

“Undress me here, in front of him, and then we can go into our, god our tent. I want you to screw me there. As hard as you want, as hard as you can. I want to make it clear what we’re going to be doing. You’re going to be screwing me all week. He asked for it and we’re going to give it to him. He opened the door, and I warned him. I want your cock in me again and again.”

I started nibbling on her neck while I unbuttoned her blouse. She was responding by arching her neck to give me better access to it. I could see her nipples were hardening. I moved my mouth down to her shoulder, and I removed her blouse and handed it to Joey. Joey’s hands were trembling as he took it. 

Next, I unfastened her bra and pulled it down off her breasts, exposing the marks I’d left there to him. 

“You can see what we did earlier, can’t you? I made love to her tits and they were so exciting, I couldn’t help but mark them. The sensations I felt were thrilling. I think for Autumn too.”

I glanced at him and saw his erection in his shorts. “I can see that you’re enjoying picturing it, aren’t you?”

My kisses were moving from her shoulders to the sides of her tits and she was immobile, an expression of enjoyment and bliss crossing her face. When my kisses moved to her tits, she started getting vocal; she was moaning and making a lot of pleasurable noises.

My hands went to her shorts, unbuttoned them, and slid them to the ground. My focus moved from Joey to Autumn. She was moaning as I was pinching her nipples, and when one hand went down to her pussy, I looked at Joey and said, I want to see your cock while we’re, ah, I’m fucking her.

He started by taking his shirt off and then discarded his shorts. "Joey, this is what I expected. Your cock is reacting to what we’re doing, isn’t it? Take your underwear off and let your dick hang free. Let Autumn see what’s happening."

“Look at his cock, Autumn; he wants to see you being screwed by someone. Autumn, he might cum just watching. Right, Joey?”

He wants it more than I thought. We can do anything we want. Can I make him cum in front of us? That would be the cherry on top, if I can.

Here she is, Joey, ready to be fucked. Look at her; she’s going to get a kick out of watching you see me fuck her. Seeing your emotions as you’re watching my cock in her. She’s fucked me once because you told her to. This time, it’s going to be because she wants to.“

I moved my attention to Autumn. I kissed her while I was discarding my clothes; when I got to removing my underwear, I heard a gasp from Joey, “God, you're going to …”

“Yes, he is. His cock is soon going to be screwing me, my cunt. Joey, he’s going to be screwing my cunt.” She told Joey. 'It felt so good when his cock was in my cunt before; I want it again, now."

She took my hand and said, “Let’s go into our tent; I want to make love to you and then finish with, well, a good hard fuck.”

Yes, Autumn, he wanted to be cuckolded; he wanted to watch someone with his cock in his wife. I’m glad he did, and I’m glad he asked me. I have no intent for it to be just once, or even just out here. I intend to make him share her with me as long as she wants me; that means forever. 

When we went into the tent, I deliberately left the flap open so what we did was visible to Joey; he’d asked me to fuck Autumn, and I intended to make him watch while I did it.

She was so beautiful like this; beautiful almond skin with her tits lighter and her nipples deeper pink. Her nipples were to die for, from a man’s perspective, extended perfectly for what I did suck on them. 

I laid her back on the sleeping bags, with my hands moving all over her, loitering over her tits and pussy. When we’d fucked before, I hadn’t taken enough time to savor all the delectable sights. 

“You look delicious like this; I can hardly believe I get to see you, touch you, and, Autumn, make love to you again. Joey is sharing you with me. Why, I can’t imagine. 

"Autumn, is that a scar there? It’s the divine imperfection that makes your beauty real.” I kissed it, my tongue tracing it just below her right breast. I moved so I could possess her mouth again. About this time I became obsessed with trying to make her come. My mouth was moving everywhere, but I continually paused on her clit. My memory was turned off: I was focusing on the sensations instead.

She was vocal, guiding me over her and telling me where to pause. “Yes, there. No, stop there, yes, bite me there.” Later, she was saying, “Hayes, bite my tit there. Please. Yes. You're perfect. 

When she screamed at Joey, "God, Joey, I’ve never come like this; he’s making me come so hard, so many times. I love him. I’ve never come to pieces like this.“ Put your cock in me. I want to feel it inside me again. Now please, Hayes, NOW.”

I moved so my cock was in front of her entrance, “Joey, it’s happening now my cock is penetrating her now, I’m fucking her.”

I heard Joey yell, “I’m coming, God, I’m coming. I can’t believe it.”

She was whispering, “Yes, all the way; I want to feel you come in me. I want your sperm in me, your cum.”

My mouth covered her mouth, and my hands were squeezing her tits, while I was fucking her. When I felt my climax building, I took one last hard thrust and held my cock inside her as far as I could.

He joined the Mile High Cuckold Club again and again while we were camping. I kept her pretty busy the entire time.

The entire time was fabulous, and I want to continue cucking Joey when we're back in Sacramento. Any experiences we have together, I'll try to share with Keylime Pi, so he can share them with the Lush readers.

Written by keylime314159
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