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Our Jack - Part 4: Dear Friends

"Reconnecting with a MILF and her friend"

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Author's Notes

"This is the continuation of a series about a stay-at-home dad and his adventures."

As the years passed by, I saw less and less of Rachel and Georgie. I lost contact with Harpreet altogether after she moved away following her divorce.  I barely even bumped into my former friends once my wife and I relocated to Putney.  Although Charlotte hadn't yet been made a Partner, successive promotions and accompanying pay rises meant we could afford a larger house. The move corresponded with the arrival of our second son, Ollie. 


With Ben in pre-school and a part-time nanny (something else we could afford on Charlotte's new salary), I was able to go back to work a couple of days per week, mostly working from home.  The days glided by in a rhythm of work and childcare.


One sunny September morning, my routine was interrupted by a surprise text from Rachel.  It read, "Hi stranger, fancy a cup of coffee at mine tomorrow afternoon? R xx."  Aside from any sexual feelings, I was genuinely pleased to hear from a friend and replied immediately, "Sounds great. J xx."  We then exchanged texts to confirm that we'd meet at 2 pm.


Despite having just a day's notice, I was able to arrange my work schedule to allow for an afternoon off and to have Brigette, our nanny, look after Ollie while I went to Rachel's. 


Putney to Wimbledon isn't too far so I decided to cycle in the warm autumn weather.  I threw on a pair of cargo shorts, a clean T-shirt and headed off. It turned out to be almost too warm. I found myself wishing I’d allowed more time so as to arrive a slightly less sweaty mess. 


When Rachel answered the door wearing a form-fitting floral sundress, my heart skipped a beat and I forgot all about the weather. I was suddenly reminded of how lovely she looked and how she always carried an air of casual elegance.  The smile she gave me instantly put me at ease.  I followed her into the house watching her shapely hips sway as she strode down the corridor. My cock began to stir at recollections of it of being buried between those lovely mounds.


As we entered the generously sized open-plan living area at the back of Rachel's house, I was jolted back to the present by the surprise of seeing that she had a visitor. Like Rachel, the woman was a dark-complexioned brunette but stood an inch or two taller at 5' 6". She had an intense yet Bohemian look about her.  Wearing a bright green, knee-length Kaftan dress with gold bracelets on both wrists and an Egyptian-style gold necklace, she definitely gave off the air of an artist.


"Jack, I'd like you to meet Miriam, one of my oldest friends," Rachel said with a smile.


"Please don't use that awful word, 'old'.  I prefer to say that we're dear friends of long standing," replied Miriam with a schoolmarmish edge to her tone.


I reached out my hand and said, "Nice to meet you, Miriam."


With a hint of disdain in her voice, she responded, "How do you do?" and placed her limp right hand in mine.


"Miriam and I were at boarding school together.  She was Head Girl in her final year, and I was a year behind.  She's been like an older sister to me," Rachel explained.


"There's that word again," Miriam chipped back, "I did somewhat take you under my wing back then.  Perhaps 'mentor' is a better way to put it."


"So what do you do now, Miriam?" I directed the question to my new acquaintance, but it was Rachel who replied, "She's a musician -- first viola in a rather prestigious European ensemble. She's in London this week on tour."


"Ahh, that's really interesting.  I'm not particularly musical myself, but I do admire anyone who is good enough to make a living at it," I responded.  


When Miriam failed to acknowledge the remark, Rachel tried to keep the conversation moving by adding, "Jack is an engineer."


Miriam didn't look overly impressed but was polite enough to ask what kind of engineer I was.


"I trained as a mechanical engineer, but my title now is Engineering Project Manager," I explained, to which Miriam replied, "I suppose there are a lot of engineering projects which need managing."  The not-so-subtle derision in her voice made me feel as if I were gate-crashing a reunion. Despite the fact that Rachel had explicitly invited me for that afternoon, I thought I'd better find an excuse to go.


"Ahh, Rachel, I've just remembered that I need to pop to the shops before picking Ben up from school.  It's been lovely to see you, let's not leave it so long until next time," I said while turning back towards the hallway to the front door.


It was quite a surprise when Miriam said, with some authority, "No, you mustn't go yet," and Rachel added, "Yes, please do stay a while longer."


 “I’d hate to interrupt two ol… dear friends catching up. I’m sure you have plenty to talk about.”


Miriam replied, "Rachel and I were in fact just reminiscing about some of the fun times we had in school. We used to play some really," and here she paused while seeming to search for the right word, "inventive... games."


With a wicked glint in her eye, she turned to address Rachel, "Do you remember that village boy we used to meet in the tool shed?  What was his name? Wasn’t it Harry?"


Rachel replied, "I believe it was Harvey."


"Yes, yes, Harvey.  He was a nice lad – lean and softly spoken.  He wasn’t the brightest spark, but he was suitably obedient.” With emphasis on this last word, Miriam cast her eye on me and my pulse quickened.  Something was definitely brewing, and, as usual, I felt like I was steps behind in the game.


Miriam said, "It's a good thing there were no phones with cameras back when we were girls. Can you imagine the scandal if we’d taken some and they'd leaked?"


At that, both women laughed and I hoped poor Harvey wasn't scarred by what the two posh girls did to him all those years ago.


Miriam asked Rachel, “You don't have a cane chair like we used back then do you?"


"Unfortunately, not.  Even if I did, I wouldn't want to explain the damage to David.”


Rachel’s remark set my mind racing. I began to question if I wanted to be part of whatever the women had in mind.


“Hmmm…. hang on a minute.  I think I might have something that could work," Rachel said, then turned to me and continued, “Jack, would you mind bringing one of the chairs in from the formal dining room?”


I was happy to have an active part in the proceedings and to buy myself a little time to think. So I trotted off to the large dining room at the front of the house and returned carrying a very old and finely crafted mahogany chair.


Rachel pointed to the dining chair. "The upholstered bit pops out leaving the wooden frame.  Like this," Rachel said, removing the seat bottom and setting it aside.  She seemed very pleased with herself and looked to her friend for approval.


Miriam inspected the chair and gave a small nod.  She then turned to me and spent what seemed to be an age sizing me up.  I was an object waiting for permission to take part in whatever she had in mind.  My dick hardened while my head was spinning.


"Is he the one you told me about, Darling?" asked Miriam.


"He's the one indeed," replied Rachel.


"Hmmm... and you say he takes direction well."


"Yes, and he knows when to be silent.”


"Very well, then," said Miriam as she continued to gaze intently.  Calmly and authoritatively, as if there were no chance of my disobeying, she said, "You will strip from the waist down."


I was well-practised at obeying the commands given by Rachel and Georgie in that same living space and quickly snapped into subservient mode. I dutifully obeyed, lowering my shorts and boxers together and kicking them off to the side of the kitchen island on which I had been leaning.


The mix of fear and apprehension wasn't enough to keep my cock from standing at attention.  Miriam glanced at my tool and, for the first time, looked at me with something less than disdain. 


Miriam indicated the wooden chair frame and commanded, "Sit, Jack."


I looked at the rough edges of the wood where the upholstered insert was meant to go and knew that sitting was going to be uncomfortable; however, I was not about to disobey and ruin my chances of joining in whatever sexual delights the women had planned.


I found a way to distribute my weight perching in the chair with my hands gripping the frame on either side and my elbows locked straight.  I felt terribly exposed with my cock pointing straight up and my balls dangling beneath me.


Miriam's next command was directed to Rachel, "Now it's time for you to get things started, Darling." With that Miriam lifted the hem of her dress, exposing a pair of embroidered knickers in a deep claret red.  I could see the outline of a dark triangle of pubic hair behind the lace and the unmistakable scent of female arousal began to fill the room.


Rachel took two steps towards Miriam, dropped to her knees and started kissing Miriam’s pussy through the knickers.  Miriam moaned and said, "It won't take long, I've been getting wet in anticipation."

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I watched, spellbound, as Rachel purred while lapping at Miriam’s cloth-covered mound. Miriam’s eyes closed in pleasure and her hips began to swivel into and away from the pleasure Rachel was offering.  When it looked like she was becoming unsteady on her feet, Miriam opened her eyes, tapped Rachel on the shoulder and proclaimed, "The starter is over. Let's move on to the main course."


Miriam never broke her stride as she slid her knickers off and walked straight over to my chair. Although my eyes were locked on her hairy snatch, I could sense that her whole body moved with a purposeful, feline grace like a tigress intent on her prey. I was powerless to move as she turned and let her pussy hover above my cock.  Even from inches away, I could feel the heat and hunger radiating from it.


The feeling was electric as the throbbing head of my prick made contact with her swollen, glistening lips.  I felt them part like curtains being pulled back to reveal a prize as her moist tunnel slowly began to devour my flesh.  Hers wasn't the tightest pussy I'd felt, but the warm sensation enveloping my hard-on sent waves of pleasure coursing through me.


Once I was fully inside her, she paused and I enjoyed feeling her full, muscular bottom filling my lap.  I’d forgotten Rachel was in the room until Miriam pointed at the knickers she'd kicked off and instructed her to, "Put those where they belong."  


At that, Rachel duly scurried over, picked up the knickers and paused to examine the sticky clear emission coating their inside.  I didn’t have long to wonder what they must smell like as she stepped closer and placed them over my head with the wet gusset directly in front of my face. The warm, damp fabric had a musky, tangy aroma which was intoxicating.  I could barely see through the material and was becoming dizzy from the pheromones dancing in my nostrils.


Both heads were overwhelmed when I felt Miriam begin to ride my cock.  She seemed focussed on her own pleasure gliding up and down in a steady rhythm. She was very much in control.  Rachel and I were there to do her bidding, to play to her composing until she was fully satisfied.  A cock, mouths and fingers were instruments at her direction.


"Now, Darling, come here and put that lovely tongue of yours to use," she instructed Rachel.


Though I couldn't see much, I could just discern Rachel's outline as she knelt in front of Miriam.  Rachel did have a lovely tongue.  It was long, though not abnormally, and ended in a taper to a cute point.  I expected that her lovely appendage would be lapping away at Miriam's clit in order to bring her to a quick climax.  I was therefore shocked to feel the first, tentative lick directed at my testicles.  I gave a jolt and took a quick intake of breath.  Miriam was playing a deeper, more devious game than I expected.  I wasn’t sure I was prepared for where it would take me, but I had no choice but to play along.


"That's it, Darling, lick those lovely balls. Tell me, are they sweaty and dirty?"


Rachel only paused for a second to reply, truthfully, "Yes."


"Good then, Darling.  Take them into your mouth and give them a good cleaning."


The sensation of Rachel sucking my balls into her mouth and swirling her tongue around them was exquisite.  She now seemed hungry and eager to obey Miriam's directions and repeatedly emitted moans of satisfaction and pleasure.


Miriam's next command was, "Once they're nice and clean, Dear, move on to the next dirty bit."


Despite knowing what was coming, I was still startled by the feeling of Rachel's lovely tongue gliding along my perineum.  I gave another jump in the chair and my cock was almost vibrating.


"Wonderful, Darling,  I think you're hitting the spot," encouraged Miriam as she increased the pace of bouncing on my cock.  Then she said, "Naughty girl, take your hand out of your knickers.  You need to concentrate."


Rachel returned her full attention to her ministrations and she moved closer and closer to my puckered arsehole.  I braced myself then waves of pleasure rolled through me as I felt her lovely, delicate tongue circle it then penetrate me.  


I could have sat like that for hours being ridden by a sexy Bohemian while being serviced from below by a voluptuous minx.  I lost all sense of time as pleasure seeped into me from the pussy-soaked fabric on my head to the round muscular ass bouncing in my lap and the soft, delicate tongue dancing around my anus.  My brief reverie was broken when Miriam snapped, "Darling, come here and give me your hand."


My bottom felt empty and abandoned as Rachel slid out from under the chair to stand in front of Miriam.  The rhythmic bouncing on my cock paused, though it remained enveloped in its warm sheath. I couldn't tell what was happening and neither woman said anything for a minute or two.  Then, I could sense Rachel kneeling beside the chair.  


Miriam resumed riding my cock, slowly and with short strokes.  All of my concentration resided in the sensation of her pussy pulling me in with a gasp and coming to the verge of releasing me with a sigh. Her rhythm and vigour increased steadily, leaving me wanting more. 

I was quickly approaching the brink when I heard Miriam say, "Ready, Darling, on three.  One... two...," and with a musician's accuracy Miriam timed her downward stroke precisely on, "THREE!" At which point Rachel inserted a well-manicured and saliva-covered finger deeply into my rectum making direct contact with my prostate.


I jolted upward and slammed into Miriam's round bottom.  My legs stiffened and my sphincter gripped Rachel's finger in a tight clench as I came forcefully. I swear that if Miriam hadn't been sitting on my cock, my load would have hit the ceiling.  Of course, that's the effect the women had been hoping for and my cum spurted into Miriam's womb with the gush of a fire hydrant. 


I was immediately spent and in need of finding myself again.  Miriam paused just for a second, let out a deep sigh then straightened up, lifting herself off my lap. She strode directly and without hesitation to the powder room.


My arms were going limp leaving me unable to maintain my position in the chair any longer so I dragged myself up to my feet.  I chucked Miriam's pants on the floor and went in search of my shorts and boxers.  Rachel seemed unusually quiet and pensive.


Just as Miriam re-entered the open plan area, her phone gave a ping at which she exclaimed, "The car will be here any minute."


She glanced around and picked up her knickers.  Sliding them up her legs, she said, "Better put these on.  My driver would be upset if I dribbled on the seat." 


Giving what I took to be the first genuine smile since I arrived, Miriam said to Rachel, "Darling, it's been fun.  So nice to relive ol... I mean... past... times.  We must get together during the holidays."  She collected a sizable handbag from the sofa and strode to the door.


I didn’t hear their final goodbyes, but when Rachel came back to the kitchen area, I sensed that she had a lot running through her mind.  Assuming she might want some time alone, I made my own motions to leave.  While I was gathering my bicycle gear in the hallway, Rachel caught up to me.  


"Sorry if that was a bit intense," she said.


"Intense isn't the word for it, but it was certainly fun."


"Miriam's always had a bit of a spell over me -- a schoolgirl crush that never abated, I guess," she paused, then said, "Hers was the first pussy I tasted.  It remains the gold standard for me."


"Well, for what it's worth, I did give her knickers a brief lick and can see the appeal."


Rachel stepped forward and gave me an unexpectedly intimate hug.  We stood there for some moments with her body melting into me.  I was content to have re-found a sense of connection to this beautiful woman so I left her to her thoughts.  Finally, she seemed to snap out of her reverie. She took half a step backward, flashed me a cheeky smile and said, "Two birds, one stone," leaving me puzzled.  She then dropped to her knees in front of me and began unzipping my shorts.


"Rachel, what are you doing?"


"I need to taste Miriam one more time, and I want to thank you for being such a good sport," she replied while melting my being with her big brown eyes.  She then took my semi-rigid cock into her mouth and purred in pleasure as it grew at her touch.  Rachel licked me from base to tip over and over again with the delight of a child with a lollypop.  She seemed genuinely hungry for my cock when wrapping her lips around the swollen head.


Despite my massive release into Miriam, I’m proud to note I still had more cum to give.  When I alerted Rachel that I was about to blow another load, she clamped down even harder and sucked more vigorously.  I felt my second load of the day spurt into Rachel's waiting mouth and went weak at the knees.


She stood, smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek.  


"Here's to dear friends."


"Dear friends, indeed."

Written by dawes8442
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