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Brent's Visit

"On the weekend John came to visit Melissa, Brent came, too -- in more ways than one."

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It was an unseasonably warm evening in late March. 

Brent's plane had just landed. 

Melissa was nervous. She was parked in the cell phone lot. 

It was both convenient and inconvenient that Brent was going to be in town the same weekend John had come to Seattle to run a marathon. 

John had been planning the marathon trip for nearly a year.  Just two weeks before the marathon Brent texted Melissa and told her that he was meeting his parents in Seattle again, as he had done once before. This time Brent was meeting his parents on a Saturday, and was flying in on Friday night. 

It was a crazy set of circumstances. John had selected the Seattle Marathon in late March because he knew that was when Eddy would be out of town on his annual golf trip. 

Brent did not know that this trip would coincide with Melissa's freedom and availability. It wasn't every weekend or every night that Melissa could be free. So when Brent had asked Melissa if she would be free and available, she was excited but uncertain. Conflicted. 

Melissa was torn. She was excited about the idea of spending some time with Brent, but she did not want to take a moment away from her short time with John. Fortunately, she knew that John would also be excited for her opportunity to spend some time with Brent. The question would be how to navigate that among the three of them. 

Melissa knew that Brent tended to be possessive and territorial and might not be good with John's presence and involvement. So Melissa talked about it with John to determine whether it made sense to try to work Brent Into the weekend. 

What they decided is that Melissa would tell Brent that she could see him, but she also had a friend in town, and so they'd have to take that into account. She did not elaborate further, but she and John decided that when she picked Brent up at the airport, she would tell him a little bit about her and John much like she had done with Nick. 

They had rented an Airbnb in downtown Seattle with gorgeous views of the water. John was back at the Airbnb as Melissa picked up Brent. 

And so it was that Melissa was sitting here in this cell phone lot nervous about picking Brent up and having this conversation with him.

Just as she was thinking about how it might all play out, she received the text from Brett. “I'm here.” 

She texted John and said, “He's here, I'm off to pick him up.” 

John texted her back: “That's exciting. I love you. I hope it goes well.” 

Moments later, Melissa was pulling up to the curb and saw Brent standing there in jeans and a long sleeved shirt that hung off his muscles but couldn’t conceal his powerful frame. “God damn,” Melissa thought. “He looks good – even better in person.” 

Melissa got out of the truck in the short jeans skirt that Brent liked so much, walked around, and greeted him. Melissa opened the door to the truck and Brent dropped in his bag. She turned around, they stood in front of each other, and Brent said, “You  look even better in person.” 

Melissa smirked, smiled back at him, and replied “I was just thinking the same thing about you.” 

Brent pointedly looked Melissa over and said, “You wore that skirt for me?” 

“You know I did,” Melissa answered. 

“Well, come here.” Brent said.  He pulled her into a hug and enveloped her against his large frame. His hand  slid over her ass and he squeezed as he said,'' I've been thinking about this ass the whole flight.” 

Melissa smirked again, and then smiled again, looked up at Brent and said, “You're not the only one of us who's been thinking about the other’s body.”

“Is that right?” Brent asked. 

“Oh yes,” Melissa answered. ”That's right.” 

Brent squeezed Melissa's ass again as she looked up at him and he said, “Luckily, We won't just have to be thinking for much longer.”

Melissa replied, “I can't wait.”

“Well, then” Brent answered, “let's get moving.” 

He didn't have to tell her twice. Melissa strode back around the truck, climbed in the driver's seat and got  in. 

Melissa pulled away from the curb and headed toward the highway. As she entered the highway, she turned to Brent and said, “So there's something I need to talk to you about.”

Brett looked back at her inquisitively. 

Melissa continued. ‘So, I told you that I have a friend in town this weekend. His name is John. We met on Lush four years ago. It's a complicated story. The short story is we are very much deeply in love. The somewhat longer story is that he is married and has two teenage children. We plan to be together but probably after his kids are out of the house. So that's complication one. The second thing is not so much a complication as an unconventional bonus. As John and I got to know one another and shared and learned about ourselves and each other, we learned that John is somewhere along the spectrum of a cuckold or a stag, as people may call it.  And I am very much along the line of what people call a vixen or hotwife. John not only encourages my play, but for reasons I do not entirely understand, is deeply satisfied by it. I do know that it is conflicting and challenging for him, but ultimately, it works for us.” 

Melissa paused, then continued. “John had already been planning on being here this weekend for a long time when you reached out and said you would be here. He’s running a marathon Sunday morning.” 

Melissa paused again, and continued again. “Believe me, I was very excited to hear you were coming. I really wanted to see you. But of course, as you can imagine, I had to talk to John about it. He was already going to be here. He encouraged me to tell you ‘yes,’ that I could see you this weekend. He is back at the Airbnb.” 

“So there you have it,” Melissa concluded. “I completely understand if that situation does not work for you. I can just take you to your hotel. Or we could have a drink and say good night.  Or if you are up for it, we can go back to the Airbnb and see how it all works out.” 

“Thanks for being honest,” Brent responded. “ To be honest with you, I'm not sure exactly how I feel about all of that. I've never done or experienced anything like this before.”

“But,” he added, “I am up for trying to figure it out as we go because I can't lay eyes and hands on you and just turn around and say goodbye.”

Brent reached over and placed a strong hand on Melissa's bare thigh and squeezed, as he said, “In other words, looking at you, seeing you and touching you  – you are more than worth figuring it out.” Melissa’s entire body responded to his touch.

“And,” Brent concluded with a smirk, as he gripped her thigh tighter, “I am sure that whatever discomfort I may have you will find a way to cure.”

Brent’s palm crawled higher up the inside of Melissa’s thigh, pushing up the jeans skirt, and his fingertip brushed along her thong.

Melissa found her breath catching for a moment before she replied ,” I'll do my best.”

For the rest of the drive, Brent's hand never left Melissa's thigh, occasionally squeezing,  brushing, and crawling along her flesh. It felt possessive, in a primal sort of way. And that, Melissa admitted to herself, was kind of hot. She was responding to his touch, getting warm and wet, and, as was often the case when she felt something she liked, Melissa wanted more.

Melissa did not know what was going to happen. But she felt quite sure that something was going to happen. 

In this state, the drive breezed by. They made some small talk, but Melissa could not recall a word of it. She could only remember the sensation of his hand on her flesh.

Finally, they arrived at the Airbnb. Melissa pulled into the garage and hopped out of the truck. 

Brent grabbed his bag, slung it over his shoulder, and they walked in. 

John was out on the balcony. 

Melissa said to Brent,”Why don't you go set your bag down and I'll introduce you,”  indicating toward the balcony. 

Brent said, “Sure.” On the way to the balcony, he dropped his bag inside the door of the bedroom that abutted the living room area. He moved quickly, and, by the time Melissa was sliding and opening the sliding glass door, Brent was behind her. 

Brent reached around her and had his hand on the hem of her blue jean skirt, looking over her shoulder, as Melissa introduced Brent to John. 

“So you're good with this?” Brent asked John as Brent's palm, once again, moved to Melissa's thigh and crawled up inside her leg approaching her panties. 

Melissa could sense that Brent was being territorial, with his proximity and touch. She also knew that John was quite confident and man enough to allow that to happen if it was what was going to work for Melissa.

John replied, “If Melissa’s good with it, I'm good with it.” 

Brent used his middle finger to stroke Melissa through her panties for a moment, and then a moment longer, pushing the fabric between her warm moist lips and stroking her with that light friction.

With that, Brent spun Melissa around to face him, her body snug against his. His palm gripped the bare flesh of her ass, revealed by her thong, as he asked Melissa, “Are you good with it?” 

Melissa turned her head up to him, pursed her lips, and her eyes answered him. Brent reacted instantly, kissing her hard. Their lips meshed together and their tongues quickly sought one another out. 

Melissa felt weak. Her heart was racing and she was short of breath. 

Brent pulled back from the kiss, looked Melissa in the eyes, and said, “So? Are you?”

 Melissa kissed him again, quickly, pulled back, and softly answered, “Yes.” 

Melissa paused. This was happening very quickly, which was fine, but she needed to get her bearings for a moment. She turned to John, asked if he needed a drink, but then glanced down and saw that he had a fresh beer. She then turned to Brent and said, “Let me grab us a drink. I've got cider. Is a beer good for you?”

“Let me come with you and see what you've got,” Brent replied

Melissa realized that this was just an excuse to keep her in reach. And that was okay – maybe more than okay. 

So Melissa walked through the sliding glass door and around the island to the refrigerator, with Brent following behind her. She opened the refrigerator door, grabbed a cider, and Brent leaned over and selected a beer. 

Melissa turned to the island to find a bottle opener for the drinks. Brent set his beer down on the counter, and Melissa used the opener to pop the caps off the bottles. As she did so, Brent moved behind Melissa, his body snug against hers, her body between his and the counter. 

There she stood against the counter in her jean skirt. Just like the picture she had shared with Brent.

Brent reached his hand between Melissa’s body and the counter, pulled it up between her legs, forcing her legs further apart, and stroked her pussy with two fingers through the  fabric of her thong. He pressed his lips to hear ear as he made a come hither motion with his fingers that slipped her panties aside and his finger inside her. He gruffly whispered, “I've wanted you like this ever since the first time I saw that picture.”

Melissa closed her eyes and leaned against him as his finger curled inside her cunt and stroked her. When Melissa gasped an exhaling breath, Brent’s finger moved more quickly, caressing and diving and plunging and stroking her increasingly wet pussy. He thrust his fingers  deep enough and with sufficient force to lift her to her toes before she sunk back down and moved her hips against his finger, trying to fuck it, showing her need. And that is what she suddenly felt now – need. Sensations rushed over Melissa’s body as she pressed her hands to the edge of the counter to brace herself for balance and rock her hips to fuck Brent’s hand.

Melissa  was quickly close to orgasm. Just as she sensed it about to cascade over her, Brent stopped, pulling his fingers back. As he did so, he pressed his lips back to her ear. 

“Do you want more?” he asked. 

“Yes,” Melissa answered. She paused only a moment before adding, “Please!”

“If you want more,” he said, nipping at her ear, “Let me tell you what's going to happen next.” 

He paused and slid two fingers inside her, causing Melissa to roll her hips and press back against Brent’s body. 

“You are going to walk over to that sliding glass door,” he said, and slid his fingers almost out of Melissa and then back in. He brushed her clit with his thumb while his fingers penetrated her, lighting up her entire body with sensation. 

“You’re going to lock that door,” Brent continued, fingerfucking her dripping pussy and pulling her body back against him as he pinned her against the counter.

“And then,” Brent went on, shoving his fingers in and out of Melissa until she moaned Brent’s name aloud and begged him to make her cum, “you’re going to be my dirty little whore.”

“Fuck,” Melissa whispered. She leaned into Brent’s touch and ground her hips.

“Is that what you want?” Brent asked. “Do you want me to make you my dirty little whore?” 

“Yes,” Melissa gasped. She was so ready. And that was precisely what she wanted. 

Melissa looked through the sliding glass door at John. John was taking a sip of his beer and looking out over the water, giving them a moment of privacy. 

Brent pushed his body into Melissa's from behind, pinning her to the counter and his fingers. His weight forced her to grind her clit against his palm. 

Brent suddenly withdrew his fingers. Again. And Melissa wanted to beg him to take her. Then. There. Now. She needed it. 

“Good,” Brent answered. ”Go ahead then. Lock the door.”

Melissa paused for a moment, as if to collect herself – or try to figure out whether she wanted to collect herself. When she paused, Brent pulled up her skirt, and his palm crashed on her bare buttock in a way that made a loud smack and sent a spike of heat through Melissa’s body. 

Brent pressed his lips to her ear again. “Go on. Get moving, my slut.”

Stirred by Brent’s prodding, Melissa walked on weak legs over to the door. She reached for it, grabbed the lever with her fingers, and flipped it to the locked position. 

Hearing the sound, John turned his head, met Melissa's eyes, and looked quizzically for a moment as he quickly processed what was happening. 

Melissa's eyes locked with John's and expressed a million things, none of which can be precisely articulated. 

Some of it was, “I love you.” Some of it was, “I’m sorry.” Not that she needed to be sorry or that John would want her to be sorry or that there was any problem at all, but it just felt natural to want to apologize for locking him out when was about to happen was, indeed, about to happen. 

And some of it was just a mix of  heat, need, angst, power, weakness and more.  

Brent called from across the room, “Don't move.” 

Melissa froze. 

“Now slowly turn around," Brent said. 

As Melissa turned, Brent came around the island and leaned back against it. 

“You are going to take your clothes off right there,” Brent said, looking intently at her.

Melissa was slightly startled. Not necessarily surprised and definitely aroused, but startled. 

“Turn back around,” Brent ordered “and peel off that skirt.” 

“Fuck.” Melissa thought to herself as she turned to comply.

She watched John as her hands unfastened the skirt. Her thumbs hooked at the waist and peeled it off her hips, slowly baring her ass to Brent's gaze. 

In John's eyes, she saw a mix of angst and arousal. But what showed through the most was love and encouragement. In John’s gaze, she could feel how hot she was to him, and how powerfully he loved her. For a moment, just that feeling washed over her, and it was so liberating. His love empowered her.

Whatever cocktail of feelings and emotions she was experiencing, John’s look told her it was all okay. She could let go. She could be free. She could soak up every bit of this experience. 

As these thoughts filled her mind, Brett’s voice jarred her back to the moment.

“Thong off,” he commanded, “and spread your legs.” And Melissa slowly peeled off the thong and stepped her feet wider than shoulder width apart. She leaned against the glass door, baring herself further to Brent’s eyes in a most raw and intimate way.

“Peel off that top and bra, too,” Brent continued..”I want my little fucktoy completely bare for me.” 

Melissa did so. 

And there she was. Standing naked at the door. John outside, Brent leaning against the island. Predatory. Hungry. Commanding. Powerful. And hot. 

“How do you feel?" Brent asked.

“I'm not sure,” Melissa replied, growing impatient with the talk. 

“Are you wet?” Brent asked. 

“You know I am,” Melissa answered. 

“Touch yourself.” Brent ordered. 

Melissa wasn't one to touch herself with her fingers, usually. But this was another thing entirely. She paused.

Touch yourself.” Brent repeated. 

Melissa slipped a finger between her legs, stroked her clit, and placed one hand on the sliding glass door. She parted her knees and then squeezed her legs together as she moved her fingers against her pussy. 

“Is that pretty little pussy wet for me?” Brent asked.

“Yes,” Melissa hissed.

“Stroke it,” Brent said. “Finger that pretty little pussy.”

 Melissa didn't stop. Two fingers crawled inside and she started finger fucking herself. She glanced at John, closed her eyes, turned her head around to look at Brent, and bit her lip. This was hot, she had to admit. But God, she wanted more.

Melissa maintained eye contact with Brent as his fingers moved to his waist. He unfastened his jeans, and, moments later, pulled out his big cock. 

Melissa gasped again. 

Brent was almost fully hard already. His cock was very large. And mouthwatering. His fingers wrapped around his big cock and he asked, “Is this what you want? Is this what that pretty little pussy wants?”

“Yes!” Melissa almost answered immediately.

“Get on your knees,” Brent said. 

Melissa quickly did so. Whatever would get her closer to that cock. To that man. She realized that her ass and feet were pointed toward John. Her little tits hung down, her hair around her shoulders. For some reason, thinking about her hair around her shoulders made her briefly think of her favorite fuck friend, Nick, and if he’d like seeing her like this. Of course he would. 

That thought quickly vanished as she looked and saw Brent’s cock looming before her. She was so wet for him.  

“Come on, then” Brent said. 

Melissa started crawling toward Brent. She did feel like such a slut. On her knees. Naked for this man. Crawling toward him, while the love of her life peered on from outside, locked out. 

It didn't take long before Melissa was kneeling before Brent. She looked up at his strong body, his rigid cock dangling over her face. She’d seen this angle before. It made her weak. She craved. She’d longed to be in this position since the first time she saw him like this. 

“Are you going to suck it like a good girl?” Brent asked. 

Melissa nodded as she pressed a palm against Brent's thigh and her other hand reached for his shaft. 

“Go on, then” Brent said, as his hand reached to the back of her head, pulled her mouth over the head of his cock, then slid his dick along her tongue until he reached the back of her throat and held her there. 

Melissa gasped and struggled, surprised by the immediacy. She tried to keep her lips wrapped tight to the base of Brent's cock. 

The pressure from his hand relented and she slurped her way back up the shaft until her tongue licked the head of his cock. 

Melissa looked up into Brent's eyes as her lips and tongue circled and licked, lapped and sucked, at the head of his dick. And then he pressed deep back inside her mouth, taking her breath away. Once again, he held her there and she struggled to maintain the position, gasping for breath as her lips suctioned tight around his shaft. 

As Brent relented again, Melissa’s mouth slid back on his cock, lips wrapped tight, squeezing and stroking him with her mouth. Brent repeated the motion, thrusting into her mouth. His cock hit the back of her throat, taking her breath away and making her start to gag. His hand in her hair, Brent pulled her mouth back up his cock, and pushed her down to  lick down his shaft and slide her tongue all over his heavy balls. 

As her lips sucked, one at a time, at his balls, her tongue lapped against his scrotum. Her fingers wrapped around his shaft stroking from the head to the base. She realized her fingers could barely encircle him. 

“That's a good little whore,” Brent spat through clenched teeth. “Suck those fucking balls. Slide your dirty little tongue all over them. You want to please that cock, don't you?” 

Melissa just looked up at him and nodded, unable to speak. With one hand on the back of Melissa's head, Brent lifted his balls with the other and rubbed them over her nose. Her tongue slid back behind his balls and licked towards his asshole. 

Brent held her there firmly, his dick rubbing against her face. A mixture of saliva and precum made her face messy. Melissa felt so fucking dirty. So fucking good. So fucking needy. This strong, hot man was making her his whore. Just like she needed.

As Melissa was about to rim Brent with her tongue and greedily and wantonly lap at his asshole, Brent grabbed a fistful of her hair, yanked her head back, and thrust to the back of her throat again. Holding her head with one hand, Brent reached over with the other and smacked her ass sharply, lighting up her world. She felt the burn as Brent left a stinging red handprint on her flesh. 

Brent's cock twitched in Melissa’s throat when she yelped at the impact of his strong hand crashing against her flesh. 

Brent then unleashed a series of clapping smacks on Melissa's exposed, bare ass, giving her a thorough spanking. With each impact and groan, his cock lodged deeper in her throat, coaxing a stream of saliva that dripped from Melissa’s mouth to her chin and dangled to her tits. 

Melissa realized that she was putty in Brent's hands, his willing and obedient fucktoy, and John could only watch and listen. 

Brent pulled his cock out of Melissa’s mouth. A thick thread of saliva and mucus dangled between the head of his dick and her mouth, leaving her mouth connected to his cock. And appropriately so. For now, she was a slave to that cock.

“Hold still,” Brent commanded. He strode over to the bedroom doorway, leaned over, unzipped his bag, reached in, and stood back up. When he turned around, Melissa could see that he held a collar and leash.

Fuck! This was … a lot. But it wasn’t too much.

Brent strode back over to Melissa and told her to look up at him as he leaned down, secured the collar around her neck, and fastened it. 


That made her instantly wetter. 

Brent clipped the leash to the collar, and leaned back to look at Melissa, on her knees, collared and leashed.

“Oh yeah,” Brent said. “You are going to be a perfect little whore.”

He yanked with the leash, pulling her mouth to his cock, and thrust several times. He fucked her mouth rapidly, making her gag and glug, leaving spittle dripping down her chin and over her chest. 

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Just as suddenly as he had started fucking Melissa’s face, Brent stopped. He took the leash in hand, and led her, crawling, to the glass door. 

“Up,” he said, as he pulled her up, and Melissa stood. 

Brent took Melissa’s hands, and placed them against the door over her head. 

“You want me to fuck that little pussy?” Brent asked. “While John watches? Do you want him to see my cock driving into you? Stretching you? Filling you?”

“Yes,” Melissa answered. “Please.” She was both desperate for his cock and so turned on by his power over her. 

Brent grabbed an end table from beside the couch, pulled it next to Melissa, and raised her foot up on it, spreading her open. Through her near delirious need, Melissa also realized this would give John a very clear view of Brent’s cock penetrating and stretching her needy cunt. 

As Melissa had this realization, that is exactly what Brent did. He grabbed her hips, angled her how he wanted her, guided his cock to her pussy, and thrust.

The world melted away as Brent gripped her hips and thrust, firing his cock all the way into her at once. 

“Oh God!” Melissa groaned as Brent kept thrusting.

“Brent!” Melissa shouted as Brent’s hips fired.

“Like that! Just like that!” Melissa shouted. “Please, Brent!”

Melissa started to shatter around Brent as he pinned her to the door and fired his cock repeatedly inside her. She leaned harder against the door. 

She glanced toward John but barely saw him as she came all over Brent’s dick, covering him in her juices.

But Brent didn’t slow down. He didn’t even pause. He just kept fucking her, deeper and harder and suddenly she was cumming again. As she came, her pussy convulsed around Brent’s dick. He thrust deep and held still, pinning her to the glass as her cunt gripped and contracted. Her legs felt rubbery and weak.

“You like that?” Brent asked.

“Oh my God!” Melissa answered. “My legs won’t stop shaking.”

“I’m not even close to done with you,” Brent answered.

That made Melissa’s cunt squeeze him one more time before he pulled back and out of her, his thick meat glistening with her juices and dangling in the air. 

“Get back down on your knees,” Brent commanded.

Melissa was surprised at how quickly she did so.  

Brent strode back over to the doorway and reached into his bag again, as Melissa knelt, collar around her neck, leash dangling to the floor, her ass facing the sliding glass door, and her thighs wet and sticky.

Brent stood back up, and turned around with a plug in one hand, a green jewel on the nub. In the other hand, he held a small bottle of lube.

“I didn’t want to get this out,” Brent said, “until I was sure you wanted to be my whore.”

“If I’m right,” he continued, “I want you to wear this jewel whenever you are being my whore. Unless, of course, I am fucking that little ass.”

Melissa startled slightly at that. Not that she didn’t love the thought. She did. But it scared her a little. Brent was big. Very big. 

Brent walked back over to Melissa, leaned over her, and rubbed the plug over and between her swollen, glistening pussy lips. He then rose back up, opened the lube, and squeezed a few drops over the plug. 

“Do you want to wear this in your ass for me?” Brent asked.

“Yes,” Melissa answered. “I do.”

“Turn around again,” Brent commanded. “Look at him while I plug my little whore.”

Melissa obeyed, turning on her knees, facing out at John. She spread her knees, quite well aware that Brent had a plain view of her asshole and her swollen cunt. So raw.

An instant later, Melissa felt Brent’s hand crash upon her ass again. The ripple flowed from her now burning flesh across her entire body. Her gasping yelp seemed only to fuel him further. She could almost feel his cock bob in response.Brent continued with a thorough spanking, and Melissa placed a hand on the glass door to brace herself. With each impact, Melissa’s ass grew redder, Brent’s cock swelled further, and Melissa’s cunt got warmer and slicker.By the time Brent stopped, strands of glistening wetness clung to her thighs and pooled on the floor beneath her.Melissa could hear the grin in Brent’s voice as he leaned over, and whispered in her ear, “You dirty little slut. You love this.”

It was true. She did. 

Brent pressed the plug to her asshole and shoved it in. Melissa braced her hand on the door again as she gasped.

Brent dropped to one knee behind Melissa, shoved her knees apart, and pressed her down until her tits were against the floor, her ass raised.

“God damn,” Brent said. “You make me fucking feral.

He rubbed her cunt with his palm and said, “I am going to fuck this pussy so hard.”

He felt her body respond.

“Yes,” he said. “You like that. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” Melissa answered.

“I’m about to own this little cunt, Melissa,” he continued. 

Brent felt her respond again. Melissa’s body betrayed just how bad she wanted – needed – what he was going to do to her.

“Yes,” he continued. “Your pussy is telling me that’s exactly what you want. Isn’t it?”

When Melissa didn’t answer right away, he grabbed a fistful of her hair, and yanked her head up.

“Isn’t that? What. You. Want?”

“Yes,” Melissa answered.

“Yes, what?” Brent replied, turning Melissa’s head so she could see his face.

The intense fire burning in his eyes sent a sheer tingle of arousal pooling between Melissa’s legs. And Brent saw iit. His hand clapped against her pussy, sending drops of her own wetness splattering across her thighs. Melissa’s moan echoed through the room. 

"Beg me." His voice was low and raspy with need. "Beg me to use you like a slutty little fucktoy and own your cunt."

Melissa met Brent’s eyes, and he could see her aching desire rising to a desperate need. She felt a yearning that could be satisfied only by him making her the bitch to his beast. 

“Please,” she whispered.

“Louder,” Brent commanded, smacking her cunt again, and she got even warmer and wetter.

Please,’ Melissa moaned.

“Louder!” Brent commanded, grabbing her hair again and pushing her face against the glass.

“Please! Take me! Fuck me! Use me!”

Brent growled. He leaned over her, yanked the drapes closed, grabbed Melissa’s hips, and thrust his huge cock all the way into her.

“Oh god!” Melissa moaned. He’d closed the drapes. Fortunately, John could hear every bit of what was going on. The glass surely wasn’t going to muffle the sounds Brent coaxed from her.

His strong hands gripped her tighter and he thrust his cock into her repeatedly. 

“Oh! Fuck!” Meliss moaned.” Oh god! Oh god please! Please don’t stop!”

Brent shoved her down harder and drove into her until her head was against the drapes and the glass.He drew his cock all the way back and thundered into her with a powerful thud. Her buttocks rippled with each driving smack of his hips.

“Oh please please please please! Harder! Harder! Just like that!”

Brent spanked her. Spanked her again. Grabbed her hair. Shoved her head to the glass. The drapes parted, and Melissa could see John. John couldn't see what was happening, but only the expressions on Melissa’s face as Brent pounded her relentlessly.

“Oh! My! God! Brent! Take me! Use me! Please! Ohhhhhhh! I’m cumming so HARD! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!”

Melissa could feel her eyes rolling back in her head and her legs starting to shake when Brent crashed into her so hard she felt like she was going to disintegrate. 

Melissa felt Brent tense and she started to cum again. Her cunt gripped and contracted around Brent’s cock as his balls tightened. 

“Oh my god! Brent! Yes! Cum in me!”

Brent felt Melissa’s walls clamp down on his shaft, clenching rhythmically as he pounded her, leaving her juices dripping all over his cock.

He thrust one more time and, balls deep, his dick pulsed inside her, splattering her with repeated bursts of thick semen.

As Melissa’s body trembled, Brent pulled back and drove forward again, using Melissa’s cunt to jerk himself off inside her, and leaving a pool of his fluid buried deep in her core. 

Brent reached and spread the drapes back open as he pulled his hips back and let his swollen dick slip out of Melissa’s messy cunt. A tendril of fluid – a mixture of Melissa’s juices and Brent’s sperm – dripped a line down her inner thigh as she leaned against the sliding door. Her body trembled and her legs shook after Brent’s cock withdrew. 

Melissa glanced up at John, her face and body flushed.  John’s face showed a mixture of emotions, but love shone through most.  He stood, moved to the door, placed his hand on the other side of the glass from Melissa’s, and mouthed, “I love you.”’

Just as Melissa mouthed, “I love you back,” Brent wrapped his hand in the leash dangling down Melissa’s body. He turned toward the bedroom, tugging the leash, and Melissa stumbled for just a moment before following his lead.

When Brent reached the bedroom, he entered, turned, and sat down on the end of the bed. He tugged at the leash, to bring Melissa to her knees in front of him. “Look at the mess you made,” he said, gesturing at his semi-hard cock and thighs, covered in a mix of his semen and Melissa’s juices. 

“I told you before,” Brent said, as he tugged at the leash, “a good slut cleans up her messes.”

Melissa bent low, looked up in Brent’s eyes, curled her tongue beneath his balls, and dipped the tip of her tongue into the dripping mix of his sperm and her juices. 

Brent’s eyes widened at Melissa starting at the messiest spot.

“Such a dirty little whore,” he said. “Keep going.”

Melissa’s tongue slowly worked its way up Brent’s cock, her eyes locked on his the entire time, as she licked a clean line up his dick and then surrounded his crown with her lips. He was already growing rigid again as Melissa wrapped her lips tight and squeezed her mouth down over Brent’s thick cock.

Brent closed his eyes, tossed his head back, and groaned. His fingers tightened on the leash and he pulled Melissa’s mouth all the way down over his cock until her lips were at his abdomen. She gagged as he reached the back of her throat.

He circled the leash around his fast and started tugging Melissa’s head back and forth, feeding her his now fully rigid cock. The mess of their sex coated Melissa’s face. She couldn’t have felt like more of a whore. She didn’t even know if John could see into the bedroom, and right now she had no chance to look.

Melissa hoped John could see Brent making her his dirty little bitch.

“That’s it,” Brent spat through clenched teeth.

His hips rose from the bed, he dropped the leash, and his hands reached the back of Melissa’s head. 

“That’s it,” Brent repeated, thrusting to the back of her throat again and again. “You dirty.” Thrust. “Fucking.” Thrust. “Whore.” 

As Brent’s words punctuated the air, his balls slapped her chin, his cock filled her throat, and she gagged and retched. She pulled back and a frothy mix of saliva and cum dangled from Brent’s cock, Melissa’s mouth and chin, and down the front of her chest. 

Brent stood, kept fucking her mouth, and spanked her, furiously. Melissa tried to form her mouth into a cunt for Brent to fuck, because all she could do was take what he was dishing out. She was at his disposal, and he was using her. 

“Fuck!” Brent shouted, and he buried himself into her throat until Melissa thought he was about to erupt. Just then, he yanked his cock out of her mouth.

Brent abruptly jerked Melissa to her feet, pushed her forward on the bed, climbed upon the bed, and lifted and drug her forward until her head was against the headboard.

Brent climbed off the bed, reached for the bag, returned, pulled the plug out of her ass, and Melissa felt the cool sensation of lube dripping onto her asshole. Brent put his hands on Melissa’s buttocks and spread them apart. She couldn't have felt dirtier. 

“Oh, I am going to fuck this pretty little asshole,” Brent said. “So good.”

“Do it,” Melissa answered. 

“Please?” she added.

Brent leaned over, grabbed the bag, and said, “One more thing.”

Melissa couldn’t see what he was doing, so she waited, eagerly. The next thing she knew, she felt her pink vibrator being shoved into her cunt, and her body shivered in response. A moment later, she felt the weight of Brent’s cock pressing against her lubed asshole. He worked the vibrator in her cunt to make her shake until she eased back against his cock, and the head of his dick stretched her asshole open.

“More?” Brent asked.

“Please,” Melissa replied.

Slowly, Brent shifted his weight and eased forward. Slower still, his cock began to stretch and fill her ass. To describe the sensation as overwhelming would be an understatement, especially combined with the vibrator filling her pussy and buzzing against her clit. She felt so intensely and increasingly full, and her body shivered and shuddered.

“Good girl,” Brent praised, his fingers pushing Melissa’s hair aside and stroking her cheek. The tender praise and touch in contrast with the raw power was powerful. Melissa felt herself begin to relax and accommodate him.

“That asshole,” Brent continued, softly, shifting his hips to penetrate further, “feels so good on my dick.”

Brent took his time, purposefully and deliberately, stretching Melissa’s asshole around his cock.

As he reached full depth, Brent leaned over Melissa and held still, letting the vibrator in Melissa’s pussy guide the sensations.

“You like my cock in your ass?” Brent asked.

Melissa nodded, and then answered. “I do,” she purred.

Brent started to move his dick, slowly at first. He pulled back a little bit, and then a little bit more, until he slowly sunk forward and his cock was gradually making full strokes in and out of Melissa’s asshole. The sensations were so intense Melissa wondered if she would pass out.

One more time, Brent pulled back slowly, and then he drove forward, pinning Melissa down, and shoving a shout from her lungs. Melissa felt herself struggle, and then relax. 

“That’s it,” Brent said. “Relax. I am going to take this pretty little asshole.”

Melissa slowly exhaled, and regulated her breathing.

“Is that what you want?” Brent asked. “Do you want me to take it? Make you my little anal whore?”

“Yes, Brent,” Melissa answered. “Make it yours.”

Brent pulled his cock all the way back and thrust all the way in.

“Oh God,” Melissa moaned.

Brent thrusted again, faster. And then again, faster yet. Suddenly he was driving into her, fucking her asshole, filling her up, stretching her, taking her, owning her, pounding her,  pinning her against the headboard. His hand reached for her collar, yanking and choking her as his cock buried itself to the hill in her ass. That drove her cunt to the bed, where the vibrator pulsed, overwhelming her with so many sensations all at once. 

Using the collar to grip her, Brent shoved Melissa's, face down into the bed and yanked back, using that as leveraged to fuck her asshole harder and deeper – pounding her, obliterating her, destroying her. 

“Brent!” Melissa shouted. “Brent! Brent! Brent! Please! Please, Brent. Please! Harder! Take me! Use me! Fuck my ass! Fuck my ass, Brent! Harder!”

And Brent obliged.

Brent reared back, yanked the collar, and savagely pounded.

After several deep thrusts, Brent pulled back, panting. 

“Put your hands on the headboard,” he ordered, and Melissa did.

“Press back,” he continued. “Fuck my cock. Fuck it, my cock slut. I’m going to hold my dick still and I want you to fuck it.”

Melissa did. She shoved back around Brent’s cock, the sensations curling her toes and bending her mind.

“Harder!” Brent commanded, and Melissa pressed her hands and launched herself backward.

Brent’s hand crashed upon her ass, leaving a mark, as he commanded, “Harder!”

And so commenced a series of motions. Melissa pressed back, Brent spanked her harder, and harder again, as she pushed and launched. Each collection of impacts – the thrusts, penetrations, and spanks, made Melissa’s entire world rock and ripple.

“That’s it,” Brent praised, even as he spanked her harder. 

Melissa was on fire.

“That’s it!” he shouted.

Melissa bucked and launched and shuddered and rolled and felt her whole world coming apart. She was entirely overwhelmed – audibly, physically, visually, her eyes rolling back. At this moment, she was nothing but Brent’s whore.

As if on cue, Brent shouted, “You dirty little fucking whore! That’s it!”

Brent unleashed his hips to meet Melissa as she drove backward. The impact was all too much. Her cunt gushed. Her whole world spiraled.

“Milk my cock!” Brent shouted.”Make me cum!”

Melissa gathered herself to shove backward, but then Brent pinned her down, rose up over her, and jackhammered his hips to pound her asshole.

“Yes!” Melissa screamed. “Cum in my ass, Brent! Cum in my ass!”

And with that, Brent let a final, savage barrage. He fucked her right up to the headboard until her body was bowed and pinned between Brent and the headbard. He kept fucking harder until she was crawling up and clawing at the wall. Finally, Brent’s cock fired forward, Melissa’s body lurched upward, Brent tossed his head back, and roared.

“”Whose asshole is this?” he shouted.

“Yours!” Melissa answered immediately. “Yours, Brent!”

Brent’s body shuddered, His cock twitched and pulsed as he pulled back and shoved forward, thrusting so deep that he nearly lifted Melissa off the bed, her body dangling from him.

Brent roared as he erupted deep inside Melissa, filling her ass with repeated, pulsing bursts of thick semen.

Brent slipped his dick slowly out of Melissa’s ass. Her legs shivered and twitched for several seconds as Brent’s sperm dripped and oozed out of her, making a mess of her thighs

For a minute or two, they both lay there, chests heaving, Brent’s arm draped over Melissa’s prone, naked body.

“That,” Brent said, pressing his lips up close to Melissa’s ear, “was incredible. I’m at a loss for words. I had high hopes for you. But you completely blew them away.”

Melissa turned her head. “Thanks,” she said. “You weren’t so bad yourself.” Melissa’s face formed into one of her patented smirks.

“So should we let John in?” Brent asked.

“I’d like that,” Melissa answered.

Brent stood, his strong body looming and cock dangling. He turned toward Melissa and cocked his head.

“You know what?” he said, looking down at his cock and then back at Melissa. “I don’t think I’m done with you yet.”

Melissa was startled. “More?” she thought.

“Crawl off the bed,” Brent said. “On your knees.”

“Over here,” he continued, grabbing his back and walking toward the bathroom.

As Melissa crawled, she was very well aware of Brent’s sperm dripping down her leg. And at some point during or after the ravenous fucking in the bedroom, she was able to glance up and verify that John could see into the bedroom.

“It must be making him crazy to keep waiting,” Melissa thought. “ I hope it’s a good crazy.”

“Kneel here,” Brent said, at the edge of a closet. 

Melissa did. She was being so obedient. And deep down, she liked it. This was hot. 

Brent pulled some cuffs out of a bag, with ribbon between them. He extended the ribbon over the coat rod in the closet, and attached the cuffs to each of Melissa’s wrists, extending her arms over her head.

“I never gave you a chance to finish cleaning up your mess,” Brent said. “Now you can clean up our mess.”

Brent grabbed the back of Melissa’s head, dangled his dick along her face, and angled it to her mouth. Melissa’s lips opened for Brent’s half-hard cock, and she formed her lips into a circle and squeezed her mouth along him.

“You dirty fucking slut,” Brent said. “I love it. You didn’t even hesitate.”

Melissa was surprised at how quickly Brent’s dick was thickening again.

“You dirty girl,” he continued, holding the back of her head and continuing to slide his dick along her tongue.

Brent leaned over her and clapped Melissa’s ass, and damned if she didn’t feel herself getting wet again.

“That’s it,” Brent said, one hand on the back of Melissa’s head, and the other swatting her buttocks. “Eat your ass off my cock.”

As he said it, two fingers curled into her pussy, and Melissa moaned on Brent’s dick. For a moment, she was surprised she wanted more. But of course she did.

As Brent swatted Melissa’s ass and she moaned in response, Brent’s cock had grown rigid again. 

“God damn, what you do to me,” Brent said. “Fuck.”

Brent pushed her back against the side of the closet so that her hands were over her head, which was pinned back against the closet doorway.

“You love it, too,” he observed.

Melissa did. She was squirming. She wanted more. But she couldn’t do anything but absorb what Brent was delivering. He leaned against the wall, and thrust his cock into the back of Melissa’s throat. She gagged immediately.

Brent pulled back and thrust again.

“You fucking love it,” he panted.

“You love being used. Being my dirty little fucktoy.”

As he said the words, he fucked her mouth deeper. He fucked her throat.

She gagged. She gasped for breath. She slobbered. And she yearned for more.

“Little fucking whore,” he said. “You need it.”

Brent moved his leg between Melissa’s. Rub that dirty little cunt on my leg while you eat my cock.

Melissa couldn’t help it. She needed the stimulation. She rubbed her pussy against Brent’s leg.

Brent fucked her throat deeper. Harder. Relentlessly. All she could do was form her mouth and throat into a vessel for him to use.

“Fuck it harder, whore,” Brent said, pressing his leg against her. Melissa rocked and moaned and ground herself against his leg.

“Dirty,” thrust, “little” thrust, “fucktoy,” thrust, “bitch!”

Brent braced his arms, pulled his hips back, and pounded Melissa’s mouth and throat as she gasped and moaned and gagged and retched and slobbered and humped.

Brent roared. He thrust. He fired. He fucked. 

“You’re going to be such a pretty little whore with my cum all over your face,” Brent spat through clenched teeth.

Melissa nearly came as she slid along Brent’s leg.

Brent thrust his cock several more times. He lunged and plugged so deep Melissa couldn’t breathe.

“That’s!” Brent thrusted again. “My!” He thrust again. “Whore!”

“Squeeze those lips tight!”

Brent squeezed his cock into Melissa’s mouth and began to twitch. 

Just as the sperm was ready to leap from his cock, he pulled back, stroked his fist to the base of his shaft, and covered Melissa’s face with repeated spurting ropes of thick, white semen.

Melissa’s whole body was on fire as Brent pulled his leg back, and she could no longer grind.

Now,” Brent said, “I’ll let John in and show him what a dirty little fucktoy you’ve been for me.”

Brent leaned into the bathroom, pulled a towel from the wall, wrapped it around his waist, and strode to the balcony to unlock the sliding glass door.

Written by socraticmethods
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