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Paradigm Shift Part 2

"After a bit more discussion, the lessons continue with a spanking and progress both physically and verbally."

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When we were back in our house Harvey returned to the chair he’d been using, Aaron sat back down on the couch across from him, and without prompting I again knelt on the pillow next to Harvey’s knee.

“Dominance and submission is a head game, and as you can see Ann knows her place and her role in it for this weekend.”

“She seems so passive,” Aaron observed. “It’s so different from how she usually is. Is using that name a trigger for her?”

“Yes, it is; we talked about that when she invited me. What you’ve taken as passivity is just her being in a submissive mind-set,” Harvey explained. “It can be a huge mind-fuck to play with her head like this.”

It can be more than just a mind-fuck, I thought. I could really go for an actual fuck right now.

“What do you mean, play with her head?” Aaron asked.

“Let me ask you a question first. Where do you and she have sex?”

Aaron looked surprised. “In the bedroom, of course.”

“Why of course? And how is she dressed when you have sex?”

“She’s naked …”

“You were about to say of course again, weren’t you?” Harvey asked gently.

“Yes,” Aaron responded somewhat shamefully.

“Why do you limit your activities that way?”

“I … don’t know, it’s just …”

“It’s just how you were taught, more or less, when you were growing up, right?”

“I suppose. That’s also how we always talked about it, the guys, I mean.”

“Doing things in different places, and sometimes when she’s not undressed, can be erotic,” Harvey explained. “You could just walk up to her while she’s cooking dinner, for example, and just bend her over the kitchen table and take her.”

Aaron looked unconvinced and he objected. “What if she’s had  a bad day and isn’t in the mood?”

“There are two answers to that question. The first is that she wants you to do what you want regardless of whether she’s in the mood.” He used air quotes with his hands around those three words to further emphasize them. “The second answer is that she has a very strong sex drive, and if you did that she’d get in the mood very quickly. The worst that could happen is that you’d have to take her out for dinner or have food delivered afterwards.” I was nodding my head, silently agreeing with what Harvey was saying. Then he said, “At this point I think she’s already in the mood, but I’ll demonstrate anyway,” and he turned to me.

“You’ve been naughty, Ann,” he said in an accusing tone. “You got all wet in the restaurant.”

I was pretty sure I knew where he was going with this, and I was eager to play the game with him. “I know, Sir, but you were touching me and I couldn’t help it.”

Oh, God, that’s so true, I thought. At the time, I’d wondered if he might make me come, like that movie scene, and I was both terrified of the embarrassment I would feel if he did and excited at the prospect of a release that by then had been building up in me for hours.

“You have to be punished,” he said sternly. “Stand up, pull up your dress, and bend over my knee.”

Yes, yes, yes, I thought as I rose from my knees. Finally, he’s going to actually do more than just touch me. It was a bit of a tense moment, because I didn’t know how Aaron would react when Harvey got physical with me, but I was so anxious for it that I didn’t really care.

“Yes, Sir,” I said aloud. Knowing Harvey was left-handed, I pulled my dress up around my waist again and then I draped myself over his right leg, put both hands on the arm of his chair, and looked across the room at my husband. He was leaning forward and his face was a study in concentration.

Harvey ran his hand lightly over my ass cheeks, caressing them, and then his fingers slid delicately down my crack to feel the wetness between my legs. I spread them wider, wanting him to touch me more, but he just rested his palm on my left lower cheek.

“Do you remember the Nancy Sinatra lyrics, these boots were made for walking?” he asked lightly. Without waiting for an answer, he continued, “Well, this beautiful round tight ass was made for spanking.” He lifted his hand and then brought it down smartly, and I gasped and then moaned in pleasure. Aaron looked like he was about to jump up off the couch and rush over to us, but when he heard my sound of enjoyment he visibly relaxed and waited to see what would happen next.

Harvey smacked my ass again and again, alternating cheeks and getting oooh and ahhh noises from me after each swat. I was probably exaggerating those sounds for Aaron’s benefit, but I knew there was no doubt in Harvey’s mind that I was really enjoying the spanking. After about three dozen hits that got progressively stronger my ass was hot and I was sure it was bright red in color. When Harvey slid his fingers down my crack again and then moved them further and slipped them into my steaming pussy I let out a deep moan of desire.

“This is the problem with subs like Ann,” Harvey said jokingly. “It’s hard to punish them when they enjoy the punishment so much.”

“I don’t believe it,” Aaron said softly. “She always wants me to do more, and she gets wild in bed after I’ve spanked her, but the look on her face, the fire in her eyes … I’ve never seen her so turned on.”

“We’ve just scratched the surface,” Harvey told him. “If you think she’s turned on now, just wait a few minutes.” He put the hand he’d been spanking me with in my hair and pulled my head around so he was looking into my eyes. “Get up and stand with your hands on your head,” he ordered roughly, and I felt my pussy leak more secretions as I pushed myself up and obeyed his command.

Once I was standing Harvey rose and then slowly walked around me several times, looking up and down my body. I was proud of how I looked, but being examined so obviously, so intently, with my husband watching was a little humiliating, and I felt a blush creep across my face.

“She’s beautiful,” Harvey said with a tone of admiration, “and I want to see more of her.” He stopped beside me, and I was looking right at Aaron when Harvey said, “Take off the dress.”

I watched Aaron tense up. Another make-or-break moment, I thought anxiously, and then I kept my eyes on my husband while I reached down and pulled the dress up and over my head. Harvey took it from my shaking fingers, and without thinking I put my hands back on my head, returning to an erect posture with my breasts lifted from my arms being raised; they were in full view along with the rest of my body except for the tiny area covered by the wet thong that felt pasted to my pussy. My nipples were stiff with the arousal I’d felt all evening, and I thrust my chest out as if daring my husband to object to my display.

When Aaron didn’t say or do anything to stop him, Harvey walked around me again, looking up and down my body. Aaron had taken a lot of pictures of me a few years ago and I’d shared some of them with Harvey, including some of me naked, so he’d already known what my body looked like. But of course he’d never seen me like this, for real; he was making a good show of pretending I was being revealed to him for the first time, but I could see the carefully concealed lustful yearning in his eyes and that turned me on even more.

Then he put his hand on my breast, hefted it in his palm, and rubbed his thumb across my turgid nipple. I closed my eyes and groaned with pleasure and desire as a spark ran through me from my breast to my groin. He released my breast and slid his fingers down across my quivering belly to touch my sopping-wet thong and I groaned again, this time in even more intense need.

He pointed to the side of the room opposite the windows. “Go over there and put your hands on the wall.”

I started moving as he’d directed, and while I was walking carefully across the room in those very high heels, with my knees weak from excitement and horniness, Harvey went to one of his duffels and pulled out a flogger. He beckoned for Aaron to join him and the two of them stood on opposite sides of me with Aaron on my left.

“This flogger is deerskin,” Harvey told him, holding it up by its wooden handle. “It’s very soft, and it’s impossible to cause any damage with it as long as you stay away from the first four inches above her waist, where her kidneys are.” He pushed my hair off my back, changed his grip, pulled the flogger back, and then swung it so the tails landed in a tight group across my shoulder blades.

“Ohhh, yessss,” I hissed. The spanking had given me some starting sensations and now the flogger’s tails hitting my back, soft though they were, made my skin tingle and my body ready to release its endorphins. I didn’t know whether the pain would get to that level, but I was fine if it did.

Harvey flogged my back and then my ass and then he alternated between the two areas with occasional swats to the back so my thighs. I relaxed into the warmth of the rhythmic sensations and drifted away in a fog of pleasurable feelings. I was disappointed when he stopped, but then he got my full attention.

“Here, take it, it’s your turn now,” he said to Aaron. “You’re right-handed, so put your left hand on the back of her neck.”

“How do you know that?” Aaron asked.

“You’re trained to watch and remember things as part of your job, but you’re not the only person who’s learned to observe. I saw how you were at dinner; you used a knife in your right hand, your stronger hand.”

“Why am I putting my hand there?”

“For two reasons. First, to protect her so if a tail goes astray it will hit your hand instead of her neck. Second, to keep you at the right distance from her side so the tails land on her back and don’t wrap around her body.”

Aaron looked first startled and then respectful. “You really do know what you’re doing,” he said admiringly.

“I’m glad you think so, but my goal is for you to be able to do the same things. Now take the flogger and hit her with it. Swing hard; if you swing it limply the tails will fly everywhere instead of staying in a tight group.”

We owned a flogger, a cheap one bought at an adult store, and Aaron had used it on me many times, but this was qualitatively different. Aside from the feel of the leather, Aaron was being coached by an expert in how to use it to bring me pleasure, and it was just exciting as hell to have him do it. He swung the flogger onto my back and my ass, tentatively at first but then with increasing authority, and I drifted off again in that wave of pleasure. With one of Aaron’s hands on my neck and his other swinging the flogger, when I felt a hand on my pussy I knew it had to be Harvey’s. He slipped his fingers under my thong and stroked my vaginal lips, and I thought I would faint from the sheer pleasure of it.

“Don’t you dare come,” he whispered into my ear.

I moaned with repressed need and turned to face him. “Please, Sir,” I begged.

“Ask him,” he ordered, and I turned to look at my husband, who had continued to flog me.

“Please, honey, may I come?”

Aaron paused and looked down to where Harvey’s fingers were buried in my pussy. He looked shocked for a moment and then he looked up. I dropped my gaze, but out of the corner of my eye I saw Harvey shake his head negatively. When I looked back to Aaron his face was a mask of pain. He clearly didn’t want to deny me, but I shuddered in frustration when I realized he knew, like I did, that this was a lesson he needed to learn. Despite my neediness I was immensely grateful to Harvey when Aaron showed us he’d learned it.

“No,” he said, “not yet.”

Harvey withdrew his hand and Aaron resumed the flogging. I was aching with desire but I was also flying high with the knowledge that Aaron seemed to be truly figuring this out. After another few minutes he stopped again, and Harvey reached into a pants pocket and held up a tiny key.

“Take her to your bedroom,” he said, “and use her like you would on a Saturday night.” Aaron didn’t blink, so he must have figured that I’d told Harvey about our regular BDSM sessions. “Have her blow you, make her wait until she’s gotten you hard again, then pound her until you come inside her no matter how long it takes. Believe me, she’ll love every second of it. You can unlock and remove the chain if you wish, but I think she should stay in it for the rest of the weekend; it’ll keep reminding her of her submission, of her place in this scenario.”

He handed Aaron the key and then, without waiting for us to move, he turned and headed up the hallway to find the guest room where Aaron had put his suitcase and he’d be spending the rest of the night. When he was gone Aaron looked at me, I looked down at the floor, and he took my hand and led me, naked except for my thong and my new heels, almost running in his eagerness, up the hall and into our bedroom.

- - - - -

When we got into the bedroom Aaron pulled me close and kissed me urgently, and I responded eagerly, opening my mouth wide to accept his roughly thrusting tongue. Then he put his hands on my shoulders, pushed me back a few inches, and ran his eyes lustfully up and down my body.

“Harvey’s right, you look really hot in those heels.”

“I’m glad you think so; do you want me to keep them on?”

“Yes, and you looked fantastic tonight on your knees.” Without hesitation I dropped down and looked up at him with what I hoped he saw as adoring eyes. “Was he right, about the chain staying on?”

“Yes, he was. It’s a constant reminder and it keeps my head in the space I wish it was in more often.”

Aaron nodded once, then asked, “Was he also right, will you enjoy it if I do what he said and make you wait?”

I was thrilled that he asked that question. I would have been even more thrilled if he hadn’t asked and just done whatever he wanted, but this was an encouraging development and I immediately decided to reinforce what Harvey had said. “Aaron, honey, I am extremely horny. I need to come so bad I can taste it. My thong is soaked and my juices are running down my legs. But yes, he was right, and I will have nothing but respect for you if you make me wait and serve you first. That’s what I want; what do you want?”

I shut up and held my breath while I waited for his response. He’d never withheld my release, he’d always been considerate, in my view too considerate, of my needs and desires. But I hoped and prayed that Harvey had planted enough seeds for this one to sprout. I knew I would be forever thankful if that happened, and my prayer was answered.

“I want you to blow me, and you’d better not lose a single drop.”

I couldn’t resist teasing him; I wanted to see how he would react. “And if I do?”

“If you do you’ll wait a lot longer for your release,” he said gruffly. “Now get to work.”

“That’s real motivation,” I said with a smile, and then I unzipped his fly, reached in and pulled out his erection, which was as hard as I’d ever seen it, and swallowed his cock all the way to the root in one push. I worked on him hard and fast, repeatedly pulling back so only his cut head was in my mouth, swirling my tongue around it, and then plunging him all the way down my throat. It was obvious he’d been thoroughly turned on by what had happened throughout the evening, especially after dinner, because he filled my mouth with his hot semen after less than a minute. I swallowed frantically, determined not to lose any, and when he was done I pulled back and opened my mouth to show him the last few drops before I swallowed one last time.

He nodded without speaking, and I knew what I had to do next. Blowing him always turned me on, and at that point I was far more on the edge than usual. I knelt up, took his cock, which was still semi-hard, in one hand, and sensually ran my fingers over his muscular chest, sliding my nails across his nipples. I stroked his cock continuously, then moved my free hand down to cup his balls and lightly massage them. I was happier than I thought possible when he put his hands on my head, grabbed my long hair, and pushed my face against his thigh. I kissed and licked his leg, then took his balls into my mouth one at a time and washed them with my wet tongue. He spread his legs wide to give me access and I slid my tongue across his perineum and licked his tight anal pucker.

“Stick it in,” he commanded, and I was eager to comply. I stiffened my tongue into a long flat blade and pushed it as far into his asshole as I could, and when I did that I felt his cock harden to full erection in my other hand.

“On the bed and spread ‘em,” he barked, and I leapt to obey. I lay on my back on our king-size bed and opened my legs as wide as I could. He pushed the end of the chain aside and slammed his big thick cock into me in a single fast push, and I screamed in ecstasy as a huge orgasm swept through me. He pounded me like an animal and I loved his wild energy. My eyes rolled back in my head and I came again even harder. Then, after a dozen strokes, before I could fully recover my senses, he pulled out and roughly rolled me over.

I got up on my knees, put my forehead on the bed, and reached back to pull my ass cheeks apart. His cock was wet from my flowing juices and I didn’t care if he hurt me; I wanted him to pound my ass like he’d done to my pussy. He put the mushroom head of his thick cock to my rear opening and pushed hard; it popped through my sphincter ring and slid all the way into me.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I cried, “pound me out, make me feel your power,” and he did. He combined some things he’d done before with some new-found aggression, alternating grabbing my hips and pulling me into him with slapping my ass with both hands when he pulled back. I was in heaven, and when he reached around and rubbed my clit I had another fantastic release. I was struggling to catch my breath while still begging for more, and he gave me more until I felt a hot spurt deep inside me as he unloaded again, this time far up my ass. He collapsed on top of me and I fell to the bed under his weight, feeling deliciously spent and wonderfully happy.

My thoughts flashed to Harvey, alone in our guest room, and I was briefly melancholy. I guessed he’d probably masturbated after our long and intense evening of talk and play, and I wished I could somehow give him the comfort he’d certainly earned. But then Aaron rolled off of me and we embraced, pressing our sweaty bodies against each other, and we kissed lovingly, and that was another surprise. Aaron rarely kissed me after I’d blown him, at least until I’d brushed my teeth or used mouthwash; unlike me, he didn’t like the taste of his cum. But this time he pushed his tongue aggressively into my mouth, showing he wanted to possess me enough to overcome his reluctance. I melted into his embrace and fervently kissed him back, and we continued to kiss and caress each other. But we were both exhausted, and it wasn’t long before I dropped into a deep, restful sleep, still wearing those fabulously successful high heels.

- - - - -

When I awoke Aaron was still sound asleep next to me. I got out of bed carefully to avoid waking him, took off my new shoes, and stepped into our walk-in shower. I was very aware of the chain that was still wrapped around my body; I had never been in this submissive head-space for so long. It was a wonderfully freeing feeling to be able to just be without worrying at all about what I was supposed to do, because what I was supposed to do was whatever I was told to do.

After I finished my shower I wondered whether I should get dressed or stay naked, and I decided to pull on some casual clothes but also to put on high heels, because I knew Harvey would appreciate that. I wished I could have shown him last night how much I appreciated what he was doing to enhance my marriage, but I regretfully admitted to myself that I’d probably never be able to do that in the way I knew he would enjoy.

I put on a tank top without a bra, a sexy little thong, and a short denim skirt, not quite as short as a flip skirt but close. Then I put on my 85 mm Prada pumps and headed quietly to the kitchen. When I got there I opened the can of coffee and started the coffee-maker. Harvey must have heard me moving around or smelled the coffee that was now ready, because he emerged from his room wearing swim trunks, a T-shirt, and sandals.

“Can I pour you some coffee,” I asked with a smile.

He smiled back at me. “Yes, you may,” he replied, and I smiled even more. Since we’d started corresponding and chatting he’d helped me vary my word choices and he’d explained the differences in meaning between often-misused words. In this case, the word I’d spoken implied ability, but the word he’d used signaled permission, which under the circumstances was a not-so-subtle distinction.

I knew he was diabetic and would want to avoid sugar, so I poured coffee into a mug and then set it, along with a spoon and a container of Splenda, in front of him. After I’d set everything down he put his hands on my waist and pulled me towards him, and I gave him an enthusiastic kiss on the lips. He slid his hands down to my hips, and he smiled again when he felt the chain still around me under my skirt. He reached up and roughly pawed my breasts, and my nipples instantly stiffened under his touch. I humped my hips, pushing my pussy against his groin, and he laughed and backed away from me.

“Did your evening end well?” he asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

“It ended very well, thank you. Aaron followed your instructions, and I was really happy with how he treated me, and that was because of you.”

“I’m happy that you’re happy,” he said lightly.

“Can you tell me what you have planned for today?”

“I have more to talk about with Aaron; I want to keep working at breaking down his cultural conditioning.”

“That would be great,” I gushed. “What you’ve told him so far seems to have made an impact.”

I’m going to keep you in a submissive head-space all day,” he told me next.

“I’ll love that, but will you tell me why?”

“I want Aaron to see that you’re okay with it, that it’s not degrading, that it’s taking what you want to give and he should enjoy it like I know I will.”

“I hope he gets that message.”

“He didn’t seem too upset when I touched you last night.”

“I was a bit nervous about that, but I’d told him before you were invited to visit that it would happen.”

“When I’ve done it so far you were a passive recipient, so today I want to see how he’ll react to you being more active when ordered to do something.”

“That will be a good test of whether he’s really accepting what you’re teaching him,” I admitted. After all the great things that have happened I really want to be able to kiss him, to touch him, to show him my deep appreciation.

He kissed me on the forehead and I bumped my pelvis forward to again make contact with his body. Despite the hot sex I’d had the night before I was already starting to warm up in response to his hands on my body.

“Not so fast, Ann,” he chastised. “You have to suffer before you get any of that fun stuff.”

“Are you going to whip me tonight?” I asked playfully.

“Yes, and much more,” he replied.

“Will you break me?” He knew what I meant by that; I was asking if he was going to push me so far I had to tap out and say my safeword.

“Is that what you want?” he asked, suddenly serious.

“Yes and no,” I admitted. “I’d love for you to do that, push me all the way to my limits. But I don’t think it’s a good idea for Aaron to see me have to stop you.”

“You’re probably right about that.”

“Can you take me far enough to bring on my endorphins but not make me say red?”

“Of course, and I think that’s probably the best strategy. But until this evening we’ll just build the tension.”

“That won’t be hard,” I said with a smile. “I’m ready for more.”

“You’re such a slut,” he teased.

“True,” I replied with a big grin, “but for this weekend I’m your slut to play with, so don’t waste the opportunity.”

“I won’t, within the limits,” he said with a half-smiling, half-chagrined expression.

- - - - -

Aaron walked into the kitchen wearing a T-shirt and shorts. He gave me a brief but intense kiss, which I returned, and I served him coffee fixed the way he liked it. After he’d taken a couple of sips, Harvey suggested we retire to the living room. When we got there the two men sat in the same places as they had the previous evening and Aaron didn’t bat an eye when I went directly to kneel on the pillow next to Harvey’s chair. Once everyone was settled Harvey opened the conversation.

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“Aaron, you’ve been out on domestic disturbance calls, right?”

“Yeah, too many of them,” he groused.

“So you’ve seen what abuse looks like, what some battered women have endured.”

“Yeah, I have, and it’s ugly.”

“I’m sure it is,” Harvey said sympathetically. “But that’s why we need to have another discussion.”

“Okay, about abuse?”

“Sort of. About the difference between abuse and BDSM.”

“I think you’ve been doing a pretty good job of explaining BDSM,” he admitted.

“I’m glad you think so, but there are people who don’t understand the differences and I want you to be able to educate them in turn.”

“Okay, tell me about it.”

“Before I do, I want to say how beautiful your wife is and how humble I feel that you’re willing to let me use her to help show you things about what I do and what she’d like.”

I lifted my head and preened a little at his compliment, and I saw Aaron’s chest swell with pride. “She really is beautiful, she’s the light of my life. I’m learning a lot from you, you’re opening my mind to a lot of new ideas.”

“I’m glad you feel that way.” I was listening avidly to this exchange when suddenly Harvey’s tone changed. “She looks almost perfect this morning.”

What do you mean, almost perfect? I thought angrily, and Aaron voiced the same question.

“Why do you say almost?” he asked.

“Stand up, Ann,” Harvey ordered abruptly.

“Yes, Sir,” I said in a surly, not-very-submissive  way, and I did.

Harvey looked me in the eye and then looked down at my feet. Oh, okay, now I know his game, I thought, and I regretted how I’d spoken a moment before. He’s going to get on my case about my heels, that they’re not high enough to meet his requirements.

“Stay there, I’ll be right back,” he stated, and then he got up and walked down the hall toward his room. He was only gone a few seconds, and when he returned he was carrying another shoe box and a pair of weird-looking leather items. “How high are those heels?” he demanded.

I bowed my head. “Three and a third inches, Sir.”

“And what are my requirements, Ann?”

You require at least four inches, Sir, but until last night these were the highest I owned and I thought I should save the new ones you gave me for tonight.”

He handed the box to me and I silently read the label: black leather mules, 4-1/4" heels, size 8.

“Go to your bedroom and come back properly attired,” he directed, and I turned and left the living room. When I got to my bedroom I opened the box and found exactly what the label described, a pair of open-toed, stiletto-heeled mules. I kicked off my pumps and slid my feet into the mules, and as I did I felt a shiver of sexual arousal run through me. He really knows how to get to me, I thought. I told him a few weeks ago that I wanted to get some higher heels, and now he’s given me not one but two pairs of them. He’s making it really hard for me to abide by Aaron’s limits if I ever get him alone.

I went back to the living room wearing the second new pair of high heels I’d received from Harvey in less than 24 hours. These were a little easier to navigate than the taller ones I’d worn last night but they were still higher than any I’d owned in years and I had to be careful not to twist an ankle or stumble on the unfamiliar stiletto heels.

When I reentered the room the men were still seated where they’d been. I started to kneel on the pillow but Harvey patted his thigh. “Put your foot here,” he ordered, and I lifted my leg and put the ball of my right foot where he’d specified. He picked up one of the strange-looking leather contraptions he’d brought from his room with the shoe box. It had a half-loop attached to a circular strap; one end of the strap had a slit in it and the other, instead of a buckle, had a small metal ring with another of those little luggage locks on it.

He took another of those tiny keys out of his pocket; this one was dangling from a rubber band. He unlocked the padlock and removed it, then put the half-loop under the sole of my new shoe and wrapped the strap around my ankle. He put the ring through the slit and reattached the lock. It was another small bit of bondage, but this time it was as real as it was symbolic; I could move freely, but the device made it impossible for me to remove that shoe until he or Aaron, who still had the key to the lock on my chain, unlocked it. He gestured, and when I changed feet he put the second device on me. Then he slipped the rubber band around his wrist like a bracelet.

That’s so clever, I thought, and it’s having the effect I‘m sure he wanted; I’m feeling very submissive and my pussy is leaking into my thong.

Aaron had sat silently and watched this evolution, but now he spoke. “That’s really sexy-looking,” he commented, and I think I understand the purpose of what you’ve done. It’s another way to remind her she’s being controlled.”

“That’s exactly right. She knows that one of us has to let her out of those restraints, and that fact is working on her mind.” He looked up at me, and I sank to my knees. “Isn’t it, Ann?”

Fuck, yes, it’s working, I thought. I’m getting horny just knowing I’ll be wearing these heels for their pleasure as long as they want. I don’t know what he’ll do next, but Harvey is weaving a spell on me, and I think on Aaron also, that I don’t want him to break. “Yes, Sir, it is,” I whispered.

“Now that we’ve solved that little challenge, Aaron, I'll start with a general statement that play involving sadomasochism, which I’ll call SM for short, differs from abuse in a number of ways. Let me start ticking them off for you.”


“First and foremost, SM play is always consensual; I think you would agree that abuse is never consensual.” He paused, and Aaron nodded. “Second, SM play is never done with the intention of harming anyone's well-being. Conversely, abuse is done with the intention of causing such harm.”

“Other than what you and Barb have told me, I haven’t had any exposure to the SM culture, so at this point I'll have to take your word for the intent aspect.”

“That's okay,” Harvey replied affably. “I have lots of other differences for you to consider. SM play is negotiated and agreed upon ahead of time; abuse is never agreed to by the victim.”

Aaron nodded again, and Harvey continued. “SM play enhances the relationship between the players; abuse damages the relationship between abuser and victim.” Again he nodded, presumably at the part about abuse, and Harvey played one of his trumps. “Furthermore, SM play can be done in the presence of supportive others, like we’re doing this weekend, and even at parties given for that purpose. Abuse, on the other hand, needs isolation and secrecy.”

Aaron looked askance at him. “I agree with the isolation and secrecy part, but what's this about parties?”

Nice work, Sir, I applauded inside my head; you've really got his attention now.

“One of the most interesting and enjoyable aspects of SM play,” Harvey said diffidently, “is that it's often a shared experience that includes others besides the direct participants. There is an element of voyeurism, of course, but there are also elements of learning; coaching or mentoring; enjoying other people's pleasure; and being supportive of those who are trying to push themselves into new areas of self-exploration.” He didn’t add, like we’re trying to do with you, Aaron, but I sure thought it.

“People actually get together to watch each other do these things?” Aaron asked incredulously.

“Yes, they do. There are also conventions with dungeon parties in the evenings; some attendees just watch, but others participate in scenes. Imagine Ann naked, up on a St. Andrew’s Cross, being flogged like she was last night but in front of a hundred people.”

God, I’d love that, I thought, and my pussy started leaking juices into my thong again.

“That’s hard for me to picture,” Aaron admitted. He turned to look at me. “Would you do that? If we were where no one knew us, would you be willing to be displayed like that?”

I had to think fast, and I decided to continue being honest with him. “I would if you told me to.”

My husband looked flabbergasted, and Harvey hid a smile. “That’s another thing I knew that she’s never told you,” he said gently. “If it wouldn’t damage her reputation, or yours, she has the makings of a real exhibitionist.”

Aaron just shook his head, something he’d been doing a lot this weekend, and Harvey continued his explanation. “I'll go through my other SM play versus abuse comparisons, if that's agreeable, Aaron, and then we can see where we stand.”

“That would be fine. Your comments so far about abuse have been on target; what I can't yet really buy into is the contrast you've been expressing.”

“I appreciate your honesty and your openness," Harvey answered. “To wrap this up, SM play has responsible, agreed-upon rules; it may be requested, and even eagerly desired, by the people who will be submitting to it; and it's very erotic. Abuse has no rules, nobody ever asks for or desires it, and it's not at all erotic.”

“You’re right about abuse, and based on what you and Barb have told me I have to agree about the rules. I know more now than I ever did about how eager she is, and last night was definitely a turn-on for me.”

That’s a huge admission, I thought with a great sense of relief. For him to admit that out loud, to someone he’s only known for less than a day, is just fantastic.

“Then here's my bottom line, Aaron. SM is a negotiated form of safe, consensual, erotic play between adults. By definition, it is not abusive, exploitative, violent, demeaning, or otherwise harmful to its participants. If an activity is somehow abusive, exploitative, violent, demeaning, or otherwise harmful, then it is, also by definition, not SM.”

- - - - -

It was now after noon. “It’s a beautiful day, let’s have lunch by the pool,” Harvey suggested.

“That’s a great idea,” Aaron replied. “I’ll go change.” He got up and headed for our bedroom.

As soon as he was gone, Harvey gave me instructions. “Make up two tuna sandwiches and two glasses of iced tea for me and Aaron. You will serve us. Bring them outside with nothing for yourself.”

I knew I looked puzzled but I acknowledged his orders; I figured he must have a plan. “Yes, Sir,” I said politely.

“I know what you’re thinking,” he said laconically, “and I do have a plan, a demonstration of a different kind for Aaron’s benefit.”

“Yes, Sir,” I said again. “I’m sure he and I will both enjoy it.”

Harvey nodded and then went out to our back yard. I watched while I prepared the light lunch for the men as he arranged two of our chaise lounges side by side facing the pool. Then he took a seat cushion from one of our outdoor chairs and placed it on the ground between the two chaises. Aaron came back down the hall in one of his swimsuits and went outside to join Harvey, and they settled onto the chaises.

As I brought out a tray with the drinks in plastic pool-side glasses and the sandwiches on small paper plates I heard Aaron say, “I see you’ve prepared a place for Barb.”

I was immensely pleased that Aaron understood what Harvey had in mind for me but also surprised that he seemed unconcerned about the idea of me kneeling outdoors where our neighbors might see what was happening. I was a little concerned about it, but then, as if he’d read my mind, Harvey spoke directly to that point.

“I think you should start referring to her as Ann,” Harvey replied. “That will do two things. It will keep her head in her submissive space and it will remind you of why we’re doing this.” He looked at me and must have seen something in my expression, because he continued, “She may be concerned about what your neighbors might think of her kneeling out here, so it’s important for her to be reassured and feel protected. You’re her husband, and what the two of you do in your own yard is nobody else’s business. I think you should point to her and then at the pillow so anyone watching gets the impression that it’s your idea.”

Aaron nodded and did as Harvey suggested, and I did feel relieved. I handed out the food and drinks and then knelt on the cushion between the two men. They started eating and then Harvey pulled a small bit of bread and tuna from his sandwich and held it in front of me. I looked up at him and he said, “Open.”

I was startled, and I shot a quick glance at my husband, and he looked equally surprised. “Must a command be repeated?” Harvey said in a brusque tone.

I shook my head. “No, Sir,” I answered, and I parted my lips. He set the tidbit on my tongue and I closed my mouth, chewed, and swallowed. Then he picked up his glass and held it to my lips.

“Drink,” he ordered, and I again parted my lips. He put the glass against them and tilted it up so a small amount of tea flowed into my mouth. I closed my mouth and swallowed the cold liquid, and as I did I felt a sudden warmth flow through me.

Aaron was watching this little drama with a fascinated expression on his face. “Isn’t that really demeaning, what you’re doing with her?” he asked.

“Not really,” Harvey replied. “You try it.”

Aaron repeated what Harvey had done, and the warmth I’d felt became stronger. I felt my face flush with embarrassment, but at the same time I felt my pussy moisten.

“That’s a strange feeling,” Aaron admitted.

“Did you feel powerful, in control, when you did it?”

“Yes, I did,” he said in an excited way. “But I’ll ask again, isn’t this really putting her down, making her take from us like this?”

“Some people might think so,” Harvey replied, “but as a submissive she should be looking to her dominant for sustenance as well as other things she needs. I want to show you something.” He turned to me. “Flip up your skirt.”

I flushed even more, but I obeyed. “Look there, Aaron. See that wet spot? She’s turned on by this; she wants to be controlled, she likes it when she is.”

“Holy crap,” Aaron exclaimed. “That’s amazing.”

“I wasn’t sure that would happen,” Harvey said smugly, “But I thought it might.”

And you were right, Sir, I thought admiringly. You’re working your magic on me, and I think Aaron is really beginning to see the possibilities.

After the men finished their lunch while alternately feeding me and giving me sips of tea, Harvey spoke to me again. “Go inside and change into a bikini,” he directed. “I think we should relax in the hot tub for a while.”

He’s got another plan, I thought excitedly. Is this when he has me get active, as he put it this morning?

“I have several, Sir, do you have a preference for style or color?”

“Ask your husband,” he replied.

I turned to Aaron and he shrugged. “The blue one.”

I was shocked. My only blue bikini was a Wicked Weasel mesh micro-bikini from my long-ago days; I’d occasionally dared to wear it on faraway vacations but never at home except to get into the hot tub in complete darkness. My nipples showed through the top and the bottom was a thong that barely covered my vaginal lips and left my ass completely exposed. Aaron is definitely loosening up, and he’s obviously taking Harvey’s words about our back yard and what we do in it seriously, I thought. I wonder what Harvey really has in mind.

I went inside and changed into that extremely revealing bikini. I knew I was going to be flustered and embarrassed to be wearing it in broad daylight, but I had to wipe myself dry before I put it on because my pussy was dripping wet. My husband told me to put on this bikini, I thought with a sense of wonder. I’ll be walking around our back yard virtually naked, and if our neighbor who’s always ogling me is watching he’ll get a real show. But if that’s what Aaron wants I’ll gladly do it; I want to show him that I’m his to command if he so chooses.

I went to the kitchen, took the pitcher of iced tea out of the fridge, and then walked back outside and topped off the men’s glasses. As I’d expected, I felt really strange walking around our pool area in a thong bikini and four-inch heels, but I held my head high and swung my hips in what I hoped was an enticing way. Despite my blush I was very turned on, and I accepted being a sexy display for my husband and my friend who was also my confidant and my fantasy lover. I knelt again on my cushion between them, and Harvey ran his hand affectionately through my long blonde hair.

“She’s absolutely beautiful,” he again complimented me, “and if she was mine I’d definitely put her in a collar. In the D/s world a formal collaring is a lot like a wedding ceremony, with an exchange of vows of control and submission.”

Oh, Harvey, I thought. You would collar me? That’s so exciting to dream about; it’s both romantic and very erotic. I know I’d be perfectly happy to just be with you if I could, but that kind of commitment would mean the world to me. My secretions seeped from my pussy and escaped the mesh bikini bottom to slide onto my thighs.

“I wouldn’t interfere with her work, her family interactions, or her religious observances,” Harvey continued while lightly touching my cheek, “but in addition to a leather house collar she would wear symbolic collars that to the outside world appeared to be merely decorative. My ex-wife made a collar out of a length of three-quarter-inch elastic that she shirred black velvet around; it would stretch enough that she could pull it over her head and then it rested snugly around her neck as a fashion accessory. But she knew it was a symbolic collar, and it kept her in a submissive head-space when she wore it.”

Aaron and I were both listening avidly to Harvey’s explanation. These were revelations he hadn’t previously shared with me, so I was very interested in learning more about him and his experiences, and Aaron seemed quite interested as well.

“In a similar vein, my Becca has a custom-made pendant. Her December birth-stone is technically blue topaz, but the platinum pendant I had made for her has a small diamond on the bail and a 1-1/3 carat blue aquamarine that matches her eyes. My birthday is in February, so set in the back of the pendant is an amethyst that rests against her skin; no one can see it, but she knows it’s there next to her heart. This is one of her symbolic collars as well.”

God, that’s so romantic, so loving.

“How did you and Becca meet?” Aaron asked.

“We were an internet success story. These days there’s a website called FetLife, which is an abbreviation for Fetish Life, and people describe it as the kinky Facebook. But back in 2001 FetLife didn’t exist yet, and there was a site called alt dot com that specialized in being a match-making place for people who were interested in alternate lifestyles. Becca was alone after her second divorce and she had placed a personal ad on that site, and I found it and sent her a message. After we exchanged emails and then phone calls over a week we agreed to meet for dinner, and there was instant chemistry between us. After a glass of wine we decided to pass on dinner, went for a drive, and ended at my apartment. The next morning I drove her back to her car, and for the next year and a half she visited me at my place; she was unwilling to let me know where she lived until she was certain that our feelings for each other were real.”

“That’s quite a story,” Aaron commented.

Yes, it was, I thought to myself. That was a lot different from how I met Aaron, but the end result was the same, true love emerging from a chance first encounter. I was happy for Harvey; he had found a woman who was compatible with his interests and over time they had forged a strong bond. Now if only Aaron can make me that complete, fulfill that last five percent I need to be totally happy with him.

“Stand up, Ann,” Harvey said, reminding me of my role in this afternoon’s scenario. When I did, he removed the rubber band from his wrist and handed it to Aaron. “Release her, Aaron, so she can join us in the hot tub,” he directed, and then he went over and slowly lowered himself into it. I put my foot on Aaron’s leg and he unlocked the padlock and removed the leather device. I waited until he waved his hand to switch feet so he could release the other restraint.

“Turn on the jets and then join us,” Aaron said with a welcome tone of command, and I went to the control and activated the pump before stepping out of my new mules and sitting down in the hot water between the two men with Aaron on my right.

“With the jets going, no one can see under the water’s surface; do you agree, Aaron?”

“I do.”

“So I think you should take off your suit.”


“Yes, really. I think you’ll like the result.”

“Okay,” he said, and he lifted his hips and slipped it off.

“Stroke him, Ann.”

I looked at Harvey, startled by that instruction, and he stared into my eyes with an evil grin. “Do it,” he commanded. “No one can see, but you and I will both know what you’re doing.”

I slowly nodded my head and then moved my hand until it touched Aaron’s cock. He was soft, and I grasped his shaft and started to stroke him up and down. He looked at me with an unreadable expression on his face, and then he closed his eyes and I felt him start to stiffen.

“Do you have any other limits you want to set, Aaron?” Harvey asked, and I realized what his plan was. He was giving Aaron a second chance to tell me not to touch Harvey’s cock.

Aaron must have guessed why Harvey was asking, because he pondered that question for several seconds before he shook his head, his eyes still closed, and said, “No, I don’t think so. I’m learning a lot from you, and I know Ann is really happy about that, so I want to see what you have in mind and I’m okay with what I’ve already set.”

Harvey smiled as though he’d anticipated that answer and then he slid his suit down. I knew what I was expected to do, and I was both eager and curious. So I moved my left hand so I could hold his cock and I started to stroke him too.

I was never a size queen; what had always mattered to me before I got married was what a man did with whatever he had. But Harvey had told me one time when we were chatting online that he was probably as big as my husband, and when he became erect I realized I was stroking another long and thick circumcised cock; he hadn’t exaggerated his size.

“You’ve always wanted to do this, haven’t you?” he teased, and both he and I knew it was true. Having two men at once was one of my long-held and never-attained fantasies, and I knew this might be as close as I was ever going to get to that fantasy becoming reality with the limits Aaron had set. So I just smiled and enjoyed the sensation; despite my being in a submissive space it was a strangely powerful feeling to have two cocks in my hands.

“That’s enough, Ann,” he said, and I reluctantly let go of both of them. I felt frustrated at not being allowed to get both of them off, but I figured he was trying to build sexual tension in all three of us. He’s certainly succeeding with me, I thought excitedly. I can’t wait for tonight!

- - - - -

A few minutes later Harvey pulled up his suit, excused himself, got out of the hot tub, and went toward the house. I didn’t know for sure, but I guessed in addition to using the bathroom he wanted me to have an opportunity to be alone with my husband and check in on how he was reacting to what we’d done this afternoon. After Harvey was inside Aaron and I looked at each other.

“I know you enjoyed the way last night ended,” I said with a smile and a wink, “but Harvey is gradually upping the intensity.” I let my expression become serious. “Are you okay with what’s been happening today?”

Aaron slowly nodded, his demeanor equally serious. “Yes, I am. I meant what I said earlier about learning a lot. I really appreciate the respect Harvey’s showing me, and that makes me more … accepting of what he’s doing.”

“I’m really glad you’re feeling that way, honey. I know this has to be hard for you to watch.”

“It is, in a way, but he’s been very good about explaining things and being sensitive to my feelings, and as you’ve found out it’s also turned me on seeing you like you’ve been with him. I guess I’m … more … intrigued by all this … BDSM stuff than I ever thought I’d be.”

“Last night you saw him touch me … intimately … but today … are you really okay with me having touched him that way?” I asked timidly.

“I admit I’m not totally comfortable with it, but I’m not going to tell you to stop, either.”

My shoulders dropped as I exhaled; I hadn’t realized I was holding my breath. “Okay, good. I’m not only relieved, I’m really happy to hear you say that. But you know he’s going to do more … hurt me more … touch me more than he’s done so far.”

“Yes, I know there’s more to come.” He laughed nervously at his obvious double meaning, and I put my arms around him and kissed him soundly.

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Copyright © 2023 by Left Side Signals

Written by PatHarvey
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