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Aunt Lisa - Chapter 1

"Steven learns about his aunt and cousins"

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Author's Notes

"This is based on my fantasies as a teenager."

When I got in from school, mum told me that Aunt Lisa had rung. She wanted to know if I could come over at the weekend and help with some stuff in the garden. Mum suggested I gave her a call back to talk about it.

I’d always liked Aunt Lisa, she was mum’s older sister but only by a year. She’d always been fond of me since I was a baby, maybe because I was born in the same week as her own twins. Although I didn’t see that much of her or my cousins now that I was sixteen, she and mum always remained very close and there was still something special about the bond between us.

She had a nice place out on the edge of town – not one of the new-build monstrosities but an old house in a secluded location that they’d renovated when she and her then-husband first moved there before us kids were born. It had always seemed idyllic to me; surrounded by woods and fields, no neighbours, no traffic. Her husband had long since gone and was not spoken about. Aunt Lisa made no secret of her long-term boyfriends but as far as I knew there hadn’t been one for a couple of years now.

I took my school bag up to my room and changed into my jeans leaving the uniform strewn across the chair. It was Friday, so I didn’t have to worry about it being creased in the morning, not that I normally did anyway. I went back down to the kitchen and made myself a cup of tea. Whilst the kettle was coming to the boil I smiled to myself thinking that I’d usually be spread-eagled naked on my bed by now, eagerly rubbing my stiff cock to whatever magazine I’d managed to find recently.

There was a slight bulge in my jeans as I poured the boiling water and added the milk, but that wasn’t anything new. Taking the mug I went through to the living room and sat down by the phone. I dialled Aunt Lisa’s number.

I heard the phone ringing at the end of the line. When she picked up she must have seen the number and assumed it was mum.

“Oh, Steve – it’s you, Um – thanks for calling…”

“Mum said you wanted some work done or something?” I replied.

“Yes. Well, yes I do but it’s not exactly what I told Ange about…” (Ange is her sister, my mum.)

“Oh?” I said, not sure what she meant.

“Well, let’s just say you won’t be getting all sweaty in the garden but we’ll keep it between us for now, if that’s ok?”

“Yeah – sure,” I said, still totally confused.

“I was wondering if you could come over tomorrow if you’re not busy but come to think of it you could come over now if you haven’t got anything on. I could make you dinner and you can stay over…”

I’d split with my girlfriend three months ago so Friday evenings weren’t exactly full of excitement at the moment.

“Ok, I can be there in half an hour if you want…”

“Oh, you’re an angel, Steve, promise I’ll make it worth your while.”

With that, she hung up. I sat there for a moment and sipped my tea, none the wiser as to what she wanted and not really caring – it would make a welcome change and besides it was always good to spend time with her.

I went into the living room and told mum about the change of plan. She just smiled at me.

“That’s nice of you Steve, I’m sure Lisa will appreciate it.”

Five minutes later, I was cycling up the road towards the village. It wasn’t a village anymore and hadn’t been since my grandparents' time but that’s what everyone still called it. After pushing the bike up the short hill, I was free-wheeling down the narrow lane and turned into the secluded drive that led to Aunt Lisa’s house.

It was set back amongst chestnut and oak trees and completely hidden from the quiet road. I loved it here and suddenly realised how much I’d missed it. I’d always had a completely free rein to explore the woods, climb the trees and get as messy as I liked.

Leaving the bike lent against the garage I went to the front door. It was open as usual so I walked straight into the kitchen. There was no sign of Aunt Lisa or anybody else so I went through to the living room. It too was empty. After an unanswered shout up the stairs, I went back outside and walked around to the large garden at the back. What I saw didn’t exactly shock me, but did take me by surprise.

Aunt Lisa was lying back on a lounger. She was completely naked. This wasn’t unusual, nudity was never really an issue in our family as Mum and Lisa had both been brought up to accept it as a natural part of life, but I couldn’t remember a time when I’d ever been alone with her like this. She looked up with a smile.

“Oh, Steve – that was quick. I’m so glad you could come over.” She sat up resting on her elbows. The afternoon sun was still high above the tree line and bathed the garden in golden light. I stared at her, unable to take my eyes off her breasts. They weren’t particularly large but had a perfect teardrop shape topped by small dark circles surrounding her nipples.

There weren’t any tan lines on her body. She remained silent for a while making no attempt to divert my gaze. Finally, she spoke softly.

“Come and sit down. Can I get you a cup of tea or something? I’ve just opened some wine if you want a glass…”

I sat down on a wooden garden chair and she handed me a glass of cold white wine without waiting for my reply. My cock was already straining against my jeans.

“You can take those off if you want – you always used to run around here naked like the rest of us. It’s much more comfortable.”

I hesitated, my head reeling. There was nothing I wanted more than to strip naked in front of her now, but I hadn’t contemplated this happening and knew that if I did my erection would soon be at full mast.

I took a gulp of wine and just smiled back at her.

“It’s quite alright Steve, I know what boys and men look like when they are around a naked woman.”

She stood and stepped forward, then squatted in front of me and patted my knee.”

“It must be very hot in these…” she said, running her hand down my denim-covered calf.

I watched as she united my trainers and slipped them off; then she reached up looking at me with her lovely smile as she undid the button on my jeans and tugged down the zip. When she hooked her fingers into the waistband I instinctively lifted my hips letting her pull them down to my ankles along with my boxers. My almost fully hard erection sprang out but she didn’t stop until she’d peeled the jeans and shorts over my ankles and removed my socks; then she looked up.

She stayed kneeling there for a moment, smiling up at me as she watched my erection twitching. Leaning forward she kissed the tip of it very lightly making me gasp. Then stood and sat next to me on the garden seat. She handed me my glass of wine and took a sip from her own before turning to me.

“You’ve certainly grown since I last saw you without your clothes Steve, and I must say you’re a fine young man.” She placed her hand on my now throbbing erection and stroked it very gently a couple of times.

“Don’t worry, Toby and Beth won’t be back till late…”

Releasing my engorged penis she took her glass and sipped.

“There are a few things I’d like to ask you about if you don’t mind – private things… I need some advice about Toby.”

I nodded. “OK.”

Taking a rather too large gulp of wine I spluttered and ended up spitting half of it out down my t-shirt. She put her hand on my shoulder reassuringly and took my glass, waiting until I’d got my breath back.

“Let’s get this wet shirt off, shall we? There’s no need for it here. The garden’s not the reason I asked you to come over, Steve. I need some help with something else.”

I looked at her, still with no idea what she wanted and waited for her to continue.

“You and Toby are the same age, you’re both boys…”

She paused and sipped her wine.

“Do you mind if I speak to you about private things?”

“I don’t mind,” I replied softly.

“Well, your mum and I aren’t exactly shy, as you know, but we’ve never tried to interfere with what you children like when it comes to intimate things…”

I looked at her still baffled.

“I’d like to ask you some things, things I hope will help me understand Toby at the moment and what he wants.”

I nodded, “OK,” again.

“Ok, well – do you ever think about your mum when you're aroused? Don’t be embarrassed please, if you can be honest with me, it will really help.”

I nodded slowly. “Yeah, sometimes….”

“Have you ever looked at her underwear or tried it on?”

I remained silent for a moment before nodding again.

Lisa put her hand on my arm gently. “Thanks for being honest, Steve. Toby likes it too and I don’t want to spoil it for him. I know he borrows my stockings and underwear and I haven’t tried to stop him but I don’t want him to feel like it’s something he needs to hide. As it’s just the three of us here, we all go naked around the house and I’ve told both the twins that they don’t have to go to their rooms if they want to masturbate.”

I sat listening to her in silence, thoughts of my cousins naked on the sofa running through my mind. Did Beth play with herself? Did she let her brother watch? Had she seen Toby playing with himself? I wished that I lived there with the three of them and was part of this.

I realised that I was staring at my aunt’s lovely breasts again, my hard cock was throbbing as her voice gently brought me out of my imagined dream.

“Will you do something for me, Steve? I want to help Toby with whatever it is that he wants…”

I looked up at her, no longer embarrassed about my erection. I was still nervous, not knowing what to expect but I knew a line was being crossed, that she was inviting me to share something intimate, something normally taboo.

“I’ll do anything I can for you, Lisa, if it’s what you want me to do…”

She stood and held out her hand. “Come with me.”

I followed her into the house and up the stairs. We passed Toby and Beth’s rooms and went into her bedroom. I could remember being in here once or twice before when I was much younger but couldn’t recall why. There is a large window overlooking the back garden and out across the meadows.

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The room smelt of some kind of exotic incense, the curtains and furnishings were a soft gold giving the large space an intimate relaxed atmosphere. Lisa opened the top drawer of the dresser and then went and sat against the pillows at the top of her bed.

“Pretend I’m not here, Steve. I’ve already told you that you can come in here and play with anything you like; just do whatever you want to…”

My head was reeling as I took in what she had just said. I looked down at the contents of the drawer and my pulse quickened. Slowly I began to examine the neat piles of lacy underwear and lingerie. One pile seemed to be short nighties (I didn’t really know exactly what they were then) so I lifted the top one out and held it up. There were two thin straps attached to the black lacy bodice which filled out in sheer black satin around the hips. There was lacy trim around the bottom. When I held it against myself it was barely long enough to cover my balls, not that it could with my erection standing rigidly in the way.

I rolled it up carefully and slipped my arms through the straps, then somewhat ungraciously wriggled into in and tried to smooth it out. Touching my body through the lace and satin was electric. I stood back and looked at myself in the mirror on the dresser. I liked how it looked on me. Gathering up the lacy hem I wrapped it around the base of my erection and adjusted it under my balls. I had to hold it tightly to keep my balls and stiff cock sticking out the front. I caught sight of my aunt in the mirror.

She was sitting propped up at the top of her bed. Her legs were wide open and she was slowly rubbing herself. She had a strange smile on her face. When she saw me looking at her she just nodded at me and slowly inserted her finger into her obviously wet pussy. I didn’t need any more encouragement and turned back to the drawer knowing that I must be doing what she wanted me to do.

I found a black suspender belt and some matching stockings. Mum had one, but it was much more functional; the contents of Lisa’s dresser were sensual – provocative, meant to allure.

After some fumbling, I managed to get the suspender belt done up behind my back. I sat on the edge of the bed and started trying to put the stockings on. Aunt Lisa watched me struggling for a few moments and then moved down and sat beside me. Without a word, she removed my hands and took the stocking back off my leg, then rolled it neatly and began unravelling up my calf.

She pushed me back gently so I was lying on my back and rolled up across my thigh. She did the same with the other leg. When she got to the top her face was inches away from my throbbing erection. Neither of us spoke.

She stood and held out her hand, pulling me up and then fastened the suspender clips as I stared down at her. When she was finished she stood behind me, turning me to face the full-length mirror by the dresser. She lifted the sheer satin chemise above my waist and we both stared at our reflections, my erection now framed by the suspenders and stocking tops. She whispered into my ear.

“You look gorgeous, Steve, so sexy – how does it feel?”

My throat was dry, I was tingling all over with excitement and arousal beyond anything I’d felt before.

“It’s… nice… um, sexy... kinky…. I, um, I like it…”

“Wait there.”

She turned and walked out of the room. I heard her take a couple of paces along the landing and open a door. A minute later she returned with some clothes in her hands and dropped them on the bed.

I looked at her and then at the small pile of clothes.

“Would you like to try these?” she asked softly.

I nodded. I was trembling. “Yes…”

She lifted the chemise over my shoulders, leaving me naked again apart from the stockings and handed me the short navy skirt. I knew it must be one of Beth’s that she wore to school. I stepped into and pulled it up. Lisa did up the zip and button at the back. Next, she gave me a small white bra and helped me put my arms through before she fastened the clip. Last, was a white short-sleeved blouse that I slipped on.

“Leave it undone,” she instructed.

We again stood in front of the mirror, her behind me with her hands on my shoulders. My erection was visible, lifting the front of the skirt with the navy pleats falling down either side. She slid her hands down my back and around my bare midriff pulling back against her.

“I can see now why Toby enjoys this so much. I think we’ll have to talk to them both, if you’d like that, Steve?”

She didn’t wait for an answer but reached down and cupped her hand under my balls and began to gently massage them. They were still hidden under her daughter’s skirt. I was losing control rapidly and moaned out loud. She didn’t stop. Her other hand was now caressing my nipple under the white bra. That was it. I grunted and bucked my hips as the first jet of cum sprayed out all over the mirror.

She kept squeezing and coaxing my balls as jet after jet erupted from me covering the glass and slowly running down blurring our reflections. I’d never cum without someone touching my cock before, it was amazing.

I felt my knees starting to give way as the final spurts landed on the carpet and began dribbling down my shaft. Lisa pulled me back onto the bed and we collapsed together holding each other tightly.

Neither of us spoke for a long while.

Eventually, when my breathing had returned to normal I found that she was caressing my hair and still holding me tightly against her body.

“Thank you, Steve. We can have lots of fun together if you’d like that.”

I smiled to myself and moved my hand up onto her breast, leaving it there and just holding it, warm in my hand.

I don’t know how long passed. She whispered into my ear.

“You can touch me anywhere you like Steve. You can do more than just touch if you want to.”

Without waiting for my response she removed my hand and guided her nipple into my mouth. I began sucking. It was already hard and stiff so my lips just locked around it. She held the back of my head, stroking my hair with her other hand as I suckled on her.

“That’s nice, isn’t it? I like you doing that,”...

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Written by plz234
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