Before the Christmas holidays, my long-term significant other went on a lady's shopping weekend. It is a traditional yearly trip. It is also a weekend alone for me to do all of my holiday shopping.
After all afternoon at the malls, I stopped by a local restaurant for drinks and dinner. I took a seat at the bar and ordered my usual bourbon on the rocks. I heard someone call my name. I looked and saw three ladies across the bar from me. I worked with them a few years earlier but had not seen any of them for years.
I took my drink and moved across the bar to sit next to them. Lisa was a petite, blonde with short curly hair. I remembered that she was dedicated to health and fitness. Glancing at her I could tell she was still in great condition. She always had a body that most people dream of. She had twin boys who were now in high school, and she was still married to the same gentleman.
Amy was slightly older than the other ladies. She had been in the same job for years, and she knew the gossip about everyone in the company. She was also a bigger lady, at least 5’9” and always wore high heels. The joke in the company was that she should have been a dom. I grinned to myself as I saw her wearing 4-inch heels with her jeans. Amy had been married for a short time, but the relationship turned abusive, and she ended it years ago.
The third lady was Christi. She had only been at the company a few months when I left. She had always been relatively quiet. I had gotten to know her when we took a business trip together. We had dinner together at an outdoor café overlooking the Gulf of Mexico near Tampa, FL. It had been a quiet dinner and we talked for a couple of hours. Christi had a natural beauty. Her smile was infectious. She had the class and manners to fit in anywhere. Her dark brown hair was slightly longer, now shoulder-length. Her green eyes had always glowed as they were this night. Christi was 5’2”, a small waist, and breasts that always looked perfect. She had been married for five years with no children.
All of my interactions with each of them in the past had been business or platonic.
We had a few drinks, talked, and laughed. Lisa was the first to leave. She told us her husband was expecting her at home. We said our normal pleasantries and she left. I watched as she walked out and Amy commented, “Do you like what you see?” I was partly embarrassed but tried to laugh it off, “Hell yes, her ass is perfect.” Amy let out a loud and boisterous laugh, and Christi just gave a slight smile.
Amy excused herself to go to the restroom, leaving Christi and me alone at the bar. As Amy walked away Christi laughed and said, “Looking at her ass too?”
"No, I would be afraid she would whip me.”
“She won’t, I would protect you.”
I made eye contact with Christi and squeezed her hand. “Thank you.” But wait, did I feel her hold my hand a little longer than normal?
Before I could decide, Amy returned to the table. We spent the next hour listening primarily to Amy. She told us about every person at the workplace, and the gossip about each of them. Then abruptly she decided it was time for her to go.
I turned to Christi, “Don’t leave until I get another good look at Amy’s ass.” Her normally quiet laugh turned louder and was accompanied by a squeeze on my arm.
As we finished our drink, I learned that Christi’s husband was also away for the weekend. He was at a golf outing in Myrtle Beach with friends. Neither of us had dinner. We agreed to stay at the bar and order. The time at dinner was full of conversation, laughter, some flirting, and a few light touches. She became giggly as the dinner progressed. When we finished, I was concerned about her ability to drive home. I was relieved that she had not driven and taken Uber. I volunteered to drive her home, but she politely declined.
I walked her outside and waited for Uber. She put her hand on my arm as we walked and did not let go until the driver arrived. As we waited, we both checked our phones and found we still had each other’s numbers from years ago. We agreed to call and meet for lunch soon, although I never thought it would happen. The car arrived and before she got in, she kissed me on the cheek and whispered, “I couldn’t let you drive me home because I would fuck you all night.”

As I drove home, I thought back to the conversation and laughs earlier. Several people had been mentioned that I had not thought of in years. But my thoughts kept going to the interaction with Christi. There were smiles and lots of gentle touches. But she was married, and I had been with the same lady for several years. I shrugged it off as just a fun time.
I arrived home, took the dog for a walk, and got in the shower. After the shower I immediately went to bed, exhausted from a day of shopping and time at the restaurant. Just as I lay down, my phone rang. I looked at the number and was surprised it was Christi.
“I hope I am not disturbing you.” She giggled.
“Of course not. Actually, I am glad to hear from you and that you made it home safely.”
“Yes, thank you for being so concerned. You are sweet,” she said with a soft voice. “I just got in bed, and I was a little lonely. Can we talk some?”
“Sure. You name the topic. By the way, I just got in bed too.”
Christi giggled again and said, “The truth is I am lonely, but I am also very horny. What do you have to say about that topic?”
In a rare instance, I was speechless. And she knew it. “Come on Big Boy. Did the cat get your tongue? Meow.”
I know I replied with something but I have no idea what.
Christi continued, “We are both alone, I have already told you I am horny, and from the bulge in your pants walking out of the restaurant, I think you are too.”
“You noticed that?”
“How could I not have noticed it? I wanted to touch it.”
I continued to stammer and stutter, but her conversation was causing my bulge to grow again.
Then I heard a buzz on the phone. It sounded like a fan running in her room. I joked with her and asked, “Did you turn the fan on?”
“No, I turned my vibrator on and am planning to use it.” She must have moved it closer to the phone as the sound got louder, and then softer. As it got softer, I heard a low moan from her. “I just put it in. I am so wet.”
With that, I put my hand down to my manhood. It was rock hard. I must have moaned and she heard me. “Oh Baby, did you just touch your cock?”
“Yes, I did. I would like to know what you are doing.”
Over the next twenty minutes or so, she described in detail everything she was doing. She used the vibrator inside of her, on her clit, on her breasts, and she even sucked it a few times. I lost count of her orgasms, but it almost seemed like one continual moan. She told me in detail what she wanted to do with me.
While working on herself, she gave me instructions on how I should be jacking off. Three times she stopped me just before I reached my cum. Finally, she told me to cum just as she hit her final orgasm for the night. I could not believe the quantity of cum that shot on my stomach, chest, and face. My cock experienced waves of throbbing and pleasure. I was completely spent.
There were a few seconds of deep breaths on both parts and finally I asked, “Are you okay?”
“Oh My God, yes. I have not orgasmed like that in a long time. And you?”
I responded, “I am great. Tonight was a big surprise in many ways. But now I am a sticky mess.”
“Me too. My bed is soaked. And my clit is too tender to touch, but I feel incredible.”
“I am so surprised at today. I certainly was not expecting you to call.”
She giggled again, “I am full of surprises. Just wait for the next one.” And I heard the phone click silent.