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On The Lake

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It was about midday when we pulled up to the holiday house after a very long drive. We had set off a good three hours beforehand and had only just arrived. We being myself, both parents and my younger brother. Following Finch, my dad’s friend, our cars rolled carefully down the dirt path and curved at the bottom around the side of the huge building that was going to be our home for the next couple of days.

My dad parked up next to Finch's and pulled up the handbrake on the Vauxhall swiftly. My mum wound down the window.

“I told you the drive was a nightmare!” Finch shouted.

My dad leaned over.

“It would have been better if you weren’t driving like a woman!” my dad replied.

“Hey, shut your face!” my mum rapped him over the head with her open hand.

“You deserve that,” Finch added.

“Can we get out now?” my brother asked. He had been moaning the entire way.

“Yes! Yes! Get out… Honestly!” my mum said.

He got out of the car and stretched his back out. David, Finch's son and Claire, his wife, got out of their car and began talking to my Brother.

I got out and took a look around at where we were staying. To be fair, it was an amazing place. The house was massive. It had four bedrooms and three bathrooms. Two living rooms and an enormous kitchen and dining room. There was decking at the front of the house that ran the entire length and had white picket style fencing posts. It was like something out of movie, like a quintessential American house.

Plus, it overlooked the river we were saying on. It was secluded away from the rest of the area and had taken us about fifteen minutes drive away from any nearby houses. The dirt that ran around the grounds was soft and ashy and sloped downwards until it reached the water’s edge, about thirty meters from the front door.

There were a number of oak trees that stood at the lip of the verge. A space was left between the two biggest that formed the entry way to a wooden stair case that lead down to an ample sized dock. From what I remembered my dad saying, it was big enough to store a yacht there.

My attention was then brought to the other building on the grounds. A smaller house was situated a good distance to the left of the dock entry way. This was where the Finch family would be staying whilst we were here. My dad had insisted that we would stay in there, but Finch had contended harder and my dad finally conceded for us to stay in their place.

Finch had said that, “As we were guests, we should be staying in their big house.”

He and my dad had been friends through work since I was about twelve years old. Regularly spending Boxing Days, Easter holidays and just about any other instance together since then and this was no exception.

I had just turned seventeen in the spring, an instance where the Finch family had gifted me with over a hundred pounds’ worth of make-up and toiletry vouchers, of which I had been very appreciative. Finch wasn’t his first name, but his surname and had been replaced over the years as his first by friends. His first name was Adam, but no one except Claire called him by it.

The Finches and my family had organised for their youngest sons, both eight years old, to spend the start of the summer holidays together, deciding that they would come out to their newly bought holiday home in the lakes. I had originally decided to stay at home and spend the time with my boyfriend, until he decided to go away with friends at the last minute. It left me with no choice but to come with the family and make the most of it.

After beginning the path to womanhood early on in my life, I soon became interested in boys. Probably far sooner than they began to take notice of me, or the way my body was rapidly changing. I had my first intimate relationship during the last year of high school. It was surely love, for me.

The relationship lasted for a good year before we both grew understandably distant from one another during. It wasn't long after that that we split and I quickly began to explore my own sexual desires with different boys. I could count my relationships on one hand, my then boyfriend being number four. As for sexual encounters, I would probably require another pair of hands.

During the relationship with my first boyfriend, I often noticed the lads in school taking a keen interest in the shapely figure that I was materializing for myself, as well as the faculties that they were only used to seeing in online videos becoming a real-life tangibility. Understandably, this would infuriate my boyfriend. I would never tell him, but it secretly excited me to know that I had such an effect on other guys.

In science classes in particular, one of the quieter and reserved but attractive boys would often stare at me. I would see him in the corner of my eye taking note as my legs crossed over in my pleated skirt, or looking thoroughly at my hips and breasts through the tight blue school shirt and pretend not to notice. He would look intensely for minutes at a time, allowing his eyes to trace the outline of my bra cup and back strap. I would sometimes even find that I had grown wet, just knowing he was turning himself on by looking at my body.

However, now at seventeen I had been seeing my boyfriend for the best part of nine months. I was often the one going round to his house. The sex was good for the most part, although I had had better sex up till that point with other guys. Some of which were never boyfriend material. He wasn't inadequate, it just wasn't as intense as I would have hoped for it to be.

My appetite was somewhat insatiable. Only two weeks before we had gotten together, I had experienced my first threesome. Two twenty-something guys at a friend’s house party had glued themselves to my side for the whole night and had plied me with alcohol, most of which I would never have willingly drank had I the opportunity to choose for myself. I drank, nevertheless.

In my flirtatious stupor I went with them to the bathroom where one of them locked the three of us in together. After giggling somewhat dismissively over the prospect they had then proposed, I had abandoned myself to the thrill of it and quickly found myself performing blowjobs on both of them. An incredible feeling of filth and horniness. I remember, on my knees, my hands trembling to undo their trousers as I began to crave for either one of their cocks in my mouth.

We then went to a free bedroom, where they stripped me of all my clothes and took turns to fuck me on the bed, occasionally slipping into my mouth. I recalled later on the following night that a few people from the party had peered into the room and briefly witnessed the event. They may have taken advantage of me, but regardless of the alcohol, I was more than willing to comply. It made me feel sexy.

My mind had wandered, I got out of the car and raised my arms way over my head. It was an incredible, clear summer day. My brother and David ran past and began to play as my parents began a tour of the place, led by Finch and Claire. I wandered off on my own and took in my surroundings. A very peaceful place to be.

I walked around the back of the guest house and found a large barn type structure at the bottom of the moderately sized garden. The place wasn’t fenced off as it didn’t need to be, the surrounding area was vast enough to be left unobstructed. I went down to the barn and pulled aside the large door. Inside was empty. It seemed like a cleared out stable but it didn’t smell of anything.

Poking my head around the corner of the barn I saw what looked like a utility hut protruding from the side. I walked over and opened it. Again, there was nothing inside, except for what looked to me to be some kind of wooden work bench. It was in the center of the room and came to about waist height with a bar like handle curving over the top of it. I stood in the doorway examining it.

“You alright?” Finch asked.

I jumped out of my skin.

“Sorry! Didn’t mean to make you jump!” he said.

I laughed it off quickly. He was alone.

“Yeah, I’m okay thanks. Just looking round.”

“What do you think of the place then? I know you weren’t going to be coming, what with your boyfriend and all, but I think you’ll be okay when you see your room. I think your mum has given you the far one. It’s got the biggest en-suite.” He made a widening gesture with his hands.

“That’s good. Yeah… It’s okay, though. I’m sure I’ll cope without him for a few days! It’s an amazing place! I can’t believe you own it.”

“Neither can I!”

There were a few moments of silence. I kicked the ground briefly. I wasn’t uncomfortable in Finch's company, but not having much to say to him had come naturally as I had grown older. I knew it hadn’t gone unnoticed on his part either, but he still tried. We had gotten on well when I was younger, he and Claire had even taken me out on a few occasions when I first started high school.

“You wondering what that is?” he asked, pointing inside the small room.

“Well, I kind of figured that it was a workbench or something?”

“Yeah, it was the guys who had it before us. I think he did carpentry or something.”

“Ahh, right okay. Well, there you go.”

“Eccentric guy. Had a lot of weird things. We moved most of it out of the house. It’s just a shame he didn’t leave the boat!”

We both laughed.

Later on that night, I was settling down after the first day. I had sorted my room, unpacked and hung my clothes and taken a look around the rest of the house. Finch was right, my ensuite was the biggest. We had just finished eating at the table and I was on my own in the back living room listening to my iPod. I tussled and played with my jet black hair as I flicked through various songs. The windows looked out to the lake and dock. I sat staring for ages. Not even David or my brother came in to bother me.

The summer days were lasting forever and it was only just turning dark at around ten in the evening, this was when the Finches had left for the guest house. I went to my room and decided to get a shower before going to bed. After my shower I looked out of the window and saw that a blue twilight was glowing outside. I thought about the dock and the water and decided in an instant that I wanted to go out for a night swim.

I slipped into my plain white bikini and balanced precariously on my tip toes in the doorway of my room which separated me from the landing area, tightening my back straps as I listened. I waited to hear if everyone else was in their rooms. They were.

I tread lightly down the stairs and tip toed across the kitchen floor, sliding open the French doors to the patio decking at the side of the house.

I walked quickly but casually across the dirt ground and made my way towards the tree opening. To my left, the automatic security light outside the guest house lit up and spooked me for a second on the way. There was no sign of movement from inside the house and all the lights besides that one was off.

I carried on going. I walked down the steps which led me to the right and then down a smaller set. Stepping onto the dock, the wood was still warm from during the day but was showing signs of cooling. I realized that it was actually quite high off the water. I figured that considering the guy before Finch had a yacht, that it made sense.

The dock extended out about twenty meters into the lake. When I reached the end, I noticed yet another set of stairs off to the right which turned back towards the direction of the house. I hadn’t seen them before, as the downwards slope and trees had obscured them. They lead downwards to the water and featured a small standing platform at the end.

“Guess I don’t need to jump in head first,” I said to myself quietly.

I had attached a hair band around my wrist. I made my way down the stairs and tied my hair in a quick pony tail on the way down. When I reached the platform the water was almost rising over the edges. I took my toe and dipped it into the water, swirling it around. It was cold but I knew that it would soon become warm once I braved the chill and got in.

I sat down on the dampening wood and raised my legs above the water. With a few deep breaths I lowered them down and immersed them. It felt freezing. After that I slid slowly down off the platform and submerged my body, up to my neck. I started to tread water and began to warm up, as I had expected to.

The sound was incredibly calming and relaxing. The ripples were serene and brushed quietly around my skin. I could hear the lake meeting the edge of the dirt slope with a kiss as the moon delicately reflected the water up into the underside of the dock.

I had another sudden urge. I reached around to the back strap of my bikini and unfastened it. Then I pulled off my bottoms. I left them both on the platform and swam off away from the house. Skinny dipping was something I had never done before and I figured that now was as good a time as any.

As I swam, my mind drifted to and from a number of different things. What I was going to do after this summer was over. Whether or not I would still be with my boyfriend this time next year. Wondering whether my friends were having a better time than I was. That didn’t matter to me though, they weren’t getting to swim naked alone in this serene lake.

The beautiful landscape that adorned the edge of the skyline began to darken along with the moody blue sky. I hadn’t noticed at first but the twilight was over and this was officially night time. It had only happened in the space of about five minutes of me getting into the water.

The end of my wet pony tail tickled the bottom of my neck. I couldn’t get over how freeing it was to swim without clothes on. It felt as if I had been the first person in the world to discover its liberating virtues. I wondered if anyone else was skinny dipping in this very lake at that very moment.

Soon after that thought crossed my mind, the chill of the night air took a hold over the pleasantries. A shrill pang shuddered my body and I began to feel goosebumps all over. The once inviting embrace of the waters began to surely turn more into an unforgiving abyss. A cold streak made it’s to my area and then inside me, giving an unwanted caress to my inner walls. It was at this moment I realized, I had forgotten to bring a towel with me.

“Oh fuck,” I murmured to myself.

Once I got out I was sure to be even colder that I was in the water. The air was beginning to chill and the stars were starting to shine down with luminosity. What was more over this, once I got to the house I would be treading water all the way through and would probably wake people up trying to get things dry. I wasn’t looking forward to being questioned about why I was out in the dead of the night naked in the lake.

Regardless, I had no choice. I turned back around and swam a little towards the shore. My eyes hadn’t adjusted properly to the dark yet and everything around seemed to blend together. Getting closer I began to make out that something was on the platform.

“Amy, is that you?” It was in fact, someone.

Finch's voice was unmistakable. He asked with a sense of bewilderment.

I stopped in my tracks and my heart raced to the pit of my stomach. I tread the water around me yet again and thought for a minute about how I was about to explain myself.

“Errr, yeah, it’s me,” I pitifully replied.

There was a brief pause before he spoke again.

“I was going to ask you what you were doing, but I think I can gather.”

“I’m actually getting out right now. I’m really sorry!”

I started making my way back to the platform.

“Errr. No, don’t worry about it,”

He was clearly struggling to deal with the situation. As was I.

“I just kind of fancied a swim,”

I placed a hand on the decking, but stayed under the water.

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Finch loomed over me, standing on the platform. Another pause ensued. I eyed towards my bikini.

“Sorry!” he spurted with a shake of his head, “I’ll turn around.”


I hoisted myself out of the water. It was fucking freezing. He stood only an arm’s length away from me as I reattached my bikini top and slipped back into the damp bottoms.

“Okay,” I said.

He turned back around, his hands lifted somewhat obscuring his vision to be sure I wasn’t still naked. Then he lowered them. I held my arms up around my chest, covering my breasts in an effort to keep warm.

“The light flicked on by the porch whilst I was in the kitchen and I thought I'd best check out what had set it off. I thought it must have been a leaf, but I wanted to check and make sure it wasn’t an animal. I came outside and then I heard some splashing in the water so I came down here to see what was going on.”

“Ahh, okay. So how long have you been standing there?”

“About ten minutes.”

I was struggling to stay still. The cold was ravaging me and my knees began to knock together.

“You must be absolutely freezing! Did you not bring a towel out with you?” he asked.

“No, silly me,” I said, again, desperately fighting off the cold.

“Here,” he said, taking off his dressing gown. He placed the gown around me. I gladly accepted the gesture of warmth. This left him in just a white t-shirt and his underwear. We walked down the dock.

“Thanks. It was silly of me to do this, I’m really sorry!”

“No need to apologize at all. It’s your right to go for a swim. Just be careful, it’s dangerous swimming at night without anyone else around to spot you!”

We started walking up the stairs.

“I know! I don’t really know what I was thinking to be honest,” I kept my voice low, as did he, to ensure that no one else came out to investigate.

“Clear to me!” he quipped, “You fancied a skinny dip!”

I started chuckling quietly, holding in the pain of the cold yet again.

“That wasn’t the intention!” I protested.

“Well, either way it’s fine by me so stop apologizing.”

“Thanks for being understanding,” I said.

We were coming up to the parting of the trees. I patted myself down subtly, using Finch's dressing gown to dry myself off.

“I guess I should give you this back before I go inside,” I said tugging at the collars of the gown. Its weight and size far too big for my nimble frame. It almost dragged along the dirt.

“Oh! Good thinking! It’d certainly be weird for you to have this in your bedroom. I can go and get you a towel from inside to take in with you if you want?”

“That would be good, thanks Finch!”

“No problem, I’ll just be a sec,” he said, turning towards the guest house.

He went inside. I was left stood there, still feeling a little embarrassed. I turned my foot inwards and watched a few beads of water trickle down towards my ankle. Then, a thought occurred to me.

Finch came out of the house after about only thirty seconds with a fresh towel under his arm. Before he had a chance to offer it to me I verbalized my thought.

“Did you say you’d been stood down there for ten minutes?”

He was frozen on the spot and his eyes rolled upwards, as if planning carefully his response.

"Yes,” he said, finally.

“So you were stood there for ten minutes, watching?”

He didn’t say anything. I thought about it myself.

“I’ll ask you a question. Be honest when I ask it,” I said.

His eyes squinted.

“Were you watching me swimming?”


“Okay. I’ll ask another. Were you... enjoying, watching me swim?”

“Amy... ”

I raised one hand.

“Finch, just please answer me,”

There was a pause.

“Were you enjoying watching me swim?”


“Right. Okay. So, did you have something you shouldn’t have. Whilst you were watching me swim?”

“I think you should take this towel now Amy and go up to bed,” he attempted to diverge.

“I’ll take that as a yes, then.”

“Amy... ”

“Did you have an erection?”

“Amy, really. You should go up--“

“Finch!” I snapped, cutting him off before he could finish, “I’ll ask you one more question now. This is the last one. Please... Please, answer it!”

He placed his hand on his hip and looked down at the ground.

“Were you wanking while you were watching me swim?”

There was no response for a few seconds, until he nodded negligibly. Silence.

“I see,” I said.

I pulled a hand in through the giant sleeve of the dressing gown and reached around my back.

“Amy, please. You can’t say anything to your parents,” Finch was about to start pleading his case, until he looked up and began to concentrate on what I was doing.

The tension of the situation had made me incredibly aroused. I had felt myself becoming wet as soon as I braved the first question. My heart racing, I put my hand back through the sleeve and held both lapels closed. He was confused. I pulled them aside slowly to reveal that I had taken off my bikini top and gave him an eyeful of both perky, double D breasts. The top fell to the ground with a minor thud.

“Whoa, Amy!” Finch lifted both hands up in surrender and looked away to the skies.

My nipples were frozen stiff, but now that my heart raced ten to the dozen the blood flow around my body heated me like a radiator. I felt my cheeks fill with blush.

“Is this not what you were trying to get a look at?”

“Amy,” It seemed to be all he could say.

He continued to look up to the sky. I edged a little bit closer to him. I reached upwards.

“Give me a hand,” I asked, holding onto his wrist.

His lips thinned and straightened and his eyes closed deeply for a second as he resisted.

“Come on,” I edged.

With some resistance I brought one of his arms down towards me and spread his hand span out over my chest. It was big and warm. He continued to look away, but his eyes were now jittering from side to side as if watching a tennis match in the stars. I moved his hand down and around the underside of my left breast where his open paw cupped it fully. I was staring straight up to him.

“Do you like me?” I asked.

Trepidation filled the air around us. He still looked away. I squeezed his hand around my breast and made him grab at my flesh. I moved even closer to him.

“Would you like me?” I refined the question.

Finally, he looked down into my eyes. It was almost paralyzing. We stared each other down for a moment. I moved his hand upwards to my collar bone and rested it around my neck. My eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips and back again.

“Would you like to fuck me?”

His lips eased and began to recede from their tightened state and his eyes gave in to defeat.

“Yes, I would like that,” he admitted.

I picked up my bikini top.

“Where do we go?” I asked with a sense of haste.

I watched as his mind darted, as if unable to take in what was actually happening. I felt that too. It was almost as if I had left my body and was watching myself from above.

“There isn’t anywhere,” His face started to resign to the fact.

I turned and looked around us. He was right, there wasn’t. Then I had it. I grabbed hold of his hand and marched us to the back of the guest house.

“What are you doing?” he whispered loudly.

“Shhh! Just come on.”

We approached the barn, then I diverted us to the small side room we had spoken in front of earlier that day. I opened the door and brought us both inside, closing it up behind us.

I stood and faced Finch for a second. Then I approached him quickly.

“This is so weird,” I said.

“Yeah, you’re right,” he agreed.

I looked up to him and then briskly planted a kiss on his closed lips. I parted away and then regarded him for a moment. His eyes looked down to my mouth with lust. Then I plastered him with my mouth and tongue in an instant.

I lifted the t-shirt from over his head and threw it into the darkness. We continued to kiss.

“How hard did you get when you saw my bikini on the dock?” I asked as we continued to tangle with each other.

“I got very hard.”

His chest was matted with tight curled hair.

“How fast?”


“Tell me what you were thinking when you were wanking to me.”

“I was thinking about that tight body of yours and how much I wanted to see it.”

His words reached my sweet spot.

“What else?” I asked.

“I wanted to see your amazing tits. I wanted to feel your soft thighs and taste that sweet pussy.”

It was very dark, but not so dark we couldn’t see each other’s figures. I pulled off the gown and let it rumple around my feet in a heap. Finch held onto me around the waist and ran his hands around to my backside. He let out a deep sigh of discharged tension and roamed me freely. I tipped my head back and undid the pony tail that constricted my hair.

“Do you like this tight body?” I asked.

“Fucking yes,” he grunted.

“Is it what you imagined?”


He leaned me backwards and met my breast with his mouth. Drawing it in tightly, he suckled on my nipple. My legs shook and a white tingle of electricity ran through my chest and into my vagina.

“Oh fuck!” I moaned.

I held onto his head, clumping his hair together in my fist as he took me with all of his power. His hand running up and down my bare legs and in between my thighs. He felt at my hairless mound and nuzzled his thumb into my clitoris. My wetness oozed. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end and I dug my finger nails into his back.

We ceased kissing and he turned me around. I forced my backside into the erection that was pressed into my lower back, as his hands came up from around my waist and groped at my sprightly breasts. His hands cupped them carefully, as if he were savoring the sensation and then he twisted both nipples between his thumb and forefingers. I pressed the back of my head into his chest and let my hair ruffle into his neck.

I turned around and dropped down to meet his boxer shorts with my mouth. I kissed him through the cotton and sipped at the moisture that had seeped into the fabric. Running my hands around the waist band I hoisted them down and was greeted by a shadowy phallus that bobbed its bulbous head in my direction.

I licked my lips.

“Do you want my mouth around your cock, Finch?” I asked.

“Oh God,” he muttered.

I let the head pass my lips and then licked his shaft before going fully down on him. His cock wasn’t big but it was very thick. The head was particularly sizable. I left a trail of spittle on him.

“You like my dirty little mouth?”

“Fuck!” he exclaimed.

I raised his cock and sucked on his testicles for a second before inserting him back fully into my warm and inviting mouth. He grunted incredibly loudly as I slid him to the back of my throat repeatedly and slurped hard at the tip of his manhood.

Before long he held onto my head and pulled me up from performing my duty on him.

“I can’t take too much more of that," he said, panting.

“You going to fuck me?” I asked.


“You want this tight pussy?”

I turned around and held onto the wooden work bench, bending over the table top. I held onto the steel handles that were fitted and eased my legs apart, ready for him. I was about to come and I knew he was too. It had all been too much for us to last.

I looked back to him over my shoulder through the dark and awaited as he positioned himself behind me. His throbbing cock head found its way to my bum crack, then he pressed down and slid himself inside my wanting pussy with ease.

We both groaned in unison and started to gyrate together. His groin slammed back and forth like a hammer as I let my pert buttocks pressed to his upper legs.

“Come on, Finch. Fuck me harder!” I insisted.

He picked up the pace and started to really slam into me. My tits swayed violently against my chest. The percussive slapping echoed against the walls. My knuckles, white as I gripped hard on the handles of the bench. 

“Oh yeah, oh yeah... Oh fuck,” I growled.

“Jesus. Oh, Jesus.”

He brought his hands to my hips and then held onto both cheeks. Bringing his hands down with a hard, open palmed smack. I whimpered as he did the same repeatedly a number of times. It was hard enough that I was sure he would have left marks.

“Do you like fucking your friend’s little girl?” I asked over my shoulder.

“Oh Christ!” he exclaimed.

“Are you gonna cum in me?” I cried.

“Oh my god I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum,” he shouted.

“Yeah. Cum in me, cum in me,” I insisted.

His seed warmed my insides as it spread into me. His final thrust held still as I came in turn over his cock that remained inside the walls of my pussy. I was so wet that I could hear the squelching orgasms happening for both of us. We both panted and wheezed as we stood still over the work bench in the center of the room, his cock resting inside me.

“Oh fuck,” he whispered.

I let out another whimper as my knees turned inwards. The room was dead silent all of a sudden and I could feel our heart beats pumping to a slow conclusion.


A light was glowing in a room upstairs at the guest house. Finch had opened the door and met the sight with a glare of immediate urgency. I had just emptied out into the towel he had brought down for me to dry off with and was in the middle of putting my soggy bikini back on. No real words were spoken, only agreeable nods and gesturing motions as we readied ourselves to leave.

Sliding open the doors to the kitchen and sneaking back through the house, I found myself in the bathroom I had readied myself in only about forty-five minutes earlier. The fluorescents hummed overhead as I looked at myself in the mirror. My bikini top speckled in ashy dirt. I had barely had chance to think and still wasn’t quite sure what to make of what I had just done.

After having sprayed myself and the bikini down with the shower nozzle, I lay my head down on the pillow and tucked myself under the covers.

I woke late the next morning. There was no sign of Finch. He and my dad had ventured into town to buy shopping for the next few days.

I spent the majority of the searing afternoon heat in the back garden with my mum and Claire. I could barely look at her. Every time I did I was reminded of Finch's erect cock entering my mouth and the pleasure I had received from his thick, throbbing shaft inside my tight vagina. It felt as if it wasn’t even real. I was expecting to be reassured of it in some kind of implicit way when he returned.

After a while I was left by myself on the lawn, splayed out on a deck chair as my Mum and Claire went to the guest house to play with David and my brother.

They got back at around three in the afternoon and my suspicions were proven false. My dad greeted me with a kiss as I lounged. He went inside the house and left me and Finch alone for a brief second. He stood without saying a word, clutching some carrier bags in both hands. I looked up to him and met his eye. He swallowed deeply then forged a simple smile with the corner of his mouth, his lips closed shut.

The silence was broken by Claire.

“Finch?” she asked loudly, walking through the French doors, towards us.

We were startled briefly. He turned and answered, “Yeah.”

“Was that guy married?”

“Which guy?” he asked, confused.

“The man who had the house before us,”

“No, he lived here alone... Why?”

Claire drew close. She held something out in her hand.

“Did he have long hair?”

I perched the sunglasses that rested over my eyes to the edge of my nose and took a close look at what she was holding.

“What’s that?” Finch asked.

She held out a hair band in her open palm.

Written by spiralmouth
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