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Husband Gets What He Didn’t Ask For 3

"More training."

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Author's Notes

"This is the third installment in an ongoing series. If you haven’t read parts one and two it would probably help."

I would recap what has been going on this weekend, but all I can remember is “accelerated training.”  Of course, she was going to take a nap first, which seemed like a really good idea.  I had a lot to process from the day of my cuckolding, my first cuckolding.

So that is what we did: we took a nice nap.  Maggi pulled the covers down and burrowed down into the bedding, which was just as comfortable as it looked.  I was just a few seconds behind her.  Then we were spooning under the covers, nice and comfortable, as if nothing had happened.  I knew that something had happened.  Maggie reminded me of what had happened, not sure if it was on purpose, when she wiggled her cute little butt into my groin and subsequently into my cage, reminding me that the cage was there, containing my manhood, my little man.

It seemed like everything reminded me of what had just happened, that I had just been made into a cuckold, a caged cuckold.

Now we, or at least I, had a very stressful morning and I have to admit that I fell asleep.

When I woke up, we had switched positions and I was the little spoon.  I mention this because her arms were around me and her hand was holding my caged dick.   Normally, I would love waking up with her holding my dick.  This time, it was different.  My poor dick was trying to swell in its little cage, and it just couldn’t.

“Mmm, Honey, I see that you’re awake.  So it’s time to get ready for this evening, and I think you didn’t take a shower so that will be the first thing on the agenda.”

I have to say that she was right.  I hadn’t taken a shower.  The cage had gone on so quickly that I hadn’t gotten a chance.  “You’re right, dear.  Here you are smelling all fresh and pretty and I smell like an old billy goat.”

“Oh, honey, you're not that smelly, although you do smell a bit of old sex.”

I have to admit that she was right.  I had reclaimed my wife, and I still smelled like sex.

I got out of bed and was walking toward the bathroom and I could feel the weight of the cage hanging from my body, swinging back and forth,  restraining my poor cock which wanted to get hard so badly.

I was in the shower soaping up and feeling good, if a bit odd.  I know I keep saying it but every time I moved at more than a crawl, I could feel the cage.  I tried to ignore it as much as I could, which wasn’t easy.  It was metal and had a good weight to it.

I had shampooed and washed everything that I could and was feeling relatively good.  Just then the shower curtain was pulled back a bit and I could see my lovely wife smiling up at me.

“I was thinking that while you are having a nice shower, we could attend to another of the rules.”

Oh damn, another rule.  “Of course, honey.  I’m sure the rules will make our stay that much better.”  I even managed to smile when I said it.

Of course, that wasn’t what I was thinking; I mean, who would?  What was going through my head was all the cuckold porn I had seen and the rules that were imposed on the cuckold.

Not all of them were what I would call fun, well maybe for the hotwife and the bull, but not for the cuckold.  Well, they were a kind of fun that was humiliating and exhilarating at the same time.

So far things had been going ok, although I had been experiencing more and more cuckold emotions.  The humiliation of watching my wife and her bull cuckold me.  God, that was the first time I had thought, of James as her bull. In my mind, he had just been James, the guy who had fucked my wife, now he was her bull.

Having to eat my cum out of my wife after I had reclaimed her.  Granted most cuckolds don’t get to reclaim their wives, so I couldn’t complain too much, and it wasn’t all that bad.  I had tasted my cum before, but never this much.  And never with another man's cum mixed in.    

All the while I had been sinking deeper and deeper into the cuckold's mindset.  I thought about the things Maggie had asked me to do.  Actually,  now that I think about it she wasn’t asking me, she was telling me, nicely.  Maggie was asserting more and more dominance over me and I liked it.

The feeling of not being in control was intoxicating.  Having given up control of my orgasm to my wife was….. it was hard to find words for how it felt.  It was freeing, intoxicating, and humiliating.  Can you be humiliated in a good way?  All I can say is that my mind was a swirl of emotions.  I didn’t know how to feel or how to react, and here was another rule.  I’m sure it was going to be one of many.

“So honey, now that you are mostly all nice and clean let's get this cage off of you.”

She was taking the cage off.  Hell ya,  things were looking up, maybe I wouldn’t be in it all weekend.  She must have been practicing because she took the little lock out of the cylinder like she had been doing it for a long time.  My poor dick was free of its prison.  Then my hopes were dashed.

“Honey, if you look there on the shelf you will see a razor.  The rule of the house states that cucks are not to have pubic hair.  We don’t want to break any of the rules, do we?”

I looked over and there was a razor there on the shelf.  It looked like a nice new one with plenty of blades.  Surprise surprise there was shaving cream there also, lucky me.

I had the razor and shaving cream in hand when my hot wife surprised me yet again.  She put her hands out and took them from me, and sat them on the edge of the tub.  I was very surprised when she picked up the soap and started to wash our sexy off my dick.  You know what that did to my little man, he started to not be so little.

She washed me with long slow strokes.  Going under my balls and gently soaping up my testicles, cupping them like they were something delicate and valuable.

I couldn’t help it, I had a full-on erection.  I just stood there in the hot spray enjoying the sensation of my Maggie's hands on my body.  My eyes were closed, so I didn’t notice when she switched from soap to shaving cream, it all felt slick and luxuriant.

I did notice when I felt the razor touch my body.  She started a few inches above my pubic hair.   

I had to watch her shave me.  I couldn’t have taken my eyes away if I wanted to.

I don’t think that she had shaved a cock before, yet it seemed like she had been doing it for years.  She used nice slow, sure, strokes and I slowly saw skin that had been covered for my entire life.  Oh my God,  I knew she was taking me deeper into the cuckold life, and I just didn’t care.  What she was doing to me was just so damn erotic I couldn’t stand it.  I thought my cock had been hard before, I was like a rock and throbbing for release.  That’s when she lifted my balls and shaved them bare.

“Let’s make sure I didn’t miss any little hairs.”  Then she proceeded to run her hands all over my groin.  She cupped my balls and ran her fingers up under my nuts feeling for stray hairs while her other hand gripped my throbbing shaft and slowly stroked me.

Just a little longer and I would have cum for the second time.  I think I started to thrust a title into her hand.

“Well that should do it, honey, no little hairs left to take off.  Now I have a surprise for you.”

A surprise?  I hope it was being allowed to cum again.

I was so close.  Just a few more strokes and I would be cumming.  I realized then that she wasn’t giving me a hand job she was teasing me, like an expert.  When she took her hands away from me I groaned in frustration, my hips kept thrusting in the air.

At that point, I wasn’t sure that I could take any more surprises that didn’t involve cumming.  I wanted to cum so badly.  I regret having the thought now but I thought, “I would do anything to cum.”

I looked at her sitting there on the edge of the tub smiling up at me and my heart melted.  I think I would do anything to keep that smile on her face.  I just hadn’t realized I would be doing it as her cuckold.

She surprised me when she picked up the cage and set it aside.  For a moment I thought I wouldn’t be caged.  It was too late to not be her cuckold, James had taken care of that.

Like many times this weekend, I was wrong.  She set one cage aside and opened a drawer under the sink a pulled out another.  The first cage had a barrel lock that held the cage to the ring.  It was what I had seen a lot of caged men wearing.

This one was a little different.  This cage had a hinged ring that went around behind my balls and cock, and seemed to be a little smaller than the first one.  The cage was made up of a crosshatch of bars and had an opening that fits over where the ring came together attaching the cage to the ring.  Then there was a padlock, an honest to god padlock.  Before I knew it my ‘little man’ was being forced back into a cage.  Slow steady pressure forced the blood from my dick, fitting the cage over my shrunken manhood.  The ring on this one was a bit smaller than the last and the opening between the cage and the ring ensured that my balls would not fit between them, so no escape there.

“There we go, all nice and secure in a nice little cage for your little dick, and nice and smooth.  You’re turning into a good little cuckold hubby.”  I have to admit that her saying that excited me and hurt my pride at the same time.  I wasn’t just her husband anymore.  I was her cuckold, her caged cuckold.

Maggie let go of my caged manhood, then pulled a silver chain out of the same drawer and put it around her neck, and it wasn’t a long chain.  The key, which was a distinctive shape, was plainly visible in the hollow of her throat, advertising, if you knew what it meant, that she was a hot wife.

“Now it’s time for you to take care of me.  It's not a rule for me but I think I need a little shave as well.  According to your porn bulls like a nice smooth pussy, so it's time for a shave.”

Maggie, the hot wife, handed me the razor and got a grip on my balls, and pulled me down to my knees.  As I was being pulled to my knees by my balls, Maggie spread hers, giving me access to her pussy.

Maggie kept her grip on my balls for just a moment longer and gave them a good firm squeeze, which made me groan a bit.  She had a serene smile on her face as she squeezed my nuts.  It was like she was saying “these are mine now.”

I had never shaved a pussy before, so I had to proceed very carefully.  I shampooed her little hairs, rubbing my hands over her sex.  “Mmmm that feels good, honey.  You are going to get me wet.”

I removed the easy part above her vulva and had to pause.  I didn’t want to nick her in that most sensitive of areas.  Maggie took pity on me and shaved one side of pussy showing me how she liked it, so I very gently applied the razor to her pussy.

In just a few moments she was hairless and silky smooth.  She was gorgeous, sitting there with her knees spread wide, her freshly shaved pussy on display.  I noticed that her pussy had opened like a flower as I was shaving her, and moisture was glistening on her lips.


“Oh, honey, that was wonderful.  I didn’t think it would be so arousing,  having you on your knees between my legs, giving me my first shave.  You made me so wet.  So as a treat, you get to be the first man to eat my bald pussy.”

I was very aware that I was naked and on my knees between my Maggie’s legs.  Normally I would be thinking of kissing my way up her body and mounting her.  To tell the truth, I  was still thinking of how great it would be to have sex with her.  Unfortunately, my cock was telling me that sex wasn’t going to be happening.  The cage on my dick was stopping me from getting hard.  It’s hard to describe what was happening to my poor dick.  If you hadn’t experienced it or at least seen it, it is hard to understand.  Imagine an erection that was allowed to happen, but was then pushed back into the body.  My cage was on that part of my dick that was outside my body trying to get hard.

I can tell you that as the cage moved that inch or so away from my body, my balls got pulled closer and closer to the gap between the ring and the cage.  I can tell you now that my balls were not going to fit through that gap.  It felt like my balls were being punished because my Dick was trying to get hard.

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So I did what I thought a good cuckold would do.  I spread my knees a little and let the cage and my truncated erection hang down from my body, and leaned forward to pleasure my hot wife.

The feel of her freshly shaved pussy on my tonged was amazing.  She was silky smooth and delicious.  “Now honey when I have you eat me, you should do your best to give me an orgasm.”  As she said this she lifted her legs and wrapped them firmly around my head.  In essence holding me there, dominating me, encouraging me to do a complete job.

I can tell you that I didn’t need to be held there, I loved eating her pussy.  I also loved the sounds of her pleasure.  I think the best part was knowing that I was the one giving her that pleasure.  So I put all subtlety aside and let her pull my face into her pussy.  I opened my mouth and proceeded to suck her pussy, her juices were flowing, and I lapped them up and swallowed them as quickly as I could.

I could feel it when her orgasm rolled through her body.  Her thighs tightened on my head and she made little ung uh grunting noises, then her legs fell away leaving me with a face like a glazed ham.

As her legs fell away from my face I caught them on my arms and lifted them to my shoulders, getting ready to thrust my erection into her in one deep, hard, push.

My cock was at the right level to enter her.  I was slapped in the face by reality.  My cock was in a cage.  I couldn’t fuck my wife, and I so wanted to.  It all came crashing down on me.  I was not allowed to enter my wife, I was caged, I was a cuckold.  The frustration was incredible.  I was right there, ready to enter her, and couldn’t.   

I sank back down on my knees, my penis straining at the bars of my cage, as a sense of complete defeat settled over me.

“Now, honey, let's not get greedy.  You already got to reclaim me which is more than most cuckolds get to do.  Why don’t you wash your face and we can go and get something to eat.  I don’t know about you but I am famished.  You know the only thing had to eat this morning was a big black cock.  It was delicious but now I’m hungry again.”

What the hell did she mean by that?  Was she actually hungry or was she hungry for another cock?  Crap.

So I did as I was told and cleaned her wonderful juices off my face and followed her back into the bedroom.  I didn’t notice then that I was following my wife’s directions more easily, with less thought.

As I walked into the bedroom, Maggie was at the closet taking some clothes out and laying them out on the bed.

I thought about the bag that Maggie had packed for us and about how small it was.  I might be wearing the same clothes for the rest of the trip.

I’m not going to go over the entire conversation but as she was laying out what turned out to be a good amount of lingerie we discussed some of the rules for my cuckolding.

Cuckold rules:

1.  I have to be there.  Or you get permission beforehand.  This is for us.

2. She leads in sexual situations,  I stay caged at her pleasure, and do as directed.

3.  Cuckold can say no if there is a line he does not want to cross.

4.  Cuck has to make an effort before saying no and discuss his no with his hot wife.  If the “no” turns out to be me, the cuckold, just being difficult then punishment can follow.

5.  If the cuck feels that the bull is not respectful or is a bully, he has the right to veto the bull.

6.  No multiple meetings with one bull in a short period of time.  The meetings are to fuck and reinforce status as a cuckold husband and to pleasure the Hot Wife, not a date.

7. Never fuck anyone we know or work with.

This list did take a little bit of back and forth.  We each had things we were determined to get included, Such as rule 1 and rule 2.  By the end of the discussion, I was sitting on the floor while my lovely wife sat on the bed perusing the lingerie.  Running her hand through my hair, which made negotiations more difficult for me.

When our little chat was over, I was required to pick a nice set of lingerie for Maggie and to help her dress.  I picked out a nice set, an antique ivory color, with a bustier that held her breasts in a way that seemed like they were being presented and gave just a hint of nipple.   

The panties, if you want to call them that, were a nice satin material that didn’t seem to cover much.  It was more like they emphasized what was covered, making you want to see more.  And to top it off the set had the hose and a garter.  She looked damn sexy.  As I was dressing my hot wife she informed me the panties went over the garters so they could be removed if needed.  Which I think was her way of telling me that the panties just might be coming off soon.


Now when I say I dressed her, I mean put each article on her.  I put on the bustier, putting each breast in place.  I could see her nipples getting hard.  She was getting aroused again.  That just can’t be good for me and my training weekend.  But I just couldn’t help loving and making my beautiful wife even more desirable.  It was just so erotic my cage once again became too small to hold its captive.

As I was dressing my hot wife, which is how I was thinking of her more and more, she gave me little instructions, mostly on giving her lovely body extra attention. 

“Can you give my nipples a little kiss?”

“Mmm run your hands over my buttock.”

Then, when I was putting on the garter, “Lick my pussy.  You touching me is making me wet.  I don’t want a wet spot showing on my  panties.”

I can tell you right now that it was not a request.  It was a hot wife telling her cuck that her pussy needed a little worshiping.  So as I was putting on the last clip on the garter I leaned forward to run my tongue over her freshly shaved pussy. I could see her juices seeping between her lip.  She was so wet and ready.

I could feel her hand on the back of my head as she gently guided my lips to her pussy, opening her legs a little wider for her cuckold.  “That’s a good boy. Oh, that feels so good.  Give my pussy some love.  Mmmmm, thank you, honey.  That’s all I need.  I just needed to feel your tongue on my pussy.”

She was content with just a little licking, I don’t even think she had an orgasm.  Now I don’t think that she was after an orgasm.  I think she was subtly asserting herself.  Dominating me with a gloved hand.

“Now, honey, I was going to take us to the dining room but I think some room service is in order.  I’m just so comfy here that I don’t want to leave.  Since you have completed more cuckold tasks you can do one more and select the room service.”

I wasn’t sure at the time what other “tasks” I had completed but I was getting a little peckish so why not get something to eat.

I opened the menu to the little tab that said brunch and learned that her idea and my idea of room service were different.

When I opened the menu faces and upper body shots were looking back at me.  There were black men, white men, men with a little grey, bald men, and young men.

“Remember honey you are on the accelerated training track.  So you get to pick my next lover.”

Ah, so that was the chore I had accomplished.  I had dressed my wife in very nice lingerie and gave her pussy a little service to prepare her for her next bull.  At least I didn’t have to go online or on the street and ask a man if he wanted to fuck my wife.  These men all know what it means when they get the call.  So who to pick?

As I was looking through the pictures I was also considering Maggie's prior lovers.  I know she only had one or two before we were married all those years ago.  Then she and I were all each other had, that is until James.  I’m sure he was her first black man, although I don’t think he will be her last.

So I thought I would choose something different for her.  Then I had to pick up the phone and request the man's services.  As I was thinking about it I was struck by the fact that I was requesting his services to service my wife.

“Hello, room service what can I get for you, Mr. C. ?”

“Yes, could we have a number seven please?”

“Of course sir but it is a rule of the house that you have to say what service will be required.”

“I looked over at my wife who was leaning back on the pillows with an impish smile on her face.  I’m sure she knew exactly what he had just said.  So I gritted my teeth, took a deep breath, and procured a partner for my wife. I need seven to come to our room and fuck my wife.”

“Yes, sir, he will be there shortly.  Have a good time, sir.”

There, I did it, he was on his way to pleasure my wife.  I wasn’t sure where I was on my way.  But I was fairly sure that I wouldn’t like it and I would love it.  I was still considering my descent into cuckoldom, cuckoldry?  Being a cuckold, when there was a knock at the door.  That didn’t take long.

“Please get that, dear.  Oh, and you don’t have to stay in your cuck chair this time.  You will be... assisting.”

I was putting my hand on the doorknob to let in my wifes' next lover/bull when it struck me that I was still naked.

I was opening the door as she said assisting and I have to admit I was a little shocked at the assisting part.  I’m sure it was a part of my accelerated training.  Unfortunately for me, she was working off of the videos I had watched.  Some of them had some extreme things; some things I was interested in and some I wasn’t.

When I opened the door Number seven was standing there waiting patiently.  Number 7 was a twenty-two-year-old male with piercing blue eyes.  His eyes were the kind of blue that you would see in a husky, very striking.  He was also about five foot ten with sandy blond hair and a nice smile he was also well-built.  Not like a muscle builder, but more like someone who knew where the gym was but didn’t need to use it.

Yes, I was wondering about his dick as well.  That was information that wasn’t listed on the menu, so I would just have to wait to find out just how inadequate I was in comparison.

“Please come in and make yourself comfortable.”  God, what a stupid thing to say.  He was here to fuck my wife; I was pretty sure that he was going to be very comfortable.

Then I heard maggie from the bed.  “Oh, my he is very lovely honey you picked very well.  You may just earn a reward.”  It boggled my mind what a reward for a cuckold might be.

“Um. What should we call you?  They just had a number in the menu?” I asked

“Oh, you can just call me Seven.  I kind of like it, makes me feel like a spy.

I closed the door and moved toward Maggie.

“Maggie, this is Seven.  Seven, this is Maggie, my wife.”

Seven moved to the foot of the bed and never took his eyes off of Maggie.  “Good evening, ma’am.  I have to say that you are lovely.  Your cuckold picked out the perfect outfit for you.”

“Why, thank you, Seven. I’m glad you like what you see.”

It hurt just a little that he automatically referred to me as her cuckold.  Of course, I was standing there with a cage on my dick and had invited him there for the specific task of fucking my Maggie.

Maggie turned her head just a little bit in my direction while keeping her eyes locked on Seven.

“Honey, why don’t you help Seven get more comfortable and help him with his clothes.”


Seven was already unbuttoning his shirt as I reached into the wardrobe for a hanger.  The chest he exposed was muscular and well-defined with just a little bit of hair.  He didn’t even look at me, he just held out his hand and the shirt, which I took and placed on a hook.

When Seven started to take off his pants I heard Maggie speak up again.

“Seven let my cuckold do that for you.  He is going to be helping out more and more today.  He will also be doing some exploring and boundary-pushing.  Remember, honey, I have seen every bit of porn that you have watched in the last year.  I even know how many times you watched what, you naughty boy, so brace yourself, cuckold.”

Oh, that so did not bode well.  I had watched some of those things just to see what they were about.

Written by Dozuki
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