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Mrs. Claus, Keynote Speaker

"Evelyn Claus rings in the New Year in the company of lovely women."

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Competition Entry: Coming Together

Author's Notes

"Happy New Year, everyone."

“Oh, Nicholas, you look exhausted this year.”

“It’s a labour of love, my dear.”

Mrs. Claus rubbed her husband’s knotted shoulders. “Shall we raise your North Pole?” she asked, leaning in to nibble on his earlobe.

“You should pack, love. The Arctic and Antarctic aren’t exactly next door. They’re poles apart,” he joked.

“It’s already done. Everything’s in the sleigh.”

“Well in that case…” he said, unbuttoning.

“Oh, Nick, you charmer,” she laughed. She gave his shoulder a squeeze. Moving around the chair to face him, she maintained contact, trailing a finger down his chest.

“Guilty as charged,” he winked, as he freed his prodigious length.

Evelyn Claus knelt, drawing him into her mouth. He moaned at her first long, slow suck. Her lips slid along his rigidity, as she applied firm, steady suction. Before long, she allowed his cock to slip from between her lips. He groaned at the loss of contact. She lifted her maxi skirt, hooking her panties down past her hips, sliding the underwear to her ankles, before stepping out of them.

Nicholas stood. “Iron throne or Chair Doggy Style?” he asked. “I’m too tired for more…acrobatic endeavours.”

In answer, she bent over the chair seat, rather than its back, bracing herself with her forearms. She wriggled her plump ass. Nick lifted the skirt over his wife’s broad hips.

“Merry fucking Christmas to me,” he said. “Evelyn, if I wasn’t still full of milk and cookies, I’d eat every inch of your sweet ass.”

He entered her slowly. She moaned, throatily; was wet and ready for him. Sucking cock always made her cleft glisten with dew. Sure, they were old, but vigorous; they’d never needed NP jelly, the North Pole version of KY jelly that the sex-obsessed elves used. Soon Nicholas’s pelvis was slamming repeatedly against his curvy wife’s ass, with pounding strokes. His thick cock stretched her labia. Their pleasure built until they came together; he grunted while she moaned her pleasure.

That evening, they said their goodbyes at the sleigh.

“Have fun and bring me back a penguin,” he joked. She’d raved about seeing penguins for weeks. And what better way to fulfill her dream than to spend New Year’s Eve with a group of scientists who lived with the creatures year-round.

“I didn’t get down that way this year—to the research bases: no children. So, the elves packed Christmas gifts for the lady scientists.” Nicholas wanted to wink but kept a straight face.

“Just scientists, dear,” she corrected. “Not lady scientists.”

“Just fucking with you, sweetie,” he laughed.

“Have fun with the boys. And, Nick, don’t listen to Mr. Frost. Jack claims to suck a better dick than me, but he’s full of reindeer shit. Have a gay old time,” she winked.

The reindeer were eager to set off. The group of young deer would take over on the big day, in the year to come; another generation of reindeer had just retired. Hyper-sonic speeds were a young deer’s game. At this stage of their training, the trip to Antarctica would take almost two days, with a three-day stop planned so Evelyn could lie in the sun on the beaches of St. Thomas. By next Christmas, the reindeer would zip around the world in no time flat

The sleigh had everything Evelyn might need. It was open to the air, but climate controlled. No matter what altitude the sleigh reached, the air didn’t thin out. Nick had never once come close to filling up the magical, elfin storage hold.

Landing just outside Korea’s Jang Bogo station, in Antarctica, on the morning of December thirty-first, Evelyn was deeply impressed with its futuristic look. Its triple-winged modules were a lovely blue. She read the English on a bilingual banner: Welcome, Charlotte Olympia. Happy New Year.

Holy shit. Charlotte was the hottest young designer. Evelyn had a few pairs of her heels. The best things about Ms. Olympia, Evelyn felt, was that she catered to plus-sized women as well, not using the one-size-fits-few approach of the other high-end fashion houses. On the morning of Christmas Eve, as was their tradition, she and Nick had opened their gifts. Nick grinned as she’d unwrapped another pair of the famous designer’s footwear, but not heels. He called them designer fuck-me boots. And fuck her he most certainly had.

It’ll be a thrill, meeting Charlotte. I’m happy I didn’t pack just practical and casual clothing. The sleigh sure beat flying first class, when it came to luggage allotment. The elves had written out tags on the gifts, but she couldn’t read most of them. Joyeux Noël, Delphine, one read. Evelyn idly wondered what the French woman would unwrap. There was a crate of Champagne in the hold.

Evelyn, apparently, didn’t rate her own banner—as Charlotte had—but she was welcomed enthusiastically. “Evelyn Claus,” she said shaking hands with the group of women who’d assembled. Her assigned translator was lovely. A tall beauty from Seoul, Kyung-Mi had waist-length hair with an enviable sheen, and soft highlights. Her limbs were long. They were so slender that her elegant legs were not all that much thicker than her graceful arms. They must all be a part of the fashion contingent, Evelyn thought, as she admired Kyung-Mi’s heels. By Olympia Couture, of course.

Kyung-Mi named each of the women. Evelyn smiled but would never retain the information. The women were all stunning. But she could hardly wait to meet the scientists.

“Mi-Sun is a meteorologist,” Kyung-Mi added. The woman smiled. And what a smile!

“Nari, a glaciologist.” Was glaciologist suddenly a synonym for bikini model? Evelyn wondered, stunned.

Young-Soon, who was extremely petite, possessed passable English so gave her own job title: Oceanographer. Evelyn thought of Nick with a smile. He joked about small women, saying it was a good thing to come in small packages.

Min-Gee: Biologist; Jin-Ae: Chemist.

Delphine, the woman whose gift Evelyn had spotted earlier, announced her specialty, the title rolling off her tongue. Her soft voice was melodic: Géologiste. Delphine was gorgeous. She was plump, with strawberry blonde ringlets and emerald-green eyes. And freckles. Evelyn loved freckles. 

As it turned out, Kyung-Mi, the translator, wasn’t an editorial model with a specialization in sexy thigh-gap. “I’m an Atmospheric Physicist. I have the best English, so I’ll translate.” She shrugged. “Space is at a premium, so if you don’t mind, you’ll bunk with me.”

In the same bed, Evelyn hoped.

Delphine smiled, taking Evelyn’s hand. Her accent made Evelyn more than a bit tingly, as did her mix of French and English words. “Les visiteuses can ‘ardlee wait to meet zee pingouins,” she winked. “Eet is true wiz you as well, non?”

Fuck me, Evelyn thought. These panties are ruined.

“I’d love to see the penguins. And if you will help me unload the sleigh, you’ll find presents the elves packed for you. No peeking. You can open them tonight. And I’m sure some of you would like to meet the reindeer.”

Kyung-Mi translated. The excited women scattered to collect their outerwear. The reindeer were a hit, of course.  

“After breakfast, we’ll go out to see if there are some penguins about. There’s no natural habitat here, but we can take snowmobiles out. We should see some Emperor or Adelie penguins.” Looking at the sleigh, Kyung-Mi lowered her voice: “if I can be so bold as to hope for a ride,” she said with a quirk of her head toward the sleigh, “we can go visit an area that has thousands of penguins.”

“Sharing a ride with you would be a highlight of my trip,” Evelyn winked. She was out of practice, flirting with new people.

Kyung-Mi smiled, taking Evelyn’s arm, leading her to their shared accommodation. Evelyn was disappointed to see an actual bunk bed.

“Top or bottom?” Kyung-Mi asked. “I cleaned up earlier.”

Evelyn’s quick mind filled with responses: whichever one you’re using; or I’d love to top you; or even, it’s a shame you cleaned up, I love a bit of pussy tang.

She went with option four. “I’m easy.” She winked; Kyung-Mi’s smile broadened.

The expedition was a success. They saw loads of seals, and a few of the tuxedoed gentlemen on the floes.

A group of businesswomen had arrived by plane while they’d explored the area. They didn’t look happy. Evelyn retired to her room. Whatever was going on, she didn’t want any part of it. She’d had a most wonderful day and didn’t want it ruined.

Kyung-Mi returned, looking stressed. Evelyn took her hand. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

“Charlotte’s charter was diverted. Mechanical issues. She’s cancelled, and we have a group of angry alphas, and no speaker for their dinner tonight. Would you do it, Evelyn? Make a speech?”

Kyung-Mi looked deeply into her eyes, beseechingly. Evelyn nodded her response. Kyung-Mi leaned forward. Evelyn did too. The lovely young woman captured her lips. Evelyn’s growing attraction was apparently reciprocated. And if the books on Kyung-Mi’s small shelf were an indication of her preferences, it couldn’t be better. There were Harper Bliss titles, who wrote beautiful, lesbian age-gap romances. And then there were the books by Lee Winter…and Evelyn had packed a power suit.

When Kyung-Mi saw Evelyn in her business attire, she looked weak at the knees. Evelyn gave her a playful wink. “Later, sweet Kyung-Mi. We’ll have our time together.” They kissed again, more deeply. Reluctantly, they broke apart.

“I need to make notes for my speech.”

At the dinner, Evelyn stood at a lectern, arranging her notes. Her heels added inches to her height.  

“Hello, ladies. I’m Evelyn Claus, COO and co-founder of North Pole Christmas Works. I’m your replacement keynote speaker.” Everyone looked pissed, except the scientists. Tough crowd. She waited for Kyung-Mi and Delphine to translate.

She’d written speaking points but, given the frosty glares, decided to just wing it.

“You must have some questions. Let’s open up the floor.”

“We’re businesswomen. It must be nice for you, relying on slave labour.”

Evelyn waited for the translations. She was immune to snark, standing there in her power suit, with Delphine and Kyung-Mi at her side. She caught Kyung-Mi’s eye. Lee Winter novels, huh? Evelyn channelled her inner Ice Queen.

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“I understand that you’re all from the fashion industry. And I’m sorry, but you must have missed the memo. Charlotte Olympia isn’t here today. I’ll answer your question for her, though. Yes, most of my heels are produced in sweatshops.”

Kyung-Mi laughed, as did others. Delphine translated first to give her colleague time to recover.

“Seriously though, the elves unionized in the 1840s. But I’m sure the children in your factories are all treated very well.”

Well shit, I’m on a roll now. She tossed her speaking notes over her shoulder. There was more laughter, and all at once, since there was no need to translate.

“And I was sorry to hear about the factory collapse earlier this year. Since your industry revolves around models who all have a-cups, structural support must be foreign to you,” she said, hefting her DDs.

She scanned the faces and then side-eyed her two translators. Kyung-Mi looked so damned beautiful, standing beside her. When she laughed, her head titled back, exposing her long, elegant neck. Evelyn would spend some time there. Lick and kiss that perfect flesh. And Delphine looked like pure sex. She wore a low-cut blouse that drew Evelyn’s eyes.

Evelyn continued. The time it took to translate allowed her time to think of new jokes.

“The fashion industry is youth-centric. And speaking of breasts, your models will probably grow into larger cup sizes. It’s not easy to fill out a bra when you’re only thirteen years old.” 

A woman threw down her napkin and stormed out. But not fast enough.

“Wait,” Evelyn said to the woman’s back. “I know that you’re eager to leave, but normally, the bulimia follows the meal.”

Even some of the fashion women were laughing now.

“Sustainability is not something that the fashion industry is known for. We struggle with it at the North Pole, too. But with some little blue pills, Mr. Claus’s erections can now be sustained for up to four hours. Sometimes longer, but by then, my jaw is too sore to continue.”  

Her stand-up routine continued. She’d won over most of the crowd. Kyung-Mi’s smile never wavered; she was the first to laugh at Evelyn’s jokes.

After the meal, Evelyn schmoozed with the businesswomen.

“I didn’t think we were here to get roasted,” said an older American woman. “But that was so much fun. Thank you. I’ve been a mentor to Charlotte and had looked over her speech. It was on the theme of her new campaign: Live your Adventure,” she said waving her arm in an encompassing gesture. “And between us, it was a fucking snooze-fest.”

Most of the businesswomen had thawed, while Evelyn’s bitchy comedy had done wonders for Kyung-Mi’s libido. She knew because the young physicist was on her arm, translating, and had leaned into Evelyn, the breath of her whispered voice warm in the older woman’s ear. “That suit…those heels…your confidence and humour. Evelyn, I’m dripping with need for you.”

Delphine, on her other arm, had also leaned in, catching Evelyn and Kyung-Mi’s eyes in turn. “Un ménage à trois, les filles? J’adorerais lécher vos jolies fentes.” Evelyn didn’t need to translate for Kyung-Mi since Delphine had raised splayed fingers and waggled her pink tongue between the V they formed.

“Check, please,” Evelyn joked.

At 10 p.m. they convened for a party in the lounge. There was a pile of gifts to open. Evelyn played Santa. Kyung-Mi read out the names on the packages.

Young-Soon was called first. The package contained a vibrator and black lingerie. The bra was open cupped, a design that framed the wearer’s tits without covering them. There was also a garter belt and stockings, but no panties. And sexy stiletto heels. Evelyn gave Kyung-Mi a worried glance.

“She’s an exhibitionist,” the physicist murmured.

Young-Soon stripped. The bra supported her small tits, framing the bottoms; her upturned nipples stiffened in the open air. She put on the garter belt and then bent to slowly roll her stockings up her legs, all eyes on her. Her labia were prominent. She walked up to Evelyn, who admired her confident strut in the heels. “Thank you, Santa,” she said, giving Evelyn an open-mouthed kiss.

That set the tone for the evening. Min-Gee got riding boots, formfitting breeches and a cream-coloured top. Evelyn knew that the breeches were formfitting because the pretty, thirty-something scientist stripped to her underwear, putting on the ensemble. Her gift package also contained a riding crop and strap-on dildo.

“Thank you, Santas,” Min-Gee said, kissing both Evelyn and Kyung-Mi. She then slapped Young-Soon’s bare ass with her riding crop.

“Oh, this one’s mine,” Kyung-Mi said. She read the tag, and something was written inside. She looked at the text, and then read it out loud: “it says: your translation services deserve additional rewards.” The package contained an ass plug, dildo and vibrator. Next, she pulled out a vintage, grey lace, high-waisted panty and matching bra set. Charlotte Olympia heels. And an e-reader pre-loaded with thousands of lesbian romances.

Evelyn swallowed hard when Kyung-Mi stripped to put on the lingerie. Her toned physique made everyone inhale sharply. In the heels, she towered over Evelyn.

“Thank you, Santa,” she said bending to meet Evelyn’s lips. Evelyn moaned into Kyung-Mi’s mouth.

“And this is from Mrs. Claus,” Evelyn said producing her business card. On the back was written: Start the year with a ride on Santa’s sleigh.

Delphine was also rewarded for translating duties. Her toy was a chili pepper-shaped glass dildo. She’d received pearls, diamond earrings, and a lovely gold bracelet, but no lingerie. She’d also received thigh-high fuck-me boots. She stripped, putting on her boots, jewellery and “emperor’s new lingerie”. When she kissed Evelyn, their large, soft breasts pressed together. The older woman couldn’t resist kneading the French beauty’s ass. As Delphine kissed Kyung-Mi, she too couldn’t help but grasp a handful of Delphine’s soft flesh.

Evelyn produced another business card. “From Mrs. Claus and Ms. Kyung-Mi Park: Start the year with a ride on Santa’s sleigh.”

“Oh,” Delphine screamed; her large breasts jiggled even after she’d stopped bouncing up and down.

There were gifts, too, for the other scientists and those businesswomen who’d joined them. How did the elves always know who’d attend, weeks before? Evelyn would give them hugs and cook them a feast. Bless those hard-working, horny little magical beings.

Evelyn smiled at the joy that was in the air. She’d tasted the mouth of every woman in the room.

Before midnight, Champagne was popped. The countdown started. Everyone yelled: Happy New Year; open-mouthed kisses were shared all around. Later, women left, hand in hand, for nights of shared passion, in pairs or threes. Only Evelyn, Kyung-Mi and Delphine remained.

“This was an enchanted day,” Evelyn said as they bundled up to walk to the sleigh. Evelyn was proud, a beautiful woman on each arm. One tall and slender, the other short and curvy.

They shed their outwear. Kyung-Mi was in her vintage bra and panties. Delphine in nothing but her thigh-high boots. Evelyn stripped to her underwear: a lovely red Christmas set, with little bows. Soon airborne, the three women marvelled at the view.

Delphine and Evelyn were first to turn away. They devoured each other’s mouths. Evelyn ran her fingers through Delphine’s soft ringlets. They sat, Delphine snuggled between Evelyn’s legs, pressed against the older woman’s chest. Evelyn’s hands reached around to cup soft breasts, her own nipples hard against Delphine’s back. Evelyn tugged and lightly pinched a nipple, with increasing pressure, using the French woman’s breathing to guide her hand. At the same time, she teased Delphine’s soft belly with light caresses, lower with each light stroke. Delphine splayed her legs. Evelyn’s teasing fingers moved to her thighs. She wanted Delphine to beg for her touch.

Baise-moi,” Delphine cried. And fuck her Evelyn did. She slid a finger along Delphine’s wetness, before parting her folds, rewarded with a throaty moan. She found a perfect rhythm, and just the right pressure, her middle finger sliding along the wall of the young woman’s vagina.

“Another” Delphine moaned; with her accent, it sounded like “anuzair”. Evelyn complied, fucking her with two fingers. Before she could find her release, Kyung-Mi slid to her knees in front of Delphine. Evelyn’s hands went back to Delphine’s tits, while Kyung-Mi’s tongue lapped at Delphine’s wetness. When her tongue darted to circle Delphine’s clit, she exploded with pleasure, her contractions unrelenting.

Evelyn removed her bra. Kyung-Mi slid the red panties down her legs. Both women caressed Evelyn’s large breasts. Kyung-Mi and Delphine each took a nipple between their lips. The women started slowly and soon were tugging at the nubs with hard suction.

“Teeth. Hard.” Evelyn’s rapture didn’t allow for full sentences. When the women clenched down on her nipples, Evelyn moaned. Oh, the exquisite, blissful pain. Kyung-Mi increased her pressure, teeth locked on a stiff peak, while Delphine trailed kisses down Evelyn’s belly. Evelyn now regretted teasing the young French woman; she needed Delphine’s tongue on her centre. Instead, the beautiful woman’s green eyes locked with Evelyn’s as she used her fingers, lips and tongue to tease every bit of flesh, except where Evelyn needed her most. When she finally dipped her tongue between Evelyn’s swollen vulva, the older woman moved her hips to meet the deft tongue strokes. Delphine continued to lap at her opening, and then locked her lips around Evelyn’s clit. With teeth biting down on her nipple, and hard suction on her clit, Evelyn exploded with her orgasm.

Delphine knelt on the padded bench, offering a tit to Kyung-Mi who sucked at it greedily. Evelyn stroked the tall scientist’s long, slender legs and soft, satiny thighs. Evelyn’s need to taste Kyung-Mi was all-consuming. She placed a kiss on Kyung-Mi’s smooth, shaved mons and then delved into her slick vulva. Kyung-Mi wrapped her long legs behind Evelyn’s head, pulling her tight against dripping snatch, until spasms rocked the young physicist, her thighs clenching hard, unable to take more contact.   

Amidst a sea of penguins, Delphine and Kyung-Mi knelt on the bench, arms around each other, heads bent together. Evelyn sighed at the new lovers’ tenderness and then turned to watch the penguins.

An envelope slid from a slot in the sleigh. Evelyn had hoped there would be one this year. You are cordially invited to the wedding of Kyung-Mi Park and Delphine Garnier at the North Pole on December Tenth, 2022. She wished she could stay to witness the women falling deeply in love. Evelyn—or Eve, as she’d once been known, millennia ago—revelled each year in the magic of bringing two women together; it kept her young.

Written by CDTaylor
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