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Wanted - Live In Slave/Submissive Part 3

"Connor and Ashley get to know each other"

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“Strip,” Connor said as they entered the condo once again. 

“Yes Sir,” she replied with a smile as she quickly removed her clothes, leaving only the collar in place. 

“Follow me and I’ll give you the tour,” he said as he grabbed her overnight bag. 

“Here’s the kitchen, I can cook so if you are able we can share responsibilities as I hate eating out all the time,” he said as he walked her through the kitchen.

“I’m no gourmet chef but I am more than able to share the load. How often do you go grocery shopping or will that fall under my sole responsibility?” she asked as they made their way toward the bedrooms. 

“I go once a week and that is something that we can do together. I have a cleaning service that comes weekly as well so don’t worry about that. Here’s the half bath for guests and general use. Next to it is the linen closet. This door leads to the master bedroom,” he said as he opened the door and gestured for her to enter.

Ashley took in the large bedroom, the king-sized bed sat against the far wall, and the bedcovers were shades of dark gray. Two walls were made completely of hurricane-resistant glass with blackout curtains pulled to the side, giving a picturesque view of the city. 

“Through that door is the bathroom and that one is the closet. I’ve already made some room for your clothes,” he said as he tossed her bag onto the bed. 

“Thank you,” she replied as she walked into the spacious bathroom. Two of the shower walls were glass bricks with a large glass door. The jacuzzi tub was directly across from it. Thankfully there was a double vanity, with the left side open.

Next, she explored the walk-in closet, and true to his word, a third of it was empty as well as several drawers for her use. 

“Anything that doesn’t fit, we can store somewhere else in the apartment. As for any furniture, I’ll pay for a storage unit,” he said from the doorway with her bag in his hand.

“Thank you. Do you mind if I unpack?” she asked as she took the bag from him. 

“No. Go ahead, I’ll be in the bedroom if you need me,” he replied as he turned and left. 

It only took her a few minutes to put her few articles of clothing away. She had only packed for the weekend and the following Monday. 

“All done!  Do you have a specific time that you want me all moved in by?” she asked as she walked back into the bed. 

Connor looked up from his iPad and thought for a moment. 

“No, it will be at your discretion. Come on, there is one last room to show you,” he said as stood up and held out his hand. 

Grabbing his hand, she was led out of the bedroom and to a plain-looking door just across the way. 

“This room is our private space. The cleaning will fall to you as the cleaning service does not and shall never enter this room. No one but the two of us will have access to or see this room,” he said with a serious tone. His eyes bore into hers with an intense gaze. 

“Yes Sir. I understand,” she replied. Her nipples grew hard and erect, as goosebumps spread across her body. His commanding presence washed over her body, sending spikes of pleasure through her. 

With a nod of his head, he opened the door, leading her inside. The walls were the same color as the rest of the condo with the same wood floor. What stood out first was the queen bed with only a fitted cover sheet with a single pillow in the center. As she took in the rest of the room, her brain began registering the other items in the room. A St. Andrews Cross, a spanking bench, and a restraint table took up space along the walls, leaving the center of the room open. Finally, she noticed a large armoire behind her close to the door. 

“While in this room, you will be expected to follow any and every command that I give you. Only the safeword will save you from punishment if you disobey me,” he said as he pulled her leather collar from his pocket. 

Stepping behind her, he undid the delicate clasp and placed it on a small hook in the armoire. Next, the leather collar was secured around her neck, to the point where it was felt all around her neck, but did not restrict her breathing. 

Connor reached out and guided her body to where she was kneeling on the floor facing him. His hand lifted her chin so that he could look directly into her eyes. 

“Last chance. Do you Ashley fully submit to me as your Dominant?” he asked with a serious tone. 

“Yes Sir,” she replied with as much conviction in her voice as she could muster. 

“Very well then,” he said as he pulled her to her feet before guiding her to the bed. 

“Lie down, pull your knees up to your chest, and spread your legs open,” he said as he went to the armoire. 

Ashley did as she was told, her breathing became heavy and labored but she never felt more alive than she did as she waited for her Dominant to return. Looking down at her lightly covered pubic region, made her wish that she had asked for time to shave beforehand. 

“Before I claim your pussy for the first time, we need to begin your anal training,” he said as he approached her. 

In his hands were a bottle of lube and a small black silicone plug.  He squeezed a large amount of lube onto her puckered hole before using his fingers to slowly loosen her sphincter muscle.  

Ashley let out small moans of pleasure as his fingers worked on lubricating her ass. Her hands wanted to reach down and rub her clit, only the fact that she had not been given permission, kept her hands where they were. 

“Here it comes,” he said as he pushed the plug in place. 

She did the best that she could to keep her body relaxed as her ass stretched over the bulbous head, before closing around the stem. 

“How long will this be in place Sir?” Ashley asked once her body adjusted to the plug. 

“Unless necessary, it will remain in place until tomorrow morning,” he replied as he began removing his clothes. 

Ashley watched with bated breath as she saw him fully naked for the first time. To her pleasure, his body was not overly hairy with defined muscles. His cock stood straight out from his body, ready to claim her pussy for the first time. 

Connor let out a moan of pleasure as he ran the head of his cock, up and down her opening. He was pleased to find it already wet and ready for him. He continued to tease her opening and clit with the head of his cock, running it up and down. Finally, once he could no longer wait, he pushed his hips forward entering her pussy for the first time. 

“Fuck!” she said as her walls were stretched open by his cock. 

Her legs moved to wrap around his thighs, accepting and encouraging him to sink more of his cock into her depths. Her inner walls hugged his shaft as he slowly moved forward until their pubic bones pressed together, applying much-needed stimulation to her clit. 

“I will be filling this pussy full of my cum, no condoms, so you will be either on the pill or have the implant” he stated as he slowly pulled his hips back. 

“I’m already on the pill, so fill my tight little pussy full of your cum,” she said as her back arched in pleasure as his hips slid forward once again. 

His only response was to increase the speed of his thrusts, slowly bringing the pair to their release. His hands gripped her hips tightly as he began thrusting his hips harder and harder with each thrust. 

“Oh god, Sir! Can you little slut cum?” she begged. Her hands were gripping the sheets tightly, trying her best to hold off her orgasm. 

The combination of the plug, his relentless thrusting, and the deep feeling of submission were too much for her at the moment. She could feel that she was at her breaking point but didn’t want to disobey and cum without permission. 

“Yes, cum for me my little slut,” he said as he pushed his pubic bone aggressively against her clit. 

“FUCK!” she moaned as her walls spasmed around his shaft. 

A few thrusts later and his own release happened, flooding her pussy with his cum. His cock sent four spurts of cum deep inside her body. 

“That’s it, Sir, fill my pussy with your cum,” she encouraged as she felt him empty his balls into her hole. 

“Thank you, Sir, for allowing your slut to cum,” she said once her breathing had returned to normal. 

Connor lay across her body, enjoying the warmth of her skin against his as her inner walls held his deflating cock. He looked her directly in the eyes and instead of responding, captured her lips with his. Taking control he pushed his tongue into her mouth as his right hand grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her mouth firmly against his.  

Ashley melted into the kiss, allowing her Dominant to take complete control. The grip on her hair sent tingles through her scalp and body. As his tongue explored her mouth, she felt a fresh wave of arousal roll through her body. She hated that she wasn’t able to submit all three of her holes to him but the fullness that she felt from the plug was enough of a reminder that he would soon enough. 

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Connor broke the kiss as he slowly withdrew from her inner embrace. 

“Come on, let’s go take a shower,” he said once he was fully standing while holding out his hand for her. 

Nodding her head, she took the offered hand and followed him into the bathroom. The water was quickly brought up to the appropriate temperature before they stepped inside. The dual waterfall shower heads felt amazing as the sweat and grime were washed away. 

Needing no prompting or command, Ashley began washing her Dominant. Her hands wandered his naked body freely as she used the loofah to scrub his body clean. She hung the loofah on the hook before soaping her hands to delicately wash his cock and balls. 

The air grew thick with sexual tension as her hand worked the soap all over his cock. Her eyes locked onto his, as her hands worked his cock. She eventually guided his body so that the water could rinse him clean. Once the soap was thoroughly removed, she leaned forward and gently kissed the head of his cock. 

She was tempted to take the entire thing back into her mouth but decided not to as she hadn’t been given a command. 

“As pleasurable as that was, let's finish up as I am famished,” he said as he pulled her to her feet. 

A half-hour later, the new couple was washed, dried, and dressed in some comfortable clothing. Connor wore black basketball shorts with a plain t-shirt, while Ashley wore a long white shirt that ended at her mid-thigh and only her leather collar. 

Connor prepared a simple dinner of spaghetti and marinara sauce with some garlic bread. Ashley sat there in amazement as she watched him easily pull together a delicious meal for them. 

“This is amazing, your cooking is a definite perk to this arrangement,” she said with a wide smile between bites of her food. 

“Thanks,” he said as he twirled his fork in the pasta in preparation to take a bite. 

Dinner was a lite affair of the usual getting-to-know-you questions and answers. Ashley upon finishing her meal collected the dirty dishes, loaded the dishwasher, and started it while Connor checked his work emails to ensure that the rest of the weekend wouldn’t be interrupted. 

The sun had long since set as the couple made their way to the bedroom for the evening. 

“Sir, I am going to take care of my grooming according to your instructions. Do you need anything from me beforehand?” she asked as he lay down on the bed. 

“No. Go on ahead,” he replied as he took off his shirt and lay down. 

Ashley took great care in shaving to ensure that no hair was left. She resided that waxing was going to be the way to go moving forward or investing in a better razor. 

Twenty minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom completely naked except for her collar.

“Would Sir like to inspect my grooming first?” she asked as she approached the bed. 

“Yes. Come stand here in front of me,” he said as he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. 

Ashley did as she was instructed, her breath quickening as his gaze roamed her naked body. The collar serving as a constant reminder of her submission as she slipped into subspace. 

“Spread your legs,” he said as he ran his hands up her legs inching closer and closer to her core. 

“Yes, Sir,” she said barely over a whisper as she complied with his order. 

Her breathing became labored and her pussy wet as he rubbed her outer lips with his hand, checking for any missed hair. 

“You did an excellent job for just having a razor,” he said with a smirk as he pushed his first two fingers into her pussy. 

“Ahhh…..thank you Sir!” she said with a surprised look on her face as she was not expecting him to push his finger into her. 

With his fingers fully coated in her essence, he slowly pulled them out and brought them to her mouth. Without a word she opened her mouth, knowing what he wanted. 

“Good girl,” he said as he pushed his fingers into her open mouth. 

Her tongue moved around his digits, savoring the taste of herself on his fingers. She sealed her lips around his fingers and began lightly sucking on them like she would a cock. Reluctantly he pulled his fingers from her mouth before pulling her onto the bed with him. 

His mouth immediately attached to hers as he positioned his body over hers. She instinctively opened her legs as he positioned himself over her. 

“Since you came out of the shower in nothing but your collar, that will be your normal sleeping attire unless otherwise directed,” he said after breaking the kiss. 

“Yes, Sir,” she replied without hesitation. 

He began peppering her face and neck with kisses before slowly moving down to her chest. Her right nipple was engulfed by his mouth. Ashley’s back arched in pleasure, encouraging him to take more of her breast into his mouth. 

Connor switched to the left breast engulfing it, as he used his hand to tweet and tease the recently released nipple. His fingers began pinching, pulling, and twisting the erect nipple. 

Small moans left Ashley’s mouth as her sensitive nipples were played with. The combination of his mouth and fingers was slowly driving her mad with pleasure. She could feel her core moistening as her clit begged for attention. 

Without warning, Connor adjusted his hips and pushed his hardened cock back inside her pussy. Both let out a moan of pleasure once he was fully inside of her. 

Unlike the first time, there was no build-up, this was pure animalistic fucking. His hips were a blur as he relentlessly pounded her into the mattress. 

Her nails clawed at his back, as whorish moans left her lips with each thrust. She latched onto his neck, sucking as he used her like a personal cock sleeve. 

Obscene noises came from their joining as she gushed around his cock. Her walls squeezed around his shaft in an attempt to keep it in place. 

“That’s it fuck me, Sir. Use me like the personal cock sleeve,” she said, spurring him on. 

Her legs began to wrap around her, but he roughly pulled from her core and positioned her onto her hands and knees. Connor was greeted with the sight of her plug still firmly in place and her pussy open and waiting for his cock. 

He stared at the sight before him for a moment longer before pushing his cock back inside of her dripping pussy. His hands gripped her hips tightly as he resumed his thrusting. 

Ashley had a small trail of drool leaving her mouth as she gripped the sheets tightly in her fists. A sheen of sweat covered her body as she dropped her chest against the cool sheets, giving him a better angle. 

Connor’s teeth were tightly clenched as he ruthlessly thrust in and out of her dripping hole. Using his thumb he applied pressure against the plug. 

The added sensation of the pressure against the plug was too much for Ashley. 

“Sir, I’m about to cum. Please let me cum!” she begged. She was right on the edge and wasn’t sure how long she would be able to hold out. 

“Cum, my little slut. Cum all over my cock, like the good little slut you are,” he said encouragingly. 

“Cumming!” was all that she was able to say as her pussy gushed around his cock. 

As much as he wanted to flood her pussy again, he had other plans. Pulling out he laid down on his back with his cock standing straight up covered in her cream. 

“Come and finish me off with your mouth,” he said as he made himself comfortable on the bed. 

Ashley struggled slightly as she was recovering from her most recent orgasm. She was finally able to get herself into position and take his slick cock into her mouth. This was the second time tonight that she tasted herself from some part of his body. This time though it was so much better than before as his precum was mixed in. 

Connor threaded his fingers into her hair but allowed her to set the pace. His cock throbbed as she licked around his balls before trailing kisses up the shaft. 

Ashley mapped every vein and inch of his cock with her mouth and tongue until his cock was completely clean. She used her right hand to massage his balls as she sucked lovingly on the head of his cock. 

“Here it comes!” he warned just before filling her mouth.

Ashley kept the seal around the head of his cock as he filled her mouth once more. Just like before she showed him the load on her tongue before swallowing his load. 

Connor pulled her close before pulling the blanket over them. Her back was pressed firmly against his front. Minutes later, the pair was fast asleep. 

Written by pheonix1987
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