Sophie walked downstairs and back through into the lounge. The room still had stayed much the same, except most of the winnings were going to Tyler. He sat back with a cigar and a large pile of cash in front of him.
"Hey, the game has just got a lot more interesting," he bellowed as Sophie walked back into the room. He openly stared at her legs, waist, and tits.
Sophie glared at him as she walked past and through into the kitchen. He whistled at her as she walked past in her little black maid's outfit, but she just ignored him. She wasn't in the mood for any of Tyler's stupidity anymore. She was annoyed now. Annoyed at Ben for being such an asshole and letting her suck him off then not satisfying her needs. Annoyed at Tyler for being who he was and not leaving her alone. Annoyed at Josh for not saying something to Tyler for saying what he had been saying. And generally annoyed at the fact she was incredibly horny and had no way of satisfying her lust.
The only thing she could do was get revenge on Ben. Her plan was simple and would be in two parts. The first part she couldn't do tonight. That involved not allowing Ben to have sex with her again, Josh's boss would be more than happy to take over satisfying her urges. The second part was to flirt with Paul, and maybe Steve to some extent, but mainly Paul. He was the good-looking one in there and had been the perfect gentleman when she sat on his lap. His hands hadn't wandered or anything. Yes, flirting with another guy, maybe two, and denying Ben sex would be the perfect revenge.
She felt her mood lighten at the thought and made herself a drink with a smile on her face, before going back through into the lounge to execute her plan. Yes, tonight may pay off after all.
Tyler watched the hot, white girl walk around the table as the game played on. Well, she walked from Paul to Josh, and occasionally Steve, but never to him. Or Richie and Ben. Something was going on there.
He didn't mind as much though, he enjoyed just watching her as she walked around during the game, staring at her exposed legs in those hot black fishnet tights. He loved the view as she turned to walk to her boyfriend; the profile made by her large tits pushed up in that small garment was stunning. She looked like she had two balls attached to her chest. But his dick grew really hard when she would bend over to talk to one of the other guys, and he could see straight down the top of her dress. Those ripe melons invited his eyes into their cleavage. He wanted to fuck her right then.
He had loved the feeling of her sitting on his lap, loved the way she refused to let him touch her. He loved women with spirit and zest, not these meek women who did whatever he said just to get fucked by his big dick. No, Sophie Harper was hot and in need of some serious action, judging by what he had felt when she was on his lap, and he was the only man here qualified to give it to her. Even if her boyfriend was his friend and workmate, you just don't pass up the opportunity to get into an ass like Sophie’s or play with tits that big and firm.
He planned on getting her tonight. He smiled at her as she continued to flirt mainly with Paul during the game. Oh yes, he would be banging her hard tonight.
Ben watched as Sophie walked past him again, totally blanking him as she had done for the last hour. Something was wrong with her, but he didn't know what. He had noticed her flirting with Paul a lot during the last hour or so and he tried to keep the jealous look from his face. He couldn't let Josh see that look.
Looking over at his best friend, he noticed Josh not even paying attention to what Sophie was doing. He must be doing that thing where he let Sophie flirt to win. It had worked last time, although he didn't know about what had happened after he had gone to sleep. Ben smiled at the thought of fucking Josh's girlfriend right next to him as he slept. That was good, and tonight he would fuck her again. Where, he hadn't thought yet, but no doubt Sophie would come up with something good, she always did. He just wished she would stop flirting with Paul and come over to him. No, he wouldn't let his jealousy show.
He watched Sophie place her arm around Paul's neck as she sat on his lap and took a swig of beer. No, if she had been his girlfriend he wouldn't have let her flirt like this for winning money on a poker game however much he trusted her.
He watched her, trying to hide his jealousy, as the game and Sophie's flirting continued.
Richie continued to glance at the barely dressed girlfriend in her black maid’s outfit and couldn't stop his dick from raging in his jeans. Oh, how he wanted to fuck her so badly. He had dreamed of her sucking his dick and riding his hard cock all night, as he watched her magnificent tits bounce up and down as she did on his hard pole.
He smiled to himself as he thought about having her fuck him in her and Josh's bed while everyone else was downstairs, about cumming in her mouth, and inside her belly after she rode him to orgasm.
The thought turned him on even more, and he fidgeted as he moved his dick around with his hand to stop it stretching at his jeans to come out.
He pushed back his greasy black hair onto his head and stared at the cards in his hands. Maybe he could find a way to get what he wanted; he just needed to wait for the right opportunity. That was how he worked, sneakily. There was no need to show yourself in the light if you were going to get burned. No, he would wait patiently and find a way. He didn't care whether she wanted him afterwards; he just wanted to fuck her. Although maybe he could take some pictures and blackmail her into letting him have her when he wanted. Now that was a thought. He idly asked Josh if he had a video camera and was thrilled when he said yes. Now all he needed was that chance.
He greedily ogled the beautiful, blonde, white girl as her tits bounced as she clapped for Paul winning. He would have to find a way.
Steve glanced quickly at the blonde sitting next to him on his friend's lap. She had been flirting with him too; he was sure of it, earlier and still was occasionally. He had to readjust the way he was sitting as his dick wanted to get out and into the hot blonde girlfriend of his friend and co-worker, but he couldn't think of a way to get her. She would never cheat on Josh, he was sure of that too, and he wouldn't have sex with her if she offered, she was his workmate's girlfriend after all. Although the thought of having her heaving those wondrous legs around his waist and fucking back at him made his dick rage that much more. No, he couldn't do that to his friend, or could he? Suddenly he was confused. What would he do if she offered him that drop-dead gorgeous body? If she begged him to fuck her? If her big tits weren't covered in that skimpy dress?
He shook his head to try and clear his thoughts and tried to concentrate on playing the game. His concentration slipped as time went on, though, especially when she sat on his lap.
What would he do?
Paul held his legs steady as his workmate's hot, blonde girlfriend resettled on his lap and placed her arm around him. It wasn't that she was heavy or anything, it was just that she was so hot that he was nervous. That was odd in itself, he was never nervous around women. He was always surrounded by beautiful women. He knew that he was attractive to most women, however, he wasn't arrogant about the fact, he was just honest. That was how he was. He was always honest. He had never lied in his life as far as he could remember. He had been brought up in a strict religious home but had left when his father found out that along with other women liking him, including the minister’s wife, his own mother and sister did too. He was just that handsome.
He had fucked his sister many times, at home and at church, but it was when his father walked in on him and his mother having sex that everything blew up, it wasn't the best of partings. His mother had claimed possession after he left, but he knew she still wanted him, and although he had had many women since, his mother and sister were still both hot. But neither of them could match up to this girl sitting on his lap, and that was the problem. She was hot. Although he didn't lie, he had fucked other people's girlfriends, fiancées, and wives before. But again, none as hot as this Sophie, his workmate's girlfriend. The shivering came from the fact he was trying to hold his composure. He was a calm man, one who took his time and let women come to him, but this was too much. He could see straight down the neckline of Sophie's dress and could feel her thighs pressing against him, and her pussy was resting right on his dick.
He stopped that line of thought quickly as he realised that the girl on his lap was now sitting on his very hard cock, and it was only half caused by the memories.
He tried to refrain from slipping his hand under the hem of her dress. Calm and cool he had to be, but he needed to find a way to get his dick inside this girl, and soon.
Josh studied the cards in his hands, then looked up at the other guys sitting around the table playing the game of poker with him.
Sophie was sitting on Paul's lap again, which surprised him, as Tyler was the one who was winning, next to Josh, of course. Although, judging the way Sophie felt about the big black man, it wasn't surprising after all.
She had been flirting mainly with Paul, Steve, and himself, leaving Ben, Richie, and Tyler out of it. The last two he could understand because she didn't like either of them, but she hadn't even looked at Ben since he had gone upstairs to speak to him in the bathroom. And Ben was third in the winning stakes.
He looked again and noticed that Steve and Paul had the lowest amount of money left. ‘Ah,’ he thought, "She's getting the ones with the lowest amount out first. Very clever, my girl," and he smiled to himself.
Yes, tonight was going to be a good night. He was going to take all of these guys’ money, and with it, his surprise for Sophie would be that much better. Then he would take Sophie upstairs and have glorious sex with her. She had become insatiable these last few weeks. Oh yes, this night was going even better than he had planned.
Little did he know that Sophie's night was just about to get a lot hotter and a lot kinkier. The party was really about to begin.
Sophie was standing in the kitchen making herself her third drink of the night. She hadn't drunk much, as she had been flirting so much with the guys in the lounge, but now she had to take a break as she was getting way too horny.
She had seen all of the guys looking at her, ogling her tits, waist, and legs as she bent across the table for whoever's lap she was sitting on's winnings, usually Paul's. Although he only won a couple of times, he spent most of his time trying to avoid touching her, his innocence made her smile.
Tyler and Richie had also been looking at her, but she gave them such flat stares or dirty looks that they should have gotten the message by now. Tyler had continued ogling her openly, and Richie was almost drooling, but neither of them had made a comment since she first walked back into the lounge from upstairs.
Ben had had such a jealous look on his face she was surprised nobody had commented on it. Of course, he must be thinking that no one would notice, that he hid it well, but he had never been very good at hiding things.
But the reason Sophie Harper was standing in her kitchen was she was trying to calm herself down. She had felt Paul's hard cock underneath her as she was sitting on his lap and had been so tempted just to slyly undo his jeans and ride him in there with everyone else around, or just to fuck him right on the table in front of everyone, but the thought of Tyler and Richie put her off that idea.
Her stomach was all fluttering, and her knees were weak from the sheer amount of lust that was flowing through her body. Her pussy was on fire, and she needed a hard dick to take care of her, and she had found the one who she wanted to do it.
She had come up with a plan to get him to have sex with her tonight. She needed it badly and she wasn't going to get it from Ben. He would have done anything for her now he was jealous, but she wouldn't let him, it would serve him right for treating her the way he had. But Paul would be good.
Sophie downed her drink quickly, straightened herself up, and walked back into the lounge; it was time to set her sex plan in operation.
She walked towards the table and stood staring at the guys sitting around it and their money piles, noticing Paul was almost out of cash. One more hand, she figured, and he'd be out. She smiled at Paul, and walked behind Josh and rested her hands on his shoulders.
"You OK, babe?" he asked.
"Yeah, baby," she answered, and kissed him lightly on the head, "I'm going to have a game of pool, though."
"Cool," her loving boyfriend replied and returned his gaze back to the game.
"The next one to lose is free to come and join me for a game if they want," Sophie said generally to the group, but looking specifically at Paul. Even if they all continued to fold Paul would still lose first.
"OK," was the general reply, no one sounding overly interested.
With one more smile for Paul, this one far more teasing than any she had given him that night, Sophie swayed out of the lounge, into the hall, and across into the pool room.
Her heavy tits heaved up and down in the tight material of the black silk maid's outfit, showing her cleavage as they rose up and down at the neckline. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she realised what she was about to do. She was about to willingly fuck Paul, her boyfriend's workmate, while her boyfriend played poker with his other friends in the other room. She realised that doing this actually made her into a slut girlfriend. A cheating, slut girlfriend. The thought just turned her on even more. There would be no going back after this. She didn't even have to think about it. It was going to be hot and very, very good.
She moved to the pool table and picked up a cue, then began taking the balls out and placing them on the table delicately.
She had taken them all out and was setting them up when she heard the door behind her, the door to the hallway opposite the lounge, open. She turned around with a smile on her face, which quickly disappeared when she saw who it was.
"What are you doing here?" Sophie asked as Tyler walked through the door to the hallway, gently closing it behind him.
As he turned to face her, he smiled and spoke, "I've come for that game of pool you offered," he openly leered at her, looking down her body slowly as she stood there in shock, "Maybe I can teach you how to play properly," he said, returning his dark smile to her pretty face.
"I'm good at playing actually, and I don't want to play with you, anyway," she said.
Conscious of his eyes looking all over her, she walked around to the other side of the table to hide as much of herself as possible. Although she felt annoyed at having to move away from him in her own home.
"You will," was all he said, his smile broadening and deepening as he looked at her blue-eyed face.
Sophie let her annoyance at moving away from him get the better of her. There was no way she was going to be pushed around in her own home, especially by this disgusting, arrogant boy!
She walked over to him, smouldering anger burned in her eyes. She was not going to be bullied in her own house.
Tyler just stared down at her as she angrily glared at him. After a little while his eyes lowered for an instant, and Sophie thought that she had made him back down, he wasn't so tough after all, she thought, until he raised his eyes and smiled even bigger at her.
"If you want me to have a good look at your tits, why don't you just take that dress off and let me look properly," he said smugly, never once taking his eyes from hers.
Anger flashed through Sophie as she realised what he had said, and she quivered with anger. She also remembered how low-cut her top was, and how tall Tyler was. Standing this close to him, he must have had a clear view of her cleavage.
She held her tongue from lashing out at him. Instead, she glared angrily at him.
"Fuck off," she said angrily, and walked off again around the table.
He just smiled after her as she walked off. Sophie was furious.
"So do you want a game or what?" Tyler asked, not affected by her words at all.
"No," Sophie snapped, "Anyway, aren't you playing poker? I thought you were winning. I said the one who lost can play!"
That should get him, Sophie thought to herself. She just wanted him to go away. She was already fuming still over what Ben had done, and Tyler had been annoying her all night, now she was alone in a room with him, and he wouldn't leave her alone.
"I thought I'd give everybody else a chance. I'm a nice guy, see," Tyler said, still smiling.
"And you just thought you'd be a nice guy and come and bother me, huh?" Sophie said, finding it hard to control her anger and irritation.
"Yeah, well, you're much nicer to look at. And you're softer to touch," he grinned stupidly at her.
Sophie knew he was talking about when she had to sit on his lap. That thought annoyed her even more. She really hated this guy. She thought of hitting him, but just the size of Josh's black friend put her off, but she couldn't hold back anymore.
"Ah, will you just fuck off and leave me alone, you irritating bastard! I don’t want to talk to you, and I don’t want to be near you, so just fuck off and go away!" Sophie yelled at him.
Tyler looked taken aback a little, and that grin vanished from his face quickly, he must not have expected her to be this pissed off with him. He looked at her carefully and backed away a couple of steps.
She half expected Josh to come through to see what was going on, but nobody did.
"Whoa, OK, OK! I'm going, I'm going," he said, and turned and opened the door.
The door closed quietly, and Sophie leaned on the table's edge. She couldn't believe how angry she had gotten, but he just irritated her so much. Everything about him annoyed her. At least now he should leave her alone. Although something about the way he left made her think. He did seem shocked, and taken aback a little, but she could've sworn that there was a look of amusement or something in his eyes.
Sophie forgot the black man and realised that it wasn't only Ben and Tyler that were making her angry, she was so hot and horny and had no way of releasing it. That added to her mood as much as the other two did.
She turned to lean against the table to try and calm herself down; she had never been this horny in her life. She thought about giving Riley a call before this feeling got out of hand, when a light knock came at the door from the hall. She stood up and turned to face the doorway as it opened.
Tyler popped his big head through the opening, and before she could tell him to fuck off again he spoke, "Hold on, hold on, I'm not here to say anything, OK, just hear me out please."
Sophie kept herself composed as her anger boiled inside her, but hearing the please she thought she would give him a chance to speak before having a go at him again.
"Go on," was all she said.
He came in the rest of the way and gently shut the door again. He seemed odd, like he was trying to be meek. Trying.
"Well, I know you don't like me…" he said, and Sophie cut in.
"It took you this long to figure that out!" she said in a more than annoyed tone.
"Well, I'm sorry if I've annoyed you. I didn't mean to. It's just I believe in saying what I think, you know, so people know that I'm an honest guy, and I thought you'd take it as a compliment, you know, a hot, sexy woman like you," he said, and cut off that line of thought as she glared at him dangerously, "Well, yeah, so I'm just being me and all, you know, but if you don't like it how about we make a deal?"
Sophie looked at him suspiciously, "What do you mean, a deal?"

"Well, not really a deal, more like a bet, you know, a little wager?" he said, his face looking more honest and calm than it had when he came in.
"I don't think so," Sophie replied, and was about to tell him to get out again when he spoke first.
"Just listen, please," he said, and she remained quiet, her patience beginning to run out, "You don't want me to be me and say all these things to you, that's cool. I mean, we can have a game of pool and we can put a little bet on who wins. Say, if you win, then I won't say anything dirty to, or about, you ever again, and I mean ever again."
Sophie looked at him suspiciously again, "And if you win?" she asked.
"Nothing bad, not what you're thinking," he assured her, "If I win, I can say anything I want to you tonight, only tonight though, and you won't complain about it. And you have to sit on my lap all night."
"Ha! Forget that. I wouldn't go near you for anything. No way, this is my house, and you'll stop mouthing off at me or you can get out," she replied angrily at him, she was trying to keep her cool, but all the anger was only making her hornier.
"And it's Josh's house, and he invited me," he replied to her. It did make sense, Josh wouldn't want him to leave until he had won everything, but Tyler hadn't finished, "And if I lose I won't EVER say anything to you again that you don't want me to, I promise. All you'd have to do is ignore me and sit on my lap for one night."
It made sense in a way, but Sophie was too angry at this point to care.
"No," she said, and went to walk out of the room, leaning her cue against the table.
"Fine, then, you just walk out of the room and let me watch you shake that hot ass in that tight little outfit of yours," Tyler said, grinning and staring straight at her ass. All meekness now had gone.
Sophie turned on him as she was next to the door; anger boiling up in her, Tyler stood five feet away, but still towered over her.
"FUCK OFF!" She shouted at him.
"I love it when you're angry Sophie, your tits just push up almost out of that tiny top," Tyler said, still grinning at her.
The anger grew too much inside of her, and she spoke without thinking, too angry, too horny, to care anymore.
"Fine, I'll take your stupid bet, and play this stupid game, you can't beat me anyway," she said to him on the point of almost yelling and stormed around the table to pick up her cue.
"Then you haven’t got any reason to be angry, have you? You'll beat me, and I won't say anything," he said, a little smugly, but Sophie was too angry to notice.
Before she got ready for her shot, she tried to calm herself down; anger would only make her make mistakes. She leant over the table to take her first shot and Tyler walked to the side of the table next to her. The game was on.
Tyler couldn't help but grin as the blonde beauty leaned forward over the table to take her first shot, her large tits almost spilling out of the low-cut top of the black silk maid’s outfit. He had a clear view of her large cleavage and was enjoying the sight immensely. Although he tried his best not to show it, he knew she hated him, and that he irritated her, so she would definitely cover up if she saw him looking, but she was doing exactly what he wanted right then.
He watched her break, and saw two of her balls sink into the pockets. She was good, and his smile faded as she sank another one, her face turned from anger to a small smile, which grew as she played on. Maybe he wouldn't win after all. He forgot about looking down Sophie's top, or at her legs, he was sure she must have been using her body as a way to distract him, but that couldn't be, she hated him, and he concentrated on playing the best he could.
He had a lot riding on this game and how well he played tonight, if all went well for him he would have his dick inside her pussy banging away at her for all he was worth, if it all went his way, which at the moment it didn't. He needed to concentrate for this trap to work. She had taken the bait because of her anger at him, but he would finish it. He just needed to be patient, and that hot ass would be his. He let his smile fade away, not only because she was winning, but also because the game WAS on.
Josh laid another winning hand down on the table and smiled at the guys surrounding him. He had won for the third time in a row, and his pile of money was looking quite impressive now. He looked at all the money in Tyler's pile and wondered where he was. His black co-worker had said he was going to relieve himself, but he hadn't come back yet. Must be really needing it, Josh thought with a smile, I would be if I was playing poker with me.
Little did he know that Tyler was playing pool with Sophie, making an innocently seeming bet that was the beginning of a trap for Josh's hot, twenty-two-year-old blonde knockout of a girlfriend. He was playing as hard as he could, trying his best to beat her, but Sophie was whooping his ass without any problem at all, at least for the moment.
Sophie smiled to herself as she sank her last ball into the corner pocket, only the black left to go, and Tyler had three balls still left on the table, this was going to be easy.
She felt pride grow within her as she aimed the ball for an easy shot into the side pocket. She had made this shot many times before and she could do it with her eyes closed. The cue ball was placed right behind the 8-ball, directly in line with the middle pocket; there was no way she could miss.
She lined the cue up ready for the shot, aimed, and drew the cue back ready to strike the ball then……waited.
An idea flitted up into her mind, a thought of how she could end this all quickly. She had thought about Tyler's bet, and figured he may not be able to say anything about her anymore, but he could still ogle her and smile at her. That irritated her just as much as the things he said, in fact just being around the guy pissed her off, he was just so obnoxious. So, the thought flickered across her mind again as she stared at the 8-ball and the straight path it had into the pocket, unaware at that moment of her tits were half hanging out of her black silk top of the maid’s outfit as she leaned over the table.
Sophie smiled to herself as she leaned back and grounded her cue and leant on it slightly.
"I want to change our bet," she said with a small smile on her face, looking straight at Josh's big black co-worker.
"What? You can't change it after we've started playing. Anyway, you're about to win," Tyler responded to her.
"Aw, are you scared of a little bet?" Sophie crooned.
"No, I just know when not to make a useless one that's all," Tyler answered, for once not having the look of victory on his face or in his eyes.
Sophie felt a surge of happiness as she realised she was about to win, and there was nothing the annoying black co-worker of her boyfriend could do to stop it. She could finally have a way to get rid of him for good without any risk at all, how could she resist? So, she spoke again.
"Oh, come on, you don't even know what the bet is yet, at least listen to it," she said in her best innocently pleading tone of voice. If she had to act pleading to get him to accept this bet, she would.
"When you're about to win anyway, no way." Tyler answered and looked at her, she continued to look pleadingly up at him from the other side of the table, and finally, he said, "Fine. What bet?"
Sophie smiled and restrained herself from jumping up and down; he had seen enough of her without her giving him a show of her big tits bouncing up and down.
"Simple. If I win this game, you have to leave and never bother me ever again," she said sweetly.
"What!? No way. Look at the table, you can't lose," he replied, "Forget it."
He was about to put the cue down and walk out when Sophie spoke again. He had to accept this bet, or she would have to be around him, and that thought irritated her as much as having him saying things to her.
"Hold on, I didn't tell you what you would get if you won, did I," she said, smiling again, all sweetly. She had to get him to accept.
"Oh yeah, and what could you possibly offer me to make me agree to a no-chance-of-winning bet, hm?" he said sarcastically as he folded his arms.
Her stomach fluttered as she thought about what she was about to say. Looking at the position of the cue ball and the 8-ball though, all doubts left her mind.
"I'll let you feel me up," she said simply.
Her stomach knotted, and she felt sick saying those words. The thought of having this horrible, arrogant, obnoxious man touching her almost made her sick, but she couldn't lose, and when she won, he would have to leave and never bother her again.
Tyler stared at her for a moment, just looking at her. Sophie thought he must be thinking if this was real or a dream, or whether she was serious or not. He must have been torn, thinking on one hand that he knew he couldn't win and would have to leave and leave her alone forever. But on the other, the chance of getting to feel her up freely, and say whatever he wanted to her, and have her sit on his lap all night. The choice must be tough on him. Finally, he spoke.
"That's not equal. I don't have any chance of actually winning this, anyway. It's a tempting offer, and if I had more of a chance to win then I would take it, but I lose too much if I agree and don't win enough," he said to her, and began to turn to the door.
"What would be enough, then?" she said quickly, he had to agree, and he stopped and turned to look at her, "And don't say sex, because I wouldn't even think of fucking you," the thought repulsed her.
"I wasn't thinking of it anyway," he said to her.
He stood looking at her, thinking, and then finally spoke.
"You obviously want me to lose, and I don't have any chance of winning anyway, so fine, I'll take the bet, if I get all you've said and one more thing," he said calmly.
"And what's that?" Sophie asked hiding a smile inside; he was gone for sure now.
"A blowjob," he said simply.
"A what?" Sophie asked before she could stop herself.
"If I take your bet and win, I want everything you've said, and I want you to give me a blowjob. The best you've ever done too, not some half-hearted attempt just to get me off," he said simply again, still looking like he had little hope.
"No way," Sophie replied to him.
"Oh well, guess I'll go and play poker again, then, seeing as you've won," he said simply to her again, "I'll keep my end of the bet too, no more words from me to, or about, you."
Sophie could have just left it there, but the thought of having this obnoxious black man anywhere near her anymore disgusted and annoyed her even more.
She quickly looked from Tyler to the position of the balls again and spoke quickly.
"Done," she said, "Do you agree? A blowjob, but no sex, if you win, yeah?" she had to get him to agree, she knew she would win, and by the look on Tyler's face, so did he, but the offer in the bet was still too much to pass up even that million to one chance.
"Done," He agreed and reluctantly made his way back to the other side of the table.
Sophie smiled openly now, hardly able to contain her happiness. No more Tyler, she thought happily, and she leaned over the table to take her shot, a shot she had taken many times before.
"Time for you to go, Tyler," she said smugly, as she pulled the cue back.
Tyler watched the balls as she pulled the cue back too and hit the ball forward towards the pocket. The cue ball hit the 8-ball gently, and the black ball rolled towards the pocket in a perfect line, and Sophie smiled at her beautiful shot.
It rolled smoothly and straight as an arrow, it reached the edge of the pocket as it slowly rolled and…stopped. It just stopped, at the end of its roll, just balancing on the edge over the pocket. Sophie had hit the ball too light.
She stared at the 8-ball in disbelief as it rested on the edge over the pocket. One more roll and it would have sunk in easily, but instead, it just sat there.
Sophie's eyes stared in disbelief, as did Tyler's for a short while until finally, they both came back to reality.
"Well, it must be my lucky night," Tyler said, a broad, white-toothed grin spreading across his dark face, "First, I get to see you, then I get to have you on my lap, now I get you to suck my dick. Damn, what a night."
Sophie just stared at the 8-ball. How could it not have gone in? She couldn't believe it.
Suddenly, what Tyler had said sank in.
"I haven't lost, yet. You've still got to pot all of your balls, and then the black, before you win, without missing one of them," she said quickly.
Tyler was pretty good at pool, not as good as her, but still good, but there was no way he could pot three balls without missing once, especially as two of them were nowhere near a pocket, and one of them sat on a cushion.
But that is exactly what he did, one after the other, without missing one, and with a final gentle stroke, he skimmed the 8-ball gently, knocking it into the pocket she should have hit it into.
"WOOHOO!" he shouted and threw the cue onto the table, and sauntered over to Sophie with a big grin on his stupid face.
He stood in front of her as she turned around to look at him.
"You don't think I'm keeping that stupid bet, do you?" she said acidly.
"Damn right, you are, girl. I've got something ready and waiting for you," he said and grabbed his crotch.
Sophie looked disgustedly at him, "And what if I don't?" she asked him.
"Hey, I was going to keep my end of the deal, so you can't welch on a bet," he said to her, worry painting his face.
Sophie felt sick inside as she looked up at him. Fuck! Why couldn't she have just been content with shutting him up? Why did she have to be all arrogant and make such a stupid bet?
She looked up at her boyfriend's black co-worker and sneered disgustedly.
"Fine," she said and leant back against the table with her hands holding onto the edge lightly. She was sure she was going to be sick.
Tyler just looked at the beautiful twenty-two-year-old blonde girlfriend and smiled. He drank in the sight of her standing leaning against the pool table, not even looking at him, dressed in that hot black silk maid’s outfit. The hem of the dress ended high up her legs, showing a wonderful pair of fishnet-clad long legs. He took in the sight of her waist, thin as it was, emphasised more by the clinging cut of the outfit. His eyes travelled up, until they settled on her large 36C tits, encased in that confining, yet too small, top of the dress, obviously not supported by a bra, as the dress didn't even hang on her shoulders.
Her tits were luscious. Large and firm looking, squashed together by the slim outfit to create a wondrous cleavage that just pulled any eye straight towards it. Finally, his eyes settled on Sophie's face, that beautiful, white-skinned face, with her big blue eyes and her long, straight blonde hair framing it perfectly as it hung in a ponytail down her back, showing her bare shoulders, and emphasising an already large pair of tits. Her face was amazingly beautiful and a cause for many men's fantasies everywhere he knew and guessed.
Her full pink lips were set in a disgusted fashion right then, but even that didn't mar her beauty, they looked perfectly shaped for sucking cock, which they would be soon, but first, he wanted to touch those amazing tits, to feel her creamy skin give way, yet resist, his squeezing. He wanted to feel the shape of her body, her legs, and waist, before he felt the feel of her hot mouth sliding up and down his big dick.
Tyler smiled as he reached forward with his big black hands.
Sophie stayed leaning back on her hands on the edge of the pool table, looking to the side of her and trying to keep her disgust and anger at bay at what was about to happen. Tyler had not mentioned her going down on him; instead, he was just looking at her body, from top to bottom.
Then, when he looked at her face, she could see his stupid grin out of the corner of her eye, he lifted his hands up and reached towards her tits.
Sophie swallowed hard as his hands found her tits and cupped them, giving them a little squeeze. Her hands tightened slightly on the edge of the table as her boyfriend's black friend continued to massage her big tits lightly. He never once mauled at them, just stared, and gently squeezed each one and pushed them together, as if he had never seen a woman's tits before.
"Man, you've got great tits, Sophie," he said, never taking his eyes from them.
Sophie controlled the anger deep inside her. Although she was still horny, the anger she felt for Tyler wouldn't allow her to enjoy him touching her up. She hated this guy, and to have him touch her like this was something she didn't want. But she had promised.
She just let out a loud sigh, to let him know she was fed up, or bored. Still, he carried on feeling her tits. He stopped cupping them and pushed his palms flat against her tits until she thought he was trying to push her onto the pool table, but all he said was, "Damn, your tits are big, and so fucking soft and firm."
She just ignored him. What an asshole, she thought. If anyone else had said that, well, not Richie, but nearly anyone else, she would have taken it as a compliment, and if this had been nearly anyone else, she would have been turned on by it even more. Say, if Paul was groping her tits in the pool room, because she lost a bet to him, while her boyfriend was in the room across the hall, she would have been so horny she probably would have ripped his clothes off and fucked him senseless there and then. She had fucked one of her boyfriend's friends in the room next to where her boyfriend was before, so here would be fine. But this wasn't Paul, or nearly anyone else, this was Tyler, and she wasn't happy or wanting to fuck him senseless. She just wanted him to leave her alone.
Tyler continued to massage her tits, and Sophie was getting more and more pissed off with him. Until finally she turned to look at him, glaring hatred at him, and snapped at him.
"Are you going to just stand there and feel me all night? Or can we get this over with so you can fuck off and never bother me again?"
Tyler looked up at her but never stopped his hands working on her large mounds of flesh.
"Are you in a hurry to get my dick in your mouth?" he asked her with a grin, then took his hands away from her tits, "Well, if you're looking forward to it that much, go right ahead, I won't get in your way."
Sophie stared daggers at him as he moved his hands away from her. She could feel her nipples standing erect from the pressure that had been applied to her tits and knew that Tyler could see them through the tight silk top of her outfit.
"No, I just want to get this out of the fucking way as quickly as possible, so you can fuck off and never come back. And I'll make sure you never come back here again," she said acidly.
"Hey, after having your hot mouth wrapped around my dick and having you swallow all my cum, I don't care if I never see you again," he said smiling and lifting his hands up.
Sophie sneered at him and took a deep breath. She hated having to do this. As she was about to kneel before him, Tyler spoke to her.
"Drop down on to your knees white girlfriend and suck my big dick like a lollipop," Tyler said, and chuckled, folding his arms, "Oh, and Sophie," she looked at him, still standing up, "You said earlier that I was going down. Well, I guess it wasn't me going down after all, it was you, going down on me."
He laughed at her again as she sank to her knees in front of him. He was so much taller than her that she had to kneel right in front of him so that her face was in line with his crotch. She looked at his crotch and swallowed hard. How did she end up in this situation? It would serve him right if she bit his dick off. The thought made her smile, and she looked up at him.