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Teaching Hubby's Mistress - chapter 2

"Hot new housekeeper moves in"

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When Chloe moved in Monday afternoon, my son Jonathan was at a friend’s house down the street and Gerald was at the museum. Instead of using a moving van, a friend dropped her off in our driveway. She was only carrying a backpack and one suitcase. I felt sorry for her. I’d hate to be poor and have so little.

“Hi, Mrs. Anderson.”

I said, “Hello again, Chloe. Since I’m not your teacher anymore, you can call me Rochelle. Follow me to the guest house and I’ll show you around.”

I led her in and pointed out the rooms. “The kitchen is over there. The living room has an electric fireplace. There’s a tub and shower in the upstairs bathroom, but the downstairs one only has a toilet and sink. I’d suggest you use one of the bedrooms to sleep in most of the time and keep the other nice for when Gerald is here.”

“Holy cow! This is nearly as big as my mom’s whole house! I don’t have to share it with anybody?” She set her suitcase and backpack down.

I felt slightly jealous and started to reconsider my plan as I said, “Just my husband sometimes.” If I needed to let him sleep with her so he would stay I'd do it, but that didn't mean I'd enjoy it. “You can use the pool in the backyard, and the hot tub and rec room in the main house basement. There are pool and ping-pong tables over there. You can do your laundry over there too.”

She asked, “Where can I have a cigarette?”

She followed me outside as I said, “I don’t want you smoking indoors or around my son. I guess if the weather’s bad you can smoke in the garage, but not in the house or guest house.”

“Okay. Since we’re way across town, I think I’ll miss my family. Can I get time off to go see them?”

“Sure. If the house is clean, you only need to be here when Jonathan is home. You can go shopping, visit your family, or whatever when he’s in school, or days when I’m off work. Your family can come visit on the weekends.”

“That’s nice. They would have a blast swimming in your pool!”

“I think one of your sisters is in the same grade as Jonathan, right?”

“Yeah, Lora is sixteen. She mentioned him being cute. I think she likes him.” I smiled.

I got an old flowerpot from the shed and handed it to her. “Use this as an ashtray for the time being. I’ll get some the next time I go shopping.”

We sat at the picnic table in front of the guest house. She lit up and took a puff as I said, “I have some personal questions for you, since you’ll be intimate with my husband.”

“Yeah. I was wondering, should I ask him to sleep with me when he gets home?”

“NO! You need to be subtle! He has to think it’s his idea. He’ll need to get acquainted with you first. I don’t think Gerald will approach you for at least a week. Just keep the house clean and let me know privately when he starts flirting with you.”

“But I still get paid, right? Or is that only when he starts fucking me?”

“Language! I don’t want you using words like that. My son shouldn’t hear it, and my husband won’t like it if you use vulgar language.”


“I’ll pay you every other weekend, starting in about two weeks. Here’s a little to tide you over until then.” I handed her some cash.


“I need to know some things about you, like what birth control you’re on, your sexual history, and a few other things.”

“I use condoms most of the time.”

Most of the time? Or every time?”

“Well, about a dozen condoms out of maybe twenty times. I’m probably fine.”

“PROBABLY? I’ll get you an appointment at the clinic. The birth control implant is simple, and it’ll keep you from getting pregnant for a couple of years. You need to be checked for diseases, too. You really only had sex about twenty times?”

“Yeah. I’m not a slut! I did hand jobs for the three guys before him, but I didn’t give up the goods until my last boyfriend. He said he wanted to marry me. He got all angry and broke up with me when he saw his cousin kiss me, though.”

“You cheated with his cousin?”

“No! I just kissed her! It’s not like I sleep around a lot. She started it.”

“So, you like girls too, Chloe?”

“I uh… some are really pretty, but that was the only time I kissed one.”

“I tried it with a girl once, a long time ago. I understand.” Our eyes locked for a few seconds, then we smiled and giggled nervously.

She turned away as I asked, “Do you have any medical problems the family should know about, diabetes, allergies, or anything?”


“That’s good. How much do you smoke?”

“When I was in school, I could only get away with three a day, sometimes four. Maybe six or seven on weekends.”

“It’s unhealthy, but about five a day isn’t that bad. My husband and I used to smoke in high school, so I know how hard it is to quit. I’ll help, if you want?”

“Maybe later? Once I get comfortable here?”

“Sure. I hope you like animals?”

“Um… big dogs kind of scare me, but most animals are okay.”

“That’s good. Jonathan has a hamster, a turtle, and a lizard. He wants to be a vet.”

“Does he need to go in the military? That’s where vets come from, right?”

I bit my lip a moment to avoid laughing, then patiently explained the difference between ‘veteran’ and ‘veterinarian’.


As I finished giving Chloe a tour of the house, my son came home. I introduced them. “Jonathan, this is Chloe. She’s going to be our new housekeeper. When your father and I are away, she’s in charge. Do what she says.”

He asked, “Your little sister is Lora, right? She kinda looks like you. Not as... grown up, though.” I saw he was staring at the shape of one of Chloe's nipples as it pushed against her thin bikini top.

She nodded, “Uh huh. She’s one of my three sisters. I think you’re in the same grade?”

“Yeah. We're in most of the same classes. That reminds me, I need to do my homework.” As he ran upstairs, the bulge in his jeans told me homework was the last thing on his mind.

I told her, “Gerald might be offended if you look too sleazy, and I don't really want my son seeing you like this. It's too distracting. You should wear more conservative clothes, something that doesn’t show off your boobs or so much of your legs.”

“I don’t really have anything like that, except my winter clothes in the attic at home.”

I sighed. “Let’s go look in my closet. I think I have some things in your size.” I knew I had several dresses that would fit her, but they were from ten years and fifteen pounds ago. She dropped her running shorts and tried on half a dozen dresses in my bedroom.

She pointed to a cardboard box of random old things on the closet floor. “What’s that? Is that real gold?”

I looked in the box. “Yes, it’s a gold-plated cigarette holder. Gerald gave it to me for my eighteenth birthday, along with that gold-plated lighter. We quit smoking about seventeen years ago, when I got pregnant with Jonathan.” She stared at them a little while and I told her, “I guess you can have them, since I don’t smoke anymore.”

“Really? Thanks!” She put the holder in the corner of her mouth, then held it and waved it around like a wand. “Does this look sexy?”

I smiled. “That’s why Gerald gave it to me. Let’s get back to finding a dress you like.”

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Gerald walked into the bedroom as she dropped her current dress to the floor. Chloe was only wearing a black thong and bikini top. She shrieked, “Eeeeeh!” She grabbed the dress and held it in front of her as I tried to explain, “Gerald, we… um… this is our new housekeeper, Chloe.” He turned and walked out quickly.

I followed him and said, “Chloe is from a poor family, and I was giving her some of my old clothes.”

His face was a little red and I saw one of his hands was clenched in a fist until he took a deep breath. He paused a moment then turned around. “It’s nice you’re helping her out. That was quite a surprise.”

“Sorry, I should have locked the door.”

“It’s all right. Do we have plans for dinner? I’m famished.” He smelled like soap and his dark hair was damp, he had taken a shower recently. I saw his gym duffel bag in the hall.

“I’ll help Chloe make something once she finds a dress she likes. I hope you had a good day?”

“I was sorting old photos of sailing ships in the museum basement most of the day. It was nice. I’ll grab a snack and help Jonathan with his homework. Let us know when dinner is ready.”


The three of us made small talk through dinner, then watched a movie with my son. After Jonathan went to bed, I suggested, “Gerald, maybe you could help Chloe unpack? You could get to know her a little.”

She rested a hand on his arm. “Would you please?”

He said, “Okay. Have you thought about what classes you want to take in college, Chloe?”

I giggled quietly as they walked out the back door, knowing that would be an interesting conversation. I looked out the window and saw them sitting at the picnic table. Chloe was smoking with the holder, and his attention was firmly focused on her mouth. I smiled, knowing my plan was going well so far.

If he was going to sleep with another woman, I wanted it to be one that had nothing to offer him but sex. I knew that with his great mind, he'd quickly tire of conversations with an airhead like her. He'd still need me as a partner and companion.

I felt a happy dampness in my panties as I imagined watching Gerald screw such a hottie, and resisted the urge to rub myself.


(Chloe's point of view)

As I put a menthol 120 in the holder Mrs. Anderson gave me, I answered him. “Jerry, I’m fine with the job. I don’t like to read, and I hate math. Why do I need more school?”

I saw he was staring at my lips as I lit up and took a puff. I had to suck harder than usual to get much smoke, so my cheeks moved in more. I could tell from the look on his face he liked that. He said, “I guess you have a point, if you’re actually happy.”

“I just started, but I think I’ll like it. She said I only need to cook, keep the house clean, watch Jon, and slee...” I froze a second. I’d nearly given away the secret. “…uh, and some other stuff. You’re a lot more handsome than the pictures she showed me.”

“You look much nicer than our last housekeeper, too. She was fifty-something and shaped like an apple.”

I laughed and asked, “She said my family can visit and use the pool?”

“They’re welcome anytime. Have fun with them in the pool, rec room, whatever. Our home is your home."

"That's so nice of you! Thanks!"

He asked, "How much are we paying you?”

“Three grand a month, and more when you, uh…” I froze. I’d almost given away the secret again.


He looked at my mouth as I sucked in another big puff, giving me time to think a little. “And um… and more if your family is happy with me.”

“If you do a good job, that’s fair.”

I took a last puff and put the cigarette out. I said, “That was a really embarrassing way to meet you. I'm glad your family is so nice. Come in and help me unpack.” I held his hand and led him into the guest house; my new home. I could hardly believe I’d have such a big place all to myself!

I moved the shirts and shorts from my suitcase to the dresser drawers. I let him take care of my bras and panties. By the end, I saw him sweating a little and there was a lump in the front of his pants. I thought I should try seducing him and gave it a go.

I faked a yawn and said, “My mom would always kiss me good night. Would you give me a good night kiss?”

I was disappointed when he kissed my forehead. “Good night, Chloe.”

He left before I could take off my clothes. I was horny and a little sad, but hopeful that I’d get him the next day. He was really smart and kind of hot for an old guy.


(Gerald's POV)

The few hours since I got home were arousing but quite confusing. I had walked in on my wife and a nearly nude Chloe. For a few seconds, I thought I’d caught Rochelle cheating on me with a woman, but her explanation that Chloe had been trying on clothes made sense. Rochelle was fully dressed and there were clothes scattered all over the room.

I wondered why she encouraged me to help Chloe unpack. It would give me time alone with a very attractive woman I’d just met. Chloe’s several seduction attempts were blatantly obvious, but I seriously doubted that she was attracted to me. I was over twice her age. I was probably in college when she was born.

I glanced toward the house while I sat with Chloe at the picnic table, then again when I was putting Chloe’s enticing panties in the dresser. Rochelle had been staring out the window both times. She’d probably seen Chloe holding my hand and me kissing her brow.

Instead of her questioning me when I returned to the house or acting jealous, she smiled and asked if I would wash her back in the shower. In my excited state, I was happy to play along.

I carried her to the bathroom, French kissed her once I set her down, then helped her undress. She took my pants off as I removed my shirt, then slid my boxers down and took my penis in her soft hand. I played with her breasts as she stroked me. I imagined Chloe and the girl I had a crush on, Emily, and was soon close to climax. Rochelle moved away and reminded me, "Shower."

I followed her in as she turned the water on. The last time we'd had sex anywhere but the bed had been in a pool on vacation several years before. I stood behind her, washing her body as she shampooed her hair. She reached back and guided my firm rod into her hot slit from behind. I hadn't felt her so wet and excited in a long time. I held her breasts firmly as she rocked her hips back and forth in time with my thrusting.

I slid in and out of her, over and over, imagining Emily as I savored the warm wet flesh squeezing the sides of my cock. As I started pumping semen into her she moaned, "So close! Keep going! Mmmm!" She was telling me what to do, turning me on even more. I was breathing very hard and barely had the oxygen for it, but jackhammered into her even faster until she achieved orgasm too. She gasped and her body went limp, so I held her tightly to keep her on her feet.

When she recovered, she turned around and French kissed me again. "So good, Gerald! That was amazing!"

"You too! That was great!"

After toweling each other off, we climbed into bed. I cuddled up to her back and rested a hand between her breasts as she fell asleep. Lately, sex had been a rarity and we’d slept apart on opposite sides of the bed. It was the best night we'd had in months.

I was kept awake by some nagging thoughts in the back of my mind. I wondered why my wife would show the new housekeeper pictures of me, why Chloe was trying to seduce me, and why Rochelle didn't seem to mind. I thought about it for quite a while. I wasn’t sure what Chloe and my wife were up to, or what I should do about it.

I also wondered if my crush on Emily would lead to anything. I thought if I decided on Emily, a few more weeks at the gym would get me in decent enough shape that she'd go on a date with me. Taking her somewhere in my new Ferrari would greatly improve my chances, too.

Written by CreepyUnclePete
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