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Am I Bi? Chapter 3

"David tells Kelly about Ben and Kelly helps Becky explore her bisexuality"

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When David returned home a little later than usual that evening, Kelly knew that things may have gone pretty well at school. They had worked at different campuses that day so she got home well before him.  

"How did it go? Did you see Ben?" she asked trying not to sound too eager.  

"Better than I thought," David answered mysteriously.  

"OK mister, come with me," she said leading him by the hand into their bedroom.  

It was one of their private rituals. When one of them had a sexy story or encounter to relate, they would lie on the bed together, naked. The storyteller would lie with his or her lips close to the other's ear and a hand on their naughty bits. The story would be whispered and the listener's fun parts fondled. It was one of their favorite sex games.  

"God I love you, you fucking pervert. Now tell me what happened - in full and lurid detail. Please."  

David cupped Kelly's pubis and began to describe the afternoon's activities, his breath tickling her ear. As he reached the part where Ben had pulled down his track pants, she began to squirm. "Fuck this is hot - keep going," she moaned.  

As he related how he had taken Ben's cock in his  mouth she cried, "Slow down!"  

"What the narrative or the fingers?"  

"Your hand dammit! I don't want to come yet."  

David could feel and hear her juices flowing and adjusted his pressure so that he was hardly touching her. Despite this, Kelly could feel her orgasm building. Her whole body tingled as she pictured the erotic scene.  

Soon, without realizing it, she was grinding against his hand, her legs spread wide, her breathing coming in sharp gasps. David just held his fingers still.  

"Oh fuck!" she cried as the speed and intensity of her orgasm took them both by surprise. She slammed her legs shut, trapping his hand between them, as her body convulsed with several aftershocks. He had hardly been touching her.  

"I told you to slow down." she giggled.  

"Pity you didn't mention it to yourself."  

She giggled again. "That was a big one. I wish I could have watched you two."  

"Well, he wants to come over and meet you - get you to help him decide if he likes women too."  

"Mmmm...I can't wait. Guess is coming to my office for counseling day after tomorrow."  

"The Headmistress?"  

She slapped him on the ass and said, "No silly. Becky Gordon."   


Two days later, a tearful Becky Gordon sat in Kelly's office dabbing at her eyes with the tissue Kelly had given her.  

Becky was one of her students and Kelly had been deliberately testing her out. She was well aware that most of the boys, and some of the girls, had the hots for her - after all, she was an extremely sexy looking woman. Some days, she was so turned on by the attention, so horny, that she had to slip into the staff bathroom for a quick 'mental health orgasm' as she liked to call them. Other days, she just waited until she and David were in the car and attacked him on the way home.  

Most of the students stole furtive glances at her legs under the table when she wore a short skirt to class, or at her breasts when she 'accidentally' left a top button undone on her tight-fitting blouse. Becky, on the other hand, sat right down the front of the classroom and watched Kelly's movements closely, especially on the short skirt or undone button days.  

Becky was tall for a girl, albeit two inches shorter than the statuesque Kelly, who stood an imposing 5' 10". She was very pretty and, with her perky breasts and delectable round bottom - possessed a sensuous young body.  

"What's wrong Becky? What could be upsetting you so much."  

"I, I think I might be sick Mrs. Johnston. I get these strange feelings and I do ..... awful things. I can't help it."  

"Do you trust me Becky?" she asked as Becky responded with a silent nod.  

"Then you know you can tell me anything, absolutely anything and I won't judge you or tell a living soul."  

"OK. You know Melissa Cartwright?"  

"Yes I know Melissa," Kelly said recalling one of the pretty 'cool' girls in year twelve. Although quite sexy to look at, Kelly got the impression that she was also a bit bitchy.  

"We were at a party last weekend and we were playing a game where you had to go into a closet with someone for two minutes. Somehow, I got paired with Melissa. As soon as we shut the door she started kissing me. Not a peck on the cheek but a real passionate kiss like you do with boys," she sniffled.  

"What did you do?" asked Kelly feeling a tingle in her crotch already.  

Becky, blushing furiously. hesitated and muttered, "I kissed her back."  

Resisting the temptation to ask her how it felt, Kelly asked, "What happened next?"  

"She put both her hands on my boobs and started moving them around. It felt amazing and I started to get really sexed up straight away."  

"Did you do the same to her?" asked Kelly unable to help herself.  

"I started to but I had my back to the door and she noticed it being opened before I did. She quickly took her hands off me and yelled out 'Becky's a lezzo!'. They all saw me pull my hands away from her chest and laughed and jeered at me."  

"Couldn't you just say you were joking too?"  

"I tried but they drowned me out and then someone pointed out that my nipples were showing they were so hard," cried Becky and then she burst into tears.  

"I don't think they'll believe that you are actually a lesbian for long. Not if they don't have any reason to."  

"That's not the worst part Mrs. Johnston. The worst part is what I did next."  

"What do did wasn't bad to start with, Becky. Did you punch her or something?"  

Becky looked up at Kelly with an indignant expression. "No! I would never do that. I went home straight away and went to bed early.... and then did what I always do."  

"What was that?" Kelly asked, her heart pounding.  

"I umm... touched my self, down there," answered Becky, not able to look Kelly in the eye.  

"And what was the bad bit?" Kelly asked knowing exactly what she meant.  

"I touched myself DOWN THERE, until I, you know, had a climax."  

"I still don't know what you did that was wrong," Kelly said soothingly, feeling herself getting wet.  

"I played with myself while I was thinking about that kiss, even though she was so horrible to me. I couldn't control myself. Not only that, I do it all the time! I told you I'm sick!" Becky started sobbing.  

"Becky, what you have described to me is perfectly normal behavior. You may have an unusually strong libido, I don't know, but your actions are NOT sick."  

"You don't understand," Becky responded with exasperation in her voice now and determined to make the slow counselor realize what she was getting at. "She's a girl, I'm a girl so maybe I AM a lesbian. Besides that, I did the same thing when I kissed a boy."

 "Everybody gets turned on now and then...."  

"Not like I do Mrs. Johnston. I do it nearly every day. Sometimes I have to go to the toilets and do it in there I get so, so...."  

"Horny?" Kelly interjected. "You're not the only one. Sometimes the way you look at me in the classroom makes me horny too."

There. She had said it - called Becky out as gently as she could. She could hardly breathe as she waited for her response. Had she gone too far?  

Becky's face was bright red but when she looked up she was smiling shyly.  

"You noticed? You didn't mind? You, you like it when people look at you like that - as if they want to do things to you?" she stammered.  

"Oh yes, I love it. While I was putting myself through university, I worked as an exotic dancer - a stripper - and I loved the attention. Knowing that the men and some of the women wanted to do sexy things to me made me very hot."    

To Kelly's relief, Becky's mood and her demeanor had changed markedly.  

"Are many people like that?"  

"Becky, there are about one hundred and eighty pupils in years eleven and twelve in this school and I have been a counselor here for over seven months. I can't give you names of course but I can tell you that there are at least five gay boys, three lesbians, one cross-dresser and several bisexual kids among them."  

"Wow, I never realized. But what's 'bisexual' mean? Is that what I am - I wonder?"  

"It means being sexually attracted to both sexes and it's much more common than you might think. I am one such person."  

"But you're married to a gorgeous ex-footballer who everyone has the hots for....."  

"Becky, you don't need counseling so much as someone you can talk to who can relate to your feelings. I'd love to talk to you more about those feelings but not at school. Not as your counselor but as your friend. Would you like that?"  

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"Oh, I'd love that Mrs. Johnston!"  

"OK. are you busy on Saturday afternoon?"  

"No, I don't have many friends I trust at the moment."  

"Would you like to come to my place? David, Mr. Johnston, will be out all afternoon. I'd love you to visit but only if you call me Kelly."

That afternoon, she and David were lucky to make it out of the car park before Kelly attacked.



The following Saturday afternoon, David went to the gym and agreed to stay out for a few hours. It was a typical, cold August day in Melbourne so Kelly made sure the heating kept the house nice and warm. She could feel herself creaming with anticipation but she knew she had to take it slowly.  

When Becky knocked on the front door, Kelly quickly checked herself out in the mirror and answered with a cheerful "Hi Becky! Come in, let me take your coat."  

"Hi, Kelly. I hope this is still alright."  

When she took Becky's coat, Kelly's heart skipped a beat. As her arms were pulled backward, her chest stood out boldly. Her breasts seemed much larger out of the school uniform. She resisted the temptation to cup them from behind and motioned Becky into the kitchen.  

Becky was wearing a tight pullover and light blue jeans and looked absolutely adorable. Her lovely dark blonde hair, normally in a ponytail at school,  came down past her shoulders and she was wearing just a hint of makeup.  

Kelly walked ahead of her into the kitchen knowing that Becky would probably be watching her delicious ass closely. She had dressed in a loose-fitting halter top with no bra and tiny cut off denim shorts. Becky didn't know whether to feast her eyes on cleavage, side boob, camel toe or ass cheeks as she watched Kelly move sensually around her kitchen.  

"Wow, Kelly. You look fantastic!" she exclaimed wishing she had worn something sexier.  

"Thank you, Sweetie, you look lovely, although you might get a bit hot in that jumper."  

Becky accepted the offer of a glass of Pinot Gris and they sat on stools at the kitchen bench. Kelly noticed that Kelly was admiring her breasts in particular.  

After some small talk about the weather, school politics, and football, Kelly decided it was time for some candid conversation.  

"How have you been since our talk on Thursday?"  

"I felt so much better after I spoke to you, Kelly. I realized that I'm just another teenager who has certain feelings...."  

"Did you last until you got home?"  

It was a loaded question. Becky considered asking for clarification but decided that it was better to be frank with this stunningly sexy but caring woman.  

"Yes, but I went straight to my bedroom when I got home - told my mother I had a headache."  

"What did you do then?"  

"I took off all my clothes and got into bed. Then I lay there going over our conversation and touching myself. I climaxed twice."  

It was such a raw, honest statement that Kelly was momentarily thrown off her game-plan. She saw Becky's gaze shift and looked down to see that her own nipples were hard and clearly visible through the thin material of her halter top.  

"Would you, ahem," Kelly croaked, "like to test out your theory that you might be bisexual?"  

"Yes, I'd like that. I'd like that very much, Kelly. May I kiss you?"  

Once again, Becky's candor had thrown her and Kelly could only nod and stand up. It was Becky who came to her and Becky who initiated the kiss. What began as a very tentative meeting of the lips gradually became more intimate as their probing tongues danced together, for several minutes.  

They were both breathless when they finally broke the kiss and held one another close.  

"Did you enjoy that?" asked Kelly knowing full well that Becky was hooked on kissing women now.  

"Oh so very, very much," sighed Becky, "can we do it again?"  

And so they embraced again this time clutching one another tightly, their breasts squashed together. Kelly could feel the rough texture of Becky's woolen pullover teasing her nipples through the thin material of her halter top and her libido soared out of control She thought about trying to reign it in until something made her realize that she was not alone in the strength of her feelings.  

Becky was humping her thigh. Subtly at first but with increasing ardor as her arousal climbed quickly.  

"Becky, is this one of those times when you feel like you need to come?"  

"Oh," she giggled, slightly embarrassed, "I didn't even realize I was doing it."  

Kelly stepped back. "Let's take a quick break for a moment. Are you sure you want to go further?"  

"If we don't. I think I'll explode," Becky giggled again. "I haven't felt this sexed-up since I kissed Ben and touched his thingy. Oops, I shouldn't have said his name."  

"I know who you mean Becky, I've seen you two holding hands. He is gorgeous and such a nice boy. Why do you think you guys haven't gone further?"  

"Lack of somewhere to do it for one thing. The other thing is that he is a bit confused about his feelings like I am."  

Kelly thought it better not to mention what she knew, about Ben's sexuality. Choosing to focus again on Becky.  

"Do you like them?" she asked noticing Becky staring at her nipples again. "Would you like to see them?"  

"Oh yes, very much. I have admired them for months - but you already knew that" she giggled.  

"OK, I will lift up my arms and you can take my top off. I want you to be sure that this is what you want."  

She raised her arms and Becky grasped the bottom of her top and pulled it off over her head.  She looked at Kelly's large, firm breasts and gasped.  

"They are so beautiful, may I touch them?"  

"Of course but I'd better sit down first. My legs are getting a little weak."  

Kelly sat back on her stool and Becky began to caress the magnificent orbs. She stroked them gently with a feather-light touch and when her fingertips fondled Kelly's super-sensitive nipples she let out a loud groan. When she bent to suck a nipple, Kelly knew she had to move.   

"Let's go into the living room," Kelly said breathlessly, "I'm gonna fall off this stool."  

To Kelly's surprise, the teenager took control as soon as she flopped onto the sofa. Kneeling between her legs, she quickly undid and pulled down Kelly's tiny shorts and panties, pushed her thighs apart and stared at her hairless mound and swollen, wet vulva. Kelly watched the girl staring at her for several seconds willing her to touch her somewhere, anywhere. Then, with a deep sigh, Becky bent forward and began to explore Kelly's genitalia with her lips and tongue. She sucked her lips one at a time, probed her vaginal opening and finally licked her throbbing clitoris.  

Kelly came immediately. The build-up had been so intense that she was almost there when Becky had first sucked her nipples. Now she came and came reveling in the exquisite pleasure radiating through her body from her spasming cunt.   

As she slowly regained awareness of her surroundings, Kelly's hazy gaze finally focussed on Becky who had pushed her jeans and panties to mid-thigh and was openly fingering herself.  

"Wow, that was quick," she teased looking Kelly straight wantonly. "Now I need to do this so bad."  

"Oh no you don't," Kelly exclaimed as she lunged at the girl, "That MY job!"  

With that, she pushed Becky on to her back, ripped her jeans off and dived in between her thighs savoring the sweet, virginal vulva with its swollen lips and clit and freely flowing secretions.  

She quickly brought Becky to the edge and teased her for a while until Becky begged for release. A loud and enthusiastic recipient, of Kelly's oral expertise, Becky exploded in a spectacular orgasm leaving her sobbing and whimpering with relief.  

As they lay, exhausted on the soft carpet of the living room floor, they rolled toward one another to embrace tenderly.  

"I've never felt anything like that," Becky sighed before they joined in a long, deep kiss.  

"It was wonderful for me too, Becky. Now, how do you feel about testing out the straight side of your bisexuality? David will be home in thirty minutes."  

Becky thought fo a moment before replying. "I think that's a great idea but can we do it again before he gets here?"  

"OK Sweetie, let's go and wait for him in the big bed. I'm sure we'll think of something to keep us occupied until he gets here."



In the next Chapter, both Becky and Ben get an opportunity to explore their heterosexual sides and both get a big surprise.   





Written by KaneOZ
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