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James woke up quite early after his enjoyable night with June. The memories of their fuck flooded back as he showered, giving him an erection which he stroked gently while he stood under the hot water.

She was going to turn into an excellent fucktoy for him. She had a sexy, well-toned body, which she knew how to use, and her cunt felt glorious, fitting around his cock like a velvet glove. If he managed it properly, she would give him months of pleasure.

He turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, towelled himself dry, then shaved and cleaned his teeth, after which he got dressed, ready for the day. He had a few days of quite intensive work, so would probably not be going out at night.

He had a full calendar of lectures in the morning, after which he went to the student canteen for lunch. He saw June sitting in a distant corner at a table with two other girls and they were talking animatedly.

He felt his cock twinge and grow as he saw the swell of her tits pushing out her top and remembered how they had bounced around as he fucked her. He wondered what her friends would think if they knew about her newly discovered sex life. He decided to go over to them.

“Hi, June,” he said.

“Oh, hi there, James,” she replied, “you’re looking well. Do you know Emily and Mary? They’re doing the same course as I am.”

“Hi Emily, hi Mary,” James said, “pleased to meet you guys.”

“Hi there,“ they chorused.

James quickly looked them over, assessing them. Both of them were young with an open demeanour. Emily was fairly slim with long brown hair, brown eyes, and a large mouth, while Mary had short blonde curls, deep blue eyes behind large glasses, and a sensual mouth. Her figure was somewhat fuller than Emily’s.

“What are you lot talking about then?” he asked.

“Oh, the usual girlie stuff,” Mary replied as they all giggled.

“Ah. Deciding which boys you’re going to seduce next, I suppose,” James said, smiling.

“Shut up, James,” June said, punching him playfully on the shoulder.

The others, however, blushed. James reckoned that they had probably been discussing June’s recent experiences. He wondered whether she had revealed that he was her lover.

He noticed that Mary looked him up and down, before looking back at June. That was interesting. Perhaps something he could pursue.

“Well, I’m going to go and get some food,” he said, “is there anything I can get for you guys?”

“No, thanks,” June replied, “we’ve already had lunch and we’re about to leave.”

“Oh, that’s a pity but, if you like, come along to the Pig and Whistle pub tonight. Dan, one of the guys on the course with me, is having a birthday drink and has invited us all there.”

“That’s a great idea,” Mary said, “see you there.”

“I’m not sure,” June said, “I’ve got this essay to finish.”

Mary, however, had other ideas.

“The hell with the essay,” she said, “I’d much rather go to the pub.”

“Me too,” Emily chimed in.

“Oh, alright then,” June said, changing her mind. There was no way she was going to let Mary be on her own with James.

“OK then,” James said, “see you later.”

He left them to go and get some food, then sat down at a table some distance away. The girls, meanwhile, carried on their conversation.

“He’s gorgeous,” Mary said, “I can see why you decided he was going to be the one.”

“I know,” June replied, “and he’s mine. So, you keep your hands off him.”

“Don’t be silly, June, of course I’m not going to chase your boyfriend. But he is very sexy.”

“He’s really nice,” Emily said, “and not at all big-headed.”

“No, he’s not big-headed,” June said, giggling, “at least, not the head on his shoulders.”

“You mean…?” Mary gasped, leaving the question unfinished, her eyes flashing as she giggled.

“Oh yes,” June said in a whisper, “he’s huge.”

“Wow!” Emily said, “you’d never know by looking at him or by his attitude.”

“Well, he is, and he knows how to make a girl feel very good. He makes me feel very special and I’m very lucky,” June said.

“You are, indeed,” Mary said, but secretly thought that she’d like to find out more about him herself. Unlike June, she had been sexually active for some years and enjoyed playing the field. Monogamy held no interest for her.

James watched the three of them from a distance. He had a pretty good idea of what they were talking about, and it amused him to think that he was probably the topic of their conversation.

He was pleased that Mary was coming to the pub tonight. He found her body language to be sexy and flirtatious, with a come-and-try-me attitude. He reckoned she’d be a willing and enthusiastic fuck, and was determined to see if he was right.

He finished his lunch and got up to go at about the same time as the three girls, but they left in a different direction, so he went off to his afternoon lectures on his own.

His university day finished around six that evening, after which he went to the Pig and Whistle, a traditional English pub just outside the campus. It was a popular spot for the students and always full of them. Today was no different.

James looked around for Dan and eventually found him, surrounded by lots of people wishing him well on his birthday. He was a good-looking fellow, blonde, blue-eyed, with a muscular but toned body. He was on the university’s first rugby team.

James pushed his way up to him and hugged him, clapping him on the back, before shaking his hand and wishing him happy birthday, before moving off to get himself a drink.

He eventually made his way to the bar and managed to get the bartender’s attention, asking him for a beer.

“Hi, James. Get one for me too, please.”

He turned round to see Mary pushing up to him, then turned back to the bartender and ordered a beer for her too. Mary managed to squeeze in next to him while they waited for the drinks.

“Are the others here?” James asked.

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen them, so possibly not. I came on my own.”

“Ah, OK. Do you know Dan?”

“Not really. A few of my girlfriends do and I’ve met him a few times, but I don’t really know him. He seems quite popular.”

“Who’s that girl clinging onto his arm?”

“Oh, that’s Sandy. I know her quite well. She and Dan have recently hooked up.”

James rather liked the look of Sandy. She had classic good looks. Long blonde hair, an oval face, bright blue eyes, full lips, long legs and a stunning figure. She also looked very self-assured, as though she knew that she could have her pick of men.

She was just the sort of girl he liked to chase, to try and seduce. Girls who were confident and a bit arrogant. He liked the challenge of breaking down their resistance bit by bit until they surrendered their bodies to him. He felt a hand on his forearm and looked back at Mary.

“What are you thinking?” she asked, “are you wondering whether she’d be a good fuck?”

“No,” he replied, somewhat surprised at her down-to-earth question, “I’m sure she’d be a good fuck. I’m wondering why she’s with Dan.”

“Because Dan is a sporting hero and she likes to be seen with important guys. But it won’t be for long. He may be muscular, but he hasn’t got anything worth writing home about.”

“Oh, you know, do you?”

“Yes, I do, and it was very disappointing.”

“What a shame, but I’m sure you’ve recovered,” he said, laughing.

Mary stroked his arm, her fingers ruffling the hairs then pulling them. She looked into James’s eyes.

“Perhaps, but then I could always do with some more attention, and I hear that you don’t have the same problem as Dan.”

“Ah. That’s a closely guarded secret,” James replied, his green eyes staring back at hers, boring into her brain. He was going to fuck her, no doubt about that, but he was going to make her wait. Things were too complicated at the moment, with Beth and June taking up his time.

“Not such a secret. June has been quite descriptive.”

“Doesn’t that make you feel like a bit of a shit? I mean, June is your friend.”

“She’s a big girl and needs to understand the way the world works, now that you’ve introduced her to it.”

“Yes, but she’s still new to it.”

“She’ll cope.”

James looked at her. Her eyes were sparkling and her luscious, big mouth was half open. He wondered whether all of her orifices were equally large. He leaned forward and put his lips to her ear.

“You’re a dirty girl and I’m going to enjoy fucking your brains out. Give me your number and I’ll call you.”

He surreptitiously brushed her tits then picked up his drink and moved back towards Dan. All the time his mind was trying to sort out what he was going to do. He had Beth and June on the go, was looking for Beth’s daughter, Caroline, had earmarked Sandy for later, and had now added Mary.

There was no way he could manage all of that together. Still, like all young men, he wasn’t going to pass up the chance of a fuck, so he’d have to make some sort of plan. Indeed, his cock had already responded to Mary and was now quite uncomfortable in his jeans.

He looked around for June, but couldn’t see her, so went up to Dan instead.

“Hey Dan, who’s this lovely girl?”

“Hi, James. This is Sandy. Sandy, meet James. He’s on the same course as I am.”

“Hi, James. Pleased to meet you,” Sandy said, extending her hand.

“Likewise,” James responded, taking it in his, before letting go and trailing his fingers along her palm as he did. She looked at him, trying to figure out whether there was any significance, but his face was impassive.

They talked for a few minutes, then James decided he was going to go back to his place and call Beth. Everything that had happened had aroused him. He said his goodbyes and left.

Once he got home, he called Beth’s house. She answered the phone.

“Hello Beth, it’s James.”

“Hello James, what’s wrong? Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, but I need you.”

“Ah. That’s a problem. Peter and I are due at a restaurant for dinner with some friends. We were just going there when you rang.”

“Oh shit. Can you come round afterwards?”

“That’s possible, but perhaps we could do something else. Wait a sec while I talk with Peter.”

James heard muffled sounds then Beth came back on the line.

“We’ll pick you up in twenty minutes and you can join us for dinner. I think you’ll like our friends. You’ll need a jacket, but a tie isn’t necessary.”

“OK. I’ll be ready shortly.”

James put down the phone and went to take a shower, then got dressed as suggested. He was ready when the doorbell rang and opened it to see Beth standing there. He stepped out and kissed her, then followed her to the car where Peter was waiting.

Beth opened the back door and both of them got in. Peter drove off as soon as the door was closed.

“Have we got far to go?” James asked.

“It’s about fifteen minutes,” Peter answered.

“Who am I going to be meeting?” James asked, his right hand on Beth’s knee.

“Two friends of ours, Harry and Jill. They’re a married couple with two kids the same age as ours. We’ve known them for years.”

“I see. Are they into the same things as you?” James asked. He continued fondling her knee while his wrist edged up her skirt so that his fingers could move up her inner thigh.

“Sort of,” Beth replied, “we’ve done some things together.”

“Ah. Have you told them about me?”

James’s hand had now moved up her thigh, pushing her skirt towards her waist. His fingers were gently tickling her skin and making it tingle. She could feel her labia separate and moisten as her cunt started to prepare for his cock.

“Well, I didn’t give too much detail, only that you were well endowed and a marvellous lover.”

James looked into her eyes and smiled, then turned fully towards her and kissed her, pushing his tongue between her lips and into her mouth. She sucked on it, licking the tip with her tongue and swallowing his saliva.

Beth’s hand dropped onto his lap, her fingers searching for his cock. It didn’t take long for her to find his erect member straining against the material. She rubbed her fingers over it, then wrapped her hand around his shaft through the material of his trousers.

She stroked him a few times, then felt for the zip of his trousers and undid it before unbuttoning his boxers and pulling his cock out and cradling it in her hand.

James pulled his right hand out from under her skirt and fondled the back of her neck while he continued to kiss her. He moved his left hand under her skirt, all the way up between her legs, until he felt her panties.

He felt under the gusset, pushing the thin material up in between her labia and rubbing up and down. He felt how easily it slipped along her wet slit. He broke their kiss.

“Take off your panties and give them to me,” he said, taking out his hand.

She pulled up her skirt and gripped her panties with both hands, then tugged them down her thighs, lifting her ass so that they moved easily. She slid them all the way to her ankles, then slipped them over her feet and handed them to him. He put them into his jacket pocket.

“Now suck my cock,” he said, leaning back in his seat.

Beth leaned over and took his cock in her mouth, pulling back the skin on his shaft so that his glans was exposed. She swirled her tongue around it, tickling his corona, then probed his hole with the tip of her tongue.

James watched as her head bobbed around in his lap, his hips making little thrusting movements, then looked up at the rear-view mirror to see the reflection of Peter’s eyes watching them.

“Keep your eyes on the road, Peter, you don’t want to crash and have to tell the police that it was because you were watching your wife suck my cock.”

That amused Beth, who giggled as she sucked him deeper into her mouth. He felt his cockhead brushing against her palate as her tongue licked the underside of his glans then tickled his frenulum.

James put his right hand on the back of her head, pushing it down. Beth was making slurping noises then started gagging as his cock reached the back of her throat.

“Your nose,” James gasped, “breathe through your nose.”

Beth inhaled and stopped gagging, then swallowed several times. James felt the action of her neck muscles massaging his cockhead and almost lost control. He lifted her head up and off his cock, which fell back against him, splattering precum and saliva.

“You’re a fantastic cocksucker, Beth, but that’s enough for now. I don’t want to cum in your mouth, I want to cum inside your vagina, to fill you with my sperm.”

Beth looked up at him, then lifted herself and kissed him, her tongue licking his lips.

“I think I’d prefer that too,” she said. “Can I have my panties back?”

“No, I’m going to keep them. I want to watch you at the table, knowing that you’re naked under your skirt.”

Beth looked at him, but didn’t say anything. She knew what he was doing. He would work at arousing her discreetly as they sat at the table. Her pussy would get moist and leak onto her skirt, and she’d have to find a way to conceal that.

“We’re here,” Peter said, pulling the car to the kerb and stopping. He got out and opened the door for Beth to emerge. James let himself out on the other side. A young fellow came out from the restaurant and took the car keys from Peter so that he could take it away for parking.

The three of them then went into the restaurant and were shown to their table. Harry and Jill were already there. Harry got up and shook Peter’s hand then kissed Beth before turning to James.

“You must be James,” he said, shaking James’s hand, “pleased to meet you.”

He turned to the table. It was a round table, its five places set. Sitting at one of them was an attractive woman wearing a blouse and skirt. She had long, coal-black hair and green eyes in an oval-shaped face, appeared to be slim, and didn’t have much of a bust.

“And this is my wife, Jill.”

“Hi there, James, I’m glad I’m meeting you at last. I’ve heard quite a bit about you from Beth,” Jill said.

“I hope it’s all been good,” James said, laughing.

“Oh, it has been very flattering,” Jill responded.

“Shush, Jill. You’re embarrassing me,” Beth said.

“Ah. You must tell me what you’ve heard,” said James.

“Enough of that,” Harry said, “let’s sit down. “James, you sit next to Jill and you, Beth, sit on James’s right. Peter and I will sit together with Peter next to Jill, leaving me next to Beth. I’m afraid we don’t have enough women to balance the men.”

They all sat down. Harry called the wine waiter and ordered two bottles of wine, one red, one white, and some sparkling water, then asked if anyone wanted a pre-dinner drink. The women ordered cocktails, Harry and Peter both had whiskey, while James said he’d wait for the wine. The waiter brought their order quite quickly. They all clinked glasses and drank, then everyone started talking.

“Come on, Jill,” James said, “what did Beth say about me?”

“Well, she said you were a student, about six foot with red hair, green eyes and an athletic body. She said you were intelligent and charming and very well-mannered, and that you had a good sense of humour.”

“That doesn’t sound bad,” James said, “indeed, it’s very nice of her to say so.”

“She also said that you had a strong dominant streak in you and that you took charge quite easily, with most people happy to follow your lead.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” James said, smiling, “I think I’m a pussy-cat.”

Beth laughed and put her hand on James’s forearm.

“More like a lion,” she said, “a predator and leader of the pack.”

James turned to her and looked deep into her eyes.

“And you? Are you a lioness, then?” he asked.

She growled then laughed.

“Not really,” she answered, “just a normal housewife.”

James grinned at her, then turned back to Jill.

“How long have you known this normal housewife?”

“Oh, ever since we were school kids,” Jill replied. “We went to school together, then college. We married around the same time and had our children at around the same time.”

“Gosh! Do you do everything the same?”

“Quite a bit. We share a lot.”

“Oh, really?”

James turned to Beth.

“And what would you like to share with Jill?”

James watched and smiled as Beth’s face turned pink as she blushed. She was saved by Harry, who asked whether they’d all like another round of drinks, then ordered them when they all said yes.

James looked across to Harry.

“Jill tells me you guys have known each other forever.”

“Yes, Peter and I both started going out with our respective partners at about the same time, then we discovered they were friends. We’ve been close since then.”

The waiter arrived with the drinks and asked whether they were ready to order dinner. They weren’t, but it was the cue for all of them to start reading the menu and discussing what to have. That took about ten minutes, after which the waiter returned and took their orders.

By this time the second drink was starting to take effect and everyone was becoming more relaxed. James stood up and excused himself from the table and went to the bathroom. He was using one of the urinals when Harry arrived and used the one next to him.

“I see Peter wasn’t exaggerating,” Harry said, looking at James’s cock, “that’s a big one.”

James looked at Harry’s cock and saw that it was like Peter’s, small and scrawny. Another similarity, he thought.

“I’m happy with it and the girls seem to be too,” he said, then added as an afterthought, “and so do some of the guys.”

“So I’ve heard.”

“What else have you heard?”

Harry didn’t answer. James decided to go for it.

“Would you like me to fuck Jill?”

“I’m not sure Beth would be happy about that.”

“That may be, but what about you?”

“I’d love it.”

The whole picture was now becoming clear to James. Harry and Jill were just the same as Peter and Beth. The same drives, the same psychology. He guessed that they probably enjoyed watching each other together, the wives with other men, and that they’d like to do that with him.

Having determined that, he decided he would start dominating Harry right away.

“You do know that if I fuck your wife I’ll take her cunt away from you, don’t you? She won’t want your little cock anymore.”

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Harry didn’t reply. Instead, he looked down at the floor.

“Come here and feel a proper cock.”

Harry stepped over and took it in his hand. It felt heavy and thick. Still flaccid, it was at least twice the size of his when he was erect. He stroked it and felt it grow, making his own cock grow as well.

“That’s enough,” James said, “let’s go back to the table. We can decide what to do later.”

Harry reluctantly took his hand away and they both zipped up their trousers, washed their hands, then returned to the table. The order arrived shortly thereafter and everyone started eating as the wine was poured.

There was general conversation round the table as they ate, and a lot of wine was consumed by the women. The men, however, didn’t drink so much. When they’d finished eating and the plates had been removed, Beth leaned over to James.

“I want you,” she whispered into his ear, “I want you to fuck me.”

“Hey, no secrets,” Jill said, “what did you say to him?”

“I told him that I want him to fuck me,” Beth replied softly, the alcohol having overcome any shyness she might have had.

James looked at her, astonished that she’d been so forthright, then felt her hand in his lap, rubbing him.

“Well, he can’t do that here, so perhaps we should all go back to our house,” Jill said.

“Right,” Harry said, “you guys go and get the cars. I’ll sort out the restaurant and join you shortly.”

They all got up and went to the front, asking for the cars to be fetched, then stepped outside. James held Beth to him and kissed her, his tongue in her mouth and his hands on her butt, pulling her towards him

After a few minutes, the cars arrived, as did Harry. Harry and Jill got into their car while James and Beth got in the back of their car with Peter driving again. As they set off to Harry and Jill’s house, James and Beth were locked in a passionate embrace, their tongues dancing with each other.

This time James didn’t hold back. As he kissed her, his fingers undid her blouse and exposed her bra. He reached behind her and unhooked it, then lifted up the front so that he could see her tits with their large areolae and protruding nipples.

He broke their kiss and leaned down to start sucking her tits. At the same time, he reached under her skirt and felt for her slit, his fingers rubbing her moist labia, then parting them gently to push inside her vagina.

“Oh god,” she breathed, “I want you so much.”

James didn’t respond; instead he pushed his middle finger further into her vagina, using it to tickle the top wall, while rubbing his thumb over her clit. He could feel the spongy flesh moisten as he stroked and pushed on it.

Beth was moving her hips back and forth, fucking his finger. Her clit swelled and tingled under his thumb, its nub emerging from the folds surrounding it.

James sucked at her tits as he finger-fucked her, raking his teeth over her areolae and gripping her nipples then tugging them.

“Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh,” Beth moaned as her body writhed and then her muscles tensed and she breathed a long “aaaaaaaah” as a spurt of liquid shot out of her cunt onto James’s hand. Her body remained rigid and another spurt shot out, and then it was over as her muscles relaxed.

James let go of her tit as he pulled his hand away from her cunt and lifted it to her mouth.

“Lick your juices off my hand.”

She licked all over his hand and sucked his fingers, then sat up.

“You’re very good with your fingers,” she said, “but I do prefer your cock.”

“Oh, you’re going to get that,” he replied, “but later, when Jill can watch. She’s going to be so jealous. You’ll like that.”

Beth laughed.

“You’re right. I will so enjoy seeing her face as she watches your cock go into my pussy, knowing that she will be wishing it were going into hers. And I’ll tell her how good it feels. Perhaps I’ll let her play with us a bit first. That way she’ll get really horny.”

“You’re a right bitch,” James said, laughing, “that is so unkind, but damn exciting. I’d love to do that.”

He was pleased with the way Beth was thinking, because he had decided that he was going to fuck Jill anyway, and with Beth thinking as she did, it would be easier for her to accept it when it happened.

He wanted to watch Jill’s face as his bare cock entered her, stretching and filling her cunt, and then to watch Harry’s reaction as he realised that this young boy was going to spray his virile semen deep inside his wife’s vagina and that there was nothing he could do about it.

He was still imagining it when Peter announced that they had arrived. They pulled into the driveway of a large house and Peter parked the car then opened the door for Beth to get out while James let himself out of the other door.

The front door was open, so they went in, shutting the door behind them.

“Come on through,” Jill called out, “we’re in the living room.”

They went through to find Jill sitting on a couch. The room was large, with several easy chairs and two couches. Harry was standing next to Jill, holding a bottle of wine.

“Would you guys like a drink?” he asked.

Everyone said yes, so he went to the sideboard and filled five glasses, then handed them out.

“Here’s to a fun evening,” he said, and they all drank.

“I see you’ve been busy,” Jill said, looking at Beth, “your blouse seems to be unbuttoned.”

“Yes,” James said before Beth could answer, “it is, but her bra is also undone. I was kissing her breasts in the car.”

He turned to Beth and pulled her towards him, kissing her passionately while his hands pulled up the back of her skirt and held her butt cheeks.

Beth melted into his embrace, rubbing herself against him as she held his head between her hands and sucked his tongue into her mouth. James kneaded her butt, pulling apart her cheeks as his fingers explored her crack, sliding down to her slit.

The others watched without saying anything. They’d all known that things were going to happen, but hadn’t thought that it would be so quick. But James had read their mood. He knew they were all submissive and liked to be controlled, so he simply took charge.

They carried on kissing and touching. Beth put one hand behind James’s head and moved the other between them to feel his rigid cock through his trousers. She traced its outline with her fingers, then unzipped his fly and stroked him through his boxers.

James broke their kiss.

“Come and undress your wife, Peter.”

Peter put down his wineglass and stepped over. He slipped Beth’s already loosened blouse over her shoulders, followed by her bra. She pulled her arms through the bra straps and he put it on a chair together with her blouse.

Next, he unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the ground. She stepped out of it. He picked it up and put it on the same chair.

“You naughty girl,” Jill said, “you’re not wearing panties.”

“No, I told her to take them off,” James said, “and now Peter is going to take mine off so that I can fuck his wife.”

Peter reached between them and unbuttoned James’s shirt then slipped it off his shoulders and put it on the same chair as Beth’s clothes. Then he undid James’s belt and the button of his waistband, pulling down his trousers. James stepped out of them and stood there in his boxers, his cock tenting them.

Peter folded his trousers and put them on the chair, then pulled down James’s boxers letting his cock spring out.

“Shit, look at the size of that thing,” Jill cried out.

“I told you he was something,” Beth said, a smug look on her face. “Would you like to touch it before he makes love to me?”

Jill didn’t answer; she just leapt off the couch and rushed over. She wrapped her hand around James’s cock, feeling its shape and hardness as his glans rested in her palm, dripping precum.

James ignored her and leaned forward to kiss Beth, his hands fondling her tits. He felt Jill’s fingers on his balls, lifting them and jiggling them, then returning to his cock to stroke him gently.

“My god, you’re a lucky girl,” Jill murmured, “I’d give anything to feel this inside me.”

Beth broke her kiss with James.

“Well, it’s not going there, it’s going to be inside me,” she said.

James looked at her and smiled, then put his arms around both of them and led them to the couch. He sat down on the edge of the seat, his cock pointing up and his balls hanging down over the side of the cushion.

“You two get on your knees,” he said, in a commanding tone, “and get to work with your mouths.”

“But…” Beth started to say.

“No buts,” James replied, “just do as I say.”

Beth and Jill knelt in front of him and started licking his cock. It wasn’t long before they got a rhythm, licking on each side, then up and down his urethra and over his cockhead. Beth held down the skin of his shaft, exposing his glans, and they took turns in sucking it.

James was enjoying himself immensely. The feeling of different tongues and different lips at the same time was different to anything he’d felt before. He looked up at Peter and Harry and saw that they had their cocks out and were stroking them.

“Do you like what you see?” he asked them, “do you like to see your wives playing with a proper cock?”

“God, yes,” they each gasped.

Beth was now sucking James’s cock while Jill was licking his balls. He could feel his arousal levels rapidly increasing and decided that now was the time to fuck Beth. He pulled his hips back so that he slid out of her mouth.

“Move over but stay on your knees, Jill, take off your top and skirt but not your underwear, then get behind her on your back with your head underneath her. You can watch close up.”

Beth shuffled round while Jill took off her clothes, throwing them to the side. James was surprised at how trim her figure was. She was slim with a flat stomach and shapely legs. Her breasts were quite small and high up on her chest. She was wearing a pretty white bra with a matching white thong. He could see wisps of black hair curling out from the sides of the thong.

She was actually quite small and looked almost delicate, which made her more desirable. He could imagine her legs wrapped around his back as her body bounced underneath his. But that was for later. Right now she lay on her back and shuffled forward until she was between Beth’s legs, looking up at her cunt.

James got off the couch and onto his knees behind Beth and pointed his cock at her slit. She reached back and, holding his shaft, rubbed his cockhead up and down her slit, mingling her juices with his precum.

She positioned his cockhead at her vaginal entrance and shuffled back so that it entered slightly. He leaned forward and held her swinging tits, pinching her nipples, then flicked his hips so that his cock popped through the muscle at her entrance.

“Aaaaah,” Beth gave a long sigh as she felt his gorgeous cock slide slowly into her inner recesses, dragging her tightly clasping labia inwards and pushing open her vaginal walls. She felt a sensation of being stuffed, completely filled up with a hot, rigid member.

She could feel the shape of his large, mushroom head, its corona tickling her vaginal walls. She could feel the shape of his foreskin, retracted and bunched up beneath his cockhead, as it brushed her spongy flesh. She could feel his urethra sticking out from the underside of his shaft, pulsing every now and then as it pushed into the bottom of her vaginal tunnel.

Then his glans bumped her cervix, giving her a little shock, before sliding underneath it. She felt his corona rub against her cervix, then give way to the roll of retracted foreskin until finally his glans stopped at the end of her vagina.

James held still for a while with his cock deeply embedded, then started making little thrusts so that her vagina expanded to take his length. After a while he felt her cunt against his pubic bone and he was totally inside.

He held still and flexed his muscles, causing his cock to expand and jerk.

“Ah,” Beth gasped.

He did it several times with the same response from her, then started thrusting inside her with long, slow strokes, pulling almost all the way out and pausing, then pushing all the way back in and pausing.

Jill was watching all of this from below. She saw how tightly Beth’s labia gripped his shaft, and how they were dragged back and forth. When James’s cock was almost all out, she could see the shape of his mushroom glans through Beth’s labia.

From where she was, his urethra looked huge, standing out from his shaft. She could also see a network of veins on the underside, standing out from his shaft.

As he moved, his hairy balls would swing not far above her face. She reached up and fondled them, first lifting them then just moving them around. She imagined them full of millions of his sperm wriggling around as they waited for an egg to fertilise.

She could see the hairy path behind his balls disappearing into his crack, which opened and closed with his thrusts. She wanted to stick her tongue into it and lick him there, but she didn’t.

She could hear Beth grunting and moaning, and wished it were her. She wanted to feel that huge, living thing inside her. She lifted her head and started licking his balls as they swung past her.

James felt her tongue and increased the speed of his thrusts. He was squeezing Beth’s tits and pulling them as he fucked her. She was pushing back on him as he thrust forward, then pulling back as he pulled back. Their rhythm was perfect.

Beth was now gasping and moaning continually. Her legs were quivering and her arms started to give way. She leaned down so that her head was almost on the carpet.

“Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh,” she cried with each thrust, followed by “fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.”

After some minutes James let go of her tits and held her hips and started to fuck her more roughly. He pounded his cock in and out of her, battering her cunt and using her as his fucktoy.

Beth was crying out now, her hands balled into fists.

“Aaaaargh. Oh God. Oh no. Oh fuck.”

James could no longer control himself. Her vagina was massaging his cock, sending sparks of energy through his nerve endings. His groin felt warm, and his cock felt on fire. It itched with an intensity that demanded relief.

He felt a sudden change in his nervous tension, then gave an almighty thrust and clenched his buttocks as he felt a surge of semen rush up his urethra and jet out deep inside Beth’s vagina. His cock jerked as he ejaculated, then relaxed until it jerked again as he ejaculated again and again and again.

Beth felt his semen spray inside her and screamed, clenching all of her muscles. Her cunt started pulsing in the same rhythm as his ejaculations, squeezing his cock and trying to milk every drop out of it.

Eventually, they both started calming down. Fluids were oozing out of Beth’s cunt where her labia gripped his shaft, and running down his balls to drip onto Jill’s face. She lifted her head and licked his balls then ran her tongue up to the base of his shaft and licked there.

After a while, James pulled back his hips and his still-erect cock came out of Beth’s cunt, followed by a stream of semen. Jill lapped it up and swallowed it then licked James’s cock. He liked that and angled his cock so that she could take it in her mouth.

She sucked him for a while, then he pulled it out and pushed it back into Beth’s cunt, sliding it all the way inside again. It felt warm and slimy inside, and very enjoyable. He started thrusting again.

‘Oh god no, James,” Beth cried, “I can’t do it anymore.”

Like most young men in their sexual prime, James had incredible stamina.

“Please, James,” Beth wailed, “please stop.”

“Very well then, but I’m not finished,” James said, and pulled out.

“You can fuck me,” Jill said.

He got up off his knees, his cock sticking out and dripping, and helped Beth to her feet, then put his hand out to help up Jill.

He looked round at Peter and Harry. Both of them were looking at him almost in awe. They had both cum and their cocks were now shrivelled and flaccid.

“Did you like that?” he asked.

“Unbelievable,” Harry answered, “I’ve never seen anything like it. Beth, I couldn’t believe how intensely you climaxed. It was incredible to watch.”

“That’s how your wife will cum when I fuck her,” James said.

Harry looked at him and suddenly felt a shiver run down his back. This youngster with the big cock was a sexual predator. If he fucked Jill, their marriage would change; of that there was no doubt.

But he also felt strangely excited. He wanted to watch her under him. He wanted to see his cock ravage her cunt. He wanted to watch his buttocks clench as he filled her with his semen until it oozed out of her.

“But I need a rest,” James said, “I’m going to sit down while someone makes coffee, then a little later I’m going to take Jill and fuck her in your bed.”

No one said anything, but Beth and Jill left the room to go into the kitchen. James sat down on the couch and leaned back, his arms outstretched on the backrest as he looked at Peter and Harry.

He felt hugely powerful. These two men, nearly twice his age, secure and wealthy, deferred to him and treated him as the dominant male. He was their superior and they wanted to please him. They would do anything he wanted. He’d already taken Peter’s wife from him to be his fucktoy, and he was about to do the same to Harry.

Beth and Jill came back into the living room. Jill was carrying a tray with mugs of coffee and some biscuits. She put it down on a table then handed out the mugs before offering biscuits. James thanked her and took one, then took her hand and kissed it.

“Put the tray down and come here,” he said.

Jill did as he said, standing in front of him.

He reached out and rubbed the palm of his hand over her abdomen, feeling her toned muscles. He reached round and felt her pert butt, squeezing her cheeks, then slid his hands round her hips and up her waist and over her tits.

Her tits were small but nicely rounded. They felt quite firm, which was surprising, given her age and her two children. He could feel her erect nipples, large and thick, as they rubbed against his palms.

“Harry,” he called out, “come over here.”

Harry walked over to stand next to Jill. James looked directly into his eyes.

“You’re a lucky man. Your wife is damn sexy. Now take off her bra so that I can see her tits.”

This was all part of James’s dominant character. He knew he was going to fuck Jill. Harry knew he was going to fuck Jill, and Jill knew he was going to fuck her. But he wanted Harry to present her to him, to strip away the cover that stopped anyone else seeing his wife and then give her body to him.

Harry took off her bra and put it on the couch. James’s eyes roamed over Jill’s tits, taking in her large, brown areolae with her thick nipples standing out proudly. He cupped her left tit in his right hand, squeezing it, then pinching and pulling her nipple. She gasped and drew in her breath.

He let go and did the same to her right tit, then put his arms around her waist and pulled her towards him before leaning forward and sucking her left tit into his mouth and gently biting her areola as he sucked on her nipple.

Harry watched his wife take James’s head in her hands as he sucked her tit. Her head was thrown back with her eyes shut and her mouth half open. He watched as James’s hands moved down her back and caressed her butt while he sucked her tits.

He heard his wife’s soft murmurs as she wallowed in her feelings.

James sucked her tits for a long time, then stopped and pushed her back a little so that he could look at Harry.

“Take off your wife’s thong. I want to see cunt, her married cunt.”

Harry felt a jolt inside. This was her last barrier of fidelity, her last defence against this boy’s massive cock. He slipped his hands inside the hem of her thong and stretched it out then tugged it down her legs so that it lay around her ankles. She stepped out of it.

James reached forward and ran his fingers over her triangular, black bush. It was a mass of thick, curly hair. She had trimmed the edges into a neat, triangular shape. He pulled the hairs gently, then slid his fingers down between her legs to feel her gash. It felt very wet and slippery.

He ran his fingers along the length, gently parting her labia as he felt her inner recesses. Her vaginal entrance felt quite small, but offered little resistance to his probing fingers.

His thumb found her clit and rubbed over it. Surprisingly, it felt thick and fleshy, larger than he expected. He could feel the folds of her skin protecting its sensitive nub.

Jill was now making little sounds of pleasure. Her hips were moving and thrusting and her breathing was heavy.

James stopped feeling her and, without saying anything, stood up and kissed her, then took her hand and put it on his cock while he looked at Harry with his piercing green eyes.

“Are you sure about this, Harry? Because your life will change. You can ask Peter. She will want me again and you will have no say. Her cunt will belong to me.”

Harry looked at him, his mind in turmoil. Part of him wanted to scream ‘no, this is all a big mistake’ while another part of him wanted to say ‘God, yes, I want to watch you fuck her like you fucked Beth’. But as he was struggling with this dilemma, the decision was taken away from him.

“Oh, shut up, James and take me into the bedroom and fuck me. I really don’t care if Harry wants it or not,” Jill said and, taking him by the hand, led him into the master bedroom, starting a chain of events that would change her life.

Written by aljames21
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