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The Monday following James’s night with Jill started off like any normal day. He got up, showered and shaved, ate some cereal, got dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, and went off to Uni. He returned quite late in the evening to find a message asking him to call Mrs Wood, and went to the communal phone and dialed their number.

“Wood here.” He heard Peter’s voice.

“Oh, hello Peter. I’ve got a message to call Beth.”

“Ah, yes. She’s been waiting for you to call. I’ll get her.”

After a short while, Beth came on the line.

“Hello James, thank you for calling.”

“No problem. What’s up?”

“We need to talk. Is it ok if Peter comes and fetches you now?”

“Yes, it’s ok, but what’s this about?”

“I don’t want to talk about it on the phone. Please bear with me.”

“OK. I’ll be waiting for Peter.”

“Thank you. See you soon.”

She put down the phone.

James waited for about twenty minutes, then Peter arrived. On the way to their house, he asked what it was about, but Peter had no idea. James suspected it might be about Caroline.

When they arrived, Beth let them in and they went through to the living room. She’d made some coffee and put it out on a table together with biscuits.

“Peter, could James and I have some time alone for a discussion?”

“Of course,” Peter replied and left to go to the study.

James sat down in a chair. This was obviously a serious matter and he did not want to be next to Beth.

“James,” Beth started, “this is difficult for me to talk about, so please don’t interrupt or get cross. Before I start, I must ask you, did you and Caroline meet on Saturday?”

“Yes, we had lunch at the Pig and Whistle then went to see a film.”

“I thought so. James, you can’t have a relationship with Caroline. It’s not possible.”

“Why ever not?” he asked, “she’s a young girl, unattached, and the same age as me. I like her and want to get to know her better.”

“You just can’t. If it were just a friendship, that would be fine, but more than that is out of the question.”

James started to get annoyed.

“Is this just because you and I have slept together? Are you jealous of your daughter? Or is it you don’t want her to find out I’ve been fucking her mother?” he said, angrily.

“No, it’s nothing like that,” Beth said, then burst into tears.

James felt bad. He got up and went over and put his arm around her.

“Don’t cry, Beth, I’m sure we can work this out. What’s the problem and why are you so worried?”

“She’s your half-sister,” Beth blurted out, “that’s why.”

“Half-sister? What do you mean?”

“Peter isn’t her father.”

“You mean my father is also hers? You had an affair with my father?”

Beth nodded her head.

“Jeez, I didn’t think the old fart had it in him.”

“Peter doesn’t know,” Beth said, “he thinks Caroline is his and I don’t want to do or say anything that changes that.”

James was stunned. He’d been fucking the same woman his father had fucked and was about to fuck his half-sister. He put his hands on his head and tried to think.

“What about my dad?” he said, “does he know?”

“No, and he must not find out,” Beth replied, somewhat relieved that he’d used the word “dad” and not “father” because she’d been a little economical with the truth. Caroline’s genetic father was James’s ‘uncle’ Alan. ‘Uncle’ Alan wasn’t really an uncle, he was an old family friend of Dave and Jenny Jones and was also James’s genetic father. Jenny knew, but Dave didn’t, and neither did James.

Alan was a prolific cheater, he’d fucked most of the women in their social set and was responsible for a number of children, including James, none of whom knew about it. Beth knew that James had no idea of this and that he thought that Dave was his father. She wasn’t going to be the one to tell him, so she allowed him to think that Caroline was Dave’s child.

James had no idea how to deal with this. Part of him said that it wasn’t a problem, he could fuck her anyway, but another part realised that it was and that their relationship would have to change. It did explain why he felt so close to her and why they fit together so well.

He held Beth tightly and stroked her hair.

“Don’t worry,” he said, “I’ll deal with it. Caroline and I will simply be friends. I’ll find a way of making that happen without upsetting her too much, but I don’t know how to manage the other stuff. It’s disconcerting.”

“Thank you, James. I’m sorry I had to say something, but the consequences of staying silent were potentially disastrous.”

“I understand. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to go home.”

“I’ll ask Peter to take you.”

She left the room and returned with Peter, then saw them to the front door. James left without kissing her.

The journey home was silent. Peter knew not to talk.

When he got back to his room, James thought about all he had heard. He couldn’t believe that his father had had an affair with Beth. He wasn’t particularly close to him and didn’t respect him at all.

He was a drunk who treated his mother badly. There were so many times he’d found her crying after a row with her husband. He really couldn’t understand why she stayed with him. It would have been so much easier if she’d thrown him out years ago.

But she hadn’t, and now his actions had destroyed any chance of a meaningful relationship with Caroline. He wondered if his mother knew about her. If not, she mustn’t find out.

All of these thoughts were whirling around in his mind, making him increasingly angry. He decided that he would go out and get drunk. That would numb his mind and so, not much later, he was standing at the bar of the same place where he’d met Beth and Peter.

“Come on then, it can’t be that bad.”

He heard a woman’s voice next to him and looked up to see a young couple standing next to him. They were holding hands.

“You don’t know half of it,” he replied, “it’s terrible.”

“And that’s why you’re here? Trying to drown your sorrows?”

“Yes, but it’s not very successful.”

“Perhaps you should try something else.”

“Like what?”

“Well, we’re having a party upstairs in our room. Would you like to join us?”

James looked at her and then at her partner. They were a well-dressed couple, probably in their mid-twenties. She had short brown hair, brown eyes, and a large mouth. She was wearing a knee-length dress, which looked good on her slim body. She had a small bust and long legs. He glanced at her hands and saw a wedding ring.

Her husband was also quite slim and not very muscular. He had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and a small mouth. He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and casual trousers. James noticed that his arms were hairless and quite thin. He, too, was wearing a wedding ring.

James knew immediately what this was about.

“Yes, I think I would. What room are you in?”

“702. Come up in ten minutes. I’ll leave the door open.”

She turned to leave, but James grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

“What’s your name?”


“And your husband?”


‘David’, James thought, ‘just like my father. I’m going to fuck your wife until she begs me to stop, then I’m going to fuck you too,' but he didn’t say it. Instead, he just said: “pleased to meet you. I’m James.”

The couple left and James finished his drink. He waited for ten minutes, then went upstairs to room 702. The door was ajar. He pushed it open, stepped inside, then closed it behind him before looking at the room.

It was a large room with two easy chairs and a table in between, a desk and chair, and a king-size double bed. There was some music playing softly in the background.

David stepped up to James and handed him a glass of wine.

“Thank you for coming,” he said.

“It’s a pleasure, but where are the others? I thought this was a party.”

“It is a party, but an intimate one. Christine and I have been wanting to try a threesome and we hoped you’d join us.”

“That’s very direct.”

“I’m sorry if I’ve offended you. I thought it was better to be open about it right up front.”

“No, that’s alright. Have you guys ever had anyone else with you when you’ve been having sex?”

“No, this will be a first.”

James wondered if they’d thought this through.

“Are you sure about it?”


“And you?” He asked, turning to Christine.

“I think so,” she said, “David really wants this and I’m happy to try.”

It was just as James had thought. It was the guy’s idea. He didn’t ask any more questions. If that’s what they wanted, that’s what they’d get. He knew that David’s life was about to change, but he didn’t care. He was still angry with his father and maybe humiliating another David would make him feel better.

“Come here, Christine,” he said in a commanding tone.

She stepped over to him. He put his hands on her waist, looked into her eyes, then leaned forward and kissed her, his mouth open and sucking in her lower lip. She kissed him back again, a little hesitantly.

He carried on kissing her, his tongue now licking her lips as he moved his hands up and down her waist.

Christine was now kissing him back more enthusiastically. She put her hands around the back of his neck and pushed her mouth hard against his as her tongue came out too.

James moved a leg forward, placing it in between hers as he met her tongue with his. They remained locked to each other’s mouths, their tongues exploring and licking.

He moved his hands from her waist to rub her butt. She had a large butt with firm cheeks. He squeezed her, his hands pulling apart her cheeks as he edged his leg further forward.

Christine felt her dress start to ride up her thighs. She liked the way this man kissed. It was better than her husband, who didn’t spend much time kissing. She felt her body starting to respond.

James moved his hands down her butt while he kissed her until he felt the hem of her dress. He slipped his fingers underneath, making it ride further up over her butt, then put his hands on her bare flesh, kneading her cheeks and feeling for her panties.

Christine felt his fingers as they moved over her cheeks, pulling them apart. It felt good. She felt them slip down underneath her, then start to move towards her slit, which was now quite moist. She moved her hands down his back to pull his chest towards her.

James’s fingers found her panties, only they weren’t panties, she was wearing a thong and it was wedged inside her slit, between her labia. He slid his fingers along the thin strip, edging her labia apart and feeling her moisture flowing.

“Mmmf,” Christine murmured into his mouth as she wriggled her hips, then broke the kiss.

“You kiss divinely,” she said.

“So do you,” he replied.

He took his hands off her butt and stepped back to look at her, then reached out and brushed his fingers over her breasts. She felt a tingle in her cunt and reached up to hold his hand to her right breast.

He looked into her eyes. They were soft and dreamy.

“David, come over here,” he said to her husband.

David stepped over, his eyes were bright and his breathing was heavy.

“Take off your wife’s dress.”

David didn’t hesitate. He stepped behind Christine and unhooked the top of her dress, pulled down the zip, and eased it off her shoulders. It fell to the floor.

James’s eyes roamed over Christine’s body. She was wearing a flimsy, red, see-through bra and a matching thong. He could see her areolae through it, large and pink. Her nipples were also quite big and pushed out the material.

Her stomach was absolutely flat as was her abdomen, and her hip bones were visible. He could see her pubic hair through her thong. She’d shaved most of it off, leaving a ‘landing strip’ about an inch wide. Her hips were quite narrow.

“Beautiful,” James said softly, “you look stunning.”

He reached forward and slid a finger underneath her thong, feeling for her clit. He soon found it, as it was rather large. He rubbed the top of the shaft, then dragged his finger down over the nub, tickling it before removing his finger.

“Aaah,” Christine murmured.

“You can take off her underwear now,” James said.

David undid her bra. She held out her arms and he slipped it off. Next, he pulled down her thong, waiting as she stepped out of it.

James put his hand forward again and fondled her breasts, rubbing her nipples and then pinching them. He leaned forward and sucked in her left breast. His teeth raked over her nipple as he sucked at it, making it stand out.

He did the same to the other breast, then stood back.

“It’s time for you to undress me, Christine.”

She reached out and unbuttoned his shirt then slipped it back off his shoulders. He shrugged and it fell to the floor. She looked at his chest and abdomen. He was nothing like her husband, who was skinny and hairless. This man had a broad muscular chest with red hair on it, and a path of hair leading downwards to disappear into his trousers.

His biceps were thick and rippled. His forearms were sturdy. There was hair all over his arms and the back of his hands. She felt her pussy twitch as she looked at him.

She loosened his belt and undid the clasp of his waistband, then unzipped his trousers before tugging them down to his ankles. He stepped out of them and stood waiting, his cock tenting his boxers.

He watched her eyes widen as she felt his cock through his boxers.

“David, help your wife, pull down my boxers.”

David stood behind him and pulled them down.

“Oh, dear God. That’s enormous,” Christine said as his cock sprang free. She reached for it and took it in her hand, then pulled back his foreskin, revealing his large purple head. A drop of precum was oozing out of his slit. She put a finger on it and rubbed over the tip.

“It’s fine,” James said, “you’ll enjoy it when it’s inside you.”

“I don’t think our condoms will fit,” David said.

“That’s irrelevant,” James replied, “I never use them.”

“But what about birth control?”

“Oh, do be quiet, David,” Christine said, “I am sure James knows what to do.”

James did indeed know what to do, he was going to cum inside her. He was going to fill her hot, tight cunt with his sperm in front of her husband.

“I’ll pull out if that’s what Christine wants,” he said.

Christine carried on fondling him, playing with his cock. She thought it was utterly beautiful. She also couldn’t wait to feel it inside her.

“You can take off my socks as well,” James said, holding up a foot. David pulled off his sock and then the other when James held it up.

“Right,” James said, “you’re the only one left now. It’s time for you to get undressed.”

David unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, then loosened his belt, unzipped his trousers, and pushed them down. He stepped out of them and removed his socks, then stood there.

“Don’t be shy, off with the pants.”

David’s shoulders slumped, but he pulled down his jockeys to reveal a circumcised cock. It was a good length, probably longer than average, but thin. His balls were OK, but didn’t really hang down. He had also completely shaved his pubic hair, probably trying to make himself look bigger.

James smiled and turned to Christine. He was going to enjoy this. He had no doubt that David was now regretting his suggestions and was hoping that his wife would decide not to go through with them. He was sure he’d never seen a cock as big as James’ and would be worried that his wife would not want him after having experienced that monster.

He held Christine close to him and kissed her again, then whispered in her ear.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. You’re going to have the time of your life, I promise you. You’ll feel things you’ve never felt before.”

Christine shivered and then felt a trail of kisses over her face and down her neck. He sucked in her skin in the curve of her neck, taking it with his teeth and giving her a large lovebite, then brushed his lips over her shoulders.

He lifted her right arm and licked her armpit, then licked round to her right breast and sucked in her nipple and areola, flicking his tongue over them.

Christine sighed as he did this, her hand pumping his cock.

He lifted his head to look at her and saw that her eyes were shut and that she had a big smile.

He moved his mouth up a little and gave her right breast a lovebite, then licked across to the other one and sucked that one too. Her nipples stood out like bullets and were hard. He gave her left breast a lovebite as well. David would see reminders of him all over her body.

Christine was having the time of her life, her husband never did this to her, and his cock never felt as strong and rigid as this one. She moved her fingers downwards feeling the wrinkles of his ball sac, then wrapped her hand around his balls. They felt large and firm and hairy and moved around in their sac. She fingered them gently, imagining the millions of sperm inside them.

He lifted his head again and looked at her, then bent down and started kissing a trail down over her stomach until he reached her slit underneath her strip of pubic hair. He licked it, then nuzzled his nose in it, smelling her, before standing straight up and leading her to the bed. While she held his cock.

“Lie down on your back with your knees over the edge,” he said. “David, you get on the bed too, but sit next to her and hold her hand.”

She reluctantly released his cock and lay back as David got on the bed. James knelt on the floor and pulled her body towards him until her cunt was right on the edge of the mattress, then licked her slit.

He started at the bottom, separating her labia with the tip of his tongue, and flicking it up and down. Christine gasped and squirmed, her one hand gripping David’s and squeezing it, the other gripping the bedclothes.

James carried on for several minutes before moving his tongue higher up her slit and doing the same thing. He could feel her labia moving apart and his tongue going further into her. He could also taste her juices as they flowed out of her, lapping at them and swallowing.

He could hear her breathing becoming laboured as she murmured softly. As he licked upwards, he felt his nose bump her clitoris. He squinted down and saw that it was huge, standing out from her body and tenting the top of her labia.

He immediately started licking underneath it, then sucked it in between his lips and hummed. She started bucking under him, then gave a little cry and squirted onto his chin.

James rubbed it off and carried on sucking her clit until she had another small orgasm, then stood up and came right to the edge of the bed.

“Pass me a pillow, David,” he said.

David moved to the end of the bed and gave him a pillow, which he stuffed under Christine’s butt, lifting up her hips and presenting her cunt. But he didn’t touch it, instead, he knelt down again.

This time, though, he licked in the hollows of her groin next to her cunt, where the top of her legs joined her torso. He brushed his lips all around, his tongue between them, tickling every sensitive nerve he could. He sucked the tendons that stood out in her groin.

He trailed his mouth over her inner thighs, tickling the soft flesh, then back up into her groin. He sucked in her skin and bit it, leaving a red welt, a reminder that he’d been there.

He stuck two fingers into her entrance and felt around to make sure she was wet and open, then stood up and held his cock, pulled back his foreskin, and rubbed his glans up and down her slit, smearing it with his precum.

Christine gasped and pushed towards him and he pressed forward, pushing against her vaginal entrance. He could feel her resistance. She’d never had something this big come into her, but gradually she relaxed and he felt his head sink in.

Christine was gripping David’s hand, squeezing the life out of it. She could feel James’s cock pushing into her and willed her muscles to relax, but they remained tense.

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James carried on pushing, feeling her muscle give way little by little, until suddenly it just gave up and his head popped through and started its journey into her innermost sanctum.

He loved the feeling of breaking through into a woman’s vagina, the feeling of her vaginal walls being pushed apart by his glans, the friction against his corona. Every woman felt different and every woman felt good.

His cock jerked and dribbled precum as he pushed. Her labia folded inwards and were dragged in with his shaft.

“Oh God,,” she cried, “you feel so hot and so damn thick. Oh, God, it’s like being stuffed.”

James carried on pushing. Her cunt felt incredibly tight but well lubricated. His cock felt like a million dollars, his nerves firing bolts of pleasure, especially in his glans.

David watched the monster cock pushing into his wife’s pretty little cunt. Her labia were spread wide and it looked like he’d split her in two. He could see her clitoris sticking out, the nub sticking out of her folds of skin, pulled down to his shaft as her labia were dragged inwards.

James stopped pushing for a while, giving her vagina a chance to adapt. After a while, he started thrusting, little thrusts, but pushing further in with each one. He felt his cock hit her cervix and heard her cry out, but ignored it and carried on as he felt his cock slide underneath it. Eventually, he was at the back of her vagina, the posterior fornix.

He started thrusting with long hard strokes, pulling almost all of the way out and then relentlessly ploughing back in until his cockhead bumped into the end of her vagina. Gradually more of his cock sank into her until he felt his groin against hers, his balls against her crack, and his shaft completely inside her.

David looked at him in awe. He had thought that there was no way that big cock would fit in his wife, but was clearly wrong. He toyed with his own cock, wondering whether Christine would ever feel it again, now that she’d been so stretched.

Christine was beside herself with joy. This man’s cock felt so good in her. It warmed her whole insides and made her feel completely stuffed, utterly full. A wave of contentment spread throughout her body.

James saw the look of joy on her face and realised that she had no idea of what was coming next. He started to speed up, fucking her harder and faster.

He put his hands on her hips and pulled her body further onto his cock, then lifted her upwards, pounding in and out of her, his cock as hard as steel.

Christine felt her body change and tense. Her clitoris felt like it was burning and itched madly. Her vaginal walls were soaked with her fluids and felt every movement of his cock. She could feel the folds of his foreskin rolling around inside her, and the scrape of his corona on her cervix.

Nothing else in the world mattered, only the heat and intense pleasure swirling inside her.

She felt a huge tension rise deep inside her core and radiate out to consume her entire body. It overtook everything, shutting out the world and leaving her with only this huge cock that touched places that had never been touched before.

She threw aside her husband’s hand and clutched at James’s forearms, scratching them. She lifted her legs off the floor and wrapped them around his waist, locking her ankles. She fucked him back like a demon, her butt wriggling and rotating, crying out with each of his thrusts.

“Aah. Aah. Aah. Aah.”

She let go of him and started flailing her arms as her body writhed around.

“Cum for me, slut. Cum on my cock,” James shouted, pounding her for all he was worth.

Christine gave an almighty shove and arched her back, her body rigid, then a long drawn-out “aaargh” as a flood of liquid squirted out of her cunt.

James didn’t stop. He fucked her relentlessly as she orgasmed, ramming in and out of her spasming cunt. She carried on squirting, drenching the end of the mattress and the floor below, until gradually she slowed down and started to relax. That was when he stopped.

“Oh, my god,” she said breathlessly, “that was intense. Did you cum?”

“Fuck, no,” he replied, “you’ll know when I cum. You won’t have to ask.”

He kept still, twitching his cock inside her. She could feel it pulse in time with his heart and rocked her hips, trying to move it around and tickle her insides.

James looked up at David, who was looking at them, playing with his cock.

“Come here and lick her clitoris,” he said, “you should be involved in her pleasure.”

But he didn’t say it for that reason. He wanted David’s face next to his cock as he fucked the man’s wife. He wanted him to smell his cock and to feel it pulse as he filled her with his sperm. He wanted to show him who was the alpha male.

David didn’t think about any of that. He shuffled forward and started licking Christine’s clit, running his tongue over the top of her shaft and pressing down. James looked down at him and smiled, then glanced up at Christine. Her eyes were closed and she had a concentrated look on her face.

David was enjoying licking her clit. It wasn’t something he did often, but watching her enjoyment when James had done it made him keen to emulate him.

He could smell the sweat on the man whose cock was inside his wife, and found it quite pleasant, although he didn’t like his pubic hairs tickling his nose. That changed as James started to move, thrusting slowly in and out of the cunt under his tongue.

He could see James’s balls swinging beneath him and wished that his were like that. Without thinking, he reached out and lifted them, feeling their size and oblong shape, then let go of them, realising what he was doing.

He found this whole scenario incredibly exciting. James’s massive cock was right there. He could see the huge vein on the top of his shaft as it plunged in and out of his wife’s cunt. He could see the skin wrinkle up behind his glans as he came out, then stretched back to the base of his shaft as he went back in. He could see their juices glistening on his cock.

James felt his fingers on his balls and smiled. This one was a true cuck and he could have some fun with him. He’d already felt his tongue lick the top of his shaft and knew that he’d be sucking him after he’d cum.

Christine was now really aroused. The things that David was doing to her clit, coupled with the unbelievable feelings in her vagina from James’s cock, all drove her to a plateau that she had not reached before. She was in a state of near-constant orgasm, lost in a world of pleasure.

She cried out continuously, as James fucked her like a well-oiled machine. All his movement coming from his waist, his hips pistoning back and forth.

“Uh. Uh, uh. Uh. Oh, God, fuck me. Oh, my god. Oh shit. Oh fuck,” she cried.

James felt his cock begin to itch like crazy and his balls start to ache. He increased his pace, using her cunt to try and scratch the itch, but it didn’t go away.

He felt his cock grow and expand and felt a tension building inside him. He wanted to cum but he wanted to feel every little thing that happened as he did.

He was now fucking her like a rag doll, throwing her around on his cock. His abdomen was banging into David’s face and he could feel his tongue all over his shaft. He felt his balls harden and move in his sac as he lifted her butt higher, trying to get his cock deeper inside, and then suddenly he knew he couldn’t hold it off any longer.

He pulled his cock slightly back so that the slit was pressed against her cervix and kept still as he felt all of his muscles tense. He could feel his testicles tighten as the vessels contracted and pushed his sperm up into his prostate to mix with the fluids there, then shoot up his urethra and burst out of his slit as the muscles contracted.

His face was screwed up as he concentrated on his ejaculation, his muscles propelling a huge wad of semen to shoot out of his cock like a blast from a gun. It erupted with tremendous force, all of his anger and frustration contained in that ejaculation.

He didn’t make a sound, but just kept still and fired streams of semen into her vagina, one after another, his whole cock jerking with every shot. His slit was positioned right against Christine’s cervix.

David watched it all right under his nose. The base of James’s shaft was outside Christine’s cunt, and he could see it jerk up and then fall back every second or so. It was one of the most erotic things he’d ever seen, this giant cock pulsing as it shot load after load of semen into his wife’s cunt.

Christine felt James’s cock expand and grow just before his first ejaculation and then the force of his semen jetting into her cervix followed by the warmth inside her as it flowed around his cockhead, filling all of the little crevices in her vagina.

She felt incredibly close to him, as if they were a single entity, as his cum sprayed into her.

Then she felt his second ejaculation and more warmth. Something moved inside her and she felt her cunt clasp his cock, squeezing it tightly, trying to eke out all of his sperm.

She also felt happiness, an emotional sense of joy and fulfilment, flooding through her body as her cunt clutched at his cock in perfect time with his ejaculations. She’d never felt that with her husband, even though she loved him dearly.

When he’d finished cumming, James slowly pulled his cock back, his glans with its arrow shape dragging semen back with it. David watched closely as his shaft emerged with streaks of white semen clinging to it.

James pulled his cock right out and pushed it up towards David’s mouth, his glans nudging David’s lips and coating them with the semen that was still dribbling from his cock.

David licked his lips, then licked James’s frenulum before lapping up the circle of semen around the top of his shaft, trapped in the little hollow formed by the ridge of his corona.

“Suck it, David, you know you want to,” James said, pushing his cock at his mouth.

David opened his mouth and let James’s cockhead slide between his lips, resting on his tongue. He moved his tongue to the side then over the top of his glans, enjoying the feeling of this rather large, warm object in his mouth.

Christine lifted herself up on her elbows and looked down her body to see her husband sucking James’s cock. She was quite surprised at how erotic she found the spectacle. She looked up at James’s face. He winked at her and she smiled.

“Ok, cuck, that’s enough,” he said, “it’s time for you to clean up your wife.”

“Wwwhat do you mean?” David asked.

“You get on your knees in front of her and suck my semen out of her cunt.”

“Jeez, I don’t know about that.”

“It’s not a request, David,” James snapped, “just do it.”

David got off the bed as James moved to the side. He knelt down, his face level with Christine’s cunt, and started licking. He sucked her labia into his lips, running his tongue up and down them. He stuck his tongue into her gaping hole, licking around it. He licked all around her cunt, tasting the mixture of sweat and semen.

This was not what he had had in mind when he suggested a threesome to Christine. He’d imagined fucking her while she was on her knees, sucking another man.

He’d thought that it might be exciting to watch another man fuck her, but that he would remain her lover, her man. It would just be a bit of fun sex.

But David didn’t understand that women didn’t see sex like men. It wasn’t ‘just sex’ for most women. It was love and emotion, security and well-being, respect and protection.

James had an innate understanding of that, which is why he was so successful in seducing women. He played to their desires and to their needs. Sure, he had a big cock which aroused their curiosity, but it was more than that.

David finished what he was doing. Christine’s cunt had been cleaned of the mess of semen around it. It was still gaping wide, and the pool of semen inside it was clearly visible. She would be leaking cum for some time.

James went over to the minibar and found a beer. He opened it and sat down in one of the chairs. He looked at David.

“Are you enjoying the party?” he asked.

“Very much. And you?”

“Oh, very much too. What about you, Christine?”

Christine got off the bed and came over to James. She kissed him then sat on the arm of his chair, a hand on his shoulder.

“I’m having a lovely time,” she said, looking down at his face. “I’ve experienced feelings and pleasure that I would never have imagined existed. I can’t thank you enough for taking me there.”

When David heard those words, it was like a knife through his heart. ‘What have I done?’ he thought. His shoulders slumped and he looked at the floor. Then he heard Christine’s voice again.

“And thank you, darling David, for allowing me to discover for myself what joy sex can bring. You are the best husband a woman could wish for.”

James smiled as he heard her words. Their life had changed, of that he was sure. He was also sure that David would never satisfy her sexually, she would always be looking elsewhere. But he’d probably get used to that. Besides, he seemed to be quite happy being a cuckold.

“You haven’t cum yet, have you?” James asked David.

“No, not yet. I was leaving that for when I make love to Christine.”

“Ah, that might be a while. I’m going to be fucking your wife for a long time yet, and by the time I’m finished, she won’t want you, or anyone else for that matter, inside her.”

He turned to Christine and looked at her.

“Isn’t that so, you sexy bitch, you don’t want to stop yet.”

Christine didn’t say anything. Instead, she leaned down and kissed him as she felt for his cock. She wrapped her fingers around it and gave it a few strokes.

“I think you should sit on it,” James said.

She got off the arm of the chair and backed into him, lowering herself as she reached between her legs and held his cock upright, ready for entry. She positioned his cockhead at her wet, gaping entrance, and sat down slowly.

His cock slid in easily. Her cunt was still stretched from their previous fuck, and before long he was entirely inside her. She leaned back against his chest and he put his arms around her, his hands playing with her tits.

David looked at the spectacle, his cock jerking as that huge thing disappeared into his wife’s body. He saw James’s large, hairy balls underneath her cunt, resting on the chair seat. Again, he wished he had balls like that. His were so small and seemed to disappear into his groin.

“Come here, David,” he heard James say.

He went over to them. James put out his hand and grabbed his cock, then started masturbating him. At the same time, he flexed his hips and started making small movements inside Christine’s cunt.

She sighed and rocked her hips back and forth, increasing the length of the movements inside her. Her eyes became dreamy and she stared at the ceiling.

“Look at your wife, David, see how contented she is. She loves feeling my cock inside her. It’s different from yours and touches different places inside. Then look at her hips. See how she moves them. Can you see my cock sliding in and out?”

David felt enormously conflicted. He was enjoying David’s touch very much. The man knew how to make your cock feel good. He also enjoyed watching James’s cock inside his wife, but he didn’t like the way she enjoyed it. He didn’t want her to enjoy anyone else other than him. But it was too late. That was in the past. He had released her sexuality and she had taken control of it.

James continued to masturbate him as he fucked his wife. He wanted him to cum and get rid of the lust and sexual tension in him, and then to watch his wife orgasm on another man’s cock before being filled with his cum.

And that’s exactly what happened. The combination of watching them and being masturbated drove him over the edge. He grunted as he came, spurting his semen onto the carpet. James held his cock, pumping it, as he came, then let it go as he started to detumesce. He rubbed his fingers on David’s stomach, leaving a smear of cum.

David was still breathing heavily when he went to sit down on the other chair. He’d experienced a good release, several spurts of cum, and was feeling much calmer. He sat back and looked at the couple opposite him.

Christine had her hands on the seat on either side of James’s thighs and was lifting her hips up and down. Every time she lifted herself up, David could see James’s thick cock shaft glistening with their juices, his large urethra jutting out.

Every time she sat back down again, that massive pole disappeared inside her and his balls jumped as the seat bounced.

She was moving up and down quite fast, her face screwed up in concentration. James had his hands on her tit’s, palpitating them and tugging her nipples.

Christine was panting quite heavily, her breath coming out in loud noises.

James moved one of his hands down and started playing with her clit.

“Ooooh. Oh gawd,” she cried and speeded up her movements. He got his finger into the top of her shaft and pressed down so that her clit bent to touch his shaft, and that was it.

“Oh, fuck,” she shrieked, “oh god, oh James.”

David went absolutely cold when he heard his wife call out James’s name. He knew that he’d never be enough for her again. Worse than that, this man would always be in her brain. And then he heard James grunt and saw his cock jerk as he came inside Christine for the second time that evening.

He watched, fascinated but dismayed, as he saw James’s cock continue jerking as he spewed his cum inside his wife, then watched her slump back against him. After a while saw white stuff seeping out of her cunt and felt sick. He got up and went to the bathroom.

James saw him go. On the one hand, he felt sorry for the man, on the other, he didn’t care. David had engineered his own downfall. He’d followed his lust and now had to live with the consequence.

Christine heard David leave and opened her eyes. She, too, felt sorry for him, but was too involved in her own feelings to be able to deal with it. This redheaded young man inside her had stirred up something inside her that wouldn’t be quiet.

She and David would be leaving tomorrow, and she wanted to get as much as she could before then.

“Do you want to go to him?” James asked.

“No,” she answered, “I want you to stay with me and fuck me all night. I’ve got the rest of my life to look after him.”

James smiled. He enjoyed the power he had over women and he enjoyed taking them from their partners to be his fucktoy. It made him feel invincible. He was too immature to understand what they might be feeling and what consequential damage he might be causing.

Christine lifted herself off his cock, ignoring the mess she made on the edge of the chair and on the carpet. She took him by the hand and led him to the bed. They both got in and cuddled, facing each other. She had her hand on his back just above his butt and was pulling the hairs that grew in the hollow there.

“Don’t you dare go to sleep,” she said.

“Well, it’s up to you to keep me awake,” he replied.

They kissed and touched for a long time, perhaps half an hour, after which she turned over and backed into him, lifting her leg for him to enter. He pushed forward and slid inside, then started thrusting………

Sometime in the early hours of the morning, James slid out of bed without waking her up. He’d fucked her most of the night, resting for short periods in between. He hadn’t cum again, but she had, lots. She’d cried, she’d moaned, she’d wailed, she’d even screamed once.

The bed was wet and stained with her fluids, his sweat, and his semen.

Her husband had come out of the bathroom after a little while to sit in the chair he’d left. He had listened to their fucking, his heart heavy. He had not slept as he waited for his nightmare to end.

James quietly found his clothes and got dressed. He ignored David, even though he knew he was awake. He didn’t really care how he was feeling, it was his own doing, and he certainly didn’t want to talk with him about it. He went to the door and let himself out.

The clerks at the front desk smirked as they said good night to him when he left.

James walked home to his digs. It wasn’t that far, perhaps a half-hour walk. When he arrived, he had a shower, washing away the smell of sex, then made himself some coffee and sat down to think about what had happened,

He wasn’t angry anymore. He’d fucked that out of him, taken it out on David. Now he needed to work out how to change his relationship with Caroline and then what he should do about Beth. He thought about it and decided to seek advice.

He racked his brains thinking about who would be best suited and suddenly thought of his ‘uncle’ Alan. He was a worldly man with lots of experience and easy to talk to. He decided he’d call him in the morning, then looked at the clock and saw it was already 4.00 am.

He set his alarm for 8.00 and went to sleep.

Written by aljames21
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