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Adventures at Disney - Part 02

"Slow starting romantic BDSM (MFf) at the "Happiest Place on Earth". Chapters 06-11."

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Author's Notes

"Thanks to everyone for your patience as I get used to posting here. More importantly, thanks for following this story! Depending on the Moderator's workloads, I expect to post a new Part (5-6 chapters) every 5-7 days. <p> [ADVERT] </p> As always, feedback and reviews are appreciated - good AND bad! Time to turn up the heat a little..."

Chapter 6 – Race Day

Race day.  Even in an alternate universe, some things are constant.  It's hot, humid and I cramp up around Mile 10.  The only difference here is that I get to listen to two women tell me how stubborn I am all the way to the finish.

The line at the massage tent is way too long, but April tells us not to worry.  She has her travel kit in her car and after we take showers, she can give us both a massage as thanks for sharing our room. 

On the way back to the room we stop to grab some breakfast at White Water Snacks.  April must check out by 11:00, so she takes off to grab a shower and pack her stuff.  We spend a few more minutes sitting, but Diana is kind of quiet. 

"What's wrong, my love?"  I ask.

"I don't know. My head's all over the place."

"Work?  The house?  Moving?"

"No.  Now that you mention it, I haven't thought about any of those things at all this weekend.   It's just..."


She hesitates a long time before finally admitting "...yes.  She's in my head, it's making me crazy, and I don't know why.”

"Di, it's not that hard.  You have a crush on her.  For your whole life, you thought that kind of thing is wrong, that it couldn't…. shouldn't happen with another woman.  Now you've found someone that you have an amazing connection to, and it has.  It's more than just friendship.  Tell me that you are not attracted to her physically.”

This time she hesitates even longer before replying.  I know her well enough that there is no sense in lying to me.  "I am... a lot.  But it's all wrong.  I don't even know if I could ever bring myself to do something about it.  Besides, I am sure that it is all one way.”

I laugh out loud.  "Are you kidding?  I've seen the way she looks at you.  I guarantee you that exact same thoughts are going through her head, too.”

A shocked look appears on her face.  "Really?  Are you sure? How could she possibly be interested in me?”

"She's interested because you're you.  It's chemistry, Di, and the two of you have it by the truckload... oh crap!” I exclaim, grabbing my right hamstring, which has a minor cramp. 

After the cramp goes away, we decide that just sitting is probably a bad idea.  We head back upstairs for showers, which feel wonderful.  Just as we finish dressing there is a knock on the door.  It's April; carrying a suitcase and a small locker bag.  Her hair is still wet from her shower and with one look we can both tell that she isn't wearing a bra under her tee shirt. 

"Okay, who's first?" she asks, opening her locker bag and pulling out various jars. 

We decide I should go first since I've started cramping up again.  Turning all professional, she asks me where it hurts (which is mostly everywhere).  April disappears into the bathroom and then returns with a towel, telling me to strip, lie on the bed face down and cover up with it.  She's going to have to work the top of my hamstrings and glutes, first with lotion and then a sports gel, which can get messy. 

I lie on the edge of the bed.  She immediately starts working on my calves.  Diana asks her to explain what she is doing and why.  That way, she can try to do the same thing for April later.  April tells her to take a leg and do the same things that she does.  As the two of them work on my legs and the pain starts to go away, I start to relax. 

After a while, I can't tell who's doing what.  At one point, I feel the towel being moved so that my ass becomes exposed.  I reach back to adjust it and Diana slaps my hand, telling me to leave it.  I feel one of them (who?) working out the knot in my left glute, and then I feel two sets of hands on my ass.  At that point, and despite the pain, I am really getting turned on, and can feel myself getting hard.  I know neither of them can see it, but Diana knows me quite well.  When April goes to get her "industrial strength" Biofreeze alternative, I feel Diana slip a hand between my legs and give my cock and balls a quick fondle. I can barely keep myself hidden when April returns and the two of them apply the salve.  

Whatever this stuff is, it is strong and quick working.  Fortunately, it also acts like a cold shower.  The two of them cover me with the towel and then a blanket.  I decide that it's a really good time to take a nap.  I am about to say so when Diana asks me when she should wake me up.  Yes, she knows me well! 

I'm asleep in minutes.  Meanwhile, the two women have moved over to the other bed. April goes to wash up in the bathroom and tells Diana to lie down.  Diana undresses and gets under a towel.  She realizes that she is looking forward to the massage, but not because her muscles are sore.  When April returns, she takes the towel and tosses it aside, "kind of pointless after yesterday, don't you think?" 

She then proceeds to give Diana a full body massage, concentrating on the sore muscles in her shoulders, back, feet, and legs first.  She finally works her way up to the top of Diana’s thighs and glutes, and then spends a lot of time kneading Diana’s shapely and toned ass, and occasionally, rubbing her inner thigh.  Her fingers come achingly close to Diana’s pussy, but April never actually crosses the line from a massage to something more (even though Diana thinks that she may want her to do just that). 

Just when my wife thinks she can't stand it anymore; April tells her to flip over.  She works Diana’s front just as efficiently as her back.  Diana closes her eyes as her shoulders and upper chest muscles are worked over, but April never comes close to her breasts except of a couple of accidental brushes.  It's so quick that Diana can’t tell if it was intentional or not. 

April moves on to Diana’s legs, where she takes care of her IT bands and quads and then says she is going to do a couple of stretches.  Standing near her feet, April takes Diana’s left leg and does a whole range of motion exercise with it, finally bending it back and away to stretch the hamstring.  It's a great stretch, so of course Diana opens her eyes to see how it is being done.  She immediately realizes that April is staring straight at her open (and damp) pussy. 

April’s gaze is intense and raw, and Diana can see her lick her lips just a little.  It sends a slight shiver through Diana’s whole body, which April feels.  That seems to bring back her attention, and Diana closes her eyes as April switches to her right leg.  She must kneel on the bed to do the stretch this time, and as she does, Diana opens her eyes just far enough to peer through her lashes and see April’s face.  It's incredibly exciting; again, she is studying my wife’s pussy as she completes the stretch, except this time, Diana "lets" her left leg slowly drift to the floor.  This opens her all the way up and the excitement of it pulls at Diana deep inside.  She is certain that April must see how incredibly wet she has become.   The look on April’s face is almost hungry, likes she is dying to taste a scrumptious desert, yet she does nothing except put her leg down and asks how it all felt. 

"Great!" Diana replies, "although I think I'll skip the ointment for a while.  Okay, now it's your turn!" 

Diana rolls off the bed and stretches from head to toe, making a point to thrust her chest outwards so April can see that her nipples are painfully hard before putting shorts and a tee shirt on.  While she does that, she also glances over at me.  I'm totally crashed. 

Diana goes into the bathroom to pee.  If April was trying to tease her, she did a good job.  Diana can't help it and starts rubbing her own clit.  She knows it wouldn't take much to make herself come, but that isn't what she wants, so she finally finds the will to stop. 

By the time Diana returns to the room, April is lying naked on the bed, no pretense of modesty or awareness that I am sleeping in the next bed.  Diana decides to do to April exactly what April did to her.  She spends at least twenty minutes on April’s shoulders, back, feet and lower legs.  When she gets to April’s ass, she automatically spreads her legs to allow access to her inner thighs.  Just like April did, Diana makes a point to come close without actually touching anything sensitive.  She does however spend extra time on April’s ass and takes a trick out of my book, grabbing both ass cheeks at once and pulling them wide, which gives an unobstructed view of April’s tight little asshole and part of her pussy.  It seems damp as well.  Diana moves up near her head and tells her it's time to flip.  When she does, it’s obvious that her nipples are even bigger and harder than last night, definitely bigger around than Diana’s thumb.  More than that, Diana realizes that April’s pubic hair is gone. 

Diana moves down the edge of the bed and taps her finger where blond curls used to be.  "What is this?" she asks. 

April opens her eyes and sees Diana standing over her.  "This...", she says, "is my Declaration of Independence!  I was always planning on doing something wild once my divorce was final.  I didn't know what it would be until last night.  Seems to be more fun than getting drunk.  The only problem is that I didn't have a mirror.  I'm not sure how well I did.  Do you mind telling me?" 

With that, she slowly spreads her legs.  While the easy spots look fine, it looks like April missed a lot.  "You’re going to need to clean that up a bit.  What did you use?" 

"A razor, but I couldn't see what I was doing."  She starts to giggle, "I don't suppose..." 

Diana cuts her off, "where is it?" 

A minute later, after April gets her razor, and Diana gets a few hot wet washcloths, and a cup of warm water, they are back in the bedroom.  I'm still crashed. 

Diana positions April so that she is reclining against a pile of pillows, with her ass at the foot of the bed on a towel, holding her legs spread.  She puts a hot washcloth between April’s legs and lets it sit a couple of minutes to soften the hair.  When she removes it, she pulls April’s legs farther apart and applies a generous amount of shaving cream. 

Starting with April’s inner thighs, Diana carefully shaves away soft blond hair.  Diana concentrates hard on what she is doing so that she doesn't nick April, so it takes quite a while before they are ready for the more delicate areas. 

"I have to touch you now if I am going to do this right.  Are you sure that this is what you want?” Diana asks. 

April licks her lips before responding in a barely audible purr, "Oh God, more than anything." 

Slowly, Diana reaches out and takes hold of one side of April’s labia.  Diana pulls the outer lip away from her body and slowly runs the razor against it.  She rinses and continues, shaving the outside of the labia first, before pulling it the other direction and shaving the inner portion.  She then does the other side, being just as deliberate.  When that is done, she grabs both labia at once, pulling upward.  She shaves under April’s pussy, and around her asshole.  Before she moves upwards to finish, Diana pauses to look at April’s face.  She sees a look there that she recognizes on me when I am incredibly horny.  She also realizes that this whole thing was a setup, and that the shaving was in April’s plan from the beginning. 

"We are almost done.  How close do you want me to go?” Diana asks. 

"All the way.  I want it all gone.  I want to be smooth for you." April replies.  Smooth for you, she said, not smooth like you.  Diana can feel you’re her mouth go dry because this is the point of no return.  Once she touches April’s clit, she knows where it will lead.  There will be no pretending that this was some innocent mistake. 

"Okay, hang on.  I need some more water," you say. 

Diana runs into the bathroom and gets more hot water and rewets the washcloth.  She pauses to look in the mirror and take a deep breath. 

"What the hell are you doing, Di?  Do you really need to complicate your life more than it is?" she thinks to herself and then realizes that it isn’t the potential sex that scares her, it's the potential relationship. Damn if she doesn't have a crush on April. 

Diana returns to the bedroom.  I'm still out like a light.  April looks at her like she's holding her breath.  Diana puts some shaving cream on her fingers and kneels between April’s legs.  Slowly, she rubs it around her entire clitoris and hood, causing April to spasm.  She then takes the razor and ever so gently, shaves the area right over it.  After each stroke, she wipes the area with the washcloth and then repeats the process.  Finally, there are on a couple of small hairs that are left.  To get them, Diana squeezes April’s now erect member between two fingers and pulls it out and away from April’s body.  This causes April to moan softly, lifting her ass off the bed.  Holding it tightly, Diana gets the last tiny hairs.  When she lets go, April collapses back against the pillows, letting her breath out in a long whoosh. 

"Hold on", Diana says in a husky voice, "I need to inspect my work". 

At this point, April’s pussy is wide open and gaping.  Her labia are red and swollen, and Diana can see her juices running down to her asshole. Diana slowly uses her fingers to spread April wider, pulling her labia apart, and running her thumbs up and down April’s sopping wet opening.  Diana can easily smell April’s arousal now.  It's a strong sweet smell that goes straight to her head.  She let’s go of April’s labia and hovers her fingers above April’s clit.  Looking up at her, Diana can see that April has let go of her legs and is playing with her own hard nipples; her head slowly rolling in the pillows.  Placing her thumbs on either side of April’s pert little jewel, she slowly pulls the hood back, so that April is fully exposed.  Diana glances up one more time and sees April’s eyes snap open as she pauses.  Diana licks her own lips, and flicks her tongue out. She is rewarded with a small nod - April wants her to do it... 

"Owww, owwww, OWWWW!!!.  Cramps!!   Both hamstrings!  It's bad!” I am screaming from the other bed.  Diana looks over, and sees that I am still face down, and holding both legs.  From there, everything happens in slow motion. Both women spring up and run to the bed.  April has Diana work one hamstring while she works the other.  It takes nearly five minutes for the cramps to subside.  Once they do, April bolts to the bathroom and returns after finding a robe. 

“Diana, we really should get dressed and get out to the parks.  Staying still is only going to make this worse.  I'll go ahead and go into the bathroom so you guys can change out here."  With a small shrug of what could only be disappointment, April turns around, grabs her bag and goes to change. 

Diana jumps up and catches April just inside the bathroom entrance, closing the door before turning April around and pushing her against the counter.  Diana leans into April and whispers in her ear, "no playing around while you are in here, okay?  This was just an interruption, but if you make yourself come without me, I'll..." 

She has no idea where the next part comes from (probably from me), but in a joking tone she finishes, "...I'll punish you.  I'll hold you down and let Bruce spank you, which I am sure he would love to do". 

April looks at Diana for a moment, smiles devilishly and whispers back "Is that a promise?  I think I might like that." 

"It's a promise alright, but it won't be as good as this..." 

Diana puts a hand beneath April’s robe and slowly runs two fingers up her thigh, between her legs and into April’s still soaked pussy.  Pressing them as deep as she can before slowly twisting them back and forth.  April goes weak in the knees and starts to moan.  Pressing her hard against the counter, Diana silences the moan with a deep kiss and then starts fucking April with her fingers.  Her other hand parts April’s robe and finds her breast, twisting the nipple hard.  When she finally removes her fingers, she drags them hard against April’s clitoris.  From there, they go into my wife’s mouth, and Diana makes sure April watches as she licks them clean.  "Remember, you don't come without me, or else!  Now get dressed and let's go!"

Chapter 7 – Bed Time

Walking in the park was tough for me, but eventually I started to loosen up and have fun.  I could tell that there was a change between the two women with me but could only guess at what.  Diana was constantly giggling, laughing, and whispering.  April kept throwing me knowing glances and long appraising stares.  At the same time, it seemed like Diana was paying even more attention to me than normal, almost like she was trying to keep an invisible balance ledger even.  More than once, I watched the two of them hold hands when no one else was watching. We went from ride to ride, our adrenaline taking over and keeping us from getting tired.   All-in-all, it was a freaking awesome day in the park. 

Eventually, we found ourselves back where this all started, getting ready to watch fireworks.  Even though we've seen the same display multiple times, they are always good.  Tonight however, they really seemed extra romantic.  As usual, I am standing behind Diana, holding her in my arms.  April is at her side, at least when they start.  By the time they are over, Diana had pulled her in front of her, into her own arms. 

When we leave the park, I go back to the hotel while the two of them do some final shopping at World of Disney.  By the time they make it to the room, I'm already in bed and asleep. Diana and April sit on the other bed, talking about anything and everything, but nothing serious. 

"Does he normally sleep that much?" April asks. 

"No, it's just his way of coping with the run. When we first started dating, he'd sometimes sleep for fourteen hours to catch up on sleep for the week." 

"Aren't you tired? 

"Strangely, no.  I should be, but I'm not." 

"Hmmmm, me either." 

 Eventually, April looks at Diana and asks, "What's it like?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"You and Bruce.  Best friends.  Fifteen years together, just yourselves and your dogs… er, pack?" 

Diana ponders it for a moment.  "Honestly, it's fantastic.  He's my best friend and the most supportive guy you could imagine.  We keep waiting for the 'tough year', but it never happens."  She pauses for a moment and then continues, "Which is why I think we need to cool it tonight.  As much as I want to take up where we left off, I need to talk to him first.  I need to know that it doesn't hurt us." 

April looks hurt for a moment and then slowly nods.  "I get it.  I really do.  If my marriage had been half as good as yours, I wouldn't have wanted to risk it either.  Why don't we get some sleep?  We should get up early, plus we need to make plans for when you get to Sedona...” suddenly she has a panicked look on her face. "... you are going to want to see me again when you get there aren't you?" 

"Silly girl, of course I will.  There is nothing I am looking forward to more...” Diana says and then punctuate it with a slow soft kiss to April’s lips "... except finishing what we started earlier today." 


Suddenly, Diana finds herself wide awake.  She doesn’t know what time it is, but it's still pitch black in the room.  She hears a soft noise coming from April's bed but can't tell what it is.  Once her eyes finally adjust, she can see April lying naked in bed, the covers in a heap at her feet.  She hears the noise again and her first thought is that April is having a nightmare, then sees the way April’s arm and hand are moving.   She's playing with herself!  Diana is instantly wet.  She watches for a while.  Even though it's dark, the beds are only a couple of feet apart and she can see well enough.  April has one hand working slowly at her pussy, while the other is rubbing her breasts and nipples. 

Diana loves to watch me play with myself.  It isn't any different with April.  Even though I am on my side right next to her, Diana decides to join in.  She strips off her shirt and starts playing with herself.  Overcome by the initial rush of pleasure Diana closes her eyes for a moment.  When she opens them, she can see that April’s eyes are open and following her own movements.  Diana hesitates only for a moment, and then keeps going, moving even faster. 

"Slow down", April mouths, scooting over to the very edge of the bed and reaching out with her left hand.  Diana takes her fingers out of her pussy and reaches out.  April grabs her wrist and leans out of bed far enough to lick my wife’s fingers clean.  April then falls back, holding Diana’s hand tightly.  Once again, she locks eyes and then continues playing with herself. 

Diana starts again with her left hand, which is awkward, but she is so turned on that she doesn’t care.  Within moments, she feels an orgasm coming on, but tries to hold it until April goes.  Fortunately, it doesn't take long.  When April comes, her entire body arcs high off the bed and goes rigid, her fingers squeezing Diana’s.  That sends Diana crashing over the edge; she bites her lip to keep from screaming from the intensity of it. 

Eventually they both recover, turning on their sides to face each other, hands still clasped.  With their lust temporarily sated, they fall asleep staring into each other’s eyes.

Chapter 8 – Magic Hour

When Diana wakes up, April is still lying on her side facing our bed.  Fortunately, she had pulled her covers up because I am already up and making noise in the bathroom.  Eventually, this wakes April up.  When she sees Diana looking at her, she flashes a big smile and says "Hey, sexy!" in a sleepy voice.

Diana sits up, pulling the sheet up to cover her breasts, but it doesn’t hide hard pokey nipples.  "Hey yourself, beautiful!  How'd you sleep?” she jokes. 

"Not a wink until we... you know... I was way too pent up.  How about you?" 

Before Diana can answer, she sees me walk into the room.  I come over and sit on the side of the bed next to her, giving her a big kiss.  "Good morning, my love." 

"Hi, my love.  What time is it?" she asks, looking around for a clock. 

"About 7:15." 

"What!  I thought we were getting up early for Magic Hour.  What happened to my alarm?" 

"I turned it off and let you sleep in.  I thought you might need it.  Good morning, April." 

"Good morning," she says, sitting up with her knees tucked up and the sheets pulled up to cover herself.  "So, what's the plan this morning?" 

"That's up to the two of you.  Breakfast will be here at eight thirty." 

Diana looks at me quizzically, "Why is it up to us?  Why did you order breakfast?  We were supposed to eat in the park." 

I stand up between the two of them and look back and forth.  "Seriously?" 

Neither one of you say anything, so I continue, "It's our last day here.  We could go into the park, but that isn't what either of you really want to do.  Let’s be honest.  In fact, you don't even want leave the room." I look directly at April, "Isn't that right, April?" 

Her face shows shock and embarrassment.  She doesn't answer out loud, but slowly nods "yes". 

Kneeling, I tell her, "Give me your hand, April," She hesitates a moment and then does so. 

Without speaking, I look at the love of my life and hold out my other hand.  Butterflies dancing in her stomach, Diana gives me her hand.  I bring both hands to my lips and kiss each one lightly, before joining them together.  They both hold tight and look at me expectantly. 

I smile and say, "It's simple really.  You two have had a special connection since the moment you met.  I've watched it get progressively stronger every day.  April, I am absolutely certain that there is nothing that my wife wants more in the world right now then for you to climb into her bed and make love to her." 

I watch the two of you look at each other for a long time, and finally Diana turns back to me, nodding.  "You're right, I do want that, but not if it's going to be a problem for us, my love". 

"Really…" I reply, with a big smile, " only problem would be living with you for four weeks if you don't do this now.  This was pre-destined.  It was inevitable ever since you kissed on Friday night."  I look over at April.  "Well, what are you waiting for?" 

She looks back at me and clutches her sheet closer. 

I laugh and tell her, "It’s kind of late for that, after the show the two of you put on last night.  Besides, who do think covered you up this morning?" 

April looks mortified for a moment, turning beet red.  I give her a smile and say "don't worry about it.  It was very hot and the two of you look a lot happier this morning.  Anyway, I'm going to go hit the roller coaster again.  I'll be back for breakfast." 

With that, I lean over and give Diana a long, deep kiss.  "I love you tremendously.  Have fun!” 

When I turn to leave, Diana grabs my hand, “I don't understand.  I would have thought you'd want to stay". 

I look into her eyes, “Of course I would... normally.  I'd love nothing better, and you know that.  If I thought that this was just about sex, I would stay.  I'd even want to play.  But this is something else, something more.  You two deserve some privacy for your first time... and just in case you’re worried about it, this isn't cheating.  I want this for you." I give Diana another kiss and turn around, heading out. 

"Wait", April says. 

I turn back around and look at her.  She takes a deep breath and then gets out of bed, totally naked.  She stands there for a moment before doing a slow pirouette. 

I take in her flawless skin, smooth ass, perky breasts, erect nipples and shaved pussy, which is red and puffy.  I get the message.  She's in this with nothing to hide. 

She walks up to me, stands on tip toe, kisses me on the cheek and whispers in my ear, "Thank you." 

She turns back to Diana and waits expectantly.  Diana smiles, moves over, and pulls the covers out of the way, making a place for April on the bed.  With a loud squeal, April jumps on to the bed, into my wife’s arms and starts plastering her face with kisses.

Chapter 9 – Breakfast

I return just in time to catch the room service person getting ready to knock.  I stop him; tell him that it's my room and that my wife is getting ready, so I'll take it in.  It's easier than try to explain that my wife and her girlfriend may not be decent. 

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Once he's gone, I knock on the door, pause, and then use my key to open the door.  Diana and April are on the other side, wearing tee shirts.  I carry the tray in and set it down.  It's a good thing that I brought the food in, the room smells strongly of sex. 

April immediately pounces on the tray, "What did you order? I'm starving!”  She then starts digging through the food, announcing what's there. 

"A little of everything", I reply, ignoring her and looking at my wife.  Her eyes are misting. She walks up and gives me an incredibly long, soft and sensual kiss.  I can taste April in her mouth and on her lips.  Just thought of Diana licking her gets me immediately hard.  I must wonder if she is as good at that as she is at sucking cock.  If so, then April had a big treat.  When the kiss ends, Diana wraps her arms around me, and I give her a big hug. 

April, who had gone quiet watching us says, "Wow... just wow!”  I look closely at Diana’s face and eyes.  She looks... content... relaxed... and happy. 

"So...?" I ask. 

"It was amazing!" she whispers. 

In between bites, April chimes in, "I'll second that!  She made me come three times! Granted, I haven't had sex in oh, about eighteen months, but!  If I had known that women were that much fun, I would have tried this a long time ago.  Hey, look!  A fruit plate and omelets.  Mickey waffles!  Champaign!" 

Diana and I look at each other for a moment and then laugh.  I tell her, "I think we better get over there and get some food before your girlfriend takes it all." 

"Girlfriend?" April says, walking over.  "I kind of like the sound of that."  She pulls Diana into her arms giving her a soft, sexy kiss. 

Breakfast is fun.  We sit around the small table (with Diana in the middle of course) with the two of them constantly touching and flirting. Then they make a game of stealing food off my plate because I have all the tasty stuff, and what the heck, they burnt a lot of calories this morning.  Diana tells April, "He’s always been a good sharer." 

"It isn't really sharing when you just take what you want," I say.  "Hey, stop that!  Those are my biscuits!" 

After a couple of cups of tea, Diana gets up to go to the bathroom.  It leaves me and April alone for the first time this weekend. 

She's uncharacteristically quiet for a while and then finally asks me, "So, are you really, truly okay with this?" This weekend has been wonderful.  I think Diana is amazing.  I feel like we've known each other forever, but I can't get a read on you.  You must not be the jealous type, or this is just some sexual fantasy you are hoping to play out." 

I wait a moment before replying, “Good sharer, remember?  Actually…. this has nothing to do with sex.  I am absolutely secure in what Diana and I have between us.  That won't change no matter what you do.  I want this because you make her happy.  What I don't know and what really worries me, is why are you doing this?  You've already made the point that you've never been attracted to women.  Is this just because you are lonely?  If this is just some sort of pointless fling for you, it will break her heart.  If that's the case, you should just pack your bags and leave now." 

April’s eyes start to mist up and her voice is shaky when we she finally says, "Oh, God no!    How could you think that?  Yes, I am lonely and more than a little sexually deprived but this weekend was just supposed to be a present to myself... a way to start over without that bastard of a husband.  Maybe that made me more open to a new adventure, but this is anything but a fling.  What I'm scared of is that when you guys get to Sedona that she will change her mind and want nothing to do with me.  That will break my heart because..." 

She bows her head into her hands. 

"Because why April?" I ask softly, "If she hasn't told you yet, Diana and I figured out long ago that everything works better when we communicate.  If you are going to have a relationship with her, then you need to take that lesson to heart.  So, what are you holding back?" 

When she lifts her head, I see tears streaming down her face.  She looks at me with desperation on her face and says, "I don't understand it, but I think I could fall for her.  Don't you get it?  She already loves you.  There is no place in her heart for me.  It's doomed before it even starts!" 

The tears are flowing even harder now, and she buries her face in her hands again.  She doesn't realize that Diana has been standing behind her for most of the conversation until she reaches down, takes April’s hands and helps her stand. 

Diana starts giving gentle kisses to April’s eyes, licking away her tears and telling her, "Oh Baby, please don't cry.  There is a place in my heart for you, next to the one I hold for Bruce.  That's not going to change.  I don't understand it either, but I think that maybe this was meant to be.  That's why I'm falling for you too." 

Even as Diana says it, she can't believe what she is saying, yet she knows it to be true.  She pulls April into a big hug and then looks over at me, holding out one arm.  I get up and join in the hug.  We hold each other as April's tears subsides. 

"It looks like I'm the sharer now," Diana says.

Chapter 10 – Sharing

A little while later, after the big group hug and bathroom visits for the two of them to blow their noses and clean their faces, we are sitting back at the table, cleaning up, sipping some champaign. 

April is in a good mood again and starts chattering, "Thanks guys.  I really needed that... but the truth of the matter is..."  She waits until she has my full attention, smiles, and continues, "I was kind of hoping that it was part of some elaborate sexual fantasy you had cooked up!  Diana told me all about you, Bruce.  You're into some kinky stuff." 

"Oh really? And what's your definition of 'kinky'?" 

"You know... porn, erotica, spanking, bondage, anal.  Fifty Shades kind of shit." 

I look at Diana, "Over share much?" 

"Well, I wanted her to know what she's getting in to," she explains, with a little teasing smile on her face. 

"How so?  When did that become relevant?" 

She takes April by the hand and moves to sit on the bed, her legs spread wide so April can sit in front of her, facing me.  She reaches around from behind April and starts playing with her breasts, squeezing her nipples through her tee shirt.  April throws her head back on Diana’s shoulder and moans. 

"Didn't you listen?  Eighteen months and no sex.  She's an extremely horny little girl.  I don't know if I can handle that all by myself, so I promised her I'd get her some help.  Spread your legs, Baby." 

I watch as April obeys Diana’s command, spreading her legs wide.  As she does that, Diana slowly lifts her shirt so I can look directly between April’s legs.  She is already wet. 

"Play with yourself," she tells her. 

April immediately does what Diana commands, running her fingers into her pussy and over her clit.  As she does that, Diana pulls her tee shirt up and all the way off, kissing her neck and playing with her breasts. April starts rubbing herself a little harder, locking eyes with me. 

"Let me taste you," Diana tells her, enjoying how she is directing the scene. 

April plunges two fingers deep into her own pussy, twists them around and brings them to Diana’s mouth to suck clean.  They both look at me and can see a bulge in my shorts. 

Diana takes a nipple in each hand, squeezing them tight and pulling them away from April’s chest.  "What do you think of these, my love?" 

"Very, very nice..." I say, “... but why don't you squeeze them a little harder?" 

She does exactly that, squeezing them hard.  That causes April to roll her head back with a loud moan, shoving three fingers into her own pussy. 

"And what about her pussy?  I just shaved it for her yesterday.  Show him how good it looks now, April." 

April moans and the using both hands, opens herself up, pulling her labia apart until I can her juices slowly drip onto the floor. 

April locks eyes with me again as I answer, "She's just a little slut, isn't she?  April, did Diana tell you that shaving is one of my kinks?" 

"She did," April says as she starts playing with herself again, "she said you are completely shaved, too.  May I see?" 

I look at my wife. She nods slightly.  I stand up and remove my tee shirt and then unbutton my shorts, dropping them on the floor.  My cock is at full attention, with pre-come dripping from the tip.  April looks at it like she's starving and then finally turns her face to Diana.  Diana looks at me, smiles and then kisses April.  "Go ahead," she tells her. 

April is immediately on her knees in front of me.  First, she just looks, examining my shaved cock and balls closely.  She reaches out tentatively with her hands and then looks at me like she's seeking permission.  I give her a quick nod. 

She slowly runs her hands over my cock and balls, marveling at how smooth they are.  Diana comes and stand beside me so she can watch.  I look at my wife carefully, but there's no jealousy on her face, just excitement.  She watches for a while as April uses just her hands, and the starts rubbing my cock all over her face. 

"Use your mouth, baby," Diana says in a low, breathy voice. 

April starts with my balls, licking them one at a time and then pulling them into her mouth, sucking and rolling them like a piece of candy.  Eventually she moves to my cock and licks the underside and sides first, before slowly covering the tip with her mouth.  She then starts sucking it in earnest, alternating short fast strokes with slow medium strokes.  She's not as good as Diana, but what she lacks in skill, she makes up with enthusiasm. 

Diana kneels next to April so she can watch this woman suck on her husband, looking into her April’s eyes as she puts her own hand between her legs and starts to play.  After a while, she starts directing April... 

"Slow down, baby... that's good.  Now take a deep breath.  Okay, take it all the way... that’s better... no, hold it is long as you can.  Okay, do it again... all the way to the back of your throat.  Relax.  Now do it again and keep going... all the way, every time. 

I am amazed, listening to my wife tell another woman how to give me a blowjob, but it's working.  I am getting close when Diana tells her to stop.  Diana pulls her fingers from between her legs and lets April suck on them instead.  Diana’s other hand goes between April’s legs.  Diana starts finger fucking April’s pussy and mouth at the same time.  She keeps doing that until April is moaning and the pulls away... 

"Finish him off, April", she tells her. 

This time, April really attacks my cock, sucking it hard and deep.  It isn't long before I am close again. 

"He's almost there, baby," Diana tells her, “He’s going to come in your mouth if you don't stop.  Do you want that?" 

April doesn't answer, just speeds up.  My wife knows me better than that, so she tells April to go slow and deep instead.  That's all it takes.  Within moments, I moan loudly and start shooting hot cum into April’s mouth.  April locks her lips tight around my shaft and swallows greedily, causing me to get even louder.  Diana is rubbing herself furiously and sees April finally slide her mouth off my cock, her lips wet with my cum.  Before she can lick it away, Diana pulls her into a deep kiss, pushing her tongue into April’s mouth and sharing the taste with her. 

I collapse back into the chair while Diana and April's kisses become softer.  Diana lifts her to her feet and continues to finger April’s pussy.  "Did you like that?" she asks, "You’re dripping wet." 

Oh, Diana," she breathes, "you weren't kidding. That was way more fun without all that hair in the way.  Just like licking you." 

Diana turns and climbs onto our bed, lying across the middle.  She pulls April down next to her, between her and the foot of the bed.  That gives me a perfect vantage point to watch everything she does.  For a long time, there is silence as the two of them make out.  Their kissing is slow and sensual at first, while their hands explore each other's bodies. 

Eventually, Diana pushes April on to her back and lies on her side next to her. Her hand makes it way down April’s belly and between her legs.  As her fingers enter her, April moans, throws her head back and brings her hands up to play with her own breasts and nipples.  Diana’s touch is light at first, but eventually she starts moving her hand faster, fucking April hard and deep with her fingers.  The faster she goes, the harder Diana twists and squeezes April’s nipples. 

As Diana fucks her, April’s moaning becomes continuous, and her body starts to tremble.  Looking over at me, I see my wife mouth the words, "watch this".   She moves her mouth down to April’s breast, takes her nipple between her teeth and bites down hard.  That sends April over the edge, and just like last night, she comes so hard that her body arcs off the bed. 

Diana’s hand slows down but doesn’t stop; her fingers are still moving inside April and she is lightly licking and sucking April’s breast.  As April’s orgasm subsides and her body relaxes, Diana speeds up again, fucking her hard before moving her mouth to the other breast, again biting hard.  Almost immediately, April lets out a wail and is coming again, her ass bouncing off the bed and her breath coming in ragged gasps.  It's so intense that I am worried that she'll pull something. 

This time, when April finally comes down, my wife pulls her close, caressing her entire body while she kisses her neck and face.  Diana looks over at me with a content look on her face and notices that I am hard again.  In that regard, two women seem to be the natural equivalent to Viagra. 

When April’s breathing becomes normal again, she sits up and pushes Diana on to her back. 

"My turn," she says, lifting Diana’s arms above her head and rolling on top of her.  April intertwines her fingers with Diana’s and starts kissing her.  It's slow and deep at first, while April rubs her body against Diana’s.  My wife decides the time for teasing is over and moves her hands to April’s shoulders, pressing slightly. 

April starts to slide down Diana’s body, stopping to lick her breasts and suck on her nipples.  She keeps doing that until Diana spreads her legs wide and pushes on April’s shoulders again.  That causes April to kiss her way down Diana’s belly and bringing her hands to Diana’s full breasts, squeezing rhythmically.  April’s head goes between Diana’s legs, and she starts kissing and licking Diana’s inner thighs.  I move to the corner of the bed to watch, reaching out to hold Diana’s hand. 

April is deliberately teasing now, putting her tongue everywhere except where my wife wants it to be.  When Diana can't stand it anymore, she grabs April’s head with both hands and forces her mouth to her pussy.  She is rewarded with a flurry of hard swipes against her clit accompanied by two fingers thrusting deep inside. 

Once April establishes a rhythm, she sticks with it, determined to make Diana come, her eyes glued to her face.  To her credit, she gets Diana much closer than I ever have with just my mouth, but it's not quite enough.  Suddenly, Diana lifts herself up on her elbows and pushes herself up the bed, until her head is hanging over it.  April looks up, trying to figure out what's going on, but Diana pushes her head back between her legs, saying "don't you dare stop!"   

April starts over, quickly reestablishing her initial rhythm.  When she does, Diana looks over at me, dropping her head off the edge of the bed and opening her mouth. 

"My love, I need you..." 

I understand exactly what she wants.  I get up, my cock dripping liquid from the tip and I stand over her face.  Diana reaches up and guides my cock into her mouth, sucking hard.  I only let her do that for a moment before I start to slowly fuck her mouth.  She holds me with one hand, so I don't go too deep, but with each thrust, I press a little harder and it goes a little deeper into her mouth.  

Once April sees what is happening, she speeds up the tempo of her licking and her fingers.  She reaches up with her other hand to play with one of Diana’s breasts, while I play with the other.  The sensation overwhelms my wife and her body tenses... soon as I feel that I pull her hand out of the way, pushing my cock as deep into her throat as it will go.  April starts pounding her pussy with her hand, while her mouth sucks hard on Diana’s clit. I take three more deep strokes with my cock and Diana explodes.  I force my cock to the back of her throat and hold it there while she comes, harder than I have ever seen.  It goes on and on.  I pull back a little so she can breathe, but almost immediately start fucking her again.  April works her clitoris, pussy, and nipples continuously.  We keep Diana coming for almost a minute before she is finally able to get us to stop.  When we do, April climbs up her body like a monkey and plasters Diana’s face with kisses. 

As we learn over time, April tends to babble when she is excited, "That is the most amazing thing I've ever seen!  Are you okay?  You were so wet; I thought I was going to drown.  Was I too rough?  How did you breathe?  Did it hurt?" 

When she finally winds down, she pauses and takes a deep breath.  She looks directly at me and says, "I have got to try that!"


Chapter 11 – Overload


Once Diana recovers her energy, we grant April’s wish, with one big difference.  Since I have no idea what she can handle, I am very tentative about forcing my cock down her throat.    Diana is also a little tentative licking her since she is so new to it. 

It finally gets to a point where April stops us and sits up.  She looks at us both and says, “Guys, please... don't hold back on me. I enjoy rough play as much as soft. I've wanted something like this for so long.  I... I... need this..." 

I look at Diana and see her eyes blaze with excitement.  As much as I am beginning to think April is a submissive at heart, I also think Diana likes the dominant part and the control turns her on.  Diana looks at me and slowly nods yes.  She pushes April back against the bed and grabs her legs behind the knees, bending them back to April’s chest and then spreading them wide.  I love watching my wife take charge of her, and April’s face is glowing with excitement. 

"April, do you remember when you said I like Fifty Shades kind of shit?" I ask. 

I wait for her to process that thought and imagine where this might be going before continuing, "You were right.  I do.  So, I am going to give you one chance to change your mind.  If you don't, I am going to fuck you throat until one of us comes.  Since you've already sucked me off once, it's going to take a while. Do you really want that?" 

"Oh, yes!" 

I correct her, "Yes, Sir... or 'Yes, Ma'am' with Diana.  Until we tell you otherwise.  Do you understand?" 

I can see her chest rise and fall with excitement.  She looks at me and says, "Yes, Sir!" 

As soon as she says that Diana dives back between her legs.  She doesn’t make any attempt to be gentle, but attacks her, alternating between hard licks and sharp bites.  April’s hands immediately slap down on the bed as she arches her back.  Diana reaches out, grabs April’s hands and hold her arms tight.  She is totally defenseless now and wildly excited. 

"Deep breath," I say. 

April has the chance to take one deep breath before I am in her mouth.  I grab her head with both hands and force myself into her throat.  I drive as deep as I can, until my balls are pressed tight against her nose and just hold myself there.  I feel her fighting her gag reflex first, and then her eyes go wide as she feels herself running out of air.  I pull out before she starts to panic. 

She takes a few deep breaths and says, "Please, try again". 

I slap her tits, just hard enough to shock her.  "What did you say?" 

"Please try again, Sir!” she replies, while at the same time Diana feel a fresh flood of liquid on her tongue.  My wife would never willingly be in April’s position, but it's obvious that April loves it and wants more.  As my wife licks April’s hard little pearl, she realizes that she can use a lot of the same techniques on it that she does on my cock.  She run circles around it, licking the length of it and sucking it hard into her mouth.  It's like giving head to me, and that is something she excels at. 

Diana watches me as I reposition April’s head and prepare to enter her mouth.  Again, I tell her to take a deep breath and to relax this time.  As I slowly drive into her mouth, past her tongue and into her throat, Diana wonders how she can take all of that, before realizing that she takes just as much when she is excited. 

Diana notices that April is much more relaxed this time and holding my cock much longer.  Diana decides it's time to show April who's in control here, so she bites down, capturing April’s clit with her teeth and then flicking at it with her tongue.  That does it!  April starts thrashing around on the bed, but Diana’s tongue doesn't stop, and she doesn’t let go of April’s hands.  Now my wife is starting to understand why I like to restrain her so much.  There's a lot of power in it. 

This time when I pull out, Diana knows that I am going to give April less time to recover.  Sure enough, she sees me thrust again, but this time, there is no resistance.  April takes it all and moans hard.  Diana watches me pull out and thrust again and again.  April starts to buck under Diana’s mouth, but instead of trying to pull her arms away, her hands twist and grab Diana’s, fingers intertwining again. Diana squeezes once to let April know she is there.  April moans and squeezes back hard. 

We can both feel her orgasm building.  She comes so easily, Diana thinks.  Even as awkward as they both were for their first time with a woman, she was able to bring April off with ease - three times, no less!  Even by licking April’s pussy, which Diana was scared she would hate, but actually loved it when April came against her mouth. 

Diana feels a slight change in tempo and looks up.  She sees me fucking April full out now, using her mouth like a pussy.  Boy, will her jaw be sore later!  Looking at me, she realizes that I might not last too much longer, and she really wants to get April off first, so she attacks her clit again, harder.  That seems to work.  Although she isn't totally used to April’s signals, she is pretty sure that she's close.  Just a little more... 

As if I was reading my wife’s mind, I let go of April’s head and reach to her breasts.  I grab both nipples at once and twist.  "Oh, my God! Is that how hard he twists mine?" Diana wonders. 

Suddenly, April is coming.  Her back arches and pussy juices flood Diana’s mouth.  Even with my cock gagging April’s mouth, her moans and squeals are loud.  Remembering what she did to her, Diana keeps licking her hard.  April continues coming in one long continuous wave, but instead of tapering off, it feels like it is still building.  Diana has no idea how she can stand it. 

Looking at me, Diana sees that I haven't let up.  I now have both her breasts in a death grip and am slamming into April’s mouth.  With one final thrust, Diana watches me bury my cock in April’s throat and come.  Diana watches her throat as April swallows and then starts coming again.  Diana swears that she can feel liquid gushing out of April’s pussy and on to her own face as April’s body spasms uncontrollably.  Suddenly, April falls quiet and collapses on the bed, still.  That hits my wife like a gallon of cold water and brings her back to reality. 

"April?  April!  Are you alright?" she yells, and scrambles to April’s side, shaking her and checking her breathing, which is slow and deep. 

"My love, she's fine.  I think it was a little too much for her and she fainted.  Look, she's coming around now."  

"April, baby, talk to me, please!" 

April reaches up, puts her arms around Diana and pulls her down to her in a tight hug.  Diana starts crying with relief.  April pulls her closer and strokes her hair. 

"What's wrong, sexy?  Why are you crying?" she asks. 

Diana tries to tell her, but the words don't come out right while she is crying into April’s shoulder.  She looks at me and I explain what happened.  April reaches down and lifts Diana’s chin up until she can see her eyes.  Taking a cue from Diana’s actions this morning, she proceeds to kiss away all her tears. 

Once Diana stops crying, April says, “That must have been really scary for you." 

"It was," Diana says with a sniffle. 

"You know that I'm fine, right?" 

"Yeah, but I thought that you had a heart attack or something." 

"No, it was just me hyperventilating." 

"Really? Has this happened before?" 

"Well, not during sex, but sometimes, when I get really excited about something, I forget to breathe correctly.  I would have warned you if I knew it could happen like that." 

"So, never during sex?  Not even close?" 

"Diana, my sexy angel, until this weekend, my sex life could be described as downright pathetic.  Now, in less than twenty-four hours, I have had the sex of my dreams.  First, the most amazing, romantic, sexy, loving introduction to sex with another woman.  Then, the most intense physical experience of my life.  One I asked for... no, demanded, and the two of you gave it to me.  I'd do it again in a heartbeat.  Hell, I already want to do it again!" 

"You’re insatiable, aren't you?" Diana says in awe. 

"Right now, yes.  Maybe we should get some lunch, talk and I'll explain it.  But first, may I kiss your husband?" 

Diana gets an extremely puzzled look on her face before she finally answers, "I guess so, but why are you asking my permission?  Why not ask Bruce?" 

April and I exchange a long look.  I finally answer, "Di, that's another conversation that we maybe should have at lunch, although I am wondering what I did to deserve a kiss." 

April kneels on the edge of bed, pulls me close and slowly kisses me, and then throws her arms around my neck giving me a big hug. 

When she let's go, she pulls back and with a soft smile, she says, "that was a ‘thank you’ kiss. Thank you for seeing what I wanted and giving to me; thank you for being kinky, thank you for making me faint. Most of all, thank you for sharing this wonderful woman with me.   And please, please, please can we do it some more?  Oh wait; can we do it some more Sir?"

Written by PolyTomoe
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