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Workmate Trial Ch.04

"A few months later. A chance encounter."

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Author's Notes

"Chapter four sees our work mates share a chance encounter."

Episode Four.

It had been three months, or so, since our last encounter.

True to word, we had both shared some innocent posts on Facebook, and we had both loved it as a status. This meant that she had gone home after our encounter with my cum down her throat and coating her mouth, her tongue, and her tonsils, and she had deeply kissed her husband.

I thought about that constantly over the past few months. Had he noticed something different about her? Had her kiss tasted a little weird? Why was there wet swimming clothing around their laundry?

Likewise, I had gone back to my life. After my wife arrived home after her girl’s weekend, we had fucked. She normally takes a few days to get back into her normal routine after a time away, which is fine. She likes things to be organized and prepared.

Most importantly to her, she needed to be organized in her mind—all the dirty laundry done from her trip. It was fine. However, after this trip, we caught up about what each of us had been up to, and she was more attentive than normal.

Anyway, that night I found myself eating out my second pussy in three days.

We ended up fucking with her on her back and me with her legs spread around me as I kneeled. Her tits were bouncing as I drove my cock as deep as I could inside her. As hot as my wife was, my mind kept creeping back to that swimming spot, making my thrusting more vigorous.

As my wife's tits bounced, I thought of my friend’s ass as my cock slid over and over her opening. As my wife's moaning increased, I thought of my friends cries of pleasure in that private swimming hole.

Her orgasm as cars drove past some hundred feet away, none the wiser. I had rolled my wife over and taken her from behind as she lay on her stomach, my hands massaging her nipples and gently pulling on her hair as I drove as deep into her as I could.

My mind turned to my cock as it massaged her labia and clitoral area. I thought of how wet she was and how she pushed up against me and tried to get my cock inside her sopping pussy while my thumb was as deep in her ass as I could get.

I had fucked my wife, but in my mind, I was really wondering what my friend's pussy and her ass would feel like with my cock inside her.

The thought of this made me fuck harder than I remembered. My wife didn't seem to mind as she spread her legs to accept my cock in missionary. As she neared her climax, she raised her arms above her to brace against the bedhead and wrapped her legs around me to pull me further inside her.

I had come to realize how hot she looked right now, so I had re-entered reality. I braced myself up on my arms in a push-up position on my knees and thrust deep inside her. Her tits bounced, and her head arched backwards. As we neared our climax, she grabbed her tits and squeezed one at a time. I continued.

This wasn't love-making. This was fucking.

My thrusting continued to increase, spurred on by her moans, her bouncing tits, and the self-pleasuring of her breasts. The last minute or so was mindless pounding. Her cries of pleasure were nearly drowned out by the sound of my cock and balls slamming against her pussy and her fruitless attempts to stop the bedhead smashing against the wall.

Lucky for us, the kids were asleep at the other end of the house. When I had come, I drove my cock as deep inside her as I could, as I had promised my workmate. The sensation of that orgasm was something else. I could feel a river of cum pumping out of me.

Three or four full blasts of cum must have bounced off my wife's cervix before we fell asleep, both content. I had held my cock as deep as I could, just as I had been asked to.

Oh, how I longed to tell her all about the episode with my wife, just as I yearned to hear what had happened with her husband when she got home that evening. I wanted to know everything. I wanted to tell her that my wife and I had been more intimate since she had returned home and that we were probably happier than we had been in a long while.

Ironically, though, I had been thinking about my workmate. I was just daydreaming, like I had from time to time in the past. Sometimes, a smile would come to my face at the thought of her climax or her reading the story I wrote about her and her reaction.

True to our word, though, we didn't do anything to get caught. Nothing at all. No sneaky messages, no emails, no catchups. Nothing. We had shared a couple of funny Instagram reels, a couple of texts, and group chat comments, but that was it.

In the months that had passed, the episode had stayed fresh in my mind, like a fresh flower that has emerged to tell everyone that spring has arrived. It stayed there, effervescent as the day it had happened, all the while in the background. Life had returned to normal: work, kids, weekend day trips, watching sporting events from the sidelines. I had kept up with my fitness routine and possibly added a little more vigor.

I had been asked by my boss to attend a conference for work. I hadn't done any at my new workplace as I figured that there would be others more qualified than me to go who had worked there longer, plus I always tried to stay quiet for the first year or so at a new workplace. Fear of throwing my weight around and the natural suspiciousness of new colleagues were not things I chased. I was happy to be a team player. In time, where appropriate, I was happy to offer alternatives or suggestions based on previous experience and observation. Anyway, I was asked to go, so I accepted. It had been a long time since I had gone to something like this, so I was a bit excited about a few days off work.

The conference itself was held in a major town some seventy miles from my town, further up the coast. It was a boring interstate drive with nothing to do except listen to a couple of podcasts on the way.

During the trip, as always, my mind turned over all the things it usually did. My heart jumped.

Was there a chance she'd go to this?

I'd not even entertained the idea. It made sense, though; it was the same industry that we both worked in, which was a drivable distance for both of us. After all, the story I had first written about us was based on a similar conference years ago. I settled into the driver's seat, happy with the thought alone that she may be there. That'd be cool—we could at least catch up in person. If nothing else, we could be seen as friends with nothing suspicious happening. It would be a surprise to see her.

The conference was one of those two days/two-night affairs where the guests arrive the afternoon or evening before the first day, network or catch up with other attendees that evening before the first day of the conference, then make their way back after the second day.

The second day was generally only a half day or so to allow participants to get back to their homes that evening. I was able to show some remnant of professionalism by offering to drive after work before the first day, therefore saving the company the days of work I'd have missed otherwise, but it meant a relatively late arrival.

I'd arranged to catch up with some friends that I knew through my current work after dinner for a drink before calling it a night.

We'd chatted over the usual company bullshit, laughing about the new buzz words in the industry and working out who works for whom and who the new players were in the local scene.

The bar we met up at was part of the city's dining strip. I'd grabbed a meal at a local family-owned Italian restaurant, having a risotto that was divine and mismatching that with a domestic beer.

"Be damned," I thought, "I'll get this cuisine thing right one day." But the beer was cold, and the risotto melted in my mouth, so life was good.

The additional beers after dinner were just as nice, but it only stirred up the feeling of anticipation to see if she'd be at the conference or not. The group chatted about all things, with the moral standard dropping with each drink. I kept myself above board, enjoying others tales of misery and mystery while keeping a low profile about myself. I preferred it that way.

Pedestrians were in a continual ant trail past the local establishment we had set up. The passing foot traffic added to the buzz around the city, which I generally don't enjoy, but the idea of a couple of days was ok, if that was about it. I preferred the quiet country life. I laughed to myself—I preferred swimming in local water holes, as another flashback came to me.

This time it was of my cock between her tits as she climaxed on her back with my fingers deep inside her, and how she'd used my cum to lube her fingers to get herself off afterwards. My vacant stare in this bar right now, in this city, must have been obvious, but thankfully none in my company picked up on anything. Why would they? There was no reason to.

I looked out the front window of the bar. Across the other side of the street, passersby came and went—young couples off for dinner together, older married groups catching up, toddlers being led by the hand to the local train station.

In my peripheral vision, I caught a glimpse of what I thought was a familiar face. From the perspective of this person, my suspicions grew. Pity their backs were facing me.

"The hair is too long," I thought to myself. I kept looking, hoping—wishing—and almost dreading the letdown that would happen if it wasn't her.

The person turned around.

It was hers.

She was with a group of similar-aged people, some of whom I recognized from my old workplace, others not at all. Her hair was longer. I'd say it was six inches longer. This, I decided, had made her look taller. My heart jumped. I thought briefly that her group was about to come into the place we were holding up, but their group was on the lookout for something that this place didn't offer. Whatever it was, I was grateful. I wasn't sure how I'd feel seeing her in the company of others.

I'd gone over that contingency, but here and now, I wasn't ready. Anyway, luckily, they were turning around and heading back where they had just come.

Facing me, the group is now heading towards me. Their group members were looking in all different directions, like they were hungry and thirsty but couldn't decide which was more important. Her glance went into the window I was sitting at.

Her face lit up when we caught each other's glance. She went to wave but thought better of it. I smiled broadly at her and felt a sense of warmth come over me. The sight of her was a more primal emotion than I thought. All those feelings of childish lust washed back over me. She looked gorgeous.

Her longer hair was tied back in a single ponytail, with an inch or so of her fringe cascading down each side of her face, coming to rest about an inch below her jaw.

This, I decided, looked like the hairstyle a fitness model would have. That was how it looked to me, but the truth was probably that it was a weary traveler. Her summery dress was a tight floral pattern on a white background that sat about three inches off her ankles.

The dress hugged her body, accentuating her curves down her chest, over her waist, and down her hips, and continued over her backside before flaring out into a waffle pattern, giving a casual summer vibe that was accentuated by a loose bead necklace, large oval ring earrings, and tan and white slip-on strappy shoes.

Her gaze stayed with mine for a longer than normal time. She wasn't worried about being seen, as she, like me, was out with mostly people who we didn't know. Besides, the meetup was genuinely a surprise to both of us.

She looked happy. I reciprocated by beaming a smile across to her.

Nothing else was said or done that evening. I continued with my group, and I can only assume she did the same. My room was a queen-size bed with a small sitting area, a table and chairs, and a and a small kitchenette. The usual fare for these types of junkets. I'd slept well.

The next morning, the first actual day of the conference, I'd attended the first session and taken some notes before being broken into breakout groups to work in smaller groups.

This, I had decided, I enjoyed more as each participant's voice was more valued and input genuinely received. At the first break of the day—the morning tea—I was at the coffee machine getting a shitty coffee and pre-packaged biscuit when I had a tap on the shoulder.

Spinning around, she was there, all smiles. The smile from your eyes exudes an individual's genuine pleasure to see someone. We hugged and had a chat with our milky coffee-flavored dribble.

The talk centered around the topic of the first session: how the travel went, how such and such was going at our old work, and the like. The talk and the venue were inconsequential, however.

She wore a power suit that perfectly fitted her body. The jacket was a dark grey pinstripe with a thin white turtleneck shirt underneath. Her pants looked like they'd been professionally altered to fit her perfectly. Displaying her ass and legs. Yet again, I was reminded of just how hot her firm ass was. This time, though, I knew what it felt and tasted like. I knew what hidden treasure was beneath the turtleneck.

Time passed, and we needed to move into the second session. She looked at me through her thickly framed black glasses, and with a glint in her eye, she passed me a bottle of water.

"I think you'll need this."

As I took the bottle from her, in one smooth motion, her hand moved down and brushed against my hip pocket. I felt her fingers briefly hook onto my pants before continuing to move down to her side. If I hadn't felt her fingers, then I'd be none the wiser. Anyone watching wouldn't have had a clue. We said our goodbyes and moved into the session.

Part way through the session, curiosity got the better of me. I moved my hand down to my pocket. There was a small piece of torn paper. Pretending to check my phone, I took my phone below the table height and removed the paper. Sitting on my screen, I read the message:

"Matt in the parking lot needs to see you."

What the actual fuck? I thought to myself. I think she's playing me this time! Matt is in the parking lot. I have no idea what she means by that. Additionally, it's now winter, so what's the water for?

Following the second session, I got some lunch from the catering stand—the usual roast beef roll with salad and another freeze-dried coffee. I sat with some colleagues and went through the usual evaluations of the sessions.

Bored out of my brain, I excused myself to make some phone calls and headed towards the exit. The entry to the underground parking lot was off to the left of the main building exit, so I headed that way.

The parking lot itself was well lit, with new LED lighting adding a new sense of modernization. Combined with a relatively fresh coat of white paint and polished concrete, the whole place was not as terrible as the stereotypical dark, stinky, stale-smelling place.

Notwithstanding, I still didn't want to be there. Inside the main door was another door—one of those airlock-type deals, I figured. The kind of one that stops the disgusting smell coming up to greet conference guests. Once in, I turned on my brain.

What the fuck does Matt want in the parking lot? I didn't know any Matt, Mat, or Matthew at the conference. I walked over to my car—nothing there. No note or anything like that. Figuring she may have left something at her car, I went over to that. She still had the same one and had obviously driven her colleagues, but the same event occurred there—no sign of anything.

Not wanting to be gone for too long, I stated that I was heading back to the conference, resisting the temptation to stay longer. I knew discretion was paramount.

On my way back, I stepped up the curb off the parking lot surface to the pedestrian strip that had been painted green to tell guests where the building entrance was. The door was an electric slide door with a green button that needed to be pressed to open it.

I knocked the button with my fist in a kind of 'covid greeting' manner that had become the norm over the last couple of years. As I stood there, I looked down at my feet.

"Fuck," I thought.

"That might be it."

I was standing on a doormat at the entry to the venue building. I had to stand to the side to let the door close again. I didn't want anyone to see me right now.

Once the door had closed again, I bent down and lifted the corner of the mat. Nothing.

"Fuck," I said to myself again. Just to be sure, I lifted the opposite corner of the mat. I couldn't see anything, but there was a small white semicircle. When I pulled the top of the mat backwards towards me, I could see it. Written in chalk:


Knowing time was of the essence, I quickly replaced the mat and pretended to text someone. I had made sure I had a mental photo of the message.

It dawned on me. Simple—and slightly devious!

#468 was her room number. 25.45 was 1.45 a.m. I had used the same idea in our original meeting some months ago, and she'd simply replicated that idea of wrapping the days hours onto the following day.

The water also makes sense now. I took the top off the bottle, pulled the mat down, and wet down the chalk so it disintegrated. Message gone. Evidence gone.

I used enough water so that the message was completely unreadable, yet the excess didn't look obvious once I put the mat back. I also used the water to wet the note she had slipped me. I mulched it into a soggy pile, then rolled it between my palms like someone does when their hands are cold. This mulchy pile also hit the bottom of the bin with a thud.

Oh, fuck, I was getting horny already. She wanted to catch up in her room tonight at a quarter to two.

468 was easy to remember as it was the last three digits of my Lush username, which I had used to document our liaisons. and I was not going to forget 1.45 a.m. There was no need to write a note on my phone or write anything down. I just needed to carry on with the rest of the day as normal. Which I did with relative ease.

I'd met with the same group of friends and colleagues for dinner and a few drinks. We had a good time catching up and, again, going over the day's learning. I'd also managed to meet a few new people in the industry, which would bode well with my bosses.

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Overall, it was a pleasing and somewhat successful evening from a professional point of view.

After the festivities concluded, I said my farewells and headed for my room. The accommodation at the conference was split between two wings of rooms. One is eastern and the other is western. The eastern was named the 'Fairway'; unsurprisingly, it faced the adjoining golf course, which was part of the resort's offerings. The western was the 'Lakeview'.

I was staying on the Lakeview side, which had room up to 299. Fairway were rooms 300 and over. They were considered a premium as they faced away from the busy roads that led to the complex and offered views over the golf course, which extended to the ocean and caught the morning sunshine.

Once back in my room, I showered and sent a few emails. I put my phone on to charge while I watched a few corny gameshows on the resort TV offerings. By 11.30, I was ready for a nap, so I set my alarm for 1.15am and headed off for a quick sleep.

I shouldn't have set my alarm because I hardly slept and was wide awake by 12.45, so I gave up. I donned a hooded sweatshirt, grabbed my phone, and headed for my room door, slowly latching it behind me.

The place was quiet now, and each footstep seemed loud, even on the plush carpet that ran down the hall of the accommodation. I took the stairs down to the ground floor and walked around the exterior of the building rather than taking the internal flybridge that linked the two areas. Room 468 was on the second floor of the Fairway wing, so I took the stairs again.

Her room was at the end of the corridor. The hallway was similarly quiet to mine, save for a distant TV that was going into one room. Most of the rooms were booked for my conference, and there was still one day to go, so most people appeared to be acting like they should, with not too many drinks and a relatively early night.

Not bothering to knock and cause undue attention, I pushed gently on her door; it creaked gently as it swung open. The lights were off, but a gentle light came in from the curtain that had been left open on the distant end, with the sheer covering the window.

There had been some Sellotape placed over the door latch to ensure it wouldn't lock. When I entered the room, I removed this, pulled the door handle down, and closed the door as silently as I could.

Turning around, I was greeted with a trail of clothes that ran from the door to the bed on the distant side of the room. Closest to the door was a lady's summer dress, followed by a bra and a pair of women's underwear.

Closest to the bed, I spotted a long-sleeve swim top, which looked very familiar. It made my heart jump. It was the one I had unzipped in our last meeting in the swimming spot on the river, along with the bikini bottom she had removed and slapped on the rock as an invitation to come over to her and indulge her in my tongue deep inside her.

She was organized and had arranged this so well. I was impressed.

Looking over at her in bed, I was aware of the smell of lady bodywash, shampoo, and conditioner. She'd obviously had a similar evening to mine and decided to unwind with a shower.

Her silhouette struck me instantly.

She lay on her bed with the covers covering one leg, leaving one uncovered. Her calf, thigh, and ass were all so well defined and pert that I was having instant flashbacks to how she looked that afternoon over the rocks all those months ago.

She was naked. She smelled beautiful.

The dull light was diminishing as my eyes adjusted to the conditions. Her hair was tied back into a low ponytail, draping over one shoulder as she lay prone on her stomach. The bed covers lay across her diagonally, exposing one full leg and the opposite upper body.

"Hi stranger," I heard her whisper. "So nice to see you again," she continued.

"You have no idea how many times I've thought of you in the last few months," I began.


I walked over to her. I reached out my left hand and dragged it up her right leg as she lay on her stomach, legs slightly spread, right knee bent.

I started at her ankle and ran my fingers over her calf before flipping my hand over her palm to continue over the back of her knee, up her thigh, and then flipping it over again at her hip. I slid my hand over her ass cheek; it was all so smooth, just as I remembered.

Her skin was velvety, and her ass was firm. I continued up her back and under the bed covers. Her back was soft and relaxed as I continued my journey. Once on her shoulders, I slid the covers to the side before kissing her neck, about three inches below her ear.

Wanting to keep our rules, I didn't kiss her mouth; it still felt wrong. I could see her lips as her hair was on the opposite shoulder. I moved her hair further to that side as I kissed the same spot again.

"Nice dress yesterday."

"Hope you'd like it."

I continued, nodding towards the swim costume on the ground.

"I see you've brought some mementos."

"It's got a stain now, you know. Your cum stained my swim top, and I wear it all the time at home. No one has noticed; it turns me on to see your cum when I'm swimming with my husband."

"Jesus," I replied. "I think about how you looked with my cock on your pussy, then between your tits. That memory is burned inside me."

"So, according to Facebook, you fucked your wife when she got back?"

"Oh, that was amazing."

It was my turn to inquire. "Did your husband taste my cum in your kiss?"

"We made out for ages when I got home. I made him put his lips around my tongue so I could slowly drag it out of his mouth. I gave him a blowjob that night; he tasted two guys cum when I kissed him afterwards."

"Did it bother him? Did he notice anything?"

"Didn't seem to... it was a pretty fucking good blowjob, I must say. You worked me up so much that afternoon."

"It was pretty awesome."

She rolled over on her back. The bedding now barely covered her right upper body. Her breasts fell into place, with the right one partially covered by the sheet.

They fell away from each other, flattening ever so slightly with gravity. Her nipples looked like small rose buds—semi-erect. Small areolas gave her breasts the appearance of being bigger.

It was obviously wintertime, as any sun she had was long gone. Her skin was natural, clear, and smooth. Her stomach fell into her pelvis, and her upper abdominals were gleaming in the dappled, dull light that crept in the window.

The curve from her waist to her hips was glorious. I knew what her ass looked like, but each time I saw her, I became more and more aware of the athleticism and natural feminist hotness she exuded.

I began running my hand over her body, gently and randomly. Exploring her curves. She took my other hand and started guiding it where she wanted it. Her breathing was becoming obvious as my hands explored her body. The hand she had control of was focused on her mid-section. Hips, pelvis, stomach, up to her sternum, back to her hips, and so forth.

I used my other hand to explore her legs, thighs, calves, up to her hips, around her ass, and back again.

At one point, she dragged my hand onto her left breast and held it there, using her hand over mine to cup and squeeze her. She felt so firm and soft. I cupped her breast from underneath, then slid my open palm up onto her bust before gently rolling my fingers over her hardening nipple.

I took my opportunity and slid my other hand down to her ankle, forcing me to lean in close to her body with both hands so far apart. "Fuck it." I figured, leant in, and kissed her stomach as my left hand was on her ankle and my right hand on her bust.

Her breathing quickened.

I stayed there, kissing her stomach, up her abs, down each leg to below her pelvis, across her pussy, and back up the other leg. Unlike last time, the small patch of pubic hair she had last time was gone. In its place was smooth, hairless pus.

I slid my other hand up her right side and settled it on her other breast as I continued kissing her mid-section. Both hands worked her under-boob before rolling over her nipples before I fully cupped each. They felt bigger than last time, or had I been so focused on her ass?

Sliding my left hand up, I slid my middle and index fingers over her lips. She opened her lips and accepted them both in her warm, moist mouth. Sucking gently on both.

Using this moisture, I dragged my fingers down over her body, leaving a trace of moisture down her body, and slid my fingers over her pussy. I needn't have bothered getting my fingers moist; she was already smooth and slick to touch.

Her legs opened slightly for me, so I went in and kissed the top of her pussy, using my tongue to find her clit while simultaneously taking my hand back to her tits.

I stayed there, kissing and licking her clit, getting as much reaction from her as I could. I knew she wanted my tongue deeper inside her, so I didn't rush.

Moving both hands down to her thighs, I spread her legs while continuing her clit. Apparently expecting my next move, her breathing sharpened again.

Quarter inch at a time, I moved my tongue down for a second, then back to her clit, then back down a further quarter. Her pussy felt so smooth and tasted so good. I just wanted to drive my tongue as deep into her as I could—to hear her reciprocate how good it felt. I wanted to hear her climax again, just like she'd done in that swimming spot.

Done with the teasing, I grabbed both her legs and lifted them back over herself while placing my tongue directly on her pussy. I flattened my tongue to cover as much of her as I could before pausing.

It was my turn to make eye contact this time. I looked up at her. My hands held her legs over her shoulders, and my tongue pressed against her wet pussy. She looked back at me with a pained expression.

I came away from her and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Fuck yes!" I got the reply.

I dropped back down and drove my tongue as deep inside her as I could. I paused when I couldn't go any deeper, flicking my tongue slightly in her depths.

Her head arched backwards, and her chest rose up off the bed as she exhaled in pleasure.

I worked her pussy slowly from deep inside her to back over her clit, then back down to her pussy. I kept the general rhythm of this but randomly changed how long I'd stay and how many times I'd lick her clit compared to her pussy.

As her excitement grew, I spread her legs so she was lying on her back with her legs spread as wide as I could take them over her head. I pulled the bed cover fully off her so I could watch and appreciate how her naked body reacted to my touch.

A couple minutes of oral pleasure had her already starting to peak. The sounds of her sighing, moaning, and starting to push up against my mouth with her pussy were getting me hard as well.

"Stop." She said it between breaths. I stopped straight away.

"Will you do the same as last time?" she continued.

"What's that?" I asked.

She hesitated for a second before lifting her leg over me and rolling over onto her stomach. She moved back towards me and lifted herself up on her knees while keeping her chest and arms flat on the bed. She spread her legs wide apart and leaned back towards me more.

I moved over to the end of the bed and kneeled behind it. Pulling her hips gently towards me, she moved back until her legs were hanging over the end of the bed. From here, I had the perfect view of her ass and pussy. I moved my hand under her to rest it on her pussy while I dragged my tongue from her pussy opening, up between her ass cheeks, and straight on to her asshole.

She let out a sigh of pleasure, matched with a further arch of her back, in an effort to get her ass closer to me. I removed my hand from her and worked my tongue back down her pussy while taking both hands and grabbing one cheek each.

I spread her ass with both hands and moved my tongue back up to her hole, where I let it linger, exploring her ass and trying to get it inside her.

Realizing there was no need to spread her ass, I reached up, grabbed her shoulders, and ran my hands down her arms.

A beam of light suddenly bounced off the ceiling next to the bed. We ignored it.

I moved my hands down her arms and grabbed her wrists, bringing her hands back towards me. This gave me leverage to pull her back onto me as I continued licking and tongue-fucking her asshole. Her cries of pleasure were growing. She looked so vulnerable, laying on her knees, head to the side, ass in the air with moans and gasps.

Another beam of light struck the ceiling.

I let go of one of her arms so I could use my hand to slide two fingers inside her cunt as I continued. She put her free hand on her ass and attempted to pull her ass cheek to the side to let me in closer to her.

With two fingers in her pussy and my tongue slowly working inside her ass, her pleasure was becoming more and more obvious. This, in turn, had given me a raging erection. It was pushing up against the bed as I leaned in toward her.

I could feel the blood pressing up against the end of my cock, straining to make it further out. I was normally seven inches, but at this moment it felt like nine with a pressure overload from eating this gorgeous cunt and ass.

For the third time, the ribbon of light hit the ceiling.

"What is that?" I asked her.

"My phone...someone is messaging me."

"Who is it?"

"Probably my husband."

I stood up and walked beside the bed, running my hand between her ass and up her back. Grabbing her phone, I looked at the screen.

"Yep." I confirmed and read the message. "Hey, babe, are you awake? I can't sleep."

She explained, we do this sometimes when we're apart. I'll just pretend I'm asleep."

"What would you normally do if you saw it?"

"I'd reply."

"Well, reply then. It doesn't worry me."

She rolled over onto her back as I handed her the phone. She typed out a quick reply:

"Your message woke me up. Is everything okay?"

I kneeled over her, dragged my rock-hard cock down her chest, over her sopping pussy, and continued down where I got my tongue back to her bald, wet cunt.

She quickly returned to her nearing climax as my tongue and fingers swapped positions—me licking and flicking the depths of her pussy with my tongue as I massaged her ass with my middle finger. I used the other hand to spread her pussy lips to get deeper inside her and to expose her engorged clit.

Her phone lit up again. Laying on her back, she was able to read the message out loud to me as I continued.

"I'm fine; I just can't sleep."

The idea of her messaging with her husband as I explored her body was making me crazy horny. This girl was having a text conversation with her husband while another man's tongue was deep inside her cunt and his fingers were stroking her asshole.

"I'm going to reply,” she said, struggling to get the words out coherently. As she typed, she read the message out loud:

"That's sad, babe. I hope you can relax soon; perhaps think about that blowjob I gave you a while ago."

She put the phone down and started concentrating on the attention her pussy and ass were getting from me. She arched her back up off the bed to get me deeper inside her and to give me greater access to her ass.

This worked, and I slid my finger inside her ass, to the first knuckle, and left it in her. She moaned and pushed back down against my finger before pushing back up against my tongue. She didn't know whether to thrust up or down, so she started rhythmically doing both—down onto my finger in her ass, up onto my tongue in her cunt.

Her climax was building. I knew this because she started massaging her tits, much like she had done the last time we were together. This nearly brought me undone as my cock continued to harden, desperately seeking to blow its load at the sight of how she was reacting to the pleasure I was providing her.

This time, her phone vibrated. And vibrated again.

"He's ringing me now," she gasped. "What do I do?"

"It's easy,” I said. "You'd normally talk to him, so talk to him!"

I grabbed her phone and looked at the screen. A photo of them both was on the screen, with 'Incoming Call' plastered across the photo. I took my phone from my hooded shirt I had worn over and flicked it to camera mode, then selected 'video' and pressed start.

"What are you doing?" she exclaimed.

I took her phone, winked at her, slid the 'answer call' option towards the green icon, and tossed her the phone. She took the phone and put it in her ear.

"Hey, babe, are you having trouble sleeping?"

She tried to sound normal, which worked well, as she was in such a state of arousal that her voice came across as tired. Without hesitating, I grabbed her knees and pulled her towards the end of the bed, lifted her legs straight up towards the ceiling, and spread them as wide as I could.

"No, it's ok," she continued. "I was asleep, but not very deep."

I rubbed my cock against her sopping wet cunt, stroking it up and down in the outside wetness.

"Conference is fine; same old stuff, really."

Her mouth pursed and her eyes dilated as she realized what I had planned.

I aimed my phone at her pussy, lined up my engorged cock, then zoomed in as I leaned on her and eased it inside her cunt. Her instinct kicked in, as she pushed up against me to get all of my cock inside her. When I was halfway in, I moved my camera to her face to capture the look as my seven inches filled her wet, aching pussy. I paused when I was fully inside her. Her face was a mixture of fear and arousal. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and her jaw opened to try and stifle a moan. Her back arched and pushed up to me as I held my cock as deep as I could inside her. She raised her hips in an effort to get me deeper inside her…

Written by Jalapenos2468
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