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Maybe My Last Rodeo (Part Two)

"My crossdressing clock is still ticking and there's still one more thing on my 'fuckit' list."

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One thing was for sure... there was no way on God's earth, that Bob's monster cock would slide inside my tight little man-pussy. But I could give him the best blow-job he's ever had, on that, I could be sure. In my time I've been on the receiving end of many, and feel well-qualified in the art.

I blew Bob a kiss and prepared to leave the house. The car was in the driveway and I hoped there would be enough fuel for the short return journey. I grabbed one of my wife's handbags and stuffed my wallet into a side pocket. I gave my lips another coating of lip gloss and put the tube and lipstick into the bag.

There was a small pack of spearmint chewing gum at the bottom of the bag and I popped a strip into my mouth, and after a tidy-up with the hairbrush, I was good to go. I grabbed my wife's black leather coat hanging on one of the hooks by the front door and with keys in hand, I was off on my short journey across town to see my chum.

It was happening! I was surprised at Bob's eagerness to meet up. It was like this was something he'd thought about too. His ex-wife Fiona did divulge, during one of our threesomes that Bob used to fantasize about sex with Michelle, but I thought it was just the words of a woman scorned. She would say that he did attend an all-boys public school and had 'experimented' with some of his fellow pupils.

My best-kept secrets are that before I had hair on my balls, I had wanked off a school friend. On another occasion, I remember lying on another friend's bed, on my back, with my trousers and pants down to my ankles, while he lay on top. I trapped his cock between my inner thighs as he bucked until he came. I never considered myself to be gay, we were just a couple of pals, fooling around.

Tonight I was going to be fooling around with my buddy Bob. But it wasn't me. It was Michelle, the female inside me. I felt confident that I could perform as one.

The drive to Bob's house was uneventful. I'd lowered the sun visor and could see my face in the vanity mirror. Every time an oncoming vehicle approached my face lit up in the mirror.

"Looking good girl!" I afforded myself a cheeky smile.

I was only a few miles from Bob's house when I started shaking uncontrollably. It was a condition that I had often experienced when anticipating a 'sexciting' situation. It normally passed after a few minutes.

The fuel gauge displayed 'E' but I didn't want to waste precious time filling up, just in case Bob had changed his mind. "That's 'E' for enough." I passed the all-night petrol station deciding to call in on my return journey. On any other 'Michelle' night I would have pulled in, whether I needed fuel or not, just to strut my stuff across the forecourt and into the kiosk to buy anything from a bottle of water to a lady's magazine. But this wasn't just any other night.

Bob lived in a well-to-do housing estate that had sprung up on the outskirts of town. My shakes had subdued to a mild tremor as I drove up his tree-lined drive. I parked up alongside his RV and gave my hair a tidy-up with my hairbrush. I popped a fresh strip of gum into my mouth and wrapped the old gum into the silver foiled wrapper. I took one last look at my reflection to check for any lipstick smears on my teeth.

"OK, girl, Let's do this!" I took a couple of deep breaths, grabbed my handbag, and exited the car like a lady. I was aware that Bob would have heard my approach and could be watching from a window.

My well-honed walk in my heels took years of practice as I approached his front door. I rang his doorbell and waited. "Fuck! He's skedaddled!" I was about to ring the bell again when the door opened.

"Phew! I thought you'd changed your mind."

Bob looked me up and down. "Wow! Michelle! You look stunning!" was exactly what I wanted to hear. "Come in... come in." He was still in his T-shirt and boxers.

Once inside, Paul moved in close and plonked a couple of kisses on my cheeks.

"It's lovely to see you." Bob was playing his part well. He assisted me in removing my coat.

"Thank you," I spoke softly and smiled.

"Unbelievable!" It was all Bob could do to stop his jaw from hitting the floor. It was a reaction that I'd come familiar with whenever I'd revealed my feminine persona to an unsuspecting trusted friend.

"What is?" I asked innocently, before parading down his hall like it was a Milan catwalk.

I turned and returned to stand before him.

"Hahaha! You're something else!" My host placed a hand on my hip and ushered me through to the lounge.

"You bet I am."


"Just a glass of water thanks."

Bob left me standing in his lounge and made his way through to the kitchen, returning seconds later with a glass of water in one hand and an unopened tin of Stella in the other.

"Music? What would you like?" He handed me my water. I took a couple of mouthfuls before laying the glass down on a glass-topped coffee table.

"Have you anything by Sade?" It's a strange phenomenon, but I only like Sade when I'm dressed as Michelle.

"Alexa! Shuffle songs by Sade."

"Shuffling songs by Sade."

"I like a girl that does as she's told." Bob laughed.

As the intro to Smooth Operator started up I shimmied up towards Bob. "But can Alexa suck your cock?"

"Hahaha... eh no."

I approached my prey like a Columbian lap dancer, swaying my hips in time to the music. Bob was a little over six feet tall, and even in my heels, I still had to look up to catch his gaze. I raised my arms and clasped my hands behind his neck. I ground my groin against him and pulled his head down. Our foreheads touched together.

"I thought you were a... you know... a lezzy."

"So did I, up until about a year ago. That's when I began fantasizing about sucking your cock." I felt movement in Bob's nethers.

"Oh! Really!"

"Yes. Really." I nibbled on his earlobe.

I took full advantage of his close proximity and began to kiss his face.

"This is crazy! I can't believe..." Surely he wasn't experiencing pre-coital remorse.

"Of course it's crazy." I interrupted. "Look at me. What do you see?"

"Well, I see an attractive woman." We began swaying to Sade's groove.

"Smell me." I offered my neck for him to sniff. "What do you smell?"

"I smell a woman's scent."

"Listen, babe, we're two adults, just having a bit of fun. This need go no further after tonight." I was trying to be philosophical.

"Shut the fuck up!" Bob pulled me in tight and kissed me on the lips.

By kissing me on the lips, Bob had taken our petit soiree to another level of intimacy. It did take me by surprise! I was transfixed and instinctively opened my mouth to take a mouthful of his tongue.

I could taste the alcohol, as it moved around inside my mouth. I felt his stubble scratch my face, as our tongues wrestled together. I slipped my hand down and felt the large swelling that had manifested in his shorts.

Bob let out a quiet groan as I took a firm grip and squeezed his cock gently.

"Mmm," he was getting harder. It was time to get up close and personal with this bad boy. I let go of my grip and slid my hands under the elastic waistband. "Oh, my God!"

I pulled his boxers down and felt his cock spring up against my hand.

I just had to take a look. "Oh! Wow, Bob! That's emm..." I took a deep breath, "That's big!"

Bob's raging hard-on must have been ten inches long! I took a grip of his thick shaft and slowly pulled the foreskin back to reveal a huge bulbous purple head. I slowly began to jerk him off. I could hear and feel his heavy warm breath against my ear.

I remembered when Linda described Bob's cock after their first fuck... or at least the first one she admitted to. When I asked her "How big?" She held two fingers in the air, approximately eight inches apart. It suddenly occurred to me that she was trying to make me feel adequate. She gave little estimation regarding its girth.

My measly six inches were pulsing underneath my Lycra pants, craving to be let loose from their restricted confinement.

I manoeuvred Bob towards the leather Chesterfield couch and pushed him back. He fell onto his seat and removed his T-shirt. He was now naked and I could appreciate his well-toned physique. His magnificent cock stood proud in the air, and I remember thinking that it was little wonder that my wife relished their illicit meetings.

"I still can't believe how stunning you look! And those fucking legs!"

I smiled in response to his complimentary remarks and sank to my knees. This was it! I was about to taste my first cock.

I took hold of his thick shaft and slowly worked for my hand up and down its length. I lifted his cock to access his balls. Bob's grunts and groans were an indication that my mouth work was appreciated.

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When Linda sucked on my dick, she had to be careful not to punch her chin with her fist, as she jerked me off. There was little possibility of that occurring with this big fella.

I looked up from my kneeling position between his open legs, to see his face contort with pleasure. I kissed and licked his undercarriage, while my hand maintained a regular pumping stroke on his lengthy erection.

"Oh fuck babe! Yes! That's it, Ohhh! Fuck!" Bob groaned his appreciation.

Sade was three songs in when I began licking up and down his shaft and around his huge purple tip. He tasted of coconut oil. I opened my mouth wide and took the head of his cock inside my mouth. I could taste a slimy substance, as a blob of pre-cum slid over my tongue.

It took a couple of chokes before I was able to judge just how much of Bob's cock my mouth could take.

"Oh! Sorry, babe."

" Mmm... mmm," I replied to his apology.

With a mouthful of cock I moaned my pleasure. I continued to pump, lick and suck, and after five or six minutes of more feral grunting and groaning, I recognized the signs of an imminent climax.

"Shoot it, babe!" I increased my work rate on Bob's cock. "I want to taste your spunk."

Bob bucked in his seat. "I'm cumming! Oh, fuck! I'm cumming!"

I wrapped my mouth around his crimson glans in preparation to receive a mouthful of his creamy cum.

"Yeh! Yeh! That's it! Oh, fuck yeh!" Bob was having his orgasm and I was swallowing cum as fast as it spurted onto the back of my throat.

I could feel my mouth fill with the stream of thick white spunk as it dribbled onto my chin. I kept wanking him and he kept shooting his seed. I only had my own experiences to judge how much cum I'd produce in a similar situation and Bob had exceeded that amount tenfold. I reduced my wrist action to a slow pumping motion and watched his final spurts shoot into the air and dribble onto my wrist. Bob watched as I licked the detritus of his cum off my hand.

The last time I tasted cum, it was my own. (authors note: We've all done it!) Bob's cum was creamier I think, and much saltier.

"Oh wow... emm... Michelle. You're fucking good!" Bob was visibly spent and out of breath. I let go of his cock and joined him on the couch.

"Was I OK?" I looked him in the eye, to see if there were any signs of the post-climax remorse, that I suffer from after I orgasm.

"Honestly? I just couldn't stop cumming! I haven't cum like that in years!" Funny! Those were the exact words Bob's wife Fiona expressed when I licked her cunt during our first threesome. Fiona was at the time, licking my wife Linda who was crouched over her face. But that's another story.

Bob pulled my head towards his and began kissing my neck. I felt his hand on my knee, and slowly stroke his way under my dress.

That appeared to answer my post-climax concern.

I hadn't anticipated Bob's sexual appetite. I sighed heavily and groaned softly when his hand caressed the swelling under my pants. He began rubbing my man clit over my tights.

I came after only a few rubs. I emitted a high-pitched squeak into his mouth.

"Fuck! That was quick!" Bob was justifiably surprised.

"It was never going to take much Bobby. I've been so ready to explode."

I got to my feet and straightened my dress while casting an eye to detect any spunk stains. Bob stretched for a tissue from a box on the coffee table and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I wiped my chin. It suddenly occurred to me that all the time I was blowing my chum, I never once thought about my male self. And when he rubbed me off, I was lost in a euphoric moment. Until now!

As the euphoria dissipated, so reality kicked in. I had just sucked my mate's cock!

"You OK?" Bob had observed the sudden change in my mien.

"What? Eh... Yeh!" I recognized the oncoming attack of my post-coital remorse. I turned my back to avoid eye contact with Bob.

He got to his feet. "Hey! It was just a bit of fun... incredible fun." He placed his hands on my waist and whispered in my ear, "And I loved it."

This was a side of Bob I had never seen. He was always the macho guy. One of the lads. I was beginning to feel less uncomfortable.

"Thanks." I almost reverted to my man voice. I was about to say how much I'd enjoyed it too when suddenly Bob whisked me through to the hallway. "Fuck! Are you throwing me out!"

"Hahaha... shsst!" He positioned me in front of a freestanding mirror. "OK, what do you see?"

"Yeh, yeh." I recognized my motivational speech from earlier.

I could see a woman, an attractive hot woman, with a guy standing behind her, with his hands on her waist... And she had just sucked his cock!

"I want to do that again," Bob whispered in my ear.

"What! Now?" I didn't say no!

Another Sade track was playing in the background. Bob was grinding his groin against my ass.
And Michelle was 'back in the room'.

"Well no, I'm going out." That was the first I'd heard of it.

"Oh! OK, Hot date?" I was sounding like a jealous girlfriend.

Bob laughed, "No, I'm meeting Ray in the pub in half an hour. You remember Ray?"

I did remember Ray. He'd tried it on with my wife at a few of the parties thrown by Bob and Fiona, back in the day. I'm not 100% sure that she didn't succumb to Ray's advances. She told me that he wasn't her type, an easy get-out.

"Ahh yes the rampant Raymundo!"

"Fancy giving me a lift?" This entire conversation had been between our reflections in the mirror. "I'll introduce you to Ray." Bob had a mischievous glint in his penetrating blue eyes.

I turned to face him. He was still holding my waist. "A lift... I'll drop you at the door." I felt that I'd had enough excitement for one night.

"OK, thanks doll." Bob released me from his clutches and looked at his watch. "Fuck! I'd better get a move on.

Bob had already completed his ablutions earlier, leaving the bathroom free for me to freshen myself up. I dropped my tights and pants and gave my man-clit a wipe with a toilet roll. My lips required some attention and I'd lost a nail. My wig was still firmly in place surprisingly, as it had spent some time between Bob's thighs. I gave it a brush before administering a couple of fresh squirts of Coco Chanel around my neck.

Bob was waiting for me at the foot of his stairs, holding my coat. He watched as I vogued my descent.

"Someone's got their mojo back!" He laughed in appreciation of my slutty antics. "Looking good girl, looking good." In gentlemanly fashion, he helped me into my coat.

A few minutes later we were buckling up in readiness for our ten-minute journey to Bob's local.

"So... was it a one-off, or..." He began the conversation before I'd released the clutch.

"I'd be up for it." Bob appeared pleased with my reply.

"You're so... believable! I mean, I know, and I would do you." He looked to me for a reaction. "I must have asked you years ago. Why? Why do you do it?"

I kept my eyes on the road with both hands on the wheel in the "ten to two" position.

"Fuck! You even drive like a woman!"

"Why do I do it." I tried to think of a profound answer to the million-dollar question. "Why do I do it? Well, it's the buzz, the adrenalin rush. Some guys go rock climbing some ride high-performance motorbikes. Me? I love the tease. I love the reaction I get when strutting past a building site. The sound of 'White Van Mans' horn when passing. The reaction I get from male drivers when standing at a zebra crossing, waiting to cross... their wives, not so much."

"OK, I get it." Bob interrupted my monologue. "It's just that, for an ordinary bloke... not one of those tranny lady boys that you see... You're one of the best I've seen, and I can't believe you sucked me off." I think Bob was being complimentary.

"Well, I did!" I hadn't noticed that halfway through my 'Why' spiel, I had reverted to my normal voice. "And let's not forget the kissing and you rubbing my cock."

Bob laughed as I laid out our last hour's shenanigans. I wondered if he had come to his senses.

"Still want to do it again?" I took my eyes off the road for a second, to catch Bob's reaction.

"Fuck! No! Not if you're going to sound like that!"

It was only now that I realized, I sounded like a bloke in a dress. "Is that better?" Michelle's husky voice returned after a bit of throat clearing.

Bob didn't exactly flinch in self-loathing disgust when I placed my hand on his thigh. When he reciprocated by placing his hand on my thigh...

I knew, that all was well in my surreal world.

This seemed a good point to conclude my liaison with Bob. What proceeded deserves a chapter of its own.

Written by Michelle2023
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