Her clit was throbbing under her dress as she walked towards the staff meeting in the college’s faculty lounge. Her nipples were hard, pebbled, and twisted into tight little points that brushed against the thin, silky material of the dress, arousing them further. She was aware of how aromatic her cunt was and prayed no one else would notice.
Her thighs were wet from the honey trickling from her cunt, but she could do nothing about it as she had been forbidden to touch herself anywhere below the neck. As a result, she had to walk carefully so that her thighs didn’t accidentally brush against each other, and her cunt lips didn’t slide together, giving her a slightly bow-legged gait – which, of course, allowed her honey to drip all the faster.
The dress didn’t quite cling to her body, but slid across it, caressing her ass, thighs, and tits, emphasizing her nakedness. She wore only the dress and a pair of white sandals, nothing else: no earrings, no make-up, no nail polish, no jewelry, and especially no bra or panties. She was as close to naked as she could be in public without causing a riot.
And her breath was shallow and quick, verging on panting, because she knew he was going to be playing with her cunt as she sat, knees spread, surrounded by about forty of her colleagues for the next hour. She knew she was going to have a hard time – a very hard time – not cumming in public and making a spectacle of herself.
It had taken James months to bring her to this state.
It had started innocently enough when they met and started chatting in an online forum. They had enjoyed each other’s company and looked forward to spending time online together. Neither of them had any expectations or ulterior motives. They got along, and it was just fun to chat.
As she became more comfortable with him and shared more about her life, he learned that hers had not been a happy marriage. Her husband had believed that sex was for his enjoyment and didn’t care about hers – and then proceeded to cheat on her.
So, she divorced him.
Eventually, she told James that while she had had a series of boyfriends as a teen, none of the relationships had been satisfactory. Looking back, she felt her toned athlete's body had been used purely for sex – no love involved. After some delicate questioning, he realized that she seemed to have had only one actual orgasm in her entire life.
He cautiously told her of his conclusion and was floored when she asked him how she could experience a true orgasm. It was a pretty direct plea to help her learn how to cum. After worrying about it for some time, he did.
From that beginning, they found themselves slowly drawn to the roles of Dominant and submissive, unaware of what was happening until they were well along that path. He discovered an intense pleasure in dominating, and she felt an equally intense joy in submitting – as long as she felt she was respected. So gradually, over many months, they became Dom and sub and enjoyed it.
When she got to the faculty lounge, she found her accustomed seat – off to one side, near the windows. She was close enough to see, hear, and, when she wanted, to interact, but away from the center of attention.
Once she was seated, she texted him: Here
What are you wearing? he asked.
She swallowed, then texted, A blue, silky dress that comes to just above my knees, and white sandals.
Anything else? he asked.
No, nothing.
He paused, then texted, And how horny are you, on a scale of zero to ten?
She replied, Nine, probably more.
Smiling, he responded, Is your cunt dripping?
Yes, definitely. I can feel the honey trickling down my bum right now.
His smile broadened. Is it creating a damp spot on the back of your dress, and does it show?
Yes, and it’s growing now that I’m sitting down. And yes, it shows as a darker patch. I’m going to have to wait until everyone else leaves.
He chuckled. We’ll see. How far above your knees is your hemline?
About two inches, she replied.
And how far apart are your knees?
She glanced down. Uh…about a hand’s width apart.
His smile broadened. Good. Suppose we start by pulling your dress up some. What do you think? Two inches? Three? More?
Biting her lip, she replied, Uh…three inches?
Okay, hike it up three inches – a total of five inches above your knees, he responded.
Well? he asked.
It’s…it’s done, but…please, no more, she begged.
Let’s take it one step at a time, shall we? Now, are you wetter than you were before pulling your dress up higher?
No answer.
Answer me, slut.
Pause. Yes.
I thought you would be. Why don’t you want to pull your dress up any further?
She swallowed hard, then texted, Because one of the departmental administrators is sitting about five feet in front of me. If he turns around, my legs are open, and my skirt is up, and I’m not wearing any panties, and my cunt is open and dripping!
The answer came back, (chuckle) All good, then. Is he handsome?
I…I…I’m not sure.
Oh! You have a thing for him, do you?
Her response was immediate: NO!
Um-hmm. You sound like a sixth grader. “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” Except you’re no lady, are you?
What are you? he asked.
I’m a slut. I’m your slut.
Is that what you want to be?
He leaned back in his chair, smiling, then texted, (chuckle) Yes, you are my slut – and you’re going to behave like one, aren’t you?
Yes Sir
Good. Then I think it’s time you spread those pretty legs wider, don’t you?
Oh yes, he insisted. About another two inches, I think.
Do it now, slut. Do it because you are my slut, and you want to remain my slut. Or don’t you?
Long pause. Yes, okay, I’ve spread them wider.
And you’re dripping even faster, aren’t you?
Yes! My dress is going to be a sodden mess!
How embarrassing that will be for you
YES! she replied. I’m not quite sure what I can do about it.
Well, we could always have you take it off…
NO – please!
We’ll see. (chuckle) How’s your clit? And how are you feeling generally?
Throbbing even harder, and I’m starting to get desperate, she replied.
And your tits are hard, tight, screwed up, and very sensitive?
Yes, very. Every time I move, my dress slides across them and sends a jolt to my cunt
And your cunt is clenching?
Pause. Please don't… yes, yes, my cunt is clenching.
Good to hear. Now, what else can I do to play with your cunt?
Please… no more. I really am getting close to … close.
I know! How about you put your hand on your knee, palm down, and use your thumb to stroke the inside of your thigh?
Please… I don’t know if I can.
I said, slut, do it. Do it now.
oh shit … ok.
Long Pause. Uhhhh… I … oh please, let me stop.
You must be pretty close to cumming by now, yes? he asked.
Yes – but pls don’t use that word!
You mean the other “c” word?
Yes – plz don’t make me … plz don’t say it, plz!
Why is that, slut?
She swallowed hard, then texted, because if you use it, I’ll do it right here, and it will cause a scene. Plz, plz, plz don’t!
He snickered. What will you do for me if I avoid using … that word?
Long pause. I’ll do anything you want, but plz don't make me … do that here!
His smile broadened. (chuckle) All right. I won’t use … that word. At least not yet. But remember – you’ve promised to do anything I want, haven’t you?
Yes, Sir, I promise, just don’t make me…embarrass myself that way!
He thought for a moment, then responded, I’ll leave you for now, but text me when the meeting breaks up. Understood?
She exhaled, then texted, Yes, Sir. I understand. May I stop stroking, plz? My legs are trembling.
Oh, very well. You may stop and sit up. But you are to keep your knees at least this far apart, and your hemline at least this high, understand?
Yes, yes, I understand.
‘Bye – and try not to think about your tight, thirty-six-C tits, your throbbing clit, your pretty bum, and your dripping cunt!
About thirty-five minutes later, she texted, The meeting’s over.
You’ll go back to your lecture room, right?
I … may I wait? My dress is soaked at the back. It might even drip when I stand up.
(chuckle) Well…
Plz, Sir, plz! I’m already blushing bright red and having trouble breathing.
Okay. Wait until the coast is clear.
Thank you. There was a long pause. Okay going back to my lecture room now
Let me know when you’re inside your room with the door closed.
There was a lapse of about ten minutes, during which time, he contemplated what he would do with the eager, almost panting slut who was on the verge of cumming.
Okay, I’m there, she finally replied.
Good. How’s your dress?
Soaked. And I did drip all the way back to my room. I had to wait until everyone else had left, pretending to study some notes.
yes Sir
What can you see when you look down the hallway?
Nobody there
Good. Take off your dress and your sandals
Did you, or did you not promise to do anything I said?
Long pause, then she reluctantly texted, Yes.
Then, take off your dress and sandals, hang the dress from the doorknob on the inside of the door, and move to a corner where you can’t be seen if someone looks in the window.
…moving…Okay, I’m standing in the corner, naked. My dress and sandals are about twenty feet away. I’m shaking!
Good. Now, did you want to ask for something? he texted.
What is that?
I need to cum, desperately. Please let me cum!
I’m going to call you. Put your earbuds in, please.
Yes, Sir.
“Hello, slut. You say you’re on the verge of cumming, but you need my permission to cum, don’t you?”
“Then you need to ask properly.”
“Oh, okay. I’m moving … Okay, I’m naked and kneeling, knees spread wide. My cunt is dripping on the floor, and I’m begging you to please let me cum!”
He smiled, “Tell me what you want to be, and why I should allow you to cum.”
“I want to be your hot, hungry, dripping cunt.
“I am your wanton, eager slut.” She sounded breathless, her voice whispery between panting breaths.
“I am your enthusiastic cocksucker.
“I desperately want to be your obedient fucktoy.
“I promise I will do anything you want, anything at all.
“Please let me be your fucktoy.
“Please use my body for your pleasure and play with my cunt.
“Please let me cum!”
That last statement was said in a tone of desperation, almost as if she was on the verge of tears.
He smiled, then said, “Very good. Now, lean forward, forehead to the ground, knees spread wide, hands behind your back, palms flat on your cute little bum. Let me know when you’re in position.”
There was a shuffling sound, then, “I’m…I’m there.”
“Now cum for me like the hot, fucking cunt you so desperately want to be.”
There was an immediate, high-pitched wail from the other end of the phone. “OOOHHH GODDD! Oh FUCK ME!” Then there were sounds like sobbing, punctuated by sharp inhales. After a time, they started to settle down into a series of rapid gasps, inhales, and exhales, then…
“Oh, God, Sir, please…please let me cum again! Please!”
“No. You don’t get to cum again until you get home.”
There was a sharp inhale, then, “Please!”
“You heard me, cunt. Now get up!”
“But … okay … I’m up, but … I’m up.”
“Now, put on your red raincoat and your sandals. Carry your dress over your arm so it can be seen.”
“But it’s warm and sunny out! What will I tell people?”
“Tell them you were in the bathroom and got it wet. Both statements are correct – they’re just in the wrong order.”
There was a deep sigh, then in a resigned voice, she said, “Yes, Sir. Going to my car now.”
“Call me when you’re there.”
“Hi, it’s me. I’m in my car.”
“Shall I make you cum again now?”
“No! There are cameras around the parking lot! I’ll be recorded! Please don’t make me cum here!”
“Oh, all right. Drive home carefully, and let me know when you arrive, but before you get out of your car.”
“Yes, Sir.”
About thirty minutes later, he got a text. I’m home. I’m in my car outside my house.
And do you still want to cum?
YES! please!
(Chuckle) How horny are you now?
Easily at ten, probably more. I’m still feeling the aftershocks of cumming from before!
Okay. Take off your coat and sandals and walk naked to your house
But… I’m only about fifty feet from the street. People might see me!
Sir? I said…
I know what you said. Did you, or did you not agree to do anything I wanted?
Yes, I…did.
Then take off your coat and sandals and walk naked into your house. Call me when you’re inside.

Uh, okay. I mean, yes, Sir.
“Hi. Okay, I’m in the house. My heart is beating a mile a minute, but I’m here.”
“I’ll bet you’re even hornier than you were before, aren’t you?
“Oh God, yes! How do you do this to me?”
He chuckled to himself but ignored her question. “Is it still sunny and warm there?”
“Okay, then go and get your toys and your wooden kitchen chair.”
“Uh…okay. Wait a minute.”
He heard the sound of her breathing and some random sounds in the background.
“Okay, I have the box of toys and the chair.”
“Now, spread your legs wide, then use your cunt honey to lubricate the suction cup on the biggest dildo – Ram.”
“Uh… May I touch my cunt and clit, please?
“Only to gather honey, and no, you may not touch your clit.”
“Ohh! I mean, yes, Sir.” There was a pause. “Okay, Ram’s suction cup is coated in honey.”
“Now use the suction cup to fix Ram in the middle of the seat of the wooden chair so he is sticking straight up.”
He could hear her breath speeding up. “Okay … okay, he’s stuck there.”
“Now, carry the chair outside and place it by the pool, about five feet back from the edge on the side near the house, opposite the street.”
“Can I put on a coat?”
“But…people drive by there, less than twenty feet away!”
“The pool is about six feet higher than the road, yes?”
Hesitantly, “…yes…”
“And there aren't many cars, and they whiz by at forty, yes?”
He hears a sigh, then, “Yes.”
“Then do as I say, and no, you may not wear a coat.”
He hears her breathing faster, then a swallowing sound. “Yes, Sir.”
“Okay, the chair is where you wanted it. May I go back inside? I’m standing here outside, naked!”
“Is the chair facing the road?”
“Then turn it so it’s facing the road.”
“Really?” Her voice was quivering now, and she was trembling, whether with fear or excitement; he couldn’t tell.
“Yes,” he replied firmly.
“Oh, okay … done.”
“Now position yourself so your cunt is just over Ram’s tip without touching, and your legs are spread wider than the front chair legs.
“Sir…I’m…okay, I’m there. My clit is throbbing … please … please let me…” He heard her swallow, but she didn’t finish her sentence.
“Good girl. Now hold yourself there and let your cunt honey drip onto Ram until he is nicely slick and ready to fuck you.”
“My legs are trembling … please, I don’t know how long I can …” and her voice trailed off again. “Okay, honey is dripping down on Ram, and he is completely coated and slick.”
“Now, lower yourself just enough so that he’s just splitting your cunt lips.”
“Oh God, people are driving by! Yes, yes, okay… he’s between my cunt lips. Please can I have more … please!”
“Lower enough to take just his head into your cunt, no more than that.”
“Ohhh…ohhh God I … oh please…”
“Now, slowly lower yourself down, letting his shaft split your hot, slutty cunt, burying his cock in your snatch until your ass is completely seated on the chair and your cunt is stuffed.”
“Oh God, oh God, oh God… ohh, ooohhh… fuck! … He’s inside me, all the way inside me!”
“Is your ass completely on the chair?”
“Yes, yes, he’s buried in my cunt … please oh please let me cum…please! Oh God – someone looked at me as they went by … oh God, I’m a fucking cunt on display … please can I cum now, please!”
“Interlace your hands behind your head, and sit up straight, tits out, so that anyone driving by can see my obedient fucktoy’s naked body on display with her cunt stuffed full of cock.”
“Oh God, ohhhh … please let me cum… oh fuck!”
“Now start to move up and down, letting Ram fuck you… slowly!”
“Oh God, oh God, ohhhh…
“And now, slut, cum for me, and be loud. Scream!”
“Ahhh!” he heard her scream, her voice rising, “Fffuck meee!”
“Keep moving so that Ram can fuck you. Faster now, and harder. Let Ram fuck your slutty cunt hard! Make your tits bounce up and down as Ram stuffs your cunt with his stiff prick, and make your ass slap on the chair.”
“Ooohhh fffuuuccckkkk, oh fucckk, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh FUCK!”
There was a long pause, during which time he could hear her panting and mewling. Then, finally, “Mmm…oh God, that was fucking fantastic.” She inhaled sharply, gasping. “Ohh, fuck oh … please, can I cum again? Please?”
“No… stop. Come all the way down, ass flat on the chair and hold. You’re a hot fucking slut who will do anything at all to be allowed to cum, aren’t you?”
There was a pause. “Yes.”
“Say it.”
“I’m a… a hot fucking c… cunt, and I will do anything to be allowed to cum. Please can I move? I’m on display, and there are more cars! I’m naked and exposed. Please!”
“Are your hands still behind your neck, and is your body on full display, cunt stuffed?”
“Yes, yes!”
“Good. That’s my obedient fucktoy. Now you may get up and let Ram pull out of your wide-open, well-fucked cunt. Then turn and kneel in front of Ram, so your dripping cunt and ass are on display."
“Ohhh, please… I… I… okay… I’m on my knees facing Ram.
“I want you to run your cheek down one side of his cock, smearing your cum and cunt honey on your face, then do the same on the other side. You are not to wipe it off. You will leave it there to show what a slut you are, and what you are willing to do to be allowed to cum.”
“But, okay… left side sliding down Ram’s cock smearing cum and honey all over the left side of my face… now back to the tip and sliding right side down Ram’s cock, getting cum and honey all over me… done. I truly am a slut.”
“Are you enjoying being my slut and fucktoy, cunt?”
There was a long hesitation, then, in a small voice, “Yes.”
He smiled and felt somewhat relieved. He had been concerned that he was pushing her too far. “Yes, you truly are a slut – and you’re not done yet. Now lick and suck Ram clean without taking him into your mouth. Do not use your hands – they should be clasped behind you.”
Her voice was muffled as she said, “Okay, I’m licking Ram’s tip, turning my head, lips grasping his shaft, sliding down the side… down to his balls, licking his balls… now back up licking along the way… I’m back to his tip, now licking down the other side… oh God, my cunt’s dripping – it’s trickling down my leg. Please let me cum again!”
“Not yet, slut. Now, take Ram’s cockhead in your mouth.”
“I’ll need to stand up and lean over to suck his cock.”
“Then do it.”
“But… I will be much more visible to the road!”
“I know. Now do it.”
There was a shaky intake of breath, then, “Okay, standing up, bending over… How will I talk with his cock in my mouth?”
“You won’t. For now, start to move up and down, letting his cock move deeper and deeper into your mouth until he hits the back of your throat. When he does, hold there and let me know.
There was a deep mmm sound, then a smacking of lips. “God, I love sucking cock; mmm.” Then he heard a slurping sound and guessed she had taken Ram back into her mouth.
Next, he heard her gag and cough, then a deep inhale.
“Good. That’s my eager cocksucker. Now, move up and down and let him gag you each time he pegs the back of your throat.”
He heard a mumbled, “Ohhh…” Then a muffled breath in, “Glukkkll…” followed by another cough, a slurping swallow, then another breath, more gagging, and another breath.
“That’s my hungry little cocksucker. Now, start to deep throat him, then keep going until your nose is pressed to the seat of the chair and you’ve swallowed his whole cock.”
There was a pause while she panted, inhaling and exhaling quickly, the sound of her panting around the cock in her mouth. Then, a slurping noise, another gagging sound, a pause, a liquid sound as she extended her tongue, and a strangled swallowing sound. This repeated for some time, then a muffled, “Hhhmmm!”
“Is your nose pressed against the seat of the chair?”
“Mmm-hmm,” he heard.
“You may back off enough to breathe.”
She moved up, slurping in some of the drool that was dripping from her mouth. Tears were streaming from her eyes; she sniffed hard and blinked but was unable to wipe her nose or eyes as her hands were still clasped behind her. Her legs were spread and trembling, and her shapely ass and pink, puffy cunt lips were on display.
She breathed in and out rapidly, then moved back down, gagged once, and was quiet until she moved up to breathe again.
“You’ve been my obedient fucktoy, and proved to me that you love being a cocksucker. Would you like to cum now?”
“MMM! Mmm, MMM!” was what he heard.
“I’ll take that as a yes. Hold Ram’s cock in your mouth and throat, but make sure you can breathe. Now reach around with your hands, and put three fingers in your cunt. I want you to finger-fuck yourself while palming your clit. The other hand should knead, pinch, and twist your tits, especially your nipples. Do that until you can’t hold off anymore, then make any sound to beg to be allowed to cum.”
She shifted her position, and he heard her starting to breathe more rapidly, panting in earnest now, with the hollow sound that came from breathing around the cock in her mouth. She pushed three fingers quickly into her sopping cunt, found her G-spot, and started rubbing her fingers back and forth across it, while her palm mashed against her clit.
Meanwhile, the other hand started to pull and twist her nipples, first on one side, then the other.
It didn’t take long. He heard her making long moaning sounds, each deeper and more insistent. Then… “Prease ret mmee cuummm!”
“Yes, slut. Obedience is rewarded. Cum for me now, cunt. Cum like the fucking slut you’ve shown me you are!”
Like flipping a switch, he heard her voice, still muffled from being full of cock, making urgent, moaning sounds, rising in volume and pitch. Her whole body was shaking, and her ass began to shiver left and right with the movement of her fingers in and out.
Her legs started trembling until she couldn’t stand anymore. She helplessly fell to her knees, and Ram’s cock slipped out of her throat until she only held his cockhead in her mouth. Part of her wanted to collapse, but another wanted to keep Ram in her mouth. She felt like the hungry slut that he wanted her to be.
She was moaning around Ram’s cock, but finally mumbled, “Enuff…no moah, pleezth.”
He smiled broadly to himself. “Yes, slut, you may take Ram from your mouth, and stop finger-fucking yourself. Stop.”
She collapsed, naked, onto the grass beside the chair, panting hard, exhausted. Ram remained stiff and upright, covered in cunt honey, cum, and drool. A puddle had formed around his base.
The next morning was Friday, and she had been dreaming of being his naked fucktoy all weekend. His text woke her from a sound and happy sleep.
Good morning, my eager, wanton slut! I trust you slept well.
She stretched, feeling the familiar wetness in her pussy whenever he was talking to or texting her. Her back arched as she remembered what a slut she had been the evening before, and a smile spread across her face.
She had never experienced anything so shattering as the orgasms he gave her. She looked at her phone and texted.
I slept well, Sir. And thank you for last night. It was – uh, fucking amazing!
He chuckled to himself, And thank you for being my eager slut. You enjoy being my fucktoy and doing whatever pleases me, don’t you?
She felt a tingling in her tummy and her cunt. Yes, very much. It’s…mindblowing!
He chuckled, And cock blowing as well!
She giggled. Well, yes… if you put it that way.
Are you ready to be my fucktoy again today? he asked.
Yes, please!
He smiled to himself, pleased that she was happy with their play.
Right. Today, I want you to wear a nice, lacy bra and panty set. When the panties are soaked, replace them with a lacy thong.
Yes, Sir. That will probably be about ten o’clock – maybe before!
And when the thong gets soaked, you will remove both the thong and your bra and be naked under your clothes. Understand?
Yes, James. In my mind, I’m always naked for you.
Good. Now, on the outside, I want you to wear a sheer blouse that will rub against your nipples once your tits are bouncing free. And a short-ish skirt of a coarse fabric that will rub against your thighs and bum. Oh, and your high, black boots. I suspect that by the end of the day, your honey will be running down to the top of the boots. Won’t it?
Probably. I’m already feeling honey trickling down my bum. May I touch and taste myself?
Yes, and when you do, I want you to paint your nose, lips, and tongue with your honey so that your taste and fragrance are in your mouth and nostrils all day long. And you are to renew that at every opportunity, understand?
Yes, Sir. Anything else?
He thought for a moment. One more thing. You know those butt plugs I bought for you but we haven’t used?
There was a long pause, then, Yes?
When you remove your bra and thong, I want you to insert the smallest one in your bum, using only your cunt honey to lubricate it.
Another pause. Yes, okay – but may I ask why?
He smiled. Two reasons. First, it will burn slightly as the butt plug stretches your asshole – and I want to find out if that makes you even hornier. I’m pretty sure it will.
Second, you will have to strain to keep it from falling out while you’re lecturing in front of your classes and walking around the college campus. It will remind you that you are my fucktoy, even in public, and will do anything I say. That will make you even hornier. Won’t it, slut?
There was another, longer pause. Yes. My cunt is already leaking honey, and the girls are up, eager to get your attention!
He smiled at her – even though she was hundreds of miles away and couldn’t see him. Thank you for being my slut. I truly enjoy playing with your cunt.
She smiled back at him, equally aware that he couldn’t see her – but knowing he would know. It pleased her that he enjoyed having her beg. And thank you for making me your slut, and using my cunt as your toy. She paused. I want you to know that wherever I am and whatever I’m doing, I am always your hungry fucking slut. Thank you.
Good girl. Now slide that cute, wet little bum out of bed, and get started.
She smiled, threw the covers back, and got out of bed, already naked, for he had forbidden her to wear anything at all without his permission.
It was going to be another hot, horny day – and she couldn’t wait to find out what he would do with her body.