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A Cuckold By Any Other Name - Part III

"The truth surrounding Kate's cuckolding of her husband John is revealed as the story concludes."

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John sat on the edge of the bed watching as Kate put the final touches to her lip makeup. Her favourite lipstick shade was dusky pink and he looked on as she puckered up her lips one final time. He knew that she never allowed him to kiss her just after putting her lipstick on, but he still got up to hold her in his arms. She turned her cheek to allow him to kiss at least one part of her face.

Her perfume was intoxicating and as always, she was immaculately and seductively dressed. He dropped his hands to her sides and held her momentarily. He could feel the straps of her suspenders. “You . . . you don’t mind me going round to Frank’s, do you?” she asked him. “He really needs a hand to sort out Elle’s belongings. She’s been dead almost a year now and he’s hardly touched any of her things. He needs to sort it all out and get rid of it. He can never move on with all that stuff lying around.”

John shook his head.

She hugged him. “It’s very good of you letting me help him out,” she told him. “Very few husbands would be as understanding as you. I really do love you.”

He ran his hands up and down her thighs momentarily. Kate reached for his groin. “I’ll have something very special for you when I return,” she told him.

John groaned under her gentle squeezing.

“Anything particularly that you would like me bring home for you?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye.

He knew that twinkle. He also knew how suggestive she sounded.

“You only have to ask,” she told him. “I would never deny you anything you desired.”

John shook his head. She was already leaving him with a hard on and suggestions of better things to come. “How . . . how long will you be?” he asked her.

She fondled him gently once more. “I think I should stay until Frank’s . . . well . . . finished with me,” she replied. “Helping him out of course.”

“S . . . stay as long as it takes.”

A hug with a smile, followed by a gentle squeeze of his hardness and she was gone. John watched as Kate got into her car and drive away. He shook his head as the thought that he was being cuckolded entered his mind. It was almost as if he was trying to shake the thought away as the battle raged within.

One part of him told him that he was imagining it all. Kate was just teasing him. She was a good wife. She would never do anything to hurt him. She was a faithful wife and anyway what did Frank have to offer her? He had a better job than Frank; more money and more prospects, why would she bother with him. He was also ten years younger. Frank was over forty so what would a woman of thirty be doing with a man of that age. If Frank were younger, he could understand the sexual attraction, but he wasn’t. Frank was past it now.

The battle raged within. Frank though was probably more sexually experienced than him. Perhaps he had a bigger one than him as well. Perhaps he was able to give Kate more than he could. Perhaps he satisfied her in bed. And anyway, why was she going to help him out dressed like she was. He could understand her helping a friend clear another woman’s belongings out but why would she be doing dressed in sexy lingerie; a see-through bra and panty set with stockings and suspenders? Kate was dressed for sex not clearing out wardrobes.

Once again, he shook his head; shaking out those thoughts of being cuckolded.

He looked at his watch; she would probably be there now. She would probably be ringing his front doorbell that very moment. Was it to clean or was it to fuck? He shook his head again. This time last week he had been helping her buy some new underwear. Today she was wearing some of it. His head shook again as he went into the lounge and switched on the television sports channel. It was a choice between golf and rugby. He chose the latter. The pain of the former and last week’s tournament was still fresh in his mind.

A couple of hours later he heard Kate’s car in the driveway, and he leapt out of his seat to open the door and greet her. She was opening the boot of her car and she called out to him. “Frank gave me a pile of Elle’s books,” she told him. “Looks like she enjoyed a raunchy read or two.”

John picked up the box of paperbacks and carried them in for her. Though he liked reading erotic fiction himself he was more interested in Kate as he put the box on the hallway table and turned to kiss her. Her lipstick looked fresh, and those thoughts told him that she had probably recently been sat at Frank’s dressing table and reapplying her make-up after being in his bed.

“D . . . did you get sorted?” he asked her.

“Just about,” she told him. “We bagged up piles of clothes for the Charity shops and put some other things at the bottom of the garden for burning. There is some jewellery too. He offered me some, but I couldn’t take it. I told him to take it all to a local jeweller and sell it.”

John looked at her. Kate sounded so plausible; so honest.

“So, what have you been up to then?” she asked him as she kissed him and touched his groin.

“Nothing really exciting,” he replied as something in the box caught his eye. He reached inside and pulled out one of the books. “How To Be The Perfect Cuckold” he said slowly.

Kate reached for it. “Sounds interesting,” she said.

“Why would Elle be reading that?”

Kate smiled. “It must be Frank’s. Elle cuckolded him,” she told him.

Elle cuckolded Frank?”

Kate nodded. “Oh yes,” she said. “Frank was cuckolded for years.”

Bloody hell,” John shouted. “I . . . I had no idea. How did you find out?”

“She told me ages ago,” she confessed. “She had a string of lovers over the years. Mostly Black guys though. She loved black cock”

John gasped.

“Sorry,” she told him with a giggle. “I thought Frank might have told you.”

John shook his head. “Never even a hint of it,” he replied. “Mind you, what bloke goes round telling his mates that his wife is fucking other guys, and Black guys at that?”

Kate smiled and reached for his groin again. “Blokes that get lots of enjoyment out of it and want to convert others.” she told him. “Anyway, what’s wrong with Black guys? All that testosterone running rampant through their veins; not to mention their big, thick cocks. Just the thought of it can wet a girl’s knickers.”

John stood opened mouthed as she gazed into his eyes. “And here was me . . .” he started to say. “Here was me thinking that Frank  . . .”

“Thinking that Frank was what?”

John shook his head.

“Cuckolding you?” she asked.

John nodded.

Kate laughed as she shook her head. “Frank . . . Frank couldn’t cuckold to save his life,” Kate said. “He hasn’t got the equipment for starters and he’s a prem-jacker.”


“Premature ejaculator,” Kate informed him. “He can cum at the sight of a stocking top.”

“How . . . how do you know all this?”

“Elle told me.”

For a moment they stood in their embrace looking into each other’s eyes.

“You thought that Frank has been cuckolding you, didn’t you?” Kate said breaking the silence.

John nodded.

“Silly boy,” she told him. “Frank isn’t cuckolding you?”

There was silence between them for a few a few moments; an expectant silence.

“Am . . . am I being cuckolded?” John asked finally.

Kate looked at him for a moment. “What would you do if you were being cuckolded?” she asked him.

John opened his mouth to speak but couldn’t find the words to say. What would he do? Would he leave her? Would he break down in tears? Would he plead with her to stop?

Kate kissed him and wrapped her whole hand around his bulge. “Let’s go upstairs and discuss this,” she suggested.

John was like a lamb to the slaughter once more; following her up the stairs to their bedroom with his eyes fixed on the movements of her bottom. He reached out with his hand near the top of the stairs and slipped it right under her skirt and between her thighs. His fingers found her crotch momentarily. The material of her panties was wet; not just wet but also sticky. Kate had been fucked that afternoon.

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In the bedroom she turned and put her arms around his neck and kissed him before starting to undress him. “Frank’s not cuckolding you,” she told him once again. “Frank likes to . . .  Frank likes to facilitate.”

“Facilitate?” John asked as she reached for his belt buckle.

Kate remained silent as she knelt and removed his trousers and boxers. John’s cock twitched as she took it her hand and gently stroked him.

“Yes,” she said before kissing the tip of his cock. “Sometimes a woman likes to be stripped for her lover.”


Kate kissed his cock again. “Yes, stripped,” she told him. “Stripped naked by her cuckold while her lover looks on.”

John groaned as her lips enclosed his cock.

“And Frank . . .”

“Yes,” she answered. “Frank likes to strip his Cuckoldress.”

John swallowed hard.

“Then he likes to prepare her.”


“Yes, darling. Prepare.” she replied. “Make sure that her sex is nice and wet for her lover’s cock.”

John gasped.

“And Frank . . .”

“Yes,” she answered. “Frank likes to make sure that his Cuckoldress is nice and wet while her lover looks on.”

His breath was getting heavier now as she continued to kiss and stroke his cock.

“W . . . what exactly does he do?”

Kate looked up and caught his gaze. She emphasised the use of a tongue by licking his cock with long slow strokes.

“He . . . he uses his tongue?”

Kate smiled as she nodded, and John gasped again.

“He makes her cum?”

Kate smiled and nodded again.

“And . . . and then what?”

Kate looked up at him as she ran her thumb over the tip of his cuck that was oozing pre-cum. “He leads her to the bed where her lover lays waiting for her,” she told him.

John’s lips released a soft moan.

“And Frank . . .”

Kate nodded. “Frank likes to take her to the bed where her lover is waiting with his big throbbing cock ready to satisfy her.”

John moaned again. He was realising now that the truth was now unfolding. Kate was playing out what had been really happing with Frank.

“W . . . what else does he do?”

Kate slurped on the precum that was becoming more noticeable on his cock now.

“Her lover sometimes needs a hand to guide his cock to her opening,” she told him.

Fuck,” John exclaimed. “He actually . . . “

Kate looked up at him. “Yes darling,” she said, “Frank takes hold of her lover’s big thick cock, guides it to her pussy lips and holds it in place while her lover slowly penetrates her.”

Geeez . . . “John gasped. “Th . . . then what?”

“That all depends on his Cuckoldresses lover,” Kate told him. “Sometimes he lets him watch. Sometimes he sends him out of the room while he fucks her alone and sometimes, he may require his assistance.”


Kate sucked on more of John’s precum. “Depends,” she told him. “Sometimes he likes Frank to tongue my . . . his Cuckoldresses clitoris. Other times he might want him to suck on her nipples and he has also been known to require him to cup his testicles while he fucks me . . . his Cuckoldress hard.”

John groaned very loudly, and Kate stopped sucking his cock and stood up. “But his most important job comes afterwards,” she told him.

“Afterwards?” John asked her.

Kate smiled as she nodded.

“W . . . what job is that?”

“Undress me and I will show you.”

John hesitated for a moment and then reached for the zipper on the side of her skirt. Kate stood silently as her skirt fell to the floor. She stepped out of it and kicked off her shoes before turning her back to him. John unbuttoned her top and helped it over her head and then unhooked her bra. Kate turned around and looked him in the eye. He knew that it was to be her panties next.

He didn’t need to be told to drop to his knees. He looked up at her for a few moments as he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her panties. It was almost as if he was reluctant to have his fears confirmed. Kate placed a hand on his head. “I think you know what the cuckold has to do next, don’t you, darling?” she told him.

John gave a silent nod and began to pull them down. He had seen her panties before when the remnants of their lovemaking had been evident, but this was not the result of his lovemaking. He pulled them down over her feet and Kate’s hand returned to the back of his head.

“This is the most important job of all,” she said softly, “and the job that all cuckolds love to do.”

John looked up at her and then looked directly in front of her. The musky scent filled his nostrils, and he could also the remnants of her lovers cum on the insides of her thighs. “Is this what Frank does?” he said as she pulled him to her.

“Yes,” she moaned as his tongue touched her sex.

It was ten minutes later when John looked up again. Kate had climaxed under the working of his tongue and her lover’s cum had all but been swallowed up by his voracious lips. Kate looked down at him and smiled. His face glistened with her juices and her lover’s cum was still very evident on his chin.

“W . . . what next?” he asked. “What does Frank do next?”

Kate touched his shoulders and motioned him to stand. She kissed him; allowing her lips to linger and taste both her and her lover’s juices. “Frank gets his reward for being should a good cuckold,” she told him.

“W . . . what reward is that?”

Kate guided him to the edge of bed and made him lie down. “Frank receives the personal thanks of his Cuckoldress,” she told him as she gripped his erection and began to move her hand up down.

John groaned

“That’s it my sweet cuckold,” she said softly, “Lie back and think of that big thick cock that was pleasuring your wife this afternoon. Think about how it filled her; how it stretched her eager pussy. Think about how she lay there screaming under her lover’s heavy pounding as she came time and time again. Think about . . . “

John screamed out loudly as his cum shot into the air and came down onto his belly.

“That’s it darling,” she whispered, “Think of all that cum that filled your wife’s pussy this afternoon.”

John’s cum continued to flow and his moans grew softer and softer until there was nothing left inside him.

“That was . . . that was fucking . . .  “he started to say.

Kate looked at him. She had never seen him so relaxed; so satisfied. “Would you like to take over from Frank?” she asked him. “Would you like to take over his duties and let me be your Cuckoldress?”

John reached for her thigh and gently squeezed. “Of course, I would, darling.”

Kate leaned over and kissed him. “Thank you,” she told him, “I am sure that you will do a much better job.”

“Who . . . who is your lover?”

Kate kissed him again. “Let’s talk about that later,” she told him. “In the meantime, let’s get cleaned up and get something to eat and then I’ll read to you.”

“Read to me?”

Kate smiled. John suddenly realised what she meant. “It . . . it looks like quite a long read,” he told her.

“It is. It’s also a very intense course of study too,” she told him. “Might take a while before you are fully . . . “

“Fully qualified?”

Kate kissed him again and reached for his groin. John was beginning to get hard again. “You’re going to be the most perfect cuckold in the land.”

John groaned as she began to stroke him and closed his eyes. Those thoughts returned again but this time there was no counter reasoning. There was just the thought of seeing Kate’s lover standing there, watching expectantly, as he unzipped her dress to reveal the near naked body that awaited his pleasure.

There were no doubts now battling and raging in his head. John was a cuckold and there was no other name that he wished to know by now.

© Angieseroticpen 2015

Written by angieseroticpen
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