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Open Our Marriage Or Not?

"Love or hate, betrayal or salvation are questions for the character. We will see!"

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Author's Notes

"A new story. We know you will be upset, but if you are a writer, you will understand that you write what comes out of your head or lose it forever. The others are still coming, but here is one for you. Read Share and ENJOY! Maxx and Rachel"

Our dinner was nice. We rarely had this time together, so being just the two of us was special. Colleen seemed nervous as we waited for dessert and coffee and declared, “I need the ladies. I’ll be right back.”

I smiled as I watched my sexy wife of fourteen years walk away. Her hips swayed as she went, and I had a slight tingle in my pants. We have experienced a dry spell recently due to Colleen’s work schedule and my small battle with ED. The doctor had recommended the little blue pill. I had tested it a few times, watched a sexy video I found online, and I was fully functional again. I hope tonight might begin the rebirth of our active sex life like it had been until a year ago before suddenly, work, family, and health seemed to get in the way very quickly.

I never really understood what happened, but sex wasn’t on the menu very often, and Colleen didn’t seem interested when it was. We went through the motions, but I was never sure if I satisfied her or if Colleen was faking it for my benefit. To her credit, Colleen always made sure I was taken care of, well spent, and breathing hard when we finished. Then she just rolled over and went to sleep. There was no afterglow of affection, which seemed odd to me.

I love my wife, and like most men, I would do anything for her, but Colleen seemed to be growing a bit more distant from me and the children. Colleen had even hired a nanny, Sue Beal, to attend to me and the children. I didn’t object. Sue became a part of the family. I could talk to her in my wife’s absence, especially on the more frequent nights Colleen was late at work or when she had traveled to the main office in San Francisco for a week, a couple of times over the past months.

Colleen was now busy at work after her promotion from executive assistant to the Senior VP of Sales for the Eastern USA a little over a year ago. This was much more than a clerical position. Colleen managed her boss's whole life in business and much of his personal life. Michael Cohn, her boss, depended on her for everything. When he traveled, sometimes, Colleen was required to go with him. She had been on the bi-monthly trips to the corporate office in San Francisco twice now.

Colleen was Michael’s shadow, confidant, sounding board, and co-strategist, ensuring she captured every important word said or presented at each meeting. Colleen was indispensable to Michael. I often wondered how he got along without her before.  I had begun to wonder just how close they had become. Colleen always talked, texted, and emailed him, communicating with him even more than me when we were in the same room and Michael was elsewhere.


I looked up from a message on my phone that confused me just as Colleen arrived back at the table. I smiled at her, and once she sat down, the waiter brought our chocolate cheesecake dessert. It was our favorite, and we always shared it on our special nights out.

I looked at Colleen, wondering what was in her head right now. The text message I had just read was alarming. It was from one of her coworkers and a good friend of mine. I knew Belinda before I met Colleen. We were friends long before they began to work together. Belinda and I even dated in high school and a few times in college, but she fell in love and married Martin Styles. They have been happily married for nearly twenty years now. All this time, we have stayed connected and seen each other socially often, up until last year after Colleen’s promotion.

I never understood what had happened, but our communication stopped abruptly a few months later. When I questioned Belinda, she blew it off due to family pressures with Martin and their four children. I bought it because, without Sue, it would be hell at our house as well, having three little ones under twelve, what a challenge.

It had been months since Belinda had texted me, so why tonight? I had my answer once I opened the message and was greeted with a disturbing picture. Colleen was in a close embrace and what looked to be a passionate kiss with Michael, her boss. The caption, “So sorry but I had to tell you, call me if you want more information. I know almost everything. I hoped it would stop, but it hasn’t, so you need to know. I am so sorry!”

I am sure my look changed after I saw the picture, “Honey, are you OK? You look troubled?” Colleen asked.

I snapped back and smiled, “No, sorry, it's nothing, a work message. I’ll take care of it tomorrow.” I never lied to Colleen, so saying that was hard. I wondered how many lies she had told me in the last year. I realized then that any hope of an intimate evening was over. After the message, I could never get hard, even if I ate a whole bottle of blue pills.

I forced myself to be civil as we finished our dessert and had coffee.

Then the mood changed, and Colleen reached across the table and took my hand. I thought this was odd, and a sudden fear spread over me. It must have shown on my face. Colleen pulled her hand back and looked at me. “Honey, what is the matter? You look terrible?”

I opened the picture, laid my phone on the table, and ran to the men’s room to vomit.

I was gone fifteen minutes or so, and when I came back, Colleen was gone. There was a note on the back of the dinner check that she had paid. “I am sorry. Please come home so we can talk!”

I picked up the receipt and walked out, not planning on going home. It was only 8:30 p.m., so I sat in my car in the parking lot and texted Belinda.

My text: “Belinda, thank you for your text. It's shocking. Do you have time to talk to me? Would it be possible for us to get together now and talk about what is going on? I know it is late, but as you can imagine, I need to know what you know.”

I waited but got no immediate response, so I left for home. A couple of blocks passed by when my phone buzzed. I pulled over and opened the text. There was another picture of the sweet couple kissing as they danced with Michael's hands cupping Colleen’s ass cheeks, pulling her tight against his thigh, wedged between her legs. They were clearly practicing fucking each other. The caption, “Yes, come over now. Martin knows what I know, so maybe we can help.” 

My text: “On my way.”

I pulled into Belinda’s driveway, and she and Martin were at the door waiting for me. She hugged me, and Martin gave me a shake. There were sad looks on their faces.


When I returned from the lady's room, I saw Franklin looking at his phone. When he looked up, he had a very distressed look on his face, but then he smiled as I sat down. Our favorite dessert, chocolate cheesecake, arrived. We always have it when we go out for a special dinner. Tonight’s dinner was supposed to be special but not in our normal way. I had to tell Franklin something that was going to change everything.

As we finished our dessert, I reached out and took his hand. Suddenly, there was that odd look on Franklin’s face again. It was a look of anger and confusion I had never seen before. I pulled my hand back. The look concerned me. He had just read his phone, and now this look, Oh God, could he know?

I asked, “Franklin honey, are you OK? You look troubled?”

Franklin looked at me, opened something on his phone, and pushed it before me. He stood and quickly went toward the men’s room.

I was stunned at his behavior, and then I looked down at his phone on the table, and my heart sank. Oh My God, he knows! There was a picture of Michael and me kissing.

Oh Fuck, I am caught! I panicked and ran to the ladies' room.

I called Michael for reinforcement and courage to prepare to talk to Franklin about my impending move to San Francisco. Michael was to be promoted to Vice President of International Sales the next month and was moving to California. I was planning to go with him. 

There was also more to it than that. I wanted to maintain my sexual relationship with Michael, which started shortly after I began working for him. But I did not want to divorce Franklin. I wanted an open marriage, allowing Franklin to pursue other women.

Franklin was an independent accountant with a successful practice serving businesses nationwide. He works from his home office so we can maintain our family and relocate to California at the company's expense. They will purchase us a comparable home, and our lives will continue.

I have been a terrible wife and mother since the affair started. I would rededicate myself to Franklin and the family, limiting my time with Michael to late nights at work and travel we would have to do nationally and internationally.

But now, that was all out the window. I had been caught cheating, and Franklin would learn the ugly truth from Belinda, and we would be through. Franklin will destroy Michael and me. He will divorce me and execute the prenuptial agreement, leaving me almost nothing. Knowing Franklin, once he learns the severity of the cheating, he will sue the company and Michael. The company will settle, and Michael and I will be terminated as part of the settlement.

I wrote a note for Franklin and ordered an Uber. I called Michael.

“How did it go?”

“It didn’t. He knew about us before I could even start to talk with him. Belinda sent him a picture of us kissing that night we went out for drinks. I didn’t know she took pictures. We are fucking dead, Michael. Franklin will destroy us!”

There was silence on the phone. Then it went dead. What the hell, did Michael hang up on me?

My Uber arrived, and as we drove off, I called him again, straight to voice mail. Fuck is he abandoning me trying to save his ass. God Damnit!

I was panicking now. What was going to happen?


Martin poured me a glass of good Scotch, and we sat down.

“OK, Belinda, tell me all of it. I need every detail. Do you mind if I record it? I need it all, and my brain is not working very well right now.”

“Sure, it is not a pretty story. Franklin, I have known you for years. We even dated before. I am ashamed I have not told you sooner. Please forgive me.”

“It’s OK. I have thought things weren’t right for a year now, but to be honest, I was afraid to bring it up, so I let it go. Tonight, I thought we were getting back on track, but I guess not.”

“Franklin, prepare yourself. This is going to be ugly for you. Are you ready?”

“Yes, please go on, tell me everything.”


“Franklin, a little over a year ago, I was promoted to personal assistant to Timothy Rails, the COO of Eastern Operations. He is in charge of everything that happens in the Eastern Division. Everyone reports to Tim.”

“A few months later, I was in a planning meeting, and the decision was made to give Michael a permanent personal assistant since he was promoted to Sr. VP. The list of candidates was small, only three ladies. Each lady was interviewed, and Michael’s choice was Colleen.

Fast forward a month, and we all went out for a birthday drink for Tim at a bar they like. There were eight of us there, all on senior staff. We had a nice time. We drank, had some snacks, and did a little dancing. I noticed that night that Colleen and Michael had moved away from the group to be a little more private. I probably would not have noticed if I hadn’t known she was your wife. I watched them carefully and saw them dancing a little close, so I took a picture. That is the first picture I sent you. Then, just before we left, I caught them dancing even closer. If they had been naked, they would have been fucking right there. It was crowded, so no one paid attention but me. I took the second picture I sent you and several more I’ll send you if you want them.”

“I also noticed that Colleen had ridden to the bar with Michael, so they left together. God knows what they did after they left the bar. Do you remember if she got home late, like 11:00 p.m.?”

I thought, “Yes, I remember Colleen coming home late that night. I was watching the news. She said everyone had so much fun that time got away from her. Then she went to shower, which she never had done before.”

“Well, Franklin, we left the bar at 8:30 p.m. that night.”

“Ok then, that may have been the first lie Colleen told me, or maybe the tenth or hundredth. Who knows?” I said, disgusted with this realization.

“OK, let’s skip forward two months. Michael had to make a trip to San Francisco. Colleen went with him. It was their first trip together. I made all the travel plans, flights, and hotels. Michael insisted that Colleen fly first class with him. The hotel reservations were made, and I intentionally put them in separate rooms several floors apart. I confirmed that with the hotel directly. But on the second day, I got an email from the hotel alerting me to a reservation change. They canceled Colleen's room, keeping Michaels. I knew then that for sure they were sleeping together. I am so sorry. I should have told you right then, but I didn’t. I was shocked they were so blatant about it by canceling Colleen's room.”

“I rarely saw anything happen in the office. But over the month after their trip together, Colleen was in Michael's office a couple of times for a long time, and when she came out, she was a little flushed, and her clothes were a little skewed.” 

“After the third time that happened, I went to security, got the CCTV discs for those dates, and copied them to capture what had gone on. Franklin, I am not sure you want to see those videos, but I have them if you want. Up until yesterday, there were nine times.”

“After I got the videos yesterday, I returned to a few other longer meetings. There was no sex, but the conversation was not good. They were planning how Colleen would be offered a better-paying position working under Michael, sorry, no pun intended, in California. Colleen initially balked at that, but after Michael sweetened the deal with a new house paid for by the company, Colleen agreed. Then they planned how she was going to tell you. That day was the first time that Michael called you Colleen’s cuckold. Collene screamed at him and slapped him hard, storming out of his office.”

“I did not see them talking about anything but business for a few days, then they were on each other again the next day, and they planned out your talk for tonight. What was supposed to happen was that you two would go to dinner, and after you had a good dinner with a lot of wine and dessert, Colleen would tell you about her promotion opportunity. She would take you home and discuss it after she fucked you to death. Then she was going to wake you up in the night, sucking your cock and fuck you again, then again in the morning. She would apologize for how slack a wife and mother she had been and promise to improve. Then, later on Saturday, she would fuck you again and tell you about her relationship with Michael and the open marriage she wanted so she could fuck Michael. Then she was going to fuck you again once you agreed.”

“It was strange that Colleen thought you would simply go along with everything. You would not be angry about their affair. You would agree to an open marriage. Then, life would go on as if this were all completely normal. I know you, Franklin, and there was no way you would roll over and let them walk on you like they planned. You would never knowingly be Colleen’s or anyone’s cuckold.”


After Belinda finished, I was shocked at the blatant plan that Colleen and Michale had concocted. I looked at both Martin and her. “You are damn right on everything; I would never lay down for them. Thank you, I have enough evidence now. Can I have copies of the videos, please?”

Belinda reached out, handing me a thumb drive. “It is all on there, videos of them fucking and the conversations about the plan, all of it. I am so sorry this is happening to you, Franklin. You are a good man and don’t deserve this; nobody does. What are you going to do?”

“Belinda, I am going home to my wife. I am going to take her up on her night of sex and blow jobs; then tomorrow, when she is cringing with fear, I am going to grant her wish. If she wants an open marriage, she can have a wide-open one without bothering about me or her children. I will send her off to San Francisco with an ironclad divorce, and after I execute the Prenuptial Agreement, she signed fourteen years ago, she will leave with almost nothing.”

Then, once the divorce is filed and she and Michael are in California together, I will sue the company for $20 million for allowing their affair to go on. I will demand that they both be terminated. I will also sue Michael for Alienation of Affection for $10,000,000 and ruin him. I am going to leave them both high and dry in California.

“Then I will find a suitable mother for my children and marry her, and life will go on.”

“While this is all happening, I will be the doting father to my children and a sad and destroyed man behind closed doors.”

“Belinda, I want to thank you for telling me everything. I forgive you for keeping it to yourself for so long. It is probably better this way.” 

I stood and walked to the door. “Please keep this quiet; you know nothing of my plans until I need you to talk to the attorneys.”

“Yes, Franklin, mum is the word,” as Belinda zipped her mouth closed.


I got in my car and sat in their driveway for a few minutes, thinking of the text I needed to send. I finally had the message worked out and typed it out.

My text: “Colleen, be in bed naked, playing with your pussy thinking about what I will do to you when I arrive home!” I pressed send and pulled out, driving fifteen minutes home.

I didn’t know if Colleen was at home, if she was with Michael, or if Michael had stupidly come to our home. That would not be good for him.

I arrived and saw a flickering light in our bedroom window; I wondered if Colleen was waiting for me as I had instructed.

I pulled into the garage. I walked into the house, directly to my office. I opened my safe and took out the old Smith and Wesson 32 caliber revolver my granddaddy gave me when I was twelve. I loaded two bullets and set the cylinder in the right position, one no-fire, then two shots if needed.

I removed my clothes and walked naked up the steps to my bedroom with the gun hanging at my side. I pushed open the door to the bedroom and saw Colleen curled in a ball with her hand between her legs.

“Colleen, lay straight out, exposing your body to me,” I demanded with fury.

Colleen looked at me, and her eyes got big. Even in the dim light, I could see the whites of her eyes as she saw what I was holding.

“Oh God, Franklin, you have a gun; what are you going to do?” There was panic in her voice.

I walked to the side of the bed and looked down at her. “My first thought was that I should shoot you, then drive to Michael's condo and shoot him through the door as he answered it and be done with the two of you. But then I thought about our children, the three little ones we so lovingly made together, that you no longer care about and have pawned off on our wonderful nanny, so you could go off and fuck Michael. But I love them so much I could not leave them without at least one parent. They would be marred for life, and I could not do that to them.”

“I thought about another alternative, ending my own life. Colleen, it is clear that you no longer love me and are willing to discard me and our family to move to California to be with Michael. So, I assume it would not bother you if I were dead. It would be much easier for you. As for me, I would not have to live with the pain you have inflicted on me and the pain I will feel every minute of every day when I love and care for our children, whom you have abandoned, as they remind me that you are fucking another man now and that you no longer care about them.

Colleen sat up and looked at me. “Franklin, what are you talking about? I am not leaving you. I love you and our children. I declined the job in California and resigned tonight after leaving the restaurant. I have made a huge mistake, not thinking about things correctly. Uber took me from the restaurant to our pastor's house. I gave him a complete confession and begged God’s forgiveness as I beg of you now. I know that will not resolve our issues, but I feel now that I can be completely honest with you so we can hopefully work out our problems.”

I was surprised by Colleen's statement.

“First off, Colleen, I was unaware that we had problems other than you had forsaken me for another man. That is a big problem, but only you knew that was a problem until tonight. So, what other problems are you referring to?

Colleen sat stunned with no answer.

“What is your answer? Tell me one problem that we have we are not working on or have resolved.”

Colleen began to cry.

“Stop crying. Since you cannot answer me, I assume we have no unresolved problems except for Michael. Yes, he is a big problem. Your problem, not mine.”

“Colleen, you are my problem, and I have a possible solution for my problem.

So, Colleen, since you planned to tell me you were moving to California with Michael. And that the kids and I could tag along if we wanted to, and I would be your cuckold for you and your lover. Please tell me what changed your plans from the beginning of dinner to the end?”

Colleen was stunned again. “How do you know that was what I was planning?”

“Well, Colleen, I have friends that look out for me and care for me much more than you do. They told me everything. I have heard every word. I have seen the videos of you and Michael fucking and planning in his office. I have seen you suck his cock and Michael fucking you over his desk and on his sofa. I have seen you ride his cock as he sits in his big stuffed chair. I know about the San Francisco trip, when you moved into his room for the week, fucking him as much as possible. All the while, you were lying to me on every call, telling me how much you loved me and the kids and missed us. That was all complete bullshit. All you wanted to do was to get off the phone and fuck Michael again.”  

Colleen fell over on the bed and began to sob.

I watched her and felt nothing but disgust. Somehow, I do still love this woman. That has not changed, even though I know about the massive betrayal she was planning. But for some reason, she has come to her senses and seems to have corrected her direction.

“Colleen, stop crying! I will leave this house and may never return except to take my children away from their cheating, slut mother. So, sit up now. No more tears. You were caught, so be a big girl and admit it.”

Colleen sat up, sniveling, and wiped her eyes. “It is 10:40 p.m. You have until 11:00 p.m. to tell me the whole story leaving out NOTHING, or I will walk out of this house and divorce you on Monday, leaving you to your fucking boyfriend if I don’t kill him before then. 

“Start now. Hand me your phone first.” It was lying on the bedside table.

Colleen looked at me. “What do you want it for?” 

“I have never read your phone before. I never had a reason to, but now I do. I am going to read your message string with Michael while you tell me the story.”

“No, Franklin, don’t do that. Please.”

“Sorry dear, you lost all consideration from me. I am doing as I please now that you don’t fucking care about me. Get started. You have only eighteen minutes left.”

For the next fifteen minutes, Colleen rolled out her story about how it all started that night at the bar and went wild after that. She couldn’t really explain why it happened, but she was caught up in the clamor of being important in the company and Michael’s eyes. Colleen admitted that he was a good lover, though all he did was fuck her making her cum, and he never made love to her like I do. She also loved the animal sex they had and being handled rougher than I am with her.

Colleen wondered why we were never like that with each other. I was always so polite and made sure that she was satisfied. Then Colleen started to cry again when she admitted that she purposely stopped having sex with me when my ED worsened, and Michael's cock was always hard for her. Michael was not bigger than me, so that was not it. Colleen promised there was no love felt for Michael, that she only loved me, and it was just incredibly good sex.

Colleen said she thought I had lost interest in her, so my cock would not harden. Even after the doctor explained it to us, she still had that feeling. She never thought it was her fault, but it was all mine.

The whole California thing was like a fairytale. Going off to a foreign land with a man Colleen loved to fuck, who was starting to like her. Colleen was not sure, but her feelings were changing a little. Then, there was a new, bigger corporate job, and the thought of freedom was intoxicating. Michael milked it and convinced Colleen that I would go along with her idea since we would still be together. Colleen would cuckold me with Michael, and I would be happy to get her back after Michael fucked her and used her often. Then, I would happily reclaim my wife, and she would have the best of both worlds.

Colleen admitted that she really thought I loved her so much that I would go along with the open marriage idea and move to San Francisco to a free house. She never considered that I would reject the idea and revolt against her. That shocked her.

Colleen was shocked back to reality when she saw the picture and knew that I knew she had cheated. That crushed her, and when I ran into the men’s room, leaving her sitting there not knowing what to do, she finally had a revelation that she had totally fucked up! That is when fear overtook her, and she bolted, afraid of what I might do when I returned to the table. 

Colleen admitted that she called Michael, and he hung up, shocking her. Michael would not answer his phone or even text her. Complete silence. That is when Collene realized she meant nothing to him and was now a possible liability.

Colleen felt completely lost, trapped in her cheater's world without escape. Then, I didn’t come home right away. An hour and a half later, while she was panicking, my text arrived, and she did what I told her to do.

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Now, here we are.


While listening to Colleen, I read through their text string and was disgusted with what I read. I was a cuckold already, and Michael and Colleen enjoyed putting me down. Michael laughed and humiliated me when he learned of my ED, and Colleen did nothing to defend me.

The text string followed Colleen's story closely, pissing me off more.

I knew what I was going to do. I wrote a text from Colleen:

Colleen’s text: “Michael, Franklin has left me! I need you, please come to my house. I am so alone. Please come to me, please!”

It only took seconds, and Michael responded.

Michael’s text: “Jesus, Franklin left you? He is gone?”

Colleen’s text: “Oh God, yes, he was so ugly to me. Then he stormed out with some of his clothes. I have no idea where he went. I am so afraid. Please come to me. I need you!”

This time, Michael's response could have been faster. But I was sure he was weighing his options.

I heard Colleen's phone buzz.

Michael’s text: “I’m coming to you, baby. Be there soon.”

Great, my trap was set.

“Colleen, get dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved top and wear sneakers.”

“Franklin, why?”

“Just do it. I don’t have to explain. Then come down to the living room.”

I left the room, went downstairs to the kitchen, and poured a glass of Scotch. I drank it and poured another. I poured a glass of wine for Colleen and went into the living room, placing the wine on the table. I sat in a wing-back chair facing away from the front door in the shadows so Michael would not see me when he came in.

While I waited, I sent a text.

My text: “Hey buddy, I need your help with a personal matter. Can you and Felix come to my house? I have a job for you over the weekend. I’ll pay you well so come to my house in the next half hour and wait for my text. Then come inside and pick up your weekend project.”

I got an immediate response, and they were on their way. I sent another text explaining what was happening and what I needed them to do over the weekend. I got a response, and things were set.

Then Colleen came into the room. “Sit over there where the wine is.”

“Franklin, what is going on?”

“Just sit down and be quiet! Do exactly what I tell you and nothing more, understand?”

Colleen agreed and sat down, drinking her wine. We looked at each other but did not speak.

What I saw was my wife, the woman I love. The woman who had cheated on me for ten months. Who was she? How did she change into the woman sitting across from me? I do not understand. Maybe my talk with Michael will explain some things.

A few minutes passed, and I heard a car pull into our driveway, and the door closed. Ten seconds later, there was a hard knock on the door.

“Answer the door. Please open it and welcome him in, but nothing more. Lead him to the sofa and sit beside him. Do you understand? Don’t answer, nod your head. Colleen, your future relies on how you handle yourself and what I learn in the next half hour.”

Colleen nodded and walked to the door. She opened it. “Thanks for coming.” Michael stepped inside and tried to hold her, but Colleen moved to the sofa and sat down. My chair was in the shadow of the dark room, so Michael did not see me. 

As Michael sat down, he said, “It’s dark. Let’s turn on a light.” He reached up to the lamp and turned it on. As he sat back, he saw me sitting there, aiming my Smith and Wesson at him.

“Oh shit, what the fuck! Franklin, I thought you left. Fuck, it was you that sent the God Damn text, Fuck.”

I smiled but said nothing.

Colleen quickly moved to a chair away from Michael and balled up with her feet on the cushion with her arms around her knees. She was shaking, and her eyes were riveted on me.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Michael asked, with a nervous voice, as his eyes darted back and forth between Colleen and me.

I waited, letting Michael’s confusion build, keeping him off guard. Then I spoke.

“Michael, it’s so nice for you to join us tonight. I am sure you expected a different result from Colleen and my dinner earlier. I am sure her call to you telling you that I knew about your affair and about your future plans was a surprise. You both thought I was clueless. Well, you were both fucking wrong. Actually, I have many videos of your cheating sex sessions in your office, as well as pictures and the ten-month text string between you two, incriminating you even more. I am prepared to show all of them to your company's upper management on Monday morning.”

“I have already contacted my family attorney and put things in gear. He is preparing the divorce papers to dissolve Colleen and my marriage, so she will be free to go with you to California if you are both still employed after next week, after we file a lawsuit against you for violating the company morals code, by seducing your subordinate, my wife. The amount sought in judgment in the lawsuit is $20,000,000.”

Colleen began to sob as she heard my plans. I am sure she was shocked that I would throw her out and divorce her.

“Michael, for you personally, l will be filing a lawsuit for $10,000,000 for Alienation of Affection for your seduction and continuing ongoing affair with Colleen. Both lawsuits name you, so they will be served on you on Monday when you arrive at your office. A private investigator sitting outside will control your every move until you are served both lawsuits. There is no escaping what you have done. 

Also, you may not know that adultery is a crime in this state, so I will contact the District Attorney on Monday to file charges against both of you. You both will be arrested later on Monday and put in jail until you are charged and bail is set. Then, you may post your bond to be released. Colleen, I will not be there to bail you out. You will have to make other arrangements.” 

I stopped talking and sat back, looking at both of them. I smiled and swallowed a mouth full of Scotch. I had them shaken up from what I had just said that they didn’t know what to do. On top of that, I was aiming the gun at Michael. Suddenly, neither of them was breathing very well.

After a few minutes of letting them stew in their shitty mess, I spoke to Michael again.

“Michael, you must be shocked that you, the cool, senior executive, could be sitting here with the control of your entire life in the hands of the weak, cuckold, accountant husband of the woman you pursued, seduced, and conducted an affair with for ten months of more. You thought I was just a little guy who could not make love or satisfy his wife. So, you decided she needed someone to satisfy her, and that was you. Or no, was it the other way around? Did Colleen seduce you? No, you know that is not what happened. You seduced my wife and led her down the cheating path. You are God Damn right it was, you low-life cocksucker.

I stood up and started pacing the floor. I quickly turned, pointing the gun at Michael, and cocking the hammer. “You know low-life snakes like you are a pariah on society, and if I were to shoot you right now, no one would even fucking care, not even Colleen. Once the whole story is out, I would get a reprimand for defending my wife and household from an obsessed stalker. So maybe I should just shoot you.

Get up, Michael, and stand by the door. I need it to look like you just pushed your way in here, and I reacted by killing you. That should be good enough.” I pointed the gun at him again, “Get the fuck up, Michael!” I was angry now, and he and Colleen, both knew it.

Michael stood, I waved the gun, “Over by the door, asshole.” He walked around the sofa beside the front door. “Now, Colleen, go over to Michael and open the door like he just pushed his way inside. I am not going to hurt you. I love you, so you stand off to the side. When I shoot him, you may get some blood splattered on you, but that will greatly affect the police. Colleen, get over there now.

“Oh God, Franklin, what are you doing? You can’t kill Michael!” Colleen cried out.

“I see, so you don’t want your lover to be shot. The future main man you plan on being with when you convince me we need an open marriage. The man you would drag your cuckold husband and family to California so you could be with him, that man. Well, I guess that would fuck up all your plans, wouldn’t it.”

“Colleen, get the fuck over there with Michael now. I am tired of the bullshit and want to get it over with.” I took Colleen by the arm and pushed her toward Michael, standing by the door.

“Franklin, I love you. I don’t love Michael. I was crazy to do what I did and never wanted to see Michael again. I want to be with you.”

Well, isn’t that perfect, so when I kill him, you won’t ever have to see him again? Perfect, just the way I want it. Nobody will ever see him again. So, Michael can’t fuck up anyone else’s marriage because Colleen, he never gave a shit for you.

Colleen Michael was using you, pulling your strings, and getting exactly what he wanted, to fuck you and fuck me over, making me your cuckold. You were just another notch in his bedpost or desk. Ah, what the fuck does it matter now? He’s a dead man!”

I held the gun up, “Any last words, Michael, any admissions?”

Michael was terrified. His eyes were ablaze with fear. His brain was spinning, trying to figure a way out of this without dying.

“Michael, to be fair, I will give you five minutes to talk before I shoot you, so choose your words carefully. If I hear a lot of acrimonious bullshit coming out of your fucking mouth threatening me, my finger may get itchy, and your cock will be the first part of your body I will shoot. Stand where you are. The clock starts now. You have five minutes, so start talking or keep quiet, but if I were you, I would plead my case.”

I waved the gun at him. “Oh yes, Michael, remember honesty is the only policy!”

“Colleen, come here! She quickly scampered over to me. Please look directly into Michael’s eyes and carefully listen to what he will say to you. This is all about you, Colleen, so you must be clear about what Michael is about to say.”

I stood behind Colleen, letting her lean back against me. Her body felt good, but still, she was a fucking cheater!


Michael looked at me, then at Colleen. He was having a hard time figuring out what I wanted to hear from him. He never expected to be in this position. His neat little world seemed so nice and tidy, but now it was a big fucking mess. Most important to Michael, he needed to figure out what he needed to say to save his ass.

I waited.

Colleen waited.

Then Michael spoke, looking at Colleen.

“Ok, I have to be 100% honest here. Colleen, I used you, just like Franklin said. I promoted you because I wanted to be close to you, and hopefully, I could seduce you and fuck you. You were great at your job too, but you are an even better fuck, and I knew you would be. I really didn’t care how good you were at your job as long as I could own your pussy and mouth. I just wanted you.

Once we settled in, you were great at your job; what a bonus, but I wasn’t sure I could seduce you. You always talked so highly about Franklin and your family. I didn’t think you would cheat on him. Then, a month or so later, I found a crack. We were texting, and it was late at night. You should have been in bed, but that night you were horny, and Franklin couldn’t get hard. You were almost crying when you told me how frustrated you were. That was like hitting the motherload, and I knew then you were mine.

I started the heavy flirting the next day, and you were very responsive. As we chatted, you told me things that fed my ego and fueled me to pursue you more aggressively. Then, I really did want you. At my request you dressed sexier, and the texts we sent all day and night were pretty hot. I came on to you hard, teasing you and lightly touching you. Complementing you on your looks and your work, and you responded.

You told me about Franklin's ED problem. I heard that he couldn’t take care of your needs. It was like you were sending me an invitation. In our texts, you told me how frustrated and horny you were, and that Franklin could not get hard. He tried to make up for it with his mouth and fingers, but it wasn’t enough. That gave me an opening, so I leaped through it.

The next day, I called you into my office and told you to suck my cock. Like a Stepford Wife, you dropped to your knees and did it without even thinking about it. That surprised me, but you wanted a cock, and I was going to give you one. It happened that first time and that was the beginning.

I am a man, so when a hot, sexy woman that I want to have sex with shows me she needs it, I take the lead and make it happen. It seemed to me that you were always ready, though you never once initiated anything. As I remember, every time I commanded you to suck me or fuck me, you submitted without fail, and we would have sex.

Then there was the San Francisco trip. I planned the trip to see how far I could take you. Could I own you? I needed to test you to see how much you really wanted me and what you would do for me. That could not be done if you went home and saw Franklin and your family every night. So, I created a trip and told you that you had to go. You balked at first, but I won you over that night after work when I fucked you and told you what a week would be like alone with me. You came so hard. I knew I had you.”

Then, that first night of the trip, we went to our separate rooms when we returned from dinner. I wondered if anything would happen. I took a shower and sat down to read a book. My phone buzzed, and it was a text from you thanking me for a nice dinner. You wished me a good night, and that was it.

That night, I thought the trip was a waste, but in a way, it also was good. It would clear my feelings, and we could be good business associates. Our affair would end that night. 

I was restless all night and decided to give you one big test in the morning before things ended. I called you and asked you to stop by my room to get me for breakfast.  When you knocked on the door, I was sitting on the bed, wrapped in a towel with wet hair, as if I had just come out of the shower. I opened the door, and you looked so sexy in your suit with a short skirt and stockings. My cock twitched, and you saw it. I invited you in.

Once the door closed, I pulled you to me and let the towel drop, leaving me naked. I began to take off your clothes, laying them on the sofa. Once you were in your bra and thong, I pulled you to me, and we kissed. I moved to the bed and sat down, pulling you down to your knees. You knew what I wanted, so you dutifully sucked my cock. I know you remember it because we talked about that morning for a long time. I face fucked you, then fucked you doggy and missionary. We skipped breakfast and had each other instead.

We fucked again in the shower, then washed each other and dressed. After lunch, I suggested, “Colleen, move into my room and give up your room.

From that minute on, I owned your pussy and mouth, and any time I wanted them, you gave them to me. That week, you gave them to me many times, day, and night. I was your master in a way.

Colleen, I never deprive you of your family except for San Francisco. We never stayed overnight after that week, even on our second trip, though we did fuck several times. Oh, but our affair was hot and steamy. I limited our time together to reduce suspicions, but I was not good enough at hiding what we did.”


I was not shocked at what I heard. It was what I hoped I would hear. I was much clearer about Colleen's involvement. If Michael had stopped demanding Colleen suck or fuck him, the affair would have died.

“Michael, I want to thank you for your honesty. That has saved your life, so go back to the sofa and sit down. Colleen, get Michael and I a glass of Scotch and you a glass of wine.”

“Franklin, could you please put the gun down,” Colleen asked.  

“No, I can’t do that. We are not done here yet.”  

“Michael, I believe from what I have seen, what I have heard from you, and what other sources told me that your story of the affair is accurate. You are also clearly an arrogant asshole with only your interest in mind. You never considered how your action with my wife would affect me, our children, and their innocent futures. Your cavalier attitude gave Colleen the same attitude that you would never get caught so that no one would be affected. That was fine until you had your talons in Colleen so deep that you plied her with a new, bigger job for more money and convinced Colleen that she controlled me enough that she could convince me to open our marriage. Also, I and the kids would follow Colleen to California. Then the two of you could openly fuck each other with my blessing.”

“Michael, you thought you could take my wife from me, and I would just lay down and let you have her. Well, big shot, you were totally fucking wrong. I have decided it is going to be much more rewarding to see you destroyed, bankrupted, and suffer from some minor but painful retribution than the satisfaction I would get seeing you laying on the floor there writhing in pain as you took your last breath.”

“Michael, you will suffer for many years for your actions. This little man is going to happily destroy you, turning your glowing reputation and career into a new reputation of a cheater, seducer, and home wrecker. When I am done with you, you will be a small man scraping trash cans for scraps!”

I picked up my phone and sent a text message.

A minute passed, and the front door opened, and two large men entered. Colleen looked at them and then at me. She was confused as one walked up behind Michael, and the other man walked around in front of him.

“Franklin, what is going on? Who are these men? Why are they here.” Colleen panicked.

“Colleen, if you remember, I stated that I had a P.I. outside to make sure that Michael would be available on Monday when we arrived at the office to serve both the lawsuits against him and the company. I also want him to be present as I show the proof of the affair to upper management. These two gentlemen are going to make sure that happens by staying with Michael every minute over the weekend and getting to know Michael much more intimately.”

The look on Michael’s face changed. He was again afraid, not about dying, but of what would happen over the weekend and on Monday. He had no idea what would happen, and his fear began to eat at him.

“Where are my manners? Michael, this nice gentleman is Edgar, and the man behind you is Felix. They are both former professional wrestlers. They are brothers and have formed a family investigative company. They will be your bodyguards all weekend. They may have some games to play with you, so you don’t become bored. They will take your car with them when you leave and deliver you to the office on Monday. I am sure you will have an interesting weekend as their guest.”

“Ok, guys, you can take him now. Remember the rules. No visible marks or broken bones. Other than that, it's up to you to ensure he arrives at his office at 9:00 a.m. sharp on Monday morning. Until then, guys, you are responsible for caring for Michael, and you know what I mean.”

I smiled. “Michael, thank you for responding to the call from your damsel in distress.”

Edgar and Felix stood Michael up. He looked petrified and scared of what was coming next. They led him out the door and left, taking Michael for a weekend he will never forget. The weekend I had planned for him would prevent him from seducing another married woman. But that is a story to be told later, maybe.

Edgar and Felix lead Michael out the door for a well-planned, fun-filled weekend. Michael would learn a serious lesson in the next two days.


Colleen sat looking at me. She had seen me in a completely different light in the past four hours and was about to see even another side of me now. We had two days to determine our future, and it was all on Colleen to make it right.

“So, Colleen, here we are, you, my cheating slut wife, and me, your cuckold husband. Don’t we make a charming couple?”

The look on Colleen's face when she heard what I said was priceless. Confusion, despair, fear, and something else, I was unsure.


Oh My God, things were bad… no, they were worse than bad; they were horrible. Franklin was like a different person. He had taken control of everything. He was angry, and I could not blame him. 

I had almost abandoned my family. I had even hired a nanny to care for my kids, relieving me of my motherly duties. I looked back at that decision and was sad that I had become such a terrible mother. Michale had an unbelievable hold on me. I had lost focus and direction and stepped away from my family.

As for Franklin, yes, I love him. I had allowed myself to think less of him when his ED problem started. He was no longer my lover. I decided he could no longer satisfy me and give me what I needed as a woman and his wife. That was unfair, but it made the things I was doing easier.

As I remember, a year ago, when I was promoted and started to work very closely with Michael, I was so excited. Every day was a new experience. I was learning so much, and Michael and I got along well. Things were all business.

My home life was good but not great. Franklin’s problem getting hard was devastating to what had been an incredible sex life, so it had fizzled. It was not all his fault, but I did blame him. He talked to the doctor, and we were trying the blue pill, but to be honest, it took all the intrigue and spontaneous sex out, so it all had to be planned, and there was no guarantee he could get hard then. It was hard on Franklin and hard on me. I needed intimacy and the feeling of being loved, and now that was missing. I was genuinely concerned we might never get that back.

My days around Michael helped me cope with Franklin's ED, but not in a good way. I admit I was becoming attracted to Michael. He was handsome and single, and I was told he was a ladies' man. Working closely with Michael, I smelled his scent and felt his hardness as I brushed against him. He began to flirt with me, though I resisted him with everything I had. Even so, I could not wait to see Michael at the office. My body trembled each day when I saw him for the first time. It was impossible for me not to be attracted to him.

At first, Michael was a good boss, and we worked well together. So, my work life was good, and I was excited every morning. I thought Michael genuinely cared for me, and our plans were for all of us. Once Franklin granted our open marriage, we would be together whenever we wanted, and I would still be with Franklin, my husband, and my children living in California in our new home.

But now I realize after Michael's admission that I was just a piece of meat, a fuck toy. A conquest. A trophy that he could boast about to anyone he wanted. I was an excellent employee and did my best to please Michael. But listening to Michael, he didn’t care how good I was as long as he could control me and fuck me when he wanted me.

My shame had grown into a huge cloud of guilt. What had I done to my husband and family? I had foolishly forsaken them. I had no idea what to do to gain their favor again.

Then, as I heard Franklin lay out his plan for Michael and me, I listened to the words I never wanted to hear… Divorce! It came screaming out of Franklin’s mouth like a piercing lance through my heart.

Oh my God, my husband was going to divorce me, take my children from me, and leave me with nothing. I would lose my job, and Michael would have no more use for me, so now I was not worth anything to him! Oh God, I have fucked up so badly, destroying my beautiful life, and for what? A little strange cock and a thrill or two. Yes, it was just that simple, a little strange cock, without love, just a cock to fuck me, making me cum and feel wonderful at the moment. Still, I never considered the impact of my actions on anyone else, as I only cared about the pleasure that selfish me enjoyed.  

Oh God, what can I do?


As Edgar and Felix walked Michael out the door, I watched Colleen. She was fidgeting in her seat, not knowing what was next. As I looked at her, she looked lost, confused, and unsure of what her future was or if she had one. That is how I wanted her to be… completely confused, defeated, and lost in despair.  

I had always thought Collene was a smart woman, but now I could see clearly that any woman, just like men, can easily be controlled by letting their pussy and clit think for them as men do with their hard cocks. These organs can make both sexes make irrational decisions that destroy their lives. Unfortunately, that is what has happened here. Blind decisions without thinking may have ruined our beautiful life.

I also realized that I was not completely innocent. My ED problem had fueled the situation. I had not been able to fulfill my husbandly duties, and I ignored the signs, letting what I didn’t know happen, looking the other way, afraid of upsetting Colleen. What a fool I had been. Now, I had the hardest decision of my life before me. I had to decide how to move forward, be a strong dad for my children, and determine what I was going to do about Colleen, their mother, and Micheal, the man who desired to destroy our lives.

The big question was this… did I throw Colleen out and let Micheal succeed?  

The answer was simple, “Hell No!” I screamed in my head.

So, what is next? “The rest of the story,” as Paul Harvey would say!

Final Part Soon

Copyright © MaxxNRachelWrenn

All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.

This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations for adult readers.

All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old. 



Written by MaxxNRachel
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