Alice sits at her keyboard and starts her assignment. She has had this fantasy before. In the dark, back out in the woods, she walks very slowly, in the cold crisp winter air. If she could see, you could see her breath, but it is too dark for that right now. Maybe later as the moon crosses overhead. All she can hear is, the crunch of dead leaves on the ground as she walks, stirring up earthy forest scents with each step. She stops and holds her breath without realizing it for a moment. She can hear someone walking in the distance. The sound of leaves under someone's feet, then it stops. There is no one else out here but him. It was part of the agreement she made ahead of time. Suddenly, she gets a catch in her breath again. A slight smile curls on her pretty pink lips.
Alice crouches down low, panting. Her eyes are wide as she scans the area in the dark. He is out there, hunting her, but she must stay hidden a little longer. Alice can see the dark outline of a bush up ahead and tries to quietly make her way over to it for a bit of cover. Crawling down low to the ground. Alice's sight is very good, but her eyes have not adjusted to this darkness yet. She has to make it at least another twenty minutes or her ass will pay for it. She smiles at that thought, but her competitive nature kicks in and she looks around again.
Her heart is racing so much she can hear the pulse in her head. She scans the area again, but the sound is closer to her. Should she get up and run for it? Where would she go? She can no longer see the tiny glow of the cabin light. That is where he deposited her and gave her, her instructions.
'You have a ten-minute head start. Hide and do not let me find you for a least a half-hour or I will welt your hide, till you cannot sit for the rest of the weekend.' His smile is just enough that she could tell, he hoped she bungled her assignment. He gripped her by the neck to give her a kiss, his big hand coming down to swat her ass. He turned towards the cabin light. That was the last she saw of him.
Alice focuses and brings her mind back to the present. She is bundled in warm clothing. It is almost too restrictive to give her ease of movement. She can hear crunching sounds again and panics. She can't help it and jumps up from her hiding place, unsure which direction to go. She runs towards tall tree shapes ahead of her. The sound of her steps is so loud to her. She tries to make it to the trees. Her foot catches a tree root and she falls to the ground, the dark forest whirling around as she lands. Her mind is racing wildly, as she tries to scramble up.
She can feel him behind her. A big fist grips her hair. A chuckle from his throat tells her instantly, she did not make the allotted time. Survival instincts kick in and she scrambles to pull from his hand, but he instantly pulls her to His body with a swing of his free arm. He is not too much taller than herself, but he is a big strong man and able to handle her wiggling body.
She is being dragged steadily towards the glow of the cabin that gets closer and closer. She can hear his breathing getting labored a little as she kicks and tries to wriggle free. She is not going to make this easy. It is part of the game. She manages to bend forward and get him up on her back, trying to roll to the side and knock him off his feet. But his grip in her hair holds. He sweeps at her feet to knock her to the ground. She hears him laugh, 'Oh, you will pay for that, little girl.'

He pulls them both up to a standing position and Alice is pushed to the door. He turns the knob and shoves her inside. She turns around and sees how wide-eyed he is right now. The looks of a predator, stalking his prey. She gets a chill and stands still in the low-lit living area. She has never been here. That was also part of their arrangement. She spots a seat in the middle of the room but darts her eyes back on him.
He is pacing with his eyes on her. She can tell he is itching to lay that belt across her body. She stiffens and waits for him to speak. He moves around behind her and puts his mouth to her ear. 'Did you do that on purpose? That wasn't even half the time.' From behind her, he reaches around to undo her jeans, pulling them down past her ass roughly. He keeps his mouth to her ear. 'Answer me,' he says in a low growl.
Alice is struck by how powerful this moment is. He has already reached something deep in her core. Her panties are soaking as he shoves her jeans down. She feels helpless just now, a bit limp, and he grips them and pulls them down her thighs. He doesn't touch her mound but her mind screams for him to.
He grips her by the hair again, pulling her to the single seat in the middle of the room, draping her over the chair with her ass exposed. She doesn't dare move but has enough sense to grip the legs of it to hold on. She is panting even more as he pulls his belt through the belt loops, making that satisfying sound.
Alice groans out a bit, responding instantly to the first slap of leather across her backside. She screams from the sharp pain. He stands silent for one moment. Cupping her chin and making her look up at him, he says with a soft smile, 'Remember your words, huh?' He searches Alice's eyes for a response.
She nods a little and eeps out softy, 'Red, yellow, green.'
Her pretty blue eyes blink back tears that have formed and she gives him a smile. She liked this part. The tender moments amongst the excitement. He is waiting and she utters softly, 'Green.' His face softens for only a moment. Then he lets her face go and stands up tall. Alice knows to grip the chair again, grunting a little as the next blow slaps across both her cheeks.
Alice hears her phone ring, her hands on her laptop keyboard. She has typed away for an hour and never realized the time. She reads over her email and hits send. She can't believe how aroused she is from doing her 'homework'. Would he ever do those things to her? Will he ask her to finish the rest of the story?
She shakes her head to get her mind back to reality. The phone... she grips it; maybe it is him. She slumps a little as the number shows up as an unknown.