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Visiting The In-Laws Pt 2 - The Simone Residence

"The adventures of Lisa and I visiting her parents"

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Author's Notes

"Part two of my story of when I met my girlfriend's family and friends."

I nudged at Lisa as I saw our exit coming up. She had fallen asleep shortly after leaving Jacob’s Barn.

“Oh, hey there, lover,” she yawned with a big smile.

I returned her smile and reminded her I needed directions to her parent's house.

“Sure, babe! Just take the exit and make a right turn.”

I shifted over in my seat; my butt crack was still wet from cum leaking out of me. I wasn’t sure I was in the most presentable state to meet her parents.

She must have read my mind.

“There’s a nice service stop not far from the house. We can quickly stop and sort ourselves out,” she smiled.

“I’m not sure your “good spots” to stop at are what we need right now,” I said, reminding myself that her latest rest stop got us in this situation in the first place.

She laughed and assured me she didn’t have a group of horny guys waiting for us at every service station along the way. I suspected she wasn’t being entirely honest. Nevertheless, we found the place and managed to freshen ourselves up nicely.

“You good to go, babe?” she asked me, planting a big kiss on my lips.

“Absolutely!” I smiled at her.

It was a short drive beyond the silent suburban side roads and up a small hill to the house. Soon enough, we pulled into the driveway. It was not quite a mansion, but spacious and luxurious.

The Simone residence. Dr. Lloyd Simone and his wife, Shannon.

“You ready to meet Mom and Dad, babe?” she giggled as she jumped out of the car, yelling, “Mom! Dad! We’re here!”

I was hesitant. The whole “meet the parents” thing suddenly cemented our relationship as something much more severe than it had felt just hours earlier. Watching Lisa skip up the walkway, her untamed hair cascading down her back and her round bottom swaying with each playful skip, I let that thought fly, got out of the car, and followed her.

Halfway up the pathway leading to the house, the front door was thrown wide open, and a tall, slender woman appeared in the doorway.

“Lisa darling!” she shouted in a surprisingly girlish giggle.

Mother and daughter met in a big hug, and Lisa pulled her mother towards me like an eager girl wanting to show her most precious prize.

“Mom, meet Alex! Isn’t he cute?”

“He most definitely is!” she exclaimed. “But you never told me how hot he is, girl!”

I blushed.

Shannon Simone was a tall, slender woman in her mid-forties. She wore a short, sleeveless dress that revealed her toned muscular arms. The plunging neckline left nothing to the imagination. Her face defied any passage of time and possessed a timeless beauty, captivating anyone who was lucky enough to look upon her.

It was evident that Lisa resembled her mother.

“Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Simone,” I stuttered.

Her full lips curved into a smile that turned into a gentle laugh.

“No need for that, Alex. It’s ‘Shannon," she assured me.

She gave me a big hug and planted a big kiss on my cheek.

“Now, let’s get this hunk inside! Your dad will be home shortly!”

The two women led the way up the stairs. Shannon’s short dress all but unveiled a round, tight bottom and her slim, toned thighs. She had legs like a gazelle.

Lisa caught me staring at her mother’s ass, blew me a kiss, and whispered something to her mother. Shannon smiled at me, and they both giggled.

Stepping into the house, I found it filled with subtle elegance and a relaxing atmosphere. Polished wooden floors invited me further in, and the soft lighting cast a warm glow, creating a cozy ambiance that put me at ease.

The two women led me into a spacious kitchen; the design centred around the generous breakfast bar—the heart of the house.

“Have a seat, sweetie,” she said. “You ok with beer?”

“Absolutely!” I agreed. I sure could use one.

Shannon placed herself opposite Lisa and me and enquired enthusiastically about our drive down. She told us she had expected us earlier but seemed to buy into the story of us leaving a bit later than planned.

“Can I get you another beer, handsome?” she asked me, leaning forward and giving me a generous view of her ample bosom.

Lisa placed her hand on my crotch and whispered in my ear, “Can you believe how hot my mom is?”

I was happy to take her up on her offer regarding the beer. She gracefully swung herself off the chair and grabbed another beer from the fridge. Placing the cold drink in front of me, she put her hand on Lisa’s hand, still resting on my crotch and gave it a gentle squeeze.

A deep, charismatic voice interrupted us, instantly capturing everyone’s attention.

“So, here’s the wonder boy!”

“Dad!” Lisa squealed, jumping off her stool and into the arms of the giant of a man standing at the kitchen door.

Dr. Lloyd Simone was a towering man, possibly 6 feet 5 inches of muscle. Yet there was something gentle about this giant. His way of speaking and spellbinding smile made him less intimidating.

“Alex, I’m guessing?” he smiled as he reached out his giant hand to greet me.

“Impressed to meet you, Sir!” I blurted out, his hand completely enveloping mine.

“Impressed, huh?” he replied, “and surely that’s not the proper way to address a doctor, is it?”

Shamefully, I stuttered, “Sorry, Dr. Simone.”

The large man broke out in deep laughter and said, “I’m only fucking with you, kid!”

“Anytime!” I blurted out.

Again, I managed to fill the room with laughter.

Shannon prepared a rich supper meal and ensured our every need was met. She made sure to flaunt her toned body whenever she had the chance.

Lisa and I decided to go to bed early. After all, we had an eventful day, and Lisa was getting up early to catch up with a few of her friends.

“You’re thinking of Mom’s ass right now, aren’t you?” Lisa smiled at me as we were getting into bed, “You want to fuck her, don’t you?”

I contended that any man would desire that.

Lisa got on top of me, rubbed her pussy against my cock, and whispered, “Only if I get to watch.”


The following morning, I woke up, finding Lisa had already left for town. I took a long shower in the en-suite bathroom and felt refreshed as I went downstairs to the kitchen. Shannon greeted me with a bright smile.

“There you are, handsome! I’ve made you some eggs and bacon. Lisa tells me, that’s what you need to get going?”

I thanked her as she brought me the food, brushing her chest against me as she put down the plate.

She leaned in and whispered to my ear, “Enjoy your meal, Sir.”

She sat down in front of me.

“So, did you enjoy the drive up here?”

I took a long shower in the en-suite bathroom and felt refreshed as I went downstairs to the kitchen. Shannon greeted me with a bright smile.

“Oh, I bet.” She smiled.

She watched me finish my breakfast and cleared away my plate. Then she sat down beside me, put her hand on my thigh, and asked,

“Did you stop by ‘The Barn’?”

I coughed, clearing my throat.

“Well, yes…”

“Did they take good care of you?”

I tried to gather my thoughts. Where was this going?

“They were very accommodating...” I stuttered.

“I bet they were.” She whispered, sticking her tongue in my ear.

She got up, walked around me, and ran her finger around my neck. Then she swung herself atop the table in front of me, placing her legs around me.

“Here’s the thing, Alex,” she whispered, cupping my head in her hands, “We can be very accommodating in this house as well. If there’s anything, all you have to do is ask”.

She pulled up her dress, revealing her bare thighs, and lowered her face to mine.

"All we ask for in return is the same level of... accommodation."

She kissed me and bit my lip.

“The house doctor examined me thoroughly this morning but had to leave for a house call, leaving me in quite a mess.”

She pulled her dress up all the way, exposing her bald, cum-oozing black pussy.

“Be a good boy and clean out my pussy, Alex,” she moaned.

There wasn’t a clear thought in my head. A moment ago, I was having breakfast, and now I found myself staring at Lisa’s mother’s cum-dripping pussy.  What little sense I had left urged me to get up, but all my other senses couldn’t resist.

She wrapped her long legs around me.

“Eat my pussy!”

Her strong legs pulled me down on her, and I started licking the salty cum from her. It was thick and rich, and the taste made me dizzy.

“Make sure you get all the way in there!”

I made sure. My tongue worked its way inside her, rewarding me with a new flow of her husband’s sperm. The man who would likely rip my head off if he saw me like this.

The thought of Lisa’s father beating me up was shockingly arousing. I found my cock suffocating in my pants as the thoughts of this giant of a man lifting me off his wife and throwing me to the floor, getting ready to… Not bash my brains in…but tearing off my clothes, splitting my ass and shoving his horse-sized cock into me and destroying my ass.

I moaned.

“Yeah, you like that, don’t you?” Shannon groaned.

I awoke. My mouth had found Shannon’s large clit, and I was sucking down hard on it. She pressed her pussy against my sucking mouth and released a big moan.

“I see why Lisa loves you so much,” she panted, “She always could find the good ones!”

She grabbed the back of my head with both hands and started fucking my face, pressing her pussy against my face.

“I’m going to cum on your face!” she moaned loudly as she released the grip on my head, arched herself up, supported her legs on my thighs, and furiously started rubbing her clit.

I managed to unzip my pants and get my cock out, it had been painfully trapped, and now it pointed straight up, demanding attention.  I started jerking myself off as Shannon started squirting her cum into my face and mouth, screaming in a complete, euphoric release.

“Don’t you fucking jack yourself off!” she screamed, “We’re not finished yet!”

She pulled herself off me, got down from the bar, and turned her back to me.

“You’re going to lick my ass now!” she said and bent down over the bar, spreading her legs apart.

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 I got off the chair and got out of my pants. Shannon’s ass was more prominent, rounder, and more muscular than Lisa’s. I put my hands on her deep ebony ass cheeks and parted them. I didn’t care that this was the woman who had given birth to my girlfriend, I wanted to eat her ass out, and I wanted to blow my load in her face.

Her skin felt soft upon my tongue as I let it dance in circles down her butt crack. I found her opening, and she welcomed me in. She started rubbing her pussy again, but gently this time.

Shannon was mid-moan, and I had most of my tongue shoved up her ass when Lloyd's booming voice filled the room.

“Well, well, well!” he said. “What DO have here?”

I jumped up, my cock bouncing everywhere, preparing to get the shit kicked out of me.

“Oh, baby, you’re right on time!” Shannon moaned.

“So it seems,” the gentle giant replied.

He got around the bar and pulled his wife all the way on top of it, undid his pants and pulled out his manhood. Fuck, he was enormous. Even in this limp state, it was big. It reminded me of a snake hanging off a tree branch. He jerked slowly at it before positioning it at Shannon’s mouth.

“Get back to work, Alex,” he commanded, “You’re doing just fine!”

Shannon took the giant head of Lloyd’s cock into her mouth and shot her ass in the air. I grabbed her buttocks and shoved my face down her butt crack. I found her opening and started sucking at it. Her muffled moans suggested she was agreeing to what I was doing.

“Yeah, baby. Suck that cock!” Lloyd moaned.

I could only imagine the sight of that black rod slipping into her mouth. The deep moans between the sloppy, slurping sounds from Shannon’s mouth assured me that Lloyd and I were giving her exactly what she needed.

How I longed to watch that big, black cock slide into Shannon’s mouth, pushing down her throat. How much of that giant cock she would be able to take. How much would I be able to take? Johnny’s cock from the day before wasn’t even close in size, and there was no way I was able to take that. Still, I was aching to have Lloyd shove his cock down my throat.

“Yeah, get that cock all slippery and wet, honey!” Lloyd moaned, “It’ll need to be really slippery for what’s next.”

The large man pulled his cock from his wife’s mouth and kissed her. He walked around the bar and put his large hands on mine, pulling at his wife’s ass.

“You need to spread her good!” he said. “Shove your tongue right in there!”

He got behind me, and I could feel his giant cock press against my thigh. He placed a finger down my butt crack and found my hole, and started gently rubbing against it.

I moaned deep into Shannon’s ass.

“You see, Shannon here loves getting her ass fucked and having her guts filled with cum, but I’m just too big for her.”

His hand left my ass and groped my balls. His other hand reached around me and grabbed my cock, jerking me slowly. I let out a loud moan.

“But you seem to be the right size for her, pretty boy.”

He pulled me up by the hair and told Shannon to roll over on her back so he could see her face.

“Now, you’re going to fuck my wife’s ass good. Make sure you make her cum. And make sure you pump her full of your cum!”

Shannon slid herself right on the edge of the table and lifted her legs, giving me complete access to her ass. I got my throbbing cock right at her hole and pushed gently against her.

“Oh yeah! Shove it in me!” she yelped.

Her pussy was soaked, leaking love juice down my cock, down her butt cheeks and onto the table. Lloyd started rubbing her slit, and his entire hand was soaked in her juices in seconds.

He got up and rubbed his wet hand against my ass. He was pushing me into his moaning wife.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! OH, FUCK YES!!!” she yelled as my shaft disappeared inside her.

Lloyd pushed a finger into me, and I was sure I was going to blow my load right then. Shannon squeezing herself around my cock didn’t help much.

“Easy boy,” he whispered, “You need to last way longer than this.”

Another finger entered my boy-pussy, and he started sliding them in and out of me.

“Oh fuck!” I moaned, trusting deep inside Shannon’s ass.

Lloyd crocked his fingers and pressed hard against my prostate. I started jerking my ass against his fingers, and he would force me hard back into Shannon’s ass.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I screamed as my balls started to tie up.

He pushed me deep inside Shannon’s guts and furiously drove his fingers into me. My knees started shaking, and my cock exploded deep inside my girlfriend's mother.

“Fuck you, boy!” he yelled, driving his fingers deep inside me once more, forcing another wave of cum to shoot into his wife, “That was WAY too soon!

He pulled his fingers out of me and slapped my ass hard. He placed the giant head of his cock against me and pushed hard.

“UNGH!” I heard myself scream, both in pain and in lust.

The giant snakehead tore and stretched my asshole; I was sure I would pass out. The searing pain pushed my conscious presence aside, and in its place, a deep, perverse pleasure of embracing it emerged. I needed more.

“We should punish him for such poor delivery, shouldn’t we, honey?” he grinned to his wife.

“Yeah, baby. Make him pay!” she panted as she wrapped her long legs around both of us, forcing him deeper inside me. Her eyes were fixed on her husband’s face.

His long, thick cock worked its way inside me. Slowly but forcefully

“Oh yeah. I think he can take all this cock,” he said as he pushed himself into me.

I could feel my bowels being pushed around as the giant black snake wound its way deeper inside me. Shannon’s sphincter clamped my flaccid cock inside her.

“Fuck him hard! And make him cum again!” she demanded.

A noticeable bulge started to appear on my stomach. It was so hot watching this giant man’s cock trying to poke a hole in my belly. I ran my fingers across it, loving the sensation of his cock pushing and pulsating against my hand, through my belly.


Lisa was standing by the door leading out into the hallway. Her panties were around her knees, and her fingers were buried deep inside her pussy. Her legs started shaking, and her knees began buckling as he orgasmed onto her hand and down her thighs.

My cock grew inside Shannon’s ass, and she moaned appreciatively. My belly poked out like I was mid-pregnancy as I felt Lloyd’s balls press against mine.

“All fucking 12 inches! That’s a good boy!” Lloyd exclaimed as he started pulling his fat cock out of me again. I felt the suction in my guts as my belly bump started shrinking.

Lisa had found her way to the countertop opposite me, and she was sitting there stark naked, rubbing herself and staring right into my eyes. Her free hand was caressing her breasts, pinching at her erect nipples.

Lloyd’s cock exited my ass with a loud pop, leaving me empty and a feeling of loss filling me. I didn’t have to wait long, though.

He slapped my ass cheeks and shoved his cock back in me. The fat, black snake found the familiar path back inside me, and my poking belly reappeared as my girlfriend's father pushed himself balls deep inside me.

My cock was throbbing inside Shannon’s ass, and she started moaning as her husband rammed into my ass and picked up the pace. The beautiful black woman’s tits began to rock in time, with her husband’s cock hammering into my ass. Each thrust was making my belly stick out like a football.

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck! I’M GONNA CUUUUUM!!!” Shannon screamed as she started rubbing her pussy hard.

Her pussy exploded, gushing out floods of cum onto me. Her ass was clenching and squeezing hard around my cock.

I moaned loudly and started shooting waves of cum into her guts while Lloyd was hammering his cock deep inside me. My legs could barely support me, but the 12-inch black cock buried deep inside me held me up.

“You have to eat her ass out, honey!” Lisa moaned through an onsetting orgasm.

Shannon pulled herself off me, and cum gushed out of her. She turned around and got up on all four, spread her ass cheeks and shoved her ass into my face. I had filled her up well and drank my cum pouring from her ass. As the flood subsided, I buried my tongue inside her, and when there was nothing left to lick, I sucked hard at her ass, hoping to find every last drop I had deposited into her.

My semi-erect cock danced and flopped to Lloyd’s steady rhythm. Drops of cum were still being pushed out of me with each pounding to my ass.

Shannon got down on the floor and sucked my cock into her mouth, getting each drop of spunk out of me. She proceeded by swallowing my cock and licking my balls clean from the mixture of sweat, cum and her pussy juice.

I was bent over the breakfast bar as Lloyd thrust his cock deep and hard into me one last time, grabbing my ass with both hands and pulling me onto his enormous shaft. I felt it pulsating inside of me, widening my ass further. The stinging pain in my molested hole came back in a brief and fleeting moment before it was replaced by pure lust.

“Oh, fuck!” he moaned as he released his gene flood by the millions deep inside me. I could feel the hot stream of cum shooting into me.

“Fill me up! Oh, please! Fill me with your cum!” I moaned.

His cock jerked and pulsated, shooting multiple waves of cum into me.

Finally, the snake inside my guts settled down and stopped jerking around. I could feel him shrinking up slightly, and as he pulled out of me, I could feel a warm flow of cum running down my thighs. Shannon quickly positioned herself at my butt and started lapping up her husband's love juice from my butt hole, my thighs, and even licked up the cum that had begun pooling on the floor.

She then quickly turned her attention to her husband’s cock, and I dropped to my knees and helped her clean off his cock with our mouths. We met in a deep kiss at the giant cock head.

“You did real good, boy,” Lloyd said as he met her wife in a deep kiss.

They both got up and left for the shower. Once again, I found myself on the floor with a belly full of cum and a gaping ass.

“That was fucking awesome, babe!” Lisa whined, “Seeing you with my dad’s cock up your ass and fucking Mom!”

She gave me a deep kiss.

“And I got to watch!” She smiled and said, “Oh, by the way, you’d better get rested and cleaned up. My brother’s coming over later.”

A brother? Lisa never mentioned having a brother.

I gathered myself, got off the floor, and headed upstairs for the second shower of the day, even though it was only noon.


Written by Dogme
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