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Little Sierra's Confession

"Her confession shocked me. I knew what I did next would mean everything."

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Author's Notes

"I am a shocked at how much writing this story turned me on. It's my first time. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I never imagined domination and submission could be so hot."

“What the heck did you just ask me?”

She turned her face away from me, but not before I caught a glimpse of the shock and embarrassment in her eyes. I felt angry, but her expression was one of embarrassment and hurt. 

I started to reach for her, then thought better of it. I fixed my collar, then placed my hands firmly at my sides. 

“Did you just say that you wanted me to tie you up and fuck you? Because that just came out of nowhere. This is our first date.”

She mumbled something incoherent. 

Her mumbling annoyed me. 

“You said, ‘I want you to tie me up. You can do whatever you want.’ Isn’t that right?”

Still unable to meet my eye, she nodded her blonde head, then got up from the chair to leave the dining nook next to the kitchen. 

“Stop!” I ordered. “You don’t get to just walk away from me in the middle of an important conversation. For punishment, you go stand in the corner!” 

We were in Sierra’s modest apartment in a converted older home. Damned if she didn’t stop dead in her tracks, then walk quickly into her living room and around the side of the sofa. She stood in the corner with her forehead touching both walls. 

What the heck? Sierra never struck me as the type who might try to trap me into some sort of workplace harassment thing, but that was my fear. Could sweet, quiet, girl-next-door Sierra really be into all that bondage, submission, domination stuff? And if she was into that, how could she be too shy to even talk about it with me?

As I looked at her tiny body, standing there in her blue checkered dress, I saw her shake her head and gently bang it against the wall. My gut told me she was sincere, but how could I be sure? 

“I am displeased with you,” I said. “You can’t spring something like that on a man and expect him to--” Something told me to shut up. A little voice said, Don’t complain. Don’t explain. She needs to see your strength. 

I looked at her there in the corner, gently banging her head against both walls. Who could resist that? But what to do next? I needed to know if she was messing with me or not. 

Kindly, I said, “Take off your shoes and socks.” That seemed pretty neutral. 

Without looking at me, she took off her black leather shoes, then her blue socks and carefully set them down together next to the sofa. Then she put herself back in the corner. 

So far so good. I wasn’t in trouble yet. 

“Now,” I said, “take off your panties.” 

Without hesitation, little Sierra reached under her skirt, pulled her panties down and set them daintily on top of her socks. 

“Very good,” I said. “I am pleased.”

I saw her take a deep breath and sigh in relief. 

What the heck, I thought. 

“Come over here to the table and sit with me.”

She looked back over her shoulder, her blue eyes damp, her face questioning. 

“Now,” I said kindly.

She scurried over and sat down in one of the chairs in the dining nook. I sat down opposite her. 

Thinking quickly, which was hard given how very cute and vulnerable and sexy she looked in her checkered blue dress with no panties underneath, I said, “We are not having sex right now, are we?”

She looked at me like it was a trick question.

“Talk to me,” I said. 

Her mouth tightened and her head sank.

“We have to talk about this,” I said. “Even in a, what would this be, a BDS-whatever relationship? There has to be permission. Limits. Consent.”

“But I do consent!” she insisted. “I trust you to do the right thing.”

“But you shouldn’t trust me,” I insisted. “This is our first date. You have no idea what I might ask you to do in bed.” 

“But you wouldn’t, you wouldn’t hurt me!”

“No, I wouldn’t hurt you. No hurting. And no pooping! We’re not doing pooping anything, no  matter how cute you are.” 

“No pooping,” she agreed.

“But would you let me pimp you out to other men, or make you fuck in a public place?"

Her face fell back in shock. “You wouldn’t!”

“No. I wouldn’t.”

A flash of relief crossed her face. 

I was struggling with what to do next. Talking about sex seemed to be so hard for her, but she clearly wanted something from me. Permission? A sense of obligation to do what I wanted so she could do what she wanted without having to ask for it? I tried to think of what I’d read online or seen on YouTube about domination and submission, but there wasn’t a lot there to fall back on. It wasn’t my thing. I didn’t fantasize about it or dream about it. At the same time, I hated to see a sexy, cutie pie like Sierra go to waste, and the thought of her coming out as submissive to some other man, well, that thought made me feel afraid for her safety.

“This is hard for you to talk about, right?” I said. 

She nodded.

“Okay. Good. Honesty good.” I fixed my collar. “Let’s try this--it’s a sex game--well, it’s a word game about sex.”

She waited. 

“I’m going to suggest a sex act, and you’re going to respond with yes, no, i-don't-know, or if-it-pleases-you.”

She frowned and gave a little nod “okay.”

I fixed my collar.  

“Yes means yes. Any time. If I say suck my dick, you suck my dick. Okay?”

“Yes,” she said. 

“Very good.” I patted her bare arm. “No means no. At some future time, not during sex, we might talk about a no, but if we’re having sex, I will never ask you to do something that you’ve said no to--like ATM.”

She looked away.

“Wait. Are you saying that ass to mouth is not off the table?”

She looked at me, but didn’t say anything. 

“If ass-to-mouth is a maybe, I want you to say, ‘If-it-pleases-you,’ but honestly, that’s the same thing as saying yes. It’s a nice way for you to say yes, without feeling like you’re a total slut. So, let me try this again.” I looked her right in the eye. "Vaginal sex.”


“Anal sex?”


“Okay, good. No sense dating a submissive woman if she won’t do anal. Right? So you like having anal?”


“You’ve never had anal sex, but you want to find out?”

“God, yes!”

“Good to know.” I looked her in the eye again. “Ass to mouth.”

Eyes down, biting her top lip, she nodded her head. Yes.

“Okay then. That’s a definite yes, but I have a rule about anal sex: It has to be clean. Your cute little butt hole had better be so clean that you are glad to let me fuck you in the ass and make you suck my dick.” 

She said nothing. 

“And pussy to mouth,” I added. “I’ve never done that, and I’ve always wanted to, so you have to do pussy to mouth too!”

Her face brightened. She smiled and sighed with relief. 

She said, "Yes."

This all seemed so very odd. I thought, This poor girl is either so messed up that I’m going to need therapy for years after dating her, or I've fallen into the best deal of my life!

“Cum swapping?” I asked.


“I-don't-know also means yes, got that?”


“Public sex?”

She grimaced and looked down at her hands. Oh so quietly, she said, “No.”

“Our first hard no. No public sex. I respect that.” 

Her face looked pained to have to say no, but she looked up and smiled timidly. 

“And since I’m in your chain of command at work, no public displays of affection in the office.” We both worked in the office at a big factory. While we were both part of the Production department, she did not report directly to me. “At work, we are totally professional. Got it?” 

She nodded agreement. 

“Female-female-male threesomes?”

“Why would I want that?” she snapped.

“Maybe you don’t want it. Maybe I want it. Maybe I’ve always dreamed of having a double blowjob and watching two girls swap a massive load of my cum.”

She crossed her arms and said, “If we do a girl-girl threesome, I’m going to make her lick my pussy till I squirt all over her face!” Then she gasped and covered her mouth. 

“Okay then,” I said, “easy on the girl-girl stuff, but remember If-it-pleases-you is still a yes.” 

She sat there frozen with her hands covering her mouth, but when I remained silent and calm, she finally put her hands back in her lap and said, “If-it-pleases-you.”

“It does.” I took a deep breath, then reached out and unbuttoned the top of her blue checkered dress. There were only three buttons, and undoing the top one revealed almost nothing more than I could see already, but I wanted to know how she would react. 

Sierra started to tremble and suddenly, I could smell her wetness. 

“Very good,” I said. I could get into this. 

I looked her in the eye and said, “Male-female-male threesomes?”

“Maybe,” she said, but she was smiling from ear to ear.

“Okay then.” That was all the hottest things I could think to ask for, and she’s said yes to almost all of them. I pursed my lips and thought of some of the things that might be on my personal Maybe List. 


“Um, maybe,” she allowed. “If-it-pleases-you.”

“Wow,” I said. 

She looked very concerned. 

“I’m,” she started to say, “I’m … These are things you might ask me to do. I’m not asking you for them! They’re not my idea.”

“Right!” I assured her. “I am asking you.”

“Well, okay then,” she said firmly.

“Well, okay,” I agreed, but I had no idea what to do next. To stall for time, I unbuttoned another button on her blue checkered dress.

She sighed and wiggled in her chair. 

“Stand up. Come here,” I said. 

She beamed and stood up. With one step, she was standing between my legs and the smell of her sex was nearly overwhelming. 

I unbuttoned the lowest button on her dress. While I was at it, I squeezed both of her boobs. She was thin, but I guessed she was almost a B cup.

She swayed.

I was afraid she was going to pass out, so I grabbed her around the hips and pulled her pubic bone to my chest. 

She sighed and said, “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t say sorry unless I tell you you’ve done something wrong. I hate weak women.”

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Her eyes grew wide, but she nodded.

“Very good,” I said, pushing her away. “Now take off that dress, and the slip, and lose the bra. From now on, when we are together sexually, you may only wear clothing that I give to you. Otherwise, nothing at all. Understand?”

“Yes,” she said brightly as she ripped the checkered dress off over her head, pushed the slip down over her hips and reached behind her back to undue her little bra.

Naked before me, I took the time to look at her. I boldly examined every inch of her. Without fear or hurry, I admired Sierra’s tiny feet and delicate ankles. She had beautiful knees and thin, but strong looking thighs. Her pussy was completely smooth, her vulva was pink and swollen, and I could see a hint of her red pussy lips. They were glistening with her desire. 

I reached out and slid two fingers of my right hand inside her vagina. It was soaking wet. Dripping. 

She gasped, pulled away, then immediately dropped her dripping pussy onto my fingers.

I whispered, “Your wetness pleases me, Sierra.”

My fingers still buried in her vagina,  I reached around with my left hand and firmly held the back of her head. I locked her head in place with my hand and my eyes. Then I pulled my dripping fingers from her pussy and rubbed them against her lips. 

She tried to pull away, but I held her firmly as the pussy juice dripped from her lips and down onto her chin. I pushed my fingers against her lips, and she sucked them into her mouth. 

“Very good,” I said. “You remembered.”

She looked me in the eye, her lips smiling around my fingers and nodded. 

I pulled my fingers out of her mouth and kissed her, hard. I kissed her like she was mine, like I owned her, like she didn’t have any choice but to obey.

“Give me your tongue,” I said. 

She stuck it out for me.

I sucked it into my mouth. 

“Your tongue tastes good,” I said, our lips still brushing together. “I like tasting your pussy juice on your lips and tongue.”

She wiggled her hips and smiled into my kisses. 

“It's my pleasure,” she panted.

I took a deep breath and pushed her away from me. 

“Take off my shoes and socks, then my pants, but no touching me yet,” I said. “If you touch my dick at all, I will put you back in the corner.”

“Yes, Master.”

My name is Vince. I didn’t know if I liked being called “Master.” I didn’t know if I deserved that title, but I did like her innocent good looks and her eager-to-please attitude, and she needed to say it, so I was willing to go with that for now.

Her hands were steady when she untied and pulled off my black shoes. 

By the time she started to unbuckle my belt, her hands were shaking with desire. She very carefully lifted my zipper tab up away from the equipment and unzipped my pants. Not once did either hand so much as brush my raging hard-on through my slacks. 

She held my pants at the back of my waist and looked up at me with those willing eyes. 

I lifted my hips. 

She pulled my pants down off my butt, then very carefully, she pulled my pants and underwear up and over my dick. 

A second later, I kicked my pants onto the floor. 

She kneeled on the floor between my naked legs. 

I could feel the heat of her skin and the coolness of her breath on my inner thighs. 

“Now,” I said, “put your hands on top of my thighs and leave them there. Then take my dick in your mouth--without using your hands.”

She nodded, set her hands on my thighs, and leaned forward. She found it necessary to rub her soft cheeks all over my cock in order to eventually get it where she could slide her mouth down over my purple cock head. 

I moaned as her hot wet mouth enveloped my dick. It felt awesome. Even better, I could feel her smiling and moaning around my dick as she pushed her head down further and further. Halfway was easy. She struggled to get three-quarters of my dick in her mouth. 

“When you go deep,” I said, “stick your tongue out.”

She frowned but did as I ordered, and in just a few strokes, her tongue crossed from the bottom of my cock, to the top of my scrotum. 

“Very good,” I said, pushing her away. “Come up here. Good girls get kisses.”

Her face in my hands, her breath still ragged, I leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth. 

“Nice,” I said, then kissed her again. “You suck cock well, but now I can’t taste your pussy juice anymore.” I pulled her closer. "Come up here and sit on my dick.”

I pulled her toward me, face to face. She straddled my hips and settled her tiny, naked body onto my cock. 

Her pussy was unbelievably hot and wet. 

“You’re trembling,” I said.

“Yes, Master,” she agreed.

In only a few strokes, she had my big dick all the way inside her tiny cunt. Now, I’m not huge, but 8” is pretty big. I had no idea where she put it with those tiny hips. 

I put her hands on my shoulders and let her ride me while I listened to the squishing of my cock in her pussy. Up and down. Not too fast. Fully in, then all the way out to the glans, then back down again a little faster. The sound was obscenely wet and erotic.

After a few minutes of that, I reached across my chest and took her right hand in my right hand. I put two of her fingers in my mouth and got them good and wet. Then I pulled her wet fingers out of my mouth and said, “Put these two fingers up your ass.”

“Yes,” she said. “Yes.”

Not one second later, I could feel those fingers going inside her. Both of them together. No warm up, just right inside her ass. 

“I can feel your fingers touching my cock through your vaginal wall.” 

She laughed and said, “Uh-huh.”

I reached between us to rub her clit, but she pushed my hand away. 

“That’s my job,” she said. 

I sat back and let her play. She was riding my dick harder and harder. Her fingers were all the way inside her ass, her hand following every up and down movement. I could feel her wiggling those fingers back and forth. Her other hand was so tiny, it slipped right in between us, rubbing her clit up and down. 

It didn’t take long before she found a rhythm of riding my cock while flexing both hands together--one in her asshole, the other against her clit. I wanted to cum with her, but she was having so much fun I couldn’t tell her to slow down. I sat completely still and let her fuck herself silly on my cock. 

Her rhythm was down, rub-rub (both hands in unison), then up, rub-rub, then down again, all while her pussy got wetter and wetter. In just a few minutes, her legs were shaking and her pussy started to twitch. She pulled her fingers out of her ass and put them in her mouth, then she sat down hard on my cock and rubbed her clit furiously until her vagina began to spasm frantically. She pulled her fingers out of her mouth, stuffed them back into her ass and cried out.

“I’m cumming. I’m cumming! All my cum for you!”

Jerking. Spasming. She nearly fell off my lap. It was shocking how hard she came. Amazing. Intoxicating. 

I let her slow down until she could breathe and sit on my soaking wet dick without twitching too too much. Then she tried to kiss me and I turned my head away. 

She pulled back in shock. 

“I’ll forgive it this time,” I said, “because it’s your first time, but from now on, you don’t get to cum unless I give you permission first. Understand?”

“Yes. Yes, of course. I understand.”

“But,” I said with a sad and playful smile, “because you jumped ahead without permission, I’m going to have to punish you.”

“No,” she said. “Not the corner. I’ll be good. I promise!”

“No. Not the corner.” 

I pushed her up and off my dick. My big cock was still rock hard and literally soaking wet with her pussy juice and cum. 

“Now,” I said, “on your knees. You have to clean all your cum off my cock and take all of my cum in your mouth, but don’t you dare swallow my cum until I tell you to. Understand?”

“Yes, Master,” she said, taking my cock into her mouth and moaning. 

Her mouth on my cock was different this time. Yes, of course, it still felt awesome. But she was literally doing exactly what I told her to do: She was sucking her pussy juice off my cock head. She ran her tongue around the head to lick up her wetness, then she swallowed it. She clamped her mouth tight around the glans and pulled her lips up over the velvet skin, pulling the pussy juice into her mouth, then she swallowed again. I didn’t show her, but I was humbled by her obedience. 

“Lick my shaft.”

“Of course.”

She licked all the way around my dick, slurping, and swallowing. 

“Some of your pussy juice dripped on my balls.”

“Let me get it.”

She sucked my balls into her mouth, rubbed her tongue across my soft, sensitive skin and swallowed again. 

“There is some pre-cum,” I said, "right here on the tip.”

“Oh, let me lick that off of your big, hard cock.”

“I think you'd better get ready,” I said.

She moaned with my dick in her mouth. 

“I’m going to cum. You take every drop, but don’t you swallow. I wanna see it.”

She nodded her head and stroked my dick harder. She took my dick deeper--her lips halfway down my shaft. One tiny hand cupped my ball, the other stroked my cock faster and faster.

Then I came and came and came in her mouth. Electric shocks flew from my dick to my asshole, to my butt cheeks, to the top of my head. I came and came with no regard for her feelings, or one thought for how much cum I was pouring into her mouth. I just let it fly again and again and again till finally I started to slow down. 

Gasping, I looked down at her smiling face. A little cum had dripped out between her lips, but not very much.

I popped my dick out of her mouth. 

She gasped and cupped a hand under her chin to catch a splash of cum.

“Show me,” I ordered with a smile.

Sierra opened her mouth and it was full, full of my cum.

I held out one hand. 

“Spit it here,” I said.

So she did as I told her. 

“Now lick it up,” I said, “but don’t swallow it yet.”

She did that too. It made me feel like a sex god to see her licking my cum, sucking it up between her lips. Her smile, her concentration, her eagerness to please was intoxicating. 

When she pulled back, her smile was covered with my semen. 

“Oh, but I think you missed a little,” I said as I rubbed my cum soaked fingers across her mouth, then all over her face. I made sure every part of her face was wet with my cum.

“Better,” I said. “I think we got it all. Now you can swallow.”

She swallowed. It took three times to get it all down. 

“Kisses?” she asked. 

“Good girls get lots of kisses.” 

Then I kissed her right on the mouth, picked her up in my arms and carried her into her bedroom.

Written by ChumbaPoxwally
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