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Sophie's 'Poke-Her' Game - Part 5

"Sophie hosts her Bf's poker game with his co-workers - continued"

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He didn't suspect a thing, but looking at Ben, he did. Ben was sitting looking very sombre and quiet. He must know what him and Sophie had been up to alone; after all, he had done it before him.

Still looking at Ben, Tyler spoke to Josh.

"Maybe, man, if I am, I'll try again. I'm sure Sophie's up for another round."

He then smiled at Ben, who just looked down at his cards.

Tyler then looked down at his own pile of chips, checking if anyone had stolen any of them, then he glanced at Josh's pile, which was by far bigger than his, and dwarfed everyone else's completely.

"Hey, man, let's play some poker, it isn't right that you've got a pile that big, I've got the biggest dick, so I should have the biggest pile o' cash," he said with a big smile, his hands remembering squeezing Sophie's big, naked tits as he fucked her hard to cumming and screaming.

They all protested, and he just laughed, except Ben, who never looked at him.

"Come on, man, let's play. I want your cash, Joshy boy, so let's get serious," he said, as he flexed his hands to show impatience.

Josh laughed as he began dealing the cards, "I've been waiting to take your money, Ty. Everyone here knows I'm the best poker player here tonight."

Tyler laughed loudly. When he settled, all he said was, "I think we should let your hot girlfriend be the judge of that, Joshy boy, I bet you she'd say I was the best at 'Poke-Her'!"

Josh didn't pick up on the difference in the way Tyler said poker, but no one else did either, except Ben, who took a long swig of his bottle of beer, still not meeting Tyler's eyes.

"Then, I'll just have to take all your cash to prove it, Ty. Ante up," Josh said, and Tyler smiled at him as he placed his Ante chip in the centre of the table.

You might take all the chips tonight, Joshy boy, Tyler thought to himself, but I just fucked your girlfriend.

The card game continued, and Sophie's 'Poke-Her' game was about to continue too.


Josh sat back down in his chair facing his co-workers, with his beer that he had left in the kitchen as he was refilling the cool box with the last few beers from the fridge. Each of the others still had their beers sitting in front of them, most only half drunk. He tried as hard as he could not to smile. He knew that those beers were hardly touched now because Steve, Paul, Tyler, and Ben were all trying to concentrate as hard as they could to beat him. Their stacks of chips were all running low, none had even a quarter of what he had now.

Richie sat in his seat now just swigging his beer and smiling at Josh every now and then. Josh couldn't understand why, because he was out of the game and had lost all of his money to Josh. Then again, Richie was odd anyway. He had been like that anyway since he came back in the room from his bathroom trip. He must have really needed to go because he had been up there about fifteen minutes or something. Josh just thought that he was probably drunk.

Putting his Japanese co-worker out of his mind, Josh picked up the cards that Tyler had just dealt in front of him. He only took a quick glance before replacing them to the tabletop and taking another swig of his beer. He appeared neither concerned, nor unconcerned, about his cards, nothing showed on his face. He smiled inside though, three aces dealt straight out, he didn't think he would lose, not with the luck these guys had been having all night.

No luck at cards at least, he didn't know that three of them had gotten lucky with his girlfriend in one way or another.

"You guys wanting to call it a night, or are you wanting to lose the rest of your money?" Josh said with a smirk, and a swig of his beer.

"You haven't taken it all yet, mate," Ben answered back, "I've still got a load of chips here."

Josh smiled at him, "You won't have, mate, you won't have," he said, and smiled at him as he took another swig.

Ben looked angry, as he always did when he was losing, and was about to say something, when the door opened, and Sophie walked in with a smile on her beautiful face.

"Hey, guys," she said sweetly, as she walked over and placed her arms around Josh's neck.

"Hey, baby," he said to her and kissed her arm, she responded by kissing his head.

"Hey, Soph," Ben muttered, and looked down at his cards.

"Hey, sexy!" Tyler boomed in his deep voice, no doubt earning him an annoyed look.

The other three said hello with smiles and such, before Sophie unwrapped her arms and walked around to stand beside Josh, laying her arm around his shoulders.

"Wow, look at all this money!" she said, her voice sounding brighter than when she came in.

"Yeah, loads, huh! I'm about to take the rest of these losers’ money, as well," he replied, as he smiled around at them all.

"Well, to be a good loser, Josh, unlike some Ben, I know that my load is a LOT lighter now since I came here, and I think I've performed really well, wouldn't you say, Sophie?" Tyler said, and laughed deeply.

Ben shot a scowl at him for some reason, no doubt for his remark about Ben being a sore loser, but what astounded Josh was that Sophie actually smiled back at the black man, and from what Josh could tell, without any annoyance at all. Perhaps they were finally getting on after their pool game.

"Oh, I'd say you have performed top marks tonight, and I think your load is a hell of a lot lighter now!" she said, whilst still smiling at him, "You must have lost your concentration after our pool game."

Tyler laughed again, and Josh thought it was probably a joke they were sharing between them. He never suspected the truth about the 'load' of cum inside Sophie's womb and belly from his black co-worker.

"Yeah, my loads all gone," Richie piped up in his high-pitched voice.

Sophie's smile turned sickly when she looked at the man. In fact, it was more like a grimace, which made sense, as she hated his guts.

She took her arm from his shoulders, and smoothed her outfit over her stomach and hips, and turned to look away from Richie, who just smiled and carried on drinking. Josh thought it best not to bring Richie around here again.

Josh took Sophie's hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze for comfort. She turned her face to him and smiled lovingly at him.

"I think I'm going to go outside for a bit," she said, the smile no longer on her pretty face.

Knowing the reason why, that she didn't want to be around Richie, Josh just smiled back up at her, and once again gently squeezing her hand to tell her it was alright.

"Ok, baby," he said with a warm, loving smile on his face, "We'll be finished soon, ok?"

"Yeah, ok, babe," she said, and smiled down at him gratefully, before turning to walk into the kitchen.

Josh watched his attractive girlfriend walk into the kitchen and waited until he heard the back door open and close, then he turned to the other guys around the table again.

"Right, let's watch you all give me your money then," he said as he clapped and rubbed his hands together.

He knew Sophie wasn't happy at the moment, that she couldn't wait for them all to go, but she would be ecstatic when he gave her the surprise he had planned for next week that all these winnings were going to pay for. With that thought in mind, he continued to play poker.


Sophie lay on the lounge chair in the back garden, looking up at the waning light of the summer's day. The air was still comfortably warm, not even the light breeze that gently caressed her black fishnet covered legs as she lay with her hands resting on her slim stomach.

She could almost feel Tyler's big dick still inside her, filling her full of his dark meat, and she could definitely still remember how good he had made her feel.

She was lying there thinking about how the evening had turned out, and also because she still felt too weak from the fucking Josh's black co-worker had given her, twice, to be able to stand for long. Her body still felt like jelly from the amazing climaxes she'd had. She smiled to herself when she thought how close she had come to collapsing on the floor when she walked back through to talk to Josh because her knees were still weak. She had had to put her arms around him to steady herself.

She was feeling content and happy at that moment, lying there in her skimpy black silk maid's outfit, which she had donned again after she had fingered herself to another orgasm in her bedroom.

That thought triggered another, which made Sophie's smile slide from her face into a sickly grimace. Richie had fucked her up there, too. The thought still made her shiver.

Quickly she pushed any thought of the evil little rat-man away. She wanted to be happy, and that's why she'd come outside, so she wouldn't have to see Richie again.

Her smile returned as she began to think about Tyler again and how things had turned out to make them fuck. Her feelings towards him had changed now. He had irritated her before, but after feeling that wonderful black dick buried in her, she could put up with anything for that feeling.

Slowly and gently, Sophie rubbed her fingers over her flat belly, and then lifted her head slightly to look down. She had been filled with two lots of cum again, although she tried not to think about Richie's, and Tyler had dumped what felt like a truckload straight into her womb. She thought that she might feel full of cum for months now. She rested her head back again, hoping that she wasn't pregnant. She had got away with all the cum that had been fucked inside of her so far by the guys she had cheated on Josh with, but she'd been lucky, and luck would only last so long.

As she lay there, looking up at the slowly darkening sky, she pushed the worry about being pregnant out of her mind, and just felt herself relax, and her mind drifted back to the feel of Tyler's long, hard dick ramming mercilessly in and out of her.

She growled at herself, and tried to make herself think about something else, but her mind continuously went back to the iron hard rod slamming into her. She forced herself to keep her hands on her stomach as the lustful desires filled her. It seemed that she was permanently horny since that first day with Ben in the kitchen. The risk and eroticism of cheating on her boyfriend just turned her on so much. She loved Josh, she knew that, and she loved him deeply, and wanted to only be with him, but this was lust and, boy, it felt so good!

None of those thoughts helped her with her horniness, though, and neither had her fingering upstairs. In fact, that never satiated her lust anymore, which is why she had gotten rid of her vibrator. Only a real dick could help her for any length of time nowadays, and it seemed that she needed to get fucked more and more. The more she cheated on Josh, it was just like an addiction.

Keeping her hands on her stomach, Sophie tried to concentrate on the stars appearing in the sky. She tried to control her breathing and think of anything except sex.

Her large chest rose and fell in its tightly confined space of her dress as she breathed deeply. She needed to calm down, before she ran into the poker game, ripped Tyler's jeans open, and rode his big cock until she collapsed. No, she thought, I must calm down.

So, Sophie Harper lay there, her stomach fluttering rapidly with lust and horniness, trying to stay calm. It was then that the door to the kitchen opened.


Paul gently opened the back door of his co-worker’s house and slowly peeked out. He knew that his workmate’s hot girlfriend had gone outside and decided that he was going to speak to her, to see if he could begin to seduce her. He had no reluctance to trying to seduce his friend's girlfriend; after all, he had fucked his own mother and sister, so why would he have reservations about fucking his workmate’s girl? He slowly moved out into the warm air of the darkening evening.

He saw Sophie lying down not far from the door of the kitchen on a low, white lounger chair on a paved area of the garden, as he slipped quietly out of the house and tried to gently close the door.

He couldn't help but stare at the amazing image before him, and wonder how a very beautiful, and very sexy, woman was not swamped by every guy she even just walked past. She was still wearing her skimpy black silk maid’s outfit, and her black heels at the end of her black fishnet covered legs. The small tiara glinted in the waning light, as it lay nestled in her straight, blonde hair, which was still in its ponytail. She was stunning, even just lying there. Her heavy tits rising and falling as she lay on her back, straining the thin material of her dress.

Her beautifully carved face lay still with her large eyes closed, her hands across her flat stomach, and her full, dark red lips glistening. His dick instantly rose to the sight of this wondrous creature of desire, and he thought what a lucky bastard Josh was to fuck her every night. He didn't know that she had already fucked three of his and Josh's co-workers playing poker inside, and two of them that very night.

He slowly, and quietly, made his way towards her sleeping form, stopping at the end of the lounger facing the kitchen windows, just a few feet away from her, admiring every inch of her perfectly formed body, from her long smooth legs, over her flat, thin waist, onto the luscious mounds of her large tits, and finally to her cock-hardening beautiful face.

Quietly, he stood, trying to drink in just the sight of her, and his cock twitched and raged in his pants and tried to rip through them. So, he stood there and listened for a moment, smiling when he heard the deep, long, even breaths of deep sleep, and then he reached down slowly, and carefully unzipped his pants, and reached under his boxers to pull out his eight inch hard on. He gently stroked his hard dick, slowly like he always did things, not because he was slow, just that he always wanted to take his time, to get the full enjoyment and potential out of things, he was a calm, confident businessman, after all.

Gently massaging his dick, he split his gaze between staring at the beauty lying asleep before him and looking through the windows above the loungers into the kitchen. Through those windows he could see straight into the lounge through two big glass doors which split it from the kitchen, and although the windows to the outside would have hidden his dick and anything below his stomach, they wouldn't have hidden the movement of his arms from view, and Josh might wonder what he was up to, so he continued splitting his looks.

He hadn't even gone outside with any intention of jacking off in mind. He simply wanted to begin the long process of seducing a girl who didn't want to have sex with him, someone who loved someone else. But when he saw her asleep, he couldn't very well go and wake her up to talk to her, so he thought, why not just enjoy the sight, and that had just turned him on, so he had to relieve himself.

As he gently massaged his dick at the sight of the hot, blonde bombshell, he continued to keep a sharp eye on the kitchen; the light shining from in there would have illuminated him well enough, but he just watched and continued jacking himself off a few feet away from Sophie.

"You'll go blind if you keep playing with yourself."

Paul jumped and turned to look down at Sophie. She was still lying exactly as she was, only that she had turned to face him, and her big, blue eyes darted from his dick to his face, and she smiled. His eyes looked down and saw his dick, he had forgotten it in the surprise of having her speak to him suddenly, and as his heart tried to pound out of his chest, he hurriedly pushed his still hard dick back into his boxers.

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Sophie moved quickly, and before he had even finished putting his dick in his boxers, she was standing in front of him and holding on to his hands as he held his dick inside his boxers, his heart did almost come out of his chest now that her hands were so close. He had never been so jumpy with women in his life, but this was the hottest woman he had ever seen. He kept his hands very still.

"Hey, if you keep trying to stuff yourself away so hurriedly, you're going to get caught in your zip," she said, smiling beautifully at him.

She pulled at his hands and gently took them out of his boxers.

"Now, let me help," she said sweetly, and reached back into his boxers, and wrapped her hand around his hard cock.

He almost jumped as she touched him. It felt so good. She smiled teasingly at him as she held on to his dick.

"Actually, I think I should have another look at this," she said, sounding very innocent while looking very playful. "After all, you did get a chance to look at me for long enough."

She laughed gently at the obvious look of startlement on his face. She had been awake all the time he had been looking at her!

Still holding his dick with her left hand, she gently pulled down the waistband of his boxers and smiled down at his dick, as it once again was hard before her. She looked down at the dick in her hands, and then looked up, still wearing her playful smile.

"Well, we are a happy boy, aren't we?" she asked, and laughed lightly, and then she tightened her grip on his dick as her legs shook underneath her, almost making her fall on the floor. She stood very unsteadily, and he would've reached out to help her, but she spoke first. "I think I should sit down to take a look; it's been a long, hard night for me."

Paul didn't whimper in pleasure as his workmate’s hot, blonde girlfriend, walked backwards those few feet leading him by his dick in her left hand. He noticed the glint of an eternity ring on her hand as she gracefully sat on the end of the lounger in front of him and tucked her legs underneath her so that she was sitting on her knees. The view down her dress was fantastic, her large tits squeezed together to form an incredible cleavage. She looked up at him through her eyelashes, which made her blue eyes look even larger, and smiled sweetly up at him.

"Well," she said, once again turning her gaze to his hard dick only inches from her face. He could feel her hot breath caressing his dick, her warm hand gently squeezing as she held his shaft in her hand. "It seems that you got bored of playing poker, so you came out here to play with yourself."

"I lost," he answered back nervously. He wanted so much to just pull her head forward onto his dick, to feel her hot mouth sucking him, but he just stared down at her nervously, "So, I thought I'd come out here, and talk to you."

"Hm, well, it's nice to 'talk' to you," she said as she looked at him again, squeezing his dick a little harder to show what she really had meant, "But you really should be careful, Paul, if you play with yourself too much you could go blind."

"Look, Sophie, I'm sorry ok, please, don't say anything to Josh, I'll just…" he began nervously, and tried to stuff his dick back into his boxers, but Sophie just cut him off and moved his hands.

"Hey," she said, smiling up at him again when his hands stopped moving, "I'm not going to say anything to Josh, and I don't want you to try putting this away until I say, ok?"

"But you just said it was bad to play with myself. I thought you were angry?" he said, sounding totally confused.

Her smile deepened as she saw how confused he was, and impossible as it sounds, she grew even more beautiful.

"I said that it was bad for YOU to play with yourself, because as I said, you can go blind if you jack yourself off too often," she said, and then her smile turned from sweet and amused to very playful, "But I never said that it was bad for me to play with you."

Paul felt his heart stop, and spoke before she could say anything, and whenever he did anything without thinking, he always did something stupid.

"You're going to jack me off? I don't want to go blind though," he said, and realised just how stupid he had sounded.

Sophie smiled in a very amused way at how stupid he had been, but that playfulness returned very quickly, and far more lustful than before.

"I never said I was going to jack you off, either. I said I was going to play with you," she said, and opened her mouth to lick her lips seductively when he stared at her, looking dumb. Things were moving fast and out of control; he always made a fool of himself in those circumstances; he had to regain control again.

She smiled up at him playfully, and he slowly began to smile back down at her as he finally caught on to what she had meant. When she saw that he had finally understood, she asked him, "So, would you mind?" she said as she smiled.

"As I said, I don't want to go blind, so if you know a way that I won't, by all means, please show me your technique, and I'll see if it's better than mine," he said down at her, after taking the time to stare into her eyes and calm himself. He was now calm and in control, and everyone knew that when he was calm and calculated, he was at his best.

Sophie smiled teasingly up at him.

"Well, I think you'll find my way far better than yours," she said teasingly. "Enjoy."

And with those words she leaned forward, still with her eyes staring into his, and placed her mouth over his dick. Paul couldn't believe how good her hot mouth felt, but right then he was totally amazed by the way events had taken such a drastic turn from his original plan. But as he watched his workmate’s girlfriend slide his dick deeper into her mouth, and revelled in how good it felt, he was, for the first time in his life, very happy that his plan had failed.


Sophie continued to slide her hot, wet mouth up and down Paul's hard dick, moaning and flicking her tongue as her lips slid along its thickness.

She was horny, so horny that she could hardly wait to get Paul's dick into her. But she couldn't look too eager, she had control of him, and she wanted to keep it that way.

Staring into his eyes as her mouth swallowed his eight-inch dick, she sucked as hard as she could, her cheeks swiftly moving in and out as her pretty, blonde head bobbed back and forth at a steady pace. She had to keep control.

She sucked as she thought how easy it had been to get what she wanted from Paul. There was no flirting, or talks, or anything. She just grabbed his dick and went down on him. It had been hard to lie as still as she had for so long, but the look on his face had been classic when she turned and spoke to him.

"Um," Sophie moaned, as she slid her mouth smoothly up his hardness and removed her mouth, "So, am I better?" she asked as she smiled up at him, slowly stroking her fist up and down his cock.

"Hm, I think you could be if you carried on," he said lustfully.

Sophie smiled playfully up at him, and once again returned her mouth to work on his dick.

She couldn't believe that she was giving her third blowjob of the night! She had gone into this night thinking that she would fuck Ben, and she had already ended up having sex with two other people and was about to with a third.

The thought of how slutty she had been turned Sophie on even more, and she moaned loudly around Paul's dick as it travelled faster now into her hot mouth and down her throat.

"That's it, baby, suck my dick!" Paul growled calmly down to her, "Your face looks even more amazing with my dick filling your mouth, just imagine how hot you'll look when I bury it in your hot pussy!"

Sophie groaned louder around his hard meat and worked her mouth faster, sucking even harder than she had before.

Up and down her head bobbed, her hair falling down her back, as she sat on her knees, her dark red lips slid smoothly up and down, her tongue now slashing along the entire rod as it repeatedly sank into her mouth, as she orally satisfied another of her boyfriend's workmates.

"Yeah, Sophie, slide my dick between those hot lips of yours," Paul growled down at her, as he stood with one hand on her bare shoulder, "You know what, honey, I can see your boyfriend from here, he's still playing cards while you suck my cock!"

"Ohmph!" Sophie groaned loudly around his dick, and she worked her mouth up and down faster, mentioning Josh when she was cheating on him always made her lust burn like a wildfire.

Sophie now jacked hard at Paul's dick as she pumped it back and forth in and out of her mouth, moaning and listening to his appreciative groaning and the sounds of her sucking and slurping. Her pussy ached to be fucked, and her chest was heaving with anticipation, causing her big tits to push against the thin black silk. She really needed to be fucked, that's why she had left her panties upstairs, so that she could be ready to fuck and not have to strip.

Paul had somehow regained his calm composure and was moaning lightly as he stared down at Sophie, watching his cock slip in and out of her mouth.

"You're a good hostess, Sophie," he growled down at her, "I've never been so well entertained. I bet Josh is very proud of you."

Once again Sophie moaned loudly around the lewd cock burying itself in her mouth quicker and quicker all the time. Her eyes were now intent on watching the eight-inch meat slide in and out of her luscious lips, and feeling it slide easily down her throat. She had gotten blowjobs down to perfection, even before she had first cheated on Josh, but every guy she had ever slept with had always wanted to see her suck his dick, and seeing as Sophie loved sucking cocks, she never objected. Besides, it always made them fuck her harder.

As Sophie worked her mouth on Paul's dick, he suddenly began to walk backwards slowly. At first, she didn't take any notice, thinking that his legs were just getting weak as his dick filled her mouth and throat, and so she followed his movements, rising farther on her knees and leaning farther forward.

Paul just carried on moving, and soon Sophie found herself having to put one hand on the end of the lounge chair to support herself, as her left hand continued to pump up and down his dick. She looked up questioningly at him as she continued sucking his dick, but he wasn't looking down at her, instead he was looking over her head.

Sophie smiled inside, thinking that he was just losing himself to how good she was making him feel. She knew she was a very good cocksucker, after all, she had swallowed enough cum to prove it, and that was just tonight. She returned her eyes to Paul's dick, watching how it slid into her mouth, she was now on her hands and knees, only one handed, with her ass sticking up in the air and a warm breeze blowing against her uncovered pussy under the short hem of the dress. Her head still worked up and down Paul's entire cock length, sliding back and forth. Then Sophie realised for the first time since before he had started moving that Paul wasn't moaning.

Looking up at his face, Sophie saw him still looking over her head. What was he looking at? Josh couldn't have caught them, otherwise she would have been out of the house already.

Confused, Sophie tried to look around, but the dick in her mouth wouldn't let her. Then, as she was about to slide her boyfriend's workmate’s dick from between her lips, she felt another dick slide deep into her pussy from behind.

Instantly Sophie stopped sucking on Paul's dick, and groaned loudly around the cockmeat, as the second hard cock slid deep into her very hungry pussy. Oh, it felt so good!

"OHMPH!" she groaned as Paul pushed his cock further into her mouth and she wrapped her lips around it again, but didn't move her head, she felt too good to move.

She had always wanted a threesome but would never have done it because Josh wouldn't. But this felt amazing, she had two hard cocks buried deep within her at the same time, from both ends of her: one in her hot mouth and the other in her tight, hungry pussy.

She groaned loudly again around the cock in her mouth. Neither dick was moving. Obviously they were letting her enjoy the feeling of being completely stuffed full of cock. Now Paul's shifting and staring over her head made sense, he had been getting her into position to be fucked from behind as she sucked on his dick.

Then suddenly, as she relished in the glorious feeling of having a two dicks inside her at once, a thought hit her, who did the second dick belong to?

Quickly she pulled her mouth from Paul's dick and turned to look behind her as a pair of hands were placed on her slim waist. There, with his dick buried to the hilt inside her wanton pussy, stood Steve, grinning like a boy who had just been given his favourite toy, which in a way, she guessed he had.

Sophie's face turned from confusion and panic to a smile of lust, and she spoke to him as he held her waist with his dick in her pussy and her head turned to look behind her.

"I take it you've come to play ‘poke-her’ with us, then?" she said playfully.

Steve smiled happily and replied.

"Yeah, well, I prefer the feel of this game, and besides, Josh is too good at that game, but this one I'll beat him hands down on!" he said to her smugly and twitched his cock in her pussy.

"Oh," she purred, "I look forward to you proving that to me."

He smiled again at her, and Sophie turned to look at Paul again, who was now looking down at her calmly smug.

"So, two hard cocks want to fuck me senseless," she said, as she looked up at Paul, smiling, "I guess I should be the good hostess and keep my boyfriend's friends entertained, then."

"Yeah. He may be taking the money, but we're going to take his girl," Paul said smugly.

Sophie smiled playfully up at him, her large, blue eyes glowing with the heat of passion as her mouth once again slid over Paul's cock head, revelling in the feel of two dicks. This was going to be the best fuck so far.


Josh's hand was the best possible in a hand of poker, a royal flush, but he watched the other two players carefully. He smiled inside as he looked around the table. He had already knocked three of his friends out, and now only Tyler and Ben remained. Richie was there too, smugly grinning at him for some reason Josh couldn't understand when he had lost all of his money tonight, but Josh didn't take much notice. All of his attention was on the other two players. He had to concentrate to win, and he had to win to get Sophie's surprise for next week.

As Josh looked around the table, he didn't see the two of his co-workers that were missing from around the table, as they stood outside the kitchen windows going through the motions of knocking up his girlfriend.

Josh didn't know, that as he continued to watch his black co-worker and his best friend, that right at that moment, his outstandingly hot, twenty-two-year-old, blonde girlfriend was literally being fucked by two ragingly hard cocks, one buried deep within her hot mouth, sliding fast back and forth past her gripping, vice-like lips and down into her throat, and the other slamming roughly in and out of her tight pussy, ramming sharply into her, making her grunt from the impact, slamming hard into her, trying desperately to reach into her womb.

Written by The_Shadow_Rising
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