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Chapter 16, Chaste Pacific Northwest Rain & Country Western Bar

"Devotion to being the faitful wife is eroded by caustic friend."

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Author's Notes

"The wife relocates to the Pacific Northwest and finds a new life and returns to being the good wife and mother. A neighbor, however, coaxes her back to the wanton wife."

In 1979, with trophy ring memories, I followed hubby to the Pacific Northwest, part of a periodic lemming rush north, propelled by and paid for, by California’s home equity.  I was twenty-nine. Our modest twenty-five-year-old Mountain View home’s sale price moved us into a new upscale Northwest house with no mortgage. Our new home’s subdivision was nicknamed “California Hill” reflecting the number of ex-California residents. I became a stay at home mom, committed to again being a super mom and wife.

I hoped the Pacific Northwest rain would rinse me clean, sanitize the sins of my adulterous past. During affairs with Edward and Enrico, I felt dirty. My secret puppet shadow was evil, contemptable, and despicable. Why had I let her do it? I was ashamed of my sins and wanted rectification.

It was time for redemption, a true confession, to myself. I pleaded for God's forgiveness and vowed to sin no more. God did. I felt God’s redemption. My soul was cleansed. I experienced the wondrous clean slate feeling I once did on exiting the confessional.

I also enjoyed the lack of swing shift time stress but missed its excitement. My energies were diverted to school activities, chauffeuring, tutoring and baking. My cinnamon rolls and cookies established our house as the hang out for neighborhood kids. Our yard as an unofficial playground which attracted more kids than the neighborhood city park with its swings and teeter-toter.

While I cooked and baked, the economy hit a downbeat. Many neighborhood fellow lemmings crashed on economic rocks. Although threatened, we were spared. We skied, canoed and camped, family-style, with me all the way in, kids oblivious of our surrounding economic peril as the economy spiraled precipitously downward. Our home purchase price was soon much less than its revised market value, an unexpected new experience.

Most of our new friends and neighbors went to church on Sundays. We no longer did. Well, we did but not really. To compromise, we went to a small Unitarian church to give the kids some idea who Moses and Jesus were. I missed Catholic Mass's incense, candles, statutes, and Latin singing. I did learn, however, at one Unitarian sermon, The Wizard of Oz was a Unitarian movie where Dorothy overcame magic by being true to herself. It, however, was too intellectual and was devoid of spirituality, a human essence Carl Jung defined as a human necessity.

Occasionally, among women friends, I wore Edward’s trophy ring, a venial sin breach of my re-commitment vow. I never mentioned its source and kept an image of chaste wife among my staid new friends and neighbors. Soon, however, it became apparent some of the Puritans needed a church.

Erica was beautiful, a true ethnic Swedish blond. She was the same age as me with a son the same age as mine. She too was a stay at home mom and a California lemming. We met at a school function and she started visiting, her son for cinnamon rolls and her to sip wine. Her husband traveled overseas for his business and they were not economically threatened. When he was overseas, the neighborhood gossip was, she was having an affair.

Over wine, I learned the gossip was untrue. She was not in an affair. Unabashedly she explained she met men for casual sex and dumped them when tired of them. She was wild, beyond swing shift wild. She told of sexual exploits beyond swing shift tales as she related her sexual escapades. She admitted she was promiscuous, loved sex with young alpha males and had no commitment or faithfulness required. I advised her to be more responsible, as the older woman at work once did for me but also avoided moral judgments. She assumed I was a chaste wife, which I was.

One afternoon, wearing Edward's ring, she remarked on its beauty and asked how I got it.

“Oh, it’s a long story.”

“Okay, what’s the short version?”

“It’s a love thing, trophy ring, from trophy love.”

“Old boyfriend, no you told me you were engaged at 16, so hubby?

 “It’s past, I’d better not say more.”

“Say more? You just said it all! Tell me, cat’s out now. Let’s hear you meow.”

I gave a sneaky admission smile. With the third glass of wine, I let my secret puppet shadow slip out to dance. Disclosure made us close. She introduced me to another hot-wife with kids. Their disclosures soon revealed more hot-wives.

They were known as the “Affairs Circle” and accepted me as an honorable retiree. They also knew a lot about non-member hypocrites. I was shocked to learn what was going on. The church-going wives of houses adjoining ours were involved in affairs, one with her pastor. The other, a waitress, was doing booty call duty with the restaurant owner. Around the corner, a cop's wife was having an affair with another cop. A Vietnamese wife was also having a cop affair. The police were busy with 911 booty calls.

I did volunteer work in the kid’s school. A female teacher and her vice-principal husband berated us for not attending a “normal” church. The “Affairs Club” revealed both had messy affairs. She caused another couple’s divorce and he an illegitimate child. Their revelations meant many churchgoers would fit in at the swing shift lunch table.

I listened to “Affairs Circle” adventures but had only my historic trophy ring tales to tell. They egged me on to redeployment. I limited my participation to babysitting while they played and was determined to remain true to my re-commitment vow, avoid flirting and stay off the gossip list. Most women were outside the “Affairs Circle” and I wanted to be one of them. It was also the beginning of the 1980s and AIDS was creeping into the news even though it was considered a homosexual disease.

I clued in hubby. He gave hot wives nicknames, Road Runner, Cop Hound, Preacher's Pet, Quarter Chaser, Sex Educator, Bar Girl, etc. Stimulation was the limit of our arousal from hot wife escapade tales due to our past swinging fiasco.

When I abetted by babysitting, I sometimes met their lovers. One of Erica's hit on me at her house as if I too was a hot-wife. He brazenly asked me for a date. My kids were present, the oldest, old enough to realize when something amiss, jumped up from playing and proclaimed.

"She's already taken."

The adults laughed and this became my nickname, "Already Taken", shortened to "A. T." While experiencing sexual arousal vicariously through “Affairs Circle” exploits and limiting my participation to trophy ring memories, I became closer to Erica.

She pushed the envelope. If I had a lesbian bent it would have been with her. She unabashedly told me about her romps and I told her more about my past than anyone else. I could ask her anything. Once I asked if her pubic hair was as blond as the hair on her head. She simply dropped pants and panties and let me see. Her bush turf was as blond as on her head with fine wavy hairs.

She asked to see mine, to see if I was "slanted". I surprised myself, lifted my skirt, dropped my panties and displayed mine with a few straight black hairs, the opposite of her wavy blond ones. It was the first and only time I exposed myself to a woman.

She showed me her breasts and asked if they matched one another or if one sagged to the left. I lied and said they were symmetrical, opened my blouse and took off my bra and she examined my breasts. She said she envied me as they were still perky, matched and my nipples were still pink despite kids.

Exposed we stared at each other. If I ever was to have sex with a woman it would have occurred then. I think it crossed both of our minds but it was too big a leap. We said nothing and redressed, both relieved, nothing happened.

We also socialized as couples with no hint of her escapades mentioned to her husband. He, however, was suspicious. Once he came to our house, by himself, playing detective, supposedly to check on his visiting son. He asked if I’d seen a man at his house two days before while he was away on business.

I lied, as most would, but not really. She’d told me about the action but I hadn’t been over to see it. He blurted out he suspected there was a man there while he was away. I knew this was not true.

“I didn’t think a man was there while you were gone.”

There were two and she could hardly sit afterward as she told me about being a sex sandwich. This burned my ears but I had no desire to try it based on her discomfort and her sitting on a donut pillow the next day.

The rain turned out to be drizzle. We acclimatized to it and rationalized everything was greener because of it. We adjusted to inside house time versus California outside time. The drizzle, however, didn't wash sins away. It made them grow like moss. 

I remained chaste and true to my vow before God for over two years. It was not a man or Erica who led me astray. It was another faithful wife. I played cards with a group of married women. They didn't know Erica or about the “Affairs Circle “and wouldn’t associate with them if they did. During a card game, one blurted out.


"Rain, rain go away! I’m bored, bored, bored, bored in this rain! I need an affair!"

We laughed and joked about who with, each bringing up their choices, including my Joe Montana, to more laughs.

Afterward, however, her words kept echoing.

I’m bored, bored, bored in this rain! I need an affair!

A forbidden thought pondered an inevitable consequence. Vixen purred in anticipation.

In January 1981, hubby switched jobs to work for a national company that required his traveling. His national scope employment protected us from the regional economic downturn. There was no swing shift work available for me to help with. When he traveled, I was left alone with kids.

Memories of Edward and even Enrico flashed unexpectedly before me during his absences. I reverted to soapy showers and advanced to remembrances of Edward’s games as I imagined him whispering the words, bored, bored, bored while I stared out the window at the drizzling rain.

I missed the sunshine excitement of two men. The wantonness fever took hold. As the good wife vow effaced, I confessed to Erica my yearnings, the wrong one to tell. She urged me on, to get out of the rain as she explained it.

With "A. T." faltering she asked me to accompany her dancing at a country-western bar when her husband went out of town. I agreed but just for dancing and if hubby was on a business trip too. It wasn’t until early summer both were out of town. Spring, the wettest season, the rain drained the resolve of my vow. With summer's clear sky, the sun visible again, I was ready for a night out. 

Erica and I went shopping. Hot pants were in and she bought one which showed cheeks and a slinky see-through blouse so the cowboys could see her bra and front-end assets. I purchased a flair skirt for dance twirling, lacy peasant blouse and 3-inch pumps with gold bow.


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Shopping confirmed I was going out. The clothes revealed my fever's temperature, I was in danger of heatstroke. I murmured as I got ready.

I’m only dancing, I’m only dancing.

I wore red bikini panties, painted my nails bright red and put on deep red lipstick. I put on large gold hoop earrings from belly dancing days and Enrico's trophy ring but kept my wedding ring on.

My first error of judgment for the evening was letting her drive. My last sound judgment decision was checking with the baby sitter my list of do's and don'ts.

When we entered the country-western bar, it was packed with pseudo cowboys and cowgirls. Not bring enthused with country-western music, I reminded myself to limit dancing, to fast music as the limit of my lust. As soon as we sat, cowboys showed up at our table insisting on buying drinks. I ordered gin and tonic and Erica beer.

After two drinks and rejecting those trying to rustle me on to the dance floor, I agreed to a fast dance request with Alabama playing. I then sat out the slow ones until It’s Like We Never Said Goodbye by Crystal Gayle.

He came to our table, was good looking and met other requirements, no cowboy hat, big silver belt buckle, cowboy boots and by smell, didn’t smoke.

On the dance floor, I was shocked to see another married woman I knew. She was dancing sans husband. Seeing me, she came over and told me she never expected to see me there. I didn't like my image questioned and wanted to leave but Erica had someone at the table she was sweet-talking. Seeing the other married woman oddly legitimized my night out. Everyone was obviously doing it.

After our dance, my partner bought another round, my third. After a couple more slow dances with him, Erica took me to the ladies’ room. There she opened her purse and said.

“Honey, here, take this, better safe than sorry.”

She handed me a little box of condoms.

“You’re joking. I don’t need them.”

I put them in my purse as she went back to our table.

After more dancing and another drink, Erica announced we were all going to get coffee. I was relieved, the smoke in the bar was getting to me. As we left, I kept my hands on my elbows so my new acquaintance wouldn’t try to hold my hand.

We all clambered in Erica’s car, her newest conquest in front next to her. My new friend at least had manners. He opened the door for me but slid next to me once I was in. I moved a little closer to my side door. He put his arm around me and tried to kiss but I turned, opened the window and looked out. Instead of driving for coffee Erica drove to a secluded spot she knew and parked without answering my question of where the coffee was. Parked under an old oak tree, she turned around, looked back over the seat, smiled and said.

"Don't do anything nasty."

She turned back and wasted no time doing so.

I let my new friend kiss me while listening to crickets chirping from the open window. He started slowly as if it was just kissing. With drinks, my resistance was low. Erica doing it upfront aroused me. He deftly lifted my blouse and bra to get to my breasts as Erica was moving fast forward upfront. I let him kiss my nipples kind of as a delaying action while he thought he was warming me up. I closed my eyes and thought of Gary and his Alviso kissing. I was warming up.

 He opened his car door and pulled me down on the seat and lifted my skirt up around my waist, his grip firm.

My legs spread from the seat crevice to the edge, he pulled my panty crotch aside. His clever tongue twirled my clitoris as I looked at the car ceiling. High school lover's lane nights with my fiancé flashed in my mind. Suddenly I knew this would end differently.

I struggled for a comfortable position, clothes twisted around me, semi-open, ankles dangling outside. Technically I was still fully dressed. He hurried his advances; afraid he wouldn't get it if he tarried. Upfront they were rocking the car. He got out, pulled his pants down and tried to enter me.

I pulled Erica’s condom package from my purse.

"No rubber, no honey."

He took hurried moments in the dark to get it on. Ready, with a quick movement forward, he pushed the panty crotch aside and was in me. It was an easy entry, I was wet, wet from waiting for the end of rain and his caresses.

While obviously experienced at back seat intercourse he was not an experienced lover. He was unconcerned about my satisfaction once in. He humped me fast as if delay might jeopardize his climax. It was my first intercourse in a car and with another couple. I could hear them climaxing upfront as they got their thumping rhythm.

Pinioned in the back seat, clothes scrunched around my waist, knees spread up, legs dangling out the open door, feet still in pumps, he thrust in and out. I looked up and saw Erica smiling down over the front seat. She looked like the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland.

I arched up moaning "Now! Now!" and climaxed with her embedded cat image as he ejaculated in a spastic frenzy.

Finished, he pulled out, threw the condom away on the ground, his litter a trophy mark of his successful quest.  Erica continued to stare down with her cat smile while I tussled about in the confined space to get my bra, blouse and skirt realigned.

As Erica started the car and backed up, I thought.

Wow, three firsts, screwing in a car, while fully dressed, with someone watching!

She drove back to the bar to drop them off. They talked about their jobs and sports on the way, no longer interested in us. I missed being able to shower.

I heard mine was a plumber that explained his strong grip while trysting. Back at the bar, I gave him a phony phone number and last name as we bid goodbye. All I remember of him is he was good looking, the smell of his aftershave, his hair color and his being a plumber. I don't remember his name or the color of his eyes.

As Erica drove me home, I knew she had in effect seduced me into doing it. I felt dirty and wanted to forget the evening. As soon as the kids were checked up on, the baby sitter paid and gone, I put the clothes in the trash, hid the pumps in the back of the closet and showered.

When hubby returned from his business trip, I knew it best to tell him I went out with Erica to a cowboy bar and saw a woman there who I knew and she was dancing but her husband wasn’t with her. I transferred my transgression on to her. I told him which bar, the name of the woman that cowboys tried to rustle, Erica and I danced but we were home before midnight as I didn’t like the cowboy bar scene, all true. It was a lie of omission in a haystack of truth. It’s best to answer a potential rumor before it reaches the front

He took me immediately. In our bed with no contortions or twisted clothes interfering, it was much better than in the car back seat but I did think of Erica watching from the front seat.

Erica bragged about getting “A.T.” to "do it" to those in the “Affairs Circle” ignoring my plea to say nothing. She told them I was cute when arching up moaning "Now! Now!" and changed my nickname from "A. T." to "Now! Now"! a celebrity.  I rued the evening and vowed not to repeat it. Country western bar hopping was not my style.

With Erica's blabbing to the “Affairs Circle” I distanced myself from them. A bar romp was the kind of anonymous sex they did and my husband once wanted by swinging. Wham bam wasn’t what I wanted.

My vow with God broken, I was free to sin in the rain. Hubby’s "swinging" was limited to pornographic videos, Beta no less. I wanted better, better than being bar meat or a porn flick groupie. I wanted a trophy lover. To do so, I’d need to be discreet.  The kids noticed everything.

Written by ElizabethLinJohnson
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Chapter 15, Tiff And Tat, Lovers' Spats, Trophy Ring, Thanks, Now Goodbye

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