I woke around eight on Sunday morning; totally refreshed after the deepest night’s sleep I could remember. After taking a long shower I went downstairs and made coffee and toast; no one was around, I guessed they were all still in bed.
As I sat at the kitchen table eating, my mind played over the events of yesterday and I felt my cock beginning to stir at the thought of being naked with Tom, how he had touched me and sucked me and how natural it felt. My mind raced; I’d sucked and played with his huge cock, I'd had sex with his brother and family. I wanted to strip off right there in the kitchen and be naked again but thought better of it.
Instead, I walked over to the sink and washed the plate and mug. I wasn’t wearing underwear and I could feel the bulge in my thin shorts pressing against the counter. I pushed my hips forward slightly enjoying the pressure. Tom’s last words to me as I’d left yesterday evening flashed through my mind:
“No wanking at home. We don’t want you to waste any of your energy…”
I left the crockery on the drainer and hurried out to the shed. A minute later I was cycling up the road towards Tom’s house.
In my distracted and happy state of mind, I’d forgotten to put on my watch so I had no idea of the time when I knocked on his door. He’d asked me to come back this morning if I wasn’t busy to which I’d readily agreed and here I was, standing outside wondering what today had in store.
Tom opened the door dressed smartly in beige trousers and a white short-sleeved shirt with a burgundy cravat. I did a bit of a double-take. I’d only seen him in a dressing gown or naked and somehow seeing him as the respectable gentleman was a bit of a shock, but it certainly suited him.
“Morning Steve, bright and early,” he smiled. “Did you sleep well?”
I nodded smiling. “Yeah Tom, best ever, thanks…”
He winked at me with a grin.
“We’re going out today. I thought I’d show you something different. It’s Sunday, so not a workday. Come on.”
I followed him over to the large four-wheel-drive parked on the gravel and got into the passenger seat. As we pulled out of the drive and headed down the quiet country lane, he put on some classical music and we started chatting. He asked me about myself, hobbies and ambitions and stuff and told me about his career as a designer in the aeronautics industry which fascinated me. I felt totally relaxed and ease with him.
It was a pleasantly strange feeling; I didn’t usually like company much and felt like a bit of an outsider. I guess I was just different from the other kids my age. My girlfriend Jenny understood, but she was away on holiday with her parents at the moment.
I realised that I drifted off into my own thoughts and when I looked up we were driving through the beautiful countryside; sheep grazing in meadows interspersed with woodland in a patchwork covering the gently rolling hills. Although I knew the local area pretty well, I didn’t recognise this spot.
After a few minutes we turned into a narrow lane and Tom drove slowly. In the unlikely event that we did meet another vehicle, there was no room to pass. Ahead I caught a glimpse of a long reddish roof hidden behind tall trees and a minute later we turned into a secluded drive that led up through magnificent old Beeches. Tom parked in a corner of the car park and got out without a word.
I followed him and as we walked through a gate in the tall neatly trimmed hedge he stopped. A large Edwardian country house, almost completely covered in lilac wisteria was surrounded by lawns, ornate flower beds, topiary and trees. A fountain with frolicking cherubs stood in the middle creating the gentle sound of splashing water.
Tom turned to me smiling.
“Fancy a swim?” he asked.
I looked back with a confused frown having no idea what he meant, still trying to take in the surroundings. He chuckled quietly, enjoying teasing me, knowing that I would enjoy what was to come and making me wait to find out. He held out his hand and took mine. It was the first time that we had touched this morning.
“Come on, I’ll introduce you and show you round.”
He led me along the brick path through the garden and across the gravel courtyard to the front door. The young woman behind the reception desk looked up and greeted him.
“Good morning, Mr Stevenson. Nice to see you again.”
I watched her as she and Tom made whatever arrangements were necessary. Her dark blond hair was tied back in a short ponytail with a few strands hanging down either side of her pretty face. She was wearing a smart white blouse and the top three buttons were open revealing quite a lot of her nicely rounded breasts which were clearly in no need of support.
Tom turned and handed me a pen to sign the visitors' book and it was obvious where my gaze was focussed when they both looked at me. She just smiled as I blushed and shakily signed my name.
Tom led me down a carpeted corridor to another reception area. Behind a large glass wall on the left, there was a gym full of weights and various exercise equipment. There was no one behind the desk. We turned and went through a wooden door into a large changing area with benches down either side and rows of lockers at the far end.
As Tom undid his cravat and started unbuttoning his shirt he looked at me with a grin.
“There won’t be many people about at this time of day but later it’ll get busier.” He folded his shirt neatly and put it on the bench. As he undid his trousers he looked at me again.
“You won’t be needing your clothes.”
I sat down and took off my trainers then stood and stripped off my t-shirt and shorts feeling my cock already stiffening as I folded them. We walked over to the lockers and put our clothes away. Tom handed me the two keys.
“Take these back to Debby, would you? I need to use the bathroom. Put a towel around yourself, we have to be covered in reception.” He pointed at the wooden shelf with piles of fresh towels and disappeared through a door.
I stood there for a moment, my cock semi-hard. I still had no idea what this place was. I’d never heard of health clubs or spas, but the feeling of standing there naked was thrilling. I walked slowly over and picked up a neatly folded towel, shook it out and wrapped it around my waist, trying to adjust it so the bulge at the front wasn’t too obvious.
Finally, I stepped forward, opened the door and walked barefoot back up the corridor towards the reception area. The carpet felt warm and soft on the soles of my feet. The young woman behind the desk looked up as I nervously entered. I saw her eyes scan up and down my body, lingering for a while at the bulge in the front of my towel. She smiled at me.
“I’m Debby and you must be Steve,” she said in a friendly voice as I held out the keys.
“Tom, er… Tom asked me to give you these,” I said nervously.
“Thank you, I hope you enjoy your stay. I’m sure you will,” she said glancing down at my towel again. “Mr Stevenson is such a nice gentleman.”
I tried to smile and hurried back down the corridor feeling my cock straining against the soft fabric of the towel. Tom was waiting for me outside the changing room and led me through some double doors into a large indoor area. The warm atmosphere was in sharp contrast to the coolness of the tiles under my feet. Tom removed his towel and draped it casually over his shoulder.
“No need for these now,” he smiled. I followed suit and stood next to him naked again. It felt wonderful.
There was a forty-foot heated pool with semi-circular steps leading down into it. He pointed across to the right. There was a large sunken Jacuzzi in a side area.
“The steam room and sauna are through there,” he said pointing at the doors behind.
I followed him over to the far side of the pool where floor to ceiling windows looked out onto more lawns and gardens. We went out through the French windows onto the shady terrace and sat at a table overlooking the garden. We were the only people there.
“I thought you might like some coffee before your swim?” he inquired.
I stared at him with a wide smile on my face. “Um, yeah, that’d be great.”
As if on cue a young waiter appeared carrying a tray and placed it on the table in front of us.
“Your coffee, sir.”
Tom looked at him. “We haven’t met before, have we? What’s your name?”
“It’s Michael, sir.”
“Well Michael, please call me Mr Stevenson. You don’t need to be so formal with us.” Tom glanced over in my direction and Michael’s eyes followed. Michael quickly looked back at Tom.
“Yes, s... er, Mr Steveson,” he said nervously. “Will there be anything else?”
“No, not for no., I’ll call if we need anything.”
Tom chuckled to himself as the young waiter walked back to the hotel.
“He seems like a nice lad,” Tom said as he poured the coffee.
As we sat sipping our coffee another man walked across the terrace. I watched as he removed his towel, spread it on the chair and sat down at a table nearby. I guess he was in his early fifties. He had neatly cut hair and a moustache that were only slightly grey and his chest and stomach were covered in dark hair. He looked like he kept in shape. Between his legs, I saw that his cock was easily on a par with Tom’s. Tom looked at me and smiled.
“You’ll see plenty of naked bodies today Steve, and no doubt you’ll get to play with some of them too, I certainly will.” I looked back at him and he just winked handing me the plate of croissants.
“Better keep your strength up. You’re going to need it.”
I took a croissant and started eating as the young waiter reappeared with a tray and took it to the nearby table. He placed the coffee and a newspaper in front of the man and had a brief conversation that I couldn’t make out. When I finished my coffee Tom suggested that I go for a swim saying that he was happy sitting here on the terrace. So I got up and walked a little self-consciously across to the French windows with my now hard cock bouncing between my legs. It felt strange but exhilarating being naked out here but I was enjoying it immensely.
I walked slowly down the steps into the pool, feeling the warm water creeping up my calves, and then my thighs. It reached my balls as I stepped off the last step and I stood there with my arms hanging loosely by my sides feeling the water lapping gently between my legs. I took another step forward and spread my feet a little.
The water was caressing my balls and the underside of my cock which was responding rapidly. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation. After a few moments, I took another step forward keeping my eyes closed, and then kept walking, arms spread out slightly for balance as the warm water engulfed my swollen erection. When it reached my hips I stopped and stood still again. It felt incredible as the water moved around my balls and cock; I forced myself not to reach round and start rubbing it and just stood there feeling the tingling sending waves of pleasure up through my body.
In the midst of my reverie, I heard the door open so without looking round I leant forward and started a lazy breaststroke towards the far end of the pool. About three-quarters of the way down, I stopped and tested the depth. I could only just reach the bottom on tip-toe. I took another couple of strokes and then started to tread water sending swirling currents up between my legs and gradually turned to face the front.
A guy was standing by the side of the pool folding his towel and he put it on the bench before walking casually down to the deep end. He was around forty I guess, trim and athletic-looking; he nodded at me as he walked past.
I swam the final few strokes to the end of the pool and reached up to grab the edge. Turning, I spread my arms out along the top and rested my back on the cold tiles. I glanced down to see if my erection was noticeable but under three feet of water, it was a wiggly blur. The guy did a graceful dive and started swimming lengths with a professional-looking front crawl; I just stayed still letting the water caress me.
After a while I pushed off with my feet against the wall and did some lengths, sticking to breaststroke, my cock enjoying the novel sensations. On the way back on the eighth length I stopped and rolled over onto my back. I floated with my swollen cock laying across my belly. The other guy was wearing goggles and had his head under the water most of the time and paid me no attention. As I stared up at the wooden ceiling I imagined I was laying there floating with my cock was standing up fully erect and that people were swimming up to me and taking turns to play with it and suck it. I felt it twitch and began squeezing the muscles inside making it throb.
With my ears underwater I didn’t hear the doors opening or see the couple that walked in. By the time I rolled over and swam down to the end of the pool, they had disappeared into the sauna. I climbed up the steps and walked around the edge of the pool to explore the steam room and sauna area. As I walked my cock was standing out, bouncing with each step. Opening the door to the steam room I was hit by a wall of heat and closed my eyes against the steamy mist.
As the door closed behind me I slowly opened them and let them adjust to the atmosphere. I could make out wooden benches around the walls that rose up to a double tier on the right-hand side. As I walked over to the bench I could feel beads of sweat forming on my brow. I sat down and tried to breathe deeply – I’d never been in a steam room or sauna before and it took a while to adjust.
Soon sweat was pouring from every part of my body and I had to keep wiping my face to stop it running into my eyes. I was about to get up and leave when the door opened and a man walked in. He sat on the upper level of the bench on the right, out of sight of the door placing his folded towel beside him. He looked across at me and smiled and nodded. I nodded back. He was around Tom’s age, maybe a bit younger, I couldn’t tell – then I recognised him as the man with the newspaper from earlier. He kept smiling as he opened his knees wide giving me a clear view of his enormous penis. He started to rub it slowly as he looked at me.
“Do you like it?” he asked. “Tom said that you might like to play with it?”
I couldn’t quite believe what he had just said. 'Tom wanted me to play with him?'
“I’m Marcus by the way. Tom and I are old friends and as you can see we share a lot of the same interests.” He slowly pulled the foreskin back over his thick shaft revealing the huge purple knob which was still swelling. He kept on working the skin up and down in a slow rhythmic movement. I looked at him, still confused.
“I’m sure Tom would love to hear all about what you get up to in here,” he said by way of encouragement and beckoned me over. I stood nervously and stepped towards him. He looked down at my erection which was standing at full mast.
“Mm, Tom was right, you do have a nice cock…” he reached out and took my hand placing it on his thick cock and started to move it slowly up and down. He took my other hand and cupped it around his enormous balls and then sat back with hands either side of him as I nervously started to rub him. 'God,' I wondered, 'are all older men as big as this?'
“Mmm, that’s nice, pull the skin all the way back, yes like that…”
With each stroke, his shaft thickened and the purple knob got bigger, my fingers couldn’t reach around it but he kept moaning softly so I knew he liked what I was doing. I was sweating profusely and beads were running down my face dripping onto chest and belly and running down between my legs.
Marcus was even bigger than Tom and when his cock got to full size it was ten inches. Without prompting I leaned forward and started to lick all around his huge shiny knob bringing deep moans of satisfaction from him.
“Tom would love to watch this,” he said to me as I sucked it.
I looked up at him my tongue sticking out and ran it around the rim of his enormous glans in answer. He smiled down at me.
“You are a good boy, aren’t you?”
As I started to try and get more of it into my mouth, I heard the door open. I quickly raised my head but Marcus pulled me back down and held my head in place. I almost gagged as his huge knob filled my mouth stretching it wide.
As I recovered he released the pressure and moved my head slowly back and forth letting me get used to the size in my mouth.
“Don’t worry Steve, it’s nice when others want to watch…”
I glanced over as I continued sucking and saw a middle-aged couple sitting on the bench in the corner. The guy was closest to us and his wife (or so I assumed) was rubbing his cock bringing it to an erection. She gave me a smile and I went back to focus on Marcus. I began to massage his huge balls as I sucked and licked him and wrapped my free hand around his shaft bringing more deep moans.
I heard moans from the other bench and when I looked over the woman was bent forward with her husband’s cock buried deep in her mouth. He was staring intently at me sucking and playing with Marcus’ huge tool. The woman looked up for a moment and when she saw me looking at them she raised her head.

“My husband wishes you were doing that to him.” She went back down on him.
This seemed to bring Marcus to the edge and I felt his thick cock starting to twitch as more deep moans escaped his lips.
“Soon,” he grunted, “soon…”
The woman stood up and led her husband over so they were standing right next to us and rubbed his erection while I sucked Marcus to the edge. I felt Marcus’ hand on the back of my head and a loud “Yesss…” as hot thick sperm hit the back of my throat with force. I tried to swallow and as I gulped a second and third wad filled my mouth. I almost choked but swallowed it.
He released the pressure and withdrew slightly as I carried on rubbing his thick shaft and squeezing his balls and more shots squirted over my lips and cheeks in a seemingly endless stream until my face was covered with his cum. As he relaxed back on the bench the woman whispered in my ear:
“Would you take Jim’s load too? It would be so horny to watch you.”
I turned my face towards them and she wanked him inches from my mouth. I looked up at her and opened my lips letting her see Marcus’ cum all over my tongue.
“Look Jim, a nice spermy mouth for you to cum in…”
She guided his stiff cock into my mouth and he groaned as I started running my tongue over it. It was nowhere near as big as Marcus’s but it was nice and stiff and I managed to get most of it in between my lips as I bobbed my head up and down. It didn’t take long before he started grunting and shot his first load across my lips and over my forehead.
He managed to get the next two wads in my mouth and his wife gently pulled my head forward onto his cock to suck out what remained. As he subsided she took his cock out from between my lips and rubbed it over my cum covered cheeks before bringing it back for me to lick clean.
She whispered to me again. “Thank you, thank you so much. That was so horny – I’ll make it up to you later.” She smiled and walked out followed by her husband. I looked over at Marcus with a huge grin on my cum covered face. He was still breathing deeply recovering, eyes closed. I left and walked towards the showers, stopping at the water dispenser to drink I don’t know how many cups of ice-cold water. I really didn’t care now if anyone saw me still hard and with a face full of sperm.
After a long cool shower, I wandered back out onto the terrace noticing that there were now half a dozen or so people enjoying the pool. Tom was still sitting at the same table but was now accompanied by others who had pulled up a few tables nearby. The couple from the steam room were among them. I walked over slowly, water dripping down my body as I picked up my towel from the empty chair next to Tom. He looked up at me.
“Ah, good timing Steve, we were just about to order aperitifs. How was your swim?” he asked with something of a wicked grin. I stood there still quite hard with everybody’s eyes on me. I didn’t feel any embarrassment, quite the opposite and feeling more confident I decided to play up to the situation.
“Yeah, it was good thanks…” I said trying to sound casual as I raised the towel and started drying my hair. With my arms up above my shoulders, I was totally exposed to the group and the vigorous motion made my cock swing from side to side. I heard a few appreciative murmurs. Draping the towel over the back of the chair and pretending not to notice the attention I sat down as Tom called the waiter over.
I looked around the group and didn’t recognize anyone apart from the couple. The guy was deep in conversation with another man but the woman made eye contact and gave me a wink. She mouthed the word, “Later,” and smiled.
By now the sun had moved round and this part of the terrace was bathed in warm light. Climbing plants on a trellis gave some shade but the front of the terrace was open looking out across the lawns and garden down to a lake. Tom noticed my gaze.
“You should go and explore later. The grounds are quite extensive, and there are some beautiful spots.” I looked at him smiling, wondering if he had any more surprises waiting for me of if he just wanted to see what I got up to on my own. I still wasn’t exactly sure of what he expected of me, but after what had just happened with Marcus and the couple I was beginning to get a good idea.
I sat back, glad that the chairs had comfortable cushions and enjoyed the sun drying my naked body. I still hadn’t cum, but that felt good. I’d been permanently aroused for a couple of hours with my cock at least semi-hard all the time and the tingling feeling in my glans was nice. After yesterday’s adventures, it felt good to prolong the pleasure as long as possible and I was in no rush to bring it to a quick climax.
The waiter re-appeared with a large tray of drinks and began handing them around. I took an Iced G&T the same as Tom. It had a slice of lemon. I turned to Tom.
“No mint?” I said inquisitively.
Tom smiled at me. “Why don’t you ask Michael to go and get some?”
I remembered how Tom had given me the locker keys earlier to take to the woman at reception and guessed that this was another of his games. Michael handed the last of the glasses to the other men sitting at our table.
“Excuse me, but could we have some fresh mint please?” I asked holding up my glass feeling more confident.
Michael responded immediately. “Yes, sir, I’ll see if I can find some.”
Tom grinned and winked at me. I was still a bit light-headed from the steam room and sipped the ice-cold drink slowly. The soft babble of conversation spread around the tables and I sat back casually looking around the rest of the terrace. There were a few older couples sitting further along and men of all ages from thirty upwards, some alone, some in small groups. It wasn’t crowded, maybe two dozen people beyond our group.
Then I spotted an attractive younger couple at a table in the far corner. I’d caught a brief glimpse of them coming out of the showers while I was swimming but hadn’t thought any more of it. My mind began to wander pondering what brought them here. There was only one obvious answer, they liked to be nude and didn’t mind doing so in front of others. I began to imagine what else they might enjoy but Marcus walked over and pulled up a chair to our table. He had a look of peaceful contentment on his face.
The waiter returned with a crystal bowl full of freshly chopped mint and placed it on the table between Tom and I. I saw him looking down at my hard cock as he stood back up.
“Sorry for the delay, sir. I had to send one of the maids out into the garden to pick some fresh,” he said, blushing when he realised that I’d caught him looking at my cock. I gave it a couple of slow rubs as I thanked him, much to Tom’s amusement.
“You are enjoying this, aren’t you?” he teased. I just grinned back at him.
“Looks like Marcus has been enjoying himself too,” Tom said knowingly.
“I’m dry as a bone, in more ways than one,” Marcus responded before calling to Michael for a drink.
“Care to elaborate?” Tom asked teasingly.
Before he could answer the woman from the couple interrupted. “Yes, I think Jim is too…” She glanced at her husband and then over at me. None of this was lost on Tom. Jim turned from his conversation at the sound of his name and looked first at his wife and then at me. He smiled and nodded raising his glass, Marcus did the same. Tom nudged me I lifted my glass and leaned forward to clink it with theirs.
“Cheers,” Jim toasted, Marcus and I responded with the same and we each took a large sip. Jim looked at me smiling.
“That was quite a performance, Steve. Where did you learn to do that?”
By now the other conversations had stopped and everyone was looking at me. I turned to Tom and raised my glass. “I’ve got a very good teacher…”
Tom raised his glass to mine. “And you learn very quickly, cheers!”
We both took another sip as everyone smiled and there were a few comments of, “Yes please,” and, “Me next,” from some of the other men. The woman interrupted again:
“Now, now, Gentlemen – don’t be greedy! I promised Steve that I would say thank you to him properly first.” She turned to me.
“So Steve, do you fancy a little walk before lunch?”
I looked at her curiously. To be honest I hadn’t really paid her that much attention in the steam room being busy with other things but she was very attractive in a mature way. I was experiencing so many new things and was pleasantly surprised to find that older people, both male and female were attractive and a lot hornier than I’d ever imagined.
“Sure,” I replied, smiling at her.
She called the waiter to refill our glasses. She stood and took my hand and led me down across the lawn, hand in hand. I didn’t notice, but after a minute the young couple from the corner got up and followed us. Tom, of course, noticed with interest. As we walked down towards the lake she looked at me:
“Well Steve, we haven’t been properly introduced. I know your name because Tom told us about you. I’m Michelle and thank you for what you did earlier. It’s been one of Jim’s biggest fantasies for a long time.”
I didn’t quite know what to say.
“I, um, I guess I’m just learning lots of new things about myself and er, about other people too…”
“Mmm,” she replied and we remained silent as we approached the lake. We stopped by a long wooden table. Michelle pointed across the water to a white summer house in the style of a Greek columned temple.
“That looks like a good place for some fun, but we don’t want to be late back for lunch, do we? Besides, I don’t want to keep you waiting any longer. Sit on the table.”
She pushed me back until my thighs touched the end and then made me sit spreading my knees. She moved one of the wooden chairs round and sat in front of me. I watched as she lifted her arms and reached behind her head untying her long silver hair that was bunched at the back of her head. As she shook it out her breasts swung from side to side and it cascaded down over them bringing a big smile to my face.
“Hi, mind if we join you?”
We both looked up a little surprised and saw the young couple standing there. The woman had long curly blonde hair and was rubbing her husband’s hard cock slowly. It stood out a good seven inches.
“Well, I’m just about to give Steve his thank you present for sucking my husband off in the steam room earlier…” Michelle said straightforwardly and looked up at me. Before I could respond, the blonde chipped in again.
“Well, if he sucks my husband off too, I’ll give him a reward as well!” She looked at me with a grin.
“Sure, why not,” I replied and they walked over and stood next to us. Michelle looked up at me with a grin.
“Naughty boy…” she said sexily and then bent forward engulfing my hard cock in her mouth. She moved up and down taking more of its length inside each time until I could feel my tip pressing against the back of her throat. I leant back on my elbows and looked down at her face which was mostly hidden under her long silver hair.
She raised her head and held the tip of my cock between her lips for a moment taking a deep breath through her nose before sinking back down. She didn’t stop until my entire length was buried deep in her throat. I let out a deep moan as she stayed like that adjusting to my cock.
The blonde woman led her husband by his erection over to me and held his cock in front of my face.
“I'm Alison and this is Martin. I’d love to watch you do that to him.” She gave his hard cock a few more strokes in front of my face. I opened my lips ready and she pushed him forward guiding it into my mouth, then stood back watching as I began to suck him.
“Mmm, that’s so fucking horny,” she said and started to finger herself as she stood there watching. “I want to see you make him come, but not yet!” she giggled.
His cock was a good eight inches now but not that thick. I kept my head still and let him fuck my mouth as I felt Michelle sliding me in and out of her throat. When she stopped to gasp for some air I heard the blond woman again.
“Can I come and help?” Michelle looked over at her with a wicked grin.
“Be my guest,” she replied. “I’m sure Steve won’t complain with both of us working on him…”
As Michelle moved over slightly making room for the blond woman I felt the warm air on my saliva-covered cock. My knees were forced as wide apart as possible. I felt a different hand start to rub slowly up and down my slick shaft and managed to look down while keeping Martin's long cock in my mouth to see his young wife kneeling next to Michelle giving me a slow handjob. When she saw me and her husband watching she licked her lips and lowered them down over my erection.
I moaned as I carried on sucking Martin. Not to be outdone, Michelle got down on her knees beside her and started to lick and suck my balls taking them into her wet mouth and running her tongue over them. Martin put his hand on the side of my face and turned me back to face him as he pushed his cock deeper into my mouth almost making me gag. He withdrew and then did it again slowly continuing until it was pressing on the back of my throat. He didn’t try and force it but kept up a steady rhythm sliding it in and out.
Michelle raised her head from below the table and tapped Alison on the shoulder.
“My turn now, I want that cock inside me.” Alison lifted her head and smiled before going down and taking over licking my balls as Michelle climbed up onto the table and knelt astride my hips. She adjusted her position and reached down to pull her pussy lips open before lowering herself onto my throbbing cock.
The new sensation almost took me over the edge immediately as she started sliding her tight wet cunt up and down my shaft but I was distracted a little by Martin quickening his pace in my mouth. He had a clear view of Michelle riding me and his wife’s bare arse kneeling between my legs licking my balls. It was quickly getting him to the point of no return.
“Oh god! Yes… make me come…” he pleaded as I sucked him harder.
There was a sudden shriek from under the table as Alison raised her head and yelled out, “Oh no you don’t, not yet, I wanna see this!”
Martin dutifully withdrew – it was clear who was in charge here. She quickly stood and walked round the table, grabbed hold of his stiff cock and looked at me.
“Open your mouth and put your tongue out.” She liked giving orders.
I stuck my tongue out invitingly. She started rubbing Martin’s cock furiously and slapping it against my tongue. Michelle sunk down on my cock and stayed still to watch as Martin let out a guttural groan and Alison jacked him against my tongue for all she was worth, her hand a blur on his engorged shaft. Martin was there and with a final grunt began shooting thick wads of cum into the back of my throat.
Alison kept rubbing him and pointed it at my cheeks and face as he squirted more and more finally slowing down and putting it back in my mouth for me to lick clean. When he was totally spent Martin stood back with a deep sigh and Alison lent forward to lick her husband’s cum off my face. Michelle interrupted her.
“No, leave it there like that and you can show the others when we get back,” she smiled. Alison let out a dirty giggle and nodded.
“Mmm, that sounds fun…”
Michelle began to ride me again and for the first time, I got a good view of her as she slid up and down on my cock. Her long silver hair was strewn wildly across her shoulders with a few strands hanging down over her ample breasts which bounced with each thrust. There was a look of sheer wantonness on her face which turned me on no-end.
Alison stood next to Martin and started blatantly fingering herself as they watched. As Michelle began moving up and down faster, I knew I wouldn’t last much longer. My breathing was getting ragged and I was moaning deeply between each gasp of breath. Michelle knew how close I was and built up the pace even more. As she thrust down hard taking my whole length deep into her cunt I exploded with a loud grunt and started pumping my cum inside her.
She held still squeezing with her internal muscles making wad after wad of it shoot up deep into her womb. As I finally subsided she leant forward, her slightly droopy breasts pressed against my chest and she kissed me deeply.
“There Steve, how was that? Feel better?”
“Mmmmm…” was all that I could reply as I lay there trying to recover my breath. She slowly lifted herself off me and got down. Looking over at Martin and Alison she smiled.
“Normally I’d ask one of you to lick me out, but today I think I’ll just let it trickle slowly down my legs, it will add to our little show when we get back. I hope you two will join us for the rest of the afternoon…”
Alison immediately accepted the invitation. “Oh, we’d love to wouldn’t we, Martin? I’ll keep myself nice and wet on the way back then we’ll all have something to show.”
Michelle held out her hand and helped me off the table. We walked back up the lawn to the terrace hand in hand. Alison, true to her word kept two fingers buried in her cunt the whole way back.