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Inadequate, Chapter 2

"How far will I go with Rex to prove my devotion to his cock?"

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I met Rex at the door wearing Cathy’s panties, light blue this time, and a lacy shawl of hers that made me feel very soft and vulnerable. I know I looked ridiculous, not the least bit feminine, but it excited me to be seen as weak, unmanly, and sexually passive.

I had been looking forward to being with Rex; I had hardly thought of anything else since he’d left me the day before. He obviously enjoyed belittling me as a sissy and treating me like a whore. And I had loved it too; could hardly wait for more. He did not disappoint me.

“Well, don’t you look slutty!” he greeted me, tweaking my naked nipples.

“Ow!” I gasped involuntarily before stepping aside to let him enter. It felt practically obscene to welcome this man into my house, the home I shared with my wife of many years. Immoral purposes, I thought; that’s what he’s here for. That’s what I wanted.

“Are you ready to pay your debt?” he asked as he glanced around the living room.

“Yes, please,” I said, simpering.

He strode over to the mantlepiece and picked up a framed picture of Cathy and Emma embracing, my favorite photograph, “And who are these beauties?” he mused, replacing it on the mantle. “They aren’t your family, are they?”

“My wife and daughter, Cathy and Emma,” I said. I blushed at the realization that I wanted him to appreciate them. More than that, it excited me to think he might desire them.

“Interesting ... But, they’re not here, are they? Only you, the sissy.” He turned toward me. “Show me your bedroom.”

He followed close behind me and fondled my pantie-clad ass as I led him down the hall and into the bedroom. My dick became instantly hard.

He made himself right at home and sat on the end of our queen-sized bed. “Sit,” he said, patting the bedspread beside him. I sat where he indicated, on his right, very close. He placed his hand on my naked thigh.

“You were a good girl yesterday,” he said, making me blush again; my dick was throbbing, “I fucked your face. Did you like that?”

“Oh, yes, sir, Rex!” I enthused.

“Yes, I think you did,” he replied, “And you got to swallow my load, didn’t you?”

“Yes, it was a privilege, sir!”

“I know it was. One of the things you owe me for.” He smiled enigmatically, giving my thigh a gentle squeeze. “Well, sissies like you have two pussies, right? One in front and one behind.”

I blushed even deeper, trembling a little. “Yes,” I whispered, almost breathless.

“Why don’t you crawl up onto the bed? Face the headboard.” His voice had resumed his commanding tone. “Legs apart,” he added as I complied. I felt his hand on my ass. He squeezed my right cheek.

“Nice and soft,” he said quietly. “The most feminine part of a sissy.” He slipped his hand under the panties. A finger strayed between my cheeks. It grazed my puckered flesh, making my dick and my asshole tingle. “Where you keep your pussy.” He pressed his finger against my hole. My dick was leaking precum.

Now, leaning forward, he brought his hand to my face. I could smell ass on his finger. “Open,” he said, and he put the fragrant digit into my mouth. I sucked on it gently. “Get it nice and wet,” he advised.

My mouth flooded with saliva as I swirled my tongue around his finger and sucked on it like a child on a pacifier. It felt comforting. It also made me feel like a slut; the finger, like a miniature cock, had invaded my hole, and I needed to please it, knowing all the while where it was going next: into my sissy ass-pussy. I was so excited!

In a few moments, that’s exactly what he did. He pulled those pretty panties down and slid his wet finger along my crack, stroking my virgin pucker wetly, making it slick. And then the little invader pressed into my sphincter and opened my tingling anus. I welcomed the mild assault, imagining the full-scale onslaught to come. I could hardly wait to feel his huge cock stretching me, to make a cunt out of me.

I had dreamed of this moment for a long time. I had used my big dido to explore and expand my anal receptivity and, just like my oral experiments, I had adapted quickly. But this was not a DIY experiment; Rex was calling the shots ... What if he went too fast? What if it were actually his intention to brutalize me? Fear and helplessness only increased my excitement.

And now the moment had arrived! His sawing fingers had opened up my pussy and now his blunt weapon was poised for entry. If only I could see it, I thought. I was so hopelessly enamored of Rex’s big cock. The strong attraction I had felt from the start, viewing it online, had exploded into a deep and reverent longing. Since my physical encounter with it the day before, I had been pining for it like a long-lost lover.

It must have been primed and ready, leaking precum, because I felt no pain when it barged into me and sounded the depths of me, reaming me with his gaping girth. No pain, only a grinding pressure and that rousing stretch that inflamed my libido and made my dick convulse in kinship with the superior one penetrating me.

I was being fucked, truly and royally fucked. As soon as Rex had worked his broad beam in to its root, he began, gently at first, to pump it in and out, causing me excruciating pleasure through my sphincter, into my dick and up my spine. My ass was on fire, waves of bliss radiating from the clinging ring that clutched at his mighty cock as he reamed me. My god, I thought, this is better than anything I had ever experienced in the man’s role. Sissy sex! Why would I want sex any other way?

To be a passive recipient of manly penetration, to bend to his will and take it, to become nothing but raw fuckmeat, that was pure bliss. I wanted to be a mindless source of pleasure, to bring him release, and receive his seed. That would be the ultimate prize - to make him cum!

His masterful fucking was reaching me deep inside, stirring me emotionally, and firing up a passion the likes of which I’d never known. Head down, ass up, I began to thrust my ass back to meet his pounding thrusts, as if I could get him even deeper inside me. No longer passive, I became an avid participant in my own emasculation. And it felt like everything I’d ever wanted: to be this man’s bitch!

Rex’s grunts were becoming groans, and I knew I was bringing him off with my newly discovered abandon. His thrusts became fiercer, more erratic; his staggering, jerking, lurching lunges almost lifted me off the bed.

“Gaaarrrgh!” he growled, and I felt the seismic pulses of his orgasmic barrage course through the length of his cock, deep into the depths of me. I had made him cum! My euphoria exploded and my dick convulsed; I was coming too, spurting my sissy seed, like an echo of his manly climax.

I collapsed into my puddle of cum on the bedspread and quickly rolled over to turn and look at the cock that had claimed me. I needed to see it. I felt it had conquered me; I had happily surrendered; it owned me now.

There it was, still engorged, slightly drooping in its massive length, glistening with the slick juices of our passioned congress. Such a beautiful thing to behold, my beloved, my master, my heart’s desire. I reached out to touch it. I scrambled toward it and brought it to my lips, covering it with fervent kisses, inhaling the fumes of man-sex while tasting essences of cum and ass, of cock and cunt, of man and bitch. I was high as a fucking kite and as giddy as a schoolgirl.

Rex, breathing heavily, allowed me to make love to his cock, a bemused smile on his face. I was so grateful; I needed to show my appreciation. I also wanted - and needed - to possess this cock that had possessed me, to display my affection, to prove my devotion.

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“Damn, gurl,” said Rex, surprised. “Are you in love with my cock?”

“Yes. Oh yes! I love it so much!” I blathered deliriously as I continued to kiss it. “May I suck it, please?” I looked up at him imploringly.

“Sure you can, sweetie,” Rex answered. “It needs to be cleaned.”

I slurped it up into my mouth, working it in and down my throat. It wasn’t stiff anymore but was still prodigiously long. I felt soothed, comforted. Sucking on its girthy stalk was deeply satisfying; it calmed me.

“If you love it so much, why don’t you marry it?” he asked slyly.

Puzzled for a moment, I wondered what that meant. But the thought of being bound to this impressive organ in some kind of permanent relation filled me with joy.

“I think you enjoyed that too much. You still owe me,” said Rex.

I couldn’t have agreed more.

“That’s enough, sissy,” Rex sighed, backing away and pulling his now shiny-clean cock from my obsequious mouth. He stepped to the side of the bed and pulled my panties up over my ass. “You’re starting to leak,” he observed. I could feel it - his viscous cum was beginning to bubble out of my newly minted ass-lips.

I thought of the mess we had made; the bedspread was wrinkled and askew, and I knew I had left a small puddle of cum on it.

Rex reached for my arm and helped me off the bed, onto my feet. “Come on; we have things to talk about.” He led me back to the living room. “Bring me that picture,” he told me, taking a seat in the big armchair.

I handed him the framed photograph of my wife and daughter. I stood there awkwardly as he admired the two beauties, who had always been my pride and joy. “Wow,” he said softly. I felt a rush of pride and gratitude, so pleased to have his approval of them.

He spread his knees apart. “Here, babe, sit down.” He gestured toward the floor between his feet. I knelt and made myself comfortable, tantalizingly close to his crotch.

“You can play with my cock if you want,” he said kindly. “Would you like that?”

I nodded silently and reached for his belt, I opened his pants and with his cooperation, I pulled out his big floppy dick, feeling the girth and heft of it reverently in my caressing hands. I was dazzled by its beauty. I leaned forward and gave it a little kiss on its tiny piss-lips.

Rex, still admiring the portrait in his hands, asked, “What’s your wife’s name?”

“Cathy,” I said, between kisses on his shaft while nuzzling into his redolent pubes.

“She’s very pretty,” he pronounced. “Tell me about her.” He looked at me over the picture in his hand. “How did you get such a beautiful bride?”

“I wasn’t always like this,” I replied, and I told him about the changes in our lives over the past two years and how I’d become more her maid than her husband.

“When was the last time you had sex with her?”

I had to think. “I’m not sure ... More than a year ago...”

“Was that the last time you made love like a man?” he asked. I could hear a kind of sneering condescension in his tone.

“Yes,” I answered honestly, “Although I went soft on her and I had to lick her to orgasm instead.”

He chuckled. “Such a nice girly thing to do.” I blushed. “Kind of like what you’re doing now with my cock,” he went on, musing. “Very sweet and feminine. So much in love.”

His words excited me and I couldn’t help licking all around his thick shaft, spiraling up to the handsome knob, where I planted big, wet, slurping kisses with lots of tongue action. I wanted my devotion to show. More than that, I wanted to please his cock, to arouse it to match my growing passion.

He made a guttural moan and the taste of precum entered my sucking mouth. “I think you like making love to my cock more than your wife,” he suggested, putting voice to the realization I had at that same moment.

My response was to take him deeper into my mouth. He was getting hard again and pressing enticingly against the back of my throat.

“I don’t think she’s getting the attention a woman like her deserves,” he stated as I sucked longingly. “But then you’re not man enough for that, are you?” he asked pointedly.

His sudden, sharp tone broke my cocksucking reverie, demanding a response. “Um, no. I’m too much of a sissy,” I confessed. My admission only increased my submissive neediness.

“Well, then. Don’t you think you owe it to her to find her a replacement? A real man who can do things for her? The kind of things that require masculinity? Which you just haven’t got?”

His question was like a barrage of criticism; I should have been insulted. Instead, I felt grateful beholden to him for understanding me and for caring about Cathy too. Still sucking on his enormous erection, I looked up at his ruggedly handsome face. His strong jaw was already sporting a five o’clock shadow, above which a slightly crooked nose imparted a distinctive character that gave his intelligent eyes a look of penetrating humor.

“You should be the one,” I said fervently, “She would like you!”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Rex opined. “Do you really want to share me?”

I hadn’t thought this through, obviously. I almost panicked. But then I realized it would mean having him around more. “I wouldn’t mind, sir, as long as I could still suck your cock and stuff...”

“She’s a hottie!” he said as if considering my proposal for the first time. “Do you really want me to take your wife? Like, treat her as my partner - sex partner, I mean? I’d seriously be fucking her all the time!”

He sounded like he was warming to the idea, and so was I. I wanted Cathy to experience Rex’s awesome cock too, like I had. The very thought of it made me dizzy with lust. “Yes, Rex, that’s exactly what I want,” I told him.

He laughed out loud. “You’re fucking serious, aren’t you?” It was a rhetorical question because he went right on, saying, “But how fitting! You’d rather be married to my dick, wouldn’t you?” He let that sink into my feverish brain,

“Tell you what, sissy,” he said, “you marry my cock and I’ll take your wife off your hands. How does that sound?”

“What? Marry? What do you mean?” I was feeling even more dizzy.

“Simple, sissy,” Rex said patiently, “Just repeat after me ... Wait. What’s your name?”


“No, what’s your sissy name?”

“I don’t have one...” I felt really stupid. I liked it when he called me “sissy.” It hadn’t occurred to me to select a feminine moniker.

Fittingly, he chose for me. “Gianna. Italian nickname for Giovanna. A form of John, by the way. Suits you perfectly.”

“Gianna,” I repeated, sounding it like “John-ah”. It did sound like me.

“Good!” He nodded. “Hold my cock and repeat after me, ‘I, Gianna, take you, Penis... ‘“

I gazed lovingly at the glorious hunk of living man meat in my hand. “I, Gianna, take you, Penis...” I intoned reverently.

“ ... as my lord and master...“ he said and I repeated, “ ... to honor, cherish, and obey...” my heart skipped a beat when I said, “Obey.” “ ... at all times and in all places, from this day forward.”

I looked up into Rex’s smiling face. “I now pronounce you Cock and Cunt,” he announced, sounding completely serious. “You may kiss the Cock.”

I kissed it with a joyful heart. And then I sucked it until it gave me its seed as a token of our pledge.

Written by yfnsp
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