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Unexpected Return

"Coming Home Early is Always a Surprise, but for whom?"

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Author's Notes

"Rachel here. I dug this one out of my archives. A sorority sister's brother told us the story while we were smoking weed and drinking tequila around a fire pit one night. <p> [ADVERT] </p>This happened to a friend of his. I hope you like it. Please share, vote, and comment. We love your feedback. ENJOY!"

John pulled into my driveway in his F150. We were both exhausted after five days of fly fishing in Northern Canada. Since we got home early, he gave me a ride home from the airport.

I had been on our annual Canada fishing trip at the Whitefish Bay Fishing Camp with five of my fishing buddies. We have been going on this trip on the same weekend for six years, and it is the perfect vacation for us. We are all successful businessmen in high-powered, high-stress jobs with wonderful families, and this trip gives us all time to decompress and have fun together.

"Bill, are you putting the fish in your freezer in the garage?"

"Yeah, but just put the cooler chest by the door. The freezer is full of venison, so I will have to organize it to put all these fish in. We caught so much I may not have room for it all!"

"Well, if you need to store some, let me know, and you can put some in my freezer."

I took my fishing gear and duffle out of his truck, sitting them by the garage door with the cooler.

"Is Cory home?" John asked

"No, like the other wives, she didn't know we were getting in early, so she is still at work. I will surprise her when she gets home, and we will have a special 'Glad Your Home' night!"

"That should be great. I wish I had a beautiful wife like yours coming home to me tonight. Jane is out of town until tomorrow, so I'll pick up the kids at Mom's, and we will have a kid's bonding night, nowhere near as much fun as your night, I am sure!!" John said

"John, I had a great time with you." We hugged, and he climbed in his truck and drove off, heading home.

I punched in the garage door code, and it opened. I was surprised Cory's car was there, as was mine, which was strange! How did she get to work, and who is bringing her home?

I brought my duffel and gear into the garage. I pulled the heavy cooler over and rearranged the freezer fitting the fish in, having just enough room. I put my fishing gear away in my sports closet.

I turned and looked at Cory's car, wondering why it was there, and she wasn't. It didn't make sense. What was going on?

I grabbed my duffel full of dirty clothes and carried it inside, dropping it in the laundry room. I dumped all the clothes into a pile, and I wasn't sure what was clean and what wasn't, so I decided to wash them all. I stripped off my clothes, dropping them on the pile. I switched the washer on and loaded my clothes and soap, watching as they began to swish. I closed the top.

I walked naked into the bathroom to shower while the wash was running. I stepped in, leaning against the wall. It had been a rough week in the Canadian woods, hiking, camping, fishing, and drinking, with my friends. The hot water felt so good beating on my firm body. I finally washed and finished my shower, dried off, and slipped on some workout shorts and a T-shirt.

I walked back to my bedroom and saw Cory's dirty clothes lying on the bed. I gathered the clothes and took the hamper from the bathroom back into the laundry room.

The first wash load was finished, so I pushed them into the dryer.

I emptied the hamper on the floor to sort out the color groups. These were all Cory's clothes from last week. She seemed to have changed clothes a lot, but women do that. I never paid attention before, but you know women and their clothes!

I ended up with three piles, whites, darks, and lingerie. I picked up the lingerie pile and started to put them into the washer as the tank filled. I had been away for many days and missed Cory badly. I picked up a tiny pink thong in my hand, put it to my nose, and inhaled deeply. My head filled with her amazing scent, and my cock twitched, thinking about getting her in bed tonight.

I tossed the thong in the machine and picked up the bras, throwing them in, followed by slips, more panties, and a camisole. I added soap, closed the top, and the washer started.

I sorted the other clothes, checking the pockets of the slacks and jeans in the dark pile. I felt something in the back pocket of one pair of jeans. I pulled out a balled-up black lace thong with its Victoria's Secret label hanging out. I had never seen the thong before. Cory doesn't wear Victoria's Secret, so 'who did this thong belong to, and how did Corry end up with it in her pocket'?

I shook it out, and a paper fell on the floor. I picked it up and read it. It was a receipt from a bar I had never been to before. The time stamp was 11:43 pm last Wednesday.

I thought that strange. For the last year, Cory has taken an advanced accounting class on Wednesday nights. She gets home at about 9:30 each night. I have never known her to go out after class, and she only goes out at night once a month with her sister and mom for dinner. Otherwise, we go out on a date night with our friends, dancing, or to the movies.

I didn't think much of it, but then I smelled the panties again. There was a distinct odor, more earthy than Cory's normal scent. I wondered if she was having her period that day and if she had washed them out and balled them up. Why else would she have taken them off?

I was tired, so I put the clothes back in the hamper and returned them to the bathroom. I took the black thong and receipt and put them in the locked drawer in my desk.

I looked at the time, and it was 3:30 pm. Cory should be home at about 5:45 pm. She would be surprised to see me tonight since we weren't supposed to return until tomorrow.

Severe weather was setting in at the fish camp, so we left a full day early. We all agreed to surprise our families and not tell them we were getting home early.

I was excited to surprise her. I ordered some Chinese that would be delivered at about 6:30. We would have a glass of wine, eat, and adjourn to the bedroom and make love all night!

I would hide in the hall storage closet, and once she was inside, I would jump out and give her a heart attack. I went through the house and ensured everything was the same as when I came home. I found her dirty clothes from the bed, except for the undies, put them back where I found them and ensured the hamper was back in its place.

The washer with her lingerie finished. I dried them on a delicate setting, leaving them in the dryer. I folded my clothes and put them in the hall closet, and Cory would never look there, and I would move them later.

I settled down and took a short nap. When I woke up, it was just before 5:00 pm, so I pulled out my laptop and looked at my emails from the last week. Barbara, my assistant, screened them to ensure I was not overloaded with emails when I got back. She only forwarded the important ones she thought I needed to read right away, and none of them were urgent that hadn't been taken care of already. I was relieved, knowing when I walked in on Monday, I was not going into a hornet's nest!

I had gone through my phone already. There were a few texts that Cory had sent me, and I remembered one she sent, which I thought was a little strange. I scrolled back and saw it was on Wednesday night. With what I had found earlier, the message was of more interest now.

"Hi, babe,

I know you won't see this for a few days, but I want you to understand how much I miss you and love you tonight. I feel down, lonely, and need you here, though I know you can't be. I wish you were here now. I need you so badly.

I love you, miss you, and need you!


It was a strange message for several reasons. One… Cory has never called me 'babe,' and she did here. Two… I understood that she missed me when I went away on a trip, and she didn't go with me, but there seemed to be more here. Three… why was that night she sent me that message about being down. It was strange.

I knew Cory was at a bar when she sent the text. She must have been a little drunk. If she had been with this woman, she could have felt guilty. That could be why it didn't make much sense. She had a receipt and a strange thong in her jeans pocket from that night, all very incriminating. There were missing pieces I needed to know. Anyway, I will ask her about it tomorrow!

I looked at my watch, and it was a little after 5:30 pm, so I moved into the closet to wait for Cory.

I read a book on my iPad as I waited.

Time passed! It was after 6:15 pm. I wondered where Cory was and why she was so late tonight.

I read seven chapters as I waited. It was almost 7:00 pm when I finally heard Cory walk into the house. She shuffled around, and I heard her putting some things in the kitchen. Cory must have stopped at the grocery store on the way home. But she couldn't have; she was not driving, so who brought her home? It was very strange.

Her phone rang! I heard her answer.


"Hey girl, how are you?"

"Oh yes, I'd like that."

"I know, yeah."

I could only hear Cory's side of the conversation, so I had no idea who she was talking to or what they were talking about.

"No, Bill isn't back until tomorrow night."

"Oh yeah, I'd love that. Give me an hour to get ready, and I'll see you then."

"Oh yeah, I have your sexy black thong. I picked it up off the stall floor as we left. Do you remember when I took it off you? I do!!"

"I know you remember what happened next. It was so hot and beautiful!"

"Oh Yeah, I can't wait, baby. I'll see you then. We are going to have some fun!"

"Bring a bottle of white wine."

"I'll be waiting for you!"


What the Fuck? I slumped back on the floor. What was Cory talking about? It sounded like Wednesday was a date, and they had another date tonight.

Cory and the mystery woman had been together at the bar on Wednesday night. The black thong belongs to her. I heard Cory say she had taken the thong off the woman, and I was sure her next reference was that they fucked. God, what was going on? There was a lot more to learn.

Right now, I needed to get the thong and receipt back in Cory's jeans, so she would not know I had found them and was home.

I waited for the time to leave the closet. I was totally confused. Who was this woman? It sounded like they were lovers, and I didn't understand.

I heard Cory walk down the hall toward the bedroom. I opened the door peeking out, listening until I heard the shower water come on. I gave her a minute to make sure she was in the shower. I slipped down the hall and heard Cory humming like she does when she is taking a hot shower or when she's happy. Tonight, Cory was humming, so she must be happy about what would happen later!

I quietly walked to my office to get the black thong and receipt. I walked to the bathroom door and looked in. The shower door was fogged over, so I dug in the hamper to find the pair of jeans. I held up the jeans, smelling the crotch, and there was Cory's familiar scent. My cock twitched as I took another deep inhale. God, I wanted to strip naked, rush into the shower and take her this minute, but I couldn't.

I balled up the black thong and receipt, pushing them back into her jeans pocket. I wanted to keep them as evidence, but I couldn't let her know I was home. I had taken pictures of them earlier, so that would have to do. I stuffed the jeans back in the middle of the hamper and slipped back out.

As I moved through the bedroom, I noticed a lacy green baby doll nightie and a matching lacy thong lying on the bed. I wondered what was going on! Was Cory dressing in that for this woman?

FUCK… I knew Cory and the woman had fucked in the club ladies' room on Wednesday night, and they are going to fuck each other here tonight! As betrayed and disgusted as I felt at the thought of Cory cheating on me, my cock was suddenly rock hard.

My mind drifted back seven years to Marie in Jamaica and Cory's attraction to her. Was Cory bi-sexual all this time? I did not know if she had been with other women through the years. How could I not know this?

Jesus, was Cory having an affair with a woman? My heart started beating like a drum in my chest.

I snuck back into the kitchen and got a bottle of tequila and a shot glass! Then back to the closet, I closed the door quietly and settled back down to wait.

I heard the shower stop, and a few minutes later, I heard Cory padding down the hall to the kitchen. I heard glasses rattle. All the while, Cory was humming! She was excited at the prospect of what would happen tonight.

A few minutes later, Cory came out of the kitchen, sat on the living room couch, and turned on the television. Wheel of Fortune was on.

After a few minutes, I cracked the closet door open to see her on the couch. I could only see her profile, but I could see her well enough to see her wearing the thin green baby doll. Damn, she was wearing that for her guest. What the fuck?

I didn't understand. This was not like Cory. I didn't think she had never been attracted to women before! Only a fleeting attraction for Marie, but that was nothing, or was it?

As I slumped back down, taking my first shot, I started to think back over our lives together. We have been happily married for seven years, or at least I thought we were.


I met Cory in college when I was a sophomore, and she was a freshman. We dated through my sophomore and junior years but were not serious, just loving fuck buddies and having incredible sex whenever we wanted.

At the beginning of my senior year, Cory met another guy, Tim. They dated seriously. I was Ok with it because I needed to focus on my schooling, getting ready to graduate and moving on to Law School. I dated a little but nothing serious, just recreational sex.

Many nights as I was falling asleep, my thoughts were on Cory. I missed her. I would see her from time to time on campus or at a bar, we would talk and dance, but we didn't date. I knew there was something special about Cory, but we were good friends.

Before I graduated, Cory called me, "Bill, would you like to go to the Lake of the Ozarks with me and two other couples for the weekend? It will be my graduation gift before you move on to Law School!"

Wow, what a shock! I asked, "What about Tim?"

"We are still seeing each other, but I want to do this with you, Bill."

I quickly accepted, excited to be with Cory again. The group rented a big houseboat, and there was a big boat tie-up with about twenty other boats. We partied hard, just like on spring break. We drank and fucked all weekend long, having a wonderful time getting reacquainted. All I can say is that it was a wild time.

Cory and I melded together. I knew after that weekend that I loved Cory and felt she loved me too. Neither of us had ever said 'the three words,' and neither of us could make that commitment now. I had many years of school left, and we didn't know what would happen during that time. She was still dating Tim, so I didn't know what the future held for us.

After graduation, I went to Law School at the University of Missouri.

Cory and I managed to date some, and we got together on an occasional weekend and fucked each other to death, rarely getting out of bed and living off room service for fuel.

Once law school was in full swing, we could only stay connected via phone, text, or email, rarely able to see each other, only every couple of months. It was hard, but we reconfirmed our love for each other every time we were together. Cory told me on a phone call about halfway through her senior year that she and Tim had parted ways and she was only interested in me. That made me happy, but there were still many years of law school before we could move further in our relationship.

Cory graduated six months later and sadly moved to Chicago, taking an excellent job with a consulting company. We didn't see each other again for almost eight months.


Unfortunately, my sweet grandmother passed away, so I came home for the funeral. Cory just happened to be home seeing her parents for the weekend. Her parents and mine had become friends, so they all came to the funeral. I saw Cory across the room for the first time after all those months. My heart leaped, and I realized how much I missed her.

After the funeral, everyone came to our house for a huge send-off party. People brought food for the buffet to honor my grandmother. She was an exceptional woman, having done so many wonderful things. The whole community loved her.

My grandmother was sweet, and I loved her to death, but she was ninety-eight years old and had a wonderful life! Now she was with God, and I was happy about that.

There must have been a hundred people, all milling around the house. I was not into seeing all those people. So, when Cory walked up, we hugged and kissed. I was glad to see her and to have her in my arms again.

I pulled her off to the side so we could talk. Cory wanted to know about law school. I asked about her new life in Chicago. Did she like her job? Did she like the people she worked with? Did she have a boyfriend? You know, all the questions you ask people when you haven't seen them in a long time.

We had several drinks and went to the backyard to escape the crowd. It was springtime in St. Louis, so the weather was nice. We sat outside for quite a while, enjoying being with each other.

I had done my duty as a grandson and paid my respects to my grandmother and my parents. I wasn't going anywhere for a few days so that I would see them again. But right now, I want to see Cory, all of Cory, if you know what I mean!

"Hey," I suggested, "Let's you and I get out of here and have some fun!"

Cory smiled, grabbed my hand, pulling me around the side of the house to her car. We jumped in and snuck away, heading off down the road. As we drove along, I asked, "So what do you want to do?"

Cory looked at me, placing her hand on the growing bulge in my pants. She smiled as she squeezed my cock, "I want to get reacquainted with this big boy. I have missed him so much!"

That was all the invitation I needed. My cock grew instantly hard as Cory caressed it. We drove to the nearest motel, and for the next three hours, we became very well reacquainted with every inch of each other's bodies, inside and out.

We fucked each other hard, fast, slow, smooth, lovingly, and with animal passion. We just couldn't get enough of each other. All the built-up sexual tension from so many months away from each other was released at once.

Cory gave me the best fucking I could remember, and I did the same for her. She came over and over until we were exhausted and well satisfied.

We lay together, holding one another, talking about how much we missed each other and wanting to be together forever. My heart was full when I finally said the three words. Cory, "I LOVE YOU!"

She smiled and hugged me. "Bill, I have waited almost four years to hear those words come out of your mouth. Thank God, I love you too! I want to be your wife!" she confessed as happy tears ran down her cheeks.

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We made love one more time. It was beautiful, slow, and loving, with great passion and a big helping of lust. We came together in a hot loving embrace. We rested, then showered and headed back to the party.

Cory had to leave the next day, so we stayed at her parents' house, in her old room that night. Seeing all her teenage high school stuff on the walls was cool.

We had to be quiet when we made love since her parents were just down the hall. We did good, but the second time we fucked, Cory was riding me. She screamed out when she came, quickly covering her mouth, falling forward, and moaning into my chest. We laughed, hoping no one heard her.

We slept like babies holding each other until morning. When we came for breakfast, Cory's mom gave us the evil eye, followed by a sly grin. She knew, but her dad had no clue. That was a good thing. He would have ripped my head off!

Cory left that afternoon, and I returned to law school two days later. I had some catching up to do, so we didn't see each other for a month, but we talked every couple of days.


I would graduate from law school another year, and we couldn't do anything until after. I had to focus on my studies to graduate as high in my class as possible to receive the best associate job offers.

Cory and I agreed to limit our visits, deciding to see each other on the third weekend of each month. Sometimes, we would stay in a hotel alone, or we might meet friends. But in either case, we spent most of our time together in bed, making love. It was beautiful and satisfying.

When I went to see Cory, she had a lot of girlfriends and only a couple of guy friends, and most of the people were from her job. Cory had an excellent job, made good money, and lived in a nice area in a great apartment. We always spend a lot of time in her bed fucking our brains out.


A little about Cory, she is beautiful! Tall at 5'7" and sleek at 120lbs. Her body is amazing, with 34D breasts, a slim waist, and a nice round bottom. Her long legs meet at the 'valley of love. Her puffy mons was waxed smooth, split by a deep slit that disappeared between her legs. It is a delicate, succulent morsel to eat. I love Cory's taste. She is very orgasmic and can cum multiple times in a row.

I'm just 6' feet tall, about 190 pounds, with no fat since I work out several times a week and stay in excellent shape. I'm strong due to doing a lot of weightlifting when I was younger. I have a nice thick eight inch cock. My stamina is incredible, and I love to fuck. I am a religious follower of the 'Good Lovers Creed.' Always make sure to please your lover before yourself!

So, Cory and I worked on our relationship as I continued school. We tried to decide what would happen to us when I graduated, and I knew it all depended on the law firm that hired me. When graduation was three months away, it looked like I would be second in my class, meaning I would be getting excellent offers, making all the unbelievably demanding work and time worth it for Cory and me!

Soon the interview requests started, from small law firms to big ones. I had Cory help me, and we did due diligence on each firm. We decided on four law firms that I was interested in joining, one in Chicago, one in Minneapolis, one in Atlanta, and one in the San Francisco Bay area.

I have always wanted to live in the Bay Area, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to go that far west and start a life there. I always loved Atlanta. It is a great progressive city, young and vibrant with a lot of good living and weather. Chicago would be easy because we could live in Cory's apartment for a while, but we both had said we wanted warmer weather. That was the same issue with Minneapolis. The weather was harsh there, and they had big black flies in the summer that hurt when they bit.

After much discussion, we decided I should focus on the Abramson Law Firm in Atlanta. It was a large law firm specializing in corporate litigation and acquisitions, which I liked. I have learned those two segments of the law and knew I would excel. I was good with numbers and minored in accounting, so it was a solid plus when you had a thing for numbers.

Abramson made me a great six-figure offer, but I countered it, wanting a housing allowance for three years, and they accepted. They were good about giving me what I wanted and even gave me a $50,000 signing bonus!

I told them I couldn't start for sixty days when I graduated. I wanted to unwind from my four years of Law School and twenty years of total school before I moved into law.

Cory and I wanted to take a trip. We decided to go backpacking around Europe for a month. We had a blast. We stayed in hostels and met a ton of cool people. We smoked a lot of weed, had a lot of sex, and even experimented with other people, both men, and women. On one occasion, I watched Cory with another man. She loved it, but I was jealous and didn't like it. Once Cory watched me with a hot Swedish blonde but was so jealous that she left the room. One day before we came home, we had a three-way with Cory, me, and a black girl. Cory just watched us fuck. Then they both fucked me. They did kiss and touch each other, but Cory went no further. Cory later told me she didn't think she could be with a woman and only be with another man if I was there watching and for protection. I also had to agree that it was Ok.

After our trip, we recommitted to each other and agreed we might never experiment again, but we didn't completely rule it out. We would see how our life went and dedicate ourselves to each other.

We bought a small house in the Druid Hills area of Atlanta. We used half the signing bonus for the down payment, and my housing allowance would pay our mortgage for three years. These older redeveloped homes in great old neighborhoods had the old craftsman-style look and were completely renovated inside. We bought all the new furniture and decorated the house as we wanted. We loved the place we chose and were excited to be in Atlanta. Once we moved in, we had the whole firm over for an open house.

One more reward was that the firm also gave us corporate memberships at the Druid Hills Country Club and the Atlanta Athletic Club.


Our trip rejuvenated us. We both felt great, and we quickly settled into our new home, and I started my exciting new career. Cory was able to transfer with her company to their Atlanta office. It was a different position but paid well, which worked out great for us.

Cory and I knew we were going to get married, so we started to plan it, but decided to do it right with all our family, friends, and everything our families wanted. It was the only marriage we would ever have, so we ensured it was planned right. That way, everyone would have an enjoyable time.

Over the first few months, we decorated our house together and planted flowers in the yard. We met our neighbors and started integrating ourselves into the Atlanta culture. We were having a wonderful time and quickly decided we loved Atlanta.

I met two great guys living on my street. They were my age. Roy was an engineer, and Jason was a marketing guy. We got along great. They weren't married, and each lived separately in their houses. Roy had a longtime girlfriend, but she left him to go to Alaska to do some project for the Health Department, the National Health Service, or some other group, so he was single again.

Jason was a confirmed bachelor. He hadn't found anybody he wanted to marry. Jason was an attractive guy and successfully played the field. He always scored with the girls, so when the three of us would go out, we could have been successful dating by taking the castoffs from Jason because he is picky. Sometimes Roy did make out that way, but I just watched them. It was entertaining.


Cory and I settled into our jobs, and everything started moving forward. We decided to get married six months later, right before Christmas.

Of course, our moms came down and worked out the plans. Everything was going to be in St Louis. Once the wedding plans were all arranged, we confirmed the dates with our companies and agreed we would take four weeks off to get married. Week one was pre-wedding and wedding, week two was honeymooning in Jamaica, and weeks three and four were for recovery and adjustment! Then back to the grind!

Cory had eight Bridesmaids and her sister as her Maid of Honor. I had eight Groomsmen, and my dad was my Best Man. My dad was a fun guy, so he let the Groomsmen plan the bachelor party, which was wild. I was kidnapped, blindfolded, and taken somewhere. I had no idea where I was when they removed the blindfold. The alcohol flowed, and I discovered I was at Larry Flynt's Hustler Strip Club in Illinois.

It was a private party, so the dancers were free to do whatever they wanted, to whoever they wanted to. No phones were allowed, so no incriminating videos or pictures could be taken. It was a great party, decadent and sexy, but nothing that happened that night was ever spoken about after we walked out the door. If anyone had talked, there would have been some break-ups and a few divorces! We even bought the security video disc from the club for $2,000; I have the only copy!

You know the rule, "What happened at the Bachelor Party stayed at the Bachelor Party!"

Cory's Bachelorette Party was a little tamer, though they did have a big black male stripper. Cory told me later he was hung like a horse. The moms were there, so it didn't get too crazy. Some single girls did partake, sucking his big cock and then letting him fuck them. The others drank, watched, and cheered them on. There were no cell phones allowed there either. Cory told me later, "I was so horny after the party. It was good that you weren't with me that night, or I might have fucked you to death!"

I laughed, "What a way to go!"

We had a wonderful time at the wedding. It was spectacular, and the church was beautifully decorated and full of family and friends to celebrate with us.

The reception party at the Country Club was amazing. Our parents spent a lot of money, so we kicked in. We spent $50,000 on this wedding, much more than we ever expected to pay, but it was so much fun. Everyone, our family, and friends that we invited had a wonderful time. The Moms and Dads hired an amazing show band, The Band Of OZ, and the dancing and music were fantastic.

That night we had a suite at the Airport Marriot. We crashed there at 2:00 am after an amazing day. We made love several times overnight, for the first time as husband and wife. It was all just like a fairy tale.

We slept in and made love in the morning. We ordered room service and made love in the shower while we waited for our food.

In the afternoon, we flew off on our honeymoon to Jamaica. We decided to make it a sex trip, so we booked in at Hedonism II. We wanted to get naked, run around, and not worry about anybody else. We wanted to liberate ourselves a little more since we had been so involved in doing everything with the wedding and our work. On the European trip, we experimented, but we were not as free as we had hoped. We decided we wanted more freedom in our lives and to try new things.

A few weeks before the wedding, lying in bed after a satisfying loving, I asked Cory, "I know we played a little on our trip, but neither of us was comfortable. Now that we will be married and committed to each other, do you want to play around in Jamaica?"

Cory rose on her elbow and looked at me. She was biting her lip, and I could see the excitement on her face. "I am not sure. Part of me liked it when I was with Liam. But I hated seeing you when I watched you and Hanna. I was so jealous. When we were with Robbin, I was a little more comfortable seeing you fucking her, knowing I could join in, and I did. So, I don't know. How do you feel?"

"I am up for anything we want to try. I have 100% faith in our love for each other, so we can do anything at once and see how we like it or not. We must agree that nothing can happen without total agreement and not behind each other's backs. I love you, and you love me so that we will be committed to each other forever. So, let's see what happens."

We had a wonderful week and experienced a few unique things which I may get into later, but right now, they're not important. We had an exciting time and great sex, adding several new experiences. We made love or fucked a lot, depending on the mood we were in at the time.

We put that behind us once we were back and settled into our jobs and local life in Atlanta.

We decided to revisit Hedonism II every spring and have maintained that commitment for seven years.

Cory and I have a great life, great friends, and great jobs. We love Atlanta, the people, and the culture. We bought Atlanta Falcon season tickets with a group, so we went to all the home games. It's a blast.


That brings us back to today. The strangest day of our lives together, at least it was for me.

While waiting, I heard Cory padding back down the hall to the bedroom, humming. It was clear she was happy about what was about to happen.

My imagination was running wild. Was Cory having an affair with a woman? I didn't think she had been openly interested in women, though she had briefly experimented on our European trip and honeymoon. One night in Jamaica, when we went to a theme party, Cory was hit on by an incredible woman. They danced, and the woman kissed her several times passionately as she felt her up, trying to get her back to her room.

Cory resisted and later attacked me when we got to our room. After we fucked hard cumming together, we lay breathing hard in the afterglow. Cory told me that the woman had hit on her all day on the beach while I had been on a deep-sea fishing outing. "Bill, she turned me on so much I was so wet. The woman, Marie, told me, 'I can smell your pussy. You are very horny, aren't you? You have me very turned on too. My pussy is leaking sweet cream! Look at the wet spot I am making in my thong. I want you so bad. Let's go to my room, and I will take you to heaven.'"

"Bill, I just couldn't do it, but boy, did I want to. Marie had me very horny. Then there she was tonight. All over me again. Wanting me and not caring if you approved or not. She just wanted to fuck me. I escaped and dragged you up here so you could fuck me hard. And here we are, and I am so hot for you now."

Cory rolled on top of me again and started sucking my cock until I was hard, then she mounted me and rode me like a bronco until she was cumming over and over. Her eyes were closed, and I was sure her mind was on Marie, not me. I didn't care. Her pussy was like a velvet glove gripping me as she came, driving me to the point when I couldn't hold back any longer. I grabbed her hips and flipped her over, pushing my cock deep into her for three of four strokes, then my balls exploded and unloaded a huge cum load deep inside her. If we were trying to make babies, I am sure that would have done the trick.

Exhausted, we collapsed with our sex sweat-coated bodied meshed together. As were lay there, I asked, "Was it me making you cum then, or was it, Marie?"

Cory hummed a minute, "I am sorry, but it was Marie fucking me with a big strap-on, and I couldn't get enough. God, Bill, she makes me very horny, I wanted to go with her this afternoon, but I was scared about how you would react when I told you. I am so ashamed. We were on our honeymoon, and I was thinking about cheating on you with a woman. No, I couldn't do that!"

"Then, she almost had me again at the party just now. I was almost ready to come to tell you I was going with her, but as I walked back to you, I saw you there and couldn't do it. I wanted to go badly, but I was afraid of us and hurting you."

As Cory told me about this woman, my cock was steel hard. "So, you wanted to go with her?"

Cory fidgeted, then looked at me, and her eyes were full of lust. She swallowed hard, "Well, my God, she was gorgeous and what she said made me so fucking horny. You know what I am like when I am very horny, so yes, I did want her to fuck me, just to see what that would be like! My curiosity was peeked for sure, but, no, I just couldn't do it!"

As she was talking, her eyes closed with Marie in her head. I slowly slipped down her body, kissing her hot flesh. My mouth covered her bare pussy, and I ate her, telling her to think I was Marie. I ravaged her, tongue fucking her and thrashing her clit. Suddenly she tensed up, and a guttural scream roared, "Oh Fuck Marie, eat me, make you make me cum. "With that, Cory started cumming hard, incoherently mumbling, "Oh God, Marie, eat me, baby!" over and over as her voice grew softer. She lost control, withering on the bed. Her orgasms didn't stop for almost fifteen minutes, and I ate her the whole time. It was like one long, satisfying orgasm! Cory finally pushed me away and collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily!

Breathless, Cory whispered, "Oh God, Bill, that was incredible. Could it be any better with her? You were unbelievable, and I haven't ever cum that hard from your mouth."

My jaw was sore, but my mouth tasted so good as her cream, coating every surface. My cock was rock hard, so I moved up, pushed her legs open, and drilled her hot pussy for a few minutes until I came. Then I fucked her wet pussy for half an hour, never letting up, just one hard stroke after another. Cory started cumming about two minutes in and kept cumming over and over. While she was in the throes of cumming I asked, "Cory, do you want to go find her and invite her to your bed?"

Cory's eyes opened, and she gasped, then moaned deeply and started cumming again! She wrapped her legs around me cumming nonstop until she pushed me away, gasping for air. Then she whispered, "God, no… Bill, you are plenty enough for me!"

The subject didn't cum up again for three years!

Part 2 Coming

Copyright © MaxxNRachelWrenn

All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.

This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations intended for mature readers.

All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old. 

Written by MaxxNRachel
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