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Just Once

"We never know when our marriage will be safe... Do We?"

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Author's Notes

"Please Enjoy. We are both well again and back to writing. A few new stories and owed chapters coming along. The second chapter of this story is in the queue, so as soon as this one is approved, it will be posted. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Read, Share, and Enjoy, Maxx"

It was still dark, so the only light was from the night light over the stove.

The slight glow of the kitchen clock allowed me to watch the sweep hand slowly tick by each number as time slipped by. I had been watching it for some time, almost hypnotized by its motion. It was just after 6:30 a.m. Sunday morning. I am not sure how long I had been sitting here, several hours now, but if it is a tell, the fresh bottle of scotch I had opened was almost empty now, so it had been a long time.

I was not supposed to be home tonight. Instead, I should have been out of town for one more night. I had completed my last job early, so I left for my three-hour drive home, arriving just after 1:00 a.m. I noticed a service truck parked in front of our house as I arrived. I had never seen it before and suspected it should not have been there at this hour of the night. I thought it was suspicious, so I parked outside the garage, not wanting the door to open to alarm or upset anything happening inside.

I entered the house through the garage door and slipped off my shoes. I walked into the kitchen, stopped, and listened. It was silent. In the low light from over the stove, I saw a workman's medal job order pad lying on the counter, with a hat and a pair of work boots on the floor next to the kitchen island. The hat had a Jacob Plumbing logo on the front.

I walked silently down the hallway to my bedroom door. It was quiet except for the deep breathing I heard. I looked inside and saw the last two candles still burning. Their glow was just enough to allow me to see a man and woman sleeping with the woman's head on his chest. He was partially covered with a sheet, but his hips were exposed, and the woman's hand was holding his impressive soft cock in her hand.

I said or did nothing. I just looked at my wife lying with this man. I was surprised I was not fuming mad, ready to kill them both, but for some reason, I was calm and did not want to make a scene and alarm them. I felt nothing, not anger, hate, betrayal, or anything. I was numb.

As I turned away, I heard the man moan and whisper, "You want to go for a third time, Elaine?"

I stopped a few steps down the hall and listened. I was completely out of sight and heard Elaine answer, "You ready again? I can go all night, can you?" There was no answer but the rustling of the sheets and then soft moans and a squeal. Followed by, "Oh, you nasty boy, you want to eat my ass, do you? Then you better get it ready and fuck me there too." Elaine's words shocked me; anal had never been anything Elaine was interested in, at least not with me, anyway.

I quietly walked back down the hall to the kitchen. I pulled down the new bottle of cheap scotch I had bought last week. I poured a glass and downed it, then poured another. I walked to the breakfast nook on the other side of the room. I sat the scotch bottle and my glass on the table. I walked into the garage to my workshop and opened my gun safe. I took out my 9MM Glock and two clips of rounds. One clip was loaded with live rounds that would destroy anybody they penetrated, offering no chance of survival. The second clip was loaded with rubber bullets I use to shoot deer and geese in my yard that I want to scare off but not kill. The rubber bullets will hurt badly and paralyze the victim in pain for a time, but that is all.

I walked back inside and slid into the corner of the breakfast nook hidden by the dark. I placed the empty Glock on the table and placed the two clips beside it, not sure which of them I would be using, if any of them. I was prepared to wait till morning when the fun would begin.  

Throughout the night, I heard the couple rutting several more times, letting out loud moans and screams from Elaine as she was having powerful orgasms. The man seemed to have excellent stamina, which I possess as well. I counted a least a dozen of her sweet orgasms and heard the man proclaim he was cumming three times. Between all of their fucking, moaning, screaming, and cumming, there was silence when they must have been napping.

All the while I was listening, I was thinking about other things. Not focused on what the couple was doing or that my wife was in our bed with another man fucking him, cheating on me. That crossed my mind, but I must have been numb to it at the moment.  


I heard the familiar sound of bare feet shuffling down the hall. Then, my wife entered the room. She was wearing a cotton work shirt with a logo over the pocket. It was flaring open as it was unbuttoned down the front. It was too big for her and was neither mine nor one I had ever seen. It must have been his. I could see that she was naked underneath, and most likely, the man's cum was running down her thighs.

It was still dark, but the morning was dawning, so some light was coming in through the windows. Elaine could not see me as I was tucked in the darkest corner of the nook.

I watched Elaine start the coffee maker and shuffle back down the hall to the bedroom. I heard words but could not make them out. Then I heard a squeal, and the bed started to move again. Jesus, they were fucking again.


I thought back over the four years of our marriage and wondered if Eliane had been cheating on me the whole time. I know I had been faithful and thought she had been as well. Our life was good. I worked well as an installation supervisor, making excellent money as a tradesman. I had to travel several times a month when we were installing large projects, but mostly, I did day travel and was home every night.

Elaine is a nurse and makes excellent money that we save for our future. She works the day shift exclusively, so we spent our nights and weekends together.

We lived in a nice house in an upscale neighborhood with large lots, so we had privacy. My buddies and I had installed an in-ground pool and hot tub last summer, and we had landscaped the yard beautifully, adding a six-foot privacy fence.

We have a great mix of friends, all in our late twenties, who love to party, go to the lake, camp, and hunt together. We are close to several couples, and no secrets exist. We live a fun and exciting life together. We are all beginning to build our families, with two couples having just had baby boys and one having a little girl on the way. We have been talking about starting our family soon.

Elaine is a tall, lanky blonde, 5'8" tall, and 130 lbs. She has a fantastic figure with 34DD breasts, a slender waist, and lovely hips. Her bottom is firm and squeezable. Her crack is deep, and from behind, her puffy pussy and tight little bud beg to be played with.

I am Alfonso Friese. I am twenty-eight, like Elaine. I am 6'2" tall and weigh 195 lbs. I am in excellent shape, strong, and a black belt in both Jujitsu and Karate. I work out at the dojo three times a week and in my home gym daily, as does Elaine.

We have a wonderful life, and sex is spectacular. We are very adventurous and love experimenting with all kinds of sexual fantasies in our bedroom. Sex is a daily thing for us and may start with a blowjob and pussy eating in the morning and end each night with either passionate lovemaking or hard animal fucking, depending on the mood.

Our life was nearly perfect.

So, there comes my confusion this morning. What reason would Elaine have to cheat on me? We were perfect for each other, and there were no complaints from either of us.

It was quiet again for a while. I guess they had finished and may have worn each other out. I hoped that was the case. I would get less resistance when I took control in a few minutes.

Yes, I had a plan now, and there would be 'shock and awe' like they told us on my three deployments to Iraq. Death and mayhem ensued. I hoped it did not come to that today, but I had killed my enemies before, and this man was my unnamed enemy now, just like the others I had killed. They meant nothing to me. They were only on the way to victory.

In this case, this man had inserted himself into my marriage, possibly destroying it, so he had become my mortal enemy. We will see what his disposition will ultimately be.   


I heard bare footsteps once again, and Elaine entered the room. She was wearing a thin robe I had bought her for Christmas. She went to the cabinet for two coffee cups. She set them on the island and poured two cups of coffee. She went to the pantry and brought out some breakfast biscuits. She placed them on a plate beside the coffee cups.

The light from outside was filtering in, making the room brighter. I will be visible very soon.

Just then, the man shuffled into the room. He grabbed Elaine and kissed her. My stomach churned as bile rose in my throat, and I wanted to vomit.

Fuck them both… it was time.

I quietly picked up my Glock and rammed the rubber bullet clip in place, cocked it, and quickly shot both coffee cups, shattering them and sending hot coffee flying all over the two cheaters standing there.

The loud reports from my Glock, the shattering of the cups, and the splashing of the hot coffee shocked both. There were screams. Then a third shot was fired, and a rubber bullet caught the man just below his raised right underarm, sending him reeling back against the counter and cabinets and down in a pile on the floor, screaming as he was writhing in pain.

Elaine was screaming continuously now as she looked toward the gun reports and saw me rise from my seat and step out in the middle of the room.

"Shut the fuck up, slut!" I barked.

Elaine cowered in the corner by the sink, gripping the front of her robe as true fear gripped her for the first time in her life.

"Do not scream or say a fucking word. Stand completely still, and I will not shoot you, but if you move even one inch, I will shoot you and send you to the floor as well." I stated fiercely.

I stepped over to the man, crying now, writhing in pain. I moved his legs apart and stood between them. I looked down at him and smiled an evil smile. "Sir, you are lucky that I am a decent human being, or you would be dead now, or I would now kill you where you lay. You have been violating my house, my bedroom, and my wife for many hours now while you have enjoyed her pussy and ass. Yes, I listened to your moaning, grunting, and both of you cumming as I have sat here all night. I have contemplated what I should do for the two of you. My first thought was that I would kill you as a rapist, but I knew that was not true. The two of you were giving each other way too much pleasure for it to be rape. My second thought was to shoot the both of you in the heat of passion after finding you fucking in my bed. But no, that would not work either; it would be too messy, and no explanation would be heard, and I would never know why and would wonder about why for the rest of my life. Why? Why? Then, as I thought, the perfect solution came to me."

The man lay staring at me, sobbing in fear and pain, seeing the barrel of my Glock pointed at him. I looked at Elaine; she was no longer crying, and fear had wrapped around her. She was shaking violently and breathing short and halted. Her eyes were wide as she stared at the Glock in my hand, pointing at the man.

"So, sir, would you like to know my third option, which I have chosen for you? Yes, you will be the recipient of further pain and humiliation. I have decided I need no explanation about how these events occurred tonight. You would lie to me anyway, trying to save your ass, so I don't want you to waste your breath. You see, I don't care what you say; there is nothing you could say that would save your ass. After what I have heard and seen here tonight, I own your ass until I decide you have learned your lesson and I let you live a painful life, or I decide in the end to kill you.

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I have thought carefully for some time while the two of you were fucking each other, sharing great pleasure, to learn a little about you. I understand from your website that Jacob Plumbing is your company, and you are Mathew Jacob. I would generally be cordial and happy to meet you, but as you can imagine, after what I discovered here tonight, that is not the case now."

I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Elaine danced around like we did as kids when we had to pee badly. I looked at her, "Stop dancing around, wife. Stand completely still!"

Her face was pained, and I knew she had to pee very badly. Well, she was not going to the bathroom, so she would have to pee standing right there.

"Wife, do not move or say one word, do you understand!" I barked.

Elaine cried out, "Oh God, I have to pee!" and she instantly peed all over her legs and the floor. She began sobbing again as she let go, and her pee flooded out, wetting everything. I watched her, as did Mathew. Her humiliation was gratifying to me. I looked at her and said, "Elaine, look at me. Now sit down in the puddle of pee you made, and do not move."

A horrified look came across her face. The embarrassment was overwhelming as she slid down the cabinet, sitting in a puddle of her pee. She covered her face with her hands and sobbed.  

I turned back to Mathew. "Look what you have done to your lover and my wife. You should be ashamed, Mathew. No gentleman would ever allow that to happen to someone he loves. Oh, but then you don't love Eliane. You were just using my wife as your fuck buddy, wasn't that, right?

Well, in light of that, and since you have taken something valuable from me, I will take a few things from you. First off, I am going to take your business from you. I will supervise your business from now on. I will make the profits, and you will be my employee. You will work for me for ten years at whatever salary I pay you. I see the shocked look on your face, and you are thinking, 'he cannot do that.' Well, yes, I can. In this state, your business is your property, and my wife is legally my property. So, you have taken my wife from me, so I choose to take your business in an equal trade. That is perfectly legal in the eyes of the law, 'tit for tat' as they say.

You might tell me that you don't want Elaine to keep. Well, Mathew, I am not sure now, after you have used her the way you have, that I wish to keep her either. You defiled my property, so it is no longer pristine, as it was on Monday when I had to leave. You have used my wife's beautiful body so many times for your pleasure, with no consideration for her proper owner, me. Now, as I heard all night long, my wife has admittedly been a willing participant in your raw sexual activities, and that has created a major dilemma for us all. I will deal with my wife once I have dispensed with the second part of your punishment.

Oh yes, Mathew, there is a second part of your punishment. Please spread your legs as wide as you can in that position. You may be wondering why I need you to do this. Well, Mathew, you have been fucking a married man's wife, my wife, for many hours now, and you have retribution to pay for the blatant disrespect you have shown toward me. You also have a major lesson to learn, and I am going to teach you that lesson here this morning. Today, your life will change in ways you will not be happy about, but that will remedy the problem before us.

You see, Mathew, you make it a habit of seducing married women as you creep through their homes throughout your workday. You target them as soon as you enter, picking the ones you want to defile, and you seduce them, as you have done here with my wife. You cannot be allowed to continue your predatory ways, so I am going to remedy this problem now. I am going to teach you that married women are sacred, and a troll such as yourself will never be able to defile another married or unmarried woman in the ways you did last night.

Before I start, though, Mathew, you need to answer several questions for me. Your answers will determine the severity of your punishment. Mathew, just one lie or deception will add severe pain to your punishment. Do you understand?"

Mathew choked out, "Yes!"

"Good, Good, then Mathew, please tell my wife how many married women you estimate you have seduced in the last year?" I asked.

I could see the wheels were turning. He looked at Eliane, then at me. "Well over one hundred, I am sure," he admitted.

I looked at Elaine, and the expression on her face changed from fear to pure anger. She suddenly realized that she was just another notch in his bedpost. Her eyes were on fire. If I had given her the Glock at that moment, my wife would have killed Mathew where he lay, even with rubber bullets.   

"Thank you, Mathew. Now, how many single women have you seduced over the last year? I asked.

He thought for a brief second, "Less than twenty," he admitted.

Elaine was shocked at the numbers, knowing she was one of them. She was just another pussy, he had claimed. I was not shocked and had expected even more wives. This man was a predator. He preyed on married women, not caring what happened to their marriages or any of the aftermath of his actions. That made what would happen to Mathew even more important to me.

"So, Mathew, is it fair to say you prey on married women because they are easy marks?" I asked.

Mathew looked at Elaine again and back at me. Grimacing in pain, he said, "Yes, I guess so!"

"OK, Mathew, thank you for answering the questions."

Mathew stared up at me, wondering what would happen next. Before he could say or do anything, I raised the Glock and pointed it at him. He quickly shied away and raised his arms in defense. At that moment, I executed the second punishment.

I raised my bare right foot and stomped down onto Mathew's crotch, smashing him. I repeated my action, making sure his cock was rendered useless for some time. There was a loud screech, then silence. Mathew passed out from the intense pain.

I heard Elaine gasp and cry out, "Oh God!" I looked at my wife. She had a horrified look on her face. "What have you done to him?"

I smiled, "Mathew will not be fucking any married pussy or any pussy at all for a very long time, if ever again. I may have neutered him. Dear wife, your lover may never be able to service you again. Your pussy may be the last one he ever enjoyed!"

I pressed down hard again, just as Mathew came too. He looked at me, and I leaned over, close to his face. "Motherfucker, your predator days are over. When and if you can ever use your equipment again, you will remember this moment as the last time you ever fucked a married pussy, MY WIFES PUSSY!

I looked over at my wife. "Slut, get your skanky ass up and clean up this fucking mess you made." I pointed at the large puddle of pee, spilled coffee, and shattered cups.  

Elaine looked at me as I spoke harshly to her like never before. She stood and carefully walked to get the cleaning supplies. I put the Glock on the counter after I unloaded it.  


I dragged Mathew away from the mess and put him on the love seat. I was a medic in the army, so I got my med kit and looked at Mathew's wound to his chest. Maybe a cracked rib, but mainly, a considerable hematoma had developed. It was a deep purple and was about a foot wide. I pressed on it, and Mathew groaned in pain. I wrapped his chest in an Ace bandage.

I pulled his boxers down and saw his cock and balls were very swollen and turning a deep purple as well. I knew I had hurt him badly, but his balls were still round, not crushed as I had wanted, so he was not permanently damaged. I told my wife, "Come here, you need to see this."

Elaine came, looked at Mathew, and gasped, "Oh God, you have destroyed him." Then she thought of what she had said, dropped her head, and began to cry.

"Wife, look at the big cock and balls that pleasured you all night. It is now a big, swollen, purple mess. This is your chance to make him sorry for fucking you and destroying our marriage. This is your only chance to do something to show me that I should even consider keeping your slut ass in my life."  

Eliane cringed at my words but was afraid to say anything. She looked at Mathew, who had a look of fear on his face. I stood and went to the kitchen, returned with a large carving knife, and handed it to my wife. "Here, you can castrate him if you want to. But if you do, I will have to kill him."  

She dropped the knife and fell to the floor, sobbing. "Oh God, I am so sorry. I am so sorry. I love you, and before today, I never knew this man and never cheated on you before. I don't know what happened. Oh God, don't kill him, or you will go to jail! No, No, please!" Elaine rolled over on the floor in a ball, sobbing.  

As my last act of revenge, I reached out, cupped Mathews' swollen balls, and squeezed them as hard as I could. His legs tensed straight out, shaking, and he screamed in pain before passing out again.

I made sure Mathew would remember this morning. His chest was going to be sore for many days. His cock and balls might never recover, or it would be months before they were of use again.  

The damage was done now, and my revenge had been executed. The humane side of me kicked in. I went to the freezer for an ice pack. I wrapped it in a towel, put it on his balls, and pulled up his boxers. As soon as the ice-cold hit Mathew's balls, he lurched awake and groaned, grabbing at his cock and balls. I grabbed his hand. "Don't. You are going to hurt for a long time, and peeing is going to be very painful. But after today, you will not be preying on married women any longer, or the next time, I will cut your balls off. Do you understand Mathew?"

Mathew nodded.

"No, say it, Mathew, say it now!" I demanded.

"Yes, I understand!" he growled.

"As for your business, I don't want it. I want $15,000 that will pay for my divorce from Elaine that you have caused."

Elaine heard what I said and screamed. "Oh God, No, Alfonso, not divorce. I love you. It only happened just once, and Mathew did it. I am so sorry. God, I love you."

Elaine kept pleading as I stood Mathew up and helped him dress as best I could. I walked him to his truck. My last words to him were, "Mathew if you go to the police, a lawyer, or your buddies for revenge. I will destroy you and kill you with my bare hands. Take your punishment and focus on building your business rather than using it as a way to fuck married women. If I ever hear of you with another married woman, I will cut your balls off. That is not a threat, Mathew. It is a promise. Now get the fuck out of here and never come back. Consider Elaine's pussy as payment for the work you did. I expect to see you one more time when you give me the money. You have two weeks." I slammed the door and watched as Mathew sped off.

I walked up the walk to the house. Now, I had to deal with my real problem... my cheating wife.

Part 2 Ready

Copyright © 2024 MaxxNRachelWrenn

All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.

This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations for mature readers.

All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old. 

Written by MaxxNRachel
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