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Inadequate, Chapter 3

"I want Rex to possess my wife, but will she submit to him?"

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Cathy and I live in a relatively small city where commute times are highly predictable, and Cathy, being a punctual person, gets home at 5:30 every day and we eat dinner at 6:00. So, by the time Rex left that afternoon, I had very little time to tidy up, get dressed, and make dinner.

While I hurriedly went about my tasks, I kept thinking about Rex’s promise to “be fucking her all the time.” When I had explained to him that I couldn’t just give her to him, that she was her own person, he had smiled that confident smile of his and said, “Leave that to me. All you have to do is introduce us.” That took some of the pressure off me, but not the excitement. He was going to come back at seven o’clock and I couldn’t wait!

When she got home, I was still straightening up the bedroom where Rex had fucked me. I had just cleaned up the cum from bedspread when she entered the room to change out of her work clothes.

“Oh, there you are. Dinner smells good! Meatloaf?” she said, removing her blazer. Cathy always dresses with style, but very conservatively.

“Yes, with roast squash and a salad,” I said, smiling, hoping I didn’t look as sheepish as I felt, guilty and relieved at the same time. I was glad I had remembered to remove the evidence in time.

She hung up her blazer, and I tried not to ogle her as she unzipped her skirt. She wrinkled her nose. “Kind of funky in here,” she said, sniffing. She looked at me suspiciously. “What have you been up to, John?”

I could smell it too. The odor of sweat and stale semen. I hoped she wouldn’t examine the bedspread too closely. Damn, I thought, I should have cleaned the bedroom first.

“I don’t know,” I said lamely, leaving the room. She had caught me masturbating before; I was sure she was thinking I had jacked off in there. My embarrassment was hardly relieved by the thought of what had actually transpired or what was to come.

I went to the kitchen to set the table and finished making dinner. When she joined me there, I was extremely pleased at how adorable she looked. Her leggings accentuated the curves of her ass and thighs, so much thicker than when we got married, but even sexier now. And her braless breasts were swaying freely under her oversized tee shirt. I couldn’t wait for Rex to see her!

She noticed my admiring glances, but did nothing to tone down her sex appeal. Even though we weren’t having sex anymore, I knew she liked to know that she still had what men find enticing.

“What are you looking at?” she said teasingly, pretending to look offended as she took her seat.

“Just admiring my sexy wife,” I replied, putting dinner on the table.

“Oh?” she said coyly. She raised an eyebrow in mock admonishment. “That’s the kind of remark that could get you in trouble in the workplace.”

“Am I in big trouble now?” I chuckled.

“Always!” she grinned. “That reminds me, I had a sexual harassment complaint today.” She took a bite of the meatloaf.

“Really?” I said; I wanted to hear more.

“Yeah. From a man! First time for everything, I guess ... An older woman, apparently. I haven’t got her side of the story yet.” Her face turned serious. “Anyway, I couldn’t tell you if I did know.”

I was intrigued. “What can you tell me?”

“Nothing. You know that.” We continued eating, silently for the moment.

“It’s odd though,” she added. “It’s not just that he’s so much younger ... He’s also kind of small and kind of effeminate...” She chewed thoughtfully. “Hard to see the attraction.”

“Do you think he’s gay?” I asked, wondering as much about myself, actually.

She looked at me for a couple of seconds and then shrugged and laughed saying, “Heck if I know!”

That made me laugh too. But the lightness of the moment faded. Furrowing her brow, she asked, “What did you do today? I mean, what do you do all day when I’m not here?”

I knew that she thought I’d been masturbating but, ironically, this was one day I hadn’t. It was time to broach the all important subject. “An old friend of mine stopped by. Rex Roland?” I tried to sound sincere. “I’m sure I’ve mentioned him,” I bluffed.

“No, I don’t think so.”

“I must have. We wrote several proposals together. Back in the day. He worked out of the LA office, but he’s relocating here now, and he looked me up. We had a nice visit getting caught up after all these years.” I had thought that up that afternoon. I thought it sounded pretty good; it seemed plausible to me, anyway.

She looked at me blankly.

I took a deep breath. “Anyway, he really wants to meet you. So I invited him over tonight.”

“What?!” Her look of alarm changed instantly to anger. “Tonight?! What the hell, John?!”

I hate it when she’s furious with me, even though it makes her really sexy. Sometimes I wish she would attack me physically so we could end up on the floor wrestling, no holds barred.

“It’s no big deal, Cath,” I said, lying once again. I tried to be calm, but I probably sounded like a whiny wimp. I had to think fast. “He had to meet with his real estate agent to look at some properties and wanted my advice...” (Okay, I thought, maybe she’ll buy this.) “So I said, ‘Sure,’ and he said he’d come over at seven.”

Cathy looked completely out of sorts, confused now, as well as pissed off. “Well, what did you say he wants to meet me for, then? I’m not dressed for company and you know I hate commotion on weeknights!”

“Oh, sweetheart,” I wheedled. “I only said that because of what he said when he saw your picture on the mantle.” I could usually appeal to her vanity; she knows she’s pretty and she likes to be noticed.

“What did he say?” she said, still sounding belligerent.

“‘Wow! Is that your wife? How did a guy like you get a hot babe like her?’ or something like that,” I answered, watching her reaction.

“What kind of asshole says a thing like that?” she sputtered, scowling, but I could see she was mollified a little.

“Oh, he’s a great guy, very good looking too ... We always used to joke around like that ... He’s a lot of fun. But a real nice guy. I’m sure you’re going to like him.”

“You really tick me off sometimes.” she said grumpily. She got up and left me to do the washing up.

When Rex arrived, I was afraid that Cathy might not show herself, but fortunately her vanity won out, at least that’s what I presumed. She walked into the living room not long after I answered the door. She had changed her tee shirt for a simple but more decorous blouse. And she had put on a bra, which actually made her more shapely, but a lot less lascivious. I could see Rex was impressed.

“Cathy, this is Rex,” I said almost formally, “and this is my lovely bride,” I added, turning to Rex.

Rex’s face lit up with obvious pleasure as he took her hand. “Very lovely indeed!” he enthused, without making it sound creepy at all, somehow. His charming sincerity actually made her blush a little. (He really knows how to turn it on, I thought, with a stirring of arousal.) She let him hold her hand a beat or two longer than necessary.

Cathy remained cool and composed, despite the pleasure I was sure Rex could see she was feeling. “John tells me you’re old friends,” she said politely.

Rex managed to keep a warm, friendly smile directed at Cathy, and appeared attractive and affectionate while he said innocently, “Old friends? Not at all. Why, Is that what he told you?” He smiled, very reassuringly at her look of consternation. I watched almost in panic. “We only met a couple of weeks ago.” He chuckled lightly.

Cathy looked from Rex to me and back to Rex, “I don’t understand,” she said to him. It seemed she trusted him more than me!

“Oh, it’s simple, really,” he replied soothingly. “He couldn’t tell you the truth. How could he?”

This only confused her more. “The truth?” she echoed lamely, glancing briefly at me before returning her gaze to Rex, searching his face for clarity.

“That he wanted you to meet me. It’s very important to him. To share me with you.”

Cathy was beginning to look more than confused; she was close to losing her balance. Rex gently put his arm around her waist and led her to sit on the couch. She smiled at him feebly in gratitude.

“Surely you’ve noticed how much of a sissy he’s become,” he explained kindly, standing tall and sturdy beside her. “He’s not comfortable in his masculinity anymore, and he feels bad about it. He knows he’s depriving you of the kind of male attention you deserve.”

I could see that the word “sissy” had surprised her, but then some signs of comprehension began to dawn. “Sissy? What do you mean?” She sounded as if she already knew, but wasn’t totally sure.

Rex addressed me now. “Pull down your pants, Gianna.” And I understood why he had instructed me to leave Cathy’s panties on, the panties that I had leaked lots of his cum into. I complied, facing Cathy with both shame and excitement. My dick was fully erect.

She gasped when the panties were exposed. “Those are mine!” she exclaimed. “Why? Why would you do that?”

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“They make me feel ... um ... sexy,” I said lamely.

Rex, not one to yield the floor to anyone, immediately resumed control of the proceedings. “As I said, he’s a sissy. Don’t you believe me?” He looked pointedly at Cathy, and his voice had a new, more forceful tone, causing Cathy to look at him differently. She seemed somewhat awed by his demeanor.

He smiled at her sympathetically. “You see, he likes feeling weak and powerless, loves being told what to do,” he explained patiently. “Much happier being your maid than your husband, don’t you know? Surely you’ve noticed that.”

Cathy nodded almost imperceptibly, but said nothing. She looked at me again; her expression was almost sympathetic, as if she understood, or at least recognized the plausibility of Rex’s statement.

“Is this true?” she asked me.

Rex spoke, so I didn’t have to, to my relief. “Not only is he a sissy, but he’s a fairy too, and now he’s my personal cocksucker ... and that’s not all!”

Cathy recoiled, shocked at the use of that word, due to her strict Baptist upbringing as much as by the act the word depicted. I, on the other hand, felt a rush of lust despite (or because of?) the intense humiliation I felt.

Rex continued, addressing her evident incredulity. “Oh yes, Cathy! He loves my cock. He loves it very much.” He started opening his pants. “Here, I’ll show you.” Cathy gasped again when the full length of his flaccid cock flopped free. I’m pretty sure she’d never seen one that big. Or that beautiful!

“Come over here, sissy,” Rex said to me. I went to the spot next t him, in front of where Cathy sat in silent awe.

“You may give it a kiss,” he added as I quickly knelt before it. I picked it up with all the reverence I felt and held its bulbous crown to my lips, and I kissed it fervently, with lots of tongue. I was oblivious of everything except the gorgeous, swelling, stiffening flesh in my hands and the taste and smell of Rex’s seductive sex.

“May I suck it, sir?” I asked, feeling dizzy.

“Yes. Show your wife what a slut you are and how devoted you are to my cock,” he replied imperiously.

As I pressed my nose into Rex’s curly pubes, the depths of my throat filling with his girthy meat, I glanced over at Cathy. Her eyes were big and round, her lips had formed an “O” shape, and she was leaning forward, staring in rapt attention as my head bobbed eagerly, alternatively hiding and displaying inches and inches of thick manly dick. I rejoiced, and my own cock surged in response, for I could see my wife falling, as I had fallen, for the most glorious cock she had ever seen.

Rex reached a hand out to Cathy. “Here, sweetheart, why don’t you just kneel here beside your sissy hubby?” She let herself be guided gently to her knees, inches from the juncture of his groin and my face.

“Now, Gianna, don’t be so selfish. Give your wife a chance to taste it,” he instructed.

I obeyed instantly, slightly ashamed and thoroughly excited at the prospect of Cathy taking his cock. I wanted desperately for her to enjoy it as I did. I pulled my mouth off the mighty organ and tipped it in her direction, toward her pretty lips, already parted in anticipation. They opened wide to accommodate Rex’s huge purple plum-knob and a beatific expression pervaded her glowing face as she grasped the broad shaft and her tongue felt the girth and exquisite texture of his glorious glans.

She slurped and pulled it back out of her mouth to admire it with her eyes shining, before licking it hungrily like a lollipop. Then, back into her mouth it went, nearly half its length, and she began to suck as if her life depended on it.

“Good girl,” Rex spoke softly, encouraging her. Then, “Undress her, Gianna. I want to see all of her.”

Cathy worked on the object of her attention, sucking, slurping, and licking exploratorily up and down and all around the massive tool, seemingly oblivious to everything else. She passively allowed me to take off her blouse and remove her bra.

“Whew!” Rex whistled in admiration as her full, mature breasts swung free, their tall nipples erect in their large pink areolas.

I tried to pull down her leggings, but only uncovered the top parts of the big, soft globes of her pale, flawless ass, radiant in contrast to the black leggings. I could see and smell the tantalizing wetness of her arousal.

“Stand up, dear,” said Rex kindly, as he guided her to her feet by her elbow. She rose, bending forward as she did, so as not to lose contact with his cock, which stayed in her mouth the whole time.

Now her ass was at my eye level as I knelt behind her and tugged the leggings and her damp-crotched underpants down to her ankles. I couldn’t resist! I buried my face between her succulent cheeks breathing in her spicy ass-scent to mingle with the pervasive aroma of dripping wet pussy. I honed in on her asshole, seeking its unique spice, like forbidden fruit. As much as I’d always wanted it, she had never allowed ass play; too dirty for her.

“That’s it, Gianna! Lick her asshole! Get her ready for me.” Our master’s voice, the master of this ceremony, spoke his command. Clearly, Rex and I were of one mind. What I wanted most in that moment was for Cathy to experience what I had, the joy of surrendering the most intimate and sensitive part of yourself to be claimed, owned, and penetrated by your conqueror.

Her deep crevasse was succulent, with a rich trail of aromatic flavor, so exciting to trace, swiping with my tongue as I delved into her, seeking to probe the center of her being, the private portal of her sacred interior. I licked and I probed with stiffened tongue to force the flesh of her sphincter to yield and to dilate, eventually opening like a tiny rosebud to let me taste her anal innards. I was delirious in my success. Mission accomplished!

I lapped lovingly, savoring the precious spice, causing her hole to widen, while Rex played with Cathy’s supple breasts, tweaking her nipples authoritatively. She was moaning loudly now as she sucked his cock, seemingly lost in the pure sensation of sexual heat. And then she began to rub her pussy with her right hand, all four fingers sloshing her juices around her gaping cunt and rasping her swollen clit to a frenzy.

That’s when Rex spun her around, pushing me aside, and put her on her knees again with her elbows on the couch. Bending his knees, he crouched over her with his huge cock lying on her coccyx and up the small of her back. He drew back his hips. I could see his erection was too high; I grabbed and guided it between her alabaster cheeks, and it found its target.

“Uuuhhhhnngh,” Cathy groaned as the missile’s soft warhead pried into her virgin hole. Her hand continued rubbing furiously as Rex kept the pressure on, slowly working his way into her bowels, deeper and deeper, centimeter by centimeter. Cathy was almost crying now, moaning incessantly, but not in distress; it sounded like the thrill of a pleasure so intense that it borders on pain.

Suddenly, with only two-thirds of Rex’s cock buried in her bowel, she began to shake and buck, cumming with an intensity I had never seen before. Rex rode the tsunami until Cathy started to collapse. Then he pulled loose with a “pop” and spun her back around.

“Clean my cock, bitch!” he commanded, and plunged his weapon down her throat, causing her to gag and shake. He held her head in a viselike grip, keeping his entire length inside her as she convulsed and choked around it, tears and snot flowing down her face. But her hand was back between her legs in a frenzy of motion as she came again, her pussy spitting almost as much as her sputtering face.

“Mmmmffffffffffffff!!” Her deep guttural cry was loud and ecstatic despite the muffling ten-inch plug of man-meat. That was when I came too; I’d been rubbing my panty-clad clit all the while as I watched.

She collapsed when Rex released her, withdrawing his sword from her gullet and letting it stand before us in all its full length and glory, shiny and wet. Clearly, he wasn’t done yet.

Once again, Rex picked her up, this time laying her on her back on the couch. He threw himself on top of her. Having removed his clothes somehow in all the excitement, he and Cathy made the classic erotic figure, the “beast with two backs.” He had plunged his massive cock into her gaping cunt in one thrust and they were now humping vigorously, both of them, Cathy’s heels up on his back, riding, pumping, pistoning, like a perfectly designed machine tuned to run in sync.

My god, they were beautiful together. My spent clitty-cock, sticky in my cummy panties, erected itself at the sight. Rex’s muscular ass was beautiful to watch as it flexed in rhythm, propelling his fuck tool in and out of my wife’s distended vagina, her creamy thighs wrapped around his waist, the erotic blend of toned muscle and yielding flesh.

Within a minute, Cathy was cumming yet again, moaning and gibbering almost incoherently, “Oh, oh, oh ... It’s so thick! ... i’m so full ... yes, yes, yes! Fuck me! Fuck me! Yes, like that. Like that. Like ... Oh! Oh! I’m cuuuuuuummming!”

Their synchronicity went haywire; all of a sudden they were no longer moving as one, but were flailing about, clashing and crashing into each other wildly, until finally Rex wrapped her in a stifling bear hug and drove her deep into the cushions with one last mighty thrust and he roared.

“Aaaarrrrggh!!!” It seemed to make the walls ring. And they both went limp.

Rex dismounted, leaving Cathy dazed and panting, disheveled, splayed and sweaty. “Clean that up, sissy,” he said to me, waving a hand toward the runny, clotted, slimy mess between Cathy’s legs.

And so I dove in between her hot thighs, to lick and slurp up the massive amounts of cum he had flooded her womb with. And I knew that now I was even more beholden to Rex, who had given me yet another gift. I was deliriously grateful to him once again.

Written by yfnsp
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