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Husband Gets What He Didn't Ask For

"A husband and a surprise cuckolding"

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Author's Notes

"Complete fiction even though I wish it wasn't."

First,  a little introduction. I’m Steven and my wife is Maggie. I’m fifty-three, six feet one inch tall, and in fairly good shape for a man my age. I mean I’m not ripped but I know where the gym is, so I stay in good shape (well, decent shape).  

Maggie is a few years older than me and is a little curvier than she used to be but the curves are all in the right places. She has breasts that are still sit high and are the size of a grapefruit with oh-so-sensitive nipples.

A few months ago I started to notice Maggie acting a little differently. She seemed to be paying a little more attention to how she dressed. She was starting to dress sexier and sexier (Clue 1) which I, like a fool, thought was a good thing. If she was starting to feel better about herself maybe I would start getting sex more than once or twice a year.  

Another time I came home and she was on the computer we share and she closed it up as soon as I walked in and started to ask about my day. Now if that had been me I would only have closed up that quickly if I was looking at something I didn’t want her to see (Clue 2). 

This went on for a couple of weeks with her even starting to pay more attention to me: a little touch here, or a caress as she walked by, and goodbye kisses when I went to work that lasted longer than they had. I was getting very hopeful in the sex department but nothing seemed to be happening in the bedroom.

But nothing seemed to improve in the bedroom, just more touching, which seemed to keep me hard more than I had been outside of porn. And as to my hardness, I can say that I am about seven inches with a nice girth. I had never had any complaints.

Then after a few more weeks, she told me that we had to talk. Well, I didn’t know where this was going. I mean we had been married for almost twenty years and this talk could have gone anywhere from her latest changes in behavior and dress to what I look at online to where we might go on vacation. I was nervous, there was no denying it. She had been on the computer a lot in the past few months. Did I forget to close my window? Some of the things I look at could give her pause or just piss her off.  

So the night of the “talk” came around and we sat at the table and she just laid it out.  

"Honey I know I haven’t been giving you the attention that you deserve. I can’t even remember the last time we were together."

Truth be told I couldn’t remember either; it had been a year or more.

“I know it has been my issue and I have been feeling so much better about myself lately that I have decided to make it up to you.”

“Mags there is nothing for you to make up and I’m glad that you are feeling better. I have to say that I can see the difference in you in the last few months. You look much more happy and sexy.” It was true. She looked as sexy as she had in a long time in a dress that was cut higher than normal and lower and seemed to catch every breeze and accentuate her body.

“No hon it's been too long so I have arranged a treat for you. We are going on a long weekend to a nice B&B this weekend. I have already made all the arrangements and all you have to do is drive us there. I will even do all the packing.”

Well, what could I say to that? She was taking the lead and arranging everything; all I had to do was sit back and enjoy.

“Ok sexy lady. If that’s the way you want it then that’s the way it will be. How far are we going? Is it all day or a shorty?

“Oh don’t worry it is only an hour or so. I wouldn’t want us to be all tired when we got there so it's just a short hop. I even have directions ready, so you just relax it's all taken care of.”

I thought for sure that I would be getting more sex but again I was wrong. She must have been shopping because she was wearing even sexier nighties than ever before. Every time, I would make an overture - rub her back and let my hands wander down to her curvy ass or try to cup one of her beautiful breasts.

“No honey. We have to save it for this weekend. We can touch and caress but no sex. And no orgasm. Save it for this weekend.”  

It didn’t help that as she was telling me this her hand was rubbing my cock through my pj’s making me hard and ready. Then she would roll away from me and snuggle her ass up against my engorged cock. Then she would drift off and I would lay there until my hard-on could subside.  

This went on for the rest of the week. Then it was time to drive to our weekend getaway.  

I went to get the bags and, surprise surprise, there was only one little bag. She had finally learned to pack light. And she wouldn’t even let me carry it to the car. She said it was my weekend and all I had to do was drive there.  

So that’s what I did; I drove the hour and a half to the B&B. As soon as we hit the highway she was giving me directions a turn at a time. She started with her hand on my knee and she oh so slowly started inching up my thigh talking about how nice the place was and how much fun we were going to have.

Then before long, her hand was cupping my dick and balls, I have to say that it didn’t take much of that for me to become as hard as I had ever been. So for a good hour and a half, she was stroking my dick squeezing my balls. I told her that it wouldn’t take much for her to fish out my dick and give me a quick suck to finish me off. “Oh no, hon we have too much fun waiting for us. Let’s keep ass that juice in your balls.”   

But she kept stroking me and I got so close to cumming so many times. But somehow she would stop just short and wait for me to relax a bit before she went back to torturing my poor hard cock. But I didn’t mind there was fun up ahead, a weekend of fucking. And I soooo needed a fuck.  

By the time we got to the B&B, my poor dick was leaking and I was aching to release the pressure she had built up in my balls. And there was quite the wet spot on the front of my jeans. So I tried to hurry to the trunk to get the one little bag that my wife had packed but I was too slow.  

“No, no sir I got the bag, you go along with the lovely lady.” I was just at the trunk when a tall muscular black man with a bald head reached into the trunk and took the single lonely bag, so there was nothing for it I turned and followed my “lovely lady” up the stairs to check-in. And again I was too slow - my wife was talking with a rather statuesque beautiful woman at the check-in desk.  

“You are aware of the dress code?”  

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“You are aware of the requirement to stay at the C&C?”

 C&C what the hell is that and since when do bed and breakfasts have dress codes. I just didn’t care at that point I just wanted to get to the room so the fun could start. Finally, my poor balls. 

We followed James up to our room, I was prepared to give him a handsome tip and to take the bag. But that wasn’t going to happen either.

“No sir that’s not necessary the tip will be taken care of.”  

That just didn’t sound right but I didn’t care that much right then. James took our poor little bag and put it on the bed.

I was looking around the room and I have to say that I was impressed. It had a very big four-poster bed with big fluffy pillows and a lot of woodwork all around the room, it was modern yet classic at the same time. Then I noticed something else odd about this hotel.  

There was a chair sitting in front of the bed. It was a nicely made sturdy chair, also with a lot of carved wood. I was just about to have a seat when the wife stepped in front of me and leaned in for a long passionate kiss. And I was hard as a rock again. Her tongue was pushing into my mouth meeting mine and they danced as I felt my wife's hands rubbing my dick through my pants, then her hand was pulling at my belt loosening my pants. I went to help with my pants just to expedite things a little.

“Oh, no honey let me do this. I want to do everything.”

Oh finally. My poor balls were going to get some relief I thought.

Just then my lovely wife got my pants open and dropped to her knees taking my pants and underwear to the ground in one fell swoop freeing my poor achingly hard dick.  

Then miracle of miracles I could feel her soft lips enveloping the head of my dick her tongue swirling around my helmet. 

The chair was right behind me and I could feel the gentle push from my lovely cock sucking wife so I took a seat and I was so happy that I did. As soon as my butt hit the seat my wife took my entire cock into her mouth and throat. Like I said I’m not tiny I can reach her throat with my dick. Not that I had very often. As a rule, she didn’t give me oral very often. And now she was going at it like a champ. I could hear those wet sucking sounds as her head went up and down and she had on my balls giving them a gentle squeeze. I later learned that she was feeling for my balls to tighten up before cumming so she could stop it time.

Then her head came up and I could feel the air on my saliva-slicked cock as she made eye contact with me. “Time to get a little kinky lover, are you ready for the night to get going?”

What else could I say after getting that sample of oral sex? She had taken me deeper and sucked me harder than ever before. “Oh hell yes I’m ready honey.”

I tried to stand up and lead her to the bed but she pushed me right back down in the chair and stood up removing her scarves from her neck and putting one on each wrist effectively tying me to that big comfy chair.  

Now for me, that was a good start for kinky play. She had never been into any kind of bondage before so Yay for me.  

All these hints as to what was coming and I just didn’t see until it was too late.

Then she went down again and engulfed my whole member, I was in heaven. Then when her head came up I felt her get a good firm grip on my dick behind my balls. I was a little lost in the moment and it didn’t seem odd until I felt that steel ring circle my cock and balls. I looked down at my lovely wife to see her looking back up at me and that cold shiny steel ring.

“Honey, I know I have been neglecting you. So I looked at your computer a few months ago. So I have seen everything you have seen and read most of the stories that you have read. I even put in a ghost program so I could see where you went and followed you there. And I learned a lot.”

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Oh crap, I knew there was going to be a catch to this weekend away and had just the right response. “Uhhhh”. Was about all I could get out. But it didn’t matter she was still talking. And oddly enough my dick was still hard.

“So after seeing where you went and catching up with the videos you watched I made reservations at the C&C B&B. If you're wondering the first C stands for caged. All the men who don’t work here are required to be caged.”

Just as my lovely wife explained that to me I saw her other hand coming to my cocky with the cage portion of my new cock cage.  

“You see I saw all of the caged and cuckold videos you watch and thought that this was something that I could give to you. I also know that with a nice steady pressure I can fit your cock into this little cage.”

She said this smiling and proceeded to fit her actions to her words. The little cage barely fit over the head of my dick. I had seen a video or two where women caged their men like this but never expected to experience it first hand or rather dick.

And by god, it was working. She had stopped looking at my face and was concentrating on my cock. Applying slow steady pressure my dick was slowly compressed, the blood being pushed out, and fit into that little cage. It was arousing, exhilarating and a little humiliating all at once. If my dick hadn’t just been forced into its new little prison I would be sprouting a new erection.

Then it happened. She held the ring and the cage with one hand and I felt a little tug and a click as she put a little lock on my little prison. It was a tiny Master lock, of all things.

“There now that you are following the dress code we can get on with the rest of the evening. Now we are going to move on to the second C in the name which is cuckold. It took some searching but I found us a full-service Cage & Cuckold B&B. So tonight I am going to give you what you want and make you my little caged cuckolded hubby.”

Did she say, cuckold? I was trying to process what she had just said while examining my newly caged dick. Which is when James came out of the bathroom.  

I have described James. He was about six-foot-two and had to weigh 200 pounds of muscle, and was bald as an egg with very dark skin. Oh and he was naked as the day he was born. I couldn’t help but notice that the dick that he was sporting was a good eight inches or so long and he wasn’t even fully hard.

He walked by right in front of me glanced at me and said “Sir” like it was the most normal thing in the world. James walked up to my wife and put his hands on her hips and pulled her in for a kiss that seemed to go on for a long time. I could see her head tilt as her lips met his and her mouth open to let his tongue in. James’ hands moved to cup my lovely wife's beautiful firm buttocks and saw that her hand had snaked down between their bodies and was grasping his dick.  

She was stroking that sleeping monster between his legs, which were very well muscled like the rest of him. I could see that her hand couldn’t reach around him. Just then my wife looked over at me smiled and sank to her knees. That is when I learned that she had been practicing and she wasn’t practicing for me; it was for James.  

She took the head of his dick in her mouth and started to work her head up and down. I couldn’t look away. Every time her head came down she took a little more of his giant dick into her mouth. Every time she drew back I could see her saliva making his dick shine. I swear she took well over half of that monster into her mouth and some of it had to have gone down her throat. And she didn’t gag once. By the time she had taken that much of his dick into her mouth and throat, he was hard, completely hard, and a good ten inches long if he was an inch.  

I don’t know why I didn’t say anything. All I could do was watch my private porn show. It didn’t seem to register with me that it was cuckold porn and that I was cast as the cuck. All I knew was that it was hot as hell and my poor dick was pressing hard against the bars of his little prison. If this had been the cuckold test I had read about then I had failed miserably or passed, depending on your point of view. Thinking back on it, it was a cuckold test.

When my wife came up for a breath she looked over at me. “Looks like you are enjoying the show, honey. Isn’t James just the cutest thing?”

James then helped my wife to stand and I swear she took hold of that big dick and led him to the bed by it like it was a leash.  

Now the bed as I have mentioned is orgy-sized and what I would call a high bed. The top of the bed was at my wife’s waist level. But you know that didn’t slow her down one little bit. James just took her by the waist and lifted her like she didn’t weigh anything. He picked her up and tossed her onto her back. I’m going to be a little judgmental here. That sluts legs opened wide as soon as her back hit the bed. Open wide and inviting.  

Now that I think about it. The bed put whoever was in the chair at eye level with whatever was going on in the bed. And there weren’t any posts to obstruct the view of the activity on the bed. The activity right now was my wife on her back with her legs spread so wide it was like she was doing the splits.

"Whore.” I couldn’t help it that was the thought that went through my mind as I saw her there with her new body spread open ready to receive a cock that wasn’t mine.

James looked down at my lewdly displayed wife of many years and put his big hands on her inner thighs and opened her just that little bit more. Then he looked over at me and he had what I would call a friendly look on his face. I swear he smiled at me when he told my wife. “Miss I think your husband would have a better view if we shifted you to a little more of an angle.” Then he did just that and turned he’s so she was at an angle to my chair (I later learned it was called the cuckold chair).  

When he turned her I could see between her spread legs and up her body. I could also see James’s big cock swinging between his legs. Then there was my wife’s hand between their bodies. Holding onto and stroking that big black cock.  

I couldn’t see her but I could hear her as she stroked that dick. “Honey I’m only too glad to give you what you want.” I could see her stroking his dick then I could see that she was rubbing the head of that cock against the lewdly spread opening of her pussy, what had until today been my pussy.  

Then it happened. I had such a great view that I could see his ass flex as he pushed foreword and into my wife. The pussy that had been mine for all those years was now his or at least not solely mine.  

I could see her pussy stretching more than I had ever seen her stretch to accept my cock or any toy we had ever used. He was pushing into her with excruciating slowness. Stretching her, opening her pussy to accept his cock. I think about a third of his cock was buried in her when the sounds she was making registered with me. She was like an animal in heat. She was groaning and moaning and there were words here and there. “Oh fuck, uggghh so big. So fucking big. Slowly, give it to me. “

I honestly couldn’t stop watching. It was like my personal porn channel and my wife was the star. I would like to say that I didn’t enjoy it but my cock would have made a liar out of me. I couldn’t get fully hard because of the new cage but I'll be damned if it wasn’t trying. Oh, and I was leaking precum like never before. Cuckold's tears I think it's called.  

“James, I can’t take it all. You’re so much bigger than my husband. I can’t take it all.”

He just looked down at her and smiled. “Now miss I know you think that now but I know that I will fit in you. We will just take it nice and slow at first. You know you owe your cuckold a good first show.” Then it struck me that he was talking about me. I was indeed her caged cuckold.

I could see his hips move as he pulled back that little bit and slid into my wife just that little bit more every time he pushed into her. And with a slow gentle pressure that giant cock was impaling my wife balls deep.  

Her legs were as wide as they would go and her hands were clutching at the sheets like she was in pain but she wasn’t. Her legs were almost continually shaking and her chest was flushed. She was cumming over and over on that big cock.  

“My god. Honey, he is so big. Much bigger than you. He’s stretched my pussy so wide but I took all of his big black cock for you. Oh, I’m so full. “

Then James drew his big cock mostly out of that stretched pussy and I could see my wife’s cream covering his cock. She had cum so much. Then he started to fuck her. The warm-up was over and he was truly starting to fuck my wife.  

His strokes were long, firm, and full length. Each thrust he only left the head of his cock in her before pushing back into her balls deep. The slapping sound of their two bodies coming together over and overfilled the room. As did the sounds that she made. Sounds I had never heard before. She was groaning and grunting and calling his name over and over as her legs wrapped around his athletic frame pulling him in as deep as he could go.  

Then it happened. His back stiffened and his ass clenched and I could see his balls tighten as he came deep into my wife. Filling her with his seed, breeding her.

She lay there for a few more minutes with his black body on top of her white one. The contrast was amazing. He was still in her. Gasping for breath his cock twitching as he gave her every drop of cum that he had.

My wife finally got her breath back and turned her sweaty face towards me. “There honey. Now you are my caged little cuckold hubby, just like you wanted.”  

Just then James rose off of her and I could see and hear his dick coming out of my wife. When he was out he was still big and what had been my pussy was gaping open and a steady stream of his cum was leaking out of her.  

James turned and looked at me and smiled. “I’m glad I could be of service Mr. Cuckold. “

My wife raised her elbows and looked me in the eye and said. “We will work on your cuckold training all weekend honey. Won’t that be fun?”

Looking at my wife’s my hot wife’s leaking pussy I had a good idea of what some of that training might entail.  

I hadn’t planned on being made into a cuckold but it had happened and my leaking caged cock would let me lie and say I hadn’t enjoyed it.

I had all weekend to see.

Written by Dozuki
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