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Up to the moment when Gavin shoved the item before her face, Amanda was entranced.

She hadn’t wished these circumstances upon Christina, but now that the girl was immersed, well look at her. Absorbing the discomfort of Josh’s anal intrusion and, having done it, becoming so clearly possessed by the pleasure. Uttering unearthly sounds with her head lolling, as sexual need consumed her, body and mind. The nice-girl yielding to her true slut-self with nothing to be done about it, and at such a perfect age, teetering on the cusp of full womanhood—how utterly delectable. Nothing would ever be the same for this girl after tonight.

And then there was Josh.

I hope you’re fucking pleased with yourself, you randy young bastard. Damn, he looked good, for all that he was a blackmailing asshole. Sweat had welled from every pore on his tensed-up muscular body, as he powered that fuck into Christina’s ass. Amanda could only imagine how good it felt for him to be burying his cock in that tight-squeezing bumhole. To know it was his cunning that had got him here and that his hot schoolgirl conquest was ready to cum again, her rectum contracting on his hard shaft as she climaxed. You must think the world’s your fucking oyster, you sexy prick … And you’ll keep thinking it till someone takes you down a notch. But that happy event wouldn’t come tonight. For now he had it all, and he was driving his victory as far up Christina’s anal passage as it would fucking go.

She couldn’t deny it—the sight was magnificent to behold.

Then while that thought was still in her head, Gavin actually succeeded in shocking her all over again.

The device that he picked out of the rucksack and held before her was formidable. So this was what he and his nephew had been discussing, literally behind her back. The pair of shiny purple dildos sprang outwards from a central jelly disc. Each of the fake cocks was a pliable banana curve—a good seven inches in length and of striking thickness. The shafts were fully ribbed and the heads bulbous. Gavin tweaked one of the heads and let the shaft spring back and forth in front of her nose as she stared on the apparatus and absorbed its implications.

“See, Mandy? Nice and flexible. I’m sure you know what to do with this.” She did—although for all the explorations of her youth, she’d never used this particular kind of toy before. “Stand up and let me help you put it on.”

She looked into his mocking eyes and contempt burned along with her arousal. Who had cooked up this scheme? Him? His younger version? Whichever of them, the idea was truly fiendish, and yet she could not help but see its beauty. And as with everything that evening, there was no way out but forward. “I can do it myself,” she said, clambering from her kneeling position on the sofa, butt-plug still lodged as she stood up shakily.

“No really, I insist. It’ll be my pleasure.”

Of course it fucking will.

Gavin kneeled with the device so that she could step inside its elastic straps. He seemed to have gauged quickly how it operated, for as he drew it up her legs both the waist-band and thigh straps fitted easily into place, the squidgy texture of the double cock-shaft pressing against her thighs. “I’d add lube,” he said as he parted her cunt-lips with the tip of one phallus, “but I think you may well be wet enough already. Let’s see …”

He slid the curved shaft inside her with slow deliberation, inspecting closely as it vanished inch by inch. She held her breath to be penetrated once more and did not release her gasp until the cock had been eased to its base, a tight flexible fit inside her cunt. “Now let’s secure it.” His voice was loud above the incessant music, but calm and solicitous nonetheless. So glad to help prepare you, Mandy, for the further ruin of your student. He maneuvered the elastic harness, tightening it so that the double-ended device was secure, outside as well as in—transforming her into a temporarily erectile woman.

Christina was watching it all, goggling as Amanda was filled and made priapic both at once. Even though the schoolgirl’s ass was being reamed by cock, she demonstrated awareness of what was about to happen, what her teacher would be made to do. If she wasn’t sure, Josh’s repositioning of her must surely have provided her the additional clue she needed. He withdrew his cock smoothly from her ass and pulled her trembling form from the sofa, guiding her insistently to the living-room’s well-upholstered sofa. Christina was stumbling as he propelled her, thighs glistening and rear hole dilated from his thrusting, looking back at Amanda all the way. He turned her about and sat down into the chair, guiding her after him with firm instructions.

“Ease yourself down. Lean on the arms. There it is—now fit yourself down onto it, nice and slow. All the fucking way.”

She obeyed without hesitation. There was a fusion of agony and ecstasy on her face as he guided her ass onto his rigid dick, right to the balls as he had demanded. It did not take long till she was fitted onto him—her ass snug to his groin, all that length and girth anally embedded once again.

And now that McClain junior was rammed once more inside her, it was time for Amanda to join that party. The realisation stunned her. “We both know you want to fuck her,” Gavin said as he dripped liquid aid from Josh’s bottle onto the outward-thrusting half of the dildo. “And it’s pretty clear how much she wants to be teacher’s pet. Well you’re properly equipped now, so go give it to your student. You can thank me later.”

Amanda stared between the dazed Christina and her politely dominant blackmailer, opposing emotions clashing within her. Gavin spread the lubricant evenly over her fake cock with his fist. “See? I’m even willing to give you a hand-job. Get you all ready.” She glared at the bastard, words failing her. He held up the bottle. “Of course I’m saving the last of it, and we both know why … Now go make sweet love to young Christina there, or you can watch the McClain boys double-penetrate her instead. Those are your choices.” He clapped her heartily on the ass so that the outer cock wobbled.

Of course there were no nerve-endings in the appendage Amanda found herself wearing, but that gel base would squish against her clitoris on every thrust she made into Christina, while the internal cock would assert itself against the walls of her cunt. Hence there would be a kind of double-pleasure on every fuck-stroke—because heaven help her, she did want to know what it would be like to have that busty teenage treat squirming beneath her as she nailed the girl. Why fight the urge to enjoy? She’d lost that battle long ago.

This thought as much as Gavin’s second smack on her ass compelled her into motion.


Oh God, what’s happening?

Christina was only coming to terms with Josh’s presence in her ass when new levels of craziness were achieved. Miss Winter looked as bizarre as she did beautiful, walking towards her with that phallic attachment; it was bobbing in an even more pronounced fashion than her magnificent tits, lubricant winking on the glans. The expression on her teacher’s face was more about desire than remorse.

“Spread your legs, sweetie.”

Josh helped her carry out Amanda’s instruction, pulling her thighs apart from his position beneath her. She was lying back on his chest, one hole impaled and the other now spread to accept.

“Oh God,” she moaned, appealing to the heavens one more time as the older woman climbed onto the armchair on top of her, reaching down to fit the strapped-on dick. It was pliable against her pussy’s lips, a strong but bendy play-cock as opposed to the rigid one that spiked her from below. Amanda’s expression had playfulness in it too, along with the lust which had burned in ever more incendiary fashion as that evening went on. The fire was mitigated by the softness of her words.

“It’s okay, honey-girl. This is me.” Amanda’s fingertips stroked her face. “You want teacher to fuck you, don’t you?”

She hadn’t been sure until that moment, but Miss Winter’s tenderness drew from her a mouthed “Yes”.

It was all the encouragement her teacher needed, before gripping Christina’s arms and thrusting. There was a look of tense-jawed satisfaction on her face as she drove her newly-fitted cock deep inside her student.

“Ohhh! Fuck!” Maybe it was the shock of double-penetration that made her cry out, maybe the strangeness of her lovely Miss Winter filling her. The shaft was thick, however pliant, the swollen head searching deep within her. Yes the cock was fake, but the emotion on the other end of it was tangibly real; Amanda wanted to fuck her and could not contain her thrill at the opportunity. “Oh God, Miss!” she cried, as the teacher bottomed out inside her. She gripped the warm flesh of her second debaucher, their breasts cushioning gorgeously once more.

“Baby,” Amanda said, kissing her mouth and pulling back to drive in another slow, full stroke. “It’s all okay.”

“I know,” Christina moaned, with no clear conviction that it was. She did not know much of anything beyond the fact that her teacher was penetrating her smooth and deep, and that each successive thrust was being met from below by one of Josh’s into her ass. She was pinned between the two, gripped by tender hands above and cruel ones below, hemmed in by hard brawn and soft curves. She was also impossibly full with cock of one sort or another—terrified by it, yet not quite wanting it to stop.

“Hey, Mandy, how does it feel to be sharing a fuck-toy?” Josh’s voice in her ear was full of raw delight.

Amanda’s face flinched at the words, but then she stared levelly into Christina’s eyes. “Don’t listen to him, sweetheart,” she said as her groin shunted against that of the schoolgirl. “He’s just a stunt-cock for us to play with. I know what a gorgeous prize you really are.” Her face was set with hard concentration as she thrust, the strap-on an extension of her desire, but her grip on Christina’s limbs was tender. “You’re okay, darling. We’re okay.”

“Ohhh Miss …” She clung for reassurance to the woman who was plundering her cunt. “You’re so deep. So’s he …”

“I know, baby. Do you like it?”

“Oh God … God yes … Do you?”

“I do. You know there’s another cock inside me?”

“Yes.” She had seen Gavin plant it there.

“Well every time I give it to you, I’m getting it as well. Every time I fuck you, baby, you fuck me right back. What do you think of that?”

The thought overwhelmed her, that and the squish of the dildo’s base against her clit. “Oh my God …” She clung to her teacher like Josh was gripping her, and gave herself up to both their fucking, like nothing else in life mattered. Maybe it didn’t … Maybe lying here suspended between beautiful bodies being shafted to delirium was her destiny. She hung on the verge of orgasm once more; at any moment it would swallow her.

But then the eyes in her lolling head blinked open and she saw it. Oh sweet Jesus … In her pre-orgasmic state she could not articulate a word of warning, but it all unfolded before her eyes, hot and scary.

Gavin was looming behind Amanda as she shafted, clearly busy with himself from the brisk motion of his arm. Christina caught a glimpse past her lover’s upper body—of him lubing his great erection, calm intent etched into his face. In her fever she had forgotten about the huge brooding man who had fucked her so well (how in hell he had slipped from her mind she had no clue), but there he was, closing in on Amanda’s rear, clutching the base of his huge hard cock. The terrifying logic of the situation dawned on the teenager as he gripped her teacher’s ass, clearly fitting himself to her with his other hand.

The only hole left unfilled … Christina had first-hand experience of this man inside her pussy. She knew how much her beautiful role model was about to take elsewhere.

Oh my fucking God, Miss!

Shock, acknowledgment, grim acceptance of her fate—they all flickered over Amanda’s face in an instant. This woman might have sublimated the thought as she embraced the fucking of her student, but she’d known Gavin’s intentions all along. She clutched Christina, her body tensed in anticipation of the inevitable. Her mouth gaped into a wide oval, clearly the response to one formidable rear insertion. It was maybe only the head or the first couple of inches, for Gavin still had a look of intense concentration. He seemed to be easing himself slowly, and Amanda was releasing an otherworldly moan as consequence. Then he stalled, sufficiently far embedded to adopt a more vigorous approach, his second hand adhering itself along with the first to her rump.

“Hang on, baby,” she told Christina tersely, and the student grasped the full implications of the warning.

“You made me wait, Mandy,” Gavin said. “And now I’m so very glad you did.”

He pushed, a great determined thrust that brooked no resistance. His growl of effort as he drove himself inside her formed a duet with her scream. “Aaaagh! Motherfucker!” Pain and fury were written on Amanda’s face, as she glared back at the villain who had buried his massive cock deep. Christina clung to her mentor in support; there was nothing else she could be expected to do as the woman was subjected to this anal assault. Gavin was grappling his conquest with an air of possession, leaning his weight into her while drawing back his pelvis. He thrust again, full and hard, and this time as Amanda yelled out, she surged into Christina, her gel cock probing far into the girl.

It was Christina who cried out now, to have Amanda’s appendage driven so deep.

“See how perfect this is?” Gavin said, his voice like volcanic rock as he retreated and slammed in again, buffeting teacher hard into student. “I get to fuck you, and I get to fuck her with you. Because frankly, Mandy, I don’t think you were screwing your pupil’s sweet cunt as hard as it needs. So now you’re my fucking proxy. Christ—sex never gets old, does it?” Having established space for himself inside Amanda’s ass he set about her with fervour. Each time his groin smacked into her buttocks it drove her phallic pelvis right into the fork of Christina’s parted thighs, so that the jelly cock speared the squealing blonde. That impact would in turn rock her on the shaft which skewered her ass. Thus the schoolgirl was crammed in both her holes, her teacher’s body pressed hard to hers all the while.

God, Amanda was even fuller than her, pussy and ass both stuffed now—let her not forget that in her fever. But the pain in the older woman’s face was transfiguring into sexual heat, her rage turning to one of crazed desire. The climax defeated in Christina moments before was creeping on her once more, gathering momentum as her clitoris was compressed against the base of the strap-on. And whatever she felt, Miss Winter would be feeling too. They shared the same twin-dildo after all, both their asses stuffed by the extravagantly endowed McClain double-act. She held onto Miss Winter and her teacher clutched her in return, as they were compressed into one great orgasmic fuck-sandwich.



Kill this man? I’ll stuff his own cock in his mouth first, attached or unattached, and then kill him.

But Amanda would come before she ever got to do that, on the synthetic dick that fucked her cunt every time she was flung into pretty Christina. And when she came her ass would contract hard on the shaft that was rammed like a steel pole into her rectum. She’d make him feel so good, that egotistical scum-sucking bastard, whether she wanted to or not, and she’d lose herself utterly in the moment too—but afterwards she’d make him fucking pay.

His grip on her body was cruel, the thrusting of his cock an action of machine-like ferocity inside her. Never before had her ass been opened up like this. Never had she dreamed of finding herself a fuck-extension being used to shaft another girl.

Christina’s flesh on hers was soft and yielding, the student’s tits a plump and velvety contrast to the hard man-muscle that bore down on her. The girl was whining and sobbing like she was losing her mind, fucked by her teacher and, lest Amanda forget it, stoked anally from below by the younger McClain. The teacher knew that kind of sobbing, though—an inevitable pre-cursor to orgasm of the most intense kind. They were going to come together then, a compliment to their physical proximity and shared double-fuck experience. If they actually survived this, it would be one mind-melting shared memory.

It was on its way, almost there—the climax that might damn-well stop her heart. Goddamn you, you fucker, I’ll kill you for this. I’ll fucking kill you … if the pleasure doesn’t kill me first.



Oh God, oh God yes … Oh fuck this was an amazing idea …

Truth told Josh was limited as to what he could do in his position. He wanted to wreck Christina’s fine ass more than he actually could, pinned as he was to the armchair. All the really proactive stuff was going on at the other end of the multi-person fuck-machine they had created, but that was okay with him. He’d already hammered it into his hot schoolgirl’s bumhole on the sofa and now he’d provided his uncle with one mighty opportunity, which the great man was duly taking. He deserved to lie back and enjoy his reward—gripping his blackmailed girl’s hips and jamming it to her all he could, each time she was shunted back onto him by the massive force coming at him from the other side.

It’s the McClains—butt-fucking student and teacher in the sex event of all time. If I can pull off this stunt, I can do anything. Forget Leonardo de Caprio, I’m the fucking King of the World. Goddamn—take a look at this shit. This should be recorded on camera. This should be saved for all time.

His thoughts reeled and spun and finally he began to lose control, as Gavin picked up momentum. Josh might have lost the initial bet, but they were joint winners tonight, him and his uncle. Damn, Gav was steaming into the teacher’s ass, he was taking no fucking prisoners. Listen to the noise that crazy cougar was making. And sweet dirty Christina was going out of her head too, their voices uniting in a cacophony of orgasm. So intense, so fucking incredible. Josh was going to come with them—he was going to shoot a load into that teen ass harder than the first one he’d got off.

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Oh Jesus, this is going to be sweet. So fucking sweet. Oh my God, here it comes … Here it fucking comes …



I’m going to hell for this one. Truly. Or maybe it’ll be for poor sweet Erica. Maybe I crossed that line with the blushing bride. But it’s worth it—worth it when you get to fuck an ass like this one. I should have fucked Erica’s ass too. Shit, maybe I still will.

Come on, Mandy, it’s a gift. My gift to you, you sexy bitch. You think I’m joking? That’s it, you can take it, Mandy fucking Summers. All the way up that beautiful ass. Nothing like it.

Nothing like this. My cock, where it should be, deep inside you. Feel it … Clench on it, that’s right. Think I didn’t know when I met you what you really needed? Your pretty girl there needs it too. Hold onto her. Fuck her hot cunt. Fuck it deep while I fuck you. Show her. Show her how a real fucking slut-queen takes it.

Come for me, Mandy. Clench my cock with that fucking ass. Let me feel it. That’s right. Love it. Fucking love it … Squeeze the cum out of me with that ass, can you do that? Fuck yes, what am I saying?

Love it, Mandy, when I empty into you. That’s right, I’m going to send you home to your fiancé with your ass pumped full of my cream. Damn, seventh circle of fucking hell, that’s where I’m going. Well I might as well go there in style. Oh God, ohhh yes … Here we go. Here we fucking go. Never gets old.

“God, fuck – fuck – fuck!!!”



“God, oh God, you motherfucking bastard … I’m going to … going to … Ohhhhhhhh!”



“Oh yes – Oh yes – Oh yes – Ohhh – Fuck, yes!”



“Miss, oh Miss, oh my God, oh oh ohhhhhhh …”



Josh pumped copiously into Christina’s ass, his balls clenching until his second load of the evening had been fully jettisoned. All manner of fleshy mayhem was going on beyond him in the same moment and he knew his uncle was similarly emptying himself of cum at the other end. God, Amanda Winter must be getting one serious anal creaming.

His head fell back onto the armchair and his body relaxed, cock still lodged far up Christina’s tight-gripping asshole like she was squeezing him for the last drops. God, what a ride. What total fucking insanity …

No one moved for the longest time, the two-girl filling between him and Gavin panting and moaning where they lay. His partner-in-crime was stroking Amanda’s body, a look of the deepest satisfaction relaxing his stony face.

Then Gavin began the dismantling of their four-person sex-sculpture. No words were spoken as it was disassembled, although Amanda released a long groan as her lover extracted his cock from her ass. She struggled in her attempts to climb off her student, exhausted from all her exertions, to say nothing of that final butt-shafting. Gavin had to ease her out of Christina, laying her face-down against one arm of the chair, the double strap-on dildo still embedded in her cunt. Now it was Josh’s turn to help, lifting from below to disengage the schoolgirl’s ass from his cock. It was a slick, messy extraction and he smiled to think how much cum he had pumped up there as she crawled free of him.

Blearily the younger girl clambered up, hands groping for support. Her legs wobbled as she tried to stand and she ended up easing herself onto the floor using Amanda and the armchair as help. As Josh climbed out of the chair, his uncle was manhandling the heavily-breathing girls into place beside each other on hands and knees, pressing their asses close together like an artist positioning his muses.

“Look at that,” he said, when Josh joined him amid the detritus of sex toys and discarded clothing. “Picture that sight and never forget it.”

Josh’s stare lingered on the tight-pressed pair of beach-ball bottoms, anuses both dilated and oozing a slow trickle of McClain semen. How could he resist reaching into the pocket of his crumpled trousers for his camera phone and clicking once? The music masked the sound of the snapped photo—and besides, it would give little away. An anonymous blonde and brunette, a pair of gorgeous thoroughly-used asses. There was no need to take this thing any further, no chance of replicating the awesomeness just past. Best to take his memento and leave. His camera was concealed again by the time Amanda raised her sagging head and looked around.

“So,” Gavin inquired of the teacher, “is this show house equipped with towels? I could really do with a shower.”

“Me too,” Josh said, grinning in response to the schoolteacher’s scowl.

“It’s got everything,” she replied, brushing fallen hair from her face. “So you boys go and soap each other’s cock clean. Are we done here?”

Gavin looked at his nephew and together they nodded. “Yes,” Gavin affirmed, and he turned off the music as if to emphasise the point. “We’re done. Back shortly.”

They took turns rinsing in the shower-stall, the scratches on Josh’s back stinging under the hot jets. As they towelled down together, not a word needed to be spoken. When they returned to the living-room to dress, the girls were still on the floor, but had shifted so that Amanda could cradle Christina close to her and stroke her hair. The younger girl looked strangely calm. “See?” Gavin said. “A bonding experience.” The teacher demonstrated no reaction to the comment.

There was silence as Josh and his uncle dressed, but then what else was to be said? It seemed like teacher and student wanted their alone time, and in honesty he desired nothing more than to chill in the company of his co-conspirator. Time to get out of there, although there was one final piece of business that needed attention.

“The recordings of the original encounters,” Gavin said, drawing a number of plastic-sleeved discs from the inside pocket of his jacket and casting them onto the sofa. “For you both to destroy or enjoy, as you wish. Your membership of the Naughty Cheaters’ Club is formally rescinded.”

Amanda gave him a baleful stare. “And of course you’ve destroyed the master copies,” she said, “you two being such gentlemen.”

“I have nothing to gain from using them in any nefarious way after tonight, and I won’t. You have my word.”

“Your word …” Josh couldn’t blame the woman for sounding less than convinced on the topic. “And your charming nephew here?”

“You can trust us both,” Josh said, kind of meaning it. “Like I said, you can keep the toys—call it a goodwill gesture. In case you want to pursue some more teacher-pupil playtime. Sorry I ruined the cucumber.”

Amanda rose, drawing the dildo with care from her still-wet cunt. She unstrapped the device from her groin, drawing it off herself while Josh and Gavin looked on, sharing admiration for the boldness of her performance. She even put her heels back on.

“Maybe I can trust you,” she said, walking naked over to Gavin with a remarkable absence of shame, “and maybe not. But I’ll tell you this and you can pass it on to your little acolyte here.” She stared up from the few inches’ difference that remained between them and spoke with a deadly calm. “I should have known better than to tangle with a bastard like you, but dragging in Christina was a step to far. If she suffers any further consequences from this, I will fuck you up, Gavin, in ways you can’t imagine. I will bring down my marriage and my career too, if it means paying you back for her. Do you understand me?”

He did not break her stare. “I understand. It ends tonight, right Josh?”


“God, Amanda,” Gavin said, and the admiration in his tone was unmistakable. “In another life …”

Her snort was derisive. “I have a show-house to clean up and a girl who needs my attention.”

“I’ll bet she does,” Josh said, unable to resist a smirk, but the fire in Amanda’s glance convinced him to say no more. Christina was curled at the armchair looking over at him, her arousal giving way to resentment. It was time to go and both men knew it.

“We’ll be on our way,” Gavin said. “Fancy a drink, Josh?”

“Yes,” he replied. “And I know just the place.”



Christina watched them go.

She looked at Amanda Winter, naked in heels, having stood up to the two alpha bastards, and wondered at her teacher’s self-possession. I want to be like her. Not that any amount of self-possession had prevented Amanda from being fucked senseless that evening—but she had taken it all with such aplomb, rendering the nastiest act a thing of strange beauty. The schoolgirl wondered if the older woman’s ass was throbbing as much as hers. Surely with Gavin’s cock, so huge, so demanding ... Then she saw the truth behind the bravado, for Miss turned stumbling back to her, kicking off her heels and lowering herself down with painstaking care, using the arm of the chair as a prop.

“Christ, he fucked the hell out of my ass,” she groaned. “Bloody hell, I’m going to feel that for days. How’re you doing, pet?”

She wrapped arms around Christina, who nestled into her, resting her head on the teacher’s shoulder. “Tired,” she said, and truly the post-orgasmic weight of the evening was crashing in on her. All the fire in her blood was dying down, leaving nothing but fatigue. She needed to go home, creep past her parents and hide under her duvet for the longest time. “God,” she said, “I can’t even move.”

“Stay here a while. We’ve time—it’s not late.”

They held each other Christina had no idea how long. It was good to soak up comfort from Miss Winter as the teacher stroked her student’s hair and squeezed reassurance into her bones. Finally Amanda kissed her forehead and announced, “Shower time. Come on—let’s you and me get cleaned up.”

Memories of predatory ‘Mandy’ excited Christina’s pulse-rate as she was led to the shower stall, despite her weariness. She would never see this woman in the same light again. As Amanda washed her down under the jets, hands soaping and cleansing every curve and crevice, she felt like an adored plaything. It shocked and embarrassed and gratified her all at once. She smoothed suds over her teacher’s breasts, because in that moment she felt no mortification and because there were no men there to ogle the tender caress. This moment at least could be theirs, even if it was as fragile as the soap bubbles on their skin.

“Miss …”

“Yes, dear?”

“I won’t be able to look you in the face in class again. It’s okay now, but tomorrow I’m sure I’ll die. What am I going to do?” All the trauma of the evening overtook her and she wept, her body racked with sobs, cheek pressed to Amanda’s bosom. The teacher enfolded her in a slippery embrace.

“There, baby. It’s okay. You’ll keep your head down in your books and I’ll teach the class and won’t call on you. We’ll be fine, you and me. And you can talk to me about this anytime—because you’ll want to, trust me on that.”

It was true. However much the shame overwhelmed in those first days, Christina would need her teacher. Maybe they’d need each other. Who else would they share this secret with after all? She’d sit at her desk and not dare look at Miss Winter, but quietly she’d crave the way this woman had looked at her—with a burning selfish hunger.

There’d be even more confusion in her memories of Josh, she considered as they towelled themselves down, and in those of Gavin. Her intellect and her emotions would despise that boy, yet her body would crave him. She’d dream too of his sexy-scary uncle …

“I don’t think I can go on with Gabe,” she said, having struggled back into her dress. “I really don’t.” They sat side by side at the kitchen’s breakfast bar, sipping the tea that Miss Winter had made. “Too much has happened now. There are too many secrets to keep.” Too much she knew about herself that she could never share with her boyfriend.

Amanda laid her hand on Christina’s. Oh God, I fucked this woman with a cucumber. She absorbed the flash of memory silently without betraying signs of panic. “I can’t make that call for you,” her fellow-cheat told her. “You’re a clever girl. Well, most of the time—like me. You’ll do the right thing, for your future I mean. And you can talk to me any time you want. I’ll do whatever it takes to help you work this through. And I mean whatever.” There was an undercurrent to the words that made Christina shudder with recollection—Amanda’s warm flesh gliding against hers, and the thrash of that tongue in her pussy.

“What about you and … and Rob?” she asked, changing the subject lest she blush.

The teacher’s smile was melancholy. “Oh I’m sticking with him, all right. I love him, whatever you saw tonight. He’s the best damn part of my life. I’ll spend a long time making it up to him, even though he doesn’t know all the reasons why I’m treating him so well.”

“What if …” Christina needed to voice her fear. “I mean what if they’re not good to their word? The whole thing could … could happen again.” Cocks thrusting. Arrogance and control. Every perversion in Josh’s imagination re-enacted for his grinning pleasure. “Do you think?”

“Honey, I doubt it. Gavin’s a horny fucker, but he’s not a fool. And I’m pretty sure he’ll keep his nephew in line.”

“What if he doesn’t? What if Josh comes … comes …” Oh Jesus. “… Looking for more?”

Amanda’s face was grim. She hadn’t alluded to her threatened revenge since the men had left, but now fire was in her eyes of a different type from earlier. “If he does, if either of them do … hell, if I even set eyes on Gavin McClain again …”

“What will you do?”

“What will I do? Sweetheart, I’ll kill the fucker. I swear on my life I will.”

Christina looked for irony in her teacher’s face. She found none—not a single trace—and its absence shocked her.



This time Josh did blow the froth off the top of his beer tankard. It nearly spattered the blond waitress with the swinging pigtails. “Sorry,” he said, smiling at her. “High spirits.”

She looked at him with wry humour. “Hey, keep it in the glass and not over me. Something’s got you in a very good mood, I think.”

“Does it show? It’s having you serve me, that’s all.”

“Sure it is.” Her attempt at irony was ruined by her laughter. “You have a good night. Or I think maybe somebody’s had one already …”

Josh and Gavin watched her go, body swaying along with her plaited hair. “Ah the power of pheromones,” his uncle said. “She caught the scent of your victory. The conquering hero always enjoys attention, even by those unaware of what he’s achieved.”

“And did I truly achieve?” Josh tried to mask his desire for validation by taking a long swig from his beer.

Gavin gave him an appraising look, his own beer in hand. “You took control of tonight’s proceedings with self-possession beyond your years.”

Josh wiped beer suds from his upper lip. “You think?”

“Stop fishing for compliments. You know you were a hard-fucking hero tonight and you don’t need me to tell you. I handed over to you and you didn’t drop the reins on either of those girls. They were your bitches to the finish and even the lovely Mandy couldn’t disguise how much she loved it. Yes, my son, you can be very proud indeed.”

Josh fought not to beam like a kid with delight. They drank silently together, good strong Oktoberfest beer, and he found he could not leave the subject alone. “It was amazing. Watching the two of them go at each other—take everything they were given and go at it full-on. Fucking hell. I mean, I knew it’d be good, but Jesus …”

“It was quite something. That final twist was a masterstroke, I have to hand it to you.”

“Ha! You liked that, did you?”

“I fucking loved it and you know it. Our own two-girl squeeze-box. Made me feel like a boy again.”

“Well in that case, old man, let’s drink to further adventures in fucking.”

“Cheeky bastard. There’s life in this old man yet.” They clanked the tankards and drank down to the dregs. “Speaking of which …” Gavin said, wiping his mouth, “for all your sterling work tonight, you still owe me for the wager struck at this fine establishment all those weeks ago.”

“Oh yes, the big dinner date. When is that?”

“A week Thursday. I’m expecting a culinary tour de force from my personal chef.”

“And which lucky lady will be on the receiving end? Of my cooking, I mean.”

“The lovely Karmen—flying in from NYC to hammer out the final details of a contract.”

“I’ll bet. Is this a two-man job?”

“You’re strictly on chef duty that night.” Gavin’s smile had anticipation in it. “This one is all mine. You can stick with Heidi the waitress.”

“Fair enough.” Josh considered his empty glass. His mind was still teeming with sensory recollections—the lewd suck of pussies on improvised sex-toys, the competing screams of female orgasm, the ruthless shafting of tight holes to a pumping music accompaniment … But there were other memories too—Amanda’s moments of incandescent rage, where she looked like she’d have destroyed them both given a chance, Christina’s horror at the evening’s beginning and air of betrayal at the end …

“Do you ever think about … well—karma?” he asked, throwing it out as casually as he could manage.

“I’m sorry?”

“You know, that behaving like we did tonight might come back to bite us on the ass someday.”

“I know what ‘karma’ means,” Gavin said, “and I don’t believe in it. I believe in acting carefully, while getting away with whatever I can. Worrying about consequences … well if we did that too much, we’d never have witnessed the teacher getting it on with her hot student, now would we?”

“Good point.” There was no arguing with that, was there? In fact it deserved another toast. Josh looked about and called out to the pretty waitress.

“Two more of the same?” she chirped.

“Yes, and something with it.”

“What would you like?”

“Your phone number.” He’d tempered the cockiness, he reckoned, with just enough humour.

She missed a beat before responding. “My boyfriend might have something to say about that.”

“I don’t understand … Why would you tell him?”

“I … You …”

“Uh-huh, that’s the general idea. Think it over while you get those beers …”

She took another sharp intake of breath and tried without success not to smile as she walked away.

“You,” Gavin said, “are not your father’s son.”


“No. You’re a true McClain.”

Now that was worth drinking to. Once the waitress had returned with overflowing tankards and a sneaked phone-number, they did. Karmic concerns were for losers. And Josh decided, like his uncle, to pay them no mind. 




Written by Jaymal
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