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Hot student Christina and her sexy teacher Amanda have succumbed independently to competing uncle and nephew seducers Gavin and Josh McClain. Both in steady relationships, the women nurse their guilty pleasures quietly, swearing there will be no repeat performance. But neither fully appreciates the kind of guy with whom she's been tangling. And if one McClain is bad, two plotting together is a fuckmare waiting to happen...

“Give me a few more years and I’m going to have a place like this.”

Gavin’s penthouse bachelor apartment always impressed Josh with its clean lines and strip lighting, the colours warm and dark, trimming the place’s hard masculinity with a softer air of seduction. The expansive sofa was seductive as well and Josh eased down into it, glancing around at everything to which he aspired. To seduce and fuck a woman in a gaff like this with hot music pouring out of that shit-kicking sound system … Hell yes.

His modest rented quarters would have to suffice until such times as his student debts were paid off and he had his own culinary business. At least there he could develop his technique in sexual persuasion using the tools which served him best—cockiness and cooking. Ply her with fricassee and flippant humour, that was the way, and if she was in half a mind to get freaky, you’d have her naked and panting before the evening was halfway through.

The strategy had worked a treat with young Christina and the recollection made him smile. Sure he was looking forward to banging some sexy up-market type amid furnishings as classy as his uncle’s, but he didn’t imagine, even in surroundings such as these, he’d ever have his cock pumping inside a girl more juicy than the curvy blond waitress.

“Trappings of success.” Gavin passed him a pint glass and a perspiring can of Lowenbrau beer and returned to the kitchen to fetch his own. “Work hard, work shrewdly and you’ll have this or better. I predict great things for you, nephew. Things that will shut your father up for good.”

“He’ll always find something to criticise.” Josh cracked open the can and tipped it against his pint glass, watching the flow of dark ale. “That I’m wasting my money, that property’s no longer where to put it.”

“My brother’s problem is he’s never learnt to enjoy anything. Owning your own place isn’t primarily about investment, it’s about having somewhere to relax. A reward in the here and now for having made the most of yourself. So you go right ahead, Josh—plan and work like fuck, seize the opportunities you make for yourself and enjoy everything you get as a result.”

“That reward … Does it include the second TV?”

Gavin laughed. “Bit over-the-top, do you think? I figured renting the second one was in order due to our grand wager. It’ll provide a bit of spectacle. Plus I found its presence very motivating.” He returned from the kitchen bar with his own glassful of frothing German beer. “Refreshments in keeping with the occasion,” he said, clinking his glass against Josh’s. “A reminder of the fine establishment where we set this enterprise in motion.” From the wooden DVD rack beneath his twin flat-screen televisions, he produced two plastic-enfolded discs and grinned.

“And here we have the results. I haven’t watched either yet.”

Josh’s heart elated. It wasn’t so much the possibility that he might have landed his uncle’s Mercedes, though that was an exciting prospect. It was the reminder that once again he had conspired with Gavin in wickedness and that on his side at least it had gone swimmingly well.

“He converted it all?”

“Edited, converted … Alan knows what he’s doing.”

“He’s seen the whole thing then …”

“Oh, no doubt he’s enjoyed it. He’ll keep his own copies as well, add them to his library. But he’s discrete. About the only friend I’d trust with items such as these. He understands I like to retain control.”

Josh could only guess at the implications of that final phrase. His uncle’s friend Alan had rigged the spy-cams and microphones about his apartment unobtrusively; the light fitting in his living-room, the smoke detector and clock radio in his bedroom, even peering vertiginously from a top corner of his shower cubicle. And most wickedly of all, the one staring out from behind the tall two-way mirror which the expert had installed in Josh’s living space. Alan was clearly experienced in this type of covert operation.

“People very seldom see what they’re not looking for,” he’d assured as he worked. “All you have to do now is ensure that whoever you want captured on cam is in the optimum position at those crucial moments.”

“That I can manage,” Josh had told him. Once he got Christina into his apartment and out of her clothes, any other manoeuvring should be easy.

It had been.

“Shall we watch?”

“Fuck yes.” It was their chief reason for meeting after all. His anticipation rose as Gavin slotted the DVD into the player on the left, clicked several times on the remote and hit play.

“I think you’ll find Alan’s production values impressive. I trust the same can be said for your performance.”

The image flicked onto the screen, in colour and substantially sharper than Josh had been expecting. The sound was clearer than he’d imagined too and there was an enjoyable shock at seeing himself and Christina shot from above, as he slid away the girl’s shoulder straps and set to work undoing her brassiere.

“The chef should always sample first, don’t you think?” Good line. It made his uncle chuckle and not for the last time as they watched together. Gavin was propped on the banquette, sipping from his glass and observing with cool interest. Christina’s response was mumbled and inaudible, but her moans as he licked Chantilly cream from her full tits were increasingly loud and yearning.

Josh lay back with his beer and watched the unfolding of the encounter avidly, reliving each instant with mounting delight. Check this out, Uncle Gav.

It was great to watch Christina semi-naked once more. The fringes of her blond hair were brushing her neck and shoulders as he suckled her, head drooping back in an ecstasy she could not help. Then he was telling her—fucking ordering her—to take off the rest of her clothes and she was doing it, stripping in front of him without protest. His mastery of the situation amazed him now. He’d been too much in the groove, too adrenalized to pause and wonder at his moment-by-moment success at the time. The contest had been in his mind, the thought that he could compete with and maybe even best his uncle in this seduce-and-fuck event. And once her resistance had been dismantled with smooth persistence, how easy the rest had been.

What an undiluted thrill—to have this gorgeous girl strip to her skin in front of him. Honey skin it was, with ripe grapefruit breasts jogging as she peeled away the rest of her clothes, the cherry-tips of those broad areolae betraying her enjoyment. That girlish hesitancy was at odds with her voluptuous woman’s body and with the flush of excitement on her face each time he told her what he was going to do with her. Every part of her was a fleshy delight—slender waist curving out to broad hips and her bum a tightly-pumped beach ball, so firm in his hands. She’d even trimmed her pubic hair into a teasing tuft, the naughty bitch.

But most arousing of all was the tremble of her lower lip as she slipped off her knickers and showed it all. Vulnerable and guilty as she bared her beauty, she was getting off on every sexy moment. Some poor loser’s hot girlfriend couldn’t help herself putting out for Josh’s pleasure and the thought had pumped his cock to a steely hardness unprecedented in his experience. It was only right in the circumstances to put that cock to the most thorough use possible.

The peering lens of Alan’s ceiling-cam caught Christina’s cock-sucking to perfection. Josh sank further into the sofa cushions and breathed wonder as he recalled her hot mouth wrapped around him. How cute and slutty she looked on camera, and how much more delicious had been the sight of her clutching him, staring into his eyes with her lips a capital O of surprise around his thick shaft. The naked fuckable darling. The anticipation of how lustily you were going to bang a girl was as sweet as the act itself.

Alan’s editing was spot-on as Josh eased his date down onto the rug. The film cut to a view from mantle-cam as she hit the floor and there was Josh, full in the frame, fitting himself inside her as she bit her lip and braced herself for what she knew was on the way.

Gavin laughed. “Looking good, Josh boy. You’ve been working out for an occasion like this?”

“Seems I have. Hadn’t expected to be doing the porn-star thing though.”

“You’ll get a taste for it, trust me.”

Josh believed he would, as he watched himself take possession of Christina and thrust into her. He did look fucking great, every muscle tensed and his face radiating the joy of conquest as he entered fully and powered away. The effect was enhanced by the girl on his dick; all of Christina’s loveliness was quaking, her sweet mouth issuing a stream of helpless moans as she was fucked. Christ, how amazing had it been, stuffing himself into her, groin smacking on that drum-tight ass every time he buried himself to the balls? He had Gavin to thank for urging him that bit further in his pursuit of this girl’s tight pussy.

His uncle chuckled again as Josh pulled her up by the shoulder and thrust even harder, so that her tits shook on camera. “That’s great work on more than one level, I have to hand it to you.”

On-screen Josh continued to prove himself, pulling out and directing Christina around the small living-room, the poor girl taking all her cues in a haze of guilty arousal. She hung suspended in air when he groped and sucked her tits, jolted and squeaked when he smacked her ass and responded fully to his mouth when he kissed, her hands reaching to caress his body. Then any time he lowered her onto some surface, she simply folded to his will, breathily anticipating what he was going to do next.

He took her on the edge of his sofa, her legs split wide and one foot hooked over his shoulder all through the pumping, a gratifying mix of astonishment and desire on her sweating face. Then he stretched her longways on the sofa’s cushions and banged her from behind, her lovely body stretched out and reflected in his new mirror, flesh quivering on every thrust he sent into her. Damn, he’d used this girl every way he could fucking imagine.

The high point of that awesome evening, the one which hovered in his mind when he’d jacked off evenings since, was the moment he sat her down reversed on his cock while he reclined in his armchair, the one his parents had given him as a house-warming gift. He’d shunted it into place in front of the mirror that harboured the wicked secret, ostensibly so that she would be made to watch herself, but with the deeper motive of capturing the beautiful image on camera for posterity.

“Come on, right down on me,” he urged as she eased herself cooing and groaning onto his cock, till her bum was nestled against his groin. “That’s it, feel me right up inside you.”

“Oh God …” Her moan was piteous and sexy, and it didn’t make him hold back when he gripped her hips and thrust into her. Damn, what a deliciously tight fit. What a luscious fuck this had been.

“You like what you see?” His view of the mirror was partially obscured, but he knew she had the full shot of herself bouncing on him, her boobs oscillating gloriously as she was propelled up and down his shaft.

“Oh God,” she reiterated, her hands pressed into the chair’s arms as he fucked her. “I can’t believe I’m doing this …”

“Believe it, sweetheart,” he urged, and with words, he massaged her guilty spirit. “That naughty slut is you. Look at her.”

“I’m … I’m looking …”

“Tell me what you see.”

“I see a naughty slut …”

“A naughty, sexy slut.”

“Naughty, sexy … Oh God …” Her voice was trembling, and she could hardly force out the words.

“You’re a hot slutty porn-princess and some guy is capturing it all on camera.” Josh was getting carried away with the voyeuristic fantasy and his words became more reckless. “Go on, play up to it. Give him a good show.”

“This is so bad …” she moaned.

“It is bad, and you love it. Go on, you want to be a hot slut for the camera, don’t you?”

“Oh fuck yes, I do …”

She hadn’t been lying, and Josh saw it all clearly now on Gavin’s flat-screen. The last of the waitress’s hesitancy had gone and she bounced outrageously on him, clutching at and rubbing her bountiful breasts, then reaching down with one hand to frig herself as the other hand continued to squeeze and tug.

“Keep your eyes on that camera,” he was telling her, and miraculously, unknowingly, she was staring straight into the lens, hands and spirit embracing the transformation. “Say it again, Christina, say ‘I’m a naughty cheating slut and I love it’.”

She stared unflinchingly even as she bounced on cock and said “Oh God … Oh God … I’m a naughty cheating slut … and I fucking love it.” After that she lost all control, giving herself up to pleasure and orgasm, clutching herself as she came spectacularly on film.

Josh wasn’t far behind her—he’d fucked himself near to finishing and the sight of the lovely Christina going orgasmic nuts on his cock took him the distance. He gripped the taut flesh around her hips and shafted hard till the sweetness welled up from his balls and he burst inside her, pumping her full with every drop that he’d had stored in anticipation of her hot young body. Weariness was upon him but inspired by his deal with his uncle, he still had the presence of mind to put her on her knees and get her to lap the slick mess from his cock.

“Go on, taste us both together.” With a new disregard for decorum, she carried out his demand, looking at him all the while as her tongue curled and slithered.

“There’s not really a camera anywhere, right?” she’d whispered as they cuddled after, but the microphone didn’t pick it up.

“Of course not. But you liked the thought, don’t you?”

“Kind of, yes.”

Josh stared at the flat-screen, as awed by his own audacity as the momentum of Christina’s body mid-fuck. He was as bone-hard in his trousers as he’d been that night with his busty blond conquest. His gaze flicked to Gavin, who was surprisingly transfixed by the show, fingers steepled at his lips like he was deep in thought. “Well?” he asked, compelled to seek approval.

“A tour de force,” his uncle said, and Josh bristled with enjoyment. “You’ve made more use of the camera and of her than I’d expected … and my hopes were high.”

“It’s not done yet. Look.”

Alan’s edit had cut to the bedroom, alarm-cam catching the semi-darkened moment when Josh caught Christina’s hips and thrust his tongue inside her while she was still half-asleep. Slumber did not stay upon her long and the lens captured beautifully how she writhed on the pillows in response to his deep oral fucking. Christ, she’d tasted delicious.

She was grabbing her breasts once more and massaging wantonly, bucking against his face and giving herself up to further illicit joy. When she peaked and cried out her ecstasy, he climbed the length of her body, set himself to her and impaled her in one fleet thrust. Her breasts arched high in shocked reaction and her mouth cried out loud enough to fill his small apartment and distort on the microphone.

The mini-cam had been positioned perfectly to frame them as he nailed her with a hard missionary fuck, her hands clutching his back and her legs rising to wrap around his ass the better to accommodate his thrusting. He was kissing her neck as he rammed concertedly inside her and, half-obscured in the night-time, her face turned unwittingly toward the lens. She was gorgeous in her fraught excitement. She clutched hard on him as he thrust his last, spending all inside her once more, and together they subsided into pillowed bliss.

After that, there was an interlude of shower fun, though the fact that Christina’s boyfriend had been in contact registered on her face even in the high-angled cam-shot. Josh was unrepentant, grabbing and squeezing her soapy tits and smacking both hands to her wet ass, rejoicing in how free he got to be with some other guy’s naughty girlfriend. “Go on. Forget him and suck my cock one last time.”

“You’re so bad,” she moaned, but her knees crooked anyway and down she went.

“I know,” he said, with a cursory glance in the direction of the camera. “And you fucking can’t get enough.”

The image froze, Christina’s head obscuring the task on which her mouth had embarked. Gavin’s hand was on the control. “Yes, we get the idea. A very good night’s work, I must say.” He rose from the banquette and strolled to the screen, checking the time signal in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. “And this all took place Saturday night, Sunday morning, a week after the Oktoberfest evening. Swift work—but was it swift enough?”

He smiled coolly and lifted the other DVD from the long stand beneath his twin flat-screen TVs, removing it from its cover and slipping it nonchalantly into the second player. Josh felt a pang as the moment played out. In the thrill of vying with his uncle and all the lusty cock-play initiated by their bet, he had given scant thought to the stakes. But that Mercedes was one damn beautiful piece of engineering and already he could feel it slipping away.

“Let’s see what happened one night earlier.”

The screen blinked into life with the image of the same living-room in which Josh was currently seated, a ceiling shot providing a vista of the entire room. Heated moans were coming from off-set, emanating, he guessed, from the entryway, and while his hopes of Gavin’s sleek automobile were dissipating, he urgently wanted to see this. If he’d been beaten by his uncle, then he hoped the resulting action was damn well spectacular. Intense low voices could be heard away from camera, along with the clearly recognisable sound of wet suction and Josh wondered if Alan had rigged up a microphone in the apartment’s entrance. There was no doubt as to how the evening’s guest was preoccupied at that moment and he only wished he could see her gobbling efforts.

Then there was a pause before Gavin entered the frame with a rush of intent, propelling the teacher from the Oktoberfest after him by the wrist. Both parties were stark naked and their abrupt arrival made Josh gasp with laughter. His uncle’s mighty cock was erect and swaying as he dragged his quarry after him, while the curvy and athletic teacher’s breasts were bouncing as she gasped and stumbled in heels. It was a fabulous and somewhat comical sight, this woman in her confused arousal—stripped of clothing and dignity but not of wild sexiness.

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The host was glancing around as though to find the optimum point for an on-camera fucking. Or maybe he had all the angles worked out in advance and simply wanted to decide which position to take her in first. Go on, uncle, let her have it. Give the teacher all she can fucking take.

Gavin wasted no more than a few scant seconds before putting Amanda—yes, that was the busty bitch’s name—down on the black recliner, so that the camera could stare down on her sultry features and magnificent plump breasts as he mounted her. He gripped her shoulder and thrust with cool ferocity as he opened her up for the first time. The shock of the moment was written all over her face; her jaw dropped in response and her eyes flicked sideways, searching for the source of what was being done to her. Then her lover sank himself the rest of the way, savage but controlled, giving her a filling few men could provide. She was a picture of scared rapture—eyes wide, mouth an aching round of surprise—as she took her fill of Gavin.

Josh’s uncle took a stony-faced pleasure in administering the fuck and the camera lens watched it all. The grip of his hands, ivy-tight on her shoulder and her breast along with the burning in his eyes betrayed the sheer depth of his enjoyment, however much he retained his composure. It was fascinating to watch—how a shadow of the urbane businessman remained, letting the naked savage take benefit of this woman’s luscious body. That was what Gavin did—he exerted steel will over his libido until the victory was won and he could take his reward in all its fullness. And even now, with the primal rampage of his cock in and out of that tight cunt, some part of him was monitoring her every tiny reaction, looking for how the pleasure could be enhanced.

“Been a while since Mandy got out?” he asked as he plunged, formidably deep if the teacher’s groans were anything by which to judge.

“God …” she managed. “Feels like for fucking ever.”

“Well then I hope this hits the spot.”

“You know it does, you big-dicked bastard,” she snarled, and he pulled her torso back into a tight arc, his hands on her throat and her big malleable tits respectively.

“Yes. I know.” The words were delivered in an audible hiss, before he skewered even harder and made her cry out, wild and inarticulate. Her face was flushed and sweaty already, and Josh wondered if her students could ever imagine their modern language teachers brought to this, even those who had accompanied her to the bar. This is how Miss really lets her hair down.

The hair in question was a curling tumble all about her face by the time Gavin relented in his shafting and he had to sweep it aside in order for her to suck his cock. “Go on, Mandy,” he said as he put her on her knees before him. “Let’s see you whore it some more.”

The look she gave him was a kind of murderous gratitude. She slapped a hand to his ass and inhaled his great phallus like it was a sugar-coated treat, wrapping the other palm partway around the base of his shaft so she could suck more effectively. Fuck me! Josh thought. Go teacher, show those students how it’s fucking done. He wondered if any of his own female teachers had known their way around a cock as well as ‘Mandy’ clearly did. He wished he could see that guzzling wide-stretched mouth in close-up. For now he had to make do with the hot glugging sound every time she wolfed Gavin right into the back of her throat.

The recipient of her skilled and vigorous attention stared down in steel-jawed appreciation and idly rumpled her locks, before gripping hard and shunting her down inches further onto him, pumping her heatedly on his shaft like he was dribbling a fucking basketball. Jesus! Then he pulled her off him and while she was still swallowing back her gag-impulse, he grabbed her hair and cock-whipped her face, his great shaft whacking against her cheeks as he gripped it by the base and thrashed it from side to side.

“God! Fucker …” she spat, raging at his disrespect, but unmistakably turned on by it.

“This is what you get for being so good with that throat, Mandy.” (What was with the ‘Mandy’ business anyway?) “No good deed goes unpunished, right?” Gavin re-plugged her mouth and dragged her most of the way down to his balls, the savagery in his face strikingly more intense. “That’s it. That’s the way.”

He dragged her off again and from there to her feet, as she gulped and spat. “God, you are a bastard,” she seethed, still in his grip.


“Fuck no.”

“Good.” He whacked firmly enough to make her firm ass wobble visibly on-screen and, before she had finished yelping, dragged her to him and kissed her mouth hard. However pissed she might have been at the slap she reciprocated instantly, grabbing his body and caressing it with greedy exploring palms. One slithered down to wrap around hard cock and massage it, as the kiss extended and intensified.

She was still wanking the shaft when their mouths parted, in fact she spat on her hand so she could work him more briskly, eyes staring up into his as she did it. A supremely dirty moment, one in which Josh took delight. What a filthy talented slut this woman was. His porn-star uncle enjoyed it too, so the fever in his voice suggested. “You’re my kind of cheat, girl.”

“I’m not your girl,” she said, hand still pumping, “and I’m not a cheat. So when I choose to do it, I do it properly, okay? With a dirty fucking man-slut who’ll give me what I need.”

Gavin’s palm slapped against her tit, then he pinched her broad pink nipple and twisted. She gasped aloud and responded by smacking his flank hard. A grin of pure feral lust forged itself in the iron of his features. He grabbed her by the hair and throat and propelled her to the sofa, the one where Josh was now seated, and flung her onto it. “I love a feisty bitch. She’s so much more fun to master.”

“Come and try it, you motherfucker,” she snarled, clawing the cream sofa cushions for purchase as he climbed on top of her. His broad back and athlete’s rump obscured her lovely curving flesh from view. All Josh could see was one svelte lower leg curling around his thigh, as his cock stormed her cunt.

“The only thing I can see is your bloody ass,” he complained, laughing nonetheless.

“Yes, but what a fine hard-working ass it is. Watch and learn, Josh. How to put your back into it.”

“I know how to do that,” Josh protested, but he could only be impressed by his uncle’s flexing power as Amanda took what was surely the shafting of her life. He’d have been hard-pressed to match that level of fuck-force and he was nineteen years the man’s junior. What lacked in the visual of Amanda was compensated for by her lung-emptying screams punctuated by pornographic language—“Shit, oh my God, fill me up, you fucker”—her hand reaching around to grip on his hair.

It was a performance at which to marvel, from both the pair. Josh watched entranced through the next bout of cocksucking, as Amanda fought off her fucked delirium to take Gavin down her throat again. Then he got the shot for which he’d been hoping—the woman impaled on her lover’s cock, full-frontal to the camera’s greedy lens as he sat on the banquette and she sat on him. Every inch of her sleek, full-breasted loveliness was on show and she was bouncing with a momentum all her own, lost in lust.

“That’s it, Miss Mandy, take it all,” Gavin said, his helping hands on her waist. “This is who you are. This is who you love to be.”

“Ohhh fuck, is it ever,” she concurred.

“Your students will never know …” He grappled her hard to him from behind, mouth on her neck, palms curling around her breasts, his grip stalling her crazed trampoline-act. “Never know what a fucking whore their teacher is.”

“No. No, they’ll never know …” Her fingers went to work between her legs as she sat spiked on him, head lolling and mouth panting responses to his wicked prompting.

“I’ll bet there’s a few you’d like to let in on the secret.”

“One or two …”

“Really? Who would you fuck?”

“Craig Nelson … Big strapping rugby forward. I’d drain that cocky bastard’s balls. And the Allenson twins … I teach one of them French … I’d take those pretty-boys at the same time, and their dad.”

“What about the girls? Would you do any of them?”

“You’d like to think that, wouldn’t you, you dirty bastard? Yes … Yes, there are a few I’d love to fuck … Happy?”

“The big-titted blonde from your night out?”

“God yes, I’d blow Christina’s Lyndon’s fucking mind.”

“Tell me what you’d do to her.”

“I’d make her eat my fucking pussy till she liked it.”

“Would you? What else?”

“I’d finger-fuck her and suck those tits till she came screaming, then I’d ream her out with the biggest fucking strap-on I could find. Spank her ass raw. I’d make that sweetheart my dirty little bitch.”

“That I’d like to see.”

“I’ll bet you fucking would.”

So Josh would have done. That would be one beautiful sight. He marvelled at the control Gavin exerted over the situation and over Amanda, demented as she was with arousal. His uncle was slammed inside the woman, but still focused enough to draw out sordid confessions as she sat there on him. He’d obviously had enough, however, because with a two-handed grip on her ass he prised her off his cock. He appeared to consider the option of putting her back on sucking duty, but instead he threw her roughly to hands and knees on the rug; he spat in his palm and transferred it to his glans as he followed her down, face registering grim intent.

Oh sweet God, he’s going to fuck her ass. Yes!

Film-editor Alan appeared to share Josh’s enthusiasm for the prospect, for the secretly-shot movie cut to Amanda’s eye-level. It caught her face full-on, capturing her moment of realisation as behind her Gavin prised apart her cheeks. She clambered desperately around, bubble ass and puffed pussy swinging into delectable view as she protested. Frustratingly her lover did not press his advantage, choosing to forgo the ass-fuck opportunity. He reclined instead, accepting what was undeniably a stupendous combination of blow-job and tit-fuck.

Josh could not see it all, but the woman’s skills in this arena were advanced and enthusiastic. Teacher really was a filthy bitch. Or maybe she was doing all she could to avoid that anal shafting. Whatever the reason it was a joy to watch her mash Gavin’s cock between her big bosoms and take him with a sucking squelch down her throat.

Josh’s hopes for the climactic rear-banging rose again when his uncle grabbed Amanda and tossed her casually back onto hands and knees, but while he fucked her mightily well, nasty epithets spitting from his lips, it was clear he was taking her cunt once more. Then he set her kneeling in prime position for the camera to catch it as he jacked off in her face. It was a bravura finish to a stunning performance—great jets of cum arcing from off-camera to explode against the well-fucked teacher’s spluttering visage. She blinked through the mess, sperm dripping in great globs from her chin, until present-day Gavin clicked and froze the image.

Josh sat in awe, cock rigid in his jeans. He’d watched his share of porn, but it all seemed phony in the light of what he’d just witnessed. Every moan, scream and dirty sentiment of the so-called ‘Mandy’ had rung with authenticity. She’d been on the receiving end of a fuck the like of which Josh in his life had yet to deliver and had damn-well adored it.

“Fucking hell,” was all he could manage.

“Indeed.” Gavin chuckled lightly, but there was unmistakable relish in his voice. “I’ve had some pussy in my time, Josh, and hers was up there with the best. Made my cock feel fucking amazing, let me tell you.”

Josh had one question having viewed the crazy encounter. “Why didn’t you fuck her in the ass? Why did you let her fob you off like that? She was totally ready for it.”

“Big-talk from the younger man.” Gavin rewound the action, the great sperm-splatter looping away from Amanda’s face, and stalled it again at the point where he was banging her senseless on the rug. He stared on the image with a degree of reverie. “My instinct was to go there, believe me. But something held me back.”

“What the hell was that?”

“The sense of wanting to leave something for next time.”

“There’s going to be a next time? I figured it would be one-night-only.”

“So did she, and I had my doubts as to whether there’d be enough leverage to pull off what I had in mind, but now …” Josh had seen that expression in his uncle before, when the man was evaluating a prospective business deal, measuring all the angles. He looked at Josh keenly. “What about you? Plans to get back inside young Christina?”

“Working on it. And other projects as well. She’ll be back when she’s ready.” But he knew Gavin would see through his bravado. Truth was that while the hot blond waitress still shuddered and blushed crimson anytime he brushed past her in the restaurant, she had retreated back into her relationship shell and was studiously avoiding points of contact with him. Now she was working out her notice at Renard’s. His incredible night with the girl seemed a frustrating one-off.

“You don’t have to wait till then,” Gavin said. “Make her ready.”

“What do you mean?”

“You see, again you surprise me—after all your great work with her on the night … Seemed to me you were planning ahead when you made that tape. All that ‘look at the camera’ business. Outstanding. She was truly clueless that she was being filmed, but that’s not how it appeared.”

“That was just …”

“What, a bit of in-the-moment fun?” He indicated the screen on the left, where Christina’s lips remained sealed around Josh’s shaft. “Or insurance that you’d have her sucking your cock again?” Josh looked to his uncle, grasping for comprehension. Gavin’s expression was inscrutable, but his eyes were alive. “We have something very special here, nephew of mine, but we need to strike while this iron is still hot.”

“While … I’m not sure I get you.”

Gavin picked up the other control from the shelf and rewound Josh and Christina till they were together in his bed once more. Then he set both DVDs on play, so that side by side uncle and nephew fucked their respective dates. Gavin had hands clamped to Amanda and was throwing himself into her from behind, so that her whole body danced for the camera. Josh was screwing Christina hard on his mattress, while she clung to him and cried out in her abandon. The dual film-show was transfixing, but Gavin’s words and his stare drew Josh’s attention.

“I’m suggesting a double-date.”

Silence extended. Josh’s mind reeled with extravagant but unrealistic possibilities. He realised his jaw was sagging to the point of foolishness and asked, “So … how would that work?”

Gavin froze both screens mid-fuck, set down the controls and sat on the banquette, looking at his nephew earnestly. “I’ll admit it has certain risks attached, but only if we don’t play the situation carefully and well. Hear me out.”

“Okay …”

Josh listened, astonishment growing as his uncle’s plan unfolded step by step. His heart was thudding by the end. Another long silence unravelled.


“That’s … Wow. That’s pretty cold.”

“No colder than what happened with the lovely Clarissa.”

It was true. Gavin had made all the running that evening at the Blue Nile club, when prim Clarissa Beaumont was trapped on camera mid blow-job and shamefully manipulated for the rest of the evening. Josh, however, had been fully implicated, enjoying all the benefits of the girl’s predicament and entering into her debauching with a lusty enthusiasm that had astonished him in retrospect. Of course, it had been his twenty-first birthday and Clarissa a haughty stranger, as irritating as she was beautiful. This was different. He knew Christina Lyndon. He worked with the girl and kind of liked her, quite apart from the whole fuck-worthiness factor.

Of course the way things were going, he might never get to fuck her again. And that would be a true shame.

“I don’t know. It seems …”

“Wouldn’t you like to get teacher and student together?”

The idea threatened Josh’s mind with erotic overload. “Yes. Damn, of course I would. Fucking hell. But …”

“Don’t you think Christina wants to fuck you again? I know without a doubt her teacher would like another round. What about the student?”

“She completely would. It’s in her eyes every time I see her. She’s gagging for it and daren’t admit it. But …”

But they’re both in the same boat, right? A sense of obligation to some other guy, even though all they long for in secret is to get down and dirty with a big-dicked stranger. Well let’s narrow their options so they get exactly what they want.”

It was an intriguing way to look at the situation. A deeply enticing one. Still … “What we’ve done … it’s fucking illegal, right?”

“Maybe it is, but we hold the cards. All you have to do is keep your nerve. I know I can keep mine.”

“I could do it, sure …”

“Then do it.” Gavin’s voice and his gaze were steady, providing a sense that this situation, any situation, was controlled by his cast-iron will. It resonated with something similar deep inside Josh. “Do it,” his uncle repeated, “and enjoy it. Do it because you can.”

Josh listened, owning each sentiment as his uncle expressed it.

“You’re not your father,” Gavin said. “You don’t embrace convention and then get trapped in it like a straight-jacket. You’re like me—you play by the rules right up to the moment they get in the way of your enjoyment. Then you fuck the rules and take your pleasure, and you do it to the fullest.

“Men like us …” He leaned forward, voice dropping low, and Josh inclined his whole body in response. “… We’re blessed with attributes most men spend their lives dreaming of and if we don’t make the most of them … well what a fucking waste that is. Look at you. You’re good-looking and you’re charming. You’re talented and you’re sharp. You can cook, for Christ’s sake. And you have a healthy lack of modesty about it all. That last one counts. It means that while some guy you sat next to in school is stewing in a mind-numbing desk job, you’re one step away from owning your own restaurant. It means that while he’s still fretting over how to ask the pretty girl out, you’re fucking her right up her tight virgin ass.

“Men like us …” he repeated. “We don’t let opportunity pass us by. We seize it. And if it’s not there, we make it. Then we suck the juice out of the sweetest experiences life has to offer.” He rose and strolled to the TV shelf, picked up a control and sped Josh’s movie back to the point where Christina was bouncing cowgirl-style. Then he set both women back in spectacular naked motion, their aching moans filling the room. “Those two—same time, same place, no clothes … How sweet would that be?”

“Fuck.” Josh’s cock resolved to granite. “Fuck me blind. Beyond sweet.”

“So are we going to make it happen?”

Lust consumed Gavin McClain’s nephew, side-lining every other consideration. He and his uncle were men, and they knew how to claim a man’s prize. “Yes. Yes, we fucking are.”

They smiled, raised their glasses, and drank a toast to the delicious future.



Written by Jaymal
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